By _Dean_ on Jan 28, 2011

• Copy and paste this code for a new remote window alt+r
• right click on channel and then click on Tracert
• now put any ip that you would to track

well, this script will track from different websities
some informations, like

• Country
• City
• longitude, latitude
• ISP address, phone, orgname
• IP ping
• Continent
• Region
• Postal code

as i said, this code track from different websities

WARNING: the information on script, reflect only what all websities show, so if you track any ip, probably its not their real information


Bugs? Report please

dialog Tracert {
  title "Tracert ip Project Codename: Ärtëmïs"
  size -1 -1 190 189
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 3 12 87 11, limit 15
  text "Ip:", 2, 3 2 25 8
  button "Ok", 3, 93 12 22 12
  text "Country:", 4, 5 25 25 8
  text "", 5, 32 25 40 8
  text "Region:", 6, 5 36 25 8
  text "", 7, 32 36 41 8
  text "City:", 8, 5 46 25 8
  text "", 9, 32 47 42 8
  text "Country Capital:", 10, 5 56 42 8
  text "", 11, 50 57 37 8
  text "Population:", 12, 5 67 29 8
  text "", 13, 38 67 40 8
  text "Latitude:", 14, 5 77 27 8
  text "", 15, 34 77 41 8
  text "Longitude:", 16, 5 87 28 8
  text "", 17, 35 87 42 8
  text "Time Zone:", 18, 5 97 30 8
  text "Nationality Singular:", 20, 81 25 52 8
  text "", 21, 136 25 44 8
  text "Nationality Plural:", 22, 81 35 52 8
  text "", 23, 136 35 46 8
  text "Continent:", 24, 81 44 39 8
  text "", 25, 122 44 44 8
  text "Currency:", 26, 91 56 30 8
  text "", 27, 125 56 45 8
  text "Owner:", 28, 81 67 25 8
  text "", 29, 108 67 75 14
  text "Postal Code:", 30, 81 86 34 8
  text "", 31, 117 86 35 8
  text "Phone:", 34, 81 98 25 8
  text "", 35, 109 98 64 8
  text "Spam List:", 36, 5 108 29 8
  text "", 37, 36 108 150 16
  text "", 38, 37 97 32 8
  list 41, 5 139 180 45, size vsbar
  text "Addcional Information:", 42, 6 129 62 8

alias tracert { 
  if (!$dialog(tracert)) { dialog -m tracert tracert }
  else { dialog -v tracert tracert }

on *:dialog:tracert:sclick:3:{
  if ($did(1).text) { 
    did -r tracert 5,7,9,11,13,15,17,21,23,25,27,29,31,35,37,38,41
    sockopen traceip ipchecking.com 80
    set %Trace1 $did(1).text
    sockopen TIP geobytes.com 80
    set %TIP $did(1).text
    sockopen iptrace www.infobyip.com 80
    sockmark iptrace $did(1).text
    sockopen ipping www.infobyip.com 80
    sockmark ipping $did(1).text
    sockopen iptrack www.infobyip.com 80
    sockmark iptrack $did(1).text
    sockopen ip www.find-ip-address.org 80
    sockmark ip $did(1).text

on *:SOCKOPEN:traceip: {
  if ($sockerr) { did -a tracert 41 Error! An error happenned with server or script, wait a minute and try again later error message: $sock(tracert).wsmsg  }
  else {
    sockwrite -n $sockname GET / $+ ?ip= $+ %Trace1 HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: ipchecking.com
    sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
    did -a tracert 41 ===========================================================

on *:SOCKREAD:traceip: { 
  sockread %traceip
  if (*owner:* iswm %traceip) { 
    did -a tracert 29 $remove($remove($htmlfree(%traceip),58),owner:)
  if (*PostalCode:* iswm %traceip) {
    did -a tracert 31 $htmlfree(%traceip)
  if (Address: isin %traceip) {
    did -a tracert 41 =====IP ADDRESS=====================================================
    did -a tracert 41 $htmlfree(%traceip) 
  if (SORBS isin %traceip) {
    did -a tracert 37 $remove($htmlfree(%traceip),SORBS:)
  if (phone: isin %traceip) { 
    did -a tracert 35 $remove($htmlfree(%traceip),phone:,[])
  if (OrgName: isin %traceip) {
    did -a tracert 41 $htmlfree(%traceip) 
  if (descr: isin %traceip) {
    did -a tracert 41 41 $htmlfree(%traceip) 
  if (person: isin %traceip) {
    did -a tracert 41 $htmlfree(%traceip)
  if (Host name: isin %traceip) {
    did -a tracert 41 $remove($htmlfree(%traceip), ) 

  if ($sockerr) { did -a tracert 41 Error! An error happenned with server or script, wait a minute and try again later error message: $sock(tracert).wsmsg }
  else {
    sockwrite -n $sockname GET / $+ IpLocator.htm?GetLocation&IpAddress= $+ %TIP HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: geobytes.com
    sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

  sockread %TIPstats
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls8" value="(.+)\s" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 11 $regml(1)
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls17" value="(.+)" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 9 $regml(1)
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls10" value="(.+)" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 15 $regml(1)
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls19" value="(.+)" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 17 $regml(1)
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls9" value="(.+)" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 38 $regml(1)
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls1" value="(.+)" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 27 $regml(1)
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls3" value="(.+)" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 13 $regml(1)
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls7" value="(.+)" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 21 $regml(1)
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls2" value="(.+)" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 23 $regml(1)
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls4" value="(.+)" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 25 $regml(1)
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls13" value="(.+)" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 5 $regml(1)
  if $regex(%TIPstats,/<input name="ro-no_bots_pls15" value="(.+)" size="20" readonly><\/td>/) {
    did -a tracert 7 $regml(1)
on *:sockopen:iptrace: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/ip-,$sock(iptrace).mark,.html) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $+(www.infobyip.com,$str($crlf,2))
on *:sockread:iptrace: {
  var %iptrace | sockread %iptrace
  if ($regex(%iptrace,/Country<\/td><td.+>(.+)<\/td>/)) {
    did -a tracert 41 =====IP LOCATION===================================================== 
    did -a tracert 41 Country: $regml(1)
  if ($regex(%iptrace,/Postal code<\/td><td.+>(.+)<\/td>/)) {
    did -a tracert 41 Postal code: $regml(1)
  if ($regex(%iptrace,/City<\/td><td.+>(.+)<\/td>/)) {
    did -a tracert 41 City: $regml(1)
  if ($regex(%iptrace,/Latitude<\/td><td.+>(.+)<\/td>/)) {
    did -a tracert 41 Latitude: $regml(1)
  if ($regex(%iptrace,/Longitude<\/td><td.+>(.+)<\/td>/)) {
    did -a tracert 41 Longitude: $regml(1) 
  if ($regex(%iptrace,/State/region<\/td><td.+>(.+)<\/td>/)) {
    did -a tracert 41 State/region: $regml(1)

on *:sockopen:ipping: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/ping-,$sock(ipping).mark,.html) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $+(www.infobyip.com,$str($crlf,2))
on *:sockread:ipping: {
  sockread %ipping  
  if (*packets* iswm %ipping) {
    did -a tracert 41 =====IP PING=====================================================
    did -a Tracert 41 Ping: %ipping

on *:sockopen:iptrack: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $+(/ipwhois-,$sock(iptrack).mark,.html) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $+(www.infobyip.com,$str($crlf,2))
on *:sockread:iptrack: {
  sockread %iptrack
  if (*Address:* iswm %iptrack) {
    did -a tracert 41 %iptrack
  if (*City:* iswm %iptrack) {
    did -a tracert 41 %iptrack
  if (*PostalCode:* iswm %iptrack) {
    did -a tracert 41 %iptrack
  if (*OrgName:* iswm %iptrack) {
    did -a tracert 41 =====IP DATA===================================================== 
    did -a tracert 41 %iptrack
  if (*OrgTechPhone:* iswm %iptrack) {
    did -a tracert 41 %iptrack
  if (*Country:* iswm %iptrack) {
    did -a tracert 41 %iptrack

on *:sockopen:ip:{
  var %iplookup $+(scrollx=0&scrolly=396&ip=,$sock(ip).mark)
  var %socket sockwrite -nt ip
  %socket POST /ip-address-locator.php HTTP/1.1
  %socket Host: $sock(ip).addr
  %socket Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  %socket Content-Length: $len(%iplookup)
  %socket $crlf $+ %iplookup
on *:sockread:ip: {
  var %ip | sockread %ip
  if $regex(%ip,/<b>IP Country Name</b>\:(.*)\s/iS) {
    if $token($regsubex($regml(1),/<[^>]*>|&nbsp;|ip/ig,),1-2,32) {      
      did -a tracert 41 IP Country Name: $remove($+($v1), Country)
  if (*IP Continent Population* iswm %ip) {
    did -a tracert 41 $htmlfree(%ip)
  if (*IP Continent Area* iswm %ip) {
    did -a tracert 41 $htmlfree(%ip)
  if (*IP Continent Total Population* iswm %ip) {
    did -a tracert 41 $htmlfree(%ip)
  if (*IP Continent Density People* iswm %ip) {
    did -a tracert 41 $htmlfree(%ip)
  if (*IP Language* iswm %ip) {
    did -a tracert 41 =====IP INFORMATION=====================================================  
    did -a tracert 41 Language $+ $remove($htmlfree(%ip),$chr(9),IP country latitude and langitude,IP country capital,IP Language,$chr(44))
  if (*IP Currency* iswm %ip) {
    did -a tracert 41 Currency $+ $remove($htmlfree(%ip),$chr(9),IP Currency, IP address converter,We will try to add more IP module in future but we can,$chr(44),$chr(46))

menu * {
alias htmlfree {
  var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,$chr(9))
  return %x


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_Dean_   -  Mar 28, 2011

i didnt copy any part of ur scripts... i requested for help like, in july 2010 for this, and i was working on it, the ETHICAL part here, is: dont say things that you dont know... i was learning sockets in july and asked for help

you helped me in exactly 13 lines of 275, which means 4.72% of all script

The original script can be found here:

it sounds like, i copied your entire script, and i will delete your post

RusselB   -  Mar 27, 2011

Having a !Tracer command seems to be contradictory, since a command like that would normally be sent from a remote location, and it's not (currently) possible to display a dialog at a remote location, thus the display would still only be on the client with the code.

gonzalo   -  Mar 20, 2011

Good!!.. but Whoul good that work whit a Command: !Tracer

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