Op Manual

By LadySorien on Oct 19, 2010

A handy op manual. Make sure to highlight a person's nick otherwise it won't work.

menu channel {
  OM: dialog $iif($dialog(OM), -v, -m OM) OM

dialog om {
  title "Ops Manual"
  size -1 -1 180 117
  option dbu
  tab "Warnings:", 1, 3 4 175 15
  button "PEDO", 5, 10 40 37 12, tab 1
  button "SCAT ", 6, 52 40 37 12, tab 1
  button "ARGUING", 7, 93 40 37 12, tab 1
  button "RULES ", 8, 136 40 37 12, tab 1
  button "FAMILY-NIC", 9, 10 70 37 12, tab 1
  button "SPAM", 10, 52 70 37 12, tab 1
  button "FLOOD", 11, 93 70 37 12, tab 1
  button "INCEST", 12, 136 70 37 12, tab 1
  button "HELP", 13, 96 174 37 12, tab 1
  button "N-WORD", 19, 10 100 37 12, tab 1
  button "C-WORD", 18, 136 100 37 12, tab 1
  tab "Requests:", 2
  button "YOUNGER", 15, 10 40 37 12, tab 2
  button "REPEAT-POST", 16, 52 40 37 12, tab 2
  button "BAD-NICK", 17, 93 40 37 12, tab 2
  button "ASK-AGE", 20, 136 40 37 12, tab 2
  button "NO-PVT", 21, 10 70 37 12, tab 2
  button "ROOM-AD", 22, 52 70 37 12, tab 2
  button "BAD-MSG", 23, 93 70 37 12, tab 2
  button "CAPs", 24, 136 70 37 12, tab 2
  button "HELP", 25, 96 174 37 12, tab 2
  tab "Register Info:", 3
  button "REG-NICK", 27, 10 40 37 12, tab 3
  button "ID-PASS", 28, 52 40 37 12, tab 3
  button "GROUP-NICK", 29, 93 40 37 12, tab 3
  button "DROP-NICK", 30, 136 40 37 12, tab 3
  button "REG-ROOM", 31, 10 70 37 12, tab 3
  button "ID-ROOM", 32, 52 70 37 12, tab 3
  button "SET TOPIC", 33, 93 70 37 12, tab 3
  button "DROP-ROOM", 34, 136 70 37 12, tab 3
  button "HELP", 35, 96 174 37 12, tab 3
  tab "General Info:", 4
  button "ACTION-TALK", 37, 10 40 37 12, tab 4
  button "CHANGE-NICK", 38, 52 40 37 12, tab 4
  button "ACRONYMS", 39, 93 40 37 12, tab 4
  button "GUEST", 40, 136 40 37 12, tab 4
  button "AVG", 41, 10 70 37 12, tab 4
  button "PERFORM", 42, 52 70 37 12, tab 4
  button "IDENTIFY", 43, 93 70 37 12, tab 4
  button "FIND-IP", 44, 136 70 37 12, tab 4
  button "HELP", 45, 96 174 37 12, tab 4
On *:dialog:om:sclick:5:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1)  0 has received a  4** WARNING ** 0for 4PEDO 
  /notice $snick($active,1)  4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1) 0 Your 4Message 0contains 4Pedophile 0references that are 4Unsuitable 0for this $chan.  Please change it and do 4NOT 0 post the same request again. Failure to comply will result in your 4Removal 0from9  $active 0and possibly9 $server $+ .
  query  $snick($active,1)  4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1)  0 Your 4Message 0contains 4Pedophile 0references that are 4Unsuitable 0for this $chan.  Please change it and do 4NOT 0 post the same request again. Failure to comply will result in your 4Removal 0from9  $active 0and possibly9 $server $+ . 

On *:dialog:om:sclick:6:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1)  0  has received a  4** WARNING **  0for 4SCAT 0  
  /notice $snick($active,1)  4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1) 0Please alter your posts, scat/watersports are not permited on 9 $Server
  query  $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1)   0Please alter your posts, scat/watersports are not permited on 9 $Server 

On *:dialog:om:sclick:7:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1)  0has received a  4** WARNING ** 0 for 4Arguing 
  /notice $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1) 0 No arguing in main, if its that important take it to private, or you risk being 4Removed 0from 9  $active $+ .  
  query  $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1) 0 No arguing in main, if its that important take it to private, or you risk being 4Removed 0from9  $active $+ . 

On *:dialog:om:sclick:8:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1)  0has received a  4** WARNING **  0for 4Violation 0of 4 RULES  
  /notice  $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1) 0 you are in 4VIOLATION 0of 9 $Server 4 RULES 0If you wish to verify this rule please-Type /RULES 
  query  $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1) 0 you are in 4VIOLATION 0of 9 $Server 4 RULES 0If you wish to verify this rule please-Type /RULES 

On *:dialog:om:sclick:9:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1)  0has received a  4** WARNING **  0for 4***BAD FAMILY NICK*** 0asked to remove9 $$?="NICK that needs to be removed" 0from their Nick 
  /notice $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** WARNING **8  $snick($active,1)   0You're going to have to change your 4NICK 0because it contains 4family references0.... Please 4DROP 0the..9 " $+ $$! $+ " 0out of your Nick
  query  $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1)  0You're going to have to change your 4NICK 0because it contains 4family references0.... Please 4DROP 0the..9 " $+ $$! $+ " 0out of your Nick 

On *:dialog:om:sclick:10:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1)  0 has received a  4** WARNING ** 0for 4Spamming 
  /notice $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** WARNING **8  $snick($active,1)  4  Spamming 0is not allowed in 8  $active $+ . 0Any 4Spamming 0is against 4 Server  0 RULEs, please do 4NOT0 continue or risk being 4Removed 0 from 9 $server $+ . 
  query  $snick($active,1)  4,1 ** WARNING **8  $snick($active,1)  4  Spamming 0is not allowed in8   $active $+ . 0Any 4Spamming 0is against 4Server 0 RULEs, please do 4NOT0 continue or risk being 4Removed 0 from 9 $server .  

On *:dialog:om:sclick:11:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1)  0has received a  4** WARNING ** 0for 4Flooding 
  /notice $snick($active,1)  4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1)  0 Do not keep sending the same request over and over, its considered 4Flooding, 0change your message each time you send it or risk being 4Removed 0from8  $active 0and possibly9 $server $+ . 
  query  $snick($active,1)  4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1) 0 Do not keep sending the same request over and over, its considered 4Flooding, 0change your message each time you send it or risk being 4Removed 0from8  $active 0and possibly9 $server $+ . 

On *:dialog:om:sclick:12:{
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1) 0has received a  4** WARNING ** 0for 4Incest  
  /notice $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1) 0Do 4NOT 0post any 4Incest0 comments in this $chan. It is strictly forbidden according to 4 RULEs 0 If  continued, you risk being 4Removed 0from8  $active 0and possibly from 9 $Server $+ . 
  query  $snick($active,1)  4,1 ** WARNING **8  $snick($active,1)  0Do 4NOT 0post any 4Incest0 comments in this $chan. It is strictly forbidden according to 4 RULEs  0 If  continued, you risk being 4Removed 0from8  $active 0and possibly from 9 $Server $+ .

On *:dialog:om:sclick:19:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1) 0has received a 4** WARNING ** 0for using the 4"N"word 
  /notice $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1) 0 The use of the 4"N"word 0is banned in this $chan. Our users consider it degrading. If you continue to use it, we will have no choice but to 4Remove0 you from 8 $active 0 and possibly9 $server $+ .
  query  $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1)  0 The use of the 4"N"word 0is banned in this $chan. Our users consider it degrading. If you continue to use it, we will have no choice but to 4Remove0 you from 8 $active 0and possibly9 $server $+ .  

On *:dialog:om:sclick:18:{
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1) 0 has received a 4** WARNING ** 0for using the 4"C"word 
  /notice $snick($active,1)  4,1 4,1 ** WARNING **8 $snick($active,1)  0 The use of the 4"C"word 0is banned in this $chan. Our users consider it degrading. If you continue to use it, we will have no choice but to 4Remove0 you from 8 $active 0and possibly9 $server $+ . 
  query  $snick($active,1)  4** WARNING ** 8  $snick($active,1) 0 The use of the 4"C"word 0is banned in this $chan. Our users consider it degrading. If you continue to use it, we will have no choice but to 4Remove0 you from8 $active 0and possibly9 $server .   

On *:dialog:om:sclick:13:{ warninghelp }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:15:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1) 0 has received an 4 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **0 for 4Implied Younger 
  /notice $snick($active,1) 4,1** IMPORTANT REQUEST ** 8 $snick($active,1) 0 Please change your Nick, it has an4 Implied Younger0 message. This $chan does 4NOT 0 allow a combination of any two of the following (boy, girl, little, small, young) or anything that implies younger than legal age.  Failure to  comply with this request will result in your 4Removal0 from 8 $active 0and possibly9 $server . 
  query  $snick($active,1)  4,1** IMPORTANT REQUEST ** 8 $snick($active,1) 0 Please change your Nick, it has an4 Implied Younger0 message. This $chan does 4NOT 0 allow a combination of any two of the following (boy, girl, little, small, young) or anything that implies younger than legal age.  Failure to  comply with this request  will result in your 4Removal0 from8 $active 0and possibly9 $server . 

On *:dialog:om:sclick:16:{ notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1) 0has received an 4 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **0for 4***REPEAT POSTING*** | query  $snick($active,1) 4 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $snick($active,1) 0 please only post repeat messages once every 2minutes. | /notice $active 4 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $active  0 please only post repeat messages once every 2minutes. }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:17:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1)  0has received an 4 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **0 to change Nick 
  /notice $snick($active,1) 4,1** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $snick($active,1)  0 Please change your Nick, it is unsuitable for 8  $active $+ . 0Failure to do so will result in your 4Removal. 
  query  $snick($active,1) 4,1** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $snick($active,1)  0 Please change your Nick, it is unsuitable for 8  $active $+ . 0Failure to do so will result in your 4Removal. 
On *:dialog:om:sclick:20:{
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1) 0 has received an 4 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **0for 4Age 
  notice $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $snick 0This is a 4 $active Op 0may I have your age 4PLEASE 
  query $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $snick  0This is a4 $active Op 0may I have your age 4PLEASE  
On *:dialog:om:sclick:21:{
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1)  0has received an  4 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST ** 0for 4Private  Without Asking 
  notice $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $active   4Private  without asking 0... is 4RUDE 0and unacceptable behavior it can be considered 4HARASSMENT0! If you continue you will be 4Removed 0from $active $+ . 
  query  $snick($active,1) 4 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $snick($active,1)  4Private  without asking 0... is 4RUDE 0and unacceptable behavior, it can be considered 4HARASSMENT0! If you continue you will be 4Removed 0from8  $active $+ . 
On *:dialog:om:sclick:22:{
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1)  0has received an 4 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **0for 4Advertising  
  notice $snick($active,1)   4,1** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $active 0 Please do 4NOT Advertise 0 for other $chans  in9 $active $+ . 0It is considered unsolicited 4Spam 0and you may be 4Removed0 from 9 $Server $+ . Now 
  query  $snick($active,1)  4,1 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $snick($active,1)  0 Please do 4NOT Advertise 0 for other $chan's in9 $active  0it is considered unsolicited 4Spam 0and you may be 4Removed0 from 9 $Server 
On *:dialog:om:sclick:23:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1) 0has received an  4 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST ** 0for 4Unsuitable Message 
  /notice $snick($active,1)  4,1 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST ** 8 $snick($active,1) 0 Your 4Message/Request 0is 4Unsuitable 0for 9 $active 0or banned by 4 Server. 0 Please change it and do not post the same request again. Failure to do so will result in your 4Removal 0from 9 $active  0and possibly9 $server $+ . 
  query  $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST ** 8 $snick($active,1) 0 Your 4Message/Request 0is 4Unsuitable 0for 9 $active 0or banned by the 4 Server. 0 Please change it and do not post the same request again. Failure to do so will result in your 4Removal 0from8  $active 0and possibly9 $server $+ .  
On *:dialog:om:sclick:24:{ 
  notice % $+ $active  8,1 $snick($active,1) 0has received an 4 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **0for 4Caps 
  /notice $snick($active,1)  4,1 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $snick($active,1) 0 Please lower your4 CAPITALS0, it is considered 4 Rude0, NOW don't be embarrassed 4 EVERYONE 0 forgets their  Cap Lock from time to time. 
  query  $snick($active,1) 4,1 ** IMPORTANT REQUEST **8 $snick($active,1) 0 Please lower your4 CAPITALS0, it is considered 4 Rude. 0NOW don't be embarrassed 4 EVERYONE 0 forgets their  Cap Lock from time to time. 
On *:dialog:om:sclick:25:{ requesthelp }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:27:{ 
  /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1)  0to 4,1 **Register a Nickname  ** 0  Type 8 /MSG NickServ REGISTER password E-mail-Address 4 EXPMPLE 8/MSG NickServ REGISTER 1 . 8 E=mc²1 . 8 Hotel_silly@yahoo.com  
On *:dialog:om:sclick:28:{ 
/MSG  $active  $snick($active,1) after you log on to 4 $server  0you will4 60 0seconds to give your P姧Wð®Ð or  you will be disconnected. 1 . 0SO please write this down  1 . 8/MSG NickServ  IDENTIFY P姧Wð®Ð  }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:29:{ 
/MSG  $active  $snick($active,1)  0,1to 4 GROUP 0a nickname to your11 MASTER 0nickname change to an 9UN0registered nickname. Then type 8 to /msg NickServ GROUP MASTERnickname MASTERpassword }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:30:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1) 0,1to 11DROP 0the registration of your nickname, change to that Nick, identifie with your password then Type 8 /MSG NickServ DROP }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:31:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1) 4,1**TO REGISTER your $chan**  1 . . .  0Type1 .  8/MSG ChanServ Register1 . .8$chan_Name 1 . .8password  1 . . 4EXAMPLE 1 . 11  /MSG ChanServ Register 1 . 11   #Einstein's_Lab  1 . 11 E=mc² }  
On *:dialog:om:sclick:32:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1) 0,1 to identify your  Nick  0to your1 . 4 $chan 1 . 0Type1 .  8/MSG ChanServ IDENTIFY 1 . 8$chan_Name 1 . 8password 1 . 4 EXAMPLE1 .  11/MSG ChanServ IDENTIFY 1 . 11   #Einstein's_Lab 1 . 11 E=mc² }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:33:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1)  0,1to set your topic type8 /msg ChanServ topic $chan message 11,1EXAMPLE: 8 /msg ChanServ topic #Einstein's_Lab help wanted IQs below 180 need not apply 4Suggestion: 0 after you set your topic Type  8/msg ChanServ SET #channel_name KEEPTOPIC ON }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:34:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1)  0,1to 11DROP 0the registration of a channel, Type 8/MSG ChanServ DROP #channel_name 11,1 NOTE 0,1Only a channel founder may 11DROP 0a channel. Also, the founder must 11IDENTIFY 0before using this command. }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:35:{ reghelp }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:37:{ 
/MSG  $active  $snick($active,1)  0,1 to talk in 4Action 0type /me text  4 EXAMPLE 0/me Waves will come out  4 $me  Waves }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:38:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1)   0,1 to change your Nick type 4/Nick New-Nick }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:39:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1)  0,1Here are some chat abbreviations that might be useful: 11brb = 8Be Right Back  11 bbl = 8Be Back Later 11 hb = 8Hurry Back 11 lol = 8 Laughing Out Loud 11 lmao = 8  Laffing My AsS Off 11 ty = 8 Thank You 11yw = 8You're Welcome 11tc =8Take Care 11 wb = 8 Welcome Back 11oic = 8Oh I See 11np = 8No Problem 11 wtf = 8What The F**k? 11 afk = 8 Away From Keys  11 asl = 8 Age Sex Location  11fyi = 8 For Your Information }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:40:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1)  0,1 if you would like to change that 4 Nick 1 . 0 Type 8/Nick URnewNick 1  .  0 If you need further assistance please contact me. }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:41:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1)  0,1 You can download 7AVG anti-virus 4FREE0 at 8  http://www.filehippo.com/ }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:42:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1) 0,1To set 4UR0password in your script Hit8 Alt. O. 4(as in Oklahoma)0.. Goto the 11perform 0section, depending on your script this will be in ~ 8Connect 0~ 8Options 0~ 8Perform0 button OR 8IRC 0~ 8Perform0 ... on the perform page type 8 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY 4UR0password... then make sure that the box entitled 11"Enable perform on contact"0 is 4Checked }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:43:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1) 0,1  please-Type 8 /msg NickServ  IDENTIFY UR-P姧Wð®Ð }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:44:{ /MSG  $active  $snick($active,1) 0,1 To find  your current 4IP0, simply put this in your browser =  8 http://www.whatismyip.com }


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fahadmehar   -  Oct 28, 2018

Completely Useless

LadySorien   -  Oct 19, 2010

Okay people I've posted the snippets I wanted to share, I may post a vampire bar, and food script in a few months but it's going to be a while before i have anything made

napa182   -  Oct 19, 2010

Teen using menu * is not a good idea if you have any picwin games ur better off useing
menu channel,nicklist
and so on

_Teen_   -  Oct 19, 2010

Probably its not everyone thats have file type.wav on their pc's

On :dialog:om:sclick:35:{ reghelp | splay type.wav }
:dialog:om:sclick:25:{ requesthelp | splay type.wav }
On *:dialog:om:sclick:13:{ warninghelp | splay type.wav }

[19:05:38] <_Teen_> WARNING Please alter your posts, scat/watersports are not permited on server
[19:05:39] is not on IRC.
1 is not on IRC.
[19:05:39] is not on IRC.
1 is not on IRC.

you forgot to say, that needs to specify a nick, if not will return a error message...

and then, you forgot, how ppl will open the dialog? by the way try this

menu * {
  OM: dialog $iif($dialog(OM), -v, -m OM) OM
LadySorien   -  Oct 19, 2010

Okay that's fixed thanks napa182. I didn't notice the full thing hadn't posted

napa182   -  Oct 19, 2010

=/ looks like you only posted a bit of it cuz most don't work
and what does work echos all over the damn place then errors out

Jethro   -  Oct 19, 2010

Well, I believe you could add this alias:

alias om { dialog -m om om }

and then enter /om to open it...

TheWhistler   -  Oct 19, 2010

ok great now how do u bring up the dialog to use it ?? I dont see anything in there for that.

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