Support for bots

By Bielie on Apr 21, 2011

This is a fix i made for a snippet i posted before.

Link to old topic:

This script is used to support your users from distance. The script speaks for it self.

on $*:text:/^[!.](support|help)/:#:{ 
  if (%flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { return }
  set -u3 %flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $true
  if (%support1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { notice $nick You still have to wait $duration($var($+(%,support1,$nick),1).secs) before requiring assistance again! | return }
  if (%support2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { notice $nick You already requested assistance! Please wait for a moderator to join the channel. If this is taking too long please join #Staffchannel | return } 
  if ($nick isop #Staffchannel) { notice $nick You are the one that should be helping! | halt }
  if ($chan == #Staffchannel) { notice $nick Ask your question here! This is the supportchannel! | halt }
  if ($acc.num($chan,$nick) <= 1) { notice $nick You dont have enough rights to access this command! | halt }
  else { set -u3600 %support2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $true | set -u1800 %support1 [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $true | notice $nick Thanks for your support request we will get to you as soon as possible. If its taking too long please join #staffchannel | msg % $+ #Staffchannel $chan is requiring assistance! Type !accept <channelname> | halt }
on $*:text:/^[!.](accept)/:#Staffchannel:{ 
  if (%flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { return }
  set -u3 %flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $true
  if ($nick !isop $chan) { notice $nick You dont have enough rights to access this command! | halt }
  if (!$2) { notice $nick Please provide the channel name you want to assist! | halt }
  if (!%support2 [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) { notice $nick That channel isn't requiring assistance at the moment. Please check if $2 is correct! | halt }
  else { msg #Staffchannel $nick is now helping $2 
    if ($nick ison $2) { notice $nick You are now helping $2 with their problem. You are already on the channel! | msg $2 $nick is one of the operators and he is on the channel at the moment. $nick will help this channel now! | halt }
    else { .timer channeltimer 2 msg $2 $nick is going to assist the channel! Please wait.... | halt }
alias acc.num {
  if ($1 ischan) {
    if ($2 ison $1) {
      var %pre = $remove($nick($1,$2).pnick,$2)
      ; 0 = Reg; 1 = Voice; 2 = HOp; 3 = Op; 4 = SOp; 5 = Founder
      if ($prop == pre) return %pre
      if ($prop == p) return $left(%pre,1)
      if (~ isin %pre) || ($1 isowner $2) return 5
      elseif (& isin %pre) return 4
      elseif (@ isin %pre) || ($1 isop $2) return 3
      elseif (% isin %pre) || ($1 ishop $2) return 2
      elseif (+ isin %pre) || ($1 isvo $2) return 1
      else return 0

on *:JOIN:#:{
  if (%support2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
    if ($nick isop #staffchannel) { msg # 1,19An operator just joined the channel! Please state your problem! | unset %support2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ] }


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Bielie   -  Apr 24, 2011

dont worrie about that ;) Just one thing.

You could try the script before making comments about things that arent working ;)

Jethro   -  Apr 23, 2011

I'm not sure; I find it "dismaying" that it's achievable as per your description. From my experience, when a nickname joins a channel, mIRC has no knowledge about him or her until its internal address list has been updated in a matter of seconds. Once it's updated, mIRC will recognize who's whom. At any rate, pardon me for dragging on your thread in this manner.

Bielie   -  Apr 23, 2011

Some bot named BOT is on a channel named #bot wich is the staff/main channel of it. Someone invites this BOT in their channel #channel. This #channel has a problem. So someone with voice access or higher typs: !support/!help.

If all statements are false the bot's support script(this one) will trigger. It will send a message to #bot, the someone and the #channel. An operator of #bot typs: !accept #channel. The bot will say that is going to support the channel.

The Operator joins the channel and the bot will say that a operator has joined and will help them now.

My Point: The Bot was on both channels allready. Otherwise the whole script wont work. This means that the bot already knows all statements.

Edit: I improved the script a bit aswell. Didnt have time to update it.

Jethro   -  Apr 23, 2011

Perhaps one of us is confused or misunderstood. Please explain it to me so I can think it over.

Bielie   -  Apr 23, 2011

Dont get me wrong but please think this over.

Jethro   -  Apr 22, 2011

I don't know what sort of channel you have, but technically mIRC has no idea who is an OP and who is not when a person joins a channel.

This code below will always return FALSE:

on *:join:#: msg $chan $iif($nick isop $chan,TRUE,FALSE)

In order to detect the correct status, an alias with timer is required:

on *:join:#:.timeropper 1 2 opper $nick $chan
alias -l opper msg $2 I'm $iif($1 isop $2,opped,not opped)
Bielie   -  Apr 22, 2011

You are confusing me.... I deleted your comment indeed. But i completely rewrite this from scratch. And the on join event is for the operators that are joining the channel that was requiring assistance. I tested it and it works fine!

And i actualy respect other people's criticism! I just dont think keeping a comment with cricticism on specific parts of it on a snippet that changed for 90% percent

Jethro   -  Apr 22, 2011

Bielie, you obviously don't respect people's criticism about your snippet. You're supposed to make a reply and accept it, rather than ignore and delete it. This is the purpose of what a social networking site is all about.

That said, I don't believe this is going to work:> on *:JOIN:#:{
if (%support2 [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) {
if ($nick isop #staffchannel) {Upon entry, everybody is seen as a regular user until mIRC IAL is updated.

Again, you can delete this comment after you've seen it. But as a result, you will lose your integrity as a member at Hawkee.

P.S. you should have updated your old snippet instead of submitting a new one.

Bielie   -  Apr 22, 2011

I completely rewrite the script and it should work now :)

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