Channel Topic Design

By LadySorien on Oct 19, 2010

Some designs to make the channel topic a like more colorful. People it goes in Popups so no need for the closing bracket you're talking about

Channel Topic
.Cool Colors
..1 :/topic $chan 11,10[1]8,1¯13,6[1]8,1¯11,10[1]8,1¯13,6[1]8,1¯11,10[1]8,1¯13,6[1]8,1¯11,10[1]8,6 $$?="Enter Small Topic Here" 11,10[1]8,1¯13,6[1]8,1¯11,10[1]8,1¯13,6[1]8,1¯11,10[1]8,1¯13,6[1]8,1¯11,10[1]
..2 :/topic $chan 13,0<0,13>6,13<13,6>2,6<6,2>1,2<2,1>0,1 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 2,1<1,2>6,2<2,6>13,6<6,13>0,13<13,0> 
..3 :/topic $chan 16,11æ,12,11`æ11,12æ,2,12`æ12,2æ,17,2`æ2,17æ,15,17 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 2,17`æ17,2æ,12,2`æ,11,12`æ12,11æ,16,11`æ 
..4 :/topic $chan 8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,15®8,14®8,1® $$?="Enter Topic Here" 8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,15®8,14®8,1®
..5 :/topic $chan 01,01.12,12.01,01.08,08.01,01.04,04.01,01.08,08.01,01.12,12.01,01.01,08 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 01,01.12,12.01,01.08,08.01,01.04,04.01,01.08,08.01,01.12,12.01,01.
..6 :/topic $chan 8,0 ,%0,8%`7,8,%8,7%`4,7,%7,4%`8,4 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 7,4`%4,7%,8,7`%7,8%,0,8`%8,0%, 
..7 :/topic $chan 1,1xx9º7ë«6o8@6o4©9º4<12«8 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 1512»4>9º4©6o8@6o7»û9º1xx
..8 :/topic $chan 8,1:)12,1:)4,1:)13,1:)11,1:)9,1:)8,1 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 9,1(:11,1(:13,1(:4,1(:12,1(:8,1(:
..9 :/topic $chan 11,2**.:`~13,2Å11,2~.:**.:~13,2Å11,2~.:9,2 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 11,2:.`~13,2Å11,2~.:`**.:` ~13,2Å11,2~.:**
..10 :/topic $chan  12-æ0,12æ¸2,12`æ12,2æ¸1,2`æ2,1æ¸0,1 -= $$?="Enter Topic Here" =- 2,1`æ1,2æ¸12,2`æ2,12æ¸0,12`æ12,0æ-
..11 :/topic $chan 15,0,%0,15%`13,15,%15,13%`6,13,%13,6%`5,6,% 8 $$?="Enter Topic Here"  5,6%,13,6`%6,13%,15,13`%13,15%,0,15`%15,0%,
..1 :/topic $chan 9,1^~+*<{4,1@ 12,1 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 4,1@9,1}>*+~^
..2 :/topic $chan 9*~13®9~*3 »º8®3º«9*~13®9~*3 »º8®3º« 8,13 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 9 *~13®9~*3 »º8®3º« 9*~13®9~*3 »º8®3º«
..3 :/topic $chan 9,1.»º13©9º«.1,13 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 9,1.»º13©9º«.
..4 :/topic $chan 13,1 *12´¯`13*9»»4®9««13*12´¯`13*0 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 13*12´¯`13*9»»4®9««13*12´¯`13* 
..5 :/topic $chan 4,1@3}%9.·``·.3%{4@ 0 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 4,1@3}%9.·``·.3%{4@ 
.Rainbow Colors
..1 :/topic $chan 2,1 !3¡4!6¡7!8¡9!10¡11!12¡13!140¡2!3¡46!7¡8!9¡ 4* $$?="Enter Topic Here" *2 !3¡4!6¡7!8¡9!10¡11!12¡13!140¡2!3¡46!7¡8!9¡ 
..2 :/topic $chan 1¸12,3ø6¤11°7`11°3¤1ø5,1¸6¸10,4ø7¤1°4`3°13¤5ø3,12¸3¸ 1 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 1¸12,3ø6¤11°7`11°3¤1ø5,1¸6¸10,4ø7¤1°4`3°13¤5ø3,12¸3
..3 :/topic $chan 8,1 |7!4¤13*12'9~8`8`9~12'13*4¤7!8| 9 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 8,1 |7!4¤13*12'9~8`8`9~12'13*4¤7!8| 
..4 :/topic $chan 4,1 –*7–*8–*9–*11–*13–*4,1–0 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 4,1 –*7–*8–*9–*11–*13–*4–
..5 :/topic $chan 6,12|12,6|13,6|6,13|4,13|13,4|7,4|4,7|8,7|7,8|9,8|8,9|10,9|9,10|12,10|10,12|16,12  $$?="Enter Topic Here"  10,12|12,10|9,10|10,9|8,9|9,8|7,8|8,7|4,7|7,4|13,4|4,13|6,13|13,6|12,6|6
..6 :/topic $chan 9,1 |!¤*'~``~'*¤!| 12,1|!¤*'~``~'*¤!| 4,1 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 13,1 |!¤*'~``~'*¤!| 8,1|!¤*'~``~'*¤!|
..7 :/topic $chan 1,0<>2,0<>3,0<>4,0<>5,0<>6,0<>7,0<>2,0 $$?="Enter Topic Here" 7,0<>6,0<>5,0<>4,0<>3,0<>2,0<>1,0<>
..8 :/topic $chan 6,12¬|12,6¬|13,6¬|6,13¬|4,13¬|13,4¬|7,4¬|4,7¬|8,7¬|7,8¬|9,8¬|8,9¬|10,9¬|9,10¬|12,10¬|10,12¬|0,12 $$?="Enter Topic Here"  10,12¬|12,10¬|9,10¬|10,9¬|8,9¬|9,8¬|7,8¬|8,7¬|4,7¬|7,4¬|13,4¬|4,13¬|6,13¬|13,6¬|12,6¬|6,12¬|0,0
..1:/topic $chan 2»12»10»11»14Vve|come11«10«12«2«14 $$?="Topic" 2»12»10»11»14Vve|ome11«10«12«2«     
.. 2:/topic $chan 9~4@9~13W9~13E9~13 L9~13C9~13O9~13M9~13E9~4@9~0 $$?="Topic" 9~4@9~13W9~13E9~13 L9~13C9~13O9~13M9~13E9~4@9~ 
..3:/topic $chan 12°11W12°11E12°11L12°11C12°11O12°11M12°11E12° $$?="Topic" 12°11W12°11E12°11L12°11C12°11O12°11M12°11E12° 
..4:/topic $chan 9`6ª9~13welcome9~6ª9´ $$?="Topic" 9`6ª9~13welcome9~6ª9´  
..5:/topic $chan 14s15>0WELCOME15<14s15 $$?="Topic" 14s15>0WELCOME15<14s 
..6:/topic $chan 12!6!4!7!8!9WeLcOmE8!7!4!6!12!9 $$?="Topic" 12!6!4!7!8!9WeLcOmE8!7!4!6!12! 
..7:/topic $chan 13¤6Vv13¤6e13¤6|13¤6c13¤6o13¤6m13¤6e13¤15 $$?="Topic" 13¤6Vv13¤6e13¤6|13¤6c13¤6o13¤6m13¤6e13¤ 
..8:/topic $chan 4<14w4=15E7=0l8=0C8=0o7=0M4=14e4>0 $$?="Topic" 4<14w4=15E7=0l8=0C8=0o7=0M4=14e4> 
..9:/topic $chan 11,12*Vve|cOme* $$?="Topic" 11,12*Vve|cOme* 
..10:/topic $chan 9~8Vv9~8e9~8|9~8C9~8o9~8m9~8e9~8 $$?="Topic" 9~8Vv9~8e9~8|9~8C9~8o9~8m9~8e9~ 
..11:/topic $chan 11¨12°2º11WELCOME2º12°11¨10 $$?="Topic" 11¨12°2º11WELCOME2º12°11¨ 
..12:/topic $chan 4,0Vv12,4e0,12|4,0c12,4o0,12m4,0e15 $$?="Topic" 4,0Vv12,4e0,12|4,0c12,4o0,12m4,0e 
..13:/topic $chan 4,4 0,0 12,12 4Vve|come12,12 0,0 4,4 15 $$?="Topic" 4,4 0,0 12,12 4Vve|come12,12 0,0 4,4  
..14:/topic $chan 4,4 0,0 12,12 4,0Vve|come12,12 0,0 4,4 15 $$?="Topic" 4,4 0,0 12,12 4,0Vve|come12,12 0,0 4,4  
..15:/topic $chan 3~5®3~10welcome3~5®3~ $$?="Topic" 3~5®3~10welcome3~5®3~ 
..16:/topic $chan 11^12A11^15We|ComE11^12A11^ $$?="Topic" 11^12A11^15We|ComE11^12A11^ 
..17:/topic $chan 5»6»13©6«5«4Welcome5«6«13©6»5» $$?="Topic" 5»6»13©6«5«4Welcome5«6«13©6»5»
..18:/topic $chan 0V^^^V4We|come0V^^^V4 $$?="Topic" 0V^^^V4We|come0V^^^V | /splay $mircdir\sounds\urp.wav
..19:/topic $chan 14·¨`·4.15V4.14·´¨·4WELCOME14·¨`·4.15V4.14·´¨· $$?="Topic" 14·¨`·4.15V4.14·´¨·4WELCOME14·¨`·4.15V4.14·´¨· 
..20:/topic $chan 13»»15--4(¯`15-4´¯)15--14>11WELCOME15 $$?="Topic" 11WELCOME14<15--4(¯`15-4´¯)15--13«« 
..21:/topic $chan 10«11«2~12\11´`12/2~11»10»We|come«11«2~12\11´`12/2~11»10»15 $$?="Topic" 10«11«2~12\11´`12/2~11»10»We|come«11«2~12\11´`12/2~11»10» 
..1:/topic $chan 12~15°14Y15°12~15°14Y15°12~15°14Y15°12~ 15 $$?="Topic" 12~15°14Y15°12~15°14Y15°12~15°14Y15°12~ 
..2:/topic $chan 13}6i13{4¤13}6i13{4¤13}6i13{4¤13}6i13{4¤13}6i13{4 $$?="Topic" 13}6i13{4¤13}6i13{4¤13}6i13{4¤13}6i13{4¤13}6i13{ 
..3:/topic $chan 10,2\/\12\/10/\12\/10/\12\/10/\/0 $$?="Topic" 10,2\/\12\/10/\12\/10/\12\/10/\/ 
..4:/topic $chan 2»12»10»11»14|11«10«12«2«14 $$?="Topic" 2»12»10»11»14|11«10«12«2« 
..5:/topic $chan 12!6!4!7!8!11|8!7!4!6!12!10 $$?="Topic" 12!6!4!7!8!11|8!7!4!6!12! 
..6:/topic $chan 0¤|1,14|1,0¤1,14|0,1|¤ $$?="Topic" 0¤|1,14|1,0¤1,14|0,1|¤ 
..7:/topic $chan 12,10<11>12<11>12<11>12<11>12<11>12 $$?="Topic" 12,10<11>12<11>12<11>12<11>12<11> 
..8:/topic $chan 14,1.·´¯`·15,1^4•0,,4•15^14,114,1·´¯`·.4 $$?="Topic"  14,1.·´¯`·15,1^4•0,,4•15^14,114,1·´¯`·. 
..9:/topic $chan 11,1*9´¯`11*9»»11®9««11*9´¯`11* 10 11 $$?="Topic" 1--11*9´¯`11*9»»11®9««11*9´¯`11* 
..10:/topic $chan 4(_.·´¯(_.·´¯(_.·´¯ 5 $$?="Topic" 4¯`·._)¯`·._)¯`·._) 
..11:/topic $chan 11(_.·´¯(_.·´¯(_.·´¯ 12 $$?="Topic" 11¯`·._)¯`·._)¯`·._) 
..12:/topic $chan 6(14_.·´06¯(14_.·´06¯(14_.·´06¯06 $$?="Topic" 06¯14`·._06)¯14`·._06)¯14`·._06) 
..13:/topic $chan 1,1--2,1--12,1--6,1--4,1--7,1--8,1·´¯`·4,1^•0,,4•^11,18,1·´¯`·7,1--4,1--6,1--12,1--2,1--1,1--4 $$?="Topic" 1,1--2,1--12,1--6,1--4,1--7,1--8,1·´¯`·4,1^•0,,4•^11,18,1·´¯`·7,1--4,1--6,1--12,1--2,1--1,1--
..14:/topic $chan 4(14_.·´04¯(14_.·´04¯(14_.·´04¯ 14 $$?="Topic" 04¯14`·._04)¯14`·._04)¯14`·._04) 
..15:/topic $chan 6~13>14o13<6~13>14o13<6~13>14o13<6~14 $$?="Topic" 6~13>14o13<6~13>14o13<6~13>14o13<6~ 
..16:/topic $chan 10(14_.·´10¯(14_.·´10¯(14_.·´10¯ 14 $$?="Topic" 10¯14`·._10)¯14`·._10)¯14`·._10) 
..17:/topic $chan 2•12•6•7•9•8•9•7•6•12•2•8 $$?="Topic" 2•12•6•7•9•8•9•7•6•12•2• 
..18:/topic $chan 14<10~15¤0}4^|^0{15¤10~14> $$?="Topic" 14<10~15¤0}4^|^0{15¤10~14> 
..19:/topic $chan 9~5@9~4@9~6@9~13@9~3 $$?="Topic" 9~13@9~6@9~4@9~5@9~
..20:/topic $chan 11,12·`"´·.¸,.·¨`·~>15 $$?="Topic" 11,12<~·´¨·.,¸.·`"´·¸ 
..21:/topic $chan 13^6)14\/6(13^6)14\/6(13^6)14\/6(13^6)14\/6(13^14 $$?="Topic" 13^6)14\/6(13^6)14\/6(13^6)14\/6(13^6)14\/6(13^ 
..1:/topic $chan 4<14p4=15R7=0i8=0V8=0a7=0t4=14e4>4 $$?="Topic" 4<14p4=15R7=0i8=0V8=0a7=0t4=14e4> 
..2:/topic $chan 0>15>14>4PRIVATE14<15<0<4 $$?="Topic" 0>15>14>4PRIVATE14<15<0< 
..3:/topic $chan 7(8P7)(8R7)(8I7)(8V7)(8A7)(8T7)(8E7)4 $$?="Topic" 7(8P7)(8R7)(8I7)(8V7)(8A7)(8T7)(8E7) 
..4:/topic $chan 9~8Þ9~8r9~8i9~8V9~8A9~8t9~8e9~3 $$?="Topic" 9~8Þ9~8r9~8i9~8V9~8A9~8t9~8e9~ 
..5:/topic $chan 0,12*4P0*4R0*4I0*4V0*4A0*4T0*4E0*4 $$?="Topic" 0,12*4P0*4R0*4I0*4V0*4A0*4T0*4E0* 
.Plain:{ topic # $$?="Topic?" } 2»12»10»11»14VVe|ComE11«10«12«2« $$1="Topic?" 2»12»10»11»14VVe|ComE11«10«12«2« 
.Clear:{ topic # $chr(160) }


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napa182   -  Jan 02, 2011

lol nice one LadySorien ^^

LadySorien   -  Jan 02, 2011

Has anybody noticed the updated version doesn't have an opening bracket?

Jethro   -  Dec 30, 2010

Bravo, Relurk. That's the kind of attitude a coder should have.

Relurk_   -  Dec 30, 2010

You are just terrible with your closing brackets. If you open something, close it.
Do you ever forget to close your fridge?
Just cause it works... Doesn't give you an excuse to be sloppy with your code.

DragonFlare   -  Oct 25, 2010


just a note Lady Sorien

.Clear:{ topic # $chr(160) }

I know some scripts dont need that as some work without it the problem is it may only work on certain IRC's wont allow that due to other scripts working against it
Use the BB Code Bro
Makes it easier to notice if you are posting code or not you got the

 BB COde to post code >  BB Code to Quote Someone [b] To Make your Text Bold  To add color [u] for Underlining your text and etc... Just thought you should know Rawee and Sorien Good work for a beginner just think of it as constructive critism i got it alot when i first started scripting and posting on here then again Typo was my mentor and napa182 so they were hard asses but they helped me learn See you on the server btw

[Quote] [Quote]

as SunnyD said, who said to u thats dont need a closing bracket? 

look at this example

in this first example i will put a while event


alias fd {
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $len($1-)) {
    echo -a $left($1,%x)
    inc %x

  alias hhs {
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= $1) {
      echo -a %x
      inc %x

if we ''think'' in the same way as u think, when we type, /fd test, it will create a loop, then when we type /hhs 10, it will not work, so when we close the bracket, its work fine... 

He was correct
DragonFlare   -  Oct 25, 2010


''People it goes in Popups so no need for the closing bracket you're talking about ''

after she edited, of course no need a closing bracket...

gooshie   -  Oct 20, 2010

You may use brackets in popups section with same rules.
If you have an open bracket it requires a closing bracket.
For instance if you made an alias and only needed to use
it from the channel nicklist popup then you could put the
alias there as I have done with this:

>> Topic # << $chan(#).mode: {
  echo -c info2 [Room Modes] # $chan(#).mode
  echo -c $iif($chan(#).topic,topic [Room Topic] $chan(#).topic,info [Room Topic] Void)
_Teen_   -  Oct 19, 2010

''People it goes in Popups so no need for the closing bracket you're talking about ''

after she edited, of course no need a closing bracket...

ryan245789   -  Oct 19, 2010

why would a person use a closing bracket if they havent even used an opening bracket?
there is no opening bracket in this script

Wade   -  Oct 19, 2010

if there is no close bracket, you risk the chance of an infinite loop or while loop, until which will obvious crash your PC due to it running 100% on an infinite loop. And possibly cause your CPU to overheat, potentially damaging itself if its poorly maintained.

Its always good practice to keep good, clean, well presented and most importantly commented code so other people can understand what is/meant to be happening

Rawee   -  Oct 19, 2010

just a note Lady Sorien

.Clear:{ topic # $chr(160) }

I know some scripts dont need that as some work without it the problem is it may only work on certain IRC's wont allow that due to other scripts working against it

LadySorien   -  Oct 19, 2010

It goes in the popups section of the script editor. I have never seen closing brackets used in there.

_Teen_   -  Oct 19, 2010

as SunnyD said, who said to u thats dont need a closing bracket?

look at this example

in this first example i will put a while event

alias fd {
  var %x = 1
  while (%x <= $len($1-)) {
    echo -a $left($1,%x)
    inc %x

  alias hhs {
    var %x = 1
    while (%x <= $1) {
      echo -a %x
      inc %x

if we ''think'' in the same way as u think, when we type, /fd test, it will create a loop, then when we type /hhs 10, it will not work, so when we close the bracket, its work fine...

Sorasyn   -  Oct 19, 2010

Sigh, as its been stated a thousand times lets make it a thousand and 1, you NEED closing brackets, even if its in a file all its own its still good coding practice, and saying you don't need it is just ignorant and obviously horrible coding practice.

On the upside I will give you props this one looks semi useful lol.

LadySorien   -  Oct 19, 2010

You don't need a closing bracket Teen works fine with out it

_Teen_   -  Oct 19, 2010

your snippet is missing a close bracket

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