Mirc autotalker (Eg for Runescape)

By Dani_l11 on Apr 19, 2011

An autotalker for any program/game, for mIRC. Activate it in mirc and add everything you want. Press start and open the window you want it to type to. There you go.

alias autotalker { dialog -dm autotalker autotalker }
dialog autotalker {
  title "mIRC AutoTalker V2.1"
  size -1 -1 300 300
  list 1, 50 22 200 200
  button "Add" 2, 25 230 50 20
  button "Delete" 3, 25 260 50 20
  button "Options" 4, 220 230 60 20
  button "Start" 5, 100 230 100 55
  button "Save/Load list", 6, 210 260 80 20
  Button "Delete all" 7, 60 2 80 20
on *:Dialog:autotalker:sclick:6:{
  dialog -m Save Save
on *:dialog:save:sclick:2:{
  /var %dir = $sfile($mircdir $+ Autotalker\,Select your file,Load)
  if ($mircdir $+ Autotalker !isin %dir) || (HElpfile isin %dir) || ($mircdir $+ Autotalker\Autotext.txt == %dir) || (.txt != $right(%dir,4)) { /noop $input(Error! Illegal file!) | halt }
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $lines(%dir)) {
    did -a autotalker 1 $read(%dir,%x)
    inc %x
  dialog -x Save
on *:dialog:autotalker:sclick:7:{ 
  if ($input(Do you wanna save this list?,y)) {
    if (!$did(Autotalker,1).lines) { /noop $input(Error! No text found!) | halt }
    var %contin = $true
    var %filename = $remove($?="Filename?",.txt)
    if (%filename == AutoText) || (%filename isin $did(3)) { /noop $input(Error! Reserved file name!) | halt }
    if ($findfile($Mircdir $+ Autotalker,$replace(%filename,$chr(32),_) $+ .txt,1)) var %contin $?!="This file already exists, do you want to overwrite it?"
    if (%contin != $True) halt
    write -c Autotalker\ $+ $replace(%filename,$chr(32),_) $+ .txt
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= $did(Autotalker,1).lines) {
      write AutoTalker\ $+ $replace(%filename,$chr(32),_) $+ .txt $did(Autotalker,1,%x)
      inc %x 
  elseif (!$input(Are you sure you wanna delete this list?,y)) halt
  did -r autotalker 1
on *:Dialog:save:sclick:1:{
  if (!$did(Autotalker,1).lines) || (!$did(3)) { /noop $input(Error! No text/filename found!) | halt }
  var %contin = $true
  if ($did(3) == AutoText) || (Helpfile isin $did(3)) { /noop $input(Error! Reserved file name!) | halt }
  if ($findfile($Mircdir $+ Autotalker,$replace($did(3),$chr(32),_) $+ .txt,1)) var %contin $?!="This file already exists, do you want to overwrite it?"
  if (%contin != $True) halt
  write -c Autotalker\ $+ $replace($did(3),$chr(32),_) $+ .txt
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $did(Autotalker,1).lines) {
    write AutoTalker\ $+ $replace($did(3),$chr(32),_) $+ .txt $did(Autotalker,1,%x)
    inc %x 
  dialog -x Save
  did -r autotalker 1
on *:dialog:autotalker:init:*:{
  if (!%optionsec) set %optionsec 10
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $lines(AutoTalker\autotext.txt)) { 
    did -a $dname 1 $read(AutoTalker\autotext.txt,%x)
    inc %x
  if (!$finddir($mircdir,Autotalker,1)) { 
    set %optionsec 10
    mkdir AutoTalker
    .copy $remove($Script,$mircdir) AutoTalker\AutoTalkerScript.ini
    .remove $nopath($Script)
on *:dialog:autotalker:close:*:{ 
  var %x = 1
  /write -c AutoTalker\autotext.txt
  var %x = 1
  while ($did(1,%x)) {
    write AutoTalker\AutoText.txt $v1
    inc %x
dialog Save {
  title "Save/Load lists"
  size -1 -1 200 50
  edit "Filename" 3, 00 1 200 20
  Button "Save", 1,  0 30 85 20
  Button "Load", 2, 85 30 85 20
on *:dialog:autotalker:sclick:3:{ /did -d autotalker 1 $did(1).sel }
on *:dialog:autotalker:sclick:5:{ if (%Atalk == on) stopautotalk
else /startautotalk }
on *:dialog:autotalker:sclick:2:{ dialog -m add add }
on *:dialog:autotalker:sclick:4:{ dialog -m options options }
dialog options {
  title "Options"
  size -1 -1 120 50
  text "Sec/Message" 1, 5 10 80 15
  check "Random Message" 2, 5 30 120 15
  edit "" 3, 75 8 20 18
on *:dialog:options:init:*:{
  /did -a options 3 %optionsec
  if (%optionrandom) { did -c options 2 }
on *:dialog:options:close:*:{
  if ($did(3)) set %optionsec $did(3)
  set %optionrandom $did(2).state
dialog add {
  title "Add lines"
  size -1 -1 200 50
  edit "" 1, 00 1 200 20, autohs
  combo 2, 0 30 85 20, drop
  combo 3, 85 30 85 20, drop
  button "Add" 15, 170 30 30 20
on *:dialog:add:init:*:{ /did -ca add 2 None
  /did -a add 2 White
  /did -a add 2 Green
  /did -a add 2 Purple
  /did -a add 2 Red
  /did -a add 2 Cyan
  /did -a add 2 Glow1
  /did -a add 2 Glow2
  /did -a add 2 Glow3
  /did -a add 2 Flash1
  /did -a add 2 Flash2
  /did -a add 2 Flash3
  /did -ca add 3 None
  /did -a add 3 Wave
  /did -a add 3 Wave2
  /did -a add 3 Slide
  /did -a add 3 Shake
  /did -a add 3 Scroll
on *:dialog:add:sclick:15:{
  if ($did(2).seltext != none) /var %code = $did(2).seltext $+ :
  if ($did(3).seltext != none) /var %code = %code $+ $did(3).seltext $+ :
  /var %code = %code $+ $did(1)
  /did -a autotalker 1 %code
  did -r add 1

alias startautotalk { did -ra autotalker 5 Stop
  set %atalk on 
  set %line 1 
  .timerautotalk 0 $calc($iif(%optionsec,$v1,10) - ($r(8,15) / 10)) /chooseline

alias chooseline {
  if (%optionrandom) set %nextmsg $r(1,$did(autotalker,1).lines)
  else set %nextmsg $iif(%nextmsg >= $did(autotalker,1).lines,1,$calc(%nextmsg + 1))
  Lasttalk $did(autotalker,1,%nextmsg).text

alias stopautotalk { did -ra autotalker 5 Start
  unset %atalk
.timerautotalk off }
alias Lasttalk { 
  if (!$appactive) {   .comopen a WScript.Shell | .comclose a $com(a,SendKeys,3,bstr,$1- {ENTER}) }


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Dani_l11   -  Apr 20, 2011

Thanks for your feedback Bielie, but i made this script a long time ago and people were asking if I could give them the script. All the things you said I do know (now), but I can't be bothered editing.

I don't think it is neccesairy to write to scriptdir, aslong as you're using $read(ini) with the same dir. Correct me if i'm wrong.

You guys were right about the message part. I changed it ($active to $appactive), works now

troll   -  Apr 20, 2011

im going to bed.. cya!

troll   -  Apr 20, 2011

me to

Bielie   -  Apr 20, 2011

it loads but for some reason it doesnt send text for me. So i think theres a problem with the message part of the snippet.

troll   -  Apr 20, 2011

anyway how do i get this to work :)

troll   -  Apr 20, 2011

this work ? lol

i dont think it works

talk to me on swiftirc. name is lax

MaSOuD   -  Apr 20, 2011

Honestly, i didn't try your snippet but when i was reading your code, i thought these tips might be useful for you:
1) This alias will cause an error if the dialog is already open:

alias autotalker { dialog -dm autotalker autotalker }

It's better to write like this:

alias autotalker {
  dialog $iif($dialog(autotalker),-v,-dm autotalker) autotalker

2) When you want to add some items in a ComboBox, you can use /didtok instead of adding your items one by one

  /did -ca add 2 None
  /did -a add 2 White
  /did -a add 2 Green
  /did -a add 2 Purple
  /did -a add 2 Red
  /did -a add 2 Cyan
  /did -a add 2 Glow1
  /did -a add 2 Glow2
  /did -a add 2 Glow3
  /did -a add 2 Flash1
  /did -a add 2 Flash2
  /did -a add 2 Flash3
  /did -ca add 3 None
  /did -a add 3 Wave
  /did -a add 3 Wave2
  /did -a add 3 Slide
  /did -a add 3 Shake
  /did -a add 3 Scroll

Could be:

didtok $dname 2 32 None White Green Purple Red Cyan Glow1 Glow2 Glow3 Flash1 Flash2 Flash3
did -c $dname 2 1
didtok $dname 3 32 None Wave Wave2 Slide Shake Scroll
did -c $dname 3 1

3) And all off those slashes are useless in remote.
4) When you're writing an addon or a snippet, you MUST use $scriptdir to save your data, but you're using mIRC's root directory.

while ($did(1,%x)) {
  write AutoTalker\AutoText.txt $v1
  inc %x

This can be done by adding a $scriptdir in your code like this:

while ($did(1,%x)) {
  write $scriptdirAutoText.txt $v1
  inc %x

Hope i could help you a bit to improve your snippet.
Good Luck.

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