Dragon Ball Z Bot Better version (Remote)

By Yumemi_Okazaki on Sep 27, 2010

Since there is only one posted here which wont work, I decided to post a better one. Originally made by Romeo, edited by Dusk, and better edits made by me.

on 1:text:`power up:#: { 
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,PowerUP) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `PowerUp Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,PowerUp) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned PowerUp | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %ra $rand(1,20)
  writeini $Nick $+ .ini $nick Energy $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) + %Ra)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick PowerUP Yes
  /timerPowerUp $+ $nick 1 180 /PowerUpAgain $nick
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )4,1 Powers Up Gaining %ra Energy
on 1:text:`4ArmAttack:#: { 
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($timer(4ArmAttack $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,4ArmAttack) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your 4ArmAttack. This was fixed. | /4ArmAttackAgain $nick }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,4ArmAttack) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Wait! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,4ArmAttackUsed) == yes) { /notice $nick You Just Used This Skill! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,4ArmAttack) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned 4ArmAttack! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick 4ArmAttack Yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick 4ArmAttackUsed Yes
  /timer4ArmAttack $+ $nick 1 360 /4ArmAttackAgain $nick
  /timer4ArmAttackGone $+ $nick 1 20 /4ArmAttackGone $nick
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )9,1 Grows 4 Arms!
  Notice $nick 4You Got 20 Secs Before You 4 Arms Dissapear!
on 1:text:`Super power up:#: { 
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,PowerUP) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `PowerUp Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,SuperPowerUp) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned SuperPowerUp | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %ra $rand(20,40)
  writeini $Nick $+ .ini $nick Energy $calc($readini($Nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) + %Ra)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick PowerUP Yes
  /timerPowerUp $+ $nick 1 180 /PowerUpAgain $nick
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )7,1 Powers Up 9Gaining8 %ra Energy7!
on 1:TEXT:`PowerUp Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,PowerUP) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(PowerUp $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,PowerUP) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your PowerUp. This was fixed. | /PowerUpAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 4PowerUp Time Left:11 $duration($timer(PowerUp $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Enrage:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Enrage) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned Enrage | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Enrage) == Yes) { /notice $nick You Have Enraged already! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Turned) == Yes) { /notice $nick You Have Tranformed already | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You Are Not in Battle field! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Enraged) == Yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `Enrage Time Left! | halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %Attack $round($calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) * 1.5),0) 
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack %Attack
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Enrage yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Turned yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 4
  /timerEnrageNormal $+ $nick 1 $Rand(60,200) /EnrageNormal $nick    
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )4,1 Unleashes All Their Anger!
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Saiyan) { 
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Form) == 1) { 
      /Set %Done $Rand(1,2)
      if (%Done == 2) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MPowerLevel) >= 999) { 
        /set %Attack $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) * 2 )
        /set %Defense $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Defense) * 2 )
        /set %Ki $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) * 2 )
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Agility $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Agility) + 20)
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack %Attack
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense %Defense
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki %Ki
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 14
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 8
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Turned yes
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ Gone yes
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Enrage no
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ Exp 0
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ SSJ yes
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Form 2
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ Time 80
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ ExpNeeded 100
        /timerEnrageNormal $+ $nick off
        /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
        /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
        /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1's Hair turns gold! $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1's Muscels Start to Buldge! $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1 Turns into a Super Saiyan for the very first time!!
        /set %SSJ $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ,Time)
        /timerSSJ1 $+ $nick 1 %SSJ /SSJNormal $nick    
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Saiyan) { 
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Form) == 2) { 
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ,Mastered) != yes) { halt }
      Set %Done $Rand(1,2)
      if (%Done == 1) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MPowerLevel) >= 2499) { 
        /set %Attack $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) * 3 )
        /set %Defense $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Defense) * 3 )
        /set %Ki $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) * 3 )
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack %Attack
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense %Defense
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki %Ki
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 14
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 8
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Turned yes
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ2 Gone yes
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Enrage no
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ2 Exp 0
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ2 SSJ2 yes
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Form 3
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ2 Time 80
        /timerEnrageNormal $+ $nick off
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ2 ExpNeeded 100
        /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
        /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
        /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1's Hair gets Straighter! $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1's Muscels Buldge More! $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1 Turns into a Super Saiyan 2 for the very first time!!
        /set %SSJ2 $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ2,Time)
        /timerSSJ21 $+ $nick 1 %SSJ2 /SSJ2Normal $nick    
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Saiyan) { 
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Form) == 3) { 
      if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ2,Mastered) != yes) { halt }
      Set %Done $Rand(1,2)
      if (%Done == 1) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MPowerLevel) >= 4999) { 
        /set %Attack $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) * 5 )
        /set %Defense $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Defense) * 5 )
        /set %Ki $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) * 5 )
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack %Attack
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense %Defense
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki %Ki
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 14
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 8
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Turned yes
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ3 Gone yes
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Enrage no
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ3 Exp 0
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ3 SSJ3 yes
        writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Form 4
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ3 Time 80
        /timerEnrageNormal $+ $nick off
        writeini $nick $+ .ini SSJ3 ExpNeeded 300
        /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
        /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
        /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1's Hair Grows Long right down to His/Her Knees!  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1's Grows Abs! $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1 Turns into a Super Saiyan 3 for the very first time!!
        /set %SSJ3 $readini($nick $+ .ini,SSJ3,Time)
        /timerSSJ31 $+ $nick 1 %SSJ3 /SSJ3Normal $nick    
on 1:TEXT:`Enrage Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Enraged) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Enrage $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,Enraged ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Enrage. This was fixed. | /EnrageAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 4Enrage Time Left:11 $duration($timer(Enrage $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:text:`Look*:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick No Such Person | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Sense) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned Sense | halt }
  /notice $nick 11You Look at10 $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ )11 and you Sense10 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,PowerLevel) 11 PL coming from10 $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ ) $+ !
on 1:TEXT:`Udebunriogeki*:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $2 Aint Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Player) != Yes) { /notice $nick This is Not a Player! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You Are Not in Battle field! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { /notice $nick Sorry It seems this person is in a Private Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Formed) == Yes) { /notice Cant! | halt }
  if (%NamekFighter == $nick) { /notice $nick You Cant! | halt }
  if (%tourneystarted = yes) { /notice $nick Tourney is happening | halt }
  if (%BRtourney = yes) { /notice $nick Battle Royale Is Going On | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { /notice $nick Don't Fuse With YourSelf! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != Buu) { /notice $nick Only The Race Buu May use This skill! | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,Udebunriogeki,$nick) >= 5) { /notice $nick You Cant Use Udebunriogeki Any More Try Tomorrow | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,Udebunriogeki,$nick) == 5) { /notice $nick You Cant Use Udebunriogeki Any More Try Tomorrow | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,Udebunriogeki,$nick) == $null) { writeini Done $+ .ini Udebunriogeki $Nick 0 }
  Set %Work $Rand(1,2)
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  /set %Aura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Aura)
  /set %BAura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,BAura)
  if (%Work == 1) { 
    /writeini Done $+ .ini Udebunriogeki $nick $calc($readini(Done $+ .ini,Udebunriogeki,$nick) + 1)
    /timerUdebunriogeki $+ $nick 1 $rand(500,1000) /UdebunriogekiRecover $nick    
    msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )13,1 Threw a piece of Him/Her Self at  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ )13,1 But Missed!
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Udebunriogeki yes
  if (%Work == 2) { 
    /writeini Done $+ .ini Udebunriogeki $nick $calc($readini(Done $+ .ini,Udebunriogeki,$nick) + 1)
    /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
    /set %PowerLevel $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MPowerLevel)
    /set %Ki $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Mki)
    /set %Attack $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MAttack)
    /set %Defense $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MDefense)
    /set %Energy $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MEnergy)
    /set %Agility $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Agility)
    /set %Accuracy $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Accuracy)
    /set %Intelligence $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Intelligence)
    /set %Level $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level)
    /set %Level2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Level)
    /set %BAura $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,BAura)
    /set %PowerLevel2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,MPowerLevel)
    /set %Ki2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Mki)
    /set %Attack2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,MAttack)
    /set %Defense2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,MDefense)
    /set %Energy2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,MEnergy)
    /set %Agility2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Agility)
    /set %Accuracy2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Accuracy)
    /set %Intelligence2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Intelligence)
    /set %Name $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name)
    /set %Name2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name)
    /set %Move1 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move1)
    /set %Move2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Move2)
    /set %Move3 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move3)
    /set %Move4 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Move4)
    /set %Move5 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move5)
    /set %Move6 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Move6)
    /set %Move7 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move7)
    /set %Move8 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Move8)
    /set %Pass $readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Pass)
    /set %MFSpeed $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MFSpeed)
    /set %MSpeed $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MSpeed)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Majin,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Mystic,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Bebi,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Super,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Majunior,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Perfect,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Legendary,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Majin,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Mystic,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Bebi,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Super,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Majunior,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Perfect,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Legendary,1,32)
    set %randomname $rand(1,2)
    if (%randomname = 1) {
      set %randomname1 %Name
      set %randomname2 %Name2
      set %namepart1 $left(%Name,$rand(1,4))
      set %namepart2 $left(%Name2,$rand(1,4))
      if ($len(%namepart1) > $len(%Name)) { set %namepart1 %Name }
      if ($len(%namepart2) > $len(%Name2)) { set %namepart2 %Name2 }
      set %fusionname %namepart1 $+ %namepart2
      if ($readini(%fusionname $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == on) && ($readini(%fusionname $+ .ini,%fusionname,Formed) != yes) { goto Repeat }
    if (%randomname = 2) {
      set %randomname1 %Name2
      set %randomname2 %Name   
      set %namepart2 $left(%Name,$rand(1,4))
      set %namepart1 $left(%Name2,$rand(1,4))
      if ($len(%namepart2) > $len(%Name)) { set %namepart2 %Name }
      if ($len(%namepart1) > $len(%Name2)) { set %namepart1 %Name2 }
      set %fusionname %namepart1 $+ %namepart2
      if ($readini(%fusionname $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == on) && ($readini(%fusionname $+ .ini,%fusionname,Formed) != yes) { goto Repeat }
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Mattack $calc(%Attack + %Attack2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname attack $calc(%Attack + %Attack2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Level $calc(%Level + %Level2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname defense $calc(%defense + %defense2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Mdefense $calc(%defense + %defense2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname agility $calc(%agility + %agility2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname PowerLevel $calc(%PowerLevel + %PowerLevel2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname MPowerLevel $calc(%PowerLevel + %PowerLevel2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname KI $calc(%KI + %KI2)  
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname MKI $calc(%KI + %KI2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Energy $calc(%Energy + %Energy2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname MEnergy $calc(%Energy + %Energy2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Accuracy $calc(%Accuracy + %Accuracy2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Intelligence $calc(%Intelligence + %Intelligence2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Udebunriogeki Yes
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Formed Yes
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Name %fusionname
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Aura %Aura
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname BAura %BAura
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname OAura %Aura
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname OBAura %BAura
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Name On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Race On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Type On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Character On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Gender On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Complete On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move1 %Move1
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move2 %Move2
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move3 %Move3
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move4 %Move4
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move5 %Move5
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move6 %Move6
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move7 %Move7
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move8 %Move8
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Pass Pass %Pass
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Fighting Yes
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Field Normal
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname You $Nick
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname MSpeed %MSpeed
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname FSpeed %FSpeed
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Speed %MSpeed
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname MFSpeed %FSpeed
    /Set %BatList %BatList %fusionname
    /Msg %ChanSet 6 $+ $Nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )13 Absorbs6 $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ )13 Forming13 %fusionname $+ ( $+ %fusionname $+ ) $+ !
    /notice $nick Change Your Nick Too %fusionname and Login With The Pass You Use! You Will Lose Control in 5 Mins!
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Complete no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting No
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Field None
    set %batlist $remtok(%batlist,$nick,1,32)
    /timerFormed $+ %fusionname  1 300 /LosingFormed %fusionname 
    /SkillLearn $nick $2 %fusionname
on 1:TEXT:`Seperate Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Formed) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Formed $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,Formed ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Seperation. This was fixed. | /LosingFormed $nick }
  /notice $nick 8Seperate Time Left:13 $duration($timer(Formed $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Udebunriogeki Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Formed) == yes) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Udebunriogeki) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Udebunriogeki $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,Udebunriogeki ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Udebunriogeki. This was fixed. | /UdebunriogekiRecover $nick }
  /notice $nick 13Udebunriogeki Time Left:6 $duration($timer(Udebunriogeki $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Regenerate:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Regening) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `Regen Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Regenerate) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned Regenerate | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %health $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,PowerLevel)
  set %health2 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MPowerLevel)
  set %Ha $rand(1,%health2)
  set %Total $calc(%health + %Ha)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick PowerLevel %Total
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Regening Yes
  timerRegening $+ $nick 1 $rand(200,300) /RegenAgain $nick
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )9,1 Regenerates %Ha PL
  /set %PowerLevel $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MPowerLevel)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,PowerLevel) >= %PowerLevel) { /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick PowerLevel %PowerLevel }
on 1:TEXT:`Regen Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Regening) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Regening $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,Regening ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Regeneration. This was fixed. | /RegenAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 9Regening Time Left:13 $duration($timer(Regening $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Zanzoken:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Zanzoken) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned Zanzoken | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Zanzoken) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Already Using Zanzoken | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,ZCover) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `Zanzoken Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Turned) == yes) { /notice $nick Turn Normal! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Speed $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Speed) - 1)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick FSpeed $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,FSpeed) + 1)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Zanzoken Yes 
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )10,1 Goes Into Super Speed!
  /timerZanzoken $+ $nick 1 $rand(160,250) /ZanzokenRecover $nick
on 1:TEXT:`Zanzoken Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,ZCover) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(ZanzokenAgain $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,ZCover ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Zanzoken. This was fixed. | /ZanzokenAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 10Zanzoken Again Time Left:13 $duration($timer(ZanzokenAgain $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Kaioken:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Turned) == yes) { /notice $nick Turn Normal! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Kaioken) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned Kaioken | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Kaioken) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Already Using Kaioken | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,KaiokenX10) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX10 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,KaiokenX20) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX20 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,KaiokenX100) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX100 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,KaiokenX4) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX4 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Used) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `Kaioken Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Majin) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Majin so you cant transform in Majin! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mystic) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Mystic so you cant transform in Mystic! | halt }
  if (%HBTCUSER == $nick) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Mastered) == yes) { /notice $nick You Cant due to you using HBTC and you've already Mastered This! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini Kaioken Kaioken yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,attack) + 20)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick defense $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,defense) + 20)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) + 20)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 4
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )4,1 has Powered up a Kaioken! 
  /set %Kaioken $readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Time)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Mastered) != yes) {
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Kaioken used yes
    /timerKaioken1 $+ $nick 1 %Kaioken /KaiokenNormal $nick    
on 1:TEXT:`Kaioken Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Used) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Kaioken $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Used ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Kaioken. This was fixed. | /KaiokenAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 4Kaioken Again Time Left:13 $duration($timer(Kaioken $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`KaiokenX4:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Turned) == yes) { /notice $nick Turn Normal! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX4) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned KaiokenX4 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Kaioken) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using Kaioken | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,KaiokenX10) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX10 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,KaiokenX20) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX20 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,KaiokenX100) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX100 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,KaiokenX4) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Already Using KaiokenX4 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx4,Used) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `KaiokenX4 Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Majin) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Majin so you cant transform in Majin! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mystic) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Mystic so you cant transform in Mystic! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX4 KaiokenX4 yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,attack) + 80)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick defense $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,defense) + 80)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) + 80)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 4
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )4,1 has Powered up a KaiokenX4! 
  /set %Kaioken $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,Time)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx4,Mastered) != yes) {
    writeini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX4 used yes
    /timerKaiokenX41 $+ $nick 1 %Kaioken /KaiokenX4Normal $nick    
on 1:TEXT:`KaiokenX4 Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,Used) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(KaiokenX4 $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,Used ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your KaiokenX4. This was fixed. | /KaiokenX4Again $nick }
  /notice $nick 4KaiokenX4 Again Time Left:13 $duration($timer(KaiokenX4 $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Kibarrier:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,shieldon) == on) { /notice $nick Your Already Using KiBarrier | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,shielduse) == on) { /notice $nick You have already used Kibarrier please wait for it to recover! Please type Kibarrier time left! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KiBarrier) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned KiBarrier | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) <= 199) { /notice $nick You need 200 Energy to use your ki barrier | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if (%HBTCUSER == $nick) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,Mastered) == yes) { /notice $nick You Cant due to you using HBTC and you've already Mastered This! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) - 200)
  /set %PL $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,PowerLevel) / 2)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick shieldon on
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick shield %PL
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1 Surrounds Him/Her Self With a KiBarrier! 
on 1:TEXT:`KiBarrier Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,ShieldUse) != on) { halt }
  if ($timer(Barrier $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,ShieldUse ) == on) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your KiBarrier. This was fixed. | /Barrier $nick }
  /notice $nick 8KiBarrier Again Time Left:13 $duration($timer(Barrier $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`KaiokenX10:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Turned) == yes) { /notice $nick Turn Normal! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX10) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned KaiokenX10 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Kaioken) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using Kaioken | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,KaiokenX4) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX4 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,KaiokenX10) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Already Using KaiokenX10 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,KaiokenX20) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX20 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,KaiokenX100) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX100 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Used) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `KaiokenX10 Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Majin) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Majin so you cant transform in Majin! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mystic) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Mystic so you cant transform in Mystic! | halt }
  if (%HBTCUSER == $nick) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Mastered) == yes) { /notice $nick You Cant due to you using HBTC and you've already Mastered This! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX10 KaiokenX10 yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,attack) + 180)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick defense $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,defense) + 180)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) + 180)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 4
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )4,1 has Powered up a KaiokenX10! 
  /set %Kaioken $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Time)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Mastered) != yes) {
    writeini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX10 used yes
    /timerKaiokenX101 $+ $nick 1 %Kaioken /KaiokenX10Normal $nick    
on 1:TEXT:`KaiokenX10 Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Used) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(KaiokenX10 $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Used ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your KaiokenX10. This was fixed. | /KaiokenX10Again $nick }
  /notice $nick 4KaiokenX10 Again Time Left:13 $duration($timer(KaiokenX10 $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:text:`Transmit *:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Training) == yes) { /notice $nick You Are Training! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) == yes) { /notice $nick You are in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,InstantTransmission) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned InstantTransmission | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Dead) == yes) { /notice $nick You are Dead!! | halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  if ($2 == Kai) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Kai) == yes) { /notice $nick You are on Kai!! | halt }
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek No
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Kai yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet X no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Plant no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Yardat no
    /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )11,1 Transports To Planet $2
  if ($2 == Vegeta) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Vegeta) == yes) { /notice $nick You are on Vegeta!! | halt }
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek No
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Kai no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Yardat no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet X no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Plant no
    /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )12,1 Transports To Planet $2
  if ($2 == Yardrat) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Yardat) == yes) { /notice $nick You are on Yardat!! | halt }
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek No
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Kai no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Yardat yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet X no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Plant no
    /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )5,1 Transports To Planet $2
  if ($2 == Namek) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Namek) == yes) { /notice $nick You are on Namek!! | halt }
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek Yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet X no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Kai no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Yardat no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Plant no
    /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )3,1 Transports To Planet $2
  if ($2 == Earth) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Earth) == yes) { /notice $nick You are on Earth!! | halt }
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Kai no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Yardat no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Plant no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet X no
    /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )7,1 Transports To Planet $2
  if ($2 == Plant) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Plant) == yes) { /notice $nick You are on Plant!! | halt }
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Kai no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Yardat no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Plant yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet X no
    /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 Transports To Planet $2
  if ($2 == X) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Plant) == yes) { /notice $nick You are on X!! | halt }
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Kai no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Yardat no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Plant no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet X yes
    /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )4,1 Transports To Planet $2
on 1:TEXT:`BlowUp Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,BlowUp,Used) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(BlowUp $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,BlowUp,Used ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your BlowUp. This was fixed. | /BlowUpAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 10BlowUp Again Time Left:11 $duration($timer(BlowUp $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`BlowUp*:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { /notice $nick Don't Blow yourself! | halt }
  if (+bag isin $2 ) { /notice $nick Dont Blow a Bag! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick $2 is not Fighting! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,BlowUp,Used) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `BlowUp Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,BlowUp) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned BlowUp | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Paralized) == yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Unable to Move! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Sleeping) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Snore) != yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Sleeping | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { /notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { /notice $nick Sorry It seems this person is in a Private Battle! | halt } 
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,PowerCore) == Yes) { Goto Skip }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) <= 499) { /notice $nick You dont have enough Energy to perform this move! | halt }
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$Nick,Energy) - 500)
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  /set %Aura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Aura)
  /set %BAura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
  writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Paralized Yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini BlowUp Blowing Yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini BlowUp Blowing2 $2
  writeini $nick $+ .ini BlowUp Used Yes
  /set %Speed $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Speed) * 7 )
  timerattack $+ $nick 1 %Speed /BlowUp $nick $2
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 Grabs  $+ %Aura2 $+ , $+ %BAura2 $+ $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ )0,1 From the back and Gets ready to Blow Up!
  timerBlowUp $+ $nick 1 $rand(1000,1500) /BlowUpAgain $nick
on 1:TEXT:`KaiokenX20:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Turned) == yes) { /notice $nick Turn Normal! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX20) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned KaiokenX20 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Kaioken) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using Kaioken | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,KaiokenX4) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX4 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,KaiokenX10) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX10 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,KaiokenX100) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX100 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,KaiokenX20) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Already Using KaiokenX20 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Used) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `KaiokenX20 Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Majin) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Majin so you cant transform in Majin! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mystic) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Mystic so you cant transform in Mystic! | halt }
  if (%HBTCUSER == $nick) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Mastered) == yes) { /notice $nick You Cant due to you using HBTC and you've already Mastered This! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX20 KaiokenX20 yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,attack) + 360)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick defense $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,defense) + 360)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) + 360)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 4
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )4,1 has Powered up a KaiokenX20! 
  /set %Kaioken $readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Time)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Mastered) != yes) {
    writeini $nick $+ .ini KaiokenX20 used yes
    /timerKaiokenX201 $+ $nick 1 %Kaioken /KaiokenX20Normal $nick    
on 1:TEXT:`KaiokenX20 Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Used) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(KaiokenX20 $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Used ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your KaiokenX20. This was fixed. | /KaiokenX20Again $nick }
  /notice $nick 4KaiokenX20 Again Time Left:13 $duration($timer(KaiokenX20 $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Mystic:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Turned) == yes) { /notice $nick Turn Normal! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Mystic) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned Mystic | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mystic) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Already Using Mystic | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mastered) == yes) { /notice $nick You Have Mastered Mystic! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Used) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `Mystic Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Kaioken) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Kaioken so you cant transform in Kaioken! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,KaiokenX4) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX4 so you cant transform in KaiokenX4! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,KaiokenX10) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX10 so you cant transform in KaiokenX10! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,KaiokenX20) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX20 so you cant transform in KaiokenX20! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,KaiokenX100) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX100 so you cant transform in KaiokenX100! | halt }
  if (%HBTCUSER == $nick) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mastered) == yes) { /notice $nick You Cant due to you using HBTC and you've already Mastered This! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini Mystic Mystic yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini Mystic used yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 11
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )11,1 has Powered up a Mystic! 
  /set %Mystic $readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Time)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mastered) != yes) {
    /timerMystic1 $+ $nick 1 %Mystic /MysticNormal $nick    
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Saiyan) {
    Set %Attack $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) * 1.5 )
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack %Attack
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick defense $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,defense) + 100)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) + 100)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != Saiyan) {
    Set %Attack $Calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) * 2 )
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack %Attack
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick defense $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,defense) + 500)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) + 500)
on 1:TEXT:`Mystic Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Used) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Mystic $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Used ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Mystic. This was fixed. | /MysticAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 11Mystic Again Time Left:12 $duration($timer(Mystic $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Attackbarrier:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ashieldon) == on) { /notice $nick Your Already Using AttackBarrier | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ashielduse) == on) { /notice $nick You have already used Attackbarrier please wait for it to recover! Please type Attackbarrier time left! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,AttackBarrier) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned AttackBarrier | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) <= 199) { /notice $nick You need 200 Energy to use your Attack barrier | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) - 200)
  /set %Attack $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) / 2)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ashieldon on
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ashield %PL
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1 Surrounds Him/Her Self With a AttackBarrier! 
on 1:TEXT:`AttackBarrier Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,AShieldUse) != on) { halt }
  if ($timer(ABarrier $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,AShieldUse ) == on) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your AttackBarrier. This was fixed. | /ABarrier $nick }
  /notice $nick 8AttackBarrier Again Time Left:13 $duration($timer(ABarrier $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Majin:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Turned) == yes) { /notice $nick Turn Normal! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Majin) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned Majin | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Majin) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Already Using Majin | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Mastered) == yes) { /notice $nick You Have Mastered Majin! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Used) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `Majin Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Kaioken) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Kaioken so you cant transform in Kaioken! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,KaiokenX4) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX4 so you cant transform in KaiokenX4! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,KaiokenX10) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX10 so you cant transform in KaiokenX10! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,KaiokenX20) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX20 so you cant transform in KaiokenX20! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,KaiokenX100) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX100 so you cant transform in KaiokenX100! | halt }
  if (%HBTCUSER == $nick) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Mastered) == yes) { /notice $nick You Cant due to you using HBTC and you've already Mastered This! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini Majin Majin yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini Majin used yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 13
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )13,1 has Powered up a Majin! 
  /set %Majin $readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Time)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Mastered) != yes) {
    /timerMajin1 $+ $nick 1 %Majin /MajinNormal $nick    
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Saiyan) {
    /set %Ki $Calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) * 1.5)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki %Ki
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick defense $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,defense) + 120)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) + 120)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != Saiyan) {
    /set %Ki $Calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) * 2)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki %Ki
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick defense $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,defense) + 600)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) + 500)
on 1:TEXT:`Majin Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Used) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Majin $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,Majin,Used ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Majin. This was fixed. | /MajinAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 11Majin Again Time Left:12 $duration($timer(Majin $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`TelepathyFreeze Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TelepathyFreezeUsed) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(TelepathyFreezeUsed $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,TelepathyFreezeUsed ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your TelepathyFreeze. This was fixed. | /TelepathyFreezeAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 0TelepathyFreeze Again Time Left:15 $duration($timer(TelepathyFreezeUsed $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`TelepathyFreeze *:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,TelepathyFreeze) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned TelepathyFreeze | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TelepathyFreezeUsed) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `TelepathyFreeze Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick $2 is not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Attacking) != yes) { /notice $nick $2 is not Attacking! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { /notice $nick Don't Do That With YourSelf! | halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OAura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OBAura)
  /set %Aura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,OAura)
  /set %BAura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,OBAura)
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Paralized Yes
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick TelepathyFreezeUsed Yes
  /writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Paralized Yes
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking No
  /writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Attacking No
  /timerattack $+ $nick off
  /timerattack $+ $2 off
  /timerTelepathyFreezeUsed $+ $nick 1 400 /TelepathyFreezeUsed $nick
  /timerParalize $+ $nick 1 30 /ParalizeNoMore $nick
  /timerParalize $+ $2 1 60 /ParalizeNoMore $2
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 Uses TelepathyFreeze To Paralize  $+ %Aura2 $+ , $+ %BAura2 $+ $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ )0,1 for 60 Seconds & Him/Her Self for 30 Seconds!
  /notice $2 Try `Struggle
on 1:TEXT:`PiercingBullet Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,PiercingBulletUsed) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(PiercingBulletUsed $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,PiercingBulletUsed ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your PiercingBullet. This was fixed. | /PiercingBulletAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 0PiercingBullet Again Time Left:15 $duration($timer(PiercingBulletUsed $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`PiercingBullet*:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,PiercingBullet) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned PiercingBullet | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,PiercingBulletUsed) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `PiercingBullet Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick $2 is not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { /notice $nick Sorry It seems this person is in a Private Battle! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { /notice $nick Don't attack yourself! | halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OAura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OBAura)
  /set %Aura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,OAura)
  /set %BAura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,OBAura)
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick PiercingBulletUsed Yes
  Set %Damage $calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) / 2 )
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) - %Damage)
  writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 PowerLevel $calc($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,PowerLevel) - %Damage)
  /timerPiercingBulletUsed $+ $nick 1 180 /PiercingBulletAgain $nick
  set %PLo $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,PowerLevel)
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 Raises His/Her Right Hand's Index Finger and Fires A Barrier Piercing, Armor Piercing, Defense Piercing Bullet Type Beam At  $+ %Aura2 $+ , $+ %BAura2 $+ $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ )0,1 dealing $bytes(%Damage,b) damage!
  Check $nick $2
on 1:TEXT:`KaiokenX100:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Turned) == yes) { /notice $nick Turn Normal! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,KaiokenX100) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned KaiokenX100 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Kaioken) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using Kaioken | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,KaiokenX4) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX4 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,KaiokenX10) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX10 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,KaiokenX20) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Using KaiokenX20 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,KaiokenX100) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Already Using KaiokenX100 | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,Used) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `KaiokenX100 Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Majin) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Majin,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Majin so you cant transform in Majin! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mystic) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Mystic,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Mystic so you cant transform in Mystic! | halt }
  if (%HBTCUSER == $nick) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx100,Mastered) == yes) { /notice $nick You Cant due to you using HBTC and you've already Mastered This! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini Kaiokenx100 Kaiokenx100 yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick attack $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,attack) + 1000)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick defense $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,defense) + 1000)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) + 1000)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Aura 4
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )4,1 has Powered up a Kaiokenx100! 
  /set %Kaioken $readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx100,Time)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx100,Mastered) != yes) {
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Kaiokenx100 used yes
    /timerKaiokenx1001 $+ $nick 1 %Kaioken /Kaiokenx100Normal $nick    
on 1:TEXT:`Kaiokenx100 Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx100,Used) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Kaiokenx100 $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx100,Used ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Kaiokenx100. This was fixed. | /Kaiokenx100Again $nick }
  /notice $nick 4Kaiokenx100 Again Time Left:13 $duration($timer(KaiokenX100 $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`DeadZone:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,DeadZone) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned DeadZone! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,DeadZone) == Yes) { /notice $nick Type `DeadZone Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Formed) == yes) { halt }
  set %s $nick(#,$rand(1,$nick(#,0)),a)
  if (%s == Chanbot) { goto Repeat }
  if (%s == ZBot) { goto Repeat }
  if (%s == Romeo) { goto Repeat }
  if (%s == Romeo) { goto Repeat }
  if ($readini(%s $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != On) { goto Repeat }
  /timerDeadZone $+ $nick 1 1800 /DeadZoneAgain $nick
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick DeadZone Yes
  if (%s == $nick) { 
    msg %Chanset  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ %s $+ ( $+ $readini(%s $+ .ini,%s,Name) $+ )4,1 Opens Up The DeadZone!
    Msg %Chanset 4The Dead Zone0 is Sucking Some one in!!
    /timerDd 1 2 /Msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ %s $+ ( $+ $readini(%s $+ .ini,%s,Name) $+ )4,1's DeadZone0 Sucked up Him $+ ! How sad. . .
    /timerdz 1 3 /ban %chanset %s 4
    /timerdz2 1 3 /kick %Chanset %s You Got sucked Up Into the DeadZone! You will be released in 10 Mins!
    /ban -u600 %chanset %s 4
    /timerdzinvite $+ %s 1 600 /invite %s %chanset
  if (%s != $nick) { 
    msg %Chanset  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )4,1 Opens Up The DeadZone!
    Msg %Chanset 4The Dead Zone0 is Sucking Some one in!!
    /timerDd 1 2 /Msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )4,1's DeadZone0 Sucked up %s $+ ! How sad. . .
    /timerdz 1 3 /ban %chanset %s 4
    /timerdz2 1 3 /kick %Chanset %s You Got sucked Up Into the DeadZone! You will be released in 10 Mins!
    /ban -u600 %chanset %s 4
    /timerdzinvite $+ %s 1 600 /invite %s %chanset
on 1:TEXT:`DeadZone Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,DeadZone) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(DeadZone $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,DeadZone ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your DeadZone. This was fixed. | /DeadZoneAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 4DeadZone Again Time Left:13 $duration($timer(DeadZone $+ $nick).secs))
on 5:text:`KNormal:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != Saiyan) { /notice $nick Your not a Saiyan | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Kaioken) == yes) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have Not Mastered Kaioken! | halt }
    /KaiokenNormal $nick
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx4,Kaiokenx4) == yes) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx4,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have Not Mastered Kaiokenx4! | halt }
    /KaiokenNormalx4 $nick
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx10,Kaiokenx10) == yes) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx10,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have Not Mastered Kaiokenx10! | halt }
    /Kaiokenx10Normal $nick
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx20,Kaiokenx20) == yes) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx20,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have Not Mastered Kaiokenx20! | halt }
    /Kaiokenx20Normal $nick
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx100,Kaiokenx100) == yes) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaiokenx100,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have Not Mastered Kaiokenx100! | halt }
    /Kaiokenx100Normal $nick
on 1:TEXT:`EnergyDrain Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,TelepathyFreezeUsed) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(EnergyDrain $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,EnergyDrain ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your EnergyDrain. This was fixed. | /EnergyDrainAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 0EnergyDrain Again Time Left:15 $duration($timer(EnergyDrain $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`EnergyDrain *:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,EnergyDrain) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned EnergyDrain | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,EnergyDrain) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `EnergyDrain Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick $2 is not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy) <= 200) { /notice $nick No More Sucking $2 $+ ! | halt }
  if (+Bag isin $2) { halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OAura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OBAura)
  /set %Aura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,OAura)
  /set %BAura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,OBAura)
  /set %Energy $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy)
  set %Energy2 $calc( $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy) / 3 )
  set %Energy3 $round($calc($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy) / 2),0)
  Set %Energy4 $rand(1,%Energy3)
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick EnergyDrain Yes
  /writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Energy $calc($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy) - %Energy4)
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) + %Energy4)
  set %Energy2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy)
  if (%Energy2 < 0) {
    /writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Energy 0
  /timerEnergyDrain $+ $nick 1 240 /EnergyDrainAgain $nick
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 has drained %Energy4 Energy from  $+ %Aura2 $+ , $+ %BAura2 $+ $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ )0,1
  set %Energy2 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy)
  set %Energy3 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MEnergy)
  if (%Energy2 > %Energy3) {
    /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy %Energy3
on 1:TEXT:`Destruct:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) <= 399) { /notice $nick You Need 400 Energy Preform this move! | halt }
  Set %Total $numtok(%batlist,32)
  if (%batlist == $null) { halt }
  if (%Total == 1) { halt }
  if (%Total == 0) { halt }
  if (%Total == $null) { halt }
  if ($readini(Done.ini,$nick,selfdestruct) == yes) {
    /notice $nick You Blew Up Already, Type `SelfDestruct Time Left
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick Your not Fighting! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Paralized) == yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Unable to Move! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Sleeping) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Snore) != yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Sleeping | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { /notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
  writeini Done.ini $nick selfdestruct yes
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != Changling) { /notice $nick 4You are not a Changling! only the race Changling have this power! | halt }
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )13,1 IS ABOUT TO DESTRUCT DO WHAT YOU MUST TO STOP HIM!!!!!!
  //writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking yes
  timerattack $+ $nick 1 20 /Destruct $nick
  timerDestruct $+ $nick 1 18000 /DestructAgain $nick
on 1:TEXT:`Destruct Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,$nick,selfdestruct) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Destruct $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini(Done $+ .ini,$nick,selfdestruct) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Destruct. This was fixed. | /DestructAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 13Destruct Again Time Left:15 $duration($timer(Destruct $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Recover:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Recovering) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `Recover Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != Namek) { /notice $nick Only a Namek Race May preform this move!! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  set %health2 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MPowerLevel)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick PowerLevel %health2
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Recovering Yes
  timerRecovering $+ $nick 1 $rand(300,600) /RecoveringAgain $nick
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )9,1 Recovers Full PL
on 1:TEXT:`Recover Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Recovering) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Recovering $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,Recovering ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Recovering. This was fixed. | /RecoveringAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 9Recovering Time Left:13 $duration($timer(Recovering $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`EnergySuck Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,EnergySuck) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(EnergySuck $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,EnergySuck ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your EnergySuck. This was fixed. | /EnergySuckAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 0EnergySuck Again Time Left:15 $duration($timer(EnergySuck $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`EnergySuck *:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != BioAndroid) { /notice $nick Only The Race BioAndroid May Preform this move! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,EnergySuck) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `EnergySuck Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick $2 is not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy) <= 400) { /notice $nick No More Sucking $2 $+ ! | halt }
  if (+Bag isin $2) { halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OAura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OBAura)
  /set %Aura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,OAura)
  /set %BAura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,OBAura)
  /set %Energy $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy)
  set %Energy2 $calc( $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy) / 3 )
  set %Energy3 $round($calc($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy) / 2),0)
  Set %Energy4 $rand(1,%Energy3)
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick EnergySuck Yes
  /writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Energy $calc($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy) - %Energy4)
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) + %Energy4)
  set %Energy2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Energy)
  if (%Energy2 < 0) {
    /writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Energy 0
  /timerEnergySuck $+ $nick 1 240 /EnergySuckAgain $nick
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 has drained %Energy4 Energy from  $+ %Aura2 $+ , $+ %BAura2 $+ $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ )0,1
  set %Energy2 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy)
  set %Energy3 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MEnergy)
  if (%Energy2 > %Energy3) {
    /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy %Energy3
on 1:TEXT:`SplitForm:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,SplitForm) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned SplitForm | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != Normal) { /notice $nick You are not in Normal Field! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Split,Split) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Split form is on! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Turned) == Yes) { /notice $nick You Have Tranformed already | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Split,Did) == yes) { /notice $nick You already did a split, Type `Split Time Left! | halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OAura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OBAura)
  /set %PowerLevel $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MPowerLevel)
  /set %Ki $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Mki)
  /set %Attack $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MAttack)
  /set %Defense $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MDefense)
  /set %Energy $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MEnergy)
  /set %Agility $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Agility)
  /set %Accuracy $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Accuracy)
  /set %Intelligence $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Intelligence)
  /set %Level $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level)
  /set %Name $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name)
  /set %Move1 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move1)
  /set %Move2 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move2)
  /set %Move3 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move3)
  /set %Move4 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move4)
  /set %Move5 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move5)
  /set %Move6 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move6)
  /set %Move7 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move7)
  /set %Move8 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move8)
  /set %Move9 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move9)
  /set %Move10 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move10)
  /set %MFSpeed $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MFSpeed)
  /set %MSpeed $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MSpeed)
  /set %Race $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race)
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split MPowerLevel %PowerLevel
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split MKI %Ki
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split MAttack %Attack
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split MDefense %Defense
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split MEnergy %Energy
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Agility %Agility
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Accuracy %Accuracy
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Intelligence %Intelligence
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Level %Level
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split OAura %Aura
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split OBAura %BAura
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Aura %Aura
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split BAura %BAura
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Name %Name
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split MFSpeed %MFSpeed
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split MSpeed %MSpeed
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split FSpeed %MFSpeed
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Speed %MSpeed
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Race %Race
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Move1 %Move1
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Move2 %Move2
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Move3 %Move3
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Move4 %Move4
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Move5 %Move5
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Move6 %Move6
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Move7 %Move7
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Move8 %Move8
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Move9 %Move9
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split Move10 %Move10
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split SplitOwner $nick
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split ASplit Yes
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini Register Complete on
  Heal $nick $+ _Split
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini Split Split Yes
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick PowerLevel $calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,PowerLevel) / 2 )
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick KI $calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) / 2 )
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack $calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) / 2 )
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense $calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Defense) / 2 )
  /writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Energy $calc( $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) / 2 )
  SkillLearn1 $nick $nick $+ _Split
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split fighting yes
  /writeini $nick $+ _Split $+ .ini $nick $+ _Split field normal
  set %batlist %batlist $nick $+ _Split
  Msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 Makes a Split Form!
  Notice $nick 11There are 3 Things you can do with your split:9 1st. Train on it! 13 2nd Make it go on a random rampage (`Split Rampage)!8 3rd Choose to attack some one specific(`Split Attack Move Person)!
on 1:TEXT:`Split Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Split,Did) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Split $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,Split,Did ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Split. This was fixed. | /SplitAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 12Split Again Time Left:10 $duration($timer(Split $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Split Attack *:*:{
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,SplitForm) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned SplitForm | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Split,Split) != yes) { /notice $nick Your Split form is not on! | halt }
  if ($4 == $null) { /notice $nick Its `Split Attack Move Person | halt }
  if ($3 == $null) { /notice $nick Its `Split Attack Move Person | halt }
  if ($3 == KiOrb) { /notice $nick No $3 | halt }
  if ($3 == SpiritBomb) { /notice $nick No $3 | halt }
  if ($3 == AtomicBlast) { /notice $nick No $3 | halt }
  if ($3 == DeathBall) { /notice $nick No $3 | halt }
  if ($readini($4 $+ .ini,$4,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick $4 is not fighting | halt }
  Set %Split $nick $+ _Split
  if ($4 == %Split) { /notice $nick Don't attack yourself! | halt }
  if (Punch+bag isin $4 ) && ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,level) >= 110) { /notice $nick %Split is too strong too attack Punch+bag! | halt }
  if (Weak+bag isin $4 ) && ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,level) >= 30) { /notice $nick %Split is too strong too attack weak+bag! | halt }
  if (Supa+Weak+bag isin $4 ) && ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,level) >= 15) { /notice $nick %Split is too strong too attack Supa+weak+Bag! | halt }
  if ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick %Split is not Fighting! | halt }
  if ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Paralized) == yes) { /notice %Split $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Name) Is Unable to Move! | halt }
  if ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Sleeping) == yes) && ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Snore) != yes) { /notice %Split $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Name) Is Sleeping | halt }
  if ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Attacking) == yes) { /notice $nick %Split is Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,field) != $readini($4 $+ .ini,$4,field)) { /notice $nick Sorry It seems this person is in a Private Battle! | halt }
  //set %attacks $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,move1) $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,move2) $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,move3) $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,move4) $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,move5) $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,move6) $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,move7) $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,move8) $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,move9) $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,move10)
  if ($3 isin %attacks) { 
    /set %Aura $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Aura)
    /set %BAura $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,BAura)
    /set %Aura2 $readini($4 $+ .ini,$4,Aura)
    /set %BAura2 $readini($4 $+ .ini,$4,BAura)
    writeini %Split $+ .ini %Split Attacking Yes
    /set %Speed $Calc( $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Speed) * 5 )
    timerattack $+ %Split 1 %Speed / $+ $3 %Split $4
    msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ %Split $+ ( $+ $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Name) $+ )0,1 Gets Ready to do a $3 at  $+ %Aura2 $+ , $+ %BAura2 $+ $4 $+ ( $+ $readini($4 $+ .ini,$4,Name) $+ )0,1 
    echo yo
on 1:TEXT:`Split Rampage:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,SplitForm) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned SplitForm | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Split,Split) != yes) { /notice $nick Your Split form is not on! | halt }
  Set %Split $nick $+ _Split
  if ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick %Split is not Fighting! | halt }
  if ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Paralized) == yes) { /notice %Split $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Name) Is Unable to Move! | halt }
  if ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Sleeping) == yes) && ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Snore) != yes) { /notice %Split $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Name) Is Sleeping | halt }
  if ($readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Attacking) == yes) { /notice $nick %Split is Attacking! | halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OAura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,OBAura)
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ %Split $+ ( $+ $readini(%Split $+ .ini,%Split,Name) $+ ) 4,1 Goes on a Bloody Rampage!
  /timerattack $+ %Split 1 1 /SplitNpcAttack %Split
on 1:TEXT:`Kamikaze Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Kamikaze) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Kamikaze $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Kamikaze) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Kamikaze. This was fixed. | /KamikazeOver $nick }
  /notice $nick 8Kamikaze Again Time Left:10 $duration($timer(Kamikaze $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Kamikaze:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Kamikaze) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned Kamikaze! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { /notice $nick You are is Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Kamikaze) == yes) { /notice $nick You Already Used Kamikaze! | halt }
  Set %Total $numtok(%batlist,32)
  if (%Total <= 6) { /notice $nick This Skill May Only Preformed if the field contains 6 People! | halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking Yes
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )11,1 Closes His/Her Eyes and Stands in the middle of the Arena in a calm way!
  /timerattack $+ $nick 1 40 /Kamikaze $nick
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Kamikaze yes
  /timerKamikaze $+ $nick 1 600 /KamikazeOver $nick
on 1:TEXT:`Bebi:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Turned) == yes) { /notice $nick Turn Normal! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Bebi) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned Bebi | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Bebi) == yes) { /notice $nick Your Already Using Bebi | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Mastered) == yes) { /notice $nick You Have Mastered Bebi! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Used) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `Bebi Time Left | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not in Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Kaioken) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Kaioken,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your Kaioken so you cant transform in Kaioken! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,KaiokenX4) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX4,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX4 so you cant transform in KaiokenX4! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,KaiokenX10) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX10,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX10 so you cant transform in KaiokenX10! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,KaiokenX20) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX20,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX20 so you cant transform in KaiokenX20! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,KaiokenX100) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,KaiokenX100,Mastered) != yes) { /notice $nick You Have'nt Mastered Your KaiokenX100 so you cant transform in KaiokenX100! | halt }
  if (%HBTCUSER == $nick) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Mastered) == yes) { /notice $nick You Cant due to you using HBTC and you've already Mastered This! | halt }
  set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini Bebi Bebi yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini Bebi used yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick BAura 5
  /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )5,1 has Powered up a Bebi! 
  /set %Bebi $readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Time)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Mastered) != yes) {
    /timerBebi1 $+ $nick 1 %Bebi /BebiNormal $nick    
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) == Saiyan) {
    /set %defense $Calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,defense) * 1.5)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick defense %defense
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) + 100)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) + 100)
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Race) != Saiyan) {
    /set %defense $Calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,defense) * 2)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick defense %defense
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Ki) + 500)
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack $calc($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack) + 500)
on 1:TEXT:`Bebi Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Used) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Bebi $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,Bebi,Used ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Bebi. This was fixed. | /BebiAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 11Bebi Again Time Left:12 $duration($timer(Bebi $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Forsion*:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $2 Aint Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Player) != Yes) { /notice $nick This is Not a Player! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You Are Not in Battle field! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,field) != $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,field)) { /notice $nick Sorry It seems this person is in a Private Battle! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Formed) == Yes) { /notice Cant! | halt }
  if (%tourneystarted = yes) { /notice $nick Tourney is happening | halt }
  if (%BRtourney = yes) { /notice $nick Battle Royale Is Going On | halt }
  if (%NamekFighter == $nick) { /notice $nick You Cant! | halt }
  if ($nick == $2) { /notice $nick Don't Fuse With YourSelf! | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,Forsion,$nick) >= 5) { /notice $nick You Cant Use Forsion Any More Try Tomorrow | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,Forsion,$nick) == 5) { /notice $nick You Cant Use Forsion Any More Try Tomorrow | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,Forsion,$nick) == $null) { writeini Done $+ .ini Forsion $Nick 0 }
  Set %Work $Rand(1,2)
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  /set %Aura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Aura)
  /set %BAura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,BAura)
  if (%Work == 1) { 
    /writeini Done $+ .ini Forsion $nick $calc($readini(Done $+ .ini,Forsion,$nick) + 1)
    msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )7,1 Turns into a Liquid and Jumps at  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ )7,1 But Missed!
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Forsion yes
  if (%Work == 2) { 
    /writeini Done $+ .ini Forsion $nick $calc($readini(Done $+ .ini,Forsion,$nick) + 1)
    /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
    /set %PowerLevel $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MPowerLevel)
    /set %Ki $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Mki)
    /set %Attack $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MAttack)
    /set %Defense $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MDefense)
    /set %Energy $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MEnergy)
    /set %Agility $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Agility)
    /set %Accuracy $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Accuracy)
    /set %Intelligence $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Intelligence)
    /set %Level $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level)
    /set %Level2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Level)
    /set %BAura $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,BAura)
    /set %PowerLevel2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,MPowerLevel)
    /set %Ki2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Mki)
    /set %Attack2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,MAttack)
    /set %Defense2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,MDefense)
    /set %Energy2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,MEnergy)
    /set %Agility2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Agility)
    /set %Accuracy2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Accuracy)
    /set %Intelligence2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Intelligence)
    /set %Name $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name)
    /set %Name2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name)
    /set %Move1 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move1)
    /set %Move2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Move2)
    /set %Move3 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move3)
    /set %Move4 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Move4)
    /set %Move5 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move5)
    /set %Move6 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Move6)
    /set %Move7 $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Move7)
    /set %Move8 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Move8)
    /set %Pass $readini($nick $+ .ini,Pass,Pass)
    /set %MFSpeed $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MFSpeed)
    /set %MSpeed $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,MSpeed)
    /set %Race $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Race)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Majin,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Mystic,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Bebi,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Super,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Majunior,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Perfect,1,32)
    set %Name $remtok(%Name,Legendary,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Majin,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Mystic,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Bebi,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Super,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Majunior,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Perfect,1,32)
    set %Name2 $remtok(%Name2,Legendary,1,32)
    set %randomname $rand(1,2)
    if (%randomname = 1) {
      set %randomname1 %Name
      set %randomname2 %Name2
      set %namepart1 $left(%Name,$rand(1,4))
      set %namepart2 $left(%Name2,$rand(1,4))
      if ($len(%namepart1) > $len(%Name)) { set %namepart1 %Name }
      if ($len(%namepart2) > $len(%Name2)) { set %namepart2 %Name2 }
      set %fusionname %namepart1 $+ %namepart2
      if ($readini(%fusionname $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == on) && ($readini(%fusionname $+ .ini,%fusionname,Formed) != yes) { goto Repeat }
    if (%randomname = 2) {
      set %randomname1 %Name2
      set %randomname2 %Name   
      set %namepart2 $left(%Name,$rand(1,4))
      set %namepart1 $left(%Name2,$rand(1,4))
      if ($len(%namepart2) > $len(%Name)) { set %namepart2 %Name }
      if ($len(%namepart1) > $len(%Name2)) { set %namepart1 %Name2 }
      set %fusionname %namepart1 $+ %namepart2
      if ($readini(%fusionname $+ .ini,Register,Complete) == on) && ($readini(%fusionname $+ .ini,%fusionname,Formed) != yes) { goto Repeat }
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Mattack $calc(%Attack + %Attack2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname attack $calc(%Attack + %Attack2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Level $calc(%Level + %Level2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname defense $calc(%defense + %defense2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Mdefense $calc(%defense + %defense2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname agility $calc(%agility + %agility2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname PowerLevel $calc(%PowerLevel + %PowerLevel2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname MPowerLevel $calc(%PowerLevel + %PowerLevel2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname KI $calc(%KI + %KI2)  
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname MKI $calc(%KI + %KI2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Energy $calc(%Energy + %Energy2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname MEnergy $calc(%Energy + %Energy2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Accuracy $calc(%Accuracy + %Accuracy2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Intelligence $calc(%Intelligence + %Intelligence2) 
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Forsion Yes
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Formed Yes
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Name %fusionname
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Aura %Aura
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname BAura %BAura
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname OAura %Aura
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname OBAura %BAura
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Name On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Race On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Type On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Character On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Gender On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Register Complete On
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move1 %Move1
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move2 %Move2
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move3 %Move3
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move4 %Move4
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move5 %Move5
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move6 %Move6
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move7 %Move7
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Move8 %Move8
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Race %Race
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini Pass Pass %Pass
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Fighting Yes
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Field Normal
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname You $Nick
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname MSpeed %MSpeed
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname FSpeed %FSpeed
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname Speed %MSpeed
    //writeini %fusionname $+ .ini %fusionname MFSpeed %FSpeed
    SkillLearn $nick $2 %fusionname
    /Set %BatList %BatList %fusionname
    /Msg %ChanSet 5 $+ $Nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )7 Absorbs5 $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ )7 Forming5 %fusionname $+ ( $+ %fusionname $+ ) $+ !
    /notice $nick Change Your Nick Too %fusionname and Login With The Pass You Use! You Will Lose Control in 5 Mins!
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Register Complete no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Fighting No
    writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Field None
    set %batlist $remtok(%batlist,$nick,1,32)
    /timerFormed $+ %fusionname  1 300 /LosingFormed %fusionname 
    SkillLearn $nick $2 %fusionname
on 1:TEXT:`Forsion Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Formed) == yes) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Forsion) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Forsion $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini( $nick $+ .ini,$nick,Forsion ) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Forsion. This was fixed. | /ForsionRecover $nick }
  /notice $nick 7Forsion Time Left:0 $duration($timer(Forsion $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`ShockWave:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,ShockWave) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned ShockWave | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Energy) <= 399) { /notice $nick You Need 400 Energy Preform this move! | halt }
  Set %Total $numtok(%batlist,32)
  if (%Total <= 5) { /notice $nick This Skill May Only Preformed if the field contains 5 People! | halt }
  if ($readini(Done.ini,$nick,ShockWave) == yes) {
    /notice $nick You Blew Up Already, Type `ShockWave Time Left
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick Your not Fighting! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Paralized) == yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Unable to Move! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Sleeping) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Snore) != yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Sleeping | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { /notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
  writeini Done.ini $nick ShockWave yes
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )8,1 Raises His Index and Middle Finger up!
  //writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking yes
  timerattack $+ $nick 1 30 /ShockWave $nick
  timerShockWave $+ $nick 1 7200 /ShockWaveAgain $nick
on 1:TEXT:`ShockWave Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,$nick,ShockWave) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(ShockWave $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini(Done $+ .ini,$nick,ShockWave) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your ShockWave. This was fixed. | /ShockWaveAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 13ShockWave Again Time Left:15 $duration($timer(ShockWave $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`SolarFlare:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,SolarFlare) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned SolarFlare | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Paralized) == yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Unable to Move! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { /notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SolarFlare) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `SolarFlare Time Left! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Sleeping) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Snore) != yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Sleeping | halt }
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 Does a Solar Flare!
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick SolarFlare Yes
  timerSolarFlare $+ $nick 1 600 /SolarFlareAgain $nick
  set %Starting 0
  Set %Total $numtok(%batlist,32)
  Set %Person1 1
  if (%Starting >= %Total) { Goto End }
  set %Person $gettok(%batlist,%Person1,32)
  if ($readini(%Person $+ .ini,%Person,Fighting) == Yes) && (%Person isin $nick) { Goto There }
  if ($readini(%Person $+ .ini,%Person,Fighting) == Yes) && (%Person != $nick) { set %Aura2 $readini(%Person $+ .ini,%Person,Aura) | set %BAura2 $readini(%Person $+ .ini,%Person,BAura) | msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1's Solar Flare Caused  $+ %Aura2 $+ , $+ %BAura2 $+ %Person $+ ( $+ $readini(%Person $+ .ini,%Person,Name) $+ )0,1 To Become Paralized! | writeini %Person $+ .ini %Person Paralized Yes }
  inc %Starting 1
  inc %Person1 1
  Goto Repeat
on 1:TEXT:`SolarFlare Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SolarFlare) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(SolarFlare $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,SolarFlare) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your SolarFlare. This was fixed. | /SolarFlareAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 0SolarFlare Again Time Left:15 $duration($timer(SolarFlare $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Exchange Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Exchange) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Exchange $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Exchange) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Exchange. This was fixed. | /ExchangeAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 0Exchange Again Time Left:15 $duration($timer(Exchange $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Exchange*:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Exchange) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned Exchange | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt }
  if ($readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick $2 is not Fighting! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Paralized) == yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Unable to Move! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { /notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Exchange) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `Exchange Time Left! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Level) > $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Level)) { /notice $nick No More Exchanging With People Below Your Level! | halt }
  timerExchange $+ $nick 1 900 /ExchangeAgain $nick
  set %Ki $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,ki)
  set %Attack $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attack)
  set %Defense $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Defense)
  set %Ki2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,ki)
  set %Attack2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Attack)
  set %Defense2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Defense)
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Exchange Yes
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attack %Attack2
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Defense %Defense2
  writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Ki %Ki2
  writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Attack %Attack
  writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Defense %Defense
  writeini $2 $+ .ini $2 Ki %Ki
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  /set %Aura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Aura)
  /set %BAura2 $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,BAura)
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 Spreads His Legs and Arms Apart. A Shiny Light Engulfs  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura  $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 That He Fires at  $+ %Aura2 $+ , $+ %BAura2 $+ $2 $+ ( $+ $readini($2 $+ .ini,$2,Name) $+ )0,1! Attack, Defense, Ki Switched!
on 1:TEXT:`Final Explosion:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,FinalExplosion) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned FinalExplosion | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Paralized) == yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Unable to Move! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { /notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,$nick,FinalExplosion) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `FinalExplosion Time Left! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Sleeping) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Snore) != yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Sleeping | halt }
  Set %Total $numtok(%batlist,32)
  if (%batlist == $null) { halt }
  if (%Total == 1) { halt }
  if (%Total == 0) { halt }
  if (%Total == $null) { halt }
  if ($readini(Done.ini,$nick,FinalExplosion) == yes) {
    /notice $nick You Blew Up Already, Type `FinalExplosion Time Left
  /set %Aura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Aura)
  /set %BAura $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,BAura)
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 is Engulfed in A White Light!
  writeini Done.ini $nick FinalExplosion yes
  //writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking yes
  timerFinalExplosion $+ $nick 1 7200 /FinalExplosionAgain $nick
  timerattack $+ $nick 1 25 /FinalExplosion $nick
on 1:TEXT:`FinalExplosion Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,$nick,FinalExplosion) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(FinalExplosion $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini(Done $+ .ini,$nick,FinalExplosion) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your FinalExplosion. This was fixed. | /FinalExplosionAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 0FinalExplosion Again Time Left:15 $duration($timer(FinalExplosion $+ $nick).secs))
on 1:TEXT:`Zolpher:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Skills,Zolpher) != Yes) { /notice $nick You have not yet learned Zolpher! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,fighting) != yes) { /notice $nick You are not Fighting! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Paralized) == yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Unable to Move! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Attacking) == yes) { /notice $nick You are Attacking! | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,$nick,Zolpher) == yes) { /notice $nick Please Type `Zolpher Time Left! | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Sleeping) == yes) && ($readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Snore) != yes) { /notice $nick $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) Is Sleeping | halt }
  Set %Total $numtok(%batlist,32)
  if (%batlist == $null) { halt }
  if (%Total == 1) { halt }
  if (%Total == 0) { halt }
  if (%Total == $null) { halt }
  msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )0,1 Closes His/Her Eyes And Starts to Glow with Dark Energy!
  //writeini $nick $+ .ini $nick Attacking yes
  writeini Done.ini $nick Zolpher yes
  timerattack $+ $nick 1 25 /Zolpher $nick
  timerZolpher $+ $nick 1 800 /ZolpherAgain $nick
on 1:TEXT:`Zolpher Time Left:#: {
  if ($chan != %ChanSet) { halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Register,Complete) != on) { /notice $nick Please Register! `Register | halt }
  if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,pass,passaccept) != on) { /notice $nick Login! | halt }
  if ($readini(Done $+ .ini,$nick,Zolpher) != yes) { halt }
  if ($timer(Zolpher $+ $nick).secs = $null) && ($readini(Done $+ .ini,$nick,Zolpher) == yes) { notice $nick $nick $+ , There was a Problem in Your Zolpher. This was fixed. | /ZolpherAgain $nick }
  /notice $nick 0Zolpher Again Time Left:15 $duration($timer(Zolpher $+ $nick).secs))


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bourneident   -  Sep 28, 2010

nothing works at all

Lucius   -  Sep 27, 2010


on 1:TEXT:`SplitForm:#: {

that one command can cause 25 variables to be set and 40!!! writeini's?
I can understand the appeal of making a DBZ game... (ok about 5 years ago I could)
But it's scripted so inefficiently.
In need of a total overhaul.
scratch that... DESPERATELY in need of recoding.

  if ($2 == Earth) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Planet,Earth) == yes) { /notice $nick You are on Earth!! | halt }
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Namek no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Earth yes
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Vegeta no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Kai no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Yardat no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet Plant no
    writeini $nick $+ .ini Planet X no
    /msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )7,1 Transports To Planet $2

for example... surely you don't need an ini per person, or if you do, then try something along the lines of:

  if ($2 == Earth) {
    if ($readini($nick $+ .ini,Location,Planet) == Earth) {
      notice $nick You are on Earth!!
    else {
      writeini -n $nick $+ .ini Location Planet Earth
      msg %ChanSet  $+ %Aura $+ , $+ %BAura $+ $nick $+ ( $+ $readini($nick $+ .ini,$nick,Name) $+ )7,1 Transports To Planet $2

I really don't understand why you need to have a yes and a no for every planet, obviously one can only be yes, so make it one ini with the planet on it instead.

I could go on and on and on, but I'll stop there and just say this.
9/10 thought put into the game + 4/10 coding = 6/10
I'm not going to even attempt trying it out on my bot unless it's 1/4 of the size it is now. (and thats a VERY easy target from just a quick scan)

Shame really, in the hands of a dedicated AND skilled scripter, it could be genius. As it is, it's more of frankenstein2.0. works as it should but SO FREAKING UGLY. xD

I didn't mean to rant, and I know what it's like to try creating something this large (in function if not size) so I wish you all the best with it, and praise the work you have done (as well as those before you).

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