DCC Killer

By Zmodem on May 12, 2011


DCC Killer - v1.0
Author: Zmodem

DCC Killer is a simple, yet effective, snippet that provides users with the ability to block Dcc Sends & Chats from other users. It comes built with an optional friends list and log feature.

Email: z_modem@hotmail.com
Hawkee: http://www.hawkee.com/profile/805/
IRC: (Server: irc.freenode.net) (Channel: #reddit)

alias -l s return $f(settings.ini)
alias -l f return $+(",$scriptdir,$1,")
alias -l getval return $readini($s,$1,$2)
alias -l adcc if (!$dialog(adcc $+ $1)) dialog -m adcc $+ $1 adcc $+ $1
alias -l friend var %n = $1, %s = $s, %i = $ini(%s,Friends,0) | while (%i) { if ($ini(%s,Friends,%i) == %n) return 1 | dec %i }
alias -l fRefresh var %x = $ini($s,Friends,0), %d = $1 | did -r %d 1 | while (%x) { did -a %d 1 $ini($s,Friends,%x) | did -z %d 1 | dec %x }
alias -l do_unload echo -s DCC Killer has successfully been unloaded! If you wish to load again, type /load -rs " $+ $script $+ " $+ . | .unload -rs " $+ $script $+ "
alias -l check.settings.file {
  %p = putval Setup
  if ($getval(Setup,Send) == $null) { %p Send 0 }
  if ($getval(Setup,Chat) == $null) { %p Chat 0 }
  if ($getval(Setup,Log) == $null) { %p Log 0 }
alias -l putval {
  var %w = writeini $s
  if ($1 == Friends) {
    if (!$3) { return }
    var %2 = $strip($remove($2,$chr(32)))
    if (%2 != $null) { %w $1 %2 1 }
  writeini $s $1-
alias -l adcc.load.logs {
  if (!$dialog(adccl)) {
    .timerDCCKillerLogsRefresher off
  var %d = $1, %s = $2-, %x = $ini(%s,Logs,0)
  did -r %d 2
  while (%x) {
    did -a %d 2 $getval(Logs,$ini(%s,Logs,%x))
    did -z %d 2
    dec %x

; Dialogs
dialog -l adcc {
  title "DCC Killer"
  size -1 -1 116 80
  option dbu
  check "Enable", 1, 8 62 40 12, push
  box "Options", 2, 8 4 100 52
  check "Ignore Incoming Dcc Sends", 3, 16 16 76 8
  check "Ignore Incoming Dcc Chats", 4, 16 28 76 8
  check "Keep A Log of All Attempts", 5, 16 40 76 8
  button "Friends List...", 6, 68 62 40 12
ON *:DIALOG:adcc:*:*: {
  var %d = $dname, %e = $devent, %i = $did, %c = did -c %d
  if (%e == init) {
    if ($group(#dcckiller).status == on) %c 1
    if ($getval(Setup,Send)) %c 3
    if ($getval(Setup,Chat)) %c 4
    if ($getval(Setup,Log)) %c 5
  if (%e == sclick) {
    if (%i == 1) $iif($did(%i).state,.enable,.disable) #dcckiller
    if (%i == 3) putval Setup Send $did(%i).state
    if (%i == 4) putval Setup Chat $did(%i).state
    if (%i == 5) putval Setup Log $did(%i).state
    if (%i == 6) adcc f

dialog -l adccf {
  title "Friends"
  size -1 -1 89 84
  option dbu
  list 1, 4 4 81 60, size hsbar vsbar
  button "Add", 2, 4 68 24 12
  button "Delete", 3, 30 68 24 12
  button "Close", 4, 61 68 24 12, ok
  box "", 5, 57 64 1 16
ON *:DIALOG:adccf:*:*: {
  var %d = $dname, %e = $devent, %i = $did
  if (%e == init) fRefresh %d
  if (%e == sclick) {
    if (%i == 2) {
      var %u = $input(Enter a new friend for the list:,qe,New Entry)
      if (%u) {
        if ($Friend(%u)) { return $input(This user is already in your friends list.,io,Existing Entry) }
        putval Friends %u 1
        fRefresh %d
    if ((%i == 3) && ($did(1).sel)) { remini $s Friends $did(1,$did(1).sel) | fRefresh %d }

dialog -l adccl {
  title "Log"
  size -1 -1 164 100
  option dbu
  box "DCC Attempt Log", 1, 4 4 156 92
  list 2, 9 14 146 68, size vsbar hsbar
  text "( Click Copies Items - Double-Click Clears The List )", 3, 9 85 146 8, center
ON *:DIALOG:adccl:*:*: {
  var %d = $dname, %e = $devent, %i = $did, %s = $s
  if (%e == init) { adcc.load.logs %d %s | .timerDCCKillerLogsRefresher 0 1 adcc.load.logs %d %s }
  if ((%e == sclick) && (%i == 2)) clipboard $did(%i,$did(%i).sel)
  if ((%e == dclick) && (%i == 2)) { did -r %d %i | .remini %s Logs }

dialog -l adcca {
  title "About"
  size -1 -1 92 72
  option dbu
  text "DCC Killer", 1, 4 4 84 8, center
  text "v1.00", 2, 4 21 84 8, center
  text "Author:", 3, 4 37 37 8, right
  link "Zmodem", 4, 50 37 38 8
  button "OK", 5, 31 52 28 14, ok
ON *:DIALOG:adcca:sclick:4:run mailto:z_modem@hotmail.com?Subject=DCC Killer

; Menus
menu menubar,status {
  DCC Killer
  .Main Dialog:adcc
  .Edit Friends List:adcc f
  .View Logs:adcc l
  .Unload:$iif($input(Are you sure that you want to unload the DCC Killer addon?,wy,Verify Unload),do_unload)
  .About:adcc a

; Groups
#dcckiller off
CTCP *:DCC *: {
  var %t = $2, %o = (, %c = )
  if ($getval(Setup,Log)) { putval Logs $ctime %o %t %c %o $asctime($ctime,mm/dd/yy) %c %o $asctime($ctime,h:nn:sstt) %c %o $nick - $wildsite %c }
  if (($getval(Setup,%t)) && (!$friend($nick))) {
    .ignore -du30 $wildsite
    .notice $nick Sorry, $nick $+ , I am not accepting any DCC %t $+ s right now. Please contact me if you wish to use this feature through a /query, /msg or simply find me in a channel and ask me. You have been ignored from any further DCC Chats or Sends for 30 seconds.
#dcckiller end
on *:load:{
  var %c = $+($crlf,$crlf), %s = $s
  if ($isfile(%s)) {
    goto finish
  var %p = putval Setup
  %p Send 0
  %p Chat 0
  %p Log 0
  .disable #dcckiller
  return $input($+(DCC Killer,%c,v1.0,%c,Author: Zmodem,%c,In) order to begin $+ $chr(44) simply go to the menubar or status bar. Locate the popups called 'DCC Killer' and click 'Main Dialog'.,io,Welcome)


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Zmodem   -  May 27, 2011

Hey guys, thanks for the kind words :) I'm working on something new and I hope to be done with it soon. I'm brainstorming some new ideas, so whatever you may want to see done, post to my wall http://www.hawkee.com/profile/805/. Thanks, again!

irchainscriptz   -  May 15, 2011

yeah very nice coding. Dialogs are neat and simple.

jaytea   -  May 14, 2011

nice to see veterans of the trade making a comeback. good work Zmodem ;P

napa182   -  May 12, 2011

um a few of us are still over on ezzychat .
/server -m irc.ezzychat.com

Zmodem   -  May 12, 2011

Hey, napa, thanks a lot :) It's been quite some time, actually. Where are we hanging out, irc-wise, these days?

napa182   -  May 12, 2011

nice work Zmodem. also nice to see you back posting once again.

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