Help Script

By LadySorien on Feb 16, 2011

A help dialog with some of the service commands all users can use. This is for servers that have anope. Paste it into remotes then right click in channel, nicklist, or query to bring it up.

Note: Part of the snippet comes from BigSteve I added a few things of my own to it as well.

Menu channel,nicklist,query {
Help Dialog:/dialog -m rshelp rshelp }

dialog rshelp {
  title "Help System"
  size -1 -1 243 232
  option dbu
  tab "NickServ", 1, 1 0 239 227
  button "Change Nick", 7, 9 18 37 10, tab 1
  button "Register", 8, 9 30 37 10, tab 1
  button "Group Nicks", 9, 9 42 37 10, tab 1
  button "Identify", 10, 9 54 37 10, tab 1
  button "Ghost", 14, 49 54 37 10, tab 1
  button "Release", 13, 49 42 37 10, tab 1
  button "Recover", 12, 49 30 37 10, tab 1
  button "Drop", 11, 49 18 37 10, tab 1
  box "Set", 15, 89 15 45 32, tab 1
  button "Password", 16, 93 22 37 10, tab 1
  button "Kill", 17, 93 34 37 10, tab 1
  tab "ChanServ", 2
  button "Register", 18, 9 18 37 10, tab 2
  button "Identify", 19, 9 30 37 10, tab 2
  button "Drop", 20, 9 42 37 10, tab 2
  button "Founder", 21, 57 22 37 10, tab 2
  button "Successor", 22, 57 34 37 10, tab 2
  button "Password", 23, 57 46 37 10, tab 2
  button "Description", 24, 57 58 37 10, tab 2
  button "URL", 25, 57 70 37 10, tab 2
  button "Email", 26, 57 82 37 10, tab 2
  button "Entry MSG", 27, 57 94 37 10, tab 2
  button "Keep Topic", 28, 57 106 37 10, tab 2
  button "Topic Lock", 29, 97 22 37 10, tab 2
  button "MLock", 30, 97 34 37 10, tab 2
  button "Restricted", 31, 97 46 37 10, tab 2
  button "Secure", 32, 97 58 37 10, tab 2
  button "Secure Ops", 33, 97 70 37 10, tab 2
  button "Securefounder", 34, 97 82 37 10, tab 2
  button "Op Notice", 35, 97 94 37 10, tab 2
  button "XOP", 36, 97 106 37 10, tab 2
  box "Set", 37, 53 15 85 104, tab 2
  button "Add", 38, 145 22 37 10, tab 2
  button "Delete", 39, 145 34 37 10, tab 2
  button "List", 40, 145 46 37 10, tab 2
  box "Aop", 41, 141 15 45 44, tab 2
  button "Add", 42, 145 66 37 10, tab 2
  button "Delete", 43, 145 78 37 10, tab 2
  button "List", 44, 145 90 37 10, tab 2
  box "Sop", 45, 141 59 45 44, tab 2
  button "Add", 46, 145 110 37 10, tab 2
  button "Delete", 47, 145 122 37 10, tab 2
  button "List", 48, 145 134 37 10, tab 2
  box "Vop", 49, 141 103 45 44, tab 2
  button "Add", 50, 9 62 37 10, tab 2
  button "Delete", 51, 9 74 37 10, tab 2
  button "List", 52, 9 86 37 10, tab 2
  box "Access", 53, 5 55 45 44, tab 2
  button "Add", 54, 9 106 37 10, tab 2
  button "Delete", 55, 9 118 37 10, tab 2
  button "List", 56, 9 130 37 10, tab 2
  box "Akick", 57, 5 99 45 44, tab 2
  button "Set", 58, 57 126 37 10, tab 2
  button "Disable", 59, 97 126 37 10, tab 2
  button "List", 60, 57 138 37 10, tab 2
  button "Reset", 61, 97 138 37 10, tab 2
  box "Levels", 62, 53 119 85 32, tab 2
  button "Ops", 63, 9 158 30 10, tab 2
  button "Users", 64, 41 158 30 10, tab 2
  button "bans", 65, 73 158 30 10, tab 2
  button "Modes", 66, 105 158 30 10, tab 2
  button "Voices", 67, 137 158 30 10, tab 2
  box "Clear", 68, 5 151 165 20, tab 2
  tab "MemoServ", 3
  button "Send", 69, 9 18 37 10, tab 3
  button "Read", 70, 9 30 37 10, tab 3
  button "Limit", 71, 9 42 37 10, tab 3
  button "Cancel", 72, 9 54 37 10, tab 3
  button "Delete", 73, 9 66 37 10, tab 3
  tab "HostServ", 4
  button "On", 114, 9 18 37 10, tab 4
  button "Off", 115, 9 30 37 10, tab 4
  button "Group", 116, 9 42 37 10, tab 4
  tab "BotServ", 5
  button "Assign", 117, 9 30 37 10, tab 5
  button "Unassign", 118, 9 42 37 10, tab 5
  button "Botlist", 119, 9 18 37 10, tab 5
  button "Say", 120, 9 54 37 10, tab 5
  button "Act", 121, 9 66 37 10, tab 5
  tab "Bans", 112
  button "ban Host", 76, 9 42 37 10, tab 112
  button "ban Ident", 75, 9 30 37 10, tab 112
  button "ban Nick", 74, 9 18 37 10, tab 112
  tab "Modes", 113
  button "+o", 77, 9 18 20 10, tab 113
  button "+v", 78, 9 30 20 10, tab 113
  button "+l", 84, 9 102 20 10, tab 113
  button "+S", 83, 9 90 20 10, tab 113
  button "+c", 82, 9 78 20 10, tab 113
  button "+k", 81, 9 66 20 10, tab 113
  button "+m", 80, 9 54 20 10, tab 113
  button "+s", 85, 33 18 20 10, tab 113
  button "+p", 86, 33 30 20 10, tab 113
  button "+t", 87, 33 42 20 10, tab 113
  button "+r", 88, 33 54 20 10, tab 113
  button "+R", 89, 33 66 20 10, tab 113
  button "+n", 90, 33 78 20 10, tab 113
  button "+e", 91, 33 90 20 10, tab 113
  button "+q", 92, 33 102 20 10, tab 113
  button "+I", 100, 57 102 20 10, tab 113
  button "+L", 99, 57 90 20 10, tab 113
  button "+H", 98, 57 78 20 10, tab 113
  button "+C", 97, 57 66 20 10, tab 113
  button "+V", 96, 57 54 20 10, tab 113
  button "+K", 95, 57 42 20 10, tab 113
  button "+Q", 94, 57 30 20 10, tab 113
  button "+a", 93, 57 18 20 10, tab 113
  button "+A", 101, 81 18 20 10, tab 113
  button "+0", 102, 81 30 20 10, tab 113
  button "+f Nick", 110, 105 30 24 10, tab 113
  button "+f Chan", 109, 105 18 24 10, tab 113
  button "+i Chan", 103, 81 42 24 10, tab 113
  button "+i Nick", 104, 81 54 24 10, tab 113
  button "+x Chan", 105, 81 66 24 10, tab 113
  button "+b", 79, 9 42 20 10, tab 113
  button "+x Nick", 106, 81 78 24 10, tab 113
  button "+h Chan", 107, 81 90 24 10, tab 113
  button "+h Nick", 108, 81 102 24 10, tab 113
  edit "Please click on a button to see help info for that item.", 6, 4 176 235 33, multi
  button "Say", 111, 99 214 37 10

on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:7:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To Change Your Nick Type: /nick NewNick }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:8:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To register your nick Type: /msg nickserv register password }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:9:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To Group Your Current Nick To A Target Nick Type: /msg nickserv GROUP targetnick targetpassword }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:10:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To identify to your nick Type: /msg nickserv identify password }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:11:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To drop your nick you must be identified and Type: /msg nickserv drop }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:12:{ did -ra rshelp 6 If someone else is using your nick Type: /msg nickserv recover nick password }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:13:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To release your nickname from NickServ's 'hold' after too many incorrect passwords, or if it took you too long to identify or if you just used the recover command Type: /msg nickserv release nick password }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:14:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To ghost your nick that is still on the server after a ping timeout or some othis type of disconnection Type: /msg nickserv ghost nick password }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:16:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To change the password on your nick Type: /msg nickserv set password NewPassword }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:17:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To set a kill timer on your nick to give an alotted amount of time to identify to your nick to prevent imposters using your nick Type: /msg nickserv set kill on/quick/off }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:18:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To register a channel, you must have ops in the channel and it cannot already be registered. Type: /msg chanserv register #channel password description }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:19:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To identify yourself as the channel founder Type: /msg chanserv identify #channel password }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:20:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To drop your channel first you must identify as channel founder then Type: /msg chanserv drop #channel }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:21:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To change the founder of a channel Type: /msg chanserv set #channel founder nick }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:22:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To set a successor which becomes the founder if the founder's nick expires or is dropped Type: /msg chanserv set #channel successor nick }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:23:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To change the password for a channel Type: /msg chanserv set #channel password NewPassword }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:24:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To change the channel description Type: /msg chanserv set #channel desc Description }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:25:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To set a URL to be associated with a channel Type: /msg chanserv set #channel URL }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:26:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To set an email to be associated with a channel Type: /msg chanserv set #channel email }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:27:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To set an entry message that users will see when joining the channel Type: /msg chanserv set #channel entrymsg message }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:28:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To set the Keep Topic option which keeps the topic for the channel even if its empty Type: /msg chanserv set #channel keeptopic on }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:29:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To lock the topic so it cannot be changed using the /topic command Type: /msg chanserv set #chanserv topiclock on/off (the /msg chanserv set #channel topic NewTopic command may still be used if TopicLock is on) }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:30:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To lock certain modes on or off Type: /msg chanserv set #channel mlock +modes-modes }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:31:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To restrict the use of the channel from all users except the founder Type: /msg chanserv set #channel restricted on/off }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:32:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To activate ChanServ's security features which ensure a user must me registered and identified to gain access to the channel as their level on the access list allows Type: /msg chanserv set #channel secure on/off }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:33:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To activate secure ops which prevents random op'ing in a channel Type: /msg chanserv set #channel secureops on/off }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:34:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To ensure only the true channel founder can drop the channel, change the password, the founder or the successor and not just anyone who is identified to the channel through ChanServ Type: /msg chanserv set #channel securefounder on/off }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:35:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To send a notice when the ChanServ op/deop command is used Type: /msg chanserv set #channel opnotice on/off }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:36:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To activate the AOP, SOP, and VOP lists Type: /msg chanserv set #channel XOP on }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:38:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To add a user to your channel Auto-Op list, the Chanserv XOp mode must be on. Type: /msg chanserv AOP #channel add user }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:39:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To delete a user from your channel Auto-Op list, the Chanserv XOp mode must be on. Type: /msg chanserv AOP #channel del user }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:40:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To list all users on the Auto-Op list, the Chanserv XOp mode must be on. Type: /msg chanserv AOP #channel list }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:42:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To add a user to your channel Super-Op lis, the Chanserv XOp mode must be on. Type: /msg chanserv SOP #channel add user }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:43:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To delete a user from your channel Super-Op list, the Chanserv XOp mode must be on. Type: /msg chanserv SOP #channel del user }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:44:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To list all users on the Super-Op list, the Chanserv XOp mode must be on. Type: /msg chanserv SOP #channel list }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:46:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To add a user to your channel Voice-Op list, the Chanserv XOp mode must be on. Type: /msg chanserv VOP #channel add user }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:47:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To delete a user from your channel Voice-Op list, the Chanserv XOp mode must be on. Type: /msg chanserv VOP #channel del user }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:48:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To list all users on the Voice-Op list, the Chanserv XOp mode must be on. Type: /msg chanserv VOP #channel list }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:50:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To add a user to your channel access list Type: /msg chanserv access #channel add user level (the default levels settings vary from can be from -2 to 10, but can be changed using the ChanServ levels command) }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:51:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To delete a user from your channel access Type: /msg chanserv access #channel del user }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:52:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To list all users on the access list and their levels Type: /msg chanserv access #channel list }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:54:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To set an akick Type: /msg chanserv akick #channel add user/ident/host reason }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:55:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To remove a user from the channel akick list Type: /msg chanserv akick #channel del nick/ident/host -OR- /msg chanserv akick #channel del EntryNumber }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:56:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To list all akick's for a channel Type: /msg chanserv akick #channel list }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:58:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To change the levels setting for your channel Type: /msg chanserv levels #channel set type level }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:59:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To disable a function to all users except the founder Type: /msg chanserv levels #channel disable type }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:60:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To list your channel's current levels settings Type: /msg chanserv levels #channel list }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:61:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To reset your channel's levels to the default level settings Type: /msg chanserv levels #channel reset }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:63:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To remove +o from all users on your channel with operator status Type: /msg chanserv clear #channel ops }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:64:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To remove all users from your channel Type: /msg chanserv clear #channel users }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:65:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To remove all bans from your channel Type: /msg chanserv clear #channel bans }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:66:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To remove all modes from your channel Type: /msg chanserv clear #channel modes }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:67:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To remove +v from all users on your channel with voice-op status Type: /msg chanserv clear #channel voices }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:69:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To send a memo your nick must be registered, Type: /msg memoserv send nick/channel Message }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:70:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To read a memo Type: /msg memoserv read 1-5 }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:71:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To set a limit to the amount of memos you can have at once Type: /msg memoserv set limit number }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:72:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To cancel the last memo you sent Type: /msg memoserv cancle nick/channel }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:73:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To delete a memo Type: /msg memoserv del 1-5 }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:74:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To do a nick ban Type: /mode #channel +b nick (effective at only keeping a certain nick out of a channel, easiest to evade) }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:75:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To do an ident ban Type: /mode #channel +b *!*ident@* (this is the most commonly used ban, will only ban the single user) }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:76:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To do a host ban Type: /mode #channel +b *!*@* (this is the most effective ban, but it will ban all users with the same host) }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:77:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +o is operator status, operators have the access to kick and ban users in that channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +o nick }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:78:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +v is voice operator, if the channel is moderated(+m) voice ops can still talk, but do not have access to kicking and banning. To set Type: /mode #channel +v nick }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:79:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +b is a ban, any nick/ident/host that is banned cannot join the channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +b banType }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:80:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +m is moderated, this mode allows only Voiced(+v) users and Op'ed(+o) users to talk in the channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +m }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:81:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +k is channel key, if this mode is set the key must be used to joing the channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +k key. To join a channel with a key Type: /join #channel key }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:82:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +c is color block, does not allow color to be used in the channel. Any messages with color text will be blocked }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:83:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +S is color stripper, does not block any text just removes any color used. }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:84:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +l is channel limit, allows only a certain amount of users in the channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +l number }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:85:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +s is secret, this mode hides your channel when a user uses the /list command. To set Type: /mode #channel +s }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:86:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +p is private, this mode hides your channel from your /whois. To set Type: /mode #channel +p }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:87:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +t is secure topic, only ops can change the topic. This mode is automatically set if the channel is registered. To set Type: /mode #channel +t }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:88:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +r is registered channel, when a channel is registered the mode +r is set. }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:89:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +R is registered nicks only, you must have a registered nick to join the channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +R }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:90:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +n is no external messages, no messages may be sent to the channel from outside the channel using the (/msg #channel message) command. This mode is set automatically when the channel is registered. To set Type: /mode #channel +n }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:91:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +e is ban exception, if this is set to a nick/ident/host, if the user is banned they may still enter the channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +e nick/ident/host }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:92:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +q is channel founder, is set to any nick identified as the channel founder. }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:93:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +a is autoop, the user is an auto-op on the channel and cannot be deoped by anyone except +q nicks. Can only be set by +q nicks without being on channel access. To set Type: /mode #channel +a nick }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:94:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +Q disallows the use of the /kick command except by U:Lines, /ban is still available. To set Type: /mode #channel +Q }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:95:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +K the /knock command is not allowed. To set Type: /mode #channel +K }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:96:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +V dissalows the use of /invite to the channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +V }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:97:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +C dissalows CTCP's in the channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +C }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:98:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +H dissalows people with +I set to join the channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +H Can only be set by Administrators }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:99:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +L is the overflow control, +l must be set, if the channel is full the channel2 will start. To set Type: /mode #channel +L #channel2 }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:100:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +I is total invisibility, you cannot me seen in the channel with this mode on. Requires the oper flag '^' to activate. To set Type: /mode nick +I }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:101:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +A is Administrator only, to enter you must be an administrator on the server. This mode may only be set and seen by server administrators. To set Type: /mode #channel +A }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:102:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +O is IRCop only, to enter you must be an IRCop or highis on the server. This mode can only be set by server administrators. To set Type: /mode #channel +O }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:103:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +i is invite only, users must be invited in order to be allowed into the channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +i. To invite someone Type: /invite #channel nick }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:104:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode +i is invisible, if a user uses the (/whois *) command, invisible users will not be shown. To set Type: /mode nick +i }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:105:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +x does not ANSI color can be sent to the channel. To set Type: /mode #channel +x...This mode is now name +c on most servers. }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:106:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +x is virtual host, most commonly used by LocOps and above, +x is _____.Server.Com and -x would be there normal host. To set Type: /mode nick +x }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:107:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +h is half op, the user has the authority to kick but not ban. To set type /mode #channel +h nick }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:108:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +h is HelpOp, allows the user to send and read HelpOp messages. }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:109:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +f is flood protection, will kick a user if exceeds the ammount allowed. To set Type: /mode #channel +f line:second }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:110:{ did -ra rshelp 6 The mode: +f allows the user to see anyone who gets disconnected with the Excess-Flood quit message. }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:111:{ rshelpsay }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:114:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To activate your vhost Type: /msg hostserv on }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:115:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To deactivate your vhost Type: /msg hostserv off }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:116:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To set your vhost to all of your nicks in a group Type: /msg hostserv group }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:117:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To assign a bot to your channel Type: /msg botserv assign BOT }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:118:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To unassign a bot to your channel Type: /msg botserv unassign BOT }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:119:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To list the bots on the server Type: /msg botserv list }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:120:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To make the bot speak Type: /msg botserv say text }
on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:121:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To make the bot act Type: /msg botserv act text }

alias -l rshelpsay { 
  var %a = 1, %b = $did(6).lines, %msg 
  while %a <= %b { 
    %msg = %msg $did(6,%a) 
    inc %a 
  msg $active %msg 


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troll   -  May 02, 2011

nice script :D

BigSteve   -  Mar 21, 2011


LadySorien   -  Mar 21, 2011

I honestly don't knwo if we're going to get the irc op section running. Though I guess I could get started if there was enough interest

BigSteve   -  Mar 18, 2011

no duh >.>

LadySorien   -  Mar 18, 2011

aye Hun we still have the website to finish constructing as well

BigSteve   -  Mar 18, 2011

depends how long we take to do it ay love :p

LadySorien   -  Mar 17, 2011

will do as well, i guess we'll get the ircop stuff added at some point

BigSteve   -  Mar 17, 2011

will do man

irchainscriptz   -  Mar 17, 2011

I like it and the effort was greatly appreciated, nice work. Would be good to see some IRCops funtions also. added bonus BigSteve & LadySorien. Keep up the nice work!!

BigSteve   -  Mar 17, 2011

yes it did take a while but Im also thinking about making a bit specifically for IRCops (thinking may or may not do it yet)

Warriorii   -  Mar 17, 2011

very good, that had to take some time to do.

BigSteve   -  Mar 11, 2011

thank you Vegitha everything on there exept HS and BS are My creation :D

Vegitha   -  Mar 11, 2011

awesome script

BigSteve   -  Mar 04, 2011

Unreal3.2.8.1 the latest version of unreal

SnoooP   -  Mar 03, 2011

type /version and it will show you the ircd version

if the services server has services in its name, do /version serv* and it will usually reply with the services version

LadySorien   -  Mar 03, 2011

Don't know the version at all. And I know for a fact all those commands work on the server I help run. I don't know what commands are outdated on the other servers, there's too much variation between servers for me to properly edit it. if you see something you wanted added your more the welcome to add it yourself

Known   -  Mar 03, 2011

That doesn't really make any sense, and you should make sure to put that in the dialog's information, or post information as not all servers run UnrealIRCd. You should also say what version of Anope & unrealIRCd you use at each IRCd and Services version have newer commands, and get rid of older ones that may be listed in this dialog. :P

BigSteve   -  Mar 02, 2011

nb Only ever use UnrealIRCD never used the others I mean come on I run and IRCD after all un unreal

SnoooP   -  Feb 21, 2011

I concur with Known, for example, +f on UnrealIRCd is a setting for a variety of floods, joins, text, nick changes, while on InspIRCd +f is just for text floods.

MoshMage   -  Feb 20, 2011

i wonder how a copy-paste = 8/10 but hey!

Lemme just shine a small idea: nah. im gonna use this for myself lol jokin (/chanserv help + on notice) * did -a $1- / copy-paste = so much win.
but heh, copy paste for the win. :| also, Known poped a nice question

Known   -  Feb 18, 2011

You may want to say what IRCd this works on by the way, as I know some of those modes doesn't work for every single IRCd or the most common ones out there. Your also missing your .ico file when you load it.

LadySorien   -  Feb 17, 2011

Dean I didn't write the mode section, so if there's anything that's not there that would be because BigSteve didn't add it. Not every command is listed there just the ones that he and I felt were important.

Sorasyn   -  Feb 17, 2011

I must agree this script took some effort, lol. While your script functions nicely the thousand dialog event calls are an eyesore and most likely a weight on efficiency. A quick example:

on *:DIALOG:rshelp:sclick:7:{ did -ra rshelp 6 To Change Your Nick Type: /nick NewNick }

Using the information you've supplied here we can effectively combine it with the other events to make it simpler to sift and edit as needed.

on *:DIALOG:dialog_name:event:event_ID:{

With the proper use of wildcards within this event you can tell mIRC straight from the get go what passes and what doesn't. Passed information will then be synthesized by the bulk of the code and providing output in a much more efficient manner.

on *:DIALOG:rshelp:*:*:{

This example of a wildcard event accepts traffic from the dialog "rshelp" of any event type and any ID to be accepted or rejected as decreed by the snippet.

on *:DIALOG:rshelp:*:*:{
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 7) { 
      ;Commands for an sclick event on rshelp ID 7 
    if ($did == 8) { 
      ;Commands for an sclick event on rshelp ID 8 

This is a small example of combining your events as its 2 in the AM and I dont feel like rewriting what must be a good 100 lines of code lol. As for dialog events being called within a dominate event its much cleaner and more distinguished as to what event is going on where.

Jethro   -  Feb 16, 2011

LadySorien, nice effort you've put into this script. One suggestion I'd like to make, if I may, is that the while loop for rshelpsay alias isn't necessary. You can use $didtok like so:

alias -l rshelpsay { msg $active $didtok($dname,6,32) }
_Dean_   -  Feb 16, 2011

the mode +L is

/mode #channel +L #channel2

you need to specify a second channel to redirect the ppl

the +I, on channel means

that, if the channel its for invited +i, the person with the names on $iil (internal invite list), can join on channel without invites

the +f on usermodes its "Snomask"
the +s hides the channel from the /whois and /list

if i didnt make a mistake, you forgot the modes
+M = Only registered nicks may talk
+N = Only ops or above may change nicks
+R = Only registered nicks may join
+T = cannot receive external notices

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