Hang Man

By Meta on Jun 25, 2011

Just a semi-quick hangman snippet I've developed over the past couple of days. The coding is not the most elegant in the world, but I will probably improve it and/or shorten it later on.


  • Customizable max guesses, max word/phrase length, and game / startup timeouts
  • Simultaneous multi-server games
  • Two second nick-based flood control


This snippet works best with a bot. To begin, load it into a new remote script. (and of course, press Ok so that the on *:START event initiates.)

For users who are not the bot, type:

..hmstart to start a game

..hmstop to stop a game (if you are the host)

..hmguess <letter/number> to guess a letter/number

..hmsolve <word/phrase> to solve

For more help, type ..hmhelp to get a list of commands and how to play.


Requires at least whatever version it is that added $v1 and $v2 identifiers. Maybe an even later version. I'd recommend using the latest version for this script.

Requires the use of the $server identifier. Make sure the server/network you are on supports it.

There may or may not be an error on line 79. I didn't notice one though.

There must be at least three people in a channel to start a game. (The bot, the host, and a player)

When solving, you only need to include (basic) letters, numbers, spaces, -'s, and _'s. Everything else can be replaced with spaces. (That is not neccesary though. If you want to include every character, go ahead.)

Letters/Numbers will be displayed as *'s. Everything else will show through.

The word/phrase limit includes spaces.

The settings dialog specifically prevents you from entering a value that is not a number over 0. Not of particular importance, but some may find it useful to look at the script and learn an easy way to specify the allowed characters in a dialog editbox.

If you find any errors or have suggestions, just let me know.

on *:START: {
  hmake hang 100
  hmake hm:spec 100
  if ($isfile(hmspec.hsh)) hload hm:spec hmspec.hsh
  else {
    hadd hm:spec maxguess 6 | hadd hm:spec maxlen 100 | hadd hm:spec timeoutinit 120 | hadd hm:spec timeoutgame 300
    echo -aec info * Hangman Script Loaded.
    echo -aec info * maxguess = $hm().maxguess $+ , maxlen = $hm().maxlen $+ , timeoutinit = $hm().timeoutinit $+ , timeoutgame = $hm().timeoutgame
    echo -aec info * To change these settings, right click in a channel/query/status window, or go to the commands menu at the top, and select "Hangman > Settings"

on *:EXIT: hsave hm:spec hmspec.hsh

; --::--::--::--::--

alias hm {
  if ($isid) {
    if ($istok(word letters host guess chan,$prop,32)) return $hget(hang,$+($prop,:,$$1))
    elseif ($istok(maxguess maxlen timeoutinit timeoutgame,$prop,32)) return $hget(hm:spec,$prop)
    else return $iif($hget(hang,$+(:,$$server)),$true,$false)
  else {
    if ($1 == -d) hdel -w hang $+(*:,$server)
    if ($1 == -x) dialog -m hmspec hmspec
    if ($1 == -r) && ($input(Reset all hangman settings to their default values?,y,Hangman)) {
      hadd hm:spec maxguess 6 | hadd hm:spec maxlen 100 | hadd hm:spec timeoutinit 120 | hadd hm:spec timeoutgame 300
      echo -aec info * All hangman settings reset to default.
      hsave hm:spec hmspec.hsh

on $*:TEXT:/^\.\.hm(start|guess|solve|stop|cancel|help|phrase)/Si:*: {
  if (!%..flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) {
    inc -u2 %..flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    var %..host $hm($server).host, %..chan $hm($server).chan, %..word $hm($server).word, %..letters $hm($server).letters
    if ($target ischan) {
      if ($regml(1) == help) {
        .notice $nick The object of the game is to guess letters or numbers until you are able to decypher the word/phrase created by the host.
        .notice $nick To start a game of hangman, type ..hmstart -- Once you do this I will query you with further instructions.
        .notice $nick After a game has started, if you are the host, type ..hmstop at any time to stop the current game.
        .notice $nick If you are not the host however, type ..hmguess <letter/number> or ..hmsolve <word/phrase> to guess or try and solve.
        .notice $nick ...Remember! You only have a limited number of guesses before... 
      if ($regml(1) == start) {
        if ($nick(#,0) < 3) .notice $nick Sorry, but there must be at least three people in the channel to play.
        elseif (!%..host) {
          hadd hang $+(host:,$server) $nick | hadd hang $+(chan:,$server) #
          msg # $nick is now the host of hangman. Please wait while $nick comes up with a word/phrase for you to guess.
          .msg $nick To begin, type: ..hmphrase Word/phrase $(|,) Category $(|,) Hint here. (Word/Phrase can be up to $hm().maxlen characters long)
          .msg $nick To cancel, type ..hmcancel
          $+(.timer:hmcancel:,$server) 1 $hm().timeoutinit msg # No response from host. Cancelling game. $(|) hm -d
        else .notice $nick Sorry $nick $+ , but a game is already in progress.
      elseif (# == %..chan) {
        if ($regml(1) == stop) {
          if ($nick == %..host) {
            hm -d
            msg # Hangman game stopped by the host. ( $+ $nick $+ )
          else .notice Only $v1 can stop the game.
        if ($regml(1) == guess) {
          $+(.timer:hmtimeout:,$server) 1 $hm().timeoutgame msg %..chan Hangman game timed out. $(|) hm -d
          if ($nick != %..host) {
            if ($len($2) > 1) .notice $nick One letter or number only please. If you would like to solve, type ..hmsolve answer
            elseif ($2 !isalnum) .notice $nick You must guess either a letter or a number.
            elseif ($2 isin $hm($server).letters) .notice $nick That letter or number has already been picked.
            else {
              hadd hang $+(letters:,$server) $hm($server).letters $+ $2
              msg # $iif($2 !isin $hm($server).word,Nope.) $regsubex($hm($server).word,/([^ $+ $hm($server).letters $+ \W])/gSi,*) $(|) $hm($server).letters
              if ($2 !isin $hm($server).word) {
                hinc hang $+(guess:,$server) 1
                msg # $calc($hm().maxguess - $hm($server).guess) $iif($calc($hm().maxguess - $hm($server).guess) == 1,try,tries) left.
            if ($hm($server).guess == $hm().maxguess) || ($regsubex($hm($server).word,/([^ $+ $hm($server).letters $+ \W])/gSi,*) == $hm($server).word) {
              msg # $iif($hm($server).guess == $hm().maxguess,Oh $+ $chr(44) too bad... The word/phrase was: $hm($server).word,Congrats $+ $chr(44) $nick $+ ! You won hangman!)
              hm -d
              $+(.timer:hmtimeout:,$server) off
          else .notice $nick You can't guess! You're the host!
        if ($regml(1) == solve) {
          $+(.timer:hmtimeout:,$server) 1 $hm().timeoutgame msg %..chan Hangman game timed out. $(|) hm -d
          if ($nick != %..host) {
            if ($2 == $null) .notice $nick Forgetting something, $nick $+ ?
            elseif ($regsubex($2-,/[^\w -]/gSi,$chr(32)) != $regsubex($hm($server).word,/[^\w -]/gSi,$chr(32))) {
              hinc hang $+(guess:,$server) 1
              msg # Nope, sorry. $calc($hm().maxguess - $hm($server).guess) $iif($calc($hm().maxguess - $hm($server).guess) == 1,try,tries) left.
            if ($hm($server).guess == $hm().maxguess) || ($regsubex($2-,/[^\w -]/gSi,$chr(32)) == $regsubex($hm($server).word,/[^\w -]/gSi,$chr(32))) {
              msg # $iif($hm($server).guess == $hm().maxguess,Oh $+ $chr(44) too bad... The word/phrase was: $hm($server).word,Congrats $+ $chr(44) $nick $+ ! You won hangman!)
              hm -d
              $+(.timer:hmtimeout:,$server) off
          else .notice $nick You can't solve! You're the host!
    elseif ($target == $me) && ($nick == %..host) && ($timer($+(:hmcancel:,$server))) {
      if ($regml(1) == cancel) {
        msg %..chan Hangman game cancelled by the host. ( $+ $nick $+ ) | close -m $nick
        $+(.timer:hmcancel:,$server) off | hm -d
      if ($regml(1) == phrase) {
        tokenize 124 $2-
        if ($len($regsubex(nospace,$1,/\s+$/,)) > $hm().maxlen) .msg $nick Word/Phrase is $calc($v1 - $v2) characters too long.
        elseif (!$regsubex($1,/ /g,)) .msg $nick Sorry? 
        else {
          hadd hang $+(word:,$server) $1
          .msg $nick Thanks $nick $+ . I am now starting the game. | close -m $nick
          msg %..chan Hangman game is now starting. Here is the word/phrase:
          msg %..chan $regsubex(word,$hm($server).word,/([a-z0-9])/gSi,*)
          msg %..chan Category: $iif($2,$2,None) -- Hint: $iif($3,$3,None)
          $+(.timer:hmcancel:,$server) off | $+(.timer:hmtimeout:,$server) 1 $hm().timeoutgame msg %..chan Hangman game timed out. $(|) hm -d

; --::--::--::--::--

dialog -l hmspec {
  title Hangman Settings
  size -1 -1 100 96
  option dbu

  button Ok, 1, 8 80 40 12, Ok
  button Cancel, 2, 52 80 40 12, cancel

  text Max Wrong Guesses:, 3, 23 11 54 8
  edit $hm().maxguess, 4, 77 10 15 10

  text Max Word/Phrase Length:, 5, 11 27 66 8
  edit $hm().maxlen, 6, 77 26 15 10 

  text Startup Timeout (Seconds):, 7, 8 43 68 8
  edit $hm().timeoutinit, 8, 77 42 15 10

  text Game Timeout (Seconds):, 9, 12 59 64 8
  edit $hm().timeoutgame, 10, 77 58 15 10

on *:DIALOG:hmspec:EDIT:4,6,8,10: {
  did -ra hmspec $did $regsubex($did($did),/^[^1-9]+|\D/g,)
  did $iif(!$did($did),-b,-e) hmspec 1

on *:DIALOG:hmspec:SCLICK:1: {
  if ($numtok($did(4) $did(6) $did(8) $did(10),32) < 4) halt
  hadd hm:spec maxguess $did(4) | hadd hm:spec maxlen $did(6) | hadd hm:spec timeoutinit $did(8) | hadd hm:spec timeoutgame $did(10)
  hsave hm:spec hmspec.hsh
  echo -aec info * maxguess = $hm().maxguess $+ , maxlen = $hm().maxlen $+ , timeoutinit = $hm().timeoutinit $+ , timeoutgame = $hm().timeoutgame

; --::--::--::--::--

menu channel,query,status,menubar {
  .Settings:hm -x
  .Reset:hm -r 


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napa182   -  Jun 28, 2011

Nice version of a hang man snippet
Keep it up... 8/10 +Like

irchainscriptz   -  Jun 26, 2011

Kool i'll try it later on.

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