Ninja Bot mIRC socket bot v1.0

By sk68 on Aug 03, 2010

A basic socket bot for mIRC

This is only the basic skeleton of what I hope to be the finished product, Im only posting this to get some opinions before I try to go more in depth. Compliments, comments, and constructive criticism are welcome :)

To Use
Right click any window
Click "Run Ninjabot"


  • Backgrounding capabilities
  • Cleaner remote
  • Minor bug fixes
dialog ninjabot {
  title "Ninja Bot"
  size -1 -1 326 266
  option pixels notheme
  tab "Main", 1, 1 0 325 260
  tab "Remote", 7
  tab "Log", 20
  button "Connect", 2, 69 225 65 25, tab 1 ok
  edit %sockbot.server, 3, 63 48 198 20, tab 1 %sockbot.server
  edit %sockbot.port, 4, 113 88 100 20, tab 1 %sockbot.port
  text "Server", 5, 111 32 100 17, tab 1 center
  text "Port", 6, 113 72 100 17, tab 1 center
  text "Say", 12, 13 36 100 17, tab 7
  edit "", 13, 114 51 100 20, tab 7 autohs
  edit "", 14, 114 80 178 20, tab 7 autohs
  text "Raw", 15, 13 184 100 17, tab 7
  edit "", 16, 39 200 262 20, tab 7 autohs
  button "Send", 17, 131 225 65 25, tab 7 ok
  text "Target", 18, 36 52 71 17, tab 7
  text "Message", 19, 36 81 71 17, tab 7
  edit "", 21, 6 25 314 226, tab 20 autovs multi hsbar vsbar
  text "Password", 22, 113 116 100 17, tab 1 center
  edit %sockbot.pass, 23, 64 132 198 20, tab 1 pass autohs %sockbot.pass
  text "Nick", 24, 113 160 100 17, tab 1 center
  edit %sockbot.nick, 25, 71 176 185 20, tab 1 autohs %sockbot.nick
  text "Other Commands", 8, 13 119 100 17, tab 7
  combo 9, 36 144 100 70, tab 7 drop
  edit "", 10, 135 144 154 20, tab 7
  button "Background", 11, 171 225 65 25, tab 1

menu channel,status,menubar { 
  Run Ninjabot:dialog $iif($dialog(ninjabot),-v,-m) ninjabot ninjabot

on *:DIALOG:ninjabot:*:0:{ if ($devent == init) { did -a $dname 9 NICK
    did -a $dname 9 JOIN
    did -a $dname 9 PART
    did -a $dname 9 UMODE    
  elseif ($devent == close && $sock(ninjabot)) { botsend quit :Ninja Bot 12m4IR8C Socket Bot $nbv
    sockclose ninjabot 

on *:DIALOG:ninjabot:SCLICK:2:{ if ($sock(ninjabot)) { sockclose ninjabot }
  if (!$did(3) || !$did(4) || !$did(25)) { noop $input(Error! One or more required fields were not filled out,ok10,Ninja Bot) }
  elseif (*.*.* !iswm $did(3) && $did(3)) { noop $input(Error! $did(3) is not a valid server,ok10,Ninja Bot) }
  elseif ($did(4) !isnum && $did(4)) { noop $input(Error! $did(4) is not a valid port,ok10,Ninja Bot) }
  else { sockopen ninjabot $did(3) $did(4)
    sockmark ninjabot $did(25) $did(23)
    did -a $dname 21 $timestamp Opening connection... $crlf

on *:DIALOG:ninjabot:SCLICK:17:{ haltdef
  if ($did(13) && $did(14)) { botsend privmsg $did(13) $+(:,$did(14)) }
  if ($did(16)) { botsend $did(16) }
  if ($did(9) && $did(10)) { if ($did(9) == JOIN) { botsend join $did(10) }
    elseif ($did(9) == PART) { botsend part $gettok($did(10),1,32) :Ninja Bot 12m4IR8C Socket Bot $nbv }
    elseif ($did(9) == NICK) { botsend nick $did(10) 
      sockmark ninjabot $puttok($sock(ninjabot).mark,$did(10),1,32) 
    elseif ($did(9) == UMODE) { botsend mode $gettok($sock(ninjabot).mark,1,32) $did(10) }
  did -r $dname 10
  did -r $dname 14 

on *:DIALOG:ninjabot:SCLICK:11:{ dialog -x $dname
  noop $input($+(Bot will now continue to run in the background,$crlf,No logs will be collected during this time),ok10,Ninja Bot)

on *:SOCKOPEN:ninjabot:{ tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  sockwrite -nt $sockname nick $1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname user ninjabot ninjabot ninjabot :mIRC Socket Bot
  if ($2) { sockwrite -nt $sockname pass $2 }

on *:SOCKREAD:ninjabot:{ sockread %data
  if ($sockerr) { did -a ninjabot 21 $timestamp [ERROR] $sock($sockname).wsmsg | halt }
  if ($dialog(ninjabot)) { did -a ninjabot 21 $timestamp %data $+ $crlf }
  tokenize 32 %data
  if ($1 == PING) { botsend PONG $2 }

on *:SOCKCLOSE:ninjabot:{ dialog -x ninjabot
  echo $color(info) -at *** Ninja Bot was disconnected from the server $+($chr(40),%data,$chr(41))

on *:UNLOAD:{ unset %sockbot.*
  echo $color(info) -at *** Ninja bot has been unloaded and all associated variables were cleared

alias -l botsend { sockwrite -nt ninjabot $1- }

alias -l noserv { return $remove($1-,:) }

alias nbv { return v1.1 }


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bps   -  Mar 19, 2011

doesn't work :S

sk68   -  Aug 05, 2010

hm, honestly didnt know you could do it like that. learn something new every day.

WorldDMT   -  Aug 03, 2010

u dont check if $did(3) is a good format eg:
u can put the variable directly in dialog but not like u put it

instead of

edit "", 3, 63 48 198 20, tab 1 autohs %sockbot.server
edit "", 4, 113 88 100 20, tab 1 %sockbot.port

must be

edit %sockbot.server, 3, 63 48 198 20, tab 1 %sockbot.server
edit %sockbot.server, 4, 113 88 100 20, tab 1 %sockbot.port

then u can remove the init part in dialog event

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