Complete Binary Conversion

By log2 on Mar 29, 2005

Ok this is a script that will convert a number to binary.... a binary number to a number or a character to binary, or binary to a character.... It's very easy to use... just type help if you don't get it but the comments at the start should explain it all... enjoy!

; !num-bin converts a number to binary
; created by L0g2 St3w
; !chr-bin converts a character to binary
; visit if you like this script
; !bin-num converts binary to a number
on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($1 == !num-bin) {
    if ($regex($2,/[a-zA-Z_]/) >= 1) {
      msg $chan You need to enter a Number to convert to binary!
    elseif ($2 == $null) {
      msg $chan At least enter something...
    if ($len($2) > 10) {
      msg $chan Hold on there, you trying to flood?
    else {
      set %number $base($2,10,2)
      msg $chan The binary version of: $2 is: %number
  if ($1 == !chr-bin) {
    if ($2 == $null) {
      msg $chan enter some text
    if ($len($2) > 1) {
      msg $chan Hold on, I can only handle one letter at a time... to prevent flooding.
    else {
      %text = $asc($2) 
      %text2 = $base(%text,10,2)
      msg $chan The binary of: $2 is: %text2
  if ($1 == !bin-num) {
    if ($2 == $null) {
      msg $chan enter a binary number
    if ($regex($2,/[a-zA-z_]/) >= 1) {
      msg $chan There is no text in numbers
    elseif ($regex($2,/[2-9]/) >= 1) {
      msg $chan $2 is not a binary number
    if ($len($2) >= 20) {
      msg $chan Ok, I believe that's flooding
    else {
      %numb = $base($2,2,10)
      msg $chan The decimal version of: $2 is: %numb
  if ($1 == !bin-chr) {
    if ($2 == $null) {
      msg $chan enter a binary number
    if ($len($2) > 8) {
      msg $chan Hold on... That's not a letter... A letter is 8 binary numbers!
    else {
      %numb = $base($2,2,10)
      msg $chan The letter of: $2 is: $chr(%numb)
  if ($1 == !help) {
    if ($2 == binary) {
      echo -a The binary system is simple... Type !bin-num to get binary to number!
      echo -a Type !num-bin to get number to binary!
      echo -a Type !chr-bin or !bin-chr to get the character to binary or binary to character!
      echo -a If you need more help type: !help extensive
    if ($2 == extensive) {
      echo -a Look in your status window!
      echo -s ------------------------------------------
      echo -s Ok so you need extensive help do you?
      echo -s To really understand this program we need to understand binary
      echo -s Let's get started, Binary is a simple language containing 1's and 0's
      echo -s 1 means true and 0 means false
      echo -s The scheme for converting to decimal from binary is as follows:
      echo -s 00000000 now they can either be 0's or 1's and here's what they represent:
      echo -s 0=128 0=64 0=32 0=16 0=8 0=4 0=2 0=1 Do you understand that? pretty simple no?
      echo -s Ok so now you know the values of each 0... if it's zero that means it's false
      echo -s As I've previously stated... if it's 1 that means that number is true!
      echo -s so if you see: 00000001 that equals 1, 00000010 equals 2 00000100 equals 4 and so on!
      echo -s now... if you see something like: 00000011 that equals 3 because you add both the values together!
      echo -s so there for 00001010 equals? 10! and 11111111 equals? 255!
      echo -s If you see binary like this: 110101 that is the same as 00110101
      echo -s Or if you see binary like this: 1 that is the same as 00000001!
      echo -s so if a binary number starts with a zero.. that/those zero(s) does/do not count!
      echo -s Ok so now you understand binary let's try those comands again!
      echo -s !num-bin is binary to a number, the opposite of what I told you!
      echo -s If you need an explanation of numbers to binary then type !help num-bin
      echo -s Now !bin-num is what you learned up there!
      echo -s !chr-bin is Character to binary, that isn't too different.
      echo -s If you need help with character to binary type !help chr-bin
      echo -s And the last one is !bin-chr, or binary to character!
      echo -s If you need help with binary to character type !help bin-chr
      echo -s ------------------------------------------
      echo -s END TRANSMISSION!
    if ($2 == num-bin) {
      echo -s ------------------------------------------
      echo -s Let's get started, Binary is a simple language containing 1's and 0's
      echo -s 1 means true and 0 means false
      echo -s The scheme for converting to decimal to binary is as follows:
      echo -s 00000000 now they can either be 0's or 1's and here's what they represent:
      echo -s 0=128 0=64 0=32 0=16 0=8 0=4 0=2 0=1 Do you understand that? pretty simple no?
      echo -s So that's the same as before... so we know the values
      echo -s There's a very easy way to do this that my computer engineering teacher taught me:
      echo -s if you have the number 25 and the scheme is 00000000 then all you do is substitute in numbers:
      echo -s the 6th 0 is 32... that's over the original number 25!
      echo -s the 5th 0 is 16 under it so put a one there... so far we have: 00010000
      echo -s the 4th 0 is 8 add it to 16(the 5th 0) if you go over 25 then it's a 0, it doesn't we're at 24!
      echo -s the 3rd 0 is 4, if we add that to our value (24) we go over 25... no good make it a 0
      echo -s the 2nd 0 is 2, if we add that to out value (24) we go over 25... scrap it.. make it 0
      echo -s the 1st 0 is 1, add that to 24 we get 25... therefor our number is: 00011001!
      echo -s ------------------------------------------
      echo -s END TRANSMISSION!
    if ($2 == chr-bin) {
      echo -s ------------------------------------------
      echo -s Ok you have a character, you want it to be binary, well first you need the ASCII value of that char!
      echo -s then it's converting decimal to binary
      echo -s The scheme for converting to decimal to binary is as follows:
      echo -s 00000000 now they can either be 0's or 1's and here's what they represent:
      echo -s 0=128 0=64 0=32 0=16 0=8 0=4 0=2 0=1 Do you understand that? pretty simple no?
      echo -s So that's the same as before... so we know the values
      echo -s There's a very easy way to do this that my computer engineering teacher taught me:
      echo -s if you have the number 25 and the scheme is 00000000 then all you do is substitute in numbers:
      echo -s the 6th 0 is 32... that's over the original number 25!
      echo -s the 5th 0 is 16 under it so put a one there... so far we have: 00010000
      echo -s the 4th 0 is 8 add it to 16(the 5th 0) if you go over 25 then it's a 0, it doesn't we're at 24!
      echo -s the 3rd 0 is 4, if we add that to our value (24) we go over 25... no good make it a 0
      echo -s the 2nd 0 is 2, if we add that to out value (24) we go over 25... scrap it.. make it 0
      echo -s the 1st 0 is 1, add that to 24 we get 25... therefor our number is: 00011001!
      echo -s ------------------------------------------
      echo -s END TRANSMISSION!
    if ($2 == bin-chr) {
      echo -s ------------------------------------------
      echo -s Let's get started, Binary is a simple language containing 1's and 0's
      echo -s 1 means true and 0 means false
      echo -s The scheme for converting to decimal from binary is as follows:
      echo -s 00000000 now they can either be 0's or 1's and here's what they represent:
      echo -s 0=128 0=64 0=32 0=16 0=8 0=4 0=2 0=1 Do you understand that? pretty simple no?
      echo -s Ok so now you know the values of each 0... if it's zero that means it's false
      echo -s As I've previously stated... if it's 1 that means that number is true!
      echo -s so if you see: 00000001 that equals 1, 00000010 equals 2 00000100 equals 4 and so on!
      echo -s now... if you see something like: 00000011 that equals 3 because you add both the values together!
      echo -s so there for 00001010 equals? 10! and 11111111 equals? 255!
      echo -s If you see binary like this: 110101 that is the same as 00110101
      echo -s Or if you see binary like this: 1 that is the same as 00000001!
      echo -s so if a binary number starts with a zero.. that/those zero(s) does/do not count!
      echo -s this is the same so far.. now we need to ASCII chart to transfer the number to character!
      echo -s or you can press ALT + (the number on numpad)!
      echo -s ------------------------------------------
      echo -s END TRANSMISSION!


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DarthReven   -  Mar 29, 2005

or something like that

DarthReven   -  Mar 29, 2005

you could handle an entire word useing this: var %x $strip($1) { var %b 1,%y | while (%b >= $len(%x)) { %y = $addtok(%x,$iif(%b == 1,$+(binaryof,$left(%x,1),is,$base($left(%x,1),10,2)),$+(binaryof,$left($mid(%x,%b),1),is,$base($left($mid(%x,%b),1))) | inc %b } | msg $chan Text: $+(%x,$chr(44)) $replacecs(%y,$chr(95),$chr(32)) } }

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