Quotes Script / Bot

By illhawkthat on Jan 06, 2011

January 2011 - Original post (first post on hawkee!)
January 2012 - In case you can't tell this was a very early attempt at scripting, you can probably find something better out there, but this will get the basic job done, I just posted for feedback. And to make myself look cool. (slight update here)
January 2013 - A major revision to the script seen below

NOTE: The old version of the script can be found here: http://pastebin.com/8JuydhFU
NOTE: The January 2013 revision was conceptualized by zzbooze of irc.leafghoul.net

Copy the entire code and paste it into the remotes section of mirc then type /query BOTNAME qowner
This will enable the script and give you admin control.

Type .qhelp to view the commands.
NOTE: There are additional commands available to moderators and the bot owner.

Includes quote database that is spread across all channels the bot is in. You can search through the quotes, read them out, and delete them (by mod/owner or the author).

--You can contact me by replying here

on *:TEXT:qowner:?: {
  if ($readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner) == $null) {
    query $nick You are now the owner of the quotes system. Type .qhelp (in a channel) for commands.
    enable #quotes
    writeini quotes.ini owner owner $nick
  else {
    msg $nick A quote owner is already selected $+([,$readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner),]) 

#quotes off
on *:text:.q*:#: {
  tokenize 32 $strip($1-)
  if ($nick isin $readini(quotes.ini,bans,bans)) {
    if ($($+(%,quoteabuse,$nick),2) == true) {
    else {
      set -u5 $+(%,quoteabuse,$nick) true
      msg $chan $qstyleb(You are banned from quotes. Please see a quote moderator/owner to resolve this problem.)
  if (($1 == .quote) || ($1 == .qread) || ($1 == .quoteread) || ($1 == .readquote) || ($1 == .qrand)) {
    if (($2 == $null) || ($2 == random) || ($1 == .qrand)) {
      if (!$readini(quotes.ini,stats,all)) {
        msg $chan $qstyleb(There are no quotes (yet).  Add one with .qadd <quote>)
      else {
        var %quoterandom $rand(1,$lines(quotes.txt))
        if (*-* iswm $read(Quotes.txt,%QuoteRandom)) {
          msg $chan $qstyleb(Quote $+($chr(35),$readn) added by $gettok($read(quotes.txt,$readn),2,45) $timedifference($gettok($read(quotes.txt,$readn),1,45)) ago.)
          msg $chan $qstyle($gettok($read(quotes.txt,n,$readn),3-,45))
        elseif (*-* !iswm $read(Quotes.txt,%QuoteRandom)) {
          goto RandomTop
    elseif (($2 !isnum) || ($2 == 0)) {
      msg $chan $qstyle(To read a quote type .qread <quoteNumber> -- If you meant to add a quote type .qadd <quote> -- For help type .qhelp)
    elseif ($2 !isnum 1- $+ $lines(quotes.txt)) {
      msg $chan $qstyle(Sorry, but there are only $lines(quotes.txt) quotes in database! Add one by typing .qadd <quote>)
    else {
      if ($read(quotes.txt,$2) == $null) {
        msg $chan $qstyleb(Quote $+($chr(35),$2) no longer exists (it has been deleted).)
      else {
        msg $chan $qstyleb(Quote $+($chr(35),$2) added by $gettok($read(quotes.txt,$2),2,45) $timedifference($gettok($read(quotes.txt,$2),1,45)) ago.)
        msg $chan $qstyle($gettok($read(quotes.txt,n,$2),3-,45))
  if (($1 == .qsearch) || ($1 == .searchquote) || ($1 == .quotesearch)) {
    if ($2 == $null) {
      msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qsearch <search term / author> to search the quote database.)
    else {
      if (!$3) {
        var %asearch
        var %x 1
        while (%x <= $lines(quotes.txt)) {
          if ($2 == $gettok($read(Quotes.txt,n,%x),2,45)) { 
            var %asearch $addtok(%asearch,%x,44) 
          inc %x
        if (%asearch != $null) {
          if (*,* !iswm %asearch) { 
            msg $chan $qstyleb(Quote $+($chr(35),%asearch) added by4 $gettok($read(quotes.txt,%asearch),2,45) 10 $+ $timedifference($gettok($read(quotes.txt,%asearch),1,45)) ago.)
            msg $chan $qstyle($gettok($read(quotes.txt,n,%asearch),3-,45))
            var %sreply true
          else { 
            msg $chan $qstyle(Quotes found authored by $qt($2-) $+ : $replace(%asearch,$chr(44),$chr(44) $+ $chr(32)))
            var %sreply true
      var %search
      var %i 1
      while (%i <= $lines(quotes.txt)) {
        if ($+(*,$2-,*) iswm $gettok($read(Quotes.txt,n,%i),3-,45)) { 
          var %search $addtok(%search,%i,44) 
        inc %i
      if (%search != $null) {
        if ((*,* !iswm %search) && (%search != %asearch)) { 
          msg $chan $qstyleb(Quote $+($chr(35),%search) added by $gettok($read(quotes.txt,%search),2,45) $timedifference($gettok($read(quotes.txt,%search),1,45)) ago matches search $qt($2-) $+ .)
          msg $chan $qstyle($gettok($read(quotes.txt,n,%search),3-,45))
          var %sreply true
        elseif (*,* iswm %search) { 
          msg $chan $qstyle(Quotes found matching search $qt($2-) $+ : $replace(%search,$chr(44),$chr(44) $+ $chr(32)))
          var %sreply true
      elseif ((%sreply == $null) && (%search == $null)) {
        msg $chan $qstyle(No quotes were found that matched your search of $qt($2-) $iif($3,$+ .,or were authored by $qt($2) $+ .))
  if (($1 == .qadd) || ($1 == .quoteadd) || ($1 == .qadd)) {
    if ($2 == $null) {
      msg $chan $qstyle(If you want to add a quote type .qadd <quote> -- For help type .qhelp)
    elseif ($2-) {
      write quotes.txt $+($asctime,-,$nick,-,$2-) 
      msg $chan $qstyleb(Added $qt($+($2-12,$iif($13 != $null,...,$null))) as quote number $+($lines(quotes.txt),.))
      writeini quotes.ini stats $nick $calc($readini(quotes.ini,stats,$nick) + 1 )
      writeini quotes.ini stats all $calc($readini(quotes.ini,stats,all) + 1 )
  if ($1 == .qban) {
    if (($nick isin $readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods)) || ($nick isin $readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner))) {
      if (!$2) {
        msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qban add/del/list for more help type .qhelp)
      if ($2 == add) {
        if (!$3) {
          msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qban add <nick> for more help type .qhelp)
        elseif ($3 isin $readini(quotes.ini,bans,bans)) {
          msg $chan $qstyle($3 is already banned from quotes!)
        elseif ($3 isin $readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner)) {
          msg $chan $qstyle(Sorry you may not ban $3 from quotes, as he is a quotes owner.)
        else {
          writeini quotes.ini bans bans $addtok($readini(quotes.ini,bans,bans),$3,32)
          msg $chan $qstyle($3 added to quote bans list.)
          if ($chr(42) isin $readini(quotes.ini,bans,bans)) {
            writeini quotes.ini bans bans $remtok($readini(quotes.ini,bans,bans),$chr(42),1,32)
      elseif ($2 == del) {
        if (!$3) {
          msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qban del <nick> for more help type .qhelp)
        elseif ($3 !isin $readini(quotes.ini,bans,bans)) {
          msg $chan $qstyle($3 isn't banned from quotes. How can I unban him?)
        else {
          var %t = $remtok($readini(quotes.ini,bans,bans),$3,1,32)
          writeini quotes.ini bans bans $iif(%t == $null,$chr(42),%t)
          msg $chan $qstyle($3 has been removed from the quotes ban list.)
      elseif ($2 == list) {
        msg $chan $qstyleb(Quote Bans)
        msg $chan $qstyle($iif($readini(quotes.ini,bans,bans) == $null,Nobody is banned from using quotes (yet).,$v1))
      else {
        msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qban add/del/list for more help type .qhelp)
    else {
      msg $chan $qstyle(Sorry, you need to be a quote mod/owner to modify the ban list. See .qhelp or an op for assistance.)
  if ($1 == .qmod) {
    if ($nick isin $readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner)) {
      if (!$2) {
        msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qmod add/del/list for more help type .qhelp)
      elseif ($2 == add) {
        if ($3 == $null) {
          msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qmod add <nick> for more help type .qhelp)
        elseif ($3 isin $readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods)) {
          msg $chan $qstyle($3 is already a quote mod.)
        else {
          writeini quotes.ini mods mods $addtok($readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods),$3,32)
          msg $chan $qstyle($3 is now a quotes mod.)
          if ($chr(42) isin $readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods)) {
            writeini quotes.ini mods mods $remtok($readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods),$chr(42),1,32)
      elseif ($2 == del) {
        if ($3 == $null) {
          msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qmod del <nick> for more help type .qhelp)
        elseif ($3 !isin $readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods)) {
          msg $chan $qstyle($3 isn't a quote mod. How can I remove him?)
        else {
          var %r = $remtok($readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods),$3,1,32) 
          writeini quotes.ini mods mods $iif(%r == $null,$chr(42),%r)
          msg $chan $qstyle($3 has been removed from the quote mods list!)
      elseif ($2 == list) {
        msg $chan $qstyleb(Quote Mods)
        msg $chan $qstyle($iif($readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods) == $null,Nobody is a quote moderator (yet).,$v1))
      else {
        msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qmod add/del/list for more help type .qhelp)
    else {
      if (($2 == list) && ($nick isin $readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods))) {
        msg $chan $qstyleb(Quote Mods)
        msg $chan $qstyle($iif($readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods) == $null,Nobody is a quote moderator (yet).,$v1))
      msg $chan $qstyle(Sorry, you need to be the quote owner to modify the mod list. See .qhelp or an op for assistance.)
  if ($1 == .qowner) {
    if ($nick isin $readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner)) {
      if (!$2) {
        msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qowner add/list for more help type .qhelp)
      elseif ($2 == add) {
        if ($3 == $null) {
          msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qowner add <nick> for more help type .qhelp)
        elseif ($3 isin $readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner)) {
          msg $chan $qstyle($3 is already a quote owner.)
        else {
          writeini quotes.ini owner owner $addtok($readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner),$3,32)
          msg $chan $qstyle($3 is now a quotes owner.)
          if ($chr(42) isin $readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner)) {
            writeini quotes.ini owner owner $remtok($readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner),$chr(42),1,32)
      elseif ($2 == list) {
        msg $chan $qstyleb(Quote Owners)
        msg $chan $qstyle($iif($readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner) == $null,Nobody is a quote owner (yet). Type "/msg $me qowner" to be the first.,$v1))
      else {
        msg $chan $qstyle(Type .qowner add/list for more help type .qhelp)
    else {
      msg $chan $qstyle(Sorry, you need to be the quote owner to modify/read the owner list. See .qhelp or an op for assistance.)
  if (($1 == .qdel) || ($1 == .quotedel) || ($1 == .delquote)) {
    if ($2 == $null) {
      msg $chan $qstyle(If you want to add a quote type .qadd <quote> -- For help type .qhelp)
    elseif ($nick isin $readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods)) || ($nick isin $readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner)) || ($nick == $gettok($read(quotes.txt,$2),2,45)) {
      if (($2 !isnum) || ($2 == 0)) {
        msg $chan $qstyle(To delete a quote type .qdel <quoteNumber> -- If you meant to add a quote type .qadd <quote> -- For help type .qhelp)
      elseif ($2 !isnum 1- $+ $lines(quotes.txt)) {
        msg $chan $qstyle(Sorry, but there are only $lines(quotes.txt) quotes in database! Add one by typing .qadd <quote>)
      else {
        if ($read(quotes.txt,$2) == $null) {
          msg $chan $qstyleb(Quote $+($chr(35),$2) has previously been deleted.)
        writeini quotes.ini stats $gettok($read(quotes.txt),2,45) $calc($readini(quotes.ini,stats,$nick) - 1 )
        writeini quotes.ini stats all $calc($readini(quotes.ini,stats,all) - 1 )
        write -l $+ $2 quotes.txt
        msg $chan $qstyleb(Quote $+($chr(35),$2) has been deleted.)
    else {
      msg $chan $qstyle(Sorry, you may only delete quotes that you didn't add if you are a quote mod/owner. For more help see .qhelp or an operator.)
  if (($1 == .qnum) || ($1 == .qtotal)) {
    var %total $readini(quotes.ini,stats,all)
    var %nick $readini(quotes.ini,stats,$nick)
    msg $chan $qstyle(There are %total quotes in the database. You have written %nick $+([,$calc($calc(%nick / %total) * 100),%,]) of them.)
  if ($1 == .qhelp) {
    if ($($+(%,quotehelp,$nick),2) == true) {
      msg $chan $qstyle(You were just sent the quote help info. Check your notices.)
    else {
      set -u5 $+(%,quotehelp,$nick) true
      notice $nick $qstyleb(Normal Quote Commands)
      notice $nick $qstyle(.qread <number> - Displays quote <number> from quote database. If there is no <number>, it displays a random quote.)
      notice $nick $qstyle(.qadd <quote> - Adds <quote> to database.)
      .timer -m 1 10 notice $nick $qstyle(.qsearch <search term / author> to search the quote database.)
      .timer -m 1 25 notice $nick $qstyle(.qnum - Displays the number of quotes in the database.)
      .timer -m 1 50 notice $nick $qstyle(.qdel <number> - Deletes quote <number> from the database. $+($chr(40),Requires authorship or mod/owner,$chr(41)))
      if ($nick isin $readini(quotes.ini,mods,mods)) || ($nick isin $readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner)) {
        .timer -m 1 100 notice $nick $qstyleb(Moderator Quote Commands)
        .timer -m 1 150 notice $nick $qstyle(.qban [add-del] <nick> - Adds or deletes <nick> to the banlist.)
        .timer -m 1 200 notice $nick $qstyle(.qban [list] - Lists the names on the ban list.)
        .timer -m 1 250 notice $nick $qstyle(.qmod [list] - Lists the names on the mod list.)
      if ($nick isin $readini(quotes.ini,owner,owner)) {
        .timer -m 1 300 notice $nick $qstyleb(Owner Quote Commands)
        .timer -m 1 350 notice $nick $qstyle(.qmod [add-del] <nick> - Adds or deletes <nick> to the mod list.)
        .timer -m 1 400 notice $nick $qstyle(.qowner [add] <nick> - Adds or deletes <nick> to the owner list. NOTE: You may not delete other quote owners.)
        .timer -m 1 450 notice $nick $qstyle(.qowner [list] - Lists the names on the owner list.)
alias qstyleb {
  return 14(4x14)10 $+ $1- $+ 14(4x14)
alias qstyle {
  return 14(4x14) $+ $1- $+ 14(4x14)
alias timeDifference {
  ;Input a date in $asctime format and this will return time from current date.
  return $duration($calc($ctime - $ctime($1-)))
#Quotes end


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chachin2009   -  Nov 01, 2013

Should make an addition to the bot so from the bot you CAN delete owners if you get tired of them :P

illhawkthat  -  Nov 02, 2013

@chachin2009 Thanks for the feedback! I think a better option for this is to instead add the person as a mod so that you can delete them. If owners could remove other owners then it would be hard to have it be controlled.

chachin2009  -  Nov 02, 2013

Hey illhawkthat you use IRC? If you do could you be cool and come to freenode and join #chick3n?

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illhawkthat   -  Apr 08, 2011

with on $*:text:/^[!@.]quote\b/Si:#: {
it would not match quotes, but i dont think i needed the star

Jethro   -  Feb 26, 2011

What's up with your on text regex? > on $:text:/^[!@.]quote(s)/Si:#: {It should have been

on $*:text:/^[!@.]quote\b/Si:#: {

(s*) this means zero or more letter s.

Conscious   -  Feb 26, 2011


illhawkthat   -  Feb 26, 2011

wow this sucks bro..

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