Pegasus Project

By _Dean_ on Jan 28, 2011

Pegasus Projects Contains:

-User and chan modes
-Advanced Shitlist
-mIRC protection by pass
-exception list

Download the complete code with the help files

this script was one of the first script i made, and i know
i know there are 1 thousand ways to do this script... but i keep it like the original code

Bugs report? Report please

dialog zPegasus {
  title "projeto pegasus"
  size -1 -1 210 100
  option dbu
  tab "user", 20, 5 7 190 80
  edit "", 4, 55 35 30 10, tab 20 autohs
  text "enter a nick:", 5, 55 25 45 10, tab 20
  text "enter a reason:", 12, 90 25 45 10, tab 20
  radio "kick", 6, 12 45 30 10, tab 20
  radio "kick/ban", 7, 12 55 30 10, tab 20
  edit "", 8, 8 35 30 10, tab 20 autohs
  text "enter a room:", 9, 8 25 45 10, tab 20
  button "kick", 10, 8 70 30 10, tab 20
  button "kick/ban", 11, 8 70 30 10, tab 20
  edit "", 13, 90 35 45 10, tab 20
  radio "op", 14, 55 45 21 10, tab 20
  button "op", 15, 8 70 30 10, tab 20
  radio "deop", 16, 55 55 25 10, tab 20
  button "deop", 17, 8 70 30 10, tab 20
  radio "kick/ban/temporary", 18, 80 45 70 10, tab 20
  text "time in minutes:", 19, 135 25 50 10, tab 20
  edit "", 30, 140 35 30 10, tab 20
  button "kick/ban/temporary", 31, 8 70 70 10, tab 20
  radio "quiet", 32, 80 55 30 10, tab 20
  button "quiet", 33, 8 70 30 10, tab 20
  button "?", 100, 147 75 30 10, tab 20
  radio "voice", 201, 110 55 30 10, tab 20
  button "voice", 202, 8 70 30 10, tab 20
  radio "devoice", 203, 140 55 30 10, tab 20
  button "devoice", 204, 8 70 30 10, tab 20
  radio "default", 205, 110 73 30 10, tab 20
  tab "shitlist", 21
  text "enter a nick:", 42, 8 25 45 10, tab 21
  edit "", 43, 8 35 30 10, tab 21 autohs
  edit "", 105, 43 35 30 10, tab 21 autohs
  text "reason:", 106, 48 25 30 10, tab 21
  button "add", 44, 80 35 30 10, tab 21 flat
  button "del", 45, 110 35 30 10, tab 21 flat
  list 46, 8 48 100 37, tab 21 sort size extsel hsbar vsbar
  button "list", 47, 110 50 30 10, tab 21
  button "clear", 48, 110 61 30 10, tab 21
  button "?", 101, 147 75 30 10, tab 21
  tab "friendlist", 22
  text "enter a nick:", 51, 8 25 45 10, tab 22
  edit "", 52, 8 35 30 10, tab 22 autohs
  button "add", 53, 40 35 30 10, tab 22
  button "del", 54, 70 35 30 10, tab 22
  list 55, 8 48 100 37, tab 22 sort size hsbar vsbar
  button "list", 56, 110 50 30 10, tab 22
  button "clear", 57, 110 61 30 10, tab 22
  button "?", 102, 147 75 30 10, tab 22
  tab "modes", 23
  edit "", 62, 8 35 30 10, tab 23 autohs
  text "enter a room:", 63, 8 25 45 10, tab 23
  edit "", 64, 50 35 30 10, tab 23
  text "enter the modes:", 65, 50 25 50 10, tab 23
  button "set", 66, 8 65 30 10, tab 23
  button "modes", 67, 50 65 30 10, tab 23
  button "clear", 68, 80 65 30 10, tab 23
  edit "", 69, 100 35 30 10, tab 23
  text "type a pass:", 70, 100 25 50 10, tab 23
  text "type the limit:", 71, 100 25 50 10, tab 23
  radio "+l", 72, 100 50 15 10, tab 23
  button "set", 73, 8 65 30 10, tab 23
  radio "+k", 74, 120 50 15 10, tab 23
  button "set", 75, 8 65 30 10, tab 23
  radio "default", 76, 145 50 50 10, tab 23
  button "?", 103, 147 75 30 10, tab 23
  tab "seen", 24
  text "enter a nick:", 77, 8 25 45 10, tab 24
  edit "", 78, 8 35 30 10, tab 24 autohs
  button "seen", 79, 40 35 30 10, tab 24
  edit "", 80, 8 48 147 37, tab 24 read multi hsbar vsbar
  button "clear", 81, 156 75 30 10, tab 24
  button "clear seenlist", 82, 100 35 50 10, tab 24
  tab "pass", 25
  text "type a pass", 304, 8 25 45 10, tab 25
  edit "", 305, 8 35 30 10, tab 25 pass autohs
  edit "", 306, 8 48 100 37, tab 25 read multi
  radio "set", 307, 110 48 30 10, tab 25
  radio "unset", 308, 110 61 30 10, tab 25
  button "set", 309, 140 48 30 10, tab 25
  radio "default", 34, 143 61 30 10, tab 25
  button "?", 104, 147 75 30 10, tab 25
  tab "info", 26
  edit "", 302, 10 25 170 60, tab 26 read multi
  tab "exceptions", 27
  text "enter a nick:", 317, 8 25 45 10, tab 27
  edit "", 318, 8 35 30 10, tab 27 autohs
  button "add", 319, 40 35 30 10, tab 27
  button "del", 320, 70 35 30 10, tab 27
  list 321, 8 48 100 37, tab 27 sort size hsbar vsbar
  button "list", 322, 110 50 30 10, tab 27
  button "clear", 323, 110 61 30 10, tab 27
  button "?", 324, 147 75 30 10, tab 27
  box "projeto pegasus:", 2, 2 2 201 95
  text "Projeto pegasus", 3, 155 86 45 8
  menu "help", 315
  item "pegasus", 316, 315
alias zPegasus { dialog -m zPegasus zPegasus }
on *:dialog:zPegasus:sclick:*:{ 
  if ( $did == 6 ) { /did -h zPegasus 11,15,17,19,30,31,33,202,204 | /did -v zPegasus 4,10,5,13,12,8 } 
  if ( $did == 7 ) { /did -h zPegasus 10,15,17,19,30,31,33,202,204 | /did -v zPegasus 11,4,5,13,12,8 } 
  if (( $did == 10 ) && ( $did(8) != $null ) && ( $did(4) != $null )) { /kick $did(8)text $did(4)text $did(13)text }
  var %chan.zPegasus $eval( $did( zPegasus,8)text)
  var %nick.zPegasus $eval( $did( zPegasus,4)text)
  if (( $did == 11 ) && ( $did(8) != $null ) && ( $did(4) != $null )) { /ban -k $did(8)text $did(4)text $did(13)text }
  if ( $did == 14 ) { /did -h zPegasus 11,10,12,13,17,19,30,31,33,202,204 | /did -v zPegasus 4,15,5 }
  if (( $did == 15 ) && ( $did(8) != $null ) && ( $did(4) != $null )) { /chanserv op $did(8)text $did(4)text }
  if ( $did == 16 ) { /did -h zPegasus 10,11,12,13,15,19,30,31,33,202,204 | /did -v zPegasus 4,5,8,17 }
  if (( $did == 17 ) && ( $did(8) != $null ) && ( $did(4) != $null )) { /chanserv deop $did(8)text $did(4)text) }
  if ( $did == 18 ) { /did -h zPegasus 10,11,12,13,15,17,33,202,204 | /did -v zPegasus 4,5,8,19,30,31 }
  if (( $did == 31 ) && ( $did(8) != $null ) && ( $did(4) != $null )) { /ban -u $+ $eval( $calc( $did( zPegasus, 30)*60)text) %chan.zPegasus %nick.zPegasus 3 | /kick %chan.zPegasus %nick.zPegasus banned for $eval( $calc( $did( zPegasus, 30)text)) minute(s) }
  set %time.zPegasus $eval( $calc( $did( zPegasus, 30)*60)text)
  if ( $did == 32 ) { /did -h zPegasus 10,11,12,13,15,17,31,202,204 | /did -v zPegasus 4,5,19,30,33 } 
  if (( $did == 33 ) && ( $did(8) != $null ) && ( $did(4) != $null )) { /mode %chan.zPegasus + $+ b ~ $+ q $+ : $+ %nick.zPegasus | /mode %chan.zPegasus + $+ b ~ $+ n $+ : $+ %nick.zPegasus | /timer 1 %time.zPegasus /mode %chan.zPegasus - $+ b ~ $+ q $+ : $+ %nick.zPegasus | /timer 1 %time.zPegasus /mode %chan.zPegasus - $+ b ~ $+ n $+ : $+ %nick.zPegasus }
  if (( $did = 44 ) && ( $did(43) != $null)) { var %slist_motivo = writeini listanegra.ini $did(43) lista $did(105) 
    var %slist_padrao writeini listanegra.ini $did(43) lista added to shitlist 
    var %slist_add $did(43)text | write slist.txt %slist_add | /did -ar pegasus 46 added " $+ $did(43)text $+ " to shitlist 
    $iif($did(105), %slist_motivo, %slist_padrao)
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= $chan(0)) {
      if ($did(43) ison $chan(%x)) { 
        mode $chan(%x) +b $address($did(43),2) | kick $chan(%x) $did(43) $iif($did(105) != $null, $did(105), added to shitlist)
      inc %x
  var %nicks $did(43)text
  if (( $did == 45 ) && ( $did(46).seltext )) { write -ds $did(46).seltext slist.txt | /did -r zPegasus 46 | /loadbuf -o zPegasus 46 slist.txt }
  if (( $did == 47 ) && ( $exists(slist.txt) )) { /did -r zPegasus 46 | /loadbuf -o zPegasus 46 slist.txt }
  if ( $did == 48 ) { write -c slist.txt | /did -ar zPegasus 43 | /did -ar zPegasus 46 shitlist sucefully cleared }
  if (( $did == 53 ) && ( $did(52) != $null)) { write flist.txt $did(52)text | /did -ar zPegasus 55 added " $+ $did(52)text $+ " to friendlist }
  if (( $did == 54 ) && ( $did(55).seltext )) { write -ds $did(55).seltext flist.txt | /did -r zPegasus 55 | /loadbuf -o zPegasus 55 flist.txt }
  if (( $did == 56 ) && ( $exists(flist.txt) )) { /did -ar zPegasus 55 | /loadbuf -o zPegasus 55 flist.txt }
  if ( $did == 57 ) { write -c flist.txt | /did -ar zPegasus 52 | /did -ar zPegasus 55 friendlist sucefully cleared }
  if ( $did == 100 ) { //run zuserinfo.txt }
  if ( $did == 101 ) { //run zslistinfo.txt }
  if ( $did == 102 ) { //run zflistinfo.txt }
  if ( $did == 103 ) { //run zmodesinfo.txt } 
  if ( $did == 104 ) { //run zsenhainfo.txt }
  if ( $did == 67 ) { /zcmodes }
  if ( $did == 68 ) { /clear $active | /did -h zPegasus 69,70,71,73,75 | /did -u zPegasus 72,74 | /did -v zPegasus 64,65,66 | /mode $active - $+ sntTCMmnNRGlLpAOuViScKkz | /mode $active - $+ k %chan.zPegasus.senha }
  if (( $did == 66 ) && ( $did(62) != $null ) && ( $did(64) != $null ) && ( $me isop $active )) { /mode $did(62)text $did(64)text } 
  if ( $did == 72 ) { /did -h zPegasus 64,65,66,70,75 | /did -v zPegasus 69,71,73 | /did -ar zPegasus 69 }
  if (( $did == 73 ) && ( $did(62) != $null ) && ( $did(69) != $null ) && ( $me isop $active )) { /mode $did(62)text + $+ l $did(69)text } 
  if ( $did == 74 ) { /did -h zPegasus 64,65,66,71,73 | /did -v zPegasus 69,70,75 | /did -ar zPegasus 69 }
  if (( $did == 75 ) && ( $did(62) != $null ) && ( $did(69) != $null ) && ( $me isop $active )) { /mode $did(62)text + $+ k $did(69)text | set %chan.zPegasus.senha $did(69) }
  if ( $did == 76 ) { /did -u zPegasus 72,74 | /did -h zPegasus 69,70,71,73,75 | /did -v zPegasus 64,65,66 } 
  if ( $did = 201 ) { /did -h zPegasus 10,11,12,13,15,17,19,30,31,33,204 | /did -v zPegasus 4,5,202 }
  if (( $did = 202 ) && ( $did(8) != $null ) && ( $did(4) != $null )) { /chanserv voice $did(8)text $did(4)text ) }
  if ( $did == 203 ) { /did -h zPegasus 10,11,12,13,15,17,19,30,31,202 | /did -v zPegasus 4,5,204 }
  if (( $did == 204 ) && ( $did(8) != $null ) && ( $did(4) != $null ))  { /chanserv devoice $did(8)text $did(4)text }
  if ( $did == 205 ) { /did -u zPegasus 6,7,14,15,16,18,32,201,203 | /did -h zPegasus 4,5,10,11,12,13,15,17,19,30,31,33,202,204 }
  if ( $did == 81 ) { /did -ar zPegasus 80,78 | /did -ar zPegasus 80 Search for }
  if ( $did == 82 ) { write -c zseenlist.ini | /did -ar zPegasus 80 seenlist sucefully cleared }
  if ( $did == 307 ) { /did -e zPegasus 305 | /did -v zPegasus 309 }
  if ( $did == 308 ) { /did -b zPegasus 305 | /did -h zPegasus 309 | /did -ar zPegasus 305 | /did -ar zPegasus 306 pass unset | /senha off | unset %senha }
  if (( $did == 309 ) && ( $did(305) != $null ))  { /did -ar zPegasus 306 pass was set to $did(305)text | /senha on | set %senha $did(305)text }
  if ( $did == 34 ) { /did -b zPegasus 305 | /did -h zPegasus 309 | /did -ar zPegasus 305,306 }
  if ($did == 79) { var %r = $readini(zseenlist.ini, $did(78), Seen) | did -ar zpegasus 80 $iif(%r, %r, no such nick was found ) } 
  if (( $did == 322 ) && ( $exists(elist.txt) )) { /did -ar zPegasus 321 | /loadbuf -o zPegasus 321 elist.txt }  
  if (( $did == 319 ) && ( $did(318) != $null )) { write elist.txt $did(318) | did -ar zPegasus 321 | /loadbuf -o zPegasus 321 elist.txt }
  if (( $did == 320 ) && ( $did(321).seltext )) { write -ds $did(321).seltext elist.txt | did -ar zPegasus 321 | /loadbuf -o zPegasus 321 elist.txt }
  if ( $did == 323 ) { write -c elist.txt | did -ar zPegasus 321 exceptionslist sucefully cleared }
  if ( $did == 324 ) { //run zelistinfo.txt }

on *:dialog:zPegasus:menu:316:{ 
    /run zprojeto_zPegasus.txt
on *:dialog:zPegasus:init:*:{
  /did -h zPegasus 4,10,11,5,13,12,15,17,19,30,31,33,69,70,71,202,204,309 
  /did -ar zPegasus 302 { Some of functions need and was tested on servers that use chanserv and nickserv $crlf $crlf $crlf _Teen_ }
  /did -c zPegasus 34,76,205
  /did -ar zPegasus 80 Search for
  /did -ar zPegasus 46 enter a nick 
  /did -ar zPegasus 55 enter a nick
  /did -b zPegasus 305
  /did -ar zPegasus 321 enter a nick
on *:dialog:zPegasus:edit:*:{
  if ( $did == 78 ) { /did -ar zPegasus 80 Search for " $+ $did(78)text $+ " ? }
  if ( $did(78) == $null ) { /did -ar zPegasus 80 Search for }
  if ( $did(43) == $null ) { /did -ar zPegasus 46 enter a nick } 
  if ( $did(43) != $null ) { /did -ar zPegasus 46 }
  if ( $did(52) == $null ) { /did -ar zPegasus 55 enter a nick }
  if ( $did(52) != $null ) { /did -ar zPegasus 55 }
  if ( $did(318) == $null ) { /did -ar zPegasus 321 enter a nick }
  if ( $did(318) != $null ) { /did -ar zPegasus 321 }

on *:nick:{
  if (($exists(slist.txt)) && ($read(slist.txt, w, $newnick) == $newnick )) {
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= $chan(0)) {  
      if ($me isop $chan(%x)) {
        mode $chan(%x) +b $address($newnick,2)
        kick $chan(%x) $newnick $readini(listanegra.ini, $read(slist.txt, w, $newnick), lista)   
      inc %x
  if ($file(zseenlist.ini).size <= 58000) { writeini zseenlist.ini $Nick Seen $Nick changed nick to $NewNick $remove(( $+ $address($newnick,0) $+ ) , *!) $+ , at $Time(HH:nn:ss) on $Date(dd/mm/yy) $+ . }  
  elseif (($file(seenlist.ini).size > 58000) || ($file(zseenlist.ini).size > 58000)) { write -c seenlist.ini | write -c zseenlist.ini  }
on *:kick:#:{
  if (($me isop $chan) && ($exists(flist.txt))) { 
    var %x = 1 
    while (%x <= $lines(flist.txt)) { 
      if ($read(flist.txt, %x) == $knick) {  
        /kick # $nick This nick is protected
      inc %x
  if ($file(seenlist.ini).size <= 58000) { writeini seenlist.ini $kNick Seen $kNick $remove(( $+ $address($knick,0) $+ ) , *!) foi kickado do # por $Nick $remove(( $+ $address($nick,0) $+ ) , *!)  $+ , às $Time(HH:nn:ss) de $Date(dd/mm/yy) $+ . }
  if ($file(zseenlist.ini).size <= 58000) { writeini zseenlist.ini $kNick Seen $kNick $remove(( $+ $address($knick,0) $+ ) , *!) was kicked from # by $Nick $remove(( $+ $address($nick,0) $+ ) , *!)  $+ , at $Time(HH:nn:ss) on $Date(dd/mm/yy) $+ . }
  elseif (($file(seenlist.ini).size > 58000) || ($file(zseenlist.ini).size > 58000)) { write -c seenlist.ini | write -c zseenlist.ini  }

  if (($knick == $me) && ($nick != $me)) {
    set -u10 %kchan $chan
    set -u10 %KnickA $nick
    //chanserv unban %kchan
    join %kchan
    set -u10 %Knick on
on *:join:#:{ 
  if (($me isop $chan) && ($nick != $me) && ($exists(slist.txt))) { 
    var %x = 1 
    while (%x <= $lines(slist.txt)) { 
      if (($read(elist.txt, w, $nick) != $nick)) && ($read(slist.txt, %x) ison $chan) { 
        mode $chan +b $address($read(slist.txt, %x),2) 
        kick $chan $read(slist.txt, %x) $readini(listanegra.ini, $read(slist.txt, %x), lista) 
      elseif ($read(slist.txt, %x) isin $gettok($address($nick,2),2,64) && ($read(elist.txt, w, $nick) != $nick)) {
        mode $chan +b $address($nick,2)
        kick $chan $nick $readini(listanegra.ini, $read(slist.txt, %x), lista)
      inc %x 
  if ($file(seenlist.ini).size <= 58000) { writeini seenlist.ini $Nick Seen $Nick $remove(( $+ $address($nick,0) $+ ) , *!) joined on channel # at $Time(HH:nn:ss) on $Date(dd/mm/yy) $+ . }
  if ($file(zseenlist.ini).size <= 58000) { writeini zseenlist.ini $Nick Seen $Nick $remove(( $+ $address($nick,0) $+ ) , *!) joined on chan # at $Time(HH:nn:ss) on $Date(dd/mm/yy) $+ . } 
  elseif (($file(seenlist.ini).size > 58000) || ($file(zseenlist.ini).size > 58000)) { write -c seenlist.ini | write -c zseenlist.ini  }
  if ((%Knick == on) && (%Knicka != $me)) {
    mode %kchan -oee+bee %Knicka $address(%Knicka,2) %Knicka $address(%Knicka,2) $address($me,2) $me 
    kick %kchan %Knicka You dont have permission to do it

alias zcmodes {
  /echo -a 12+s: secret
  /echo -a 12+n: external messages not allowed
  /echo -a 12+m: moderated channel
  /echo -a 12+p: private channel
  /echo -a 12+C: ctcp's not allowed
  /echo -a 12+T: external notices not allowed
  /echo -a 12+S: not allowed colors
  /echo -a 12+u: auditorium 
  /echo -a 12+k: channel pass is required
  /echo -a 12+l: channel limit
  /echo -a 12+R: registered nicks only 
  /echo -a 12+t: only op's can change the topic
  /echo -a 12+N: nick change is not allowed
  /echo -a 12+M: only registered nicks can talk
  /echo -a 12+q: quit messages is not allowed
  /echo -a 12+K: knocks not allowed
  /echo -a 12+V: invites not allowed
  /echo -a 12+i: channel for invited only

alias senha {
  if ($1 == on ) {
    set %zPegasus.senha on
    //echo -a 12 pass set 
  elseif ($1 == off ) {
    set %zPegasus.senha off
    //echo -a 12 pass unset

on *:disconnect:{ 
  unset %zPegasus.aceita 

menu * {  


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