Log Server for mIRC

By FordLawnmower on Oct 15, 2010

This script will Create a channel log in html format for each of the channels you select.
You can also use this script to act as a server and display the pages on the web for others to view.


First: If your not familiar with port forwarding and you have never added a firewall exception, this is not going to be very easy.
Take a few deep breaths before you start and if you have too much trouble just come to irc.geekshed.net #Script-Help and I will do my best to help you get this going.
Getting Started:

  • Copy this code, Paste it to a new remote and save it with a unique file name.
  • Select a port number (default is 1337) and forward it from your router to your computer. For help with this look here --> http://portforward.com/
  • Create an exception in your Firewall for the port you selected in step 2.
  • Create an exception in your Firewall for mIRC.exe (To create this exception you must know the location of mIRC.exe. Type //echo -a $mircexe
  • Goto http://www.no-ip.com/ , http://www.dyndns.com/ or a similar site and get a free host name. (you can optionally use your ipaddress)
  • Right click channel or status and set up logging and turn on the server for the channels you want to make pages for. (Make sure you turn on the master switches)
    Explaining the Dialog:
  • Network: Network
  • Channel: Channel
  • Colors: Will change the colors for the selected event on the web page.
  • Headers:
  • Text: The text that will be placed in the header portion of the page.
  • Color: Header Color
  • Size: Header size
  • Style: b=bold i=italics u=underlined
  • Logging: Turns logging on/off for the selected channel.
  • Server Information:
  • Host: hostname you get from no-ip or ddns. Default is (Please do not omit the http:// , as I have yet to add a check for this.)
    Note that the Host is currently only used for the link that is generated at the bottom of the dialog.
  • Port: This is the port that you selected and forwarded from your router to your pc. (Default is 1337)
    Note Any time you change any of the Server Information you must click the Save button!!
  • Master Switch:
  • Logging On: Turns all Logging on/off
  • Server On: Turns all Server functions on/off
  • Link -- Will open a browser window based on the information currently showing on the dialog.
    The basic format of a link for a channels log page is like this:
    Note You cannot use # in most browsers because it will be considered an anchor. You must use %23 instead!!
  • Save: Will save all changes - Including Server Information.
  • Quit: Exits and saves all changes to the hashtable.
    You may add a favicon.icon by placing it in the LogServer directory.
    The LogServer directory can be found in the $mircdir.

Try setting this script up with and then work your way up to opening ports and adding exceptions so others can use it.
Note All of the log files can be found in $mircdir + LogServer/Network Under the #ChannelName.html . You can also open them from there.

Additional info:
All logs are reset at the first entry of each new day. The old file will be saved under #channelmm-dd-yyyy.html . I will be writing an index pages for this at some point but you can access them with the log server the same as the current page. (ie. http://yourhost.com:1337/Network/%23Channelmm-dd-yyyy.html )

That's all for now :)

;LogServer by Ford_Lawnmower irc.geekshed.net #Script-Help
menu channel,status,menubar {
  LogServer: dialog $iif($dialog(LogServer),-v,-m LogServer) LogServer
#LogServerServer On
On *:Socklisten:LogServer: sockaccept $+(Chanlogs.,$network,$chan,$ticks)
On *:Sockread:Chanlogs.*: {
  var %Chanlogs | sockread %Chanlogs
  if ($regex(%Chanlogs,/GET\s\/(.*)\sHTTP\//)) { 
    var %filename $+(LogServer/,$recode($regml(1)))
    hinc LogServer AccessCount
    if ($file(%filename).size) {
      var %filelen $v1, %maxsend 1024
      sockwrite -n $sockname HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: text/html
      sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Length: $file(%filename).size
      sockwrite -n $sockname
      sockmark $sockname %filename 0 %maxsend $iif($ceil($calc(%filelen / %maxsend)),$v1,1)
    else {
      sockwrite -n $sockname HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request
      sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
      sockclose $sockname
On *:Sockwrite:Chanlogs.*: {
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($4) {
    bread $1-3 &binvar
    sockwrite -n $sockname &binvar
    sockmark $sockname $1 $calc($2 + $3) $3 $calc($4 - 1)
    bunset &binvar
  else {
    sockwrite -n $sockname
    sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
    sockclose $sockname  
#LogServerServer End
#LogServerLogging On
On *:Text:*:#: WriteLogs $event $chan $nick $1-
On *:Action:*:#: WriteLogs $event $chan * $nick $1-
On *:Join:#: WriteLogs $event $chan * $nick Joins $chan
On *:Part:#: WriteLogs $event $chan * $nick Parts $chan $+($chr(40),$1-,$chr(41))
On *:Kick:#: WriteLogs $event $chan * $nick Kicked $knick Out of $chan $+($chr(40),$1-,$chr(41))
On *:RawMode:#: WriteLogs $event $chan * $nick Sets Mode(s) $1-
On *:Nick: WriteAllLogs $event <chan> $newnick * $nick Changes Nick to $newnick
On *:Quit: WriteAllLogs $event <chan> $nick * $nick Quits $network $+($chr(40),$1-,$chr(41))
On *:Topic:#: WriteLogs $event $chan * $nick Changes Topic to: $1- 
On *:Input:#: {
  if ($left($1,1) != / && !$ctrlenter) { WriteLogs me $chan $nick $1- }
On *:Start: {
  if (!$hget(LogServer)) hmake LogServer 5
  if ($file(LogServer.hsh).size) hload LogServer LogServer.hsh
On *:Unload: hfree LogServer
#LogServerLogging End
On *:Dialog:LogServer:init:*: LogServerInit $dname
On *:Dialog:LogServer:close:*: {
  if ($hget(LogServer)) hsave $v1 $+($v1,.hsh)
On *:Dialog:LogServer:Sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) {
    didtok -ra $dname 2 32 $chans($did(1))
    did -c $dname 2 1
  elseif ($did == 2) LogServerWriteDialog
  elseif ($did < 25) {
    if (($findtok(23 24,$did,32)) && ($did(23).state)) LogServerStart $did(21)
    elseif ($did == 22) $iif($did(22).state,.enable,.disable) #LogServerLogging
  elseif ($did == 50) url -a $+($did(20),:,$did(21),/,$did(1),/,$urlencode($did(2)),.html)
dialog LogServer {
  title "Log Server"
  size -1 -1 234 253
  option dbu
  combo 1, 8 22 100 10, drop
  combo 2, 125 22 100 10, drop
  combo 3, 8 50 69 10, drop
  combo 4, 82 50 69 10, drop
  combo 5, 157 50 69 10, drop
  combo 6, 8 69 69 10, drop
  combo 7, 82 69 69 10, drop
  combo 8, 157 69 69 10, drop
  combo 9, 8 88 69 10, drop
  combo 10, 82 88 69 10, drop
  combo 11, 157 88 69 10, drop
  combo 12, 8 107 69 10, drop
  combo 13, 82 107 69 10, drop
  edit "", 14, 31 132 196 10, autohs
  combo 15, 31 144 62 11, drop
  combo 16, 120 144 41 11, drop
  combo 17, 185 144 41 11, drop
  radio "On", 18, 18 171 26 10, group push
  radio "Off", 19, 18 186 26 10, push
  edit "", 20, 132 171 83 10, autohs
  edit "", 21, 132 186 83 10, autohs
  check "Logging On", 22, 33 213 50 10
  check "Server On", 23, 126 213 50 10
  button "Save", 24, 146 239 37 12
  button "Quit", 25, 194 239 37 12, Cancel
  text "Network:", 26, 8 13 27 8
  text "Channel:", 27, 125 13 25 8
  text "Join:", 28, 8 42 25 8
  text "Part:", 29, 82 42 25 8
  text "Quit:", 30, 157 42 25 8
  text "Kick:", 31, 8 61 25 8
  text "RawMode:", 32, 82 61 29 8
  text "Nick:", 33, 157 61 25 8
  text "Text:", 34, 8 80 25 8
  text "Action:", 35, 82 80 25 8
  text "Input:", 36, 157 80 25 8
  text "Topic:", 37, 8 99 25 8
  text "Host Name:", 38, 85 171 31 8
  text "Server Port:", 39, 85 186 31 8
  text "Text:", 40, 4 132 25 8, right
  text "Color:", 41, 4 144 25 8, right
  text "Size:", 42, 94 144 25 8, right
  text "Style:", 43, 162 144 22 8, right
  text "", 44, 2 242 141 8  
  box "Colors", 45, 3 33 228 91
  box "Logging", 46, 3 160 56 40
  box "Server Information", 47, 69 160 162 40
  box "Master Switch", 48, 3 202 229 25
  box "Headers", 49, 3 124 228 34
  link "", 50, 3 229 228 8
  text "Background:", 51, 82 99 33 8
alias -l LogServerStart {
  .enable #LogServerServer
  if ($1 != $sock(LogServer).port) {
    if ($sock(LogServer)) sockclose LogServer 
    if ($portfree($1)) { 
      socklisten LogServer $1
      .enable #LogServerServer
    else {
      if ($dialog(LogServer)) {
        did -u LogServer 23
        hadd LogServer server 0
        .disable #LogServerServer
      var %noop $input(Port $1 is already in use! Server status is Off!,o,LogServer)
alias -l urlencode return $regsubex($1-,/([^a-z0-9])/ig,% $+ $base($asc(\t),10,16,2))
alias -l recode return $regsubex($1-,/%([0-9a-f]{2})/gi,$chr($base(\t,16,10)))
alias -l tag return <a $+(class=",$1,">)
alias -l WriteLogs {
  if ($gettok($hget(LogServer,$+($network,$2)),2,32)) {
    var %timestamp $+($tag(c1),[,</a>,$tag(c2),$time(hh),</a>,$tag(c1),:,</a>,$tag(c2),$time(nnTT),</a>,$tag(c1),]</a>)
    var %nickstamp $+($tag(c1),$chr(40),</a>,$tag(c2),$symbol($2,$3),$3,</a>,$tag(c1),$chr(41),</a>)
    var %events join part text me action kick nick rawmode quit topic
    var %CurrentLog $+(LogServer\,$network,\,$2,.html)
    if (!$isdir($+(LogServer\,$network))) { 
      if (!$isdir(LogServer)) { mkdir LogServer }
      mkdir $+(LogServer\,$network)
    elseif ($findtok(%events,$1,32)) {
      var %match $gettok(%events,$v1,32)
      if ($gettok($hget(LogServer,$+($network,$2)),1,32) != $day) {
        if ($v1 && $file(%CurrentLog).size) { .copy -o %CurrentLog $+(LogServer\,$network,\,$2,$asctime($calc($ctime - 86400),mm-dd-yyyy),.html) }
        write -c %CurrentLog
        LogServerWriteStyle $Hash2Color($+($2,$chr(32),$hget(LogServer,$+($network,$2))))
        .timer -o 1 2 write -l30 %CurrentLog Logging started $fulldate <br>
        .timer -o 1 3 write $+(-il,$calc($lines(%CurrentLog) - 1)) %CurrentLog $+(%timestamp,$chr(32),%nickstamp,$chr(32),$tag(%match),$parseurl($HTMLFormat($strip($4-))),</a><br>)
        hadd Logserver $+($network,$2)) $puttok($hget(LogServer,$+($network,$2)),$day,1,32)
      else { 
        if ($1 == topic) {
          write -l29 %CurrentLog Topic is: $strip($mIRC2HTML($parseurl($chan($2).topic))) <br>
          .timer -o 1 2 write $+(-il,$calc($lines(%CurrentLog) - 1)) %CurrentLog $+(%timestamp,$chr(32),%nickstamp,$chr(32),$tag(%match),$parseurl($HTMLFormat($strip($4-))),</a><br>)
        else {
          write $+(-il,$calc($lines(%CurrentLog) - 1)) %CurrentLog $+(%timestamp,$chr(32),%nickstamp,$chr(32),$tag(%match),$parseurl($HTMLFormat($strip($4-))),</a><br>) 
alias -l WriteAllLogs {
  var %chans $comchan($3,0),%count 1
  while (%count <= %chans) {
    WriteLogs $1 $comchan($3,%count) $4-
    inc %count
alias -l symbol return $iif($remove($nick($1,$2).pnick,$2),$left($v1,1))
alias -l parseurl {
  return $regsubex($1-,/((http:\/\/|www\.)[^\s^\x5d^\x29]*)/gi,$+(<a target="_blank" href=",\1,">,\1,</a>))
alias -l chans { scon $netid($1) return $!regsubex($str(.,$chan(0)),/./g,$+($chr(32),$chan(\n))) }
alias -l NetScID {
  var %net $1, %netid $regsubex($str(.,$scon(0)),/./g,$iif($scon(\n).network == %net,\n,$null))
  scon %netid return $!cid
alias -l nets { return $regsubex($str(.,$scon(0)),/./g,$+($chr(32),$scon(\n).network)) }
alias -l netid {
  var %netcount $scon(0)
  while %netcount {
    if ($scon(%netcount).network == $1) { return %netcount }
    dec %netcount
alias -l LogServerInit {
  var %colors black silver gray white maroon red purple fuchsia green lime olive yellow navy blue teal aqua
  didtok -a $1 1 32 $nets
  did -c $1 1 1
  didtok -a $1 2 32 $chans($did(1))
  did -c $1 2 1
  didtok -a $1 3-13,15 32 %colors
  didtok -a $1 16 32 $regsubex($str(.,50),/./g,$+($chr(32),\n))
  didtok -a $1 17 32 b i u b/i b/u i/u b/i/u
alias -l LogServerWriteDialog {
  if ($hget(LogServer,$+($did(1),$did(2)))) {
    tokenize 32 $v1
    did -c $dname $iif($2,18,19)
    did -u $dname $iif($2,19,18)
    var %start 3
    while (%start <= 16) {
      if (%start < 14) { did -c $dname %start $($+($,%start),3) }
      else { did -c $dname $calc(%start + 1) $($+($,%start),3) }
      inc %start
    did -ra $dname 14 $19-
    did -ra $dname 20 $hget(LogServer,Host)
    did -ra $dname 21 $hget(LogServer,Port)
    did $iif($hget(LogServer,logging),-c,-u) $dname 22
    did $iif($hget(LogServer,server),-c,-u) $dname 23
    did -ra $dname 50 Logserver for $did(2) on $did(1)
  else LogServerDefaults $dname
alias -l LogServerDefaults {
  var %key 0 0 9 9 2 6 6 14 7 11 15 13 4 0 14 30 1,%start 3
  while (%start <= 17) {
    did -c $1 %start $gettok(%key,%start,32)
    inc %start
  did -ra $1 14 Log File for $did($1,2) on $did($1,1)
  did -ra $1 20 $iif($hget(LogServer,Host),$v1,
  did -ra $1 21 $iif($hget(LogServer,Port),$v1,1337)
  did -c $1 19
  did -u $1 18
  did -ra $dname 50 Logserver for $did(2) on $did(1)
alias -l LogServerWriteHash {
  var %EventInfo $regsubex($str(.,11),/./g,$+($chr(32),$did($calc(\n + 2)).sel))
  var %HeaderInfo $regsubex($str(.,3),/./g,$+($chr(32),$did($calc(\n + 14)).sel))
  var %day $iif($gettok($hget(LogServer,$+($did(1),$did(2))),1,32),$v1,0)
  hadd -m LogServer $+($did(1),$did(2)) %day $did(18).state %EventInfo %HeaderInfo $did(20) $did(21) $did(14)
  hadd LogServer Server $did(22).state
  hadd LogServer Logging $did(23).state
  hadd LogServer Host $did(20)
  hadd LogServer Port $did(21)
  LogServerWriteStyle $regsubex($str(.,13),/./g,$+($chr(32),$did(\n))) $regsubex($str(.,3),/./g,$+($chr(32),$did($calc(\n + 14)))) $did(14)
alias -l LogServerWriteStyle {
  var %WriteKey 0 0 0 join part quit kick rawmode nick text action me topic, %LogFile $+(LogServer\,$1,\,$2,.html)
  if (!$isdir($+(LogServer\,$1))) {
    if (!$isdir(LogServer)) mkdir LogServer
    mkdir $+(LogServer\,$1)    
  write -l1 %LogFile <html>
  write -l2 %LogFile <head>
  write -l3 %LogFile <style type="text/css">
  var %start 4
  while (%start <= 12) {
    write $+(-l,%start) %LogFile $+(a.,$gettok(%WriteKey,%start,32)) $chr(123) color: $($+($,$calc(%start - 1),;),3) background: $+($13,;) $chr(125)
    inc %start
  write -l13 %LogFile
  write -l14 %LogFile
  write -l15 %LogFile h1 $chr(123) color: $+($14,;) background: $+($13,;) font-size: $+($15,pt;) $TextFormat($16) $chr(125)
  write -l16 %LogFile a.c1 $chr(123) color: lime; background: $+($13,;) font-weight: bold; $chr(125)
  write -l17 %LogFile a.c2 $chr(123) color: red; background: $+($13,;) $chr(125)
  write -l18 %LogFile body $chr(123) color: $+($iif($13 == white,black,white),;) background-color: $+($13,;) background-image: none; $chr(125)
  var %start 19
  while (%start <= 24) {
    write $+(-l,%start) %LogFile
    inc %start
  write -l25 %LogFile </style>
  write -l26 %LogFile </head>
  write -l27 %LogFile <body>
  write -l28 %LogFile <h1> $17- </h1><br>
  scid $NetScID($1)
  write -l29 %LogFile Topic is: $strip($mIRC2HTML($parseurl($chan($2).topic))) <br>
  if ($lines(%LogFile) == 29) {
    write -l30 %LogFile
    write -l31 %LogFile </body>
    write -l32 %LogFile </html>
alias -l Hash2Color {
  var %ColorKey black silver gray white maroon red purple fuchsia green lime olive yellow navy blue teal aqua
  var %len $gettok($1-,0,32), %StyleKey b i u b/i b/u i/u b/i/u, %count 3, %result
  while (%count <= %len) {
    if (%count > 3 && %count < 16) { %result = $+(%result,$chr(32),$gettok(%ColorKey,$gettok($1-,%count,32),32)) }
    elseif (%count == 17) { %result = $+(%result,$chr(32),$gettok(%StyleKey,$gettok($1-,%count,32),32)) }
    elseif (%count > 19 || %count == 16) { %result = $+(%result,$chr(32),$gettok($1-,%count,32)) }
    inc %count
  return $network $gettok($1-,1,32) %result
alias -l mIRC2HTML return $regsubex($1-,/([0-9]{1,2})(?:\x2C[0-9]{1,2})?/g,$+($iif(\n != 1,</font>),<font color= $mIRC2Color($int(\1)),>))) $+ $iif($regml(0),</font>) 
alias -l mIRC2Color {
  var %key white black blue green red maroon purple olive yellow lime teal aqua namy fuchsia gray silver
  return $qt($gettok(%key,$calc($1 + 1),32))
alias -l TextFormat return $replacex($1,/,$chr(32),b,font-weight: bold; ,i,font-style: italic;,u,text-decoration: underline;)
alias -l HTMLFormat return $regsubex($1-,/([<>\[\]\{\}\(\)]{1})/g,$+(&#x,$base($asc(\t),10,16),;))


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Kentaro Kurosaki   -  Oct 26, 2011

Its fully working, Don't worry about it :) Fail on my part

Kentaro Kurosaki   -  Oct 26, 2011

Actually It is somewhat working, I just didn't do it right, i thought i had to put different ports for each channel :) Right now i think the script is just off

Jordyk19   -  Oct 25, 2011

Very nice again FordLawnmower :)

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 25, 2011

@Kentaro Kurosaki Explain your problem a little more , I have had this script logging on 4 networks for almost a year with no problems.

Kentaro Kurosaki   -  Oct 25, 2011

I like it :) I use it to log my bot, though I don't know why i'm not able to to log more than one network, even while changing the port for the different network

[nas]peter   -  Oct 17, 2010

i had it lag in a way that when i type something it shows up 5 seconds later, my os is 32 btw. and i don't know why it lagged.

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 16, 2010

Thanks Teen :)

_Teen_   -  Oct 16, 2010

didnt tested the script but as ever nice job

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 16, 2010

Ok cool blackvenomm666 :)
Thanks for testing it.

blackvenomm666   -  Oct 16, 2010

thats what i was saying fl that it works fine. i said i dont see why the script would lag anyones stuff. im running pretty much the bare minimal on everything with my computer but it doesnt lag me at all

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 16, 2010

It should work fine on 6.31 blackvenomm666.

blackvenomm666   -  Oct 16, 2010

im running off of a gig of ram on a 2001 dell don't see why the script would lag anyones but im running v6.31 meh.

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 16, 2010

I haven't had any issues with crashing or lag either napa182.
I haven't tested this on mirc 7 yet but I have tested it on 6.35 with xp, vista and windows 7. I will do some testing later with 7.1 on windows 7 and if I have any issues I will be sure to correct them asap.
Is your vista 64 or 32 [nas]peter?

napa182   -  Oct 16, 2010

shouldn't mater how many mirc's you have open. I have 3 mirc's open all connected to 15 diff servers, and it still hasn't lagged or crashed my PC.

[nas]peter   -  Oct 16, 2010

2 mirc open, and a lot of more things (e.g. 5 different tabs on internet). 4GB ram on my computer but vista takes 1.5 away :(

napa182   -  Oct 16, 2010

odd This snippet hasn't lagged nor crashed my PC.

[nas]peter   -  Oct 16, 2010

os: windows vista
mirc version: 7.1
I was trying to start the logging of a channel (mirc was slow when i was trying to start it) and it just crashed.(didn't respond). And when i am using it, it lags me extremely.

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 16, 2010

Thank You jaytea :)

@[nas]peter Please explain your problem a little better and I will try to help you sort it out. Please include your mIRC version, windows version and some more details describing your problem.

[nas]peter   -  Oct 16, 2010

The only problem with this script is that it makes my mIRC crash, for the rest it is great.

jaytea   -  Oct 16, 2010

FL, you're certainly one of a dying breed: those able to consistently create addons that are useful, complete, well coded and documented, and (judging by their feedback) effective :P massive respect!

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 15, 2010

Thanks SunnyD :)
Thank You napa182 :)

napa182   -  Oct 15, 2010

Nice work Ford. 9/10 +like

Sorasyn   -  Oct 15, 2010

Bravo, holy shit lmao.

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