Weather bot

By xbox_gamer1 on Oct 16, 2010

Can Someone Help me make this command so it will work in all channels

Like This command

99% of this command was made by:

on $*:text:/^!((en|dis)able)$/:*: { 
  { set -z %f 3 | $+(.,$regml(1)) #bot | .msg $iif(#,#,$nick) Weather Bot $iif($group(#bot) = on,en,dis) $+ abled in $& 
    $+($chr(2),#,$chr(2)) channel. }   
#bot on
;;;;;; weather underground for mIRC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;by eqrunner ;;;;

!w or !weather [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] will return current conditions.
!forecast [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] will give detailed 3 day forecast (for us)
!forecast5 [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] will send 5 day forecast to $nick that requested. (to prevent chan flooding)
!alerts [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] will tell you if there are any weather alerts in your area.
!alertinfo [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] will send $nick the detailed report of alerts in said area
!time [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] will return current time.

Notes from wunderground:
We don't support old style abbreviations like Conn. for Connecticut, use CT
If you are searching for an international city, try the name of the country or province
Don't use provinces for non-us cities (ie: Vancouver, BC)
Zipcodes only work in Canada, UK and the US

on $*:text:/^[!](w|weather|forecast|forecast5|alert|alerts|alertinfo|alertsinfo|time)/Si:#: {
  unset %wu_*
  if ($2 == $null) { .notice $nick Please specify a location $1 [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] | halt }
  set %wu_command $1
  set %wu_address $replace($2-,$chr(32),$chr(43)) 
  set %wu_nick $nick
  set %wu_network $network
  set %wu_chan $chan

  if (%wu_command == !weather) || (%wu_command == !w) || (%wu_command == !time) { 
    set %wu_link $+(/auto/wui/geo/WXCurrentObXML/index.xml?query=,%wu_address)
    set %wu_host
    sockopen wunderground %wu_host 80
  if (%wu_command == !forecast) || (%wu_command == !forecast5) { 
    set %wu_link $+(/auto/wui/geo/ForecastXML/index.xml?query=,%wu_address)
    set %wu_host
    sockopen wunderground %wu_host 80

  if (%wu_command == !alert) set %wu_command !alerts
  if (%wu_command == !alertsinfo) set %wu_command !alertinfo
  if (%wu_command == !alerts) || (%wu_command == !alertinfo) { 
    ;echo -s pass
    set %wu_link $+(/auto/wui/geo/AlertsXML/index.xml?query=,%wu_address)
    set %wu_host
    sockopen wunderground %wu_host 80

  ;echo -s LINK: %wu_link

on *:sockopen:wunderground: {

  ;sockwrite -n $sockname GET %wu_link XML/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %wu_link
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: %wu_host
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

on *:sockread:wunderground: {
  sockread %wu_temp
  ;echo -s %wu_temp

  if (%wu_command == !weather) || (%wu_command == !w) || (%wu_command == !time) { 
    ; local info
    if (<full> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_full == $null) %wu_full = $remove(%wu_temp,<full>,</full>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<city> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_city == $null) %wu_city = $remove(%wu_temp,<city>,</city>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<state> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_state == $null) %wu_state = $remove(%wu_temp,<state>,</state>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<state_name> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_state_name == $null) %wu_state_name = $remove(%wu_temp,<state_name>,</state_name>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<country> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_country == $null)  %wu_country = $remove(%wu_temp,<country>,</country>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<country_iso3166> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_country_iso3166 == $null) %wu_country_iso3166 = $remove(%wu_temp,<country_iso3166>,</country_iso3166>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<zip> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_zip == $null)  %wu_zip = $remove(%wu_temp,<zip>,</zip>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<latitude> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_latitude == $null) %wu_latitude = $remove(%wu_temp,<latitude>,</latitude>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<longitude> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_longitude == $null) %wu_longitude = $remove(%wu_temp,<longitude>,</longitude>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<elevation> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_elevation == $null) %wu_elevation = $remove(%wu_temp,<elevation>,</elevation>,$chr(9)) 

    if (<local_time> isin %wu_temp) %wu_local_time = $remove(%wu_temp,<local_time>,</local_time>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<local_time_rfc822> isin %wu_temp) %wu_local_time_rfc822 = $remove(%wu_temp,<local_time_rfc822>,</local_time_rfc822>,$chr(9)) 

    ; current weather
    if (<weather> isin %wu_temp) %wu_weather = $remove(%wu_temp,<weather>,</weather>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<temperature_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_temperature_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<temperature_string>,</temperature_string>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<temp_f> isin %wu_temp) %wu_temp_f = $remove(%wu_temp,<temp_f>,</temp_f>,$chr(9))
    if (<temp_c> isin %wu_temp) %wu_temp_c = $remove(%wu_temp,<temp_c>,</temp_c>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<relative_humidity> isin %wu_temp) %wu_relative_humidity = $remove(%wu_temp,<relative_humidity>,</relative_humidity>,$chr(9)) 

    ; wind
    if (<wind_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_wind_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<wind_string>,</wind_string>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<wind_dir> isin %wu_temp) %wu_wind_dir = $remove(%wu_temp,<wind_dir>,</wind_dir>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<wind_degrees> isin %wu_temp) %wu_wind_degrees = $remove(%wu_temp,<wind_degrees>,</wind_degrees>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<wind_mph> isin %wu_temp) %wu_wind_mph = $remove(%wu_temp,<wind_mph>,</wind_mph>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<wind_gust_mph> isin %wu_temp) %wu_wind_gust_mph = $remove(%wu_temp,<wind_gust_mph>,</wind_gust_mph>,$chr(9)) 

    if (<pressure_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_pressure_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<pressure_string>,</pressure_string>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<pressure_mb> isin %wu_temp) %wu_pressure_mb = $remove(%wu_temp,<pressure_mb>,</pressure_mb>,$chr(9))
    if (<pressure_in> isin %wu_temp) %wu_pressure_in = $remove(%wu_temp,<pressure_in>,</pressure_in>,$chr(9))
    if (<dewpoint_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_dewpoint_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<dewpoint_string>,</dewpoint_string>,$chr(9))
    if (<dewpoint_f> isin %wu_temp) %wu_dewpoint_f = $remove(%wu_temp,<dewpoint_f>,</dewpoint_f>,$chr(9))
    if (<dewpoint_c> isin %wu_temp) %wu_dewpoint_c = $remove(%wu_temp,<dewpoint_c>,</dewpoint_c>,$chr(9))

    if (<heat_index_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_heat_index_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<heat_index_string>,</heat_index_string>,$chr(9))
    if (<heat_index_f> isin %wu_temp) %wu_heat_index_f = $remove(%wu_temp,<heat_index_f>,</heat_index_f>,$chr(9))
    if (<heat_index_c> isin %wu_temp) %wu_heat_index_c = $remove(%wu_temp,<heat_index_c>,</heat_index_c>,$chr(9))
    if (<windchill_string> isin %wu_temp) %wu_windchill_string = $remove(%wu_temp,<windchill_string>,</windchill_string>,$chr(9))
    if (<windchill_f> isin %wu_temp) %wu_windchill_f = $remove(%wu_temp,<windchill_f>,</windchill_f>,$chr(9))
    if (<windchill_c> isin %wu_temp) %wu_windchill_c = $remove(%wu_temp,<windchill_c>,</windchill_c>,$chr(9))

    if (<visibility_mi> isin %wu_temp) %wu_visibility_mi = $remove(%wu_temp,<visibility_mi>,</visibility_mi>,$chr(9))
    if (<visibility_km> isin %wu_temp) %wu_visibility_km = $remove(%wu_temp,<visibility_km>,</visibility_km>,$chr(9))

  if (%wu_command == !forecast) || (%wu_command == !forecast5) {
    if (<period> isin %wu_temp) set %wu_period $remove(%wu_temp,<period>,</period>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
    if (<high> isin %wu_temp) set %wu_xtemp 1
    if (<low> isin %wu_temp) set %wu_xtemp 2
    if (<simpleforecast> isin %wu_temp) set %wu_simpleforecast 1

    if (<title> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_period == 1) %wu_f1_title = $remove(%wu_temp,<title>,</title>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
    if (<fcttext> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_period == 1) %wu_f1_fcttext = $remove(%wu_temp,<fcttext>,</fcttext>,$chr(9))
    if (<title> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_period == 2) %wu_f2_title = $remove(%wu_temp,<title>,</title>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
    if (<fcttext> isin %wu_temp) && (%wu_period == 2) %wu_f2_fcttext = $remove(%wu_temp,<fcttext>,</fcttext>,$chr(9))

    if (%wu_simpleforecast == 1) {
      if (<weekday> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_weekday) $remove(%wu_temp,<weekday>,</weekday>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
      if (<conditions> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_conditions) $remove(%wu_temp,<conditions>,</conditions>,$chr(9))
      if (%wu_xtemp == 1) {
        if (<fahrenheit> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_highf) $remove(%wu_temp,<fahrenheit>,</fahrenheit>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
        if (<celsius> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_highc) $remove(%wu_temp,<celsius>,</celsius>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
      if (%wu_xtemp == 2) {
        if (<fahrenheit> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_lowf) $remove(%wu_temp,<fahrenheit>,</fahrenheit>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
        if (<celsius> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_P,%wu_period,_lowc) $remove(%wu_temp,<celsius>,</celsius>,$chr(9),$chr(32))
  if (%wu_command == !alerts) || (%wu_command == !alertinfo) { 
    ;echo -s %wu_temp
    set -n %wu_ac <alert count="
    if (%wu_ac isin %wu_temp) set -n %wu_a_count $remove(%wu_temp,<termsofservice link="" />,<alert count=",">,$chr(32),$chr(9))
    if (<AlertItem> isin %wu_temp) inc %wu_a_i
    if (<type> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_type) $remove(%wu_temp,<type>,</type>,$chr(9)) 
    if (<description> isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_description) $remove(%wu_temp,<description>,</description>,$chr(9))
    if (<date epoch isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_date) $right($remove(%wu_temp,<date epoch=",">,</date>,$chr(9)),-12)
    if (<expires epoch isin %wu_temp) set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_expires) $right($remove(%wu_temp,<expires epoch=",">,</expires>,$chr(9)),-10)
    if (</message> isin %wu_temp) { set %wu_msg OFF | set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_count) $(%wu_msg_c,2) | set %wu_msg_c 0 }
    if (%wu_msg == ON) {
      inc %wu_msg_gc
      inc %wu_msg_c 
      set $+(%,wu_a,%wu_a_i,_message,%wu_msg_c) %wu_temp
    if (<message> isin %wu_temp) { set %wu_msg ON }

on *:sockclose:wunderground: {
  var %wu_space = $+($chr(45),$chr(124),$chr(45))
  var %wu_spaceend = $+($chr(45),$chr(124))

  if (%wu_command == !weather) || (%wu_command == !w) { 
    set %wu_present $remove(%wu_full,$chr(9),$chr(32),$chr(44))
    if (%wu_present == $null) msg %wu_chan Location not found
    if (%wu_present != $null) msg %wu_chan %wu_full $+ : %wu_weather and $+(%wu_temp_f,F,$chr(40),%wu_temp_c,C,$chr(41))
  if (%wu_command == !time) {
    msg %wu_chan %wu_full $+ : %wu_local_time
  if (%wu_command == !forecast) || (%wu_command == !forecast5) {
    if (%wu_f1_title != $null) { 
      var %wu_forecast1 $(%wu_f1_title $+ : %wu_f1_fcttext)
      var %wu_forecast2 $(%wu_f2_title $+ : %wu_f2_fcttext)
      if (%wu_f2_title != %wu_P2_weekday ) var %wu_forecast3 $(%wu_P2_weekday $+ : %wu_P2_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P2_highf,F) $chr(47) $+(%wu_P2_highc,C) Low: $+(%wu_P2_lowf,F) $chr(47) $+(%wu_P2_lowc,C)) 
      if (%wu_f2_title == %wu_P2_weekday ) var %wu_forecast3 $(%wu_P3_weekday $+ : %wu_P3_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P3_highf,F) $chr(47) $+(%wu_P3_highc,C) Low: $+(%wu_P3_lowf,F) $chr(47) $+(%wu_P3_lowc,C))
      .timer 1 0 msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : %wu_forecast1
      .timer 1 1 msg %wu_chan %wu_forecast2 %wu_space %wu_forecast3 %wu_spaceend 
    if (%wu_f1_title == $null) {
      var %wu_forecast1 $(%wu_P1_weekday $+ : %wu_P1_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P1_highf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_highc,C,$chr(41)) Low: $+(%wu_P1_lowf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_lowc,C,$chr(41)))
      var %wu_forecast2 $(%wu_P2_weekday $+ : %wu_P2_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P2_highf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P2_highc,C,$chr(41)) Low: $+(%wu_P2_lowf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P2_lowc,C,$chr(41)))
      var %wu_forecast3 $(%wu_P3_weekday $+ : %wu_P3_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P3_highf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P3_highc,C,$chr(41)) Low: $+(%wu_P3_lowf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P3_lowc,C,$chr(41)))
      .timer 1 0 msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : %wu_forecast1  
      .timer 1 1 msg %wu_chan %wu_forecast2 %wu_space %wu_forecast3

  if (%wu_command == !forecast5) {
    ;.timer 1 0 .msg %wu_chan %wu_P1_weekday $+ : %wu_P1_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P1_highf,$F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_highc,C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P1_lowf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_lowc,C,$chr(41))
    .timer 1 1 .msg %wu_nick Your forcast for %wu_address
    .timer 1 2 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P1_weekday $+ : %wu_P1_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P1_highf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_highc,C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P1_lowf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P1_lowc,C,$chr(41))
    .timer 1 3 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P2_weekday $+ : %wu_P2_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P2_highf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P2_highc,C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P2_lowf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P2_lowc,C,$chr(41))
    .timer 1 4 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P3_weekday $+ : %wu_P3_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P3_highf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P3_highc,C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P3_lowf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P3_lowc,C,$chr(41))
    .timer 1 5 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P4_weekday $+ : %wu_P4_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P4_highf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P4_highc,C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P4_lowf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P4_lowc,C,$chr(41))
    .timer 1 6 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P5_weekday $+ : %wu_P5_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P5_highf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P5_highc,C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P5_lowf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P5_lowc,C,$chr(41))
    .timer 1 7 .msg %wu_nick %wu_P6_weekday $+ : %wu_P6_conditions $+ . High: $+(%wu_P6_highf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P6_highc,C,$chr(41)) - Low: $+(%wu_P6_lowf,F,$chr(40),%wu_P6_lowc,C,$chr(41))

  if (%wu_command == !alerts) {
    if (%wu_a_count == 0) msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : No Alerts
    if (%wu_a_count > 0) {
      msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : %wu_a_count Alerts
      var %i 1
      while (%i <= %wu_a_count) {
        .timer 1 %i msg %wu_chan %wu_a_start $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_description),2) till $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_expires),2) %wu_a_end
        inc %i
      .timer 1 %i .notice %wu_nick use $chr(2) !alertinfo $chr(2) [zipcode|city,state|city,country|airport] for alert details
  if (%wu_command == !alertinfo) {
    if (%wu_a_count == 0) msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : No Alerts
    if (%wu_a_count > 0) {
      msg %wu_chan %wu_address $+ : %wu_a_count Alerts - See PM for details
      .msg %wu_nick %wu_address $+ : %wu_a_count Alerts
      var %i 1 , %i_gc 1
      while (%i <= %wu_a_count) {
        .timer 1 %i_gc .msg %wu_nick $chr(2) $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_description),2) $chr(2) from $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_date),2) till $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_expires),2)
        var %i_msg 1
        while (%i_msg <= $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_count),2)) {
          .timer 1 %i_gc .msg %wu_nick $($+(%,wu_a,%i,_message,%i_msg),2)
          inc %i_gc
          inc %i_msg
        inc %i
      .timer 1 %i_gc .msg %wu_nick --------- End of Alerts -------

  unset %wu_*
  ;echo -s End-------- of WU $time --------
#bot end


Sign in to comment.
AMA   -  Nov 27, 2012

sorry this script is broken and flawed

_Teen_   -  Oct 16, 2010

u may ask it on Scripting section, and not post the same script again =/

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