Socket Download Fee

By _Dean_ on Apr 21, 2011


this is the first time someone post what is your socket download fee

the download fee is

KB's received / time elapsed

• copy and paste into a new remote page (alt+r)
• right click on channel or status then click on "download time"
• click on start

a simple 101.01KB jpg file is download to your directory and it will be erased when you close the dialog

NOTE: results may not return your real download fee, like files download on internet

dialog tx {
  title "Download time"
  size -1 -1 149 67
  option dbu
  button "Start", 1, 56 48 37 12
  text "Download Fee:", 2, 7 10 39 8
  text "", 3, 48 10 36 8
  text "Bytes Received:", 4, 7 20 42 8
  text "", 5, 51 20 32 8
  text "Time elapsed:", 6, 7 30 35 8
  text "", 7, 44 30 39 8
  box "Socket Download Fee", 8, 2 1 145 63
  text "Kbps:", 9, 7 40 16 8
  text "", 10, 25 40 31 8

menu channel,status {
  .Download time: dialog $iif($dialog(tx), -v, -m tx) tx

on *:dialog:tx:sclick:1:{
  $iif(exists(txd.jpg), .remove txd.jpg)
  $iif($sock(txd), sockclose txd)
  sockopen txd 80

On *:sockopen:txd:{
  set %txs $ticks
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /100_KB_sample.jpg HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite $sockname Host: $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

On *:sockread:txd:{
  if (!$sock($sockname).mark) {
    var %txd.var | sockread %txd.var
    if (%txd.var == $null) { sockmark $sockname 1 }
  else {
    if ($dialog(tx)) {
      sockread &txd 
      bwrite $+(txd.jpg) -1 -1 &txd
      var %x = $round($calc($calc($sock($sockname).rcvd / 1024) / $calc(($ticks - %txs) / 1000) * 8),2)
      did -ar tx 3 %x KB/s
      did -ar tx 5 $round($calc($sock($sockname).rcvd / 1024),2) KB
      did -ar tx 7 $calc(($ticks - %txs) / 1000)
      did -ar tx 10 $calc(%x * 8)

on *:dialog:tx:close:*:{
  .remove txd.jpg
  sockclose txd


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_Dean_   -  Apr 22, 2011

its returns to you, your socket download speed, the speed that socket gets information and how much time your socket took to get 101.01KB

as i said, it may not return your real download speed, as internet download speed, i tested it, in many cases it return my real download speed, but in some cases not

Callumlord   -  Apr 22, 2011

So it tells you how much kb/s you are using

_Dean_   -  Apr 22, 2011

its not a downloader... it returns to you, your socket download fee... as description said, its KB/s received / time elapsed
its the speed of your socket connection

Callumlord   -  Apr 22, 2011

So what does this 'Downloader' do?

[Plornt]   -  Apr 22, 2011

I suggest that rather than a direct average of
KB's received / time elapsed

That you do a running average across the last 5 seconds maby so it shows the speed up to date since if your speed slows down then speeds up its going to affect the whole average.

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