IrcOp Tools V 0.C.7

By PuNkTuReD on Jul 10, 2011

; ========================================
; ========================================
; Anope Modules:
; svsnick - URL (Should come with Anope)
; notinchan - URL (unsure if this is correct, my apolagies)
; Forbiden/No-Expire lists will only list the
; maximum /list amount which is defined in Anope.
; WallOps messages do not currently get logged.
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
; /ircoptools (ALIAS)
; This alias will provide you with limited help and commands.
; Oper LogIn (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which you can use to save and/or edit
; your oper login information.
; HostServ Interface (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which you can use to activate/reject
; waiting vHosts, or delete existing ones.
; BotServ Interface (DIALOG)
; With this dialog you can create or delete Botserv bots,
; you can also assign or aunassign bots to channels.
; Spamfilter Interface (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which will allow you to add items to your
; spamfilter. You may also delete the items you have added.
; NOTE: You may not delete spamfilter entry(s) which are in
; your unrealircd conf file with this dialog.
; Defcon Interface (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which you can use to control Defcon settings.
; News Interface (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which will allow you to view,del,add to operserv's
; logon, oper and random news lists.
; Global Interface (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which will allow you to save Global Messages
; Which you send frequently, so that you will not have to type them
; over and over each time.
; IrcOp Chat Interface (DIALOG)
; This dialog will store Global, LocOps, ChatOps, AdminChat, NetAdmin.Chat messages.
; and reply accordingly.
; OperServ Access List (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which will allow you to manipulate the operserv
; Admin and Oper lists.
; OperServ Exception (DIALOG)
; This will enable you to Add and Delete users from the OperServ
; Session Limit Exception list.
; OperServ Modules List (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which will allow you to Load and UnLoad
; OperServ modules.
; Servers List (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which will allow you to
; view/kill and restart connected servers.
; Forbidden List (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which will allow you to easily add/del
; Channels and Nicks from their respective Forbidden list.
; Note: This will only list the amount you have set via Anope.
; NoExpire List (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which will allow you to easily add/del
; Channels and Nicks from their respective NoExpire list.
; Lines list (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which you can use to view existing:
; Also Add or Del accordingly.
; List Users (DIALOG)
; Not In Chan List
; This dialog NEEDS the Anope module os_notinchanlist.
; It will list all users who are not in a channel,
; With the options to SaJoin/SaPart/Kill/Shun/G:Line.
; +B Users
; This is a dialog which will list all +B (BOT) Users on the network.
; With the options to SaJoin/SaPart/Kill/Shun/G:Line.
; Global Users
; This is a dialog which will list all Users on the network.
; With the options to SaJoin/SaPart/Kill/Shun/G:Line.
; Change User Data (DIALOG)
; This is a dialog which will allow you to change a users:
; Nick/Ident/Host/Name
; Server Admin Command (MENU)
; This menu has almost everything you will need for being an IrcOp.
; Services Commands (MENU)
; This menu is apart of the above menu and has all the
; commands for OperServ/ChanServ/NickServ/BotServ/HostServ.
; Services Commands Help (MENU)
; This menu will allow you to easily display a command
; syntax to a channel or user.
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
; This was made for unreal and anope...
; I have not done work on this for over 6 months,
; so it may have some bugs with newer version than what
; this was tested on.
; Some features may need certain settings to be set,
; before they function correctly...
; Oh, I have also included a menu system which i did post here ages ago,
; which i made when i first started scripting,
; with help from the one and only PnPlus... lmao...
; Any comments/suggestions/bugs are welcome...
; but it should be noted that i may not be able to fix all
; bugs as i do not use mirc or admin any servers anymore...
; If ya rip, please leave some credits... thanks...
; To cheiron for being my test guinea pig...
; would not have gotten this far without ya mate...
; Hammy for the radio wars...
; Wheres that damn ham-sandwich
; GrimReaper for the hyper monster filled nights...
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
; IrcOp Tools V 0.C.7
; Lines: 2231
; Coded By PuNkTuReD
; Last updated: 28/12/2010
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
;   Anope Modules: 
;     svsnick - URL (Should come with Anope)
;     notinchan - URL (unsure if this is correct, my apolagies)
;   Forbiden/No-Expire lists will only list the 
;     maximum /list amount which is defined in Anope.
;   WallOps messages do not currently get logged.
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
; /ircoptools (ALIAS)
;    This alias will provide you with limited help and commands.
; Oper LogIn (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which you can use to save and/or edit
;    your oper login information.
; HostServ Interface (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which you can use to activate/reject 
;    waiting vHosts, or delete existing ones.
; BotServ Interface (DIALOG)
;    With this dialog you can create or delete Botserv bots, 
;    you can also assign or aunassign bots to channels.
; Spamfilter Interface (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which will allow you to add items to your
;    spamfilter. You may also delete the items you have added.
;    NOTE: You may not delete spamfilter entry(s) which are in
;    your unrealircd conf file with this dialog.
; Defcon Interface (DIALOG) 
;    This is a dialog which you can use to control Defcon settings.
; News Interface (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which will allow you to view,del,add to operserv's
;    logon, oper and random news lists.
; Global Interface (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which will allow you to save Global Messages 
;    Which you send frequently, so that you will not have to type them 
;    over and over each time.
; IrcOp Chat Interface (DIALOG)
;    This dialog will store Global, LocOps, ChatOps, AdminChat, NetAdmin.Chat messages.
;    and reply accordingly.
; OperServ Access List (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which will allow you to manipulate the operserv
;    Admin and Oper lists.
; OperServ Exception (DIALOG)
;    This will enable you to Add and Delete users from the OperServ
;    Session Limit Exception list.
; OperServ Modules List (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which will allow you to Load and UnLoad 
;    OperServ modules.
; Servers List (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which will allow you to 
;    view/kill and restart connected servers.
; Forbidden List (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which will allow you to easily add/del
;    Channels and Nicks from their respective Forbidden list.
;    Note: This will only list the amount you have set via Anope.
; NoExpire List (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which will allow you to easily add/del
;    Channels and Nicks from their respective NoExpire list.
; Lines list (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which you can use to view existing:
;    Also Add or Del accordingly.
; List Users (DIALOG)
;    Not In Chan List
;      This dialog NEEDS the Anope module os_notinchanlist.
;      It will list all users who are not in a channel,
;      With the options to SaJoin/SaPart/Kill/Shun/G:Line.
;    +B Users
;      This is a dialog which will list all +B (BOT) Users on the network.
;      With the options to SaJoin/SaPart/Kill/Shun/G:Line.
;    Global Users
;      This is a dialog which will list all Users on the network.
;      With the options to SaJoin/SaPart/Kill/Shun/G:Line.
; Change User Data (DIALOG)
;    This is a dialog which will allow you to change a users:
;    Nick/Ident/Host/Name
; Server Admin Command (MENU)
;    This menu has almost everything you will need for being an IrcOp.
; Services Commands (MENU)
;    This menu is apart of the above menu and has all the 
;    commands for OperServ/ChanServ/NickServ/BotServ/HostServ.
; Services Commands Help (MENU)
;    This menu will allow you to easily display a command 
;    syntax to a channel or user.
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
; NOTE: 
; This was made for unreal and anope...
; I have not done work on this for over 6 months,
; so it may have some bugs with newer version than what
; this was tested on.
; Some features may need certain settings to be set,
; before they function correctly...
; Oh, I have also included a menu system which i did post here ages ago, 
; which i made when i first started scripting, 
; with help from the one and only PnPlus... lmao...
; Any comments/suggestions/bugs are welcome...
; but it should be noted that i may not be able to fix all
; bugs as i do not use mirc or admin any servers anymore...
; If ya rip, please leave some credits... thanks...
; To cheiron for being my test guinea pig...
; would not have gotten this far without ya mate...
; Hammy for the radio wars...
; *Wheres that damn ham-sandwich*
; GrimReaper for the hyper monster filled nights...
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
on *:load: { 
  write ircopchat.txt
  write tempvhost.txt
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
menu status,menubar,channel,nicklist,query {
  . Oper Login: dialog $iif($dialog(operlogin),-v,-dm operlogin) operlogin
  . Interfaces
  .. HostServ Interface: dialog $iif($dialog(hostserv),-v,-dm hostserv) hostserv
  .. BotServ Interface: dialog $iif($dialog(BotServ),-v,-dm botserv) botserv
  .. Spamfilter Interface: dialog $iif($dialog(spamfilter),-v,-dm spamfilter) spamfilter
  .. Defcon Interface: dialog $iif($dialog(defcon),-v,-dm defcon) defcon
  .. News Interface: dialog $iif($dialog(news),-v,-dm news) news
  .. Global Interface: dialog $iif($dialog(global),-v,-dm global) global
  .. IrcOp Chat Interface: dialog $iif($dialog(ircopchat),-v,-dm ircopchat) ircopchat
  . Lists
  .. OperServ Access List: dialog $iif($dialog(osaccess),-v,-dm osaccess) osaccess
  .. OperServ Exception List: dialog $iif($dialog(os_except),-v,-dm os_except) os_except
  .. OperServ Modules List: dialog $iif($dialog(modules),-v,-dm modules) modules
  .. Servers List: dialog $iif($dialog(servers),-v,-dm servers) servers
  .. Forbidden List: dialog $iif($dialog(forbidden_list),-v,-dm forbidden_list) forbidden_list
  .. NoExpire List: dialog $iif($dialog(noexpire_list),-v,-dm noexpire_list) noexpire_list
  .. Lines List: dialog $iif($dialog(lines),-v,-dm lines) lines
  .. Users List: dialog $iif($dialog(listuserdata),-v,-dm listuserdata) listuserdata
  . Others
  .. Change User Data: dialog $iif($dialog(chguserdata),-v,-dm chguserdata) chguserdata
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
alias ircoptools {
  if ($1 == reset) {  
    echo -a * Checking and resetting necessary Groups now...
    var %groups_effected = 0
    var %groups = #hostserv #botserv #spamfilter #defconcheck #news #osaccess #os_exception #modules #serversmap #forbid #lines #listglobal #listidle #listbots #chguser
    var %groups_tot = $numtok(%groups,32)
    while (%groups_tot) {
      if ($group($gettok(%groups,%groups_tot,32)) == on) { inc %groups_effected | echo -a * Disabling group $gettok(%groups,%groups_tot,32) | .disable $gettok(%groups,%groups_tot,32) | echo -a * Please report this Group to the scripts creator. }
      dec %groups_tot
    echo -a * %groups_effected Groups were effected.
    unset %osviewing %kg_viewing %listuserview
  elseif ($1 == help) {
    if (!$2) { 
      echo -a * RESET - Resets all IrcOpTools groups to the Disabled position. (This command should never be needed)
      echo -a You may request additional info on a command by typing /ircoptools help <command>
    elseif ($2 == reset) { 
      echo -a * RESET - This command was added for debugging purposes, $&
        all groups should disable automatically but if they don't you may use this command to disable all groups. $&
        If you do happen to need this command please report it to the script creator with $&
        info about what group needed Disabling.
    else { 
      echo -a * /ircoptools: insufficient parameters 
      echo -a * Available parameters are: help, reset 
  else { 
    echo -a * /ircoptools: insufficient parameters 
    echo -a * Available parameters are: help, reset
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
on *:connect: {
  if ($readini(operlogin.ini,$network,autologin) == 1) {
    oper $readini(operlogin.ini,$network,username) $readini(operlogin.ini,$network,password)
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog operlogin {
  title Oper Login
  size -1 -1 130 80
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 5 5 120 70
  text "Saved Networks", 2, 10 10 50 10
  combo 3, 10 20 50 10, drop, sort
  text "Network:", 4, 70 10 50 10
  edit "", 5, 70 20 50 10, autohs
  text "Username:", 6, 10 35 50 10
  edit "", 7, 10 45 50 10, autohs
  text "Password:", 8, 70 35 50 10
  edit "", 9, 70 45 50 10, autohs, pass
  check "AutoLogIn", 10, 10 60 50 10
  button "Save", 11, 70 60 50 10
on *:dialog:operlogin:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { ol_loadnetworks }
  elseif (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 3) {
      did -ra %a 5 $did(3)
      did -ra %a 7 $readini(operlogin.ini,$did(3),username)
      did -ra %a 9 $readini(operlogin.ini,$did(3),password)
      if ($readini(operlogin.ini,$did(3),autologin) == 1) { did -c %a 10 }
    elseif (%c == 11) {
      if ($did(5)) && ($did(7)) && ($did(9)) {
        writeini operlogin.ini $did(5) autologin $iif($did(10).state == 1,1,0)
        writeini operlogin.ini $did(5) username $did(7)
        writeini operlogin.ini $did(5) password $did(9)
        did -r %a 3,7,9
      else { noop $input(Please enter a Network, Username and Password.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
alias ol_loadnetworks {
  var %ol_tot = $ini(operlogin.ini,0)
  while (%ol_tot) {
    did -a operlogin 3 $ini(operlogin.ini,%ol_tot)
    dec %ol_tot
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog hostserv {
  title HostServ Interface
  size -1 -1 200 125
  option dbu
  box "Listing 0 vHost Entry(s)", 1, 5 5 190 115
  list 2, 10 15 180 90, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  button "Activate", 3, 10 100 40 10
  button "Reject", 4, 55 100 40 10
  button "Delete", 5, 10 100 40 10
  menu "Listing Option", 6
  item "Waiting", 7, 6
  item "Approved", 8, 6
  item "Search", 9, 6
  text "Enter Nick", 10, 10 95 80 10
  edit "", 11, 10 105 80 10
  button "Set", 12, 55 100 40 10
on *:dialog:hostserv:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { set %hs_tot 0 | did -h %a 3,4,5,10-12 }
  elseif (%b == menu) { 
    if (%c == 7) { hostservmenu 5,10-12 3,4 waiting }
    elseif (%c == 8) { hostservmenu 3,4,10,11 5,12 list }
    elseif (%c == 9) { hostservmenu 3,4,5,12 10,11 }
  elseif (%b == sclick) {
    if ($istok(3 4 5,%c,32)) {
      $iif($did(2).seltext,hostservact $gettok($did(2).seltext,1,32) $did(%c) $iif($did(%c) == Delete,list,waiting),noop $input(Please select a vHost to $did(%c) $+ .,uowd,ERROR,ERROR)) 
    elseif (%c == 12) { 
      .msg hostserv set $$?"Nick" $$?"Host" 
      did -a hostserv 1 Listing 0 vHost Entry(s)
      set %hs_tot 0 | .enable #hostserv | .msg hostserv $$3
  elseif (%b == edit) {
    if (%c == 11) { $did(11) }
alias {
  did -r hostserv 2
  write -c tempnicks.txt
  var %a = $1, %b = $lines(tempvhost.txt)
  while (%b) {
    if (%a isin $read(tempvhost.txt,%b)) { write tempnicks.txt $v2 }
    dec %b
alias _fill.list {
  var %a = $lines(tempnicks.txt)
  while (%a) { did -a hostserv 2 $read(tempnicks.txt,%a) | dec %a }
alias hostservact {
  var %hostservact = $iif($$2 == Delete,del,$$2)
  .msg hostserv %hostservact $$1 | did -r hostserv 1,2 
  did -a hostserv 1 Listing 0 vHost Entry(s)
  set %hs_tot 0 | .enable #hostserv | .msg hostserv $$3
alias hostservmenu {
  did -r hostserv 2 | did -a hostserv 1 Listing 0 vHost Entry(s) 
  set %hs_tot 0 | did -h hostserv $$1 | did -v hostserv $$2 
  if ($3) { 
    write -c tempvhost.txt
    .enable #hostserv
    .msg hostserv $$3
  else { 
    if ($lines(tempvhost.txt) == 0) { noop $input(Please select "Approved" from the list before trying to search.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    else { write -c tempnicks.txt }
alias hostservnone { noop $input(There are no vHost requests pending.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
alias hostserverror { noop $input($strip($1-),uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
#hostserv off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == HostServ) && ($dialog(hostserv)) {
    if (not found in the nickserv db. isin $1-) { .timer 1 2 hostserverror $1- }
    if (Displayed all records isin $1-) { 
      if (%hs_tot == 0) { .timer 1 2 hostservnone }
      unset %hs_* | .disable #hostserv
    elseif ($left($1,1) == $chr(35)) { 
      inc %hs_tot | did -ra hostserv 1 Listing %hs_tot vHost Entry(s) 
      did -a hostserv 2 $remove($strip($2-3),Nick:,vhost:,$chr(44)) 
      write tempvhost.txt $remove($strip($2-3),Nick:,vhost:,$chr(44))
      did -z hostserv 2
  else { .disable #hostserv | unset %hs_* }
#hostserv end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog botserv {
  title BotServ Interface
  size -1 -1 290 135
  option dbu
  box "Listing 0 Entry(s)", 1, 5 5 90 125
  list 2, 10 15 80 90, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  box "", 3, 100 5 90 125
  text "Nick", 4, 105 15 50 10
  edit "", 5, 105 25 80 10, autohs
  text "User", 6, 105 35 50 10
  edit "", 7, 105 45 80 10, autohs
  text "Host", 8, 105 55 50 10
  edit "", 9, 105 65 80 10, autohs
  text "Real", 10, 105 75 50 10
  edit "", 11, 105 85 80 10, autohs
  button "Create", 12, 105 110 80 10
  button "Delete", 13, 10 110 80 10
  box "Listing 0 Entry(s)", 14, 195 5 90 125
  list 15, 200 15 80 90, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  button "Assign", 16, 200 110 40 10
  button  "Unassign", 17, 240 110 40 10 
on *:dialog:botserv:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { set %bs_tot 0 | .enable #botserv | .botserv botlist }
  if (%b == sclick) { 
    if (%c == 12) {
      $iif($did(5),set %bs_nick $did(5),noop $input(Please enter a Nick.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR))
      $iif($did(7),set %bs_user $did(7),noop $input(Please enter a User.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR))
      $iif($did(9),set %bs_host $did(9),noop $input(Please enter a Host.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR))
      $iif($did(11),set %bs_real $did(11),noop $input(Please enter a Real.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR))
      if (%bs_nick && %bs_user && %bs_host && %bs_real) { 
        msg botserv bot add %bs_nick %bs_user %bs_host %bs_real 
        unset %bs_* | did -r %a 2,5,7,9,11 | set %bs_tot 0 | .enable #botserv | .botserv botlist
    elseif (%c == 13) {
      if ($did(2).seltext) { 
        msg botserv bot del $gettok($did(2).seltext,1,32) 
        did -r %a 2 | set %bs_tot 0 | .enable #botserv | .botserv botlist
      else { noop $input(Please select a Bot to delete.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 16) {
      if ($did(15).seltext) && ($did(2).seltext) { .enable #botassign | .botserv $did(%c) $did(15).seltext $did(2).seltext }
      else { noop $input(Please select a Bot and a Channel to Assign.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 17) {
      if ($did(15).seltext) { .enable #botassign | .botserv $did(%c) $did(15).seltext  }
      else { noop $input(Please select a Channel to Unassign.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
alias botserverror { noop $input($1-.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
#botserv off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == BotServ) && ($dialog(botserv)) {
    if (Bot list: == $1-) || (Bots reserved to IRC operators: == $1-) || ($chr(33) isin $1) {  }
    elseif (bots available. isin $1-) { .disable #botserv | unset %bs_tot | set %botchanlist_tot 0 | .enable #botchanlist | .list }
    elseif (may only contain isin $1-) { .timer 1 2 botserverror $1- }
    else { inc %bs_tot | did -ra botserv 1 Listing %bs_tot Entry(s) | did -a botserv 2 $1- | did -z botserv 2 }
  else { unset %bs_tot | .disable #botserv }
#botserv end
#botchanlist off
raw *:*: {
  if ($dialog(botserv)) {
    if ($numeric == 321) {  }
    elseif ($numeric == 322) { inc %botchanlist_tot | did -a botserv 15 $2 | did -z botserv 15 }
    elseif ($numeric == 323) { 
      window -c "Channels List" | dialog -v botserv 
      did -ra botserv 14 Listing %botchanlist_tot Entry(s) 
      unset %botchanlist_tot | .disable #botchanlist
  else { unset %botchanlist_tot | .disable #botchanlist }
#botchanlist end
#botassign off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == BotServ) && ($dialog(botserv)) {
    if (may not be registered or used. isin $1-) { .timer 1 2 botserverror $strip($1-) | .disable #botassign }
  else { .disable #botassign }
#botassign end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog spamfilterhelp {
  title Spamfilter Type Help
  size -1 -1 80 125
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 5 5 70 115
  text "c = Channel Message", 2, 10 15 80 10
  text "p = Private Message", 3, 10 25 80 10
  text "n = Private Notice", 4, 10 35 80 10
  text "N = Channel Notice", 5, 10 45 80 10
  text "P = Part Message", 6, 10 55 80 10
  text "q = Quit Message", 7, 10 65 80 10
  text "d = DCC", 8, 10 75 80 10
  text "a = Away Message", 9, 10 85 80 10
  text "t = Channel Topic", 10, 10 95 80 10
  text "u = User", 11, 10 105 80 10

dialog spamfilter {
  title Spamfilter For $network
  size -1 -1 200 285
  option dbu
  box "Listing 0 Entry(s)", 1, 5 5 190 105
  list 2, 10 15 180 90, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  box "Type", 3, 5 110 190 35
  check "c", 4, 10 120 20 10
  check "p", 5, 30 120 20 10
  check "n", 6, 50 120 20 10
  check "N", 7, 70 120 20 10
  check "P", 8, 90 120 20 10
  check "q", 9, 10 130 20 10
  check "d", 10, 30 130 20 10
  check "a", 11, 50 130 20 10
  check "t", 12, 70 130 20 10
  check "u", 13, 90 130 20 10
  button "Help", 14, 160 125 30 10
  box "Action", 15, 5 145 190 45
  radio "Kill", 16, 10 155 30 10
  radio "Tempshun", 17, 50 155 35 10
  radio "Shun", 18, 90 155 30 10
  radio "KLine", 19, 130 155 30 10
  radio "GLine", 20, 10 165 30 10
  radio "ZLine", 21, 50 165 30 10
  radio "GZLine", 22, 90 165 30 10
  radio "Block", 23, 130 165 30 10
  radio "DCCBlock", 24, 10 175 30 10
  radio "Viruschan", 25, 50 175 30 10
  radio "Warn", 26, 90 175 30 10
  box "Regex", 27, 5 190 190 25
  edit "", 28, 10 200 180 10, autohs
  box "TKL Time", 29, 5 215 190 25
  edit "", 30, 10 225 30 10
  check "Minutes", 31, 50 225 30 10
  check "Days", 32, 80 225 30 10
  check "Weeks", 33, 110 225 30 10
  check "Perm", 34, 140 225 30 10
  box "Reason", 35, 5 240 190 25
  edit "", 36, 10 250 180 10, autohs
  button "Add", 37, 10 270 80 10
  button "Del", 38, 110 270 80 10
on *:dialog:spamfilter:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { .enable #spamfilter | spamfilter }
  elseif (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 14) { dialog $iif($dialog(spamfilterhelp),-v,-dm spamfilterhelp) spamfilterhelp }
    if (%c == 37) {
      ; set type
      if ($did(4).state == 1) { var %type = $did(4) }
      if ($did(5).state == 1) { var %type = $iif(%type,$+(%type,$did(5)),$did(5)) }
      if ($did(6).state == 1) { var %type = $iif(%type,$+(%type,$did(6)),$did(6)) }
      if ($did(7).state == 1) { var %type = $iif(%type,$+(%type,$did(7)),$did(7)) }
      if ($did(8).state == 1) { var %type = $iif(%type,$+(%type,$did(8)),$did(8)) }
      if ($did(9).state == 1) { var %type = $iif(%type,$+(%type,$did(9)),$did(9)) }
      if ($did(10).state == 1) { var %type = $iif(%type,$+(%type,$did(10)),$did(10)) }
      if ($did(11).state == 1) { var %type = $iif(%type,$+(%type,$did(11)),$did(11)) }
      if ($did(12).state == 1) { var %type = $iif(%type,$+(%type,$did(12)),$did(12)) }
      if ($did(13).state == 1) { var %type = $iif(%type,$+(%type,$did(13)),$did(13)) }
      if (!%type) { noop $input(Please select a Type.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) | halt }
      ; set action
      if ($did(16).state == 1) { var %action = $did(16) }
      if ($did(17).state == 1) { var %action = $did(17) }
      if ($did(18).state == 1) { var %action = $did(18) }
      if ($did(19).state == 1) { var %action = $did(19) }
      if ($did(20).state == 1) { var %action = $did(20) }
      if ($did(21).state == 1) { var %action = $did(21) }
      if ($did(22).state == 1) { var %action = $did(22) }
      if ($did(23).state == 1) { var %action = $did(23) }
      if ($did(24).state == 1) { var %action = $did(24) }
      if ($did(25).state == 1) { var %action = $did(25) }
      if ($did(26).state == 1) { var %action = $did(26) }
      if (!%action) { noop $input(Please select a Action.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) | halt }
      ; set regex
      if ($did(28)) { var %regex = $did(28) }
      if (!%regex) { noop $input(Please input your Regex.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) | halt }
      ; set tkltime
      if ($istok(Kill Viruschan Warn Block DCC,%action,32)) { var %tkl = - | goto tklskip }
      if ($did(30)) { var %tkl = $did(30) }
      if (%tkl !isnum) { noop $input(TKLTime must only contain numbers.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) | halt }
      if ($did(31).state == 1) { var %tkl = $iif(%tkl,$+(%tkl,$did(31)),$did(31)) }
      elseif ($did(32).state == 1) { var %tkl = $iif(%tkl,$+(%tkl,$did(32)),$did(32)) }
      elseif ($did(33).state == 1) { var %tkl = $iif(%tkl,$+(%tkl,$did(33)),$did(33)) }
      elseif ($did(34).state == 1) { var %tkl = $iif(%tkl,$+(%tkl,$did(34)),$did(34)) }
      elseif (!%tkl) { noop $input(Please select a TKLTime.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) | halt }
      ; set regex
      if ($did(36)) { var %reason = $replace($did(36),$chr(32),$chr(95)) }
      if (!%reason) { noop $input(Please input your Reason.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) | halt }
      ; take action
      spamfilter add %type %action %tkl %reason %regex
      did -r spamfilter 2 | .enable #spamfilter | spamfilter
    if (%c == 38) {
      if ($did(2).seltext) { 
        if ($gettok($did(2).seltext,5,32) == $server) { noop $input(You may not delete this Spamfilter via command line. $crlf Please remove it directly from your IRCd conf file and rehash.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) | halt }
        else { spamfilter del $gettok($did(2).seltext,1-4,32) $gettok($did(2).seltext,6,32) | did -r spamfilter 2 | .enable #spamfilter | spamfilter }
      else { noop $input(Please select a Spamfilter entry to remove.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
#spamfilter off
raw *:*: {
  if ($dialog(spamfilter)) {
    if ($numeric == 229) { 
      inc %spam_tot
      did -ra spamfilter 1 Listing %spam_tot Entry(s) 
      did -a spamfilter 2 $3 $4 $7 $8 $9 $10- | did -z spamfilter 2
    elseif ($numeric == 219) { unset %spam_tot | .disable #spamfilter }
  else { unset %spam_tot | .disable #spamfilter }
on ^*:snotice:*:*: {
  ;echo 4 -s $1-
  if (Use: == $1) { echo -a Debug: ERROR $1- }
#spamfilter end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog defcon {
  title Defcon
  size -1 -1 120 80
  option dbu
  box "Security level:", 6, 5 5 110 70
  check "1. Maximum", 1, 10 15 50 10
  check "2.", 2, 10 25 50 10
  check "3. Medium", 3, 10 35 50 10
  check "4.", 4, 10 45 50 10
  check "5. Minimum", 5, 10 55 50 10
  button "Apply Changes", 7, 60 35 50 10
on *:dialog:defcon:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { .enable #defconcheck | .msg operserv defcon }
  elseif (%b == sclick) { 
    if (%c == 7) { 
      var %aa = 5
      while (%aa) {
        if ($did(%aa).state == 1) { .msg operserv defcon %aa }
        dec %aa
    elseif ($istok(1 2 3 4 5,%c,32)) {  
      var %aa = 5
      while (%aa) {
        if (%aa !== %c) && ($did(%aa).state == 1) { did -u %a %aa }
        dec %aa
#defconcheck off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == OperServ) && ($dialog(defcon)) { did -c defcon $strip($6) | .disable #defconcheck }
  else { .disable #defconcheck }
#defconcheck end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog news {
  title News Interface
  size -1 -1 195 125
  option dbu
  box "Listing 0 Entry(s)", 1, 5 5 185 75
  list 2, 10 15 175 50, hsbar, vsbar
  box "", 3, 5 80 185 40
  button "Remove", 4, 10 65 80 10
  edit "", 6, 10 90 175 10, autohs
  button "Create", 7, 10 105 80 10
  menu "Listing Option", 8
  item "Logon News", 9, 8
  item "Oper News", 10, 8
  item "Random News", 11, 8
  button "Global", 12, 105 65 80 10
on *:dialog:news:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == sclick) { 
    if (%c == 4) { 
      if ($did(2).seltext) { 
        .msg operserv %news_viewing del $did(2).sel 
        .enable #news | did -r news 2 | did -ra news 1 Listing 0 Entry(s) | .msg operserv %news_viewing list 
      else { noop $input(Please input some news to be deleted.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 7) { 
      if (%news_viewing) {
        if ($did(6)) { 
          .msg operserv %news_viewing add $did(6)
          .enable #news | did -r news 2,6 | did -ra news 1 Listing 0 Entry(s) | .msg operserv %news_viewing list 
        else { noop $input(Please input some news to be added.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
      else { noop $input(Please select a News Type from the Listing Options first.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 12) {
      if ($did(2).seltext) { .msg operserv global $gettok($did(2).seltext,2-,41) }
      else { noop $input(Please select a News item to Global.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
  elseif (%b == menu) {
    .enable #news | did -r news 2 | did -ra news 1 Listing 0 Entry(s) | did -ra news 3 $+($did(%c),:)
    set %news_viewing $remove($did(%c),$chr(32)) | .msg operserv %news_viewing list
  elseif (%b == close) { unset %news_viewing }
alias newserror { noop $input($1-,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
#news off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == OperServ) && ($dialog(news)) {
    if ($1- == Random news items:) || (new isin $1-) && (news item isin $1-) {  }
    elseif ($1- == End of News list.) { .disable #news }
    elseif ($1-3 == There is no) { .timer 1 2 newserror $1- }
    elseif ($1 isnum) { set -u2 %news_tot $1 | set -u2 %news_added $2- }
    else { did -ra news 1 Listing %news_tot Entry(s) | did -a news 2 %news_added $1- | did -z news 2 }
  else { .disable #news }
#news end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog global {
  title Global Interface
  size -1 -1 255 165
  option dbu
  box Listing $lines(saveglobal.txt) Entry(s), 1, 5 5 140 155
  list 2, 10 15 130 90, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  text "Global Message", 3, 10 105 130 10
  edit "", 4, 10 115 130 10, autohs
  button "Save", 5, 10 130 65 10
  button "Delete", 6, 75 130 65 10
  button "Send Global", 7, 10 145 130 10
  box "Timed Globals", 8, 150 5 100 155
  radio "15", 9, 160 25 20 10
  radio "30", 10, 190 25 20 10
  radio "45", 11, 160 40 20 10
  radio "60", 12, 190 40 20 10
  text "This will send the global 10 times, once every X minutes." 14, 155 60 90 20
  button "Send Timed Global", 13, 155 145 90 10
on *:dialog:global:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { 
    if ($isfile(saveglobal.txt)) { loadbuf -o %a 2 saveglobal.txt | did -z %a 2 } 
  elseif (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 5) {
      if ($did(4)) { 
        write saveglobal.txt $did(4) 
        did -ra %a 1 Listing $lines(saveglobal.txt) Entry(s)
        did -r %a 2,4 | loadbuf -o %a 2 saveglobal.txt | did -z %a 2 
      else { noop $input(Please enter a Global Message to Save.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 6) {
      if ($did(2).seltext) { 
        write $+(-ds,",$did(2).seltext,") saveglobal.txt 
        did -ra %a 1 Listing $lines(saveglobal.txt) Entry(s)
        did -r %a 2 | loadbuf -o %a 2 saveglobal.txt | did -z %a 2 
      else { noop $input(Please select a Global Message to Delete.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 7) {
      $iif($did(2).seltext,.msg operserv global $did(2).seltext,noop $input(Please select a Global Message to Send Global.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR))
    elseif (%c == 13) {
      if ($did(9).state == 1) { var = 900 }
      elseif ($did(10).state == 1) { var = 1800 }
      elseif ($did(11).state == 1) { var = 2700 }
      elseif ($did(12).state == 1) { var = 3600 }
      if ($did(2).seltext) { 
        $iif(,.timer 10 .msg operserv global $did(2).seltext,noop $input(Please select a Time.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR))
      else { noop $input(Please select a Global Message to Send Global.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog ircopchat {
  title IrcOp Chat
  size -1 -1 300 175
  option dbu
  box "Received Messages", 1, 5 5 290 115
  list 2, 10 15 280 90, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  button "Delete", 3, 10 100 50 10
  button "Delete All", 4, 65 100 50 10
  box "Sending Interface", 5, 5 125 290 40
  edit "", 6, 10 135 280 10, autohs
  button "WallOps", 7, 10 150 40 10
  button "GlobOps", 8, 55 150 40 10
  button "LocOps", 9, 100 150 40 10
  button "ChatOps", 10, 145 150 40 10
  button "AdminChat", 11, 190 150 40 10
  button "NetAdmin.Chat", 12, 235 150 40 10
  menu "Config..", 13
  item "Settings", 14, 13
on *:dialog:ircopchat:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { loadbuf -o %a 2 ircopchat.txt | did -z %a 2 }
  elseif (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 3) { 
      if ($did(2).seltext) { write $+(-ds,",$did(2).seltext,") ircopchat.txt | did -r %a 2 | loadbuf -o %a 2 ircopchat.txt | did -z %a 2 }
      else { noop $input(Please select a Message to Delete.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 4) { write -c ircopchat.txt | did -r %a 2 }
    elseif ($istok(7 8 9 10 11 12,%c,32)) {
      if ($did(6)) { 
        if ($istok(7 8 9,%c,32)) { $did(%c) $did(6) }
        else {
          if (%c == 10) { chatops $did(6) }
          elseif (%c == 11) { adchat $did(6) }
          elseif (%c == 12) { nachat $did(6) }
      else { noop $input(Please enter a Message to send.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
  elseif (%b == menu) && (%c == 14) { dialog $iif($dialog(ircopchatsettings),-v,-dm ircopchatsettings) ircopchatsettings }
on $*:snotice:$(/( $+ %ircopchatsettings $+ )\b/iS): { 
  write ircopchat.txt $network $date $timestamp $1-
  if ($dialog(ircopchat)) { did -a ircopchat 2 $network $date $timestamp $1- | did -z ircopchat 2 }
dialog ircopchatsettings {
  title ircopchatsettings
  size -1 -1 70 85
  option dbu
  box "Catch", 1, 5 5 60 75
  check "GlobOps", 2, 10 15 50 10
  check "LocOps", 3, 10 25 50 10
  check "ChatOps", 4, 10 35 50 10
  check "AdminChat", 5, 10 45 50 10
  check "NetAdmin.Chat", 6, 10 55 50 10
  button "Save", 7, 10 65 50 10
on *:dialog:ircopchatsettings:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) {
    if ($istok(%ircopchatsettings,Global,124)) { did -c %a 2 }
    if ($istok(%ircopchatsettings,LocOps,124)) { did -c %a 3 }
    if ($istok(%ircopchatsettings,ChatOps,124)) { did -c %a 4 }
    if ($istok(%ircopchatsettings,AdminChat,124)) { did -c %a 5 }
    if ($istok(%ircopchatsettings,NetAdmin.Chat,124)) { did -c %a 6 }
  elseif (%b == sclick) { 
    if (%c == 7) {
      unset %ircopchatsettings
      if ($did(2).state = 1) { set %ircopchatsettings $addtok(Global,%ircopchatsettings,124) }
      if ($did(3).state = 1) { set %ircopchatsettings $addtok(LocOps,%ircopchatsettings,124) }
      if ($did(4).state = 1) { set %ircopchatsettings $addtok(ChatOps,%ircopchatsettings,124) }
      if ($did(5).state = 1) { set %ircopchatsettings $addtok(AdminChat,%ircopchatsettings,124) }
      if ($did(6).state = 1) { set %ircopchatsettings $addtok(NetAdmin.Chat,%ircopchatsettings,124) }
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog osaccess {
  title OperServ Access List
  size -1 -1 195 135
  option dbu
  box "Listing 0 Entry(s)", 1, 5 5 90 125
  list 2, 10 15 80 90, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  box "", 3, 100 5 90 125
  text "Nick", 4, 105 15 50 10
  edit "", 5, 105 25 80 10, autohs
  button "Add", 6, 105 110 80 10
  button "Del", 7, 10 110 80 10
  menu "Listing Option", 8
  item "Admin List", 9, 8
  item "Oper List", 10, 8
  item "Staff List", 11, 8
on *:dialog:osaccess:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { set %osa_tot 0 }
  elseif (%b == dclick) && (%c == 2) { whois $did(2).seltext $did(2).seltext }
  elseif (%b == sclick) { 
    if ($istok(6 7,%c,32)) { 
      $iif($iif($did(%c) == del,$did(2).seltext,$did(5)),.msg operserv %osviewing $did(%c) $iif(%time,%time) $iif($did(%c) == del,$did(2).seltext,$did(5)),noop $input(Please $iif($did(%c) == del,select,input) a Nick to $did(%c) $+ .,uowd,ERROR,ERROR)) 
      if ($did(%c) == add) { did -r osaccess 5 }
      set %osa_tot 0 | did -r osaccess 2 | .enable #osaccess | .msg operserv %osviewing list
  elseif (%b == menu) { 
    set %osviewing $gettok($did(%c),1,32) | did -ra osaccess 1 Listing 0 %osviewing Entry(s) 
    did $iif(%osviewing == Staff,-b,-e) %a 5-7 | set %osa_tot 0 | did -r osaccess 2 
    .enable #osaccess | .msg operserv $did(%c) 
  elseif (%b == close) { unset %os_viewing }
alias osaccesserror { noop $input($$1-,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
#osaccess off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == OperServ) && ($dialog(osaccess)) {
    if (has been isin $1-) || (list: isin $1-) || (nick == $2) {  }
    elseif (list is empty. isin $1-) { unset %osa_tot | .disable #osaccess }
    elseif (already exists on isin $1-) { .timer 1 2 osaccesserror $strip($1-) }
    elseif ($1 isnum) { inc %osa_tot | did -ra osaccess 1 Listing %osa_tot %osviewing Entry(s) | did -a osaccess 2 $2 | did -z osaccess 2 }
    elseif (End of isin $1-) { unset %osa_tot | .disable #osaccess }
    else { 
      if (!$istok(Level List,$2,32)) { inc %osa_tot | did -ra osaccess 1 Listing %osa_tot %osviewing Entry(s) | did -a osaccess 2 $2- | did -z osaccess 2 } 
  else { unset %osa_tot | .disable #osaccess }
#osaccess end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog os_except {
  title Exeption List For $network
  size -1 -1 200 165
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 5 5 120 115
  text "Limit", 2, 10 15 30 10
  list 3, 10 25 30 90, hsbar, vsbar
  text "Host", 4, 40 15 80 90
  list 5, 40 25 80 90, hsbar, vsbar
  box "", 6, 130 5 65 115
  text "Time", 7, 140 15 40 10
  check "1h", 8, 140 25 20 10
  check "1d", 9, 160 25 20 10
  check "7d", 10, 140 40 20 10
  check "Perm", 11, 160 40 20 10
  text "Limit", 12, 140 55 40 10
  check "5", 13, 140 65 20 10
  check "10", 14, 160 65 20 10
  check "20", 15, 140 80 20 10
  check "50", 16, 160 80 20 10
  text "Host To Add", 17, 10 120 50 10
  edit "", 18, 10 130 180 10, autohs
  button "Add", 19, 10 145 80 10
  button "Del", 20, 110 145 80 10
on *:dialog:os_except:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { os_get-e }
  elseif (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 19) {
      if ($did(8).state == 1) { var %os_expiry = $+(+,$did(8)) }
      elseif ($did(9).state == 1) { var %os_expiry = $+(+,$did(9)) }
      elseif ($did(10).state == 1) { var %os_expiry = $+(+,$did(10)) }
      elseif ($did(11).state == 1) { var %os_expiry = +0 }
      elseif (!%os_expiry) { var %os_expiry = $os_def-time }
      if ($did(13).state == 1) { var %os_limit = $did(13) }
      elseif ($did(14).state == 1) { var %os_limit = $did(14) }
      elseif ($did(15).state == 1) { var %os_limit = $did(15) }
      elseif ($did(16).state == 1) { var %os_limit = $did(16) }
      elseif (!%os_limit) { var %os_limit = $os_def-limit }
      if ($did(18)) { operserv exception add %os_expiry $did(18) %os_limit $os_def-reason | did -r os_except 3,5 | os_get-e }
      else { noop $input(Please enter a Host to Add.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 20) {
      if ($did(5).seltext) { operserv exception del $did(5).seltext | did -r os_except 3,5 | os_get-e }
      else { noop $input(Please select a Host to Delete.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
alias os_get-e { 
  set %os_tot 0 | .enable #os_exception 
  .timer 1 5 unset %os_tot | .timer 1 5 .disable #os_exception | .msg operserv exception list 
alias os_def-limit return 5
alias os_def-time return 7d
alias os_def-reason return Default Exception Reason
#os_exception off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == OperServ) && ($dialog(os_except)) {
    if ($1- == Current Session Limit Exception list:) || (set to isin $1-) || (Deleted isin $1-) || ($1- == Num Limit Host) { haltdef }
    else { 
      inc %os_tot
      did -ra os_except 1 Listing %os_tot Exception Entry(s)
      did -a os_except 3 $2 | did -z os_except 3
      did -a os_except 5 $3- | did -z os_except 5
  else { .disable #os_exception }
#os_exception end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog modules {
  title Modules List For $network
  size -1 -1 195 135
  option dbu
  box "Listing 0 Entry(s)", 1, 5 5 90 125
  list 2, 10 15 80 90, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  box "", 3, 100 5 90 125
  text "Module:", 4, 105 15 80 10
  edit "", 5, 105 25 80 10, autohs
  button "Load", 6, 105 110 80 10
  button "UnLoad", 7, 10 110 80 10
  text "Note: Do not include the file extension.", 8, 105 35 80 20
on *:dialog:modules:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { .enable #modules | .msg operserv modlist }
  elseif (%b == sclick) { 
    if (%c == 6) { 
      if ($did(5)) { .msg operserv modload $did(5) | did -r modules 2,5 | .enable #modules | .msg operserv modlist }
      else { noop $input(Please input a module to Load.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 7) { 
      if ($did(2).seltext) { .msg operserv modunload $gettok($did(2).seltext,1,32) | did -r modules 2 | .enable #modules | .msg operserv modlist }
      else { noop $input(Please select a module to UnLoad.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
alias moduleerror { noop $input($$1- $+ .,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
#modules off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == OperServ) && ($dialog(modules)) {
    if (Unable to load module isin $1-) { .timer 1 2 moduleerror $strip($1-) | haltdef }
    if (Module: == $1) { did -a modules 2 $strip($2-) | did -z modules 2 }
    if (Modules Loaded. isin $1-) { did -ra modules 1 Listing $1 Entry(s) | .disable #modules }
  else { .disable #modules }
#modules end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog servers {
  title Connected Servers
  size -1 -1 100 135
  option dbu
  box "Listing 0 Entry(s)", 1, 5 5 90 125
  list 2, 10 15 80 90, hsbar, vsbar
  button "Kill", 3, 10 105 80 10
  button "Restart", 4, 10 115 80 10
on *:dialog:servers:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { .enable #serversmap | .map }
  elseif (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 3) { $iif($did(2).seltext,die $gettok($did(2).seltext,1,32) $$?"Password",noop $input(Please select a server to apply the DIE command to.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR)) }
    elseif (%c == 4) { $iif($did(2).seltext,restart $gettok($did(2).seltext,1,32) $$?"Password" $$?"Optional reason",noop $input(Please select a server to apply the RESTART command to.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR)) }
#serversmap off
raw *:*: {
  if ($dialog(servers)) {
    if ($numeric == 006) { inc %map_tot | did -a servers 2 $remove($2-,|,`,-) | did -z servers 2 }
    elseif ($numeric == 007) { did -ra servers 1 Listing %map_tot Entry(s) | unset %map_tot | .disable #serversmap }
  else { unset %map_tot | .disable #serversmap }
#serversmap end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog forbidden_list {
  title Forbidden List For $network
  size -1 -1 110 180
  option dbu
  box "Listing 0 Entry(s)", 1, 5 5 100 170
  list 2, 10 15 90 90, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  text "... To Forbid", 3, 10 110 90 10
  edit "", 4, 10 120 90 10, autohs
  text "Reason", 5, 10 130 90 10
  edit "", 6, 10 140 90 10, autohs
  button "Add", 7, 10 155 40 10
  button "Del", 8, 60 155 40 10
  menu "Listing Options", 9
  item "List Channels", 10, 9
  item "List Nicks", 11, 9
on *:dialog:forbidden_list:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == menu) {
    set %forbidview $iif(%c == 10,ChanServ,NickServ)
    did -ra %a 3 $iif(%c == 10,Channel,Nick) to Forbid
  elseif (%b == dclick) {
    if (%c == 2) { .msg %forbidview info $did(2).seltext }
  elseif (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 7) { 
      if ($did(4)) && ($did(6)) { 
        var %forbid = $iif(%forbidview == ChanServ,$iif($left($did(4),1) == $chr(35),$did(4),$+($chr(35),$did(4))),$did(4))
        .msg %forbidview forbid %forbid $did(6) | did -r %a 4,6 | forbidrefresh 
      else { noop $input(Please input a $iif(%forbidview == ChanServ,Channel,Nick) and a reason.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 8) { 
      if ($did(2).seltext) { .msg %forbidview drop $did(2).seltext | forbidrefresh }
      else { noop $input(Please select a $iif(%forbidview == ChanServ,Channel,Nick) to delete.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) } 
  elseif (%b == close) { unset %forbidview }
alias forbidrefresh { did -r forbidden_list 2 | .enable #forbid | .msg %forbidview list * forbidden }
#forbid off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == ChanServ) || ($nick == NickServ) {
    echo -a $1-
    if (Channel == $1) || (Nick == $1) || (Nickname == $1) {  }
    elseif (is now forbidden. isin $1-) || (List of entries matching isin $1-) {  }
    elseif (End of list isin $1-) { .timer 1 5 did -ra forbidden_list 1 Listing %forbid_tot Entry(s) | unset %forbid_tot | .disable #forbid }
    elseif (%forbidview == ChanServ) && ($left($1,1) == $chr(35)) { inc %forbid_tot | did -a forbidden_list 2 $1 | did -z forbidden_list 2 }
    elseif (%forbidview == NickServ) { inc %forbid_tot | did -a forbidden_list 2 $1 | did -z forbidden_list 2 }
#forbid end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog noexpire_list {
  title NoExpire List For $network
  size -1 -1 110 160
  option dbu
  box "Listing 0 Entry(s)", 1, 5 5 100 150
  list 2, 10 15 90 90, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  text "... To NoExpire", 3, 10 110 90 10
  edit "", 4, 10 120 90 10, autohs
  button "Add", 7, 10 135 40 10
  button "Del", 8, 60 135 40 10
  menu "Listing Options", 9
  item "List Channels", 10, 9
  item "List Nicks", 11, 9
on *:dialog:noexpire_list:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == menu) {
    set %noexpireview $iif(%c == 10,ChanServ,NickServ)
    did -ra %a 3 $iif(%c == 10,Channel,Nick) to NoExpire
  elseif (%b == dclick) {
    if (%c == 2) { .msg %noexpireview info $did(2).seltext }
  elseif (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 7) { 
      if ($did(4)) { 
        var %noexpire = $iif(%noexpireview == ChanServ,$iif($left($did(4),1) == $chr(35),$did(4),$+($chr(35),$did(4))),$did(4))
        .msg %noexpireview $iif(%noexpireview == ChanServ,set,saset) %noexpire noexpire on | did -r %a 4 | noexpirerefresh 
      else { noop $input(Please input a $iif(%noexpireview == ChanServ,Channel.,Nick.),uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 8) { 
      if ($did(2).seltext) { .msg %noexpireview $iif(%noexpireview == ChanServ,set,saset) $did(2).seltext noexpire off | noexpirerefresh }
      else { noop $input(Please select a $iif(%noexpireview == ChanServ,Channel.,Nick.),uowd,ERROR,ERROR) } 
  elseif (%b == close) { unset %noexpireview }
alias noexpirerefresh { did -r noexpire_list 2 | .enable #noexpire | .msg %noexpireview list * noexpire }
#noexpire off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == ChanServ) || ($nick == NickServ) {
    if (Channel == $1) || (Nick == $1) || (Nickname == $1) {  }
    elseif (will not expire. isin $strip($1-)) || (List of entries matching isin $1-) {  }
    elseif (End of list == $1-3) { did -ra noexpire_list 1 Listing %noexpire_tot Entry(s) | unset %noexpire_tot | .disable #noexpire }
    elseif (%noexpireview == ChanServ) && ($left($1,1) == $chr(33)) { inc %noexpire_tot | did -a noexpire_list 2 $right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)) | did -z noexpire_list 2 }
    elseif (%noexpireview == NickServ) && ($1 !== End) { inc %noexpire_tot | did -a noexpire_list 2 $right($1,$calc($len($1) - 1)) | did -z noexpire_list 2 }
#noexpire end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog lines {
  title Lines For $network
  size -1 -1 200 185
  option dbu
  box "Listing 0 Entry(s)", 1, 5 5 120 115
  text "Host:Reason", 2, 10 15 110 90
  list 3, 10 25 110 90, hsbar, vsbar
  box "", 4, 130 5 65 115
  text "Time", 5, 140 15 40 10
  check "1h", 6, 140 25 20 10
  check "1d", 7, 160 25 20 10
  check "7d", 8, 140 40 20 10
  check "Perm", 9, 160 40 20 10
  text "Host/IP To Add", 10, 10 120 50 10
  edit "", 11, 10 130 180 10, autohs
  text "Reason", 12, 10 140 50 10
  edit "", 13, 10 150 180 10, autohs 
  button "Add", 14, 10 165 80 10
  button "Del", 15, 110 165 80 10
  menu "Listing Options", 16

  item "SGLINE", 17, 16
  item "SQLINE", 18, 16
  item "SZLINE", 19, 16
  item "AKILL", 20, 16
  item "GLINE", 21, 16
  item "KLINE", 22, 16
  item "GZLINE", 23, 16
on *:dialog:lines:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == sclick) { 
    if (%c == 14) {
      if ($did(6).state == 1) { var %kg_expiry = $+(+,$did(6)) }
      elseif ($did(7).state == 1) { var %kg_expiry = $+(+,$did(7)) }
      elseif ($did(8).state == 1) { var %kg_expiry = $+(+,$did(8)) }
      elseif ($did(9).state == 1) { var %kg_expiry = $+(+,0) }
      else { var %kg_expiry = $+(+,0) }
      if ($did(11)) && ($did(13)) { 

        if ($istok(sgline sqline szline akill,%lines_viewing,32)) { .msg operserv %lines_viewing add %kg_expiry $did(11) $+(:,$did(13)) }
        if ($istok(gline kline gzline,%lines_viewing,32)) { %lines_viewing $did(11) $iif(%kg_expiry,%kg_expiry) $did(13) }

        did -ra lines 1 Listing 0 %lines_viewing Entry(s)
        did -r %a 3,11,13 | .enable #lines 
        if ($istok(sgline sqline szline akill,%lines_viewing,32)) { .msg operserv %lines_viewing list }
        if ($istok(gzline,%lines_viewing,32)) { %lines_viewing }
        if ($istok(gline kline,%lines_viewing,32)) { stats $left(%lines_viewing,1) }

      else { noop $input(Please enter a Host/IP and a Reason to Add.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif (%c == 15) {
      if ($did(3).seltext) { 
        if ($istok(sgline sqline szline akill,%lines_viewing,32)) { .msg operserv %lines_viewing del $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) }
        if ($istok(gline kline gzline,%lines_viewing,32)) { %lines_viewing $+(-,$gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32)) }

        did -ra lines 1 Listing 0 %lines_viewing Entry(s)
        did -r %a 3 | .enable #lines 

        if ($istok(sgline sqline szline akill,%lines_viewing,32)) { .msg operserv %lines_viewing list }
        if ($istok(gzline,%lines_viewing,32)) { %lines_viewing }
        if ($istok(gline kline,%lines_viewing,32)) { stats $left(%lines_viewing,1) }

      else { noop $input(Please select a Host/IP to Del.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
  elseif (%b == menu) { 
    did -r %a 3 | set %lines_viewing $did(%c)
    did -ra lines 1 Listing 0 %lines_viewing Entry(s)
    .enable #lines 
    if (%lines_viewing == szline) { noop $input(Reminder: you can only add IP masks to the SZLINE list.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    if ($istok(sgline sqline szline akill,%lines_viewing,32)) { .msg operserv %lines_viewing list }
    if ($istok(gzline,%lines_viewing,32)) { %lines_viewing }
    if ($istok(gline kline,%lines_viewing,32)) { stats $left(%lines_viewing,1) }
  elseif (%b == close) { unset %lines_viewing }
#lines off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == OperServ) && ($dialog(lines)) { 
    if ($istok(Num Current,$1,32)) {  }
    if ($1 isnum) { 
      did -ra lines 1 Listing $1 %lines_viewing Entry(s) 
      did -a lines 3 $2- 
      did -z lines 3 
    if (End of %lines_viewing list. == $1-) { .disable #lines }
  else { .disable #lines }
raw *:*: {
  if ($numeric == 223) { inc %kg_linetot | did -a lines 3 $3 : $7- }
  elseif ($numeric == 219) { 
    did -z lines 3 
    did -ra lines 1 Listing $iif(%kg_linetot,%kg_linetot,0) %lines_viewing Entry(s) 
    .disable #lines | unset %kg_linetot 
#lines end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog listuserdata {
  title List Users
  size -1 -1 200 175
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 5 5 90 105
  list 2, 10 15 80 90, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  box "Actions", 3, 100 5 95 55
  button "SAJoin", 4, 105 15 30 10
  button "SAPart", 5, 150 15 30 10
  button "Kill", 6, 105 30 30 10
  button "Shun", 7, 150 30 30 10
  button "G:Line", 8, 105 45 30 10
  box "Reason", 9, 5 110 190 30
  edit "", 10, 10 120 180 10, autohs
  box "Channel", 11, 5 140 190 30
  edit "", 12, 10 150 180 10, autohs
  box "Period", 15, 100 60 95 50
  radio "10m", 16, 105 70 30 10
  radio "15m", 17, 135 70 30 10
  radio "30m", 18, 165 70 30 10
  radio "1h", 19, 105 90 30 10
  radio "1d", 20, 135 90 30 10
  radio "Perm", 21, 165 90 30 10
  menu "Listing Options", 22
  item "List Global Users", 23, 22
  item "List Not In Chan Users", 24, 22
  item "List +B (BOT) Users", 25, 22
  button "Join", 26, 105 15 30 10
  button "Kill", 27, 150 15 30 10
  button "Shun", 28, 105 30 30 10
on *:dialog:listuserdata:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { did -h %a 4-8,26-28 }
  elseif (%b == menu) {
    if (%c == 23) { did -e %a 10,12 | did -h %a 26-28 | did -v %a 4-8 |  set %listuserview 1 | listuserlist }
    elseif (%c == 24) {  did -b %a 10,12 | did -h %a 4-8 | did -v %a 26-28 | set %listuserview 2 | listuserlist }
    elseif (%c == 25) { did -e %a 10,12 | did -h %a 26-28 | did -v %a 4-8 | set %listuserview 3 | listuserlist }
  elseif (%b == dclick) && (%c == 2) { whois $did(2).seltext $did(2).seltext }
  elseif (%b == sclick) {
    if ($istok(4 5 6 7 8,%c,32)) {
      if ($did(listuserdata,2).seltext) { 
        if ($did(listuserdata,16).state == 1) { var %period = $did(listuserdata,16) }
        elseif ($did(listuserdata,17).state == 1) { var %period = $did(listuserdata,17) }
        elseif ($did(listuserdata,18).state == 1) { var %period = $did(listuserdata,18) }
        elseif ($did(listuserdata,19).state == 1) { var %period = $did(listuserdata,19) }
        elseif ($did(listuserdata,20).state == 1) { var %period = $did(listuserdata,20) }
        elseif ($did(listuserdata,21).state == 1) { var %period = 0 }
        else { var %period = 0 }
        var %listuserdatachan = $iif($did(listuserdata,12),$iif($left($did(listuserdata,12),1) == $chr(35),$did(listuserdata,12),$+($chr(35),$did(listuserdata,12))),noop $input(Please enter a channel.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR))
        if (%c == 4) { listuserdataaction $did(listuserdata,2).seltext sajoin %listuserdatachan }
        elseif (%c == 5) { listuserdataaction $did(listuserdata,2).seltext sapart %listuserdatachan | listuserlist }
        elseif (%c == 6) { listuserdataaction $did(listuserdata,2).seltext kill $iif($did(listuserdata,10),$did(listuserdata,10),$listuserautokillreason) | listuserlist }
        elseif (%c == 7) { listuserdataaction $did(listuserdata,2).seltext shun %period $iif($did(listuserdata,10),$did(listuserdata,10),$listuserautoshunreason) | listuserlist }
        elseif (%c == 8) { listuserdataaction $did(listuserdata,2).seltext gline %period $iif($did(listuserdata,10),$did(listuserdata,10),$listuserautoglinereason) | listuserlist }
      else { noop $input(Please select a Nick to take action against.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
    elseif ($istok(26 27 28,%c,32)) { .msg operserv notinchanlist $did(%c) | listuserlist }
  elseif (%b == close) { unset %listuserview }
alias listuserlist {
  if (%listuserview == 1) { set %glob_tot 0 | did -r listuserdata 2 | .enable #listglobal | os userlist }
  elseif (%listuserview == 2) { set %idle_tot 0 | did -r listuserdata 2 | .enable #listidle | os notinchanlist }
  elseif (%listuserview == 3) { set %bot_tot 0 | did -r listuserdata 2 | .enable #listbots | who +m B }
alias listuserdataaction {
  tokenize 32 $1-
  $iif($istok(sajoin sapart kill shun,$2,32),$2 $1 $3-,$2 $3 $1 $4-)
alias listuserautokillreason return Auto-reason For Server /kill
alias listuserautoshunreason return Auto-reason For Server /shun
alias listuserautoglinereason return Auto-reason For Server /gline
#listglobal off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == OperServ) && ($dialog(listuserdata)) {
    if ($1- == Nick  Mask) || ($1- == Users list:) {  }
    elseif (End of users list. isin $1-) { unset %glob_tot | .disable #listglobal }
    else { inc %glob_tot | did -ra listuserdata 1 Listing %glob_tot Entry(s) | did -a listuserdata 2 $1 | did -z listuserdata 2 }
  else { unset %glob_tot | .disable #listglobal }
#listglobal end
#listidle off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == OperServ) && ($dialog(listuserdata)) {
    if (Out of isin $1-) && (possible malicious clients were detected. isin $1-) { did -ra listuserdata 1 Listing %idle_tot Entry(s) | unset %idle_tot | .disable #listidle }
    elseif ($1 == Match:) { inc %idle_tot | did -ra listuserdata 1 Listing %idle_tot Entry(s) | did -a listuserdata 2 $2 }
  else { unset %idle_tot | .disable #listidle }
#listidle end
#listbots off
raw *:*: {
  if ($dialog(listuserdata)) { 
    if ($numeric == 352) { 
      tokenize 32 $1-
      inc %bot_tot | did -ra listuserdata 1 Listing %bot_tot Bot Entry(s) | did -a listuserdata 2 $6 
    elseif (End of /WHO list. isin $1-) { unset %bot_tot | .disable #listbots  }
  else { unset %bot_tot | .disable #listbots }
#listbots end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
dialog chguserdata {
  title Change User Data
  size -1 -1 195 170
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 5 5 90 105
  list 2, 10 15 80 95, hsbar, vsbar, sort
  box "", 3, 100 5 90 105
  text "Change:", 4, 110 15 50 10
  check "Nick", 5, 110 25 30 10
  check "Ident", 6, 150 25 30 10
  check "Host", 7, 110 40 30 10
  check "Name", 8, 150 40 30 10
  edit "", 9, 110 50 70 10
  button "Change", 10, 110 65 70 10
  text "NOTE: Nick requires superadmin.", 11, 110 75 70 20
  box "", 12, 5 110 185 55
  text "Nick", 13, 10 120 170 10
  text "Ident", 14, 10 130 170 10
  text "Host", 15, 10 140 170 10
  text "Name", 16, 10 150 170 10
on *:dialog:chguserdata:*:*: {
  var %a = $dname, %b = $devent, %c = $did
  if (%b == init) { .enable #chguser | .msg operserv userlist }
  elseif (%b == sclick) {
    if (%c == 2) { .enable #nsinfo | did -ra chguserdata 13 Nick: $did(%c).seltext | .msg nickserv info $did(%c).seltext all }
    if (%c == 10) {
      if ($did(5).state == 1) { var %chg = .msg operserv svsnick }
      elseif ($did(6).state == 1) { var %chg = .chgident }
      elseif ($did(7).state == 1) { var %chg = .chghost }
      elseif ($did(8).state == 1) { var %chg = .chgname }
      else { noop $input(Please select something to change.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
      if ($did(2).seltext) && ($did(9)) && (%chg) { 
        %chg $did(2).seltext $did(9) 
        .enable #nsinfo | did -ra chguserdata 13 Nick: $did(%c).seltext | .msg nickserv info $did(%c).seltext all
      else { noop $input(Please select a Nick and enter something to change.,uowd,ERROR,ERROR) }
  elseif (%b == dclick) && (%c == 2) { whois $did(2).seltext $did(2).seltext }
#nsinfo off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == NickServ) && ($dialog(chguserdata)) {
    if (is == $2) && (!$istok(a online,$3,32)) { did -ra chguserdata 16 Name: $3 }
    if (Is online from: isin $1-)  { 
      did -ra chguserdata 14 Ident: $gettok($4,1,64) 
      did -ra chguserdata 15 Host: $gettok($4,2,64) 
    elseif ($istok(Time Last E-mail vhost: Options:,$1,32)) { haltdef }
    elseif (Expires == $1) { .disable #nsinfo }
    if (isn't registered. isin $1-) { did -r chguserdata 14,15,16 | did -ra chguserdata 13 This nick is not registered. | .disable #nsinfo }
  else { .disable #nsinfo }
#nsinfo end
#chguser off
on ^*:notice:*:*: {
  if ($nick == OperServ) && ($dialog(chguserdata)) {
    if ($1- == Nick  Mask) || (Users list: isin $1-) { haltdef }
    elseif (End of users list. isin $1-) { .disable #chguser }
    else { did -a chguserdata 2 $1 }
  else { .disable #chguser }
#chguser end
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
menu status,menubar,channel,nicklist,query {
  --( Server Admin Commands )--
  .--( Show Info )--
  ..--( Show Motd File )--:motd $server
  ..--( Add to the end of MOTD File )--:addmotd $$?"Text to add"
  ..--( Show Server Rules )--:rules $server
  ..--( List Users On Server )--:lusers $server
  ..--( Stats )--:msg operserv stats
  .--( Log Ins )--
  ..--( Oper )--:oper $me $$?"Password"
  ..--( Vhost )--:vhost $$?"LogIn" $$?"Password"
  .--( Silence List )--
  ..--( Add )--:silence + $+ $$?"Nick"
  ..--( Remove )--:silence - $+ $$?"Nick"
  ..--( List )--:silence
  .--( Mass Message )--
  ..--( Wallops )--:wallops $$?"Message To Send"
  ..--( Globops )--:globops $$?"Message To Send"
  ..--( Locops )--:locops $$?"Message To Send"
  ..--( Online Ircops )--:chatops $$?"Message To Send"
  ..--( Online Admins )--:adchat $$?"Message To Send"
  ..--( Online NetAdmins )--:nachat $$?"Message To Send"
  .--( sa commands )--
  ..--( Force join )--:sajoin $$?"Nick" $$?"channel to make user join"
  ..--( Force part )--:sapart $$1 $$?"channel to make user part"
  ..--( Change channel modes )--:samode $$?"channel to change modes on" $$?"Mode"
  .--( Set commands )--
  ..--( Change your vhost )--:sethost $$?"new host name ( no spaces )"
  ..--( Change your ident )--:setident $$?"new ident"
  .--( Change User Info )--
  ..--( Change users host )--:chghost $$1 $$?"Host"
  ..--( Change users name )--:chgname $$1  $$?"Name"
  ..--( Change users ident )--:chgident $$1 $$?"Ident"
  .--( kill / kills user from the server )--:kill $$1 $$?"Reason"
  .--( kgz lines )--
  ..--( k lines )--
  ...--( Add a 1 day kline )--:kline $$1 1d $$?"reason for kline"
  ...--( Del a kline )--:kline - $+ $$?"hostmask of user to remove"
  ...--( List klines )--:stats K
  ..--( g lines )--
  ...--( Add a 1 day gline )--:gline $$1 1d $$?"reason for kline"
  ...--( Del a gline )--:gline - $+ $$?"hostmask of user to remove"
  ...--( List glines )--:stats G
  ..--( zlines )--
  ...--( Add a permanent zline )--:zline $$?"*@ipmask" $$?"reason for zline"
  ...--( Del a zline )--:zline - $+ $$?"*@ipmask"
  ...--( List zlines )--:stats Z
  .--( Shun )--
  ..--( 5 min )--:shun $$1 300 $$?"reason for shun"
  ..--( 10 min )--:shun $$1 300 $$?"reason for shun"
  ..--( 15 min )--:shun $$1 300 $$?"reason for shun"
  .--( Tempshun )--
  ..--( Add Tempshun )--:tempshun $$1 $$?"Reason for tempshun"
  ..--( Del Tempshun )--:tempshun - $+ $$1
  .--( Rehash config files )--:rehash $server
  .--( Restart server )--:restart $$?"Password"
  .--( Kill server )--:die $$?"Password"
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
menu status,menubar,channel,nicklist,query {
  --( Services Commands )--
  .--( OperServ )--
  ..--( DefCon )--:msg operserv defcon $$?"1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5"
  ..--( Message All Server Users )--:msg operserv global $$?"Message"
  ..--( ForceID )--:os forceid $$?"Nick"
  ..--( Kills )--
  ...--( Kill All Channel Users )--:msg operserv chankill $$?"Channel to kill"
  ...--( Kill Clones )--:msgoperserv killclones $$?"Nick"
  ..--( Channel Settings )--
  ...--( Kick User )--:msg operserv kick $$?"Channel" $$?"User" $$?"Reason"
  ...--( Change Channel Modes )--:msg operserv mode $$?"Channel" $$?"Modes"
  ...--( Clear All Channel Modes )--:msg operserv clearmodes $$?"Channel" all
  ...--( Clear Channel Modes )--:msg operserv clearmodes $$?"Channel" $$?"Modes"
  ..--( Display )--
  ...--( Services and Network Stats )--:msg operserv stats
  ...--( Staff and Online Status )--:msg operserv staff
  ...--( Host Sessions )--:msg operserv session list $$?"Number of sessions"
  ...--( Channel Records )--:msg operserv chanlist
  ...--( User Records )--:msg operserv userlist
  ..--( Modify )--
  ...--( Services Admin List )--
  ....--( Add )--:msg operserv admin add $$?"Nick"
  ....--( Del )--:msg operserv admin del $$?"Nick , Entry-Number , List"
  ....--( List )--:msg operserv admin list 
  ....--( Clear )--:msg operserv admin clear
  ...--( Services Oper List )--
  ....--( Add )--:msg operserv oper add $$?"Nick"
  ....--( Del )--:msg operserv oper del $$?"Nick , Entry-Number , List"
  ....--( List )--:msg operserv oper list 
  ....--( Clear )--:msg operserv oper clear
  ...--( Services Ignore List )--
  ....--( Add )--:msg operserv ignore add $$?"Nick"
  ....--( Del )--:msg operserv ignore del $$?"Nick , Entry-Number , List"
  ....--( List )--:msg operserv ignore list 
  ....--( Clear )--:msg operserv ignore clear
  ...--( Session-Limit Exception List )--
  ....--( Add )--:msg operserv exception add $$?"Nick"
  ....--( Del )--:msg operserv exception del $$?"Nick , Entry-Number , List"
  ....--( List )--:msg operserv exception list 
  ....--( Clear )--:msg operserv exception clear
  ..--( News Related )--
  ...--( Logon News )--
  ....--( Add )--:msg operserv logonnews add $$?"Text to add"
  ....--( Del )--:msg operserv logonnews del $$?"Number , All"
  ....--( List )--:msg operserv logonnews list
  ...--( OperNews )--
  ....--( Add )--:msg operserv opernews add $$?"Text to add"
  ....--( Del )--:msg operserv opernews del $$?"Number , All"
  ....--( List )--:msg operserv opernews list
  ...--( Random News )--
  ....--( Add )--:msg operserv randomnews add $$?"Text to add"
  ....--( Del )--:msg operserv randomnews del $$?"Number , All"
  ....--( List )--:msg operserv randomnews list
  ..--( Modules )--
  ...--( Info)--:msg operserv modinfo $$?"Filename"
  ...--( List )--:msg operserv modlist
  ...--( List Specific )--:msg operserv modlist $$?"Core , 3rd , Protocol , Encryption , Supported , Qatested"
  ...--( Load )--:msg operserv modload $$?"Filename"
  ...--( Unload )--:msg operserv modunload $$?"Filename"
  ..--( aKill List )--
  ...--( Add )--:msg operserv akill add $$?"Mask and Reason"
  ...--( Del )--:msg operserv akill del $$?"Mask , Entry-Number , List"
  ...--( List )--:msg operserv akill list $$?"Mask , List"
  ...--( View )--:msg operserv akill view $$?"Mask , List"
  ...--( Clear )--:msg operserv akill clear
  ..--( sGline List )--
  ...--( Add )--:msg operserv sgline add $$?"Mask and Reason"
  ...--( Del )--:msg operserv sgline del $$?"Mask , Entry-Number , List"
  ...--( List )--:msg operserv sgline list $$?"Mask , List"
  ...--( View )--:msg operserv sgline view $$?"Mask , List"
  ...--( Clear )--:msg operserv sgline clear
  ..--( sQline List )--
  ...--( Add )--:msg operserv sqline add $$?"Mask and Reason"
  ...--( Del )--:msg operserv sqline del $$?"Mask , Entry-Number , List"
  ...--( List )--:msg operserv sqline list $$?"Mask , List"
  ...--( View )--:msg operserv sqline view $$?"Mask , List"
  ...--( Clear )--:msg operserv sqline clear
  ..--( sZline List )--
  ...--( Add )--:msg operserv szline add $$?"Mask and Reason"
  ...--( Del )--:msg operserv szline del $$?"Mask , Entry-Number , List"
  ...--( List )--:msg operserv szline list $$?"Mask , List"
  ...--( View )--:msg operserv szline view $$?"Mask , List"
  ...--( Clear )--:msg operserv szline clear
  ..--( Server  )--
  ...--( Set )--
  ....--( Read Only )--:msg operserv set readonly $$?"On , Off"
  ....--( Log Chan )--:msg operserv set logchan $$?"On , Off"
  ....--( Debug )--:msg operserv set debug $$?"On , Off"
  ....--( No Expire )--:msg operserv set noexpire $$?"On , Off"
  ....--( Super Admin )--:msg operserv set superadmin $$?"On , Off"
  ....--( Sql )--:msg operserv set sql $$?"On , Off"
  ....--( Ignore )--:msg operserv set ignore $$?"On , Off"
  ....--( List )--:msg operserv set list 
  ...--( No Op )--
  ....--( Add Server )--:msg operserv noop set $$?"Server"
  ....--( Del Server )--:msg operserv noop revoke $$?"Server"
  ...--( Jupe the Server )--:msg operserv jupe $$?"Server and Reason"
  ...--( Reload Services Config )--:msg operserv reload
  ...--( Update Databases )--:msg operserv update
  ...--( Restart Services )--:msg operserv restart
  ...--( Kill No Save )--:msg operserv quit
  ...--( Kill With Save )--:msg operserv shutdown
  .--( ChanServ )--
  ..--( Channel SetUp )--
  ...--( Register Channel )--:msg ChanServ REGISTER $chan $$?"Set Your Channel Password" $$?"Set Your Channel Description"
  ...--( Set )--
  ....--( Description )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan DESCRIPTION $$?"Description"
  ....--( Email )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan EMAIL $$?"Email Address"
  ....--( EnForce )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan ENFORCE $$?"ON , OFF"
  ....--( Entry Message )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan ENTRYMSG $$?"Channel Entry Message"
  ....--( Founder )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan FOUNDER $$?"Founders Nick"
  ....--( Keep Topic )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan KEEPTOPIC $$?"ON , OFF"
  ....--( Leave Ops )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan LEAVEOPS $$?"ON , OFF"
  ....--( Mode Lock )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK $$?"Modes"
  ....--( Op Notice )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan OPNOTICE $$?"ON , OFF"
  ....--( Password )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan PASSWORD $$?"Channel Password"
  ....--( Private )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan PRIVATE $$?"ON , OFF"
  ....--( Restricted )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan RESTRICTED $$?"ON , OFF"
  ....--( Secure )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan SECURE $$?"ON , OFF"
  ....--( Secure Ops )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan SECUREOPS $$?"ON , OFF"
  ....--( Successor )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan SUCCESSOR $$?"Successor's Nick"
  ....--( Topic )--:msg chanserv topic $chan $$?"Topic"
  ....--( Topic Lock )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan TOPICLOCK $$?"ON , OFF"
  ....--( Url:msg ChanServ SET $chan URL $$?"Url Address"
  ...--( UnSet )--
  ....--( Email )--:msg ChanServ UNSET $chan EMAIL
  ....--( Entry Message )--:msg ChanServ UNSET $chan ENTRYMSG
  ....--( Successor )--:msg ChanServ UNSET $chan SUCCESSOR
  ....--( Url )--:msg ChanServ UNSET $chan URL
  ..--( Channel Modes )--
  ...--( Administrator Only Channel +A )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +A
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -A
  ...--( Block ANSII Color +c )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +c
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -c
  ...--( No CTCP'S Allowed +C )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +C
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -C  
  ...--( Flood Protection +f )--
  ....--( On )--:MODE $chan +f $$?"Lines:Seconds-Example 6:3"
  ....--( Off )--:MODE $chan -f
  ...--( Swear Word Protection +G )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +G
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -G
  ...--( No +I User May Join +H )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +H
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -H
  ...--( Invite Only +i )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +i
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -i
  ...--( Users Need Channel Key To Join +k )--
  ....--( On )--:MODE $chan +k $$?"Channel Key"
  ....--( Off )--:MODE $chan -k $$?"Channel Key"
  ...--( /Knock is not allowed +K )--
  ....--( On )--:MODE $chan +K
  ....--( Off )--:MODE $chan -K
  ...--( Most Users Allowed In Channel +l )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +l $$?"Number Of Users"
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -l
  ...--( If Channel Is Full Users Go To 2nd Channel +L )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +L $$?"Channel 2 Name"
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -L
  ...--( Users Need +v To Speak +m )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +m
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -m
  ...--( Registered Nicks Only Allowed +M )--
  ....--( On )--:MODE $chan +M
  ....--( Off )--:MODE SET $chan -M
  ...--( No OutSide Messages +n )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +n
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -n
  ...--( No NickName Changes In Channel +N )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +N
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -N
  ...--( IrCOP Only Channel +O )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +O
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -O
  ...--( Private Channel +p )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +p
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -p
  ...--( No Kicks Allowed In Channel +Q )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +Q
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -Q
  ...--( Only Registered Nicks May Join +R )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +R
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -R
  ...--( Secret Channel +s )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +s
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -s
  ...--( No Color +S )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +S
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -S
  ...--( Only Op's May Set The Topic +t )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +t
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -t
  ...--( No Channel Notices Allowed +T )--
  ....--( On )--:MODE $chan +T
  ....--( Off )--:MODE $chan -T
  ...--( Auditorium +u )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +u
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -u
  ...--( /Invite Is Not Allowed +V )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +V
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -V
  ...--( Only SSL Clients May Join +z )--
  ....--( On )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK +z
  ....--( Off )--:msg ChanServ SET $chan MLOCK -z
  ..--( Channel Access Lists )--
  ...--( Sop )--
  ....--( Add )--:msg ChanServ SOP $chan ADD $$1
  ....--( Count )--:msg ChanServ SOP $chan COUNT
  ....--( Del )--:msg ChanServ SOP $chan DEL $$?"Nick"
  ....--( List )--:msg ChanServ SOP $chan LIST
  ...--( Aop )--
  ....--( Add )--:msg ChanServ AOP $chan ADD $$?"Nick"
  ....--( Count )--:msg ChanServ AOP $chan COUNT
  ....--( Del )--:msg ChanServ AOP $chan DEL $$?"Nick"
  ....--( List )--:msg ChanServ AOP $chan LIST
  ...--( Hop )--
  ....--( Add Nick )--:msg ChanServ HOP $chan ADD $$?"Nick"
  ....--( Count Entries )--:msg ChanServ HOP $chan COUNT
  ....--( Delete Nick )--:msg ChanServ HOP $chan DEL $$?"Nick"
  ....--( List Entries )--:msg ChanServ HOP $chan LIST
  ...--( Vop )--
  ....--( Add Nick )--:msg ChanServ VOP $chan ADD $$?"Nick"
  ....--( Count Entries )--:msg ChanServ VOP $chan COUNT
  ....--( Delete Nick )--:msg ChanServ VOP $chan DEL $$?"Nick"
  ....--( List Entries )--:msg ChanServ VOP $chan LIST
  .--( NickServ )--
  ..--( Status )--:msg nickserv status $$?"Nick"
  ..--( Alist )--:msg nickserv alist $$?"Nick , Level"
  ..--( List Pattern )--:msg nickserv list $$?"Pattern"
  ..--( List Other )--:msg nickserv list $$?"Forbidden , Suspended , NoExpire , Unconfirmed"
  ..--( Info )--:msg nickserv info $$?"Nick"
  ..--( Info All )--:msg nickserv info $$?"Nick" all
  ..--( Register Nick )--:msg nickserv register $$?"Password" $$?"Email"
  ..--( Update )--:msg nickserv update
  ..--( Drop Nick )--:msg nickserv drop $$?"Nick"
  ..--( Identify )--:msg nickserv identify $$?"Password"
  ..--( Re-Identify )--:msg nickserv logout $$?"Nick" validate
  ..--( Ghost )--:msg nickserv ghost $$?"Nick" $$?"Password"
  ..--( Recover )--:msg nickserv recover $$?"Nick" $$?"Password"
  ..--( Release )--:msg nickserv release $$?"Nick" $$?"Password"
  ..--( Logout )--:msg nickserv logout $$?"Nick"
  ..--( Set )--
  ...--( Display )--:msg nickserv set display $$?"New-Display"
  ...--( Password )--:msg nickserv set password $$?"New-Password"
  ...--( Language )--:msg nickserv set language $$?"1-13"
  ...--( Language Help )--:msg nickserv help set language
  ...--( Url )--:msg nickserv set url $$?"Url"
  ...--( Email )--:msg nickserv set email $$?"New-Email"
  ...--( ICQ )--:msg nickserv set icq $$?"ICQ-Number"
  ...--( Greet )--:msg nickserv set greet $$?"Message"
  ...--( Kill )--:msg nickserv set kill $$?"On , Quick , Immed , Off"
  ...--( Secure )--:msg nickserv set secure $$?"On , Off"
  ...--( Private )--:msg nickserv set private $$?"On , Off"
  ...--( Hide )--:msg nickserv set hide $$?"Email , Status , Usermask , Quit" $$?""On , Off"
  ...--( Services Msg )--:msg nickserv set msg $$?"On , Off"
  ...--( Auto Op )--:msg nickserv set autoop $$?"On , Off"
  ..--( Sa-Set )--
  ...--( Display )--:msg nickserv saset display $$?"New-Display"
  ...--( Password )--:msg nickserv saset password $$?"New-Password"
  ...--( Language )--:msg nickserv saset language $$?"1-13"
  ...--( Language Help )--:msg nickserv help set language
  ...--( Url )--:msg nickserv saset url $$?"Url"
  ...--( Email )--:msg nickserv saset email $$?"New-Email"
  ...--( ICQ )--:msg nickserv saset icq $$?"ICQ-Number"
  ...--( Greet )--:msg nickserv saset greet $$?"Message"
  ...--( Kill )--:msg nickserv saset kill $$?"On , Quick , Immed , Off"
  ...--( Secure )--:msg nickserv saset secure $$?"On , Off"
  ...--( Private )--:msg nickserv saset private $$?"On , Off"
  ...--( Hide )--:msg nickserv saset hide $$?"Email , Status , Usermask , Quit" $$?""On , Off"
  ...--( Services Msg )--:msg nickserv saset msg $$?"On , Off"
  ...--( Auto Op )--:msg nickserv saset autoop $$?"On , Off"
  ..--( Get )--
  ...--( Email )--:msg nickserv getemail $$?"user@emailhost"
  ...--( Password )--:msg nickserv getpass $$?"Nick"
  ..--( Forbid )--:msg nickserv forbid $$?"Nick" $$?"Reason"
  ..--( Suspend )--:msg nickserv suspend $$?"Nick" $$?"Reason"
  ..--( Unsuspend )--:msg nickserv unsuspend $$?"Nick"
  ..--( oInfo )--:msg nickserv oinfo $$?"Add , Del" $$?"Nick" $$?"Info to add"
  ..--( Access )--
  ...--( Add )--:msg nickserv add $$?"Mask"
  ...--( Del )--:msg nickserv del $$?"Mask"
  ...--( List )--:msg nickserv list
  ..--( Groups )--
  ...--( Join )--:msg nickserv group $$?"Target" $$?"Password"
  ...--( List )--:msg nickserv glist $$?"Nick"
  .--( BotServ )--
  ..--( add a bot )--:msg botserv bot add $$?"nick" $$?"user" $$?"host" $$?"real"
  ..--( del a bot )--:msg botserv bot del $$?"nick"
  ..--( assign a bot )--:msg botserv assign $$?"channel" $$?"nick"
  ..--( unassign a bot )--:msg botserv unassign $$?"channel"
  ..--( set )--
  ...--( dont kick ops )--:msg botserv set $$?"channel" dontkickops $$?"on  off"
  ...--( dont kick voices )--:msg botserv set $$?"channel" dontkickvoices $$?"on  off"
  ...--( greet )--:msg botserv set $$?"channel" greet $$?"on  off"
  ...--( fantasy )--:msg botserv set $$?"channel" fantasy $$?"on  off"
  ...--( symbiosis )--:msg botserv set $$?"channel" symbiosis $$?"on  off"
  ...--( no bot )--:msg botserv set $$?"channel" nobot $$?"on  off"
  ...--( private )--:msg botserv set $$?"channel" private $$?"on  off"
  ..--( bot talk )--
  ...--( act )--:msg botserv act $$?"channel" $$?"text"
  ...--( say )--:msg botserv say $$?"channel" $$?"text"
  ..--( info )--:msg botserv info $$?"channel  nick"
  ..--( list bots )--:msg botserv botlist
  .--( HostServ )--
  ..--( On )--:msg hostserv on
  ..--( Off )--:msg hostserv off
  ..--( Group )--:msg hostserv group
  ..--( List By Key )--:msg hostserv list $$?"key"
  ..--( List By Range )--:msg hostserv list $$?"range eg. #1-3"
  ..--( Set )--:msg hostserv set $$?"nick" $$?"hostmask"
  ..--( SetAll )--:msg hostserv setall $$?"nick" $$?"hostmask"
  ..--( Del )--:msg hostserv del $$?"nick"
  ..--( DelAll )--:msg hostserv delall $$?"nick"
  ..--( Request )--:msg hostserv request $$?"vhost"
  ..--( Activate )--:msg hostserv activate $$?"nick"
  ..--( Reject )--:msg hostserv reject $$?"nick"
  ..--( Waiting )--:msg hostserv waiting
; ========================================
; ========================================

; ========================================
; ========================================
menu status,menubar,channel,nicklist,query {
  --( Services Commands Help )--
  .--( OperServ )--
  ..--( DefCon )--:say /msg operserv defcon 1|2|3|4|5
  ..--( Message All Server Users )--:say /msg operserv global MESSAGE
  ..--( Kills )--
  ...--( Kill All Channel Users )--:say /msg operserv chankill CHANNEL-TO-KILL
  ...--( Kill Clones )--:say /msg operserv killclones NICK
  ..--( Channel Settings )--
  ...--( Kick User )--:say /msg operserv kick #CHANNEL USER REASON
  ...--( Change Channel Modes )--:say /msg operserv mode #CHANNEL MODES
  ...--( Clear All Channel Modes )--:say /msg operserv clearmodes #CHANNEL all
  ...--( Clear Channel Modes )--:say /msg operserv clearmodes #CHANNEL MODES
  ..--( Display )--
  ...--( Services and Network Stats )--:say /msg operserv stats
  ...--( Staff and Online Status )--:say /msg operserv staff
  ...--( Host Sessions )--:say /msg operserv session list NUMBER-OF-SESSIONS
  ...--( Channel Records )--:say /msg operserv chanlist
  ...--( User Records )--:say /msg operserv userlist
  ..--( Modify )--
  ...--( Services Admin List )--
  ....--( Add )--:say /msg operserv admin add NICK
  ....--( Del )--:say /msg operserv admin del NICK|ENTRY-NUMBER|LIST
  ....--( List )--:say /msg operserv admin list 
  ....--( Clear )--:say /msg operserv admin clear
  ...--( Services Oper List )--
  ....--( Add )--:say /msg operserv oper add NICK
  ....--( Del )--:say /msg operserv oper del NICK|ENTRY-NUMBER|LIST
  ....--( List )--:say /msg operserv oper list 
  ....--( Clear )--:say /msg operserv oper clear
  ...--( Services Ignore List )--
  ....--( Add )--:say /msg operserv ignore add NICK
  ....--( Del )--:say /msg operserv ignore del NICK|ENTRY-NUMBER|LIST
  ....--( List )--:say /msg operserv ignore list 
  ....--( Clear )--:say /msg operserv ignore clear
  ...--( Session-Limit Exception List )--
  ....--( Add )--:say /msg operserv exception add NICK
  ....--( Del )--:say /msg operserv exception del NICK|ENTRY-NUMBER|LIST
  ....--( List )--:say /msg operserv exception list 
  ....--( Clear )--:say /msg operserv exception clear
  ..--( News Related )--
  ...--( Logon News )--
  ....--( Add )--:say /msg operserv logonnews add TEXT-TO-ADD
  ....--( Del )--:say /msg operserv logonnews del NUMBER|ALL
  ....--( List )--:say /msg operserv logonnews list
  ...--( OperNews )--
  ....--( Add )--:say /msg operserv opernews add TEXT-TO-ADD
  ....--( Del )--:say /msg operserv opernews del NUMBER|ALL
  ....--( List )--:say /msg operserv opernews list
  ...--( Random News )--
  ....--( Add )--:say /msg operserv randomnews add TEXT-TO-ADD
  ....--( Del )--:say /msg operserv randomnews del NUMBER|ALL
  ....--( List )--:say /msg operserv randomnews list
  ..--( Modules )--
  ...--( Info)--:say /msg operserv modinfo FILENAME
  ...--( List )--:say /msg operserv modlist
  ...--( List Specific )--:say /msg operserv modlist CORE|3RD|PROTOCOL|ENCRYPTION|SUPPORTED|QATESTED
  ...--( Load )--:say /msg operserv modload FILENAME
  ...--( Unload )--:say /msg operserv modunload FILENAME
  ..--( aKill List )--
  ...--( Add )--:say /msg operserv akill add MASK REASON
  ...--( Del )--:say /msg operserv akill del MASK|ENTRY-NUMBER|LIST
  ...--( List )--:say /msg operserv akill list MASK|LIST
  ...--( View )--:say /msg operserv akill view MASK|LIST
  ...--( Clear )--:say /msg operserv akill clear
  ..--( sGline List )--
  ...--( Add )--:say /msg operserv sgline add MASK REASON
  ...--( Del )--:say /msg operserv sgline del MASK|ENTRY-NUMBER|LIST
  ...--( List )--:say /msg operserv sgline list MASK|LIST
  ...--( View )--:say /msg operserv sgline view MASK|LIST
  ...--( Clear )--:say /msg operserv sgline clear
  ..--( sQline List )--
  ...--( Add )--:say /msg operserv sqline add MASK REASON
  ...--( Del )--:say /msg operserv sqline del MASK|ENTRY-NUMBER|LIST
  ...--( List )--:say /msg operserv sqline list MASK|LIST
  ...--( View )--:say /msg operserv sqline view MASK|LIST
  ...--( Clear )--:say /msg operserv sqline clear
  ..--( sZline List )--
  ...--( Add )--:say /msg operserv szline add MASK REASON
  ...--( Del )--:say /msg operserv szline del MASK|ENTRY-NUMBER|LIST
  ...--( List )--:say /msg operserv szline list MASK|LIST
  ...--( View )--:say /msg operserv szline view MASK|LIST
  ...--( Clear )--:say /msg operserv szline clear
  ..--( Server  )--
  ...--( Set )--
  ....--( Read Only )--:say /msg operserv set readonly ON|OFF
  ....--( Log Chan )--:say /msg operserv set logchan ON|OFF
  ....--( Debug )--:say /msg operserv set debug ON|OFF
  ....--( No Expire )--:say /msg operserv set noexpire ON|OFF
  ....--( Super Admin )--:say /msg operserv set superadmin ON|OFF
  ....--( Sql )--:say /msg operserv set sql ON|OFF
  ....--( Ignore )--:say /msg operserv set ignore ON|OFF
  ....--( List )--:say /msg operserv set list 
  ...--( No Op )--
  ....--( Add Server )--:say /msg operserv noop set SERVER
  ....--( Del Server )--:say /msg operserv noop revoke SERVER
  ...--( Jupe the Server )--:say /msg operserv jupe SERVER REASON
  ...--( Reload Services Config )--:say /msg operserv reload
  ...--( Update Databases )--:say /msg operserv update
  ...--( Restart Services )--:say /msg operserv restart
  ...--( Kill No Save )--:say /msg operserv quit
  ...--( Kill With Save )--:say /msg operserv shutdown
  .--( ChanServ )--
  ..--( Channel SetUp )--
  ...--( Register Channel )--:say /msg ChanServ register #CHANNEL PASSWORD DESCRIPTION
  ...--( Set )--
  ....--( Description )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL description DESCRIPTION
  ....--( Email )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL email EMAIL
  ....--( EnForce )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL enforce ON|OFF
  ....--( Entry Message )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL entrymsg ENTRYMSG
  ....--( Founder )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL founder FOUNDER
  ....--( Keep Topic )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL KEEPTOPIC ON|OFF
  ....--( Leave Ops )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL LEAVEOPS ON|OFF
  ....--( Mode Lock )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock MODES
  ....--( Op Notice )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL opnotice ON|OFF
  ....--( Password )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL password PASSWORD
  ....--( Private )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL private ON|OFF
  ....--( Restricted )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL restricted ON|OFF
  ....--( Secure )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL secure ON|OFF
  ....--( Secure Ops )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL secureops ON|OFF
  ....--( Successor )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL successor SUCCESSOR
  ....--( Topic )--:say /msg chanserv topic #CHANNEL TOPIC
  ....--( Topic Lock )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL topiclock ON|OFF
  ....--( Url:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL url URL
  ...--( UnSet )--
  ....--( Email )--:say /msg ChanServ unset #CHANNEL EMAIL
  ....--( Entry Message )--:say /msg ChanServ unset #CHANNEL ENTRY-MSG
  ....--( Successor )--:say /msg ChanServ unset #CHANNEL SUCCESSOR
  ....--( Url )--:say /msg ChanServ unset #CHANNEL URL
  ..--( Channel Modes )--
  ...--( Administrator Only Channel +A )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +A
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -A
  ...--( Block ANSII Color +c )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +c
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -c
  ...--( No CTCP'S Allowed +C )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +C
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -C  
  ...--( Flood Protection +f )--
  ....--( On )--:say /mode #CHANNEL +f LINES:SECONDS
  ....--( Off )--:say /mode #CHANNEL -f
  ...--( Swear Word Protection +G )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +G
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -G
  ...--( No +I User May Join +H )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +H
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -H
  ...--( Invite Only +i )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +i
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -i
  ...--( Users Need Channel Key To Join +k )--
  ....--( On )--:say /mode #CHANNEL +k CHANNEL-KEY
  ....--( Off )--:say /mode #CHANNEL -k CHANNEL-KEY
  ...--( /Knock is not allowed +K )--
  ....--( On )--:say /mode #CHANNEL +K
  ....--( Off )--:say /mode #CHANNEL -K
  ...--( Most Users Allowed In Channel +l )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +l NUMBER-OF-USERS
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -l
  ...--( If Channel Is Full Users Go To 2nd Channel +L )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +L CHANNEL-2-NAME
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -L
  ...--( Users Need +v To Speak +m )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +m
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -m
  ...--( Registered Nicks Only Allowed +M )--
  ....--( On )--:say /mode #CHANNEL +M
  ....--( Off )--:say /mode set #CHANNEL -M
  ...--( No OutSide Messages +n )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +n
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -n
  ...--( No NickName Changes In Channel +N )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +N
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -N
  ...--( IrCOP Only Channel +O )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +O
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -O
  ...--( Private Channel +p )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +p
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -p
  ...--( No Kicks Allowed In Channel +Q )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +Q
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -Q
  ...--( Only Registered Nicks May Join +R )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +R
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -R
  ...--( Secret Channel +s )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +s
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -s
  ...--( No Color +S )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +S
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -S
  ...--( Only Op's May set The Topic +t )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +t
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -t
  ...--( No Channel Notices Allowed +T )--
  ....--( On )--:say /mode #CHANNEL +T
  ....--( Off )--:say /mode #CHANNEL -T
  ...--( Auditorium +u )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +u
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -u
  ...--( /Invite Is Not Allowed +V )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +V
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -V
  ...--( Only SSL Clients May Join +z )--
  ....--( On )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock +z
  ....--( Off )--:say /msg ChanServ set #CHANNEL mlock -z
  ..--( Channel Access Lists )--
  ...--( Sop )--
  ....--( Add )--:say /msg ChanServ sop #CHANNEL add $$1
  ....--( Count )--:say /msg ChanServ sop #CHANNEL count
  ....--( Del )--:say /msg ChanServ sop #CHANNEL del NICK
  ....--( List )--:say /msg ChanServ sop #CHANNEL list
  ...--( Aop )--
  ....--( Add )--:say /msg ChanServ aop #CHANNEL add NICK
  ....--( Count )--:say /msg ChanServ aop #CHANNEL count
  ....--( Del )--:say /msg ChanServ aop #CHANNEL del NICK
  ....--( List )--:say /msg ChanServ aop #CHANNEL list
  ...--( Hop )--
  ....--( Add Nick )--:say /msg ChanServ hop #CHANNEL add NICK
  ....--( Count Entries )--:say /msg ChanServ hop #CHANNEL count
  ....--( Delete Nick )--:say /msg ChanServ hop #CHANNEL del NICK
  ....--( List Entries )--:say /msg ChanServ hop #CHANNEL list
  ...--( Vop )--
  ....--( Add Nick )--:say /msg ChanServ vop #CHANNEL add NICK
  ....--( Count Entries )--:say /msg ChanServ vop #CHANNEL count
  ....--( Delete Nick )--:say /msg ChanServ vop #CHANNEL del NICK
  ....--( List Entries )--:say /msg ChanServ vop #CHANNEL list
  .--( NickServ )--
  ..--( Status )--:say /msg nickserv status NICK
  ..--( Alist )--:say /msg nickserv alist NICK|LEVEL
  ..--( List Pattern )--:say /msg nickserv list PATTERN
  ..--( List Other )--:say /msg nickserv list FORBIDDEN|SUSPENDED|NOEXPIRE|UNCONFIRMED
  ..--( Info )--:say /msg nickserv info NICK
  ..--( Info All )--:say /msg nickserv info NICK all
  ..--( Register Nick )--:say /msg nickserv register PASSWORD EMAIL
  ..--( Update )--:say /msg nickserv update
  ..--( Drop Nick )--:say /msg nickserv drop NICK
  ..--( Identify )--:say /msg nickserv identify PASSWORD
  ..--( Re-Identify )--:say /msg nickserv logout NICK validate
  ..--( Ghost )--:say /msg nickserv ghost NICK PASSWORD
  ..--( Recover )--:say /msg nickserv recover NICK PASSWORD
  ..--( Release )--:say /msg nickserv release NICK PASSWORD
  ..--( Logout )--:say /msg nickserv logout NICK
  ..--( Set )--
  ...--( Display )--:say /msg nickserv set display NEW-DISPLAY
  ...--( Password )--:say /msg nickserv set password NEW-PASSWORD
  ...--( Language )--:say /msg nickserv set language 1-13
  ...--( Language Help )--:say /msg nickserv help set language
  ...--( Url )--:say /msg nickserv set url URL
  ...--( Email )--:say /msg nickserv set email NEW-EMAIL
  ...--( ICQ )--:say /msg nickserv set icq ICQ-NUMBER
  ...--( Greet )--:say /msg nickserv set greet MESSAGE
  ...--( Kill )--:say /msg nickserv set kill                                              
  ...--( Secure )--:say /msg nickserv set secure ON|OFF
  ...--( Private )--:say /msg nickserv set private ON|OFF
  ...--( Hide )--:say /msg nickserv set hide EMAIL|STATUS|USERMASK|QUIT ON|OFF
  ...--( Services say /msg )--:say /msg nickserv set msg ON|OFF
  ...--( Auto Op )--:say /msg nickserv set autoop ON|OFF
  ..--( Sa-Set )--
  ...--( Display )--:say /msg nickserv saset display NEW-DISPLAY
  ...--( Password )--:say /msg nickserv saset password NEW-PASSWORD
  ...--( Language )--:say /msg nickserv saset language 1-13
  ...--( Language Help )--:say /msg nickserv help set language
  ...--( Url )--:say /msg nickserv saset url URL
  ...--( Email )--:say /msg nickserv saset email NEW-EMAIL
  ...--( ICQ )--:say /msg nickserv saset icq ICQ-NUMBER
  ...--( Greet )--:say /msg nickserv saset greet MESSAGE
  ...--( Kill )--:say /msg nickserv saset kill ON|QUICK|IMMED|OFF
  ...--( Secure )--:say /msg nickserv saset secure ON|OFF
  ...--( Private )--:say /msg nickserv saset private ON|OFF
  ...--( Hide )--:say /msg nickserv saset hide EMAIL|STATUS|USERMASK|QUIT ON|OFF
  ...--( Services say /msg )--:say /msg nickserv saset msg ON|OFF
  ...--( Auto Op )--:say /msg nickserv saset autoop ON|OFF
  ..--( Get )--
  ...--( Email )--:say /msg nickserv getemail USER@EMAILHOST
  ...--( Password )--:say /msg nickserv getpass NICK
  ..--( Forbid )--:say /msg nickserv forbid NICK REASON
  ..--( Suspend )--:say /msg nickserv suspend NICK REASON
  ..--( Unsuspend )--:say /msg nickserv unsuspend NICK
  ..--( oInfo )--:say /msg nickserv oinfo ADD|DEL NICK INFO-TO-ADD
  ..--( Access )--
  ...--( Add )--:say /msg nickserv add MASK
  ...--( Del )--:say /msg nickserv del MASK
  ...--( List )--:say /msg nickserv list
  ..--( Groups )--
  ...--( Join )--:say /msg nickserv group TARGET PASSWORD
  ...--( List )--:say /msg nickserv glist NICK
  .--( BotServ )--
  ..--( add a bot )--:say /msg botserv bot add NICK USER HOST REAL
  ..--( del a bot )--:say /msg botserv bot del NICK
  ..--( assign a bot )--:say /msg botserv assign #CHANNEL NICK
  ..--( unassign a bot )--:say /msg botserv unassign #CHANNEL
  ..--( set )--
  ...--( dont kick ops )--:say /msg botserv set #CHANNEL dontkickops ON|OFF
  ...--( dont kick voices )--:say /msg botserv set #CHANNEL dontkickvoices ON|OFF
  ...--( greet )--:say /msg botserv set #CHANNEL greet ON|OFF
  ...--( fantasy )--:say /msg botserv set #CHANNEL fantasy ON|OFF
  ...--( symbiosis )--:say /msg botserv set #CHANNEL symbiosis ON|OFF
  ...--( no bot )--:say /msg botserv set #CHANNEL nobot ON|OFF
  ...--( private )--:say /msg botserv set #CHANNEL private ON|OFF
  ..--( bot talk )--
  ...--( act )--:say /msg botserv act #CHANNEL TEXT
  ...--( say )--:say /msg botserv say #CHANNEL TEXT
  ..--( info )--:say /msg botserv info #CHANNEL|NICK
  ..--( list bots )--:say /msg botserv botlist
  .--( HostServ )--
  ..--( On )--:say /msg hostserv on
  ..--( Off )--:say /msg hostserv off
  ..--( Group )--:say /msg hostserv group
  ..--( List By Key )--:say /msg hostserv list KEY
  ..--( List By Range )--:say /msg hostserv list RANGE
  ..--( Set )--:say /msg hostserv set NICK HOSTMASK
  ..--( SetAll )--:say /msg hostserv setall NICK HOSTMASK
  ..--( Del )--:say /msg hostserv del NICK
  ..--( DelAll )--:say /msg hostserv delall NICK
  ..--( Request )--:say /msg hostserv request VHOST
  ..--( Activate )--:say /msg hostserv activate NICK
  ..--( Reject )--:say /msg hostserv reject NICK
  ..--( Waiting )--:say /msg hostserv waiting
; ========================================
; ========================================


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Cheiron   -  Jul 14, 2011

ok found the error and its when you try and cancel the timers.. as there wasnt a cancel button for the timed globals i has inadertantly clicked the send timed global button thinking it woud stop the message. when in fact it was adding extra.
simple fix needed.. dialogue button for cancel timed globals with the /timers off action :)

PuNkTuReD   -  Jul 14, 2011

sorry cheiron, it seems my unrealircd wont load anymore...
however by looking at the code, i only see one timer starting when the button is clicked, so i am sorry to say...
i am unsure of why its starting two...

Aizen   -  Jul 13, 2011

I like it, thus 10-like from me :).
Keep up the good work PuNkTuReD.

Cheiron   -  Jul 11, 2011

will keep eye open for the update on the global side

thanks mate :)

PuNkTuReD   -  Jul 11, 2011

sweet man, i will take a look at the global timers in the morning...
thanks for your in depth reply...

Cheiron   -  Jul 11, 2011

I now use this on 4 networks and have 5 different opers using this code independantly since me and punky got the main issues out of the way through testing and him fixing.

one point i would like to make clear though that is omitted is on the IRCop Chat interface...

to keep clutter down .. untick locops and globops otherwise it will fill with server spam very quickly.
to do this .. open the IrcOP Chat Interface and in the top left corner .. click config and untick the 2 boxes i just mentioned

also you may notice when you set glines or view spamfilters etc .. in status you get error messages

ignore these as its due to a timer on the reload of the items on the dialogue. it has no impact on the running of the code.

nicklist and channel forbid.. you may notice this will ONLY list 50 max on each.. this is hard set on anope's services.conf .. if you want it to show more, then you need to hard edit that block and restart services.

i have found one bug for PuNkTuReD to fix however .. thats on the global interface.

when you set a global on timer it send the message twice each time not once.

otherwise, i've had no complaints from any of the opers i have given this code too prior to PuNkTuReD releasing it here so its a like and 10/10 mate.

blackvenomm666   -  Jul 10, 2011

very well done my friend 9+like:)

PuNkTuReD   -  Jul 10, 2011

glad to help...
i tried to put together an "all round" snippet that covers almost everything needed...
hope this does the job...

xplo   -  Jul 10, 2011

got a 10 and +like from me :)
awesome piece of code.i use all of the above. on one of my networks

PuNkTuReD   -  Jul 10, 2011

thanks guys...
i dont use irc anymore...
but, if you have any problems let me know...
i have unreal and anope on my local pc, and will do my best to fix anything up...

irchainscriptz   -  Jul 10, 2011

Will also be testing it on my server, nice work PuNkTuReD.

GrimReaper   -  Jul 10, 2011

Look's like one hell of a code, I haven't tested it yet, But will do..

Look's like a great and useful script..

I especially like the > ; GrimReaper for the hyper monster filled nights...
; MONSTERRRRR section.. You got me down to a tee!! :p

Get's a 9 and a like from me!

i0  -  Oct 21, 2015

; WallOps messages do not currently get logged.

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