Mini Commands Dialog (UPDATE)

By Memoli on May 30, 2011



Right Click on Menubar, Nicklist or Channel



If you have any suggestions pls post a comment i will try to do it and make the dialog better :)

Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel {
  MiniCmdsDialog { MCD }
alias MCD { dialog $iif($dialog(MCD),-v,-am) MCD MCD }
dialog MCD {
  title "Mini Commands Dialog by Memoli"
  size -1 -1 185 235
  option dbu
  box Event, 3, 16 5 41 44
  radio "TEXT", 4, 20 15 30 10, group
  radio "ACTION", 5, 20 25 30 10
  radio "INPUT", 6, 20 35 30 10
  box "Command", 7, 64 5 49 44
  radio "Message", 8, 70 15 35 10, group
  radio "Echo", 9, 70 25 35 10
  radio "Describe", 23, 70 35 35 10
  box "Flood", 10, 16 53 81 20
  edit "5", 12, 60 60 20 10, right
  text "Sec", 13, 80 60 15 10, center
  check "On", 11, 20 60 20 10
  check "Off", 18, 40 60 20 10
  box "Matchtext", 19, 16 133 57 28
  edit "!Test", 20, 24 143 40 11, multi autohs
  box "Message", 14, 80 133 89 28
  edit "This is a Test", 15, 88 143 73 11, multi autohs
  ;;;Mini Command Event
  box "Mini Command Event", 2, 16 165 153 44
  edit "Press 'Submit Code' for Show the Code", 1, 24 176 137 11, multi autohs
  button "Submit Code", 16, 33 190 45 12
  button "Copy to Clipboard", 24, 105 190 47 12
  box "Operator", 25, 16 77 153 52
  box "isop", 27, 24 85 65 36
  check "On", 26, 30 94 20 10
  check "Off", 28, 30 104 20 10
  edit "Nickname", 30, 51 89 35 10, autohs
  text "isop", 35, 60 99 15 10, center
  edit "Channel", 31, 51 109 35 10, autohs
  box "isin", 29, 96 85 65 36
  check "On", 33, 100 94 20 10
  check "Off", 34, 100 104 20 10
  edit "v1", 32, 125 89 33 10, autohs
  text "isin", 37, 135 99 15 10, center
  edit "v2", 36, 125 109 33 10, autohs
  ;;;ResetAll and Close
  button "Reset ALL", 17, 50 215 35 10
  button "Close", 21, 100 215 35 10
  link " #GRX", 46, 95 227 90 8
  text "", 22, 0 227 90 8, disable center
  ;;;Message Type
  box "Message Type", 42, 120 5 49 44
  radio "Channel", 43, 125 15 35 10, group
  radio "Private MSG", 44, 125 25 40 10
  edit "$nick", 45, 125 35 40 10, autohs
  ;;;Message Place
  box "Message Place", 38, 104 53 65 20
  radio "#", 39, 110 60 15 10, group 
  radio "?", 40, 130 60 15 10
  radio "*", 41, 150 60 15 10
  if (%MCD.Event == TEXT) { 
    did -c MCD 4
  elseif (%MCD.Event == ACTION) {
    did -c MCD 5 
  elseif (%MCD.Event == INPUT) { 
    did -c MCD 6
  ;;;Message Type
  if ($istok(%MCD.Cmd,$chr(35),32)) {
    did -c MCD 43
    did -m MCD 45
  elseif ( $did(MCD,45) isin %MCD.Cmd ) {
    did -c MCD 44
    did -n MCD 45
  if ($istok(%MCD.Cmd,Msg,32)) { 
    did -c MCD 8 
  elseif ($istok(%MCD.Cmd,Echo,32)) { 
    did -c MCD 9
  elseif ($istok(%MCD.Cmd,Describe,32)) {
    did -c MCD 23
  if (%MCD.Flood = 1) { 
    did -c MCD 11 
  elseif (%MCD.Flood = $null) { 
    did -c MCD 18 
    did -m MCD 12 
  if (%MCD.isop == 1) { 
    did -c MCD 26
  elseif (%MCD.isop == $null) {
    did -c MCD 28
    did -m MCD 30,31
  if (%MCD.isin == 1) {
    did -c MCD 33
  elseif (%MCD.isin == $null) {
    did -c MCD 34
    did -m MCD 32,36
  ;;;Message Place
  if (%MCD.Place == $null) {
    did -c MCD 39
  elseif (%MCD.Place == $chr(35)) {
    did -c MCD 39
  elseif (%MCD.Place == $chr(63)) {
    did -c MCD 40
  elseif (%MCD.Place == $chr(42)) {
    did -c MCD 41
on *:DIALOG:MCD:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 4) { 
    set %MCD.Event TEXT
  elseif ($did == 5) { 
    set %MCD.Event ACTION
  elseif ($did == 6) {
    set %MCD.Event INPUT 
  elseif ($did == 8) { 
    set %MCD.Cmd Msg
  elseif ($did == 9) { 
    set %MCD.Cmd Echo
  elseif ($did == 23) { 
    set %MCD.Cmd Describe
  elseif ($did == 11) { 
    set %MCD.Flood 1
    did -n MCD 12 
    did -u MCD 18
  elseif ($did == 18) { 
    set %MCD.Flood $null 
    did -m MCD 12 
    did -u MCD 11 
  ;;;Submit Code
  elseif ($did == 16) {
    did -o MCD 1 1 $null 
    did -o MCD 1 1 on *: $+ %MCD.Event $+ : $+ $iif(!$istok(%MCD.Event,Input,32),$did(MCD,20),*) $+ : $+ $iif(%MCD.Place, $gettok(%MCD.Place,1,32), $chr(35) ) $+ : $chr(123) $iif(%MCD.Event == INPUT,if ( $+($,1) == $did(MCD,20) ) $chr(123), $null) $iif(%MCD.isin == 1, if ( $did(MCD,32) isin $did(MCD,36) ) $chr(123) ,$null) $iif(%MCD.isop == 1, if ( $did(MCD,30) isop $did(MCD,31) ) $chr(123) ,$null) $iif(%MCD.Flood == 1,if ( !%MCD.AF. $+ $did(MCD,20) ) $chr(123) .set $+(-u,$did(MCD,12)) $+(%,MCD.AF.,$did(MCD,20)) 1 $chr(124)) %MCD.Cmd $did(MCD,15) $chr(125) $iif(%MCD.flood == 1, $chr(125),$null) $iif(%MCD.Event == Input, $chr(125),$null)  $iif(%MCD.isin == 1, $chr(125),$null)  $iif(%MCD.isop == 1, $chr(125),$null) 
  elseif ($did = 46) {
    run iexplore.exe
  elseif ($did == 21) { 
    dialog -x MCD
  ;;;Reset ALL
  elseif ($did == 17) { 
    dialog -x MCD 
    unset %MCD.*
    dialog -v,-md MCD MCD 
  ;;;Copy to Clipboard
  elseif ($did == 24) { 
    clipboard $did(MCD,1)
  elseif ($did == 26) {
    did -u MCD 28 
    did -n MCD 30,31
    set %MCD.isop 1
  elseif ($did == 28) {
    did -u MCD 26
    did -m MCD 30,31
    set %MCD.isop $null
  elseif ($did == 33) {
    did -u MCD 34
    did -n MCD 32,36
    set %MCD.isin 1
  elseif ($did == 34) {
    did -u MCD 33
    did -m MCD 32,36
    set %MCD.isin $null
  ;;;Message Type
  elseif ($did == 43) {
    did -u MCD 44
    did -m MCD 45
    set %MCD.Cmd $gettok(%MCD.Cmd,1,32) $chr(35)
  elseif ($did == 44) {
    did -u MCD 43
    did -n MCD 45
    set %MCD.Cmd $gettok(%MCD.Cmd,1,32) $did(MCD,45)
  ;;;Message Place
  elseif ($did == 39) {
    set %MCD.Place $chr(35)
  elseif ($did == 40) {
    set %MCD.Place $chr(63)
  elseif ($did == 41) {
    set %MCD.Place $chr(42)


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Memoli   -  Jun 14, 2011

Updated the Code fixed somebugs and Updated New Screenshoot

John_X   -  Jun 03, 2011

mmm, Now it looks more good than before.
ofc, if i am lazy, i will use this tool and it works good without any bugs :P
Great job memoli.

Memoli   -  Jun 01, 2011


Added "Message Type" for select Channel or Query when the MatchText is triggered
Added "Place" for select # (Channel) , ? (Query) or * (Both)
Added "isin" with On/Off function and you can write v1 isin v2 (See Screenshoot)
Fixed Spaces between the Boxes

Jethro   -  May 31, 2011

Sure thing. And my name is often misspelled for some reason.

Memoli   -  May 31, 2011

@Jethro_ Fixed the on INPUT Event

Thx for reporting this bug

Edit: I am sorry i typed ur name wrong :)

Memoli   -  May 31, 2011

I am sorry really i didnt notice it that this is wrong hmm i will see what can i do

Jethro   -  May 31, 2011

So let me get this straight: this snippet is to make a text, action or input event for you with the trigger command of your choice? If this is the purpose of the code, it's for those who are lazy to write the events manually then... This sounds may be a tad negative, but I know you want to make it easy and convenient for writing up a mIRC event.

Be aware and reminded that many novice users will make an input event like this:> on :input:THEY PUT THE MATCH-TEXT Trigger here*:#:{There is NO match text section for the input event.

John_X   -  May 31, 2011

nice update bro xd

Memoli   -  May 31, 2011

Thx John_X


Added Operators Box with "isop" function

Added Describe as Command

Fixed Space between Boxes

Uploaded Screenshoot

John_X   -  May 31, 2011

awesome one memoli

blackvenomm666   -  May 30, 2011

yes that was me memoli im always on that site feel free to stop by and ask questions

Memoli   -  May 30, 2011


btw. Flood On / Off Button was Radio now its Checkbox

Thx to blackvenomm666 (if you are the guy which helped me in IRC) for helping me how works Checkbox

and thx napa 182 for your suggestions

pls feel free to post suggestion i am free to do it as possible as i can :)

blackvenomm666   -  May 30, 2011

at least do the -v,-md part:)

Memoli   -  May 30, 2011

-l disables the cmd /mcd and i sometimes open the dialog with cmd /mcd

napa182   -  May 30, 2011

just a thought you should change this line

alias MCD { dialog -m MCD MCD }

to this

alias -l MCD dialog $iif($dialog(MCD),-v,-md MCD) MCD
Memoli   -  May 30, 2011

Screenshot uploaded and updated

blackvenomm666   -  May 30, 2011

updatedscreeshot would be nice

Memoli   -  May 30, 2011


Changed ..

Menu * { to Menu Menubar,Nicklist,Channel {


When Dialog Opens your last settings will re-open like on TEXT,ACTION,INPUT , Msg or Echo or Flood ON/OFF

napa182   -  May 30, 2011

hmm interesting concept Memoli. It's nice to see you getting better at this. Can't wait to see it when it's completely done with everything you want it to do.
Keep at it...

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