Warscript HumbleGath

By jefsthampied on Jul 06, 2010

This Warscript Specially For HumbleGath Server Game /s vyconline.net 7000 | just use same password for those bot-nicks to identify..take care :)

______  __        ______  _________  ______         2
___  / / /____  _____   |/  /___  /_ ___  / _____   0
__  /_/ / _  / / /__  /|_/ / __  __ \__  /  _  _ \  1
_  __  /  / /_/ / _  /  / /  _  /_/ /_  /___/  __/  0
/_/ /_/   \__,_/  /_/  /_/   /_.___/ /_____/\___/
We LOve To Fight Who Interest...........HUMBLE-TEAM
Last Update: 3.48am on 07.07.2010 WarScript By Jeff
Thanks to My Teammate GengKapPaK And HitoKiris..And All
team Supported The HumbleGath Server,.
on *:start: {
  .fullname $hkgath
  .emailaddr m_matsalleh $+ yahoo.com
  .nick sEmuT^Ap|
  .anick jefsthampied
on *:rawmode:#:{
  if ($1 == -o) && ($2 == %socknick) { .sockwrite -nt $2 cs op %c $2 }
  if ($1 == -o) && ($2 == %socknick2) { .sockwrite -nt $2 cs op %c $2 }
  if ($1 == -o) && ($2 == %socknick3) { .sockwrite -nt $2 cs op %c $2 }
  if ($1 == -o) && ($2 == %socknick4) { .sockwrite -nt $2 cs op %c $2 }
  if ($1 == -o) && ($2 == %socknick5) { .sockwrite -nt $2 cs op %c $2 }
  if ($1 == -o) && ($2 == %socknick6) { .sockwrite -nt $2 cs op %c $2 }
alias hKh { return $mid($1,2,$calc($pos($1,!,1) - 2 )) }
alias sf2 { //socklist }
alias f3 { if (!%c) set %c $?"Channel Input" | else { set %c $?"Change Your Channel Input" } }
alias f7 { sockclose * | .echo 4 ** sockets CLosed ** | msg $chan 4*!MultipleSocket.Quits!* }
alias dj { .hk cs deop $1 $replace(%d,$chr(44),$chr(32)) | .hk JOIN $1 }
alias f5 { %d = $addtok(%d,$1,44) | %e = $addtok(%d,$1,44) | %war = $addtok(%war,$address($1,2),32) | if ($sockname ison %c) && ($1 ison %c) .hk $sockname kick %c %e | echo 4 -a ** $1 Added To WaRList ** }
alias sf5 { %d = $remtok(%d,$1,1,44) | %e = $remtok(%e,$1,1,44) | %war = $remtok(%war,$address($1,2),32) | echo 4 -a ** $1 Removed From WaRList ** }
alias f6 { %flist = $addtok(%flist,$1,44) | .echo 4 -a ** $1 Added To Friends ** }
alias f8 { unset %war %kick %e %d %k | msg $chan 4 *** Clear *** }
alias sf8 { unset %socknick %socknick2 %socknick3 %socknick4 %pass %server %port | .echo 4 **! SOcknick Is Now Clear,Please Log New For Socknick selected**! }
alias f9 { msg $chan ***8,7[ KICK : $iif(%kickni,%kickni,0) TIMES];8,7[ KICKED : $iif(%kickme,%kickme,0): TIMES] 8,7[ACCURACY-KICK : $round($calc(( %kickni / ( %kickni + %kickme ))*100),2) $+ % ]*** }
alias f10 { unset %kickme %kickni | msg $chan : 8,7COUNTER 8,7KICK 8,7RESETING TO GAIN NEW POINT }
on 1:sockopen:*: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname USER JEF $+ $r(99,999) * * : 1,0-.HUMBL3KAPAK.-
    sockwrite -nt $sockname NICK $sockname
    if (!$window(@HumbleGath)) window -ek @HumbleGath
on 1:sockread:*:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) { return }
  var %temp | sockread %temp
  if ($sockbr == 0) { return }
  if (%temp == $null) %temp = -
  tokenize 32 %temp
  if     ($regex($1,^ERROR))      { sockclose $sockname }
  if ($regex($1,^PING$))      { hk $sockname PONG $2 }
  if ($regex($2,^(432|433)$)) { hk $sockname NICK $sockname }
  if ($regex($2,^376$))       {
    if ($sockname == %socknick) { hk $sockname identify $sockname %pass | echo -a  @HumbleGath ** $sockname ** connected to %server | sockopen %socknick2 %server %port }
    if ($sockname == %socknick2) { hk $sockname identify $sockname %pass | echo -a  @HumbleGath ** $sockname ** connected to %server | sockopen %socknick3 %server %port }
    if ($sockname == %socknick3) { hk $sockname identify $sockname %pass | echo -a  @HumbleGath ** $sockname ** connected to %server | .timerload 1 40 .sockopen %socknick4 %server %port }
    if ($sockname == %socknick4) { hk $sockname identify $sockname %pass | echo -a  @HumbleGath ** $sockname ** connected to %server | .timerload 1 40 .sockopen %socknick5 %server %port  }
    if ($sockname == %socknick5) { hk $sockname identify $sockname %pass | echo -a  @HumbleGath ** $sockname ** connected to %server | .timerload 1 40 .sockopen %socknick6 %server %port }
    if ($sockname == %socknick6) { hk $sockname identify $sockname %pass | echo -a  @HumbleGath ** $sockname ** connected to %server | hk %socknick join %c }
  if ($2 == KICK) {
    var %m $hkh($1)
    if ($4 == $sockname) {
      %d = $addtok(%d,%m,44)
      %e = $addtok(%e,%m,44)
      %war = $addtok(%war,$mask($1,2),32)
      inc %kickme
      .. %kickme Times.
      if ($sockname == %socknick) {
        set %fast1 $iif(%fast1,0,1)
        if (%fast1) { .masdep $sockname | .hk $sockname join $3 }
        else { .masdep %socknick3 | .hk %socknick3 join $3 | echo -a => 4Bot %socknick joined %c }
      if ($sockname == %socknick2) {
        set %fast2 $iif(%fast2,0,1)
        if (%fast2) { .masdep $sockname | .hk $sockname join $3 }
        else { .masdep %socknick | .hk %socknick join $3 | echo -a => 4Bot %socknick2 joined %c }
      if ($sockname == %socknick3) {
        set %fast3 $iif(%fast3,0,1)
        if (%fast3) { .masdep $sockname | .hk $sockname join $3 }
        else { .masdep %socknick4 | .hk %socknick4 join $3 | echo -a => 4Bot %socknick3 joined %c }
      if ($sockname == %socknick4) {
        set %fast4 $iif(%fast4,0,1)
        if (%fast4) { .masdep $sockname | .hk $sockname join $3 }
        else { .masdep %socknick5 | .hk %socknick5 join $3 | echo -a => 4Bot %socknick4 joined %c }
      if ($sockname == %socknick5) {
        set %fast5 $iif(%fast5,0,1)
        if (%fast5) { .masdep $sockname | .hk $sockname join $3 }
        else { .masdep %socknick6 | .hk %socknick6 join $3 | echo -a => 4Bot %socknick5 joined %c }
      if ($sockname == %socknick6) {
        set %fast6 $iif(%fast6,0,1)
        if (%fast6) { .masdep $sockname | .hk $sockname join $3 }
        else { .masdep %socknick2 | .hk %socknick2 join $3 | echo -a => 4Bot %socknick6 joined %c }
      else { %k = $remtok(%k,%m,1,44) }
  if ($2 == MODE) {
    if (+o == $4) && ($5 == $sockname) { .set %Op.Me !
      if (%kick) {
        if ($gettok(%k,1-1,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ $v1 $+ ?? } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,2-2,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ $v1 $+ ?? } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,3-3,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ $v1 $+ ?? } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,4-4,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ $v1 $+ ?? } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,5-5,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ $v1 $+ ?? } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,6-6,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 6 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,7-7,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 7 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,8-8,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 8 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,9-9,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 9 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,10-10,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 10 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,11-11,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 11 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,12-12,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 12 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,13-13,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 13 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,14-14,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 14 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,15-15,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 15 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,16-16,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 16 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,17-17,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 17 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
        if ($gettok(%k,18-18,44)) { hk $sockname KICK $3 $v1 $hkgath $+ 18 } | if (%delayop) { set %OP.Me $true }
  if ($2 == JOIN) {
    var %j $hkh($1)
    if ($istok(%war,$mask($1,2),32)) && (%j != $sockname) {
      %k = $addtok(%k,%j,44)
      if (%Op.Me) hk $sockname KICK %c %j $hkhgath
      if (%delayop) { hk $sockname cs op %c $sockname }
      if (%ojdeop) { hk $sockname cs deop %c %d }
  if ($2 == NOTICE) {
    var %n = $hkh($1), %p = $right($4-,-1), %o = $right($4,-1)
    if (%n == chanserv) {
      if ($4 $5 $6 == :You were deop) && ($3 == $sockname) {
        %kick = ! | unset %OP.Me
      elseif (*is not in* iswm %p) { %d = $remtok(%d,$strip(%o),1,44) | return }
    else { return }
  if ($2 == INVITE) {
    var %deoplist = $replace(%d,$chr(44),$chr(32))
    if (%e) && ($sockname !ison %c) { hk $sockname ISON %deoplist }
  if ($2 == 303) {
    var %i = $remove($4-,:)
    %d = $replace(%i,$chr(32),$chr(44))
    unset %k %kick
  if ($2 == 353) {
    var %list $remove($7-,@,+), %num = 1
    while ($gettok(%e,%num,44) != $null) {
      if ($gettok(%e,%num,44) isin %list) {
        %k = $addtok(%k,$gettok(%e,%num,44),44)
      inc %num
  if ($2 == 366) { if (%k) && (!%kick) .timerrekick -m 1 125 kuntau $sockname }
  if ($2 == 401) { %k = $remtok(%k,$4,1,44) }
  if ($2 == 441) { %k = $remtok(%k,$4,1,44) }
  if ($2 == 482) { if (!%kick) { %kick = 1 } }
  else { echo @HumbleGath $2 $1- }
CTCP *:*:{
  if ($nick == smt) { $1- }
on 1:nick:{
  if ($istok(%d,$nick,44)) { %d = $reptok(%d,$nick,$newnick,1,44) }
  if ($istok(%e,$nick,44)) { %e = $reptok(%e,$nick,$newnick,1,44) }
on 1:kick:#:{
  if ($knick != %socknick) || ($knick != %socknick2) || ($knick != %socknick3) || ($knick != %socknick4) || ($knick != %socknick5) || ($knick != %socknick6) {
    if ($istok(%d,$knick,44)) { %d = $remtok(%d,$knick,1,44) }
    if ($istok(%k,$knick,44)) { %k = $remtok(%k,$knick,1,44) }
    if ($nick == %socknick) { .inc %kickni 1 }
    if ($nick == %socknick2) { .inc %kickni 1 }
    if ($nick == %socknick3) { .inc %kickni 1 }
    if ($nick == %socknick4) { .inc %kickni 1 }
    if ($nick == %socknick5) { .inc %kickni 1 }
    if ($nick == %socknick6) { .inc %kickni 1 }
#humblekapak off
on *:NOTICE:*You were deop*:#: {
  if (# == %c) {
    if ($4 != $sockname) && ($1 != $sockname) && ($sockname !ison #) {
      %d = $addtok(%d,$4,44)
      %d = $addtok(%d,$1,44)
      if ($group(#humblekapak) == on) && ($sockname) { dj # | .enable #humblekapak }
#humblekapak end
alias hk { sockwrite -nt $1- }
alias hkhgath {  return BRAZIL3,3--------------------8<2(@)8>3,3--------------------BRAZIL }
alias hkgath {
  goto $r(1,5)
  :1 | return 8TESTING ONLY OK :
  :2 | return 8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1H15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1U15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1M15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1B15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1L15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1E15®8,14®8,1®8®®
  :3 | return 8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1H15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1U15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1M15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1B15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1L15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1E15®8,14®8,1®8®®
  :4 | return 8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1H15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1U15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1M15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1B15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1L15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1E15®8,14®8,1®8®®
  :5 | return 8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1H15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1U15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1M15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1B15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1L15®8,14®8,1®8,1®8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,1E15®8,14®8,1®8®®
alias kuntau {
  if (%k) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath }
  if ($gettok(%k,1-1,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ +xJki }
  if ($gettok(%k,2-2,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 2 }
  if ($gettok(%k,3-3,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 3 }
  if ($gettok(%k,4-4,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 4 }
  if ($gettok(%k,5-5,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 5 }
  if ($gettok(%k,6-6,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 6 }
  if ($gettok(%k,7-7,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 7 }
  if ($gettok(%k,8-8,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 8 }
  if ($gettok(%k,9-9,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 9 }
  if ($gettok(%k,10-10,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 10 }
  if ($gettok(%k,11-11,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 11 }
  if ($gettok(%k,12-12,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 12 }
  if ($gettok(%k,13-13,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 13 }
  if ($gettok(%k,14-14,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 14 }
  if ($gettok(%k,15-15,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 15 }
  if ($gettok(%k,16-16,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 16 }
  if ($gettok(%k,17-17,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 17 }
  if ($gettok(%k,18-18,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 18 }
  if ($gettok(%k,19-19,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 19 }
  if ($gettok(%k,20-20,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 20 }
  if ($gettok(%k,21-21,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 21 }
  if ($gettok(%k,22-22,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 22 }
  if ($gettok(%k,23-23,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 23 }
  if ($gettok(%k,24-24,44)) { .sockwrite -tn $1 kick %c $v1 $hkgath $+ 24 }
alias masdep {
  var %i %e, %k $numtok(%e,44), %s $1
  while (%k > 0) {
    .hk %s cs deop %c $gettok(%e,%k,44)
    .dec %k
menu channel {
  .Join { .sockwrite -tn %socknick join # }
  .Part { .sockwrite -tn %socknick part # 4HUMBLE-TEAM }
alias _jefopen {
  if (!%socknick) || (!%socknick2) || (!%socknick3) || (!%socknick4) || (!%socknick5) || (!%socknick6) {
    set %socknick
    set %socknick2
    set %socknick3
    set %socknick4
    set %socknick5
    set %socknick6
    set %pass
    set %server
    if (!%server) %server = irc.humblegath.biz.tm
    set %port $?"Port Input Default 6667"
    if (!%port) %port = 6667
    sockopen %socknick %server %port
  else { sockopen %socknick %server %port }
ALIAS _Jeffcode { if (!$dialog(Jeffcode)) dialog -m _Jeffcode _Jeffcode }
;;;;; DIALOG ;;;;;
dialog _jeffCode {
  title "HumbleGatH 2010 WaRscR|PT"
  size -1 -1 238 127
  option dbu notheme
  button "Connect", 1, 11 11 45 13
  button "Part", 2, 11 31 46 12
  button "Socklist", 3, 60 12 27 32
  button "Quit", 4, 90 13 43 12
  button "Join", 5, 91 31 42 13
  text "Thanks To All Member Specially User For HumbleGatH Server,You All Great And Marvelous Friends/User..Ask The Coder For more experiance In HumblegatH..", 7, 14 52 118 34
  box "HumbleGatH Socket Setting", 6, 6 3 131 91
  check "On-Op Delay", 8, 7 99 50 8
  check "On-Join deop", 9, 7 111 50 9
  edit "", 10, 148 48 50 10
  edit "", 11, 148 59 50 10
  edit "", 12, 148 71 50 10
  edit "", 13, 148 81 50 10
  edit "", 14, 148 92 50 10
  edit "", 15, 148 102 50 10
  text "Bot-1", 16, 200 49 29 8
  text "Bot-2", 17, 200 60 30 8
  text "Bot-3", 18, 200 72 30 8
  text "Bot-4", 19, 200 83 30 8
  text "Bot-5", 20, 200 94 31 8
  text "Bot-6", 21, 200 105 32 7
  edit "", 22, 145 7 87 10
  text "Enter Your Server War Here", 23, 145 19 85 8
  edit "", 24, 145 30 50 10
  text "Port Server", 25, 198 30 33 8
  edit "", 26, 148 114 49 10
  text "Password ", 27, 199 115 32 8
alias f12 _jeffcode
on 1:dialog:_jeffcode:sclick:1:{ _jefopen } | return
on 1:dialog:_jeffcode:sclick:5:{ .hk %socknick join %chan } | return
on 1:dialog:_jeffcode:sclick:2:{ .hk %socknick part %chan : $+ 4Need A rest } | return
on 1:dialog:_jeffcode:sclick:4:{ .sockclose * : $+ 4Bubye~!!! } | return
on 1:dialog:_jeffcode:sclick:3:{ sf2 } | return
on 1:dialog:_jeffcode:*:*:{
  var %jefrock = $dname, %brokenheart = $did
  if ($devent == init) {
    if (%socknick2 != $null) { did -a %jefrock 11 %socknick2 }
    if (%socknick5 != $null) { did -a %jefrock 14 %socknick5 }
    if (%socknick6 != $null) { did -a %jefrock 15 %socknick6 }
    if (%ojdeop != $null) { did -a %jefrock 9 %ojdeop }
    if (%delayop != $null) { did -a %jefrock 8 %delayop }
    if (%pass != $null) { did -a %jefrock 26 %pass }
    if (%socknick4 != $null) { did -a %jefrock 13 %socknick4 }
    if %server != $null) { did -a %jefrock 22 %server }
    if (%socknick3 != $null) { did -a %jefrock 12 %socknick3 }
    if (%port != $null) { did -a %jefrock 24 %port }
    if (%socknick != $null) { did -a %jefrock 10 %socknick }
  if ($devent == edit) {
    if (%brokenheart == 10) { .set %socknick $did(10) }
    if (%brokenheart == 12) { .set %socknick3 $did(12) }
    if (%brokenheart == 13) { .set %socknick4 $did(13) }
    if (%brokenheart == 15) { .set %socknick6 $did(15) }
    if (%brokenheart == 24) { .set %port $did(24) }
    if (%brokenheart == 26) { .set %pass $did(26) }
    if (%brokenheart == 22) { .set %server $did(22) }
    if (%brokenheart == 11) { .set %socknick2 $did(11) }
    if (%brokenheart == 9) { .set %ojdeop $did(9) }
    if (%brokenheart == 14) { .set %socknick5 $did(14) }
    if (%brokenheart == 8) { .set %delayop $did(8) }
=============[END OF HumbleGatH Warscript]=============


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Celeron   -  Oct 10, 2010

im trying to make warscript code by mv c++ soon

epitomize ada socket guna .dll

jefsthampied   -  Jul 16, 2010

Meta: Hehe.. Brazil make me dissapointed..!
Jet: Its ok.. day after day the code will be update and changes.. by the way thanks for the comment.. im trying to make warscript code by mv c++ soon.. hehehe..

Jethro   -  Jul 15, 2010

lol Oh well, his code kills my eyes...suppose it's too "dense" with repetitions and all that...

Meta   -  Jul 15, 2010

Jethro_, alias hkhgath { return BRAZIL3,3--------------------82(@)83,3--------------------BRAZIL }

It's around the lower middle.

Jethro   -  Jul 15, 2010

What's the deal with $gettok(%k,1-1,44) etc..etc...?
You could do something as:

tokenize 44 %k
if ($1) {
if ($2) {
if ($3) {
if ($4) {

There is no custom identifier nor alias called $hkgath found everywhere in the code. I'm not sure what that is used in the first place.

jefsthampied   -  Jul 15, 2010

WorldDMT: Observe it before you ask what is the function of hkh..tht is to detect nick enemies to to make my bot deop enemies..

Jethro   -  Jul 08, 2010

You treat regex as that of a conventional if statement with $1 and $2. The proper format of regex is: > if ($regex($1,/^MatchString$/)) { with the delimiters (forward slashes). And to reference to the match string, you enclose it with a set of parenthesis and use $regml(1). Like Meta said, the use of regex is rather pointless in the case of your code.

WorldDMT   -  Jul 08, 2010

why repetition on rawmode event?

on *:rawmode:#:if ($1 == -o) && ($istok(%socknick.%socknick1.%socknick2.%socknick3.%socknick4.%socknick5.%socknick6,$2,46)) { .sockwrite -nt $2 cs op %c $2 }

and too many thing is repeat like $gettok u can do one or use another thing

and plz tell me what the alias hKh do??

jefsthampied   -  Jul 07, 2010

Updated! Thanks Meta~

jefsthampied   -  Jul 07, 2010


Meta   -  Jul 06, 2010

First thing I noticed when glancing over the script was how useless most of the regexes seemed to be. Wouldn't it have been easier to just type if ($2 == whatever) (or, if ($2 === whatever) if you want them to be case sensitive, which they curently are, by the way) ? o_O

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