On/Off script

By Keon191 on Aug 14, 2010

Simple on/off script.
!ucmd on/off
Chane the input/message to anything you like easy to edit.

I don't take full credit because the 1st half of this script belongs to napa182. It just so happens he had what i needed so i used it. I just change some little things.

I'm not very good so any suggestions on what i could do better would be nice ;)

on *:TEXT:!commandhere:#: {
  if ($($+(%,ucmd,#),2) != $false) { code here }
  else { msg $nick Private Msg -> $nick -> I'm silent in # }

on $@*:TEXT:/^(!ucmd on|!ucmd off)$/S:#: { 
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if ($regml(1) == !ucmd off) {
      set $+(%,ucmd,#) $false
      msg # User commands are now off.
      /timer1 1 1 msg # Want to turn them back on? Type !ucmd on
    elseif ($regml(1) == !ucmd on) && $($+(%,ucmd,#),2) != $false {
      msg # User Commands are already on.
    else { 
      unset $+(%,ucmd,#)
      msg # User Commands are now on.      


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turbuiance   -  Dec 07, 2011

would there be a way to add this to !weather script? this is what i have tried but doesnt seem to work...

on *:TEXT:!weather:#: {
  if ($($+(%,weather,#),2) != $false) { code here }
  else { msg $nick Private Msg -> $nick -> I'm silent in # }

on $@*:TEXT:/^(!weather on|!weather off)$/S:#: { 
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if ($regml(1) == !weather off) {
      set $+(%,weather,#) $false
      msg # User commands are now off.
      /timer1 1 1 msg # Want to turn them back on? Type !ucmd on
    elseif ($regml(1) == !weather on) && $($+(%,weather,#),2) != $false {
      msg # User Commands are already on.
    else { 
      unset $+(%,weather,#)
      msg # User Commands are now on.      

on *:SOCKOPEN:YahooWeather:{
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($sockerr) { $1 $false | halt }

  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /forecastrss?w= $+ $2 $+ $iif($3,&u= $+ $3) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: weather.yahooapis.com
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Close
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

on *:SOCKREAD:YahooWeather:{
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($sockerr) { $1 $false | halt }

  var %read
  sockread %read

  %read = $regsubex(%read,/ +/g,$chr(32))
  if ($regex(%read,/<title>City not found<\/title>/i)) { 
    $1 $false 
    sockclose YahooWeather

  if ($regex(%read,/<yweather:(\S+)(.*)\/>/)) {
    var %prefix = $iif($regml(1) == forecast,$iif($hget(Weather,today_day),tomorrow,today),$regml(1))
    noop $regex($regml(2),/\b(.*?)="(.*?)"/g))
    var %num_match = $regml(0)
    while (%num_match) {
      wadd $+(%prefix,_,$regml($calc(%num_match - 1))) $regml(%num_match)
      dec %num_match 2

  elseif ($regex(%read,/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/i)) {
    wadd title $regml(1)
  elseif (%read == </rss>) { 
    $1 $true
    sockclose $sockname

  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($sockerror) { $1 $false | halt }

  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /v1/places.q(' $+ $urlencode($2-) $+ ')?appid= $+ $Y_APPID HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: where.yahooapis.com
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Close
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($sockerror) { $1 $false | halt }

  var %read
  sockread %read

  If ($regex(%read,/yahoo:total="0"\/>/)) { $1 $false | halt }

  Elseif ($regex(%read,/<woeid>(.*)<\/woeid>/)) { 
    $1 $regml(1) 
    sockclose $sockname

on *:text:*:*:{
  if ($regex($1-,/^[!.@&]w(?:eather)? (.*)$/i)) {
    if (%weather.flood == 2) {
      msg # Flood Protection Activated.
      inc -u10 %weather.flood 1
    Elseif (%weather.flood > 2) {
    elseif (%weather.channel) {
      msg # Another weather lookup is already in progress, please try again  momentarly
      inc -u5 %weather.flood 1
    Else {
      getWOEID UpdateWeather $regsubex($regml(1),/\b(c(elcius)?|f(arenheit)?)\b/i,)
      set %weather.u $lower($left($regml(1),1))
      set %weather.channel #
      inc -u5 %weather.flood 1

alias weatherReplace { return $regsubex($1,/&(\S+?)&/g,$hget(Weather,\1)) }
alias -l wADD { hadd -m Weather $1- }
alias -l Y_APPID { return L8j7ok7V34GTI61wyDk20Uy5PazMYrKUEAHruXNndmOzvkOHgQfVlOz6Az8R9Ib_1A-- }
alias urlEncode { return $regsubex($$1,/([\W\D])/g,$+(%,$base($asc(\t),10,16))) }
alias GetWeather {
  if ($regex($1-,/^\S+ \S+( [fc])?$/i)) {
    if $hget(Weather) { hfree Weather }
    if ($sock(YahooWeather)) { sockclose YahooWeather }
    sockopen YahooWeather weather.yahooapis.com 80
    sockmark YahooWeather $1-
alias GetWOEID {
  if ($sock(GetWOEID)) { sockclose GetWOEID }
  if ($2) {
    sockopen WOEID where.yahooapis.com 80
    sockmark WOEID $1-
alias UpdateWeather {
  if ($1) {
    getWeather DisplayWeather $1 %weather.u
  else {
    msg %weather.channel Unable to find location, please try again!
    unset %weather.*
alias DisplayWeather {
  if ($1) {
    msg %weather.channel $weatherreplace(&title&)
    var %x = Today, High: &today_high&&units_temperature& Low: &today_low&&units_temperature& Cur: &condition_text& &condition_temp&&units_temperature&
    .timer 1 1 msg %weather.channel $weatherreplace(%x)
    var %x = Tomorrow, High: &tomorrow_high&&units_temperature& Low: &tomorrow_low&&units_temperature& &tomorrow_text&
    .timer 1 2 msg %weather.channel $weatherreplace(%x)

  else {
    msg %weather.channel Unable to find weather report, please try a different location.
  unset %weather.*
; ############################################
; ## DISPLAY VARIABLES and Examples         ##
; ############################################

&astronomy_sunrise&     = 6:46 am
&astronomy_sunset&      = 6:40 pm
&atmosphere_humidity&   = 54
&atmosphere_pressure&   = 982.05
&atmosphere_rising&     = 0 ;// 0 is steady, 1 is rising, 2 is falling
&atmosphere_visibility& = 16.09
&condition_code&        = 28
&condition_date&        = Wed, 29 Sep 2010 11:53 am PDT ;// Last time weather was update
&condition_temp&        = 27
&condition_text&        = Mostly Cloudy
&location_city&         = Beverly Hills
&location_country&      = United States
&location_region&       = CA
&title&                 = Conditions for Beverly Hills, CA at 11:53 am PDT
&today_code&            = 30
&today_date&            = 29 Sep 2010
&today_day&             = Wed
&today_high&            = 30
&today_low&             = 18
&today_text&            = Partly Cloudy
&tomorrow_code&         = 30
&tomorrow_date&         = 30 Sep 2010
&tomorrow_day&          = Thu
&tomorrow_high&         = 28
&tomorrow_low&          = 18
&tomorrow_text&         = Partly Cloudy
&units_distance&        = km
&units_pressure&        = mb
&units_speed&           = km/h
&units_temperature&     = C
&wind_chill&            = 27
&wind_direction&        = 210 ;// 0-359, 0 is north, 180 is south
&wind_speed&            = 9.66

Thanks guys

Keon191   -  Aug 16, 2010

Oh ok guys thanks ^.^

Sorasyn   -  Aug 14, 2010

browse forums

loves.enough   -  Aug 14, 2010

Hello guys ...
i want to may mirc on tray how i can do ?
when i minize

Jethro   -  Aug 14, 2010

Keon191, the code you've posted is what we call it a pseudo code. (at least for the upper part of your text event) It's an informal mock-up of description in a scripting language. You can post this in a scripting tutorial section of the forum. A submitted snippet should be fully functional.

WorldDMT is French, so his English may sometimes get you mistaken for something else. :p

SunnyD, his regex, as you can see, is sort of redundant. It can be improved as such:

on $@*:text:/^!ucmd o(n|ff)$/iS:#:{

Then use > if $regml(1) == n { and > if $regml(1) == ff { to reference the regex matches.

P.S. His script can further be refined to check whether it's already turned on or off, rather than just for the on switch. A trigger control may be needed in case of spam or flood.

Sorasyn   -  Aug 14, 2010

One suggestion I noticed on your trigger that you have (!ucmd on|!ucmd off) could be cleaned up

on $@*:TEXT:/^[!]ucmd/Si:#: { 

and call

 if ($regml(1) == !ucmd off) { 

those events with

 if ($2 == off) { 

Again just a suggestion, if anything its to make your code easier to read

Keon191   -  Aug 14, 2010

um what? i know this is not the forums. What does the forums have to do with this?

WorldDMT   -  Aug 14, 2010


this is not a forum here!!!!

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