Protect User+Self System V2

By ProIcons on Sep 12, 2010


///Εντολες /protect_user [-d,-e,-version,-dialog,-alias,-help,-report,-list] <+bkd>

Για να προσθεσετε εναν Χρηστη /protect_user <+bkd>
Για να αφερεσετε εναν Χρηστη /protect_user -d
Για να δειτε ολους τους Χρηστες που εχετε προσθεσει /protect_user -list


b = Ban
k = Kick
d = Deop

-list = Διχνει ολους τους Χρηστες
-d = Διαγραφει εναν Χρηστη
-e = Αλλαζει τις παραμετρους για εναν χρηστη
-version = Σας διχνει την εκδοση
-dialog = Ανοιγει τον πινακα ελενχου του Script
-self = Διαμορφονει την Πρωσοπικη σας Προστασια
-help = Σας διχνει τις εντολες
-alias = Για να προσθεσετε μια συντομευση
-report = Καταγραφει τους χρηστες που εχετε προσθεσει

//Add A User
/protect_user +bkd Bot

  • Bot Added in my Protect list with Options: Ban Kick Deop
    /protect_user +bkd Bot
  • Bot is allready in your Protect List

//Kick Time

  • Bot was kicked by ProIcons2 (ProIcons2)
  • ProIcons2 was kicked by ProIcons (Do Not Kick My Protected User (Bot))
    Join:O Bot - (!Dj@ Μολις ηρθε στο #smile
  • ProIcons sets mode: +o Bot

//Ban Time

  • ProIcons2 sets mode: +b Bot!@ Do Not Ban My Protected User (Bot)
  • ProIcons sets mode: -bo+b Bot!@ ProIcons2 ProIcons2!@

//Deop Time

  • ProIcons2 sets mode: -o Bot Do Not Deop My Protected User (Bot)
  • ProIcons sets mode: +o-o Bot ProIcons2

/protect_user -self +bdk

  • ProIcons Your Protect Options are: deop kick ban
    /protect_user -self -d
  • Your Personal Protection Has been disabled

//List Users
/protect_user -list

  • Users In My Protect List:
  • 1 * Bot «» Options: deop kick ban
  • End of /Protect_User command

//Del a user
/protect_user -d Bot

  • Bot Deleted from my Protect list
    /protect_user -d Bot
  • Bot is not on my Protect List

/protect_user -help

  • Protect User Script Version 2.0 by 4ProIcons
  • Help Commands
  • /protect_user [-d,-e,-report,-alias,-list,-help,-version] <+ b,d,k>
  • -d Del User
  • -e edit users options
  • -report Stats of Protected Users
  • -alias create a shortcut of this word
  • -list list users
  • -Help Commands
  • -version version
  • -dialog Opens Dialog Control
  • +bdk Flags ->
  • +b Ban Protection
  • +k Kick Protection
  • +d Deop Protecton

/protect_user -version

  • Protect System By ProIcons Version (2.0)


/protect_user -report on

  • Protected Nicks Report on
    /protect_user -report on
  • Report is allready enabled
    /protect_user -report
  • Protected Nicks Report is on
    /protect_user -report off
  • Protected Nicks Report off
    /protect_user -report off
  • Report is allready disabled
    /protect_user -report +logs
    [quote]Αν εχετε ειδη logs τα ανοιγει
    /protect_user -report +logs

    Αν oxi

  • You Have No Logs

//protect_user -e <+bdk>
/protect_user -e +bdk Bot

  • Bot Edited from my Protect list with New Options: ban deop kick
    /protect_user -e +bdk Bot1
  • Bot1 is not on Your Proetect List
    /protect_user -e +chs Bot
  • You Must add Flags <+b,d,k>

/protect_user -dialog

Ανοιγετε τα Remotes με τα κουμπια "alt + r" και κανετε επικοληση τον παρακατω κωδικα
Ο Server να εχει ChanServ Service


///Commands /protect_user [-d,-e,-version,-alias,-help,-report,-list] <+bkd>

To Add a User in your Protect List /protect_user <+bkd>
To Del a User From Your Protect list /protect_user -d
To See all users in protect list /protect_user -list


b = Ban
k = Kick
d = Deop

-list = List all Users
-d = Del a User
-e = Edit a User
-version = Shows The Version
-help = Shows the help
-dialog = Opens Control panel of script
-self = edit your personal protection
-alias = add an alias
-report = All activities of your protect
//Add A User
/protect_user +bkd Bot

  • Bot Added in my Protect list with Options: Ban Kick Deop
    /protect_user +bkd Bot
  • Bot is allready in your Protect List

//Kick Time

  • Bot was kicked by ProIcons2 (ProIcons2)
  • ProIcons2 was kicked by ProIcons (Do Not Kick My Protected User (Bot))
    Join:O Bot - (!Dj@ Μολις ηρθε στο #smile
  • ProIcons sets mode: +o Bot

//Ban Time

  • ProIcons2 sets mode: +b Bot!@ Do Not Ban My Protected User (Bot)
  • ProIcons sets mode: -bo+b Bot!@ ProIcons2 ProIcons2!@

/protect_user -self +bdk

  • ProIcons Your Protect Options are: deop kick ban
    /protect_user -self -d
  • Your Personal Protection Has been disabled

//Deop Time

  • ProIcons2 sets mode: -o Bot Do Not Deop My Protected User (Bot)
  • ProIcons sets mode: +o-o Bot ProIcons2

//List Users
/protect_user -list

  • Users In My Protect List:
  • 1 * Bot «» Options: deop kick ban
  • End of /Protect_User command

//Del a user
/protect_user -d Bot

  • Bot Deleted from my Protect list
    /protect_user -d Bot
  • Bot is not on my Protect List

/protect_user -help

  • Protect User Script Version 2.0 by 4ProIcons
  • Help Commands
  • /protect_user [-d,-e,-report,-alias,-list,-help,-version] <+ b,d,k>
  • -d Del User
  • -e edit users options
  • -report Stats of Protected Users
  • -alias create a shortcut of this word
  • -list list users
  • -Help Commands
  • -version version
  • +bdk Flags ->
  • +b Ban Protection
  • +k Kick Protection
  • +d Deop Protecton

/protect_user -version

  • Protect System By ProIcons Version (2.0)


/protect_user -report on

  • Protected Nicks Report on
    /protect_user -report on
  • Report is allready enabled
    /protect_user -report
  • Protected Nicks Report is on
    /protect_user -report off
  • Protected Nicks Report off
    /protect_user -report off
  • Report is allready disabled
    /protect_user -report +logs
    [quote]If You Allready Have It is open the logs file
    /protect_user -report +logs

    If Not

  • You Have No Logs

//protect_user -e <+bdk>
/protect_user -e +bdk Bot

  • Bot Edited from my Protect list with New Options: ban deop kick
    /protect_user -e +bdk Bot1
  • Bot1 is not on Your Proetect List
    /protect_user -e +chs Bot
  • You Must add Flags <+b,d,k>

/protect_user -dialog
Open Your Remotes with "alt + r"
and paste the folowing code
Server Must Be Have ChanServ Service


on *:start:{ if (%report == on) { window @report } }
on *:kick:#:{ 
  if ($knick == $me) && ($nick != $me) {
    if (kick isin %self) {
      if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] $nick kicks me | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] $nick kicks me (Server: $server $+ ) }
      join #
      if ($nick == chanserv) || ($nick == operserv) { 
        if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Kick -> A Service Kick me , I Can't Do Anything | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Kick -> A Service Kicks me , I Can't Do Anything (Server: $server $+ ) } | halt 
      else {
        .timer -m 1 00989 ocheck $chan $nick 

  if ($nick != $me) && ($opnick != $nick) {
    if ($knick isin %protected_u) { 
      if (Kick isin %Nick_ [ $+ [ $knick ] ]) {

        if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] $nick kicks Protect User $knick (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] $nick kicks Protect User $knick (Server: $server $+ ) }
        if ($nick == chanserv) || ($nick == operserv) { 
          if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Kick -> A Service Kicks $knick , I Can't Do Anything (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Kick -> A Service Kicks $knick , I Can't Do Anything (Server: $server $+ ) } | halt 
        if ($me !isop $chan) { if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Kick -> I Can't Kick the enemy $nick Because I am Not Op Of this chan (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Kick -> I Can't Kick the enemy $nick Because I am Not Op Of this chan (Server: $server $+ ) } | halt }
        else {
          if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Kick -> I successfuly kick the enemy $nick (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Kick -> I successfuly kick the enemy $nick (Server: $server $+ ) }
          kick # $nick 1Do Not Kick My Protected User (4 $+ $knick $+ )1
          set %invitor $knick
          invite $knick $chan
dialog pu {
  title "User Protection Script"
  size -1 -1 180 122
  option dbu
  tab "User Protection", 1, 0 0 178 103
  list 7, 0 23 65 52, tab 1 size
  check "Ban", 8, 65 22 22 10, disable tab 1
  edit "Nick", 11, 106 23 50 10, tab 1
  check "Ban", 12, 107 33 22 10, disable tab 1
  check "Kick", 13, 107 43 22 10, disable tab 1
  check "Deop", 14, 107 53 22 10, disable tab 1
  check "Deop", 10, 65 42 22 10, disable tab 1
  check "Kick", 9, 65 32 22 10, disable tab 1
  button "Add", 15, 118 63 37 12, disable tab 1
  box "Add", 16, 105 15 57 66, tab 1
  box "Edit", 17, 0 15 91 66, tab 1
  button "Edit", 18, 68 54 19 12, disable tab 1
  button "Dell all", 21, 26 84 37 12, tab 1
  button "Del", 46, 68 67 19 12, disable tab 1
  tab "Self Protection", 2
  check "Ban", 19, 1 14 21 10, tab 2
  check "Kick", 20, 1 24 19 10, tab 2
  check "Deop", 22, 1 34 23 10, tab 2
  box "Your Status", 37, 36 14 120 48, tab 2
  text "Nick:", 38, 39 21 25 8, tab 2
  text "Address:", 39, 39 31 25 8, tab 2
  text "Ip:", 40, 39 41 25 8, tab 2
  text "Protected Users", 41, 39 51 40 8, tab 2
  text , 42, 99 21 50 8, tab 2
  text , 43, 99 31 51 8, tab 2
  text , 44, 99 41 51 8, tab 2
  text , 45, 99 51 51 8, tab 2
  button "Save", 47, 4 46 24 12, tab 2
  tab "Options", 3
  check "Report", 23, 1 14 50 10, tab 3
  check "Aliases", 25, 1 32 50 10, tab 3
  list 26, 0 51 50 39, disable tab 3 size
  edit "", 27, 0 42 50 10, disable tab 3
  button "Add", 28, 0 90 22 12, tab 3
  box "About", 29, 73 14 95 77, tab 3
  text "User Protection Script", 30, 112 21 54 8, tab 3
  text "Name:", 31, 75 21 25 8, tab 3
  text "Version:", 32, 75 31 25 8, tab 3
  text " 7", 33, 112 31 25 8, tab 3
  text "Founder:", 34, 75 41 25 8, tab 3
  text "ProIcons", 35, 112 41 25 8, tab 3
  text "Helpers:", 36, 75 51 25 8, tab 3
  text "User Protection script v7", 4, 0 105 67 8, disable
  text "By ProIcons", 5, 146 106 34 8, disable
  button "Dell", 24, 26 90 22 12, disable tab 3
  button "Ok", 6, 77 108 37 12, ok
on *:dialog:Pu:*:*:{
  if ($devent == init) && ($did == 0) { 
    print_pusers did
    print_aliases did
    did -a $dname 43 $address($me,1)
    did -a $dname 42 $me
    did -a $dname 44 $ip
    did -a $dname 45 $numtok(%Protected_u,32)
    if ($istok(%self,ban,32)) { did -c $dname 19 }
    if ($istok(%self,kick,32)) { did -c $dname 20 }
    if ($istok(%self,deop,32)) { did -c $dname 22 }
    if (%report == on) { did -c $dname 23 }
    if ($numtok(%pualias,32) > 0) { did -c $dname 25 | did -e $dname 27,26 } 
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    if ($did == 7) { 
      if ($did($dname,7).seltext != No Users) && ($did($dname,7).seltext != $null) {
        did -eu $dname 8,9,10,18,46
        if ($istok(%nick_ [ $+ [ $did($dname,7).seltext ] ],ban,32)) { did -c $dname 8 }
        if ($istok(%nick_ [ $+ [ $did($dname,7).seltext ] ],kick,32)) { did -c $dname 9 }
        if ($istok(%nick_ [ $+ [ $did($dname,7).seltext ] ],deop,32)) { did -c $dname 10 }
      else { did -ub $dname 8,9,10,18,46 }
    if ($did == 18) {
      unset %nick_ [ $+ [ $did($dname,7).seltext ] ]
      if ($did($dname,8).state == 1) { 
        set %nick_ [ $+ [ $did($dname,7).seltext ] ]  ban
      if ($did($dname,9).state == 1) { 
        set %nick_ [ $+ [ $did($dname,7).seltext ] ] %nick_ [ $+ [ $did($dname,7).seltext ] ] kick
      if ($did($dname,10).state == 1) { 
        set %nick_ [ $+ [ $did($dname,7).seltext ] ] %nick_ [ $+ [ $did($dname,7).seltext ] ] deop
    if ($did == 46) {
      set %protected_u $deltok(%protected_u,$findtok(%protected_u,$did($dname,7).seltext,32),32)
      unset %nick_ $+ $did($dname,7).seltext
      .notify -r $did($dname,7).seltext
      print_pusers did
      did -ub $dname 46,18,8,9,10
    if ($did == 21) { unset %nick_* | unset %protected_u | print_pusers did }
    if ($did == 15) { 
      if (!$istok(%protected_u,$did($Dname,11),32)) {
        set %protected_u %protected_u $did($Dname,11)
        if ($did($dname,12).state == 1) { 
          set %nick_ [ $+ [ $did($Dname,11) ] ] ban
        if ($did($dname,13).state == 1) { 
          set %nick_ [ $+ [ $did($Dname,11) ] ] %nick_ [ $+ [ $did($Dname,11) ] ] kick
        if ($did($dname,14).state == 1) { 
          set %nick_ [ $+ [ $did($Dname,11) ] ] %nick_ [ $+ [ $did($Dname,11) ] ] deop
        print_pusers did
        did -r $dname 11
        did -ub $dname 12,13,14,15
      else { did -ra $dname 11 User Exists }
    if ($did == 47) {
      unset %self
      if ($did($dname,19).state == 1) { 
        set %self ban
      if ($did($dname,20).state == 1) { 
        set %self %self kick
      if ($did($dname,22).state == 1) { 
        set %self %self deop
    if ($did == 28) {
      if ($did($dname,27) != $null) {
        if (!$istok(%pualias,$did($Dname,27),32)) {
          set %pualias %pualias $did($dname,27)
          print_aliases did
          alias $did($dname,27) protect_user $chr(36) $+ $chr(49) $+ $chr(45)
          did -b $dname 28
          did -r $dname 27
    if ($did == 23) {
      if ($did($dname,23).state == 1) {
        set %report on

      if ($did($dname,23).state == 0) {
        set %report off
    if ($did == 25) {
      if ($Did($dname,25).state == 1) { did -e $dname 26,27 }
      else { did -b $dname 26,27,28 | did -r $dname 27 | unset %pualias | print_aliases did }
    if ($did == 24) { set %pualias $deltok(%pualias,$findtok(%pualias,$did($dname,26).seltext,32),32) | alias $did($dname,26).seltext | did -b $dname 24 | print_aliases did }
    if ($did == 26) { 
      if ($did($dname,26).seltext != No Aliases) && ($did($dname,26).seltext != $null) {
        did -e $dname 24 
      else { did -b $dname 24 }


  if ($devent == edit) {
    if ($did == 11) {
      if ($chr(32) !isin $did($dname,11)) && ($did($dname,11) != $null) {
        did -e $dname 12,13,14,15
      else { did -bu $dname 12,13,14,15 }
  if ($did == 27) {
    if ($chr(32) !isin $did($dname,27)) && ($did($dname,27) != $null) {
      did -e $dname 28
    else { did -bu $dname 28 }

alias ocheck { 
  if ($me !isop $1) {
    if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Kick -> I can't kick the enemy , I am not op of this chan | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] I can't kick the enemy , I am not op of this chan (Server: $server $+ ) }
  else { 
    kick $1 $2 1Do not Kick me
    if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Kick -> I successfuly kick the enemy $2 | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] I successfuly kick the enemy $2 (Server: $server $+ ) }

on *:deop:#:{
  if ($opnick == $me) && (deop isin %self) && ($nick != $me) { 
    if (%report == on) {
      write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] $nick deops me (Server: $server $+ ) 
      echo @report 4[« $time $date »] $nick deops me (Server: $server $+ ) 

    if ($nick != chanserv) || ($nick == operserv) {   
      cs op # $me
      msg $chan Do Not Deop me 
      .timer -m 1 00989  mode # -o $nick 
      if (%report == on) {
        write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Deop -> I successfuly op my self (Server: $server $+ ) 
        echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Deop -> I successfuly op my self (Server: $server $+ ) 
    else { 
      cs op # $me
      if (%report == on) {
        write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Deop -> I can't deop a Service (Server: $server $+ ) 
        echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Deop -> I can't deop a Service (Server: $server $+ ) 

  if ($nick != $me) && ($opnick != $nick) {
    if ($opnick isin %protected_u) { 
      if (Deop isin %Nick_ [ $+ [ $opnick ] ]) {

        if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] $nick deops Protect User $opnick (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] $nick deops Protect User $opnick (Server: $server $+ ) }
        if ($nick == chanserv) || ($nick == operserv) { 
          if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Deop -> A Service Deops $opnick , I Can't Do Anything (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Deop -> A Service Deops $opnick , I Can't Do Anything (Server: $server $+ ) } | halt 
        if ($me !isop $chan) { if (%report == on) { write protected_user.txt 4[« $time $date »] Deop -> I Can't Op my Protected Nick Because I am Not Op Of this chan (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Deop -> I Can't Op my Protected Nick Because I am Not Op Of this chan (Server: $server $+ ) } | halt }
        else {
          if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Deop -> I successfuly op my Protected User $opnick (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Deop -> I successfuly op my Protected User $opnick (Server: $server $+ ) }
          mode # +o-o $opnick $nick
          msg $chan Do Not Deop My Protected User (4 $+ $opnick $+ )

on *:ban:#:{ 
  if ($bnick == $me) && ($nick != $me) {
    if (ban isin %self) {
      if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] $nick Bans me | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] $nick Bans me (Server: $server $+ ) }
      if ($nick == chanserv) || ($nick == operserv) { 
        if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Ban -> A Service Bans me , I Can't Do Anything | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Ban -> A Service Bans me , I Can't Do Anything (Server: $server $+ ) } | halt 
      if ($me !isop $chan) { 
      if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Ban -> I Can't unban my self Because I am Not Op Of this chan | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Ban -> I Can't unban my self Because I am Not Op Of this chan (Server: $server $+ ) } | halt }
      else {
        mode $chan -bo+b $banmask $nick $nick
        msg # Do Not Ban Me
        if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Ban -> I successfuly unban my self | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] I successfuly unban my self (Server: $server $+ ) }
  if ($nick != $me) && ($opnick != $nick) {
    if ($bnick isin %protected_u) || ($remove($gettok($banmask,1,33),:) isin %protected_u) { 
      if (Ban isin %Nick_ [ $+ [ $bnick ] ]) || (Ban isin %Nick_ [ $+ [ $remove($gettok($banmask,1,33),:) ] ]) {
        if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] $nick Bans Protect User $bnick | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] $nick Bans Protect User $bnick (Server: $server $+ ) }
        if ($nick == chanserv) || ($nick == operserv) { 
          if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Ban -> A Service Bans $bnick , I Can't Do Anything | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Ban -> A Service Bans $bnick , I Can't Do Anything (Server: $server $+ ) } | halt 
        if ($me !isop $chan) { if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Ban -> I Can't unban my Protected Nick Because I am Not Op Of this chan | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] Ban -> I Can't unban my Protected Nick Because I am Not Op Of this chan (Server: $server $+ ) } | halt }
        else {
          mode $chan -bo+b $banmask $nick $nick
          msg # Do Not Ban My Protected User (4 $+ $bnick $+ )
          if (%report == on) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Ban -> I successfuly unban my Protected User $bnick | echo @report 4[« $time $date »] I successfuly unban my Protected User $bnick (Server: $server $+ ) }
          set %invitor $bnick
          if ($bnick !ison $chan) {
            invite $bnick $chan

on *:join:#:{
  if ($nick == %invitor) {
    op # $nick
    unset %invitor
on ^*:NOTIFY:{ if (%report == on) && ($istok(%protected_u,$nick,32)) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Protected Nick : $nick is on Irc (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @Report 4[« $time $date »] Protected Nick : $nick is on Irc (Server: $server $+ ) | halt } }
on ^*:UNOTIFY:{ if (%report == on) && ($istok(%protected_u,$nick,32)) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Protected Nick : $nick Has Quit irc or his Is Changed His Name (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @Report 4[« $time $date »] Protected Nick : $nick Has Quit irc or his Is Changed His Name (Server: $server $+ ) | halt } }
on *:nick:{ if (%report == on) {
    if ($istok(%protected_u,$nick,32)) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Protected Nick : $nick Has changed his/her nick to : $newnick (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @Report 4[« $time $date »] Protected Nick : $nick Has changed his/her nick to : $newnick (Server: $server $+ ) }
    if ($istok(%protected_u,$newnick,32)) { write Protected_User.txt [« $time $date »] Nick : $nick has Changed his/her nick to : Protected User: $+ $newnick (Server: $server $+ ) | echo @Report 4[« $time $date »] Nick : $nick has Changed his/her nick to : Protected User: $+ $newnick (Server: $server $+ )
alias Protect_User {
  set %flags +k +b +d +bdk +kdb +bkd +kbd +dkb +dbk +dk +bd +kd +bk +kb +db
  if ($1 == -self) {
    if ($2 != $null) {
      if ($2 == -d) { unset %self | echo $color(info) -a * Your Personal Protection Has been disabled | halt }
      if (+ isin $2) {
        if ($istok(%flags,$2,32)) {
          unset %self
          if (D isin $2) { set %Self deop }
          if (K isin $2) { set %self %self kick }
          if (B isin $2) { set %self %self ban }
          echo -a -
          echo $color(info) -a * $me Your Protect Options are: %self
          echo -a -
        else { echo $color(info) -a * You Must add Flags <+b,d,k> }  
      else { echo $color(info) -a * You Must add Flags <+b,d,k> }   
    else { echo $color(info) -a * $me Your Protect Options are: %self }

  if ($1 == -alias) {
    if ($2 != $null) { 

      if ($2 == +d) { 
        if ($istok(%pualias,$3,32)) { .alias $3 | echo $color(info) -a * Alias 4 $+ $3 $+  removed | set %pualias $deltok(%pualias,$findtok(%pualias,$3,32),32) }
        else { echo $color(info) -a * Alias 4 $+ $3 $+  does not exists }
      if ($2 == +list) { print_aliases echo | halt }
      if ($istok(%pualias,$2,32)) { echo $color(info) -a * Alias 4 $+ $2 $+  is allready on your Alias List | halt }
      .alias $2 protect_user $chr(36) $+ $chr(49) $+ $chr(45) 
      set %pualias %pualias $2
      echo $color(info) -a * Alias 4 $+ $2 $+  added You Can Type Now  4/ $+ $2 $+ 

    else { halt }
  if ($1 == -report) {
    if ($2 == +logs) { if ($exists(Protected_User.txt)) { run protected_user.txt } | else { echo $color(info) -a * You Have No Logs } | halt }
    if ($2 == on) && (%report != on) { echo $color(info) -a * Protected Nicks Report On | set %report on | window @Report }
    else { if (%report == on) { echo $color(info) -a * Protected Nicks Report is %report } }
    if ($2 == off) && (%report != off) { echo $color(info) -a * Protected Nicks Report Off | set %report off | window -c @Report }
    else { if (%report == off) { echo $color(info) -a * Protected Nicks Report is %report } }

  if ($1 == -dialog) { 
    if ($dialog(pu) != pu) { 
      dialog -m pu pu
    else { 
      echo $color(info) -a * /protect_user: Dialog is allready opened
  if ($1 == -version) { echo $color(info) -a * Protect System By 4ProIcons $+ $color(info) Version (7) | halt }
  if ($1 == -help) { 
    echo $color(info) -a * Protect User Script Version 7 by 4ProIcons
    echo $color(info) -a * Help Commands
    echo $color(info) -a * /protect_user [-d,-e,-report,-self,-alias,-list,-help,-version] <+ b,d,k> <nick> 
    echo $color(info) -a * 4-d 7Del User (@all for delete all)
    echo $color(info) -a * 4-e7 edit users options +<b,d,k>
    echo $color(info) -a * 4-self7 edit,add,del Your Self protection -self +<b,d,k> /\ -self -d
    echo $color(info) -a * 4-report7 Stats of Protected Users
    echo $color(info) -a * 4-alias7 create a shortcut of this word 
    echo $color(info) -a * 4-list7 list users 
    echo $color(info) -a * 4-Help7 Commands
    echo $color(info) -a * 4-version7 version
    echo $color(info) -a * 4-dialog7 opens control panel
    echo $color(info) -a * 4+bdk7 Flags -> 
    echo $color(info) -a * +b Ban Protection 
    echo $color(info) -a * +k Kick Protection 
    echo $color(info) -a * +d Deop Protecton  
    echo $color(info) -a * -
    echo $color(info) -a * If you want to add a user to your user list
    echo $color(info) -a * write /protect_user +<b(an),d(eop),k(ick)> <nick>
    echo $color(info) -a * E.X /protect_user +bdk ProIcons
    echo $color(info) -a * -
    echo $color(info) -a * If you want to edit a users protections
    echo $color(info) -a * write /protect_user -e +<b(an),d(eop),k(ick)> <nick>
    echo $color(info) -a * E.X /protect_user -e +b ProIcons
    echo $color(info) -a * -
    echo $color(info) -a * For Your Self protection you must
    echo $color(info) -a * write /protect_user -self +<b(an),d(eop),k(ick)> <nick>
    echo $color(info) -a * to edit
    echo $color(info) -a * write /protect_user -self -e +<b(an),d(eop),k(ick)> <nick>
    echo $color(info) -a * to del
    echo $color(info) -a * write /protect_user -self -d
    echo $color(info) -a * for more information please visit
  if ($1 == -list) { print_Pusers echo | halt }
  if ($1 == -e) { 
    if ($3 != $null) {
      if ($istok(%protected_u,$3,32)) {
        if (+ isin $2) {
          if ($istok(%flags,$2,32)) {
            unset %nick_ $+ $3 
            if (D isin $2) { set %Nick_ $+ $3 deop }
            if (K isin $2) { set %Nick_ $+ $3 %nick_ [ $+ [ $3 ] ] kick }
            if (B isin $2) { set %nick_ $+ $3 %nick_ [ $+ [ $3 ] ] ban }
            echo -a -
            echo $color(info) -a * $3 Edited from my Protect list with New Options: %nick_ [ $+ [ $3 ] ]
            echo -a -

          else { echo $color(info) -a * You Must add Flags <+b,d,k> <nick> } 
        else { echo $color(info) -a * You Must add Flags <+b,d,k> <nick> } 
      else { echo $color(info) -a * $3 is not on Your Proetect List }
    else { echo $color(info) -a * /Protect_User: insufficient parameters }
  if ($1 != -d) {

    if ($2 != $null) {
      if (!$istok(%protected_u,$2,32)) {
        if (+ isin $1) {
          if ($istok(%flags,$1,32)) {
            if (D isin $1) { set %Nick_ $+ $2 deop }
            if (K isin $1) { set %Nick_ $+ $2 %nick_ [ $+ [ $2 ] ] kick }
            if (B isin $1) { set %nick_ $+ $2 %nick_ [ $+ [ $2 ] ] ban }
            set %Protected_u %Protected_u $2
            .notify $2
            echo -a -
            echo $color(info) -a * $2 Added in my Protect list with Options: %nick_ [ $+ [ $2 ] ]
            echo -a -
          else { echo $color(info) -a * You Must add Flags <+b,d,k> <nick> }  
        else { echo $color(info) -a * You Must add Flags <+b,d,k> <nick> }   
      else { echo $color(info) -a * $2 is allready in your Protect List }
    else { echo $color(info) -a * /Protect_User: insufficient parameters }
  else { 
    if ($2 == @all) { unset %nick_* | unset %protected_u | Print_pusers | halt }
    if ($2 != $null) {
      if ($2 isin %protected_u) {
        set %protected_u $deltok(%protected_u,$findtok(%protected_u,$2,32),32)
        unset %nick_ $+ $2
        .notify -r $2
        echo -a -
        echo $color(info) -a * $2 Deleted from my Protect list
        echo -a -
      else { echo $color(info) -a * $2 is not on my Protect List }
    else { echo $color(info) -a * /Protect_User: insufficient parameters }
alias -l print_pusers {
  if ($1 == did) { did -r pu 7 | did -ra pu 45 $numtok(%protected_u,32)  }
  if ($1 == echo) { echo $color(info) -a * Users In My Protect List: }
  if ($numtok(%Protected_U,32) == 0) {
    if ($1 == echo) {
    echo $color(info) -a * You Have No Users In Your Protect List }
    if ($1 == did) {
      did -a pu 7 No Users
  if ($1 == echo) { echo -a - }
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $numtok(%Protected_U,32) ) {
    if ($1 == echo) { echo $color(info) -a * %i * 4 $+ $gettok(%protected_u,%i,32) 7«» 2Options: 4 $+ %nick_ [ $+ [ $gettok(%protected_u,%i,32) ] ] 
      echo -a -
    if ($1 == did) { did -a pu 7 $gettok(%protected_u,%i,32) }
    inc %i
  if ($1 == echo)  echo $color(info) -a * End of /Protect_User command
alias -l print_aliases {
  if ($1 == did) { did -r pu 26 }
  if ($1 == echo) {   echo $color(info) -a * Aliases In My Protect List: }
  if ($numtok(%pualias,32) == 0) { 
    if ($1 == echo) {
      echo $color(info) -a * You Have No aliases In Your Protect List 
      echo $color(info) -a -
    if ($1 == did) {
      did -a pu 26 No Aliases
  var %i = 1
  while ( %i <= $numtok(%pualias,32) ) {
    if ($1 == echo) {
      echo $color(info) -a * %i * 4 $+ $gettok(%pualias,%i,32) 
      echo -a -
    if ($1 == did) { did -a pu 26 $gettok(%pualias,%i,32) }

    inc %i
  if ($1 == echo) echo $color(info) -a * End of /Protect_User command
menu * {
 Protect User:/dialog -m pu pu


Sign in to comment.
ProIcons   -  Nov 25, 2010

Instead of writing /protect_user ....
you can create a shortcut like

/protect_user -alias pu

Tannn3r   -  Oct 24, 2010

In the dialog, under options, what is the aliases option and what does it do?

yasi   -  Oct 24, 2010

what does this do ?

ProIcons   -  Sep 20, 2010

This Script is very old, and i wanted to upload it for you, This Script i've made it before 2 years. When i was learning from the begin the MIRC Scripting Language.

"Also i know some networks always have your ip as your host but i dont know if you wanted to show the ip in the post. "
I Didn't understand this, enlight me please...

Burrito   -  Sep 12, 2010

Its nice. Maybe not use so many variables but inis or hash (with hsave and hload). Also i know some networks always have your ip as your host but i dont know if you wanted to show the ip in the post.

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