MP3 Player

By anthony1293 on Apr 03, 2011


This is a work in progress, still some bugs still in here but works. Code is still a bit messy i haven't had time to go through and clean it up. still have a lot to add to it. it does have an auto update feature so any updates will be automatically downloaded (if it's enabled) . This Script has some features that other mp3 players have such as song position bar, volume bar and display options.

How To use:

load script -> right click in a window -> click on "MP3 Player"
to add a single song: click "add song" and choose the .mp3 file to add
to add an entire directory: click "add Directory" and choose the directory you want to add


Version: 1.3

What's new in Version 1.3:

More display options
More auto update settings
New display for settings
Small things added such as time remaining and a mute button
Ability to edit song info eg. artist, title, album.
Support of WhileFix.dll to keep mIRC from freezing when going through big while loops (OPTIONAL) (link for download:
Ability to sort songs by artist or title
Option to change way songs are displayed in the list
And other little features/bugs updated

Features in the older Version:

Volume Controls
Song position
Ability to edit a songs display name
Different playing methods (eg. continuous, repeat, random)
Different display options
Automatic display of what's playing
Auto update
A "Whats new" message when update is downloaded

More display options
And lots more...

Updates to come:

This will be edited later on.
Bug fixes
Some small but useful edits
And lots more...

As said above, there's still a lot more to fix and add so expect updates. Any comments or ideas on what to add is always helpful. I hope you all enjoy it.

To keep up-to-date on this project or to give ideas you can join my channel: /server -m -j #MP3

; ############################################
; ##               MP3 Player               ##
; ##                Made By:                ##
; ##              Anthony1293               ##
; ##                                        ##
; ##             Version: 1.3               ##
; ############################################
on *:LOAD: {
  writeini mplayer.ini defaults updatemsg $false
  writeini mplayer.ini defaults autoupdate $true
  writeini mplayer.ini version current $pversion
  echo 3 -a Thank you for using this MP3 Player made by: Anthony1293
  echo -a -
  echo 3 -a To start right click in a window and click on "MP3 Player" or type /mplayer
on *:START: { 
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,defaults,autoupdate) == $true || $readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,check.on.start) == $true) { checkupdate }
menu * {
  MP3 Player:/mplayer
dialog aboutmp3 {
  title About MP3 Player
  size -1 -1 200 100
  option dbu
  text "", 1, 45 10 100 10, center
  text "", 2, 45 20 100 10, center
  text "", 3, 35 40 130 40, center
  button "Close", 4, 90 85 20 10, cancel
dialog mp3help {
  title MP3 Player Help
  size -1 -1 200 150
  option dbu
  text "Auto Updates:", 1, 45 10 100 10, center
  text "", 2, 25 20 150 15, center
  text "", 3, 25 40 150 15, center
  text "How to use:", 4, 45 70 100 10, center
  text "", 5, 25 80 150 15, center
  text "", 6, 25 95 150 20, center
on *:dialog:mp3help:init:0: {
  did -a $dname 2 To turn auto updates on/off go to: Options -> Updates -> Auto Updates
  did -a $dname 3 To manually update your version of the script go to: Options -> Updates -> Check for Updates
  did -a $dname 5 
  did -a $dname 6 
dialog mplayer {
  title MP3 Player - Made by: Anthony1293
  size -1 -1 310 250
  option dbu
  check "Mute", 1, 260 168 20 10
  button "Edit Display Info", 2, 90 214 45 10, disable
  button "Refresh List", 3, 135 214 35 10
  text "Title:", 4, 200 30 20 10
  text "Artist:", 5, 200 40 22 10
  text "", 6, 220 40 72 9 
  text "", 36, 220 30 72 10
  menu "File", 37
  item "Exit", 40, 37, cancel
  menu "Options", 47
  item "Settings", 81
  menu "Updates", 52, 47
  item "Check for Updates", 48, 52
  item "Auto update", 53, 52
  menu "Help", 49
  item "Help", 50
  item "About", 51
  list 56, 20 30 150 180, hsbar vsbar size
  button "<<", 58, 200 110 25 10, flat
  button "||", 59, 215 130 25 10, flat
  button "|>", 60, 246 130 25 10, flat
  button ">>", 61, 260 110 25 10, flat
  button "Add Directory", 62, 200 205 37 10, flat
  scroll "", 63, 203 65 80 16, horizontal range 0 100
  box "Song Info", 64, 193 20 100 30
  box "Position", 65, 193 55 100 30
  button "[]", 66, 230 110 25 10, flat
  box "Song Controls", 67, 193 90 100 65
  button "Remove All", 68, 250 205 37 10, flat
  button "Add Song", 69, 200 220 37 10, flat
  button "Delete Song", 70, 250 220 37 10, flat
  box "MP3's", 71, 193 195 100 40
  scroll "", 72, 203 170 80 16, horizontal range 0 65535
  box "Volume Controls", 73, 193 160 100 30
  text "", 74, 20 215 70 10, read
  text "", 75, 20 230 70 10, read
  text "", 76, 203 63 20 10
  text "", 77, 268 63 20 10
  button "MP3 Information of what's playing", 78, 4 300 185 20, flat
  button "Show what i’m listening to", 79, 90 229 80 10, flat disable
  text "Playing method:", 82, 20 21 40 8
  check "Continuous", 83, 65 20 35 10
  check "Random", 84, 105 20 30 10
  check "Repeat", 85, 138 20 35 10
  text "Sort By:", 86, 38 8 20 10
  radio "Artist", 87, 65 7 22 10, group
  radio "Title", 88, 93 7 22 10

dialog -l mp3.edit {
  title "MP3 Edit"
  size -1 -1 130 75
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 23 5 80 10, multi autovs
  text "Title:", 2, 5 6 15 10
  edit "", 3, 23 25 80 10, autovs multi
  text "Artist:", 4, 5 26 15 10
  edit "", 6, 23 45 80 10, autovs multi
  text "Album:", 7, 5 46 17 10
  button "Update", 5, 38 60 23 10
  button "Cancel", 8, 66 60 23 10, cancel
on *:dialog:mp3.edit:init:0:{
  tokenize 124 $read(playlist.txt,$did(mplayer,56).sel)
  var %title $iif($numtok($2,45) > 1,$token($2,2,45),$2), %artist $iif($3,$v1,Unknown), %album $iif($4,$v1,$sound($1).album)         
  did -a $dname 1 %title
  did -a $dname 3 %artist
  did -a $dname 6 %album
on *:dialog:mp3.edit:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 5) {
    tokenize 124 $read(playlist.txt,$did(mplayer,56).sel)
    var %title $iif($did(1),$v1,Unknown), %artist $iif($did(3),$v1,Unknown), %album $iif($did(6),$v1,Unknown), %line $did(mplayer,56).sel, %format $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,song.format),$v1,artist - title) 
    if ($remove($did(mplayer,36),$chr(32)) == $remove($iif($numtok($2,45) > 1,$token($2,2,45),$2),$chr(32))) {
      did -ra mplayer 36 %title
      did -ra mplayer 6 %artist
    write -l $+ %line playlist.txt $+($1,$chr(124),%title,$chr(124),%artist,$chr(124),%album,$chr(124),$5)
    did -b mplayer 2
    dialog -x mp3.edit mp3.edit

dialog -l mp3.settings {
  title "MP3 Settings"
  size -1 -1 320 285
  option dbu
  tab "Display", 6, 2 1 317 281
  tab "Other Settings", 18
  button "Close", 11, 175 268 30 10, cancel
  button "Save and Close", 19, 130 268 42 10, disable
  button "Save", 20, 102 268 25 10, disable

  ;<!-- Tab 6 -->
  box "Now Playing Message", 1, 15 25 290 125, tab 6
  edit "", 2, 20 40 280 80, read autovs multi vsbar tab 6
  edit %bc.format, 3, 20 135 280 10, autohs tab 6
  radio "Message", 4, 75 235 30 10, group tab 6
  radio "Describe (/me)", 5, 125 235 50 10, tab 6
  text "Display format", 7, 20 126 35 8, tab 6
  box "Channels to Broadcast", 8, 15 155 290 50, tab 6
  text "Seperate channels with a comma. For all channels, type 'all'. for active window only, type 'active'.", 9, 20 170 240 10, tab 6
  box "Display Options", 10, 15 210 290 53, tab 6
  edit "", 12, 20 185 280 10, tab 6
  radio "Enabled", 13, 140 220 45 10, group tab 6
  radio "Disabled", 14, 190 220 45 10, tab 6
  button "Show what i’m listening to", 15, 38 250 80 10, disable tab 6
  text "Automatically display what i'm listening to:" 16, 30 221 110 10, tab 6
  text "Display format:", 17, 30 236 40 10, tab 6

  ;<!-- Tab 18 -->
  box "Format For Song List", 22, 15 120 290 90, tab 18
  text "List songs in this format:", 23, 30 140 80 10, tab 18
  Combo 24, 95 138 50 50, drop tab 18
  text "Check for updates every", 25, 20 55 70 10, tab 18
  edit "", 26, 85 54 20 10, tab 18 disable
  text "Minutes.", 27, 110 55 20 10, tab 18
  box "Update settings", 28, 15 25 290 90, tab 18
  check "Automatic update", 29, 20 40 50 10, tab 18
  text "Strip extra text from title:", 30, 30 170 65 10, tab 18
  radio "Yes", 31, 97 169 20 10, group tab 18
  radio "No", 32, 120 169 20 10, tab 18
  check "Check for Updates when mIRC starts", 33, 20 75 100 10, tab 18
  check "Check for Updates when MP3 player starts", 34, 20 95 115 10, tab 18

on *:dialog:mp3.settings:init:0:{
  var %write = did -a $dname 2 $br
  did -a $dname 2 Here are the avaliable options you have for display:
  %write &title - Song Title
  %write &artist - Song Artist
  %write &album - Song Album
  %write &genre - Song Genre
  %write &year - Song Year
  %write &len - Song Length
  %write &rem - Time Remaining
  %write &playcount - Number of times the song has been played
  %write &pos - Song's current position
  %write &bitrate - The song's bitrate
  %write &mode - How the song is being played
  %write &frequency - Frequency of the song
  %write &size - Size of the .MP3 file
  did -a $dname 12 $readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.chans)
  did -c $dname $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.status) == 1,13,14)
  did -c $dname $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.msg) == describe,5,4)
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,defaults,autoupdate) == $true) {
    did -c $dname 29
    did -e $dname 26
    if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,check.time)) { did -ra $dname 26 $calc($v1 / 60) }
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,check.on.start) == $true) did -c $dname 33
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3, == $true) did -c $dname 34  
  did -c $dname $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,strip.title) == $true,31,32)
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.msg) && $inmp3) { did -e $dname 15 }
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,song.format)) { 
    did -ac $dname 24 $v1 
    did -a $dname 24 Default
  else did -ac $dname 24 Default
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,song.format) != artist - title) did -a $dname 24 artist - title
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,song.format) != title - artist) did -a $dname 24 title - artist
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,song.format) != title) did -a $dname 24 title
on *:DIALOG:mp3.settings:edit:*: {
  if ($did) { did -e $dname 19,20 }
on *:dialog:mp3.settings:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 24 || $did isnum 13-14 || $did isnum 5-4 || $did isnum 33-34 || $did == 29) { did -e $dname 19,20 }
  if ($did isnum 19-20) {
    set %bc.format $did(3).text 

    if (!$did(12)) { remini mplayer.ini mp3 bc.chans }
    else writeini mplayer.ini mp3 bc.chans $remove($did(12).text,$chr(32))

    if ($did(33).state == 1) writeini mplayer.ini mp3 check.on.start $true 
    else writeini mplayer.ini mp3 check.on.start $false

    if ($did(34).state == 1) writeini mplayer.ini mp3 $true 
    else writeini mplayer.ini mp3 $false

    if ($did(29).state == 1) writeini mplayer.ini defaults autoupdate $true 
    else writeini mplayer.ini defaults autoupdate $false
    if ($dialog(mplayer)) { did $iif($did(29).state == 1,-c,-u) mplayer 53 }
    writeini mplayer.ini mp3 check.time $iif($did(26) isnum,$calc($v1 * 60),300)

    if ($did(24) != $readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,song.format)) { 
      var %x 1, %format $iif($did(24) == default,artist - title,$did(24))
      writeini mplayer.ini mp3 song.format %format
      while (%x <= $did(mplayer,56).lines) {
        if ($exists(whilefix.dll)) { dll whilefix.dll WhileFix }
        if ($read(playlist.txt,%x)) {
          tokenize 124 $read(playlist.txt,%x)
          write -l $+ %x playlist.txt $+($1,$chr(124),$iif($2,$v1,Unknown),$chr(124),$iif($3,$v1,Unknown),$chr(124),$4,$chr(124),$5)
        inc %x
    did -b $dname 19,20
    if ($did == 19) {
      dialog -x mp3.settings mp3.settings
      if ($dialog(mplayer)) { dialog -v mplayer mplayer }
    noop $input(Settings Successfully Saved,uidk2,Settings)
  if ($did == 29) {
    did $iif($did(29).state == 1,-e,-b) $dname 26
  if ($did == 13) {
    writeini mplayer.ini mp3 bc.status 1 
    if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.msg) && $inmp3) { did -e $dname 15 }
  elseif ($did == 14) { 
    remini mplayer.ini mp3 bc.status 
    if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.msg) && $inmp3) { did -e $dname 15 }
  elseif ($did == 15) { mp3broadcast }
  elseif ($did == 4) {
    writeini mplayer.ini mp3 bc.msg msg 
    if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.msg) && $inmp3) { did -e $dname 15 }
  if ($did == 11) { dialog -v mplayer mplayer }
  elseif ($did == 5) { 
    writeini mplayer.ini mp3 bc.msg describe 
    if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.msg) && $inmp3) { did -e $dname 15 }

on *:mp3end: { nextsong }

on *:dialog:aboutmp3:init:0: {
  did -a $dname 1 MP3 Player
  did -a $dname 2 Made by: Anthony1293
  did -a $dname 3 No info to display yet
on *:dialog:mplayer:menu:*: {
  if ($did == 48) {
    hadd -m $dname check $true
  if ($did == 51) {
    if ($dialog(aboutmp3)) { 
      dialog -v aboutmp3 aboutmp3
    dialog -ma aboutmp3 aboutmp3
  if ($did == 50) {
    if ($dialog(mp3help)) { 
      dialog -v mp3help mp3help
    dialog -ma mp3help mp3help
  if ($did == 53) {
    if ($did(53).state == 1) { 
      did -u $dname 53 
      writeini mplayer.ini defaults autoupdate $false 
      timerupdateup off 
    else {
      did -c $dname 53 
      writeini mplayer.ini defaults autoupdate $true 
  if ($did == 81) {
    if (!$dialog(mp3.settings)) {
      dialog -md mp3.settings mp3.settings
    else dialog -v mp3.settings
on *:dialog:mplayer:close:*: {
  if ($dialog(mp3.settings)) { dialog -x mp3.settings mp3.settings }
  if ($dialog(aboutmp3)) { dialog -x aboutmp3 aboutmp3 }
  if ($dialog(mp3help)) { dialog -x mp3help mp3help }
  .timerpos.update -p

on *:dialog:mplayer:init:0: {
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,p.method)) did -c $dname $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,p.method) == continuous,83,$iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,p.method) == random,84,$iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,p.method) == repeat,85)))
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,defaults,autoupdate) == $true) { did -c $dname 53 }
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,check.on.start) == $true) { checkupdate }
  did -c $dname $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3, == title,88,87)
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,defaults,updatemsg) != $false) {
    noop $input($vinfo,4,New in version: $pversion)
    writeini mplayer.ini defaults updatemsg $false
  var %a 1
  while (%a <= $lines(playlist.txt)) {
    var %title $token($read(playlist.txt,%a),2,124), %artist $token($read(playlist.txt,%a),3,124)
    did -a $dname 56 $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,song.format),$replace($v1,artist,%artist,title,%title),%artist - %title)
    inc %a
  did -a $dname 75 Played: 0
  did -a $dname 74 Total MP3's: $did(56).lines
  did -c $dname 72 $vol(master)
  if ($did(56).sel) { did -e $dname 2 }
  if ($inmp3) {
    tokenize 124 $read(playlist.txt,$readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,songnum))
    did -e $dname 79
    did -a $dname 75 Played: $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,plays,$replace($inmp3.fname,$chr(32),_)),$v1,0)
    did -ra $dname 36 $iif($remove($token($2,1,45),$chr(32)) == $remove($3,$chr(32)),$gettok($2,2-,45),$2)
    did -ra $dname 6 $3
    did -z $dname 63 0 10000
    did -c $dname 56 $readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,songnum)
    did -c $dname 63 $calc(($inmp3.pos / $inmp3.length)*10000)
    .timerpos.update -r
  echo 3 -a MP3 Player is now loaded
on *:dialog:mplayer:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) { 
    if ($did(1).state == 1) vol -vu1
    else vol -vu2 
  if ($did == 2) {
    if (!$did(56).seltext) {
      noop $input(You must choose a song to edit,wd,Error)
      dialog -v mplayer mplayer
      did -b $dname 2
    else {
      if ($dialog(mp3.edit)) { dialog -x mp3.edit mp3.edit }
      dialog -md mp3.edit mp3.edit
  if ($did == 79) { mp3broadcast }
  if ($did == 56) { 
    did -e $dname 2
    did -ra $dname 75 Played: $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,plays,$replace($token($read(playlist.txt,$did(56).sel),1,124),$chr(32),_)),$v1,0) 
  if ($did == 58) {
    if (%rplay) did -c $dname 56 $r(1,$did($dname,56).lines)
    elseif ($did($dname,56).sel == 1) halt
    did -c $dname 56 $calc($v1 - 1)
    writeini mplayer.ini mp3 songnum $did($dname,56).sel
    mp3play $read(playlist.txt,$readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,songnum))
  if ($did == 66) { mp3stop }
  if ($did == 61) { nextsong next }
  if ($did == 59) {
    if ($inmp3) {
      if (!$inmp3.pause) splay pause
      else splay resume
  if ($did == 60) {
    if ($inmp3.pause) { 
      splay resume
    else {
      writeini mplayer.ini mp3 songnum $did(56).sel
      mp3play $read(playlist.txt,$readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,songnum))
  if ($did == 62) { 
    if ($sdir(.,Choose mp3 directory)) {
      var %x 1, %d $v1
      while ($findfile(%d,*.mp3,%x)) {
        if ($exists(whilefix.dll)) { dll whilefix.dll WhileFix }
        var %file $findfile(%d,*.mp3,%x), %name $left($nopath(%file),-4), %a $iif($numtok(%name,45) > 1,$token(%name,2,45),%name)
        var %title $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,strip.title) == $true,$iif($token(%a,1,32) isnum,$token(%a,2-,32),%a),%a)
        var %artist $iif($sound(%file).artist,$v1,$iif($gettok($nopath(%file),-2,45),$v1,Unknown)), %album $iif($sound(%file).album,$v1,Unknown Album)
        write playlist.txt $+(%file,$chr(124),$iif($left(%title,1) == $chr(32),$right(%title,-1),%title),$chr(124),$iif($left(%artist,1) == $chr(32),$right(%artist,-1),%artist),$chr(124),%album,$chr(124),$calc($sound(%file).length / 1000))
        inc %x
      did -ra mplayer 74 Total MP3's: $calc(%x -1)
      if ($findfile(%d,*,0) > $findfile(%d,*.mp3,0)) { noop $input($calc($v1 - $v2) Files could not be loaded because they are not .mp3 files,wd,Error) | dialog -v mplayer mplayer }
      if ($v2 >= 1) did -e mplayer 68,70
  if ($did == 69) { 
    if ($sfile(*.mp3,Choose an mp3 file to add)) {
      var %file $v1, %name $left($nopath(%file),-4), %a $iif($numtok(%name,45) > 1,$token(%name,2,45),%name)
      var %title $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,strip.title) == $true,$iif($token(%a,1,32) isnum,$token(%a,2-,32),%a),%a)
      var %artist $iif($sound(%file).artist,$v1,$iif($gettok($nopath(%file),-2,45),$v1,Unknown)), %album $iif($sound(%file).album,$v1,Unknown Album)
      write playlist.txt $+(%file,$chr(124),$iif($left(%title,1) == $chr(32),$right(%title,-1),%title),$chr(124),$iif($left(%artist,1) == $chr(32),$right(%artist,-1),%artist),$chr(124),%album,$chr(124),$calc($sound(%file).length / 1000))
      did -ra mplayer 74 Total MP3's: $did(mplayer,56).lines
      did -e mplayer 68,70
  if ($did == 70) { 
    if (!$did(56).sel) {
      noop $input(You did not specify a file to delete.,uwo,Error!)
    else {
      if ($exists(playlist.txt) && $did(mplayer,56).sel) {
        var %l = $did(mplayer,56).lines, %s = $did(mplayer,56).sel
        if (%l == 1) .remove playlist.txt
        else write -dl $+ %s playlist.txt 
        did -d $dname 56 %s
        if (%l) {
          if (%s <= %l) did -c $dname 56 %s
          else did -c $dname 56 %l
        did -ra mplayer 74 Total MP3's: %l
  if ($did == 68) { 
    did -b $dname 2,68,70 
    .remove playlist.txt
    did -r mplayer 56
    did -ra mplayer 74 Total MP3's: 0
    if ($inmp3) mp3stop
  if ($did == 83) {
    did -u $dname 84,85
    if ($did(83).state == 0) {
      remini mplayer.ini mp3 p.method
    else writeini mplayer.ini mp3 p.method continuous
  if ($did == 84) {
    did -u $dname 83,85
    if ($did(84).state == 0) {
      remini mplayer.ini mp3 p.method
    else writeini mplayer.ini mp3 p.method random
  if ($did == 85) {
    did -u $dname 84,83
    if ($did(85).state == 0) {
      remini mplayer.ini mp3 p.method
    else writeini mplayer.ini mp3 p.method repeat
  if ($did == 3) { loadlist }
  if ($did == 87) { 
    writeini mplayer.ini mp3 artist
  if ($did == 88) {
    writeini mplayer.ini mp3 title
on *:dialog:mplayer:scroll:*: {
  if ($did == 72) {
    if ($did(1).state == 1) { vol -vu2 | did -u $dname 1 }
    vol -v $did($did).sel 
  if ($did == 63) {
    if (!$inmp3) halt
    if (!%mp3tseek) { 
      .timerpos.update -p 
      set %mp3tseek $true 
    did -ra mplayer 76 $iif($int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60)) > 10,$int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60)), 0 $+ $int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60))) $+ : $+ $iif($round($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000) - $int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60))*60),0) > 10, $round($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000) - $int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60))*60),0), 0 $+ $round($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000) - $int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60))*60),0))
    did -ra mplayer 77 $remove($duration($calc(($inmp3.length - $inmp3.pos) /1000),3),00:)
    .timermp3tseek -m 1 500 splay seek $int($calc(($did(63).sel /10000) * $inmp3.length)) $chr(124) unset %mp3tseek $chr(124) .timerpos.update -r

on *:dialog:mplayer:dclick:*: {
  if ($did == 56) {
    if (!$exists($gettok($read(playlist.txt,$did(56).sel),1,124))) { 
      noop $input(The file path $iif($gettok($read(playlist.txt,$did(56).sel),1,124),$qt($v1)) Was not found.,wd,Error)
      dialog -v mplayer mplayer 
    did -a $dname 63 00:00
    writeini mplayer.ini mp3 songnum $did(56).sel
    mp3play $read(playlist.txt,$did(56).sel)
; ############################################
; ##                                        ##
; ##                                        ##
; ##                  Alias                 ##
; ##                                        ##
; ##                                        ##
; ############################################

alias mplayer {
  echo -a 7Loading MP3 Player.
  echo -a -
  echo -a 7Please Wait...
  echo -a -
  if ($dialog(mplayer)) { 
    echo 4 -a MP3 Player is already open.
    echo -a -
    echo 14 -a mIRC will now close the current one and re-open a new one.
    echo -a -
    echo 7 -a Please wait...
    dialog -x mplayer mplayer
  dialog -md mplayer mplayer
alias -l loadlist {
  if ($dialog(mplayer)) {
    did -r mplayer 56
    filter -ffct $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3, == artist,3,2) 124 playlist.txt playlist.txt
    var %x 1
    while (%x <= $lines(playlist.txt)) {
      if ($exists(whilefix.dll)) { dll whilefix.dll WhileFix }
      tokenize 124 $read(playlist.txt,%x)
      did -a mplayer 56 $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,song.format),$replace($v1,artist,$3,title,$2),$3 - $2)
      inc %x
alias -l mp3play {
  tokenize 124 $1-
  if (!$exists($qt($1))) { echo -a $false }
  splay $qt($1)
  writeini mplayer.ini plays $replace($1,$chr(32),_) $calc($readini(mplayer.ini,plays,$replace($1,$chr(32),_))+1)
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.status)) mp3broadcast
  if ($dialog(mp3.settings)) { did -e mp3.settings 15 }
  if ($dialog(mplayer)) {
    did -ra mplayer 36 $iif($remove($token($2,1,45),$chr(32)) == $remove($3,$chr(32)),$gettok($2,2-,45),$2)
    did -ra mplayer 6 $3
    did -ra mplayer 75 Played: $readini(mplayer.ini,plays,$replace($1,$chr(32),_))
    did -e mplayer 79,2
    did -c mplayer 63 0
    did -z mplayer 63 0 10000
    timerpos on
alias -l mp3stop {
  if ($inmp3) {
    splay stop
    did -r mplayer 76,77,36,6
    did -z mplayer 63 0 0
    did -b mplayer 79
    if ($dialog(mp3.settings)) { did -b mp3.settings 15 }
    remini mplayer.ini mp3 songnum
    timerpos off
alias -l nextsong {
  did -r mplayer 76,36,6,77
  var %method $readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,p.method), %songnum $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,songnum),$v1,$did(mplayer,56).sel), %nextnum $calc(%songnum + 1)
  if (%method == continuous) || ($inmp3 && !%method) || (!$inmp3 && $1 == next) {
    if (%songnum <= $lines(playlist.txt)) {
      writeini mplayer.ini mp3 songnum %nextnum
      if ($dialog(mplayer)) did -c mplayer 56 %nextnum
      mp3play $read(playlist.txt,%nextnum)
    remini mplayer.ini mp3 songnum
    remini mplayer.ini mp3 p.method

  if (%method == random) {
    if ($lines(playlist.txt) !> 1) { goto off }
    var %song = $read(playlist.txt)
    if ($readn == %songnum) goto picksong
    writeini mplayer.ini mp3 songnum $readn
    if ($dialog(mplayer)) did -c mplayer 56 $readn
    if ($dialog(mp3.settings)) did -b mp3.settings 15    
    mp3play %song

  if (%method == repeat) {
    mp3play $read(playlist.txt,%songnum)
  if ($dialog(mplayer)) {
    did -z mplayer 63 0 0
    did -r mplayer 36,6
    if ($did(mplayer,56).sel == %songnum) did -ra mplayer 75 Played: $calc($did(mplayer,75)+1)
  did -b mplayer 79
  if ($dialog(mp3.settings)) { did -b mp3.settings 15 }
  timerpos off
  remini mplayer.ini mp3 songnum
alias -l timerpos {
  if ($1 == on) {
    .timerpos.update 0 1 did -c mplayer 63 $!calc(( $!insong.pos / $!insong.length)*10000) $chr(124) $&
      did -ra mplayer 76 $!iif( $!int( $!calc(( $!inmp3.pos /1000)/60)) > 10, $!int($!calc(( $!inmp3.pos /1000)/60)), 0 $!+ $!int( $!calc(( $!inmp3.pos /1000)/60))) $!+ : $!+ $!iif( $!round( $!calc(( $!inmp3.pos /1000) - $!int( $!calc(( $!inmp3.pos /1000)/60))*60),0) > 10, $!round( $!calc(( $!inmp3.pos /1000) - $!int( $!calc(( $!inmp3.pos /1000)/60))*60),0), 0 $!+ $!round( $!calc(( $!inmp3.pos /1000) - $!int( $!calc(( $!inmp3.pos /1000)/60))*60),0)) $chr(124) $&
      did -ra mplayer 77 $!token( $!duration( $!calc(( $!inmp3.length - $!inmp3.pos) /1000),3),2-,58)
  elseif ($1 == off) .timerpos.update* off
alias -l mp3broadcast {
  if (!$readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.chans) || !$readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.msg)) { 
  noop $input(You must set up your display options first. to do this go to: Display -> options,wd,Error) | dialog -v mplayer mplayer | return }
  tokenize 124 $read(playlist.txt,$readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,songnum))
  var %path $1, %name $2, %artist $3, %title $iif($2,$2,Unknown), %album $4, %len $remove($duration($5,3),00:)
  var %rem $remove($duration($calc(($inmp3.length -$inmp3.pos) /1000),3),00:), %bit $sound(%path).bitrate
  var %genre $iif($sound($insong.fname).genre, $sound($insong.fname).genre, Unknown genre)
  var %size $bytes($file($insong.fname).size).suf, %mode $mp3($insong.fname).mode, %frequency $+($round($calc($mp3($insong.fname).sample / 1000),1)),kHz)
  var %pos $iif($int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60)) > 10,$int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60)), 0 $+ $int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60))) $+ : $+ $iif($round($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000) - $int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60))*60),0) > 10, $round($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000) - $int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60))*60),0), 0 $+ $round($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000) - $int($calc(($inmp3.pos /1000)/60))*60),0))
  var %year $iif($sound($insong.fname).year, $sound($insong.fname).year, Unknown year), %comment $iif($sound($insong.fname).comment, $sound($insong.fname).comment, No comment)
  var %msg $replace(%bc.format,&title,%title,&year,%year,&mode,%mode,&genre,%genre,&artist,%artist,&len,%len,&album,%album,&comment,%comment,&size,%size,&rem,%rem,&pos,%pos,&frequency,%frequency,&bitrate,%bit,&playcount,$readini(mplayer.ini,plays,$replace($inmp3.fname,$chr(32),_)))
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.chans) == all) $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.msg) == describe,ame,amsg) %msg
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.chans) == active) $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.msg),$readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.msg),msg) $active %msg
  else {
    tokenize 44 $readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.chans)
    var %x 1
    while (%x <= $numtok($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.chans),44)) {
      $readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.msg) $gettok($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,bc.chans),%x,44) %msg
      inc %x

; ############################################
; ##                                        ##
; ##                                        ##
; ##               Auto Update              ##
; ##                                        ##
; ##                                        ##
; ############################################

alias -l ucomplete {
  if ($dialog(mplayer)) {
    noop $input(Updated $+($1,$chr(32),[,$bytes($2,db) lines - $bytes($3,db) bytes]) Update took: $+($duration($calc($ctime - $4),1)) $+($chr(40),$calc($ticks - $5) MS,$chr(41)),4,Update)
  else echo 3 -a Updated $+($1,$chr(32),[,$bytes($2,db) lines - $bytes($3,db) bytes]) Update took: $+($duration($calc($ctime - $4),1)) $+($chr(40),$calc($ticks - $5) MS,$chr(41))
alias pversion {
  return $gettok($remove($read($script,6),$chr(35),$chr(32),$chr(59)),2,58)
alias vinfo {
  return Error fixed with returning: * /did: invalid parameters in status window. $br(2) $&
    New Settings panel added for more options (this can be found in: Options -> Settings) $br(2) $&
    Change the way the songs are shown in the list (found in the settings panel) $br(2) $&
    More options to edit song display info such as: Artist, album, genre, ect. $br(2) $&
    Supports WhileFix.dll to keep mIRC from freezing. found at: $br(2) $&
    Songs will have to be re-added to your playlist for this update to take effect due to the new features. $br(3) $&
    Thank you to our beta testers: Nerf, And Bazeballl for testing out this new update.
alias br {
  return $iif($1 > 1,$str($crlf $chr(32),$1),$crlf)
alias -l cversion {
  if ($dialog(mplayer)) {
    var %info $input(You already have the current version of this MP3 Player.,4,Error)
    if (%info) dialog -v mplayer mplayer
  else echo 4 -a You already have the current version of this MP3 Player.
alias -l restartmsg {
  if ($dialog(mplayer)) {
    noop $input(The MP3 Player must now be restarted for the updates to take effect.,4,Restart required)
    dialog -x mplayer mplayer
    echo 3 -a Restarting MP3 Player. Please wait...
    echo -a -
    timerstartupanel 1 2 dialog -md mplayer mplayer
alias checkupdate {
  var %rnum $ticks, %file $qt($script)
  sockopen $+(panelupdate.,%rnum) 80 
  sockmark $+(panelupdate.,%rnum) $+(%file,~,$ctime,~,$ticks,~,mplayer)
  if ($exists(%file)) { .remove %file }
on *:SOCKOPEN:panelupdate.*:{ 
  tokenize 126 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($sockerr) { timer 1 1 $input(Failed to update file: $shortfn($1),wd,Error) }
  else {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /mp3player/mp3player.mrc HTTP/1.1
    sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $+($sock($sockname).addr,$str($crlf,2))
on *:SOCKREAD:panelupdate.*:{
  tokenize 126 $sock($sockname).mark
  var %x 1, %sockreader
  if (!$hget($sockname,header)) {
    while ($sock($sockname).rq) {
      sockread %sockreader
      if (!%sockreader) { hadd -m $sockname header $true | goto continue }
  sockread &sockreader
  bwrite $qt($1) -1 -1 &sockreader
on *:SOCKCLOSE:panelupdate.*:{
  tokenize 126 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($dialog($4).active == $true) {
    if ($gettok($remove($read($1,6),$chr(35),$chr(32),$chr(59)),2,58) <= $readini(mplayer.ini,version,current)) {
      if ($hget($4,check) == $true) timercversion 1 1 cversion
      if ($hget($4,check)) hdel $4 check
    else {
      timerucomplete 1 1 ucomplete $remove($token($1,$numtok($1,92),92),$chr(34)) $lines($1) $lof($1) $2 $3 
      writeini mplayer.ini version current $gettok($remove($read($1,6),$chr(35),$chr(32),$chr(59)),2,58)
      writeini mplayer.ini defaults updatemsg $true
      $+($iif($script($1),re),load) -rs $1
  if ($readini(mplayer.ini,defaults,autoupdate) == $true) { auto.update }
alias -l auto.update {
  .timerupdateup 1 $iif($readini(mplayer.ini,mp3,check.time),$v1,300) checkupdate


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`Kazuma   -  Aug 17, 2011
IllogicTC   -  Apr 23, 2011

The lag is from your method of broadcast. The best solution here would be to gather all the info required about the song into variables when it is preparing to play the song in the first place, or if it is already displayed somewhere, use $did()s. When calling for a lot of different tags from MP3s, mIRC tends to lag a lot. My solution to this was to just broadcast the title and artist, since those are the important bits to know anyway.

Since you already have the artist and title gathered up in the dialog anyway, you can use $did() calls to put that into a broadcast, and it will prove much faster than trying to display every little detail.

jarrodkharis   -  Apr 16, 2011

ok np anthony, that works :) , i also have alot of lag when broadcasting the song, is this a known issue ur working on or is it maybe a conflict with another script ?

sunny, i have 100% no skill in coding lol .. im just puting together a bunch of snippets in an arranged fashion lol ... just learning the basics before i go attempting anything more than a menu lol .. but this mp3 player is 1 of the main features of the script so im just trying to make it a little more capable ...

anthony1293   -  Apr 15, 2011

jarrodkharis: Thank you, I had just experienced this bug with the script unloading, for now if you disable the "Check for updates when mIRC starts" it shouldn't happen, hopefully I'll have an update for that out soon.

Sorasyn   -  Apr 15, 2011

If the interest strikes you; an MDX toolbar could sufficiently display your song control buttons. instead of using characters. Although I am not sure if it will overwrite your current toolbar or not.

IllogicTC   -  Apr 15, 2011

jarrodkharis: Support could be included for hotkeys using the Function keys up top, but it may interfere with other scripts which also want to use the same keys. In a custom @Window any key could be watched for, but first you would have to make a picwin-based GUI for the MP3 player which would seem a bit much to me, and you would still have to have the @Window selected anyway. My suggestion would be to add your own support for function keys, since supplying some stock may interfere with other things that people have loaded.

jarrodkharis   -  Apr 15, 2011

not sure on this as im stupid noob who knows nothing, but would it be possible to get a version that supports global hotkeys (play/pause , stop , forward , backward , volume up / down) ???¿¿¿

jarrodkharis   -  Apr 14, 2011

IllogicTC : you have to much time on ya hands soney hahahaha jk :P

jarrodkharis   -  Apr 14, 2011

when i close and re-open mirc the code dissapears ? wth ?

IllogicTC   -  Apr 10, 2011
alias listname {
  var %b 0 , %c $lines($lp_plist) , %x
  .fopen -o nlist $lp_nlist
  while (%b < %c) {
    inc %b
    %x = $nopath($read($lp_plist,%b))
    .fwrite -n nlist $left(%x,$calc($len(%x) - 4))
  .fclose *nlist*

Above I have posted an alias from my LimePlayer script that handles writing the name list. Notice up top, that .fopen opens up a new file (-o, you could also use -n but it will not overwrite the file if it already exists), and that there is an internal name identified for mIRC's use (nlist). After that, it cycles through everything it needs with a while loop, and .fwrites everything to "nlist". When done, .fclose will release the file from mIRC so it can be opened by other programs again.

Using this format, you can cycle through everything found in your $sdir() check and write it much quicker, as mIRC's standard write command basically opens the file, writes, closes. Repeat and repeat. With fopen and fclose, it will hold it open which greatly reduces the time used on large amounts of data.

Also, by using the $fread() command you can quicken the pace at which mIRC populates the playlist control in the dialog. I would suggest using /filter here, but since it performs an operation on the item being read before doing its did -a, File Handling could benefit this area as well. For $fread(), it will read until the next $crlf-terminated line, so in essence it will read one line of the text at a time, and will automatically read the next area without the need for commanding it to read a specific line. In essence, it's like a record player. If each line in a text file were a song on a record player, it would work the same. It will only cycle through all the "songs", unless you manually placed the "needle" somewhere else using /fseek.

If you need more help with this, use /help /fopen and it will have everything you need on one page. I taught myself file handling just with the help file, so it isn't all that difficult to implement after a couple of reads and test aliases ^_^

anthony1293   -  Apr 10, 2011

New Version released, check the description for more info!

anthony1293   -  Apr 03, 2011

IllogicTC: I'm not very familiar with the fwrite, fopen ect. if you're willing to help i think it'd be a great improvement to the script.

IllogicTC   -  Apr 03, 2011

SunnyD: There is a standard-looking scrollbar built-in to mIRC. You just never see it used because its use is rather limited as compared to the other features of standard dialogs.

anthony1293: A nice basic mp3 script, looks pretty good. However, might I suggest that rather than using $sfile(), use $msfile() for selecting files? That way, someone could select a single file, or multiple files (say they want MOST of the songs in a directory, but not ALL of them.)

Also, take a look at your writing routine for $sdir(). While no, there is nothing wrong with it, you have noticed that there is a substantial lag when writing a lot of files to your playlist? I myself would suggest that, rather than using a regular write, you /fopen the playlist file, /fwrite all your finds with $sdir(), and then /fclose when done. When I made the switch from regular write to this, there was almost no lag in my MP3 script when creating a playlist (and it creates a second list for song names). It went from maybe 50-65 seconds on my PC to create a ~500 song list (for both), to about 15-20.

anthony1293   -  Apr 03, 2011

SunnyD: no dll's required. however i do plan on adding in a whilefix.dll file that will fix mIRC lagging when adding a large amount of files. also i will be adding more update features for it.

jarrodkharis: I'll surely look into it, it works fine for me but i'll test it further. also i'll look into the errors.

Sorasyn   -  Apr 03, 2011

Are there any DLL's in play here that we need to know about? I don't remember mIRC having a built in scroll bar function. Also, instead of auto-updating you could check for an update everytime it is run and/or mIRC is started.

jarrodkharis   -  Apr 03, 2011

**update***, there seems to be a problem with the broadcast feature ... maybe linkedto the problem i recently posted, i have enabled it, ive put in the text for it to show using the format u have given and its not displaying , tryed active and channel names neither seem to work ...

jarrodkharis   -  Apr 03, 2011

hmm ... i like it, infact i love it, except in status window it keeps showing " Invalid format: $token" and " /did: invalid parameters" , i dont know anything about scripting lol so i can say what it it was ... i did see at one stage line 498 is missing a bracket but i dodnt bother to look ...

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