
By IllogicTC on Mar 25, 2011

A silly little game, where you are shown a number and have to guess if "their" number is higher or lower than the one you are seeing.

To start, type /highlow. This will open the Setup dialog, where you can enter your number of rounds and the highest number. you can play up to 999 rounds with a high number of up to 9999.

Once you click start game, it will show you a number. For example, with a high number of 10, you are being shown 7. It is a fairly good chance that "their" number is lower, so select lower. If you think their number COULD be in the 8-10 range, select higher.

When you have played all your rounds, you will be shown a results screen that shows your setup, your correct/incorrect ratio, and a score determined on the amount of correct guesses, your number of rounds, and your selected high number.

And yes, I know there is probably some uber-way to make this thing tiny, or some regex for this or that. Oh well =(

dialog hl_setup {
  title "High-Low Setup"
  size -1 -1 77 52
  option dbu
  button "Start Game!", 1, 20 36 37 12, ok
  edit "Highest Number", 2, 3 5 70 12, limit 4 center
  edit "Game Length", 3, 3 21 70 12, limit 3 center

dialog hl_game {
  title "High-Low"
  size -1 -1 82 45
  option dbu
  text "", 1, 4 3 74 8, center
  edit "", 2, 26 15 30 10, read center
  button "Lower", 3, 2 29 25 12
  button "Higher", 4, 54 29 25 12

dialog hl_results {
  title "High-Low Results"
  size -1 -1 106 55
  option dbu
  text "", 1, 3 3 100 8, center
  text "", 2, 3 15 100 8, center
  text "", 3, 3 27 100 8, center
  button "Play Again!", 4, 3 39 37 12
  button "I'm Done", 5, 66 39 37 12

alias highlow {
  dialog -m hl_setup hl_setup

on *:dialog:hl_setup:sclick:1: {
  if ($did($dname,2) !isnum) || ($did($dname,3) !isnum) || ($did($dname,2) < 1) || ($did($dname,3) < 1) || ($chr(46) isin $did($dname,2)) || ($chr(46) isin $did($dname,3)) HALT
  set %hlow_high $did($dname,2)
  set %hlow_max $did($dname,3)
  set %hlow_cur 0
  dialog -m hl_game hl_game

on *:dialog:hl_game:*:*: {
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 3) || ($did == 4) {
      if ($did == 3) {
        if (%hlow_yournum > %hlow_theirnum) inc %hlow_correct
        else inc %hlow_incorrect
      if ($did == 4) {
        if (%hlow_yournum < %hlow_theirnum) inc %hlow_correct
        else inc %hlow_incorrect
      if (%hlow_cur > %hlow_max) {
        dialog -x hl_game
        dialog -m hl_results hl_results
  elseif ($devent == init) hl_update
  elseif ($devent == close) unset %hlow_*

on *:dialog:hl_results:*:*: {
  if ($devent == init) {
    did -a $dname 1 Setup: %hlow_max rounds, %hlow_high high number.
    did -a $dname 2 Results: $iif(%hlow_correct,%hlow_correct,0) Correct / $iif(%hlow_incorrect,%hlow_incorrect,0) Incorrect. $chr(40) $+ $round($calc((%hlow_correct / %hlow_max) * 100),2) $+ $chr(37) $+ $chr(41)
    var %x $int($calc(((%hlow_correct * (%hlow_high ^ 1.2)) / (1 / %hlow_max)) / 3))
    if (%x > %hl_highscore) set %hl_highscore %x
    did -a $dname 3 Score: %x High Score: $iif(%hl_highscore > %x,%hl_highscore,%x)
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    unset %hlow_*
    if ($did == 4) {
      dialog -x hl_results
      dialog -m hl_setup hl_setup
    if ($did == 5) dialog -x hl_results

alias hl_update {
  var %x $rand(1,%hlow_high)
  var %y $rand(1,%hlow_high)
  if (%x == %y) goto picknumber
  set %hlow_yournum %x
  set %hlow_theirnum %y
  inc %hlow_cur
  did -ra hl_game 1 Round: %hlow_cur of %hlow_max
  did -ra hl_game 2 %hlow_yournum


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