mIRC based IRC client

By GrimReaper on Mar 31, 2011

I know it's probably a waste of space and probably useless, But I wanted to see what I could do with sockets, So I decided to /try/ make a Mini IRC client within mIRC.

How to use:

Firstly, Use /mmirc to open the dialog, Then enter in all the details that you wish to use..

Then hit connect and it will connect to the server and channel specified..

I will be updating it eventually to allow multiple channels, At the moment it only does one channel and there is no nicklist menu at the moment.. It's currently a work in progress, But this is a working script, I have tested it alot..

CTCP replies work thank's to a little help from FordLawnmower with the syntax.

dialog Mini_mIRC {
  title "Mini mIRC by Danneh"
  size -1 -1 286 171
  option dbu
  box "Current Messages:", 1, 3 3 219 142
  box "NickList:", 2, 223 3 60 142
  text "Message:", 3, 3 153 23 8
  edit "", 4, 28 152 207 10, autohs
  button "Send", 5, 242 151 37 12
  edit "", 9, 7 12 210 128, read multi return autovs
  list 10, 227 12 51 128, size
  menu "File", 6
  item "Disconnect", 7, 6
  item "Exit", 8, 6, cancel
dialog Mini_Setup {
  title "Mini mIRC Setup by Danneh"
  size -1 -1 118 103
  option dbu
  text "Nick:", 1, 3 3 12 8
  edit "", 4, 18 2 98 10
  text "Server:", 5, 3 17 18 8
  edit "", 6, 24 16 92 10
  text "Port:", 7, 3 31 12 8
  edit "", 8, 19 30 97 10
  text "Ident:", 9, 3 45 15 8
  edit "", 10, 22 44 94 10
  text "Realname:", 11, 3 59 26 8
  edit "", 12, 32 58 84 10
  button "Connect/Disconnect", 13, 11 87 51 12
  button "Close", 14, 69 87 37 12
  text "Channel:", 15, 3 73 22 8
  edit "", 16, 29 72 87 10
  menu "File", 2
  item "Exit", 3, 2, cancel

alias mmIRC { dialog $iif($dialog(Mini_Setup),-v,-m Mini_Setup) Mini_Setup }

on *:DIALOG:Mini_Setup:sclick:13,14: {
  if ($did == 13) {
    if ($istok($did(4)|$did(6)|$did(8)|$did(10)|$did(12)|$did(16),$null,124)) {
      noop $input(Please make sure ALL fields are filled.,o,Error!)
    elseif (*.*.* !iswm $did(6)) { noop $input(Current server field is entered incorrectly.. Please try again.,o,Error!) }
    else {
      sockopen minimirc $did(6) $did(8)
      sockmark minimirc $did(4) $did(10) $did(16) $did(12)
      dialog -x $dname
      dialog -m Mini_mIRC Mini_mIRC
  if ($did == 14) { dialog -x Mini_Setup }
on *:DIALOG:Mini_mIRC:sclick:5: {
  if ($did(4) == $null) { noop $input(Please enter something to send.,o,Error!) }
  if (/part == $left($did(4),5)) { minisend PART $gettok($did(4),2,32) :Mini mIRC version $miniversion | did -a Mini_mIRC 9 $time(hh:nn tt) * You have parted $gettok($did(4),2,32) $crlf | did -rf Mini_mIRC 4 | did -r Mini_mIRC 10 HALT }
  if (/join == $left($did(4),5)) { minisend JOIN $gettok($did(4),2,32) | did -a Mini_mIRC 9 $time(hh:nn tt) * You have joined $gettok($did(4),2,32) $crlf | did -rf Mini_mIRC 4 | HALT }
  if (/nick == $left($did(4),5)) { minisend NICK $gettok($did(4),2,32) | did -a Mini_mIRC 9 $time(hh:nn tt) * You have changed nick to: $gettok($did(4),2,32) $crlf | sockmark minimirc $puttok($sock(minimirc).mark,$gettok($did(4),2,32),1,32) | did -r Mini_mIRC 4 | HALT }
  if (/me == $left($did(4),3)) { minisend PRIVMSG $gettok($sock(minimirc).mark,3,32) :ACTION $gettok($did(4),2-,32) $+  | did -a Mini_mIRC 9 $time(hh:nn) * $gettok($sock(minimirc).mark,1,32) $gettok($did(4),2-,32) $crlf | did -rf $dname 4 | HALT }
  if (/quit == $left($did(4),5)) { minisend QUIT $gettok($did(4),2-,32) | did -a Mini_mIRC 9 $time(hh:nn tt) * You have been disconnected from $+($sock(minimirc).addr,$chr(58),$sock(minimirc).port) $+ $crlf | did -rf Mini_mIRC 4 | HALT }
  if (/ns == $left($did(4),3)) { minisend PRIVMSG NickServ $+(:,$gettok($did(4),2-,32)) | did -a Mini_mIRC 9 $time(hh:nn tt) * Messaging NickServ with: $gettok($did(4),2-,32) $+ $crlf | did -rf Mini_mIRC 4 | HALT }
  else { minisend PRIVMSG $gettok($sock(minimirc).mark,3,32) $+(:,$did(4)) | did -a Mini_mIRC 9 $time(hh:nn tt) * $+(<,$gettok($sock(minimirc).mark,1,32),>) $did(4) $crlf | did -rf $dname 4 | HALT }

on *:DIALOG:Mini_mIRC:menu:7: {
  dialog -x Mini_mIRC
  dialog -m Mini_Setup Mini_Setup
  tokenize 32 $sock(minimirc).mark
  did -a Mini_Setup 4 $1
  did -a Mini_Setup 10 $2
  did -a Mini_Setup 12 $4-
  did -a Mini_Setup 16 $3
  did -a Mini_Setup 6 $sock(minimirc).addr
  did -a Mini_Setup 8 $sock(minimirc).port
  .sockclose minimirc

on *:SOCKOPEN:minimirc:{ tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  sockwrite -nt $sockname nick $1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname user $2 $2 $2 : $+ $4- Version $miniversion $+ .
  sockwrite -nt $sockname join $3

on *:SOCKREAD:minimirc:{ 
  sockread %minimirc
  if ($dialog(Mini_mIRC)) {
    if ($sockerr) { did -a Mini_mIRC 9 * $time(hh:nn tt) ERROR $sock($sockname).wsmsg | HALT }
    if (PING !isin %minimirc) || (ACTION !isin %minimirc) || ($gettok($sock(minimirc).addr,2,46) !isin %minimirc) { did -a Mini_mIRC 9 $time(hh:nn tt) * $chr(58) $remove($+(<,$gettok(%minimirc,1,33),>),$chr(58)) $minifix($gettok(%minimirc,4-,32)) $+ $crlf | HALT }
    tokenize 32 %minimirc
    if ($1 == PING) { minisend PONG $minifix($2) | HALT }
    if ($minifix($4) == VERSION) { minisend NOTICE $minifix($gettok($$1,1,33)) $+(:,$chr(1),VERSION) Mini mIRC version $miniversion by Danneh/GrimReaper }
    if ($minifix($4) == TIME) { minisend NOTICE $minifix($gettok($$1,1,33)) $+(:,$chr(1),TIME) $+($time(hh:nn tt),) }

on *:JOIN:#: {
  if ($sock(minimirc)) && ($nick == $gettok($sock(minimirc).mark,1,32)) {
    var %a = 1, %b = $nick(#,0)
    while (%a <= %b) {
      did -a Mini_mIRC 10 $iif($istok(~|&|@|%|+,$left($nick(#,%a).pnick,1),124),$+($left($nick(#,%a).pnick,1),$nick(#,%a)),$nick(#,%a))
      inc %a

alias -l minisend { .sockwrite -nt minimirc $1- }
alias -l miniversion { return 1.0 }
alias -l minifix {
  var %minifix2 = $mid($$1,2-)
  return %minifix2


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Known   -  Apr 03, 2011

hmm I like this idea, it's something new and might be worth it if you make it amazingly:P

nice work GrimReaper

Firstmate   -  Mar 31, 2011

Take a look at the RFC (namely 4.6.2 and 4.6.3)

GrimReaper   -  Mar 31, 2011

I haven't quite figured out how to get it to stay connected constantly, That's something that I am going to work on.. This is just version 1, But will make better updates in future releases.

_Dean_   -  Mar 31, 2011

its a nice idea... but look, you should use the on dialog close event to close all sockets, by the way, i stayed connected
for some minutes and get disconnected by "ping timeout"

strip all output messages, cause in dialog it will be with the control codes

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