By Known on Jun 24, 2010

So one day I was bored and decided to release a actually working IdleRPG script in mSL. Although it may not be "perfect" to you, it gets the job done. I will update and improve on this if people want me to.

To play you put the bot within the staff channel and regular channel. Users will signup like another IdleRPG and idle, if they talk, quit, part, or do anything even a nickname change time will be added onto their account. You gain items, levels, and even fight throughout your quest.

--Change IdleChan under alias to whatever you want the channel for it to work in. Same said for IdleStaff for the staff channel.

ON *:TEXT:*:?:{
  close -m
  if ($nick ison $IdleChan) {
    if ($1 == REGISTER) {
      if ($chr(36) isin $2-) { 
        msg $nick (ERROR) You must enter a valid registration
        msg $nick (SYNTAX) /msg IdleRPG REGISTER username password class
        { HALT }
      if ($2 != $null) && ($3 != $null) && ($4- != $null) {
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $2 ,USER) == $null) {
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 USER $2
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 PASS $3
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 CLASS $4-
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 LVL 1
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 WEP 1
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 TUNIC 1
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 LEG 1
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 SHIELD 1
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 RING 1
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 AMMY 1
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 HELM 1
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 BOOTS 1
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 GLOVES 1
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 HP 9
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 MAXHP 9
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 TIMER 600
          msg $IdleStaff (LOG) Nickname: $nick Username: $2 Password: $3 Class Name: $4- has registered a account
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $2 $+ , the level 1 $4- has logged in under the account $nick $+ . Next level in $duration($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $2 ,TIMER),3) 
          msg $nick (REGISTER) Welcome to IdleRPG! You have sucessfully created a account under the nickname $nick  using the password $3 
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $2 HOST $address($nick,5)
          set %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $2
          set %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 600
          .timer $+ $nick 0 1 dec %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
          .timer $+ $nick $+ 2 1 %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] notice IdleRPG $2 $nick
          .timer $+ $nick $+ 3 1 $rand(0,86000) notice IdleRPG $2 $nick RANDOM
          .timer $+ $nick $+ 4 1 $rand(0,86000) $2 $nick FIGHT
          mode $IdleChan +v $nick
          { HALT }
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $2 ,USER) != $null) {
          msg $nick (REGISTER)  $+ $2 $+  is already a registered username
          { HALT }
      else {      
        msg $nick (ERROR) You must enter a valid registration
        msg $nick (SYNTAX) /msg IdleRPG REGISTER username password class
        { HALT }
    if ($1 == LOGOUT) {
      if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,USER) != $null) {
        if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) {
          .timer $+ $nick $+ 2 off
          .timer $+ $nick off
          .timer $+ $nick $+ 3 off
          .timer $+ $nick $+ 4 off
          set %IdleRPG_LOGOUT_TIME $readini(IdleRPG.ini, IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,LVL)
          set %IdleRPG_LOGOUT_RTIME $calc(%IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + (30 * (1.16^ %IdleRPG_LOGOUT_TIME)))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] TIMER %IdleRPG_LOGOUT_RTIME
          msg $IdleStaff (LOG) Nickname: $nick Username: %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] has logged out
          msg $nick (LOGOUT) Your account has been successfully logged out
          mode $IdleChan -v $nick
          unset %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
          unset %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
          unset %IdleRPG_LOGOUT_TIME
          unset %IdleRPG_LOGOUT_RTIME
          { HALT }
      else {
        msg $nick (ERROR) You must be logged in to access this feature
        { HALT }
    if ($1 == LOGIN) {
      if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $2 ,USER) != $null) {
        if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) {
          if ($2 != $null) && ($3 != $null) {
            if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $2 ,USER) != $null) {
              if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $2 ,PASS) == $3) {
                set %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $2
                msg $IdleStaff (LOG) Nickname: $nick Username: %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] has logged in
                msg $IdleChan  $+ $2 $+ , the level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $2 ,LVL) $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $2 ,CLASS) has logged in under the nickname $nick $+ . Next level in $duration($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $2 ,TIMER),3) 
                set %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,TIMER)
                .timer $+ $nick 0 1 dec %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
                .timer $+ $nick $+ 2 1 %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] notice IdleRPG $2 $nick
                .timer $+ $nick $+ 3 1 $rand(0,86000) notice IdleRPG $2 $nick RANDOM
                .timer $+ $nick $+ 4 1 $rand(0,86000) notice IdleRPG $2 $nick FIGHT
                mode $IdleChan +v $nick 
                { HALT }
              if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $2 ,PASS) != $3) {
                msg $IdleStaff (LOG) Nickname: $nick has attempted to login with the wrong password
                msg $nick (ERROR) You have entered a incorrect password
                { HALT }
            if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) {
              msg $nick (ERROR) You are already logged in
              { HALT }
            if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $2 ,USER) == $null) {
              msg $nick (ERROR) No username was found under $2 
              { HALT }
      else {      
        msg $nick (ERROR) You must enter a valid login
        msg $nick (SYNTAX) /msg IdleRPG LOGIN username password 
        { HALT }
    if ($1 == STATUS) {
      if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) {
        set %IdleRPG_INFO_1 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,LVL)
        set %IdleRPG_INFO_2 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,HP)
        set %IdleRPG_INFO_3 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,MAXHP)
        set %IdleRPG_INFO_4 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,AMMY)
        set %IdleRPG_INFO_5 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,BOOTS)
        set %IdleRPG_INFO_6 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,LEG)
        set %IdleRPG_INFO_7 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,RING)
        set %IdleRPG_INFO_8 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,WEP)
        set %IdleRPG_INFO_9 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,SHIELD)
        set %IdleRPG_INFO_10 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,TUNIC)
        set %IdleRPG_INFO_11 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,HELM)
        msg $IdleStaff (LOG) Nickname: $nick Username: %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] has requested status
        msg $nick (STATUS) %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] is level %IdleRPG_INFO_1  $+ $chr(40) $+ %IdleRPG_INFO_2 $+ $chr(47) $+ %IdleRPG_INFO_3 $+ $chr(41) next level in $duration(%IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,3) 
        unset %IdleRPG_INFO_1
        unset %IdleRPG_INFO_2
        unset %IdleRPG_INFO_3
        unset %IdleRPG_INFO_4
        unset %IdleRPG_INFO_5
        unset %IdleRPG_INFO_6
        unset %IdleRPG_INFO_7
        unset %IdleRPG_INFO_8
        unset %IdleRPG_INFO_9
        unset %IdleRPG_INFO_10
        unset %IdleRPG_INFO_11
        { HALT }
      else {
        msg $nick (ERROR) You must be logged in to access this feature
        { HALT }
    if ($1 == NEWPASS) {
      if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) {
        if ($2 != $null) {
          writeini IdleRPG.ini %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] PASS $2-
          msg $IdleStaff (LOG) Nickname: $nick Username: %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] has changed their password
          msg $nick (PASSWORD) Your password has been successfully changed
          { HALT }
        if ($2 == $null) {
          msg $nick (ERROR) You must enter a valid password change
          msg $nick (SYNTAX) /msg IdleRPG NEWPASS password 
          { HALT }
      else {
        msg $nick (ERROR) You must be logged in to access this feature
        { HALT }
    if ($1 == REMOVEME) {
      if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) {
        if ($2 != $null) {
          if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,PASS) == $2) {
            remini IdleRPG.ini %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
            msg $IdleStaff (LOG) Nickname: $nick Username: %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] has deleted their account
            msg $nick (DELETE) Your account has been sucessfully deleted
            mode $IdleChan -v $nick
            .timer $+ $nick off
            .timer $+ $nick $+ 2 off
            .timer $+ $nick $+ 3 off
            .timer $+ $nick $+ 4 off
            unset %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
            unset %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
            { HALT }
          if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,PASS) != $2) {
            msg $IdleStaff (LOG) Nickname: $nick Username: %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] has attempted to remove theic account with the wrong password
            msg $nick (ERROR) You have entered a incorrect password
            { HALT }
        if ($2 == $null) {
          msg $nick (ERROR) You must enter a valid removeme
          msg $nick (SYNTAX) /msg IdleRPG REMOVEME password 
          { HALT }
      else {
        msg $nick (ERROR) You must be logged in to access this feature
        { HALT }
    else {
      msg $nick (ERROR)  $+ $1 $+  is not a valid command
  else {
    msg $nick (ERROR) You must join $IdleChan to use me
ON *:NOTICE:*:?:{
  if ($nick == $me) {
    if ($3 == $null) {
      set %IdleRPG_TIME $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LVL)
      set %IdleRPG_TIMER $calc(600 * (1.16^ %IdleRPG_TIME))
      writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 TIMER %IdleRPG_TIMER
      writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 LVL $calc($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LVL) + 1)
      set %IdleRPG_Player_ $+ $2 %IdleRPG_TIMER
      .timer $+ $2 0 1 dec %IdleRPG_Player_ $+ $2
      .timer $+ $2 $+ 2 1 %IdleRPG_TIMER notice IdleRPG $1 $2
      msg $IdleChan   $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has leveled up! New level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LVL) $+ . Next level in $duration($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,TIMER),3) 
      unset %IdleRPG_TIME
      unset %IdleRPG_TIMER
    if ($3 == FIGHT) {
      set %IdleRPG_FIGHTER $nick($IdleChan,$rand(1,$nick($IdleChan,0,v)),v)
      if (%IdleRPG_FIGHTER == $2) {
        .timer $+ $2 $+ 4 1 $rand(0,86000) $1 $2 FIGHT
        { HALT }
      set %IdleRPG_FIGHT %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ %IdleRPG_FIGHTER ] ]
      set %IdleRPG_HP1 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP)
      set %IdleRPG_HP2 $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_FIGHT ,HP)
      if ( %IdleRPG_HP1 > %IdleRPG_HP2 ) {
        set %IdleRPG_FIGHT_TIME $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,TIMER)
        set %IdleRPG_FIGHT_LEVEL $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LVL)
        set %IdleRPG_FIGHT_RTIME $calc((%IdleRPG_Fight_LEVEL /7)/100 * %IdleRPG_FIGHT_TIME)
        dec %IdleRPG_HP1 %IdleRPG_HP2
        msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  $chr(40) $+ $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP) $+ $chr(47) $+ $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP) $+ $chr(41) has challenged %IdleRPG_FIGHT $+  $chr(40) $+ $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_FIGHT ,HP) $+ $chr(47) $+ $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_FIGHT ,MAXHP) $+ $chr(41) in combat and won! $duration(%IdleRPG_FIGHT_RTIME,2) is removed from $1  $+ 's time.       
        writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HP %IdleRPG_HP1
        writeini IdleRPG.ini %IdleRPG_FIGHT HP $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_FIGHT ,MAXHP)
        writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 TIMER $calc(%IdleRPG_FIGHT_TIME - %IdleRPG_FIGHT_RTIME)
        .timer $+ $2 $+ 4 1 $rand(0,86000) $1 $2 FIGHT
        unset %IdleRPG_FIGHT 
        unset %IdleRPG_FIGHT_RTIME
        unset %IdleRPG_FIGHT_LEVEL
        unset %IdleRPG_FIGHT_TIME
        unset %IdleRPG_FIGHTER   
        unset %IdleRPG_HP1 
        unset %IdleRPG_HP2         
        { HALT }
      if ( %IdleRPG_HP1 < %IdleRPG_HP2 ) {
        set %IdleRPG_FIGHT_TIME $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,TIMER)
        set %IdleRPG_FIGHT_LEVEL $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LVL)
        set %IdleRPG_FIGHT_RTIME $calc((%IdleRPG_Fight_LEVEL /7)/100 * %IdleRPG_FIGHT_TIME)
        dec %IdleRPG_HP2 %IdleRPG_HP1
        msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  $chr(40) $+ $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP) $+ $chr(47) $+ $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP) $+ $chr(41) has challenged %IdleRPG_FIGHT $+  $chr(40) $+ $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_FIGHT ,HP) $+ $chr(47) $+ $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_FIGHT ,MAXHP) $+ $chr(41) in combat and lost! $duration(%IdleRPG_FIGHT_RTIME,2) is added to $1  $+ 's time.      
        writeini IdleRPG.ini %IdleRPG_FIGHT HP %IdleRPG_HP2
        writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HP $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP)
        writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 TIMER $calc(%IdleRPG_FIGHT_TIME + %IdleRPG_FIGHT_RTIME)
        .timer $+ $2 $+ 4 1 $rand(0,86000) $1 $2 FIGHT
        unset %IdleRPG_FIGHT
        unset %IdleRPG_FIGHT_RTIME
        unset %IdleRPG_FIGHT_LEVEL
        unset %IdleRPG_FIGHT_TIME
        unset %IdleRPG_FIGHTER   
        unset %IdleRPG_HP1  
        unset %IdleRPG_HP2    
        { HALT }
    if ($3 == RANDOM) {
      .timer $+ $1 $+ 3 1 $rand(0,86000) notice IdleRPG $1 $2 RANDOM
      set %IdleRPG_Random $rand(1,9)
      if (%IdleRPG_Random == 1) {
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) <= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Wep $rand(1,20)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Wep $rand(1,40)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 40) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Wep $rand(1,60)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,WEP) < %IdleRPG_Random_Wep) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Wep weapon! $1 $+ 's current weapon level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,WEP) $+ . Luck seems to be with $1 as they toss their old weapon.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Wep weapon and toss your old level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,WEP) weapon.
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Wep - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,WEP))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 MAXHP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Wep - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,WEP))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 WEP %IdleRPG_Random_Wep
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Wep
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,WEP) >= %IdleRPG_Random_Wep) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Wep weapon! $1 $+ 's current weapon level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,WEP) $+ . Luck seems to be against $1 as they toss the weapon.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Wep weapon. Your current weapon is level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,WEP) and you decide to toss the weapon.
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Wep
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
      if (%IdleRPG_Random == 2) {
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) <= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Shield $rand(1,20)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Shield $rand(1,40)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 40) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Shield $rand(1,60)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,SHIELD) < %IdleRPG_Random_Shield) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Shield shield! $1 $+ 's current shield level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,SHIELD) $+ . Luck seems to be with $1 as they toss their old shield.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Shield shield and toss your old level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,SHIELD) shield.
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Shield - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,SHIELD))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 MAXHP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Shield - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,SHIELD))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 SHIELD %IdleRPG_Random_Shield
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Shield
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,SHIELD) >= %IdleRPG_Random_Shield) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Shield shield! $1 $+ 's current shield level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,SHIELD) $+ . Luck seems to be against $1 as they toss the shield.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Shield shield. Your current shield level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,SHIELD) and you decide to toss the shield.
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Shield
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
      if (%IdleRPG_Random == 3) {
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) <= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves $rand(1,20)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves $rand(1,40)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 40) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves $rand(1,60)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,GLOVES) < %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves pair of gloves! $1 $+ 's current glove level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,GLOVES) $+ . Luck seems to be with $1 as they toss their old pair of gloves.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves pair of gloves and toss your old level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,GLOVES) pair of gloves.
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,GLOVES))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 MAXHP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,GLOVES))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 GLOVES %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,GLOVES) >= %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves pair of gloves! $1 $+ 's current glove level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,GLOVES) $+ . Luck seems to be against $1 as they toss the pair of gloves.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves pair of gloves! Your current glove level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,GLOVES) and you decide to toss the gloves.
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Gloves
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
      if (%IdleRPG_Random == 4) {
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) <= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic $rand(1,20)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic $rand(1,40)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 40) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic $rand(1,60)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,TUNIC) < %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic tunic! $1 $+ 's current tunic level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,TUNIC) $+ . Luck seems to be with $1 as they toss their old tunic.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic tunic and toss your old level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,TUNIC) tunic.
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,TUNIC))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 MAXHP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,TUNIC))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 TUNIC %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,TUNIC) >= %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic tunic! $1 $+ 's current tunic level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,TUNIC) $+ . Luck seems to be against $1 as they toss the tunic.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic tunic! Your current tunic level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,TUNIC) and you decide to toss the tunic.
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Tunic
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
      if (%IdleRPG_Random == 5) {
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) <= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Leg $rand(1,20)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Leg $rand(1,40)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 40) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Leg $rand(1,60)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LEG) < %IdleRPG_Random_Leg) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Leg pair of platelegs! $1 $+ 's current platelegs are level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LEG) $+ . Luck seems to be with $1 as they toss their old pair of platelegs.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Leg pair of platelegs and toss your old level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LEG) pair of platelegs.
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Leg - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LEG))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 MAXHP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Leg - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LEG))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 LEG %IdleRPG_Random_Leg
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Leg
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LEG) >= %IdleRPG_Random_Leg) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Leg pair of platelegs! $1 $+ 's current platelegs are level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LEG) $+ . Luck seems to be against $1 as they toss the pair of platelegs.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Leg pair of platelegs! Your current platelegs are level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,LEG) and you decide to toss the platelegs.
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Leg
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
      if (%IdleRPG_Random == 6) {
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) <= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Helm $rand(1,20)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Helm $rand(1,40)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 40) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Helm $rand(1,60)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HELM) < %IdleRPG_Random_Helm) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Helm helmet! $1 $+ 's current helmet level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HELM) $+ . Luck seems to be with $1 as they toss their old helmet.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Helm helmet and toss your old level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HELM) helmet.
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Helm - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HELM))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 MAXHP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Helm - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HELM))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HELM %IdleRPG_Random_Helm
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Helm
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HELM) >= %IdleRPG_Random_Helm) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Helm helmet! $1 $+ 's current helmet level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HELM) $+ . Luck seems to be against $1 as they toss the helmet.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Helm helmet. Your current helmet is level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HELM) and you decide to toss the helmet.
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Helm
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
      if (%IdleRPG_Random == 7) {
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) <= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Ring $rand(1,20)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Ring $rand(1,40)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 40) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Ring $rand(1,60)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,RING) < %IdleRPG_Random_Ring) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Ring ring! $1 $+ 's current ring level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,RING) $+ . Luck seems to be with $1 as they toss their old ring.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Ring ring and toss your old level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,RING) ring.
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Ring - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,RING))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 MAXHP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Ring - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,RING))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 RING %IdleRPG_Random_Ring
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Ring
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,RING) >= %IdleRPG_Random_Ring) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Ring ring! $1 $+ 's current ring level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,RING) $+ . Luck seems to be against $1 as they toss the ring.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Ring ring. Your current ring is level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,RING) and you decide to toss the ring.
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Ring
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
      if (%IdleRPG_Random == 8) {
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) <= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Ring $rand(1,20)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy $rand(1,40)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 40) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy $rand(1,60)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,AMMY) < %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy amulet! $1 $+ 's current amulet level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,AMMY) $+ . Luck seems to be with $1 as they toss their old amulet.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy amulet and toss your old level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,AMMY) amulet.
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,AMMY))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 MAXHP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,AMMY))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 AMMY %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,AMMY) >= %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy amulet! $1 $+ 's current amulet level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,AMMY) $+ . Luck seems to be against $1 as they toss the amulet.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy amulet. Your current amulet is level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,AMMY) and you decide to toss the amulet.
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Ammy
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
      if (%IdleRPG_Random == 9) {
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) <= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Boots $rand(1,20)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 20) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Boots $rand(1,40)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 , LVL) >= 40) {
          set %IdleRPG_Random_Boots $rand(1,60)
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,BOOTS) < %IdleRPG_Random_Boots) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Boots pair of boots! $1 $+ 's current boot level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,BOOTS) $+ . Luck seems to be with $1 as they toss their old pair of boots.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Boots pair of boots and toss your old level $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,BOOTS) pair of boots.
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 HP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,HP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Boots - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,BOOTS))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 MAXHP $calc(($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,MAXHP)) + %IdleRPG_Random_Boots - $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,BOOTS))
          writeini IdleRPG.ini $1 BOOTS %IdleRPG_Random_Boots
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Boots
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
        if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,BOOTS) >= %IdleRPG_Random_Boots) {
          msg $IdleChan  $+ $1 $+  the $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,CLASS) has found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Boots pair of boots! $1 $+ 's current boot level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,BOOTS) $+ . Luck seems to be against $1 as they toss the pair of boots.
          notice $2 You have found a level %IdleRPG_Random_Boots pair of boots! Your current boot level is $readini(IdleRPG.ini, $1 ,BOOTS) and you decide to toss the boots.
          unset %IdleRPG_Random_Boots
          unset %IdleRPG_Random
          { HALT }
ON *:NOTICE:*:$IdleChan:{
  if ($nick isop $IdleStaff) { HALT }
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { HALT }
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { 
    set %IdleRPG_NOTICE_TIME $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,LVL)
    set %IdleRPG_NOTICE_RTIME $calc(30 * (1.16^ %IdleRPG_NOTICE_TIME))
    writeini IdleRPG.ini %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] TIMER %IdleRPG_NOTICE_RTIME
    unset %IdleRPG_NOTICE_TIME
    unset %IdleRPG_NOTICE_RTIME
    { HALT }
ON *:ACTION:*:$IdleChan:{
  if ($nick isop $IdleStaff) { HALT }
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { HALT }
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { 
    set %IdleRPG_ACTION_TIME $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,LVL)
    set %IdleRPG_ACTION_RTIME $calc(30 * (1.16^ %IdleRPG_ACTION_TIME))
    writeini IdleRPG.ini %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] TIMER %IdleRPG_ACTION_RTIME
    unset %IdleRPG_ACTION_TIME
    unset %IdleRPG_ACTION_RTIME
    { HALT }
ON *:TEXT:*:$IdleChan:{
  if ($nick isop $IdleStaff) { HALT }
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { HALT }
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { 
    set %IdleRPG_TEXT_TIME $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,LVL)
    set %IdleRPG_TEXT_RTIME $calc(30 * (1.16^ %IdleRPG_TEXT_TIME))
    writeini IdleRPG.ini %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] TIMER %IdleRPG_TEXT_RTIME
    unset %IdleRPG_TEXT_TIME
    unset %IdleRPG_TEXT_RTIME
    { HALT }
ON *:PART:$IdleStaff:{
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { HALT }
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { 
    set %IdleRPG_PART_TIME $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,LVL)
    .timer $+ $nick off
    .timer $+ $nick $+ 2 off
    .timer $+ $nick $+ 3 off
    .timer $+ $nick $+ 4 off
    set %IdleRPG_PART_RTIME $calc(%IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + (30 * (1.16^ %IdleRPG_PART_TIME )))
    writeini IdleRPG.ini %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] TIMER %IdleRPG_PART_RTIME
    unset %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    unset %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    unset %IdleRPG_PART_TIME
    unset %IdleRPG_PART_RTIME
    { HALT }
ON *:QUIT: {
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { HALT }
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { 
    set %IdleRPG_QUIT_TIME $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,LVL)
    set %IdleRPG_QUIT_RTIME $calc(%IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + (200 * (1.16^ %IdleRPG_QUIT_TIME)))
    writeini IdleRPG.ini %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] TIMER %IdleRPG_QUIT_RTIME
    msg $IdleStaff Account has logged out. Nickname: $nick 
    .timer $+ $nick $+ 2 off
    .timer $+ $nick off
    .timer $+ $nick $+ 3 off
    .timer $+ $nick $+ 4 off
    unset %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    unset %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    unset %IdleRPG_QUIT_TIME
    unset %IdleRPG_QUIT_RTIME
    { HALT }
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) { HALT }
  if (%IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null) { 
    .timer $+ $nick off
    .timer $+ $nick $+ 2 off
    .timer $+ $nick $+ 3 off
    set %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $newnick ] ] %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    set %IdleRPG_NICK_TIME $readini(IdleRPG.ini, %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ,LVL)
    set %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc(%IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] + (30 * (1.16^ %IdleRPG_NICK_TIME)))
    .timer $+ $newnick 0 1 dec %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    .timer $+ $newnick $+ 2 1 %IdleRPG_Player_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] notice IdleRPG $2 $nick
    .timer $+ $newnick $+ 3 1 $rand(0,86000) %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $newnick RANDOM
    .timer $+ $newnick $+ 4 1 $rand(0,86000) %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $newnick FIGHT
    writeini IdleRPG.ini %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ] TIMER %IdleRPG_NICK_RTIME
    unset %IdleRPG_Player [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    unset %IdleRPG_NICK_TIME
    unset %IdleRPG_NICK_RTIME
  timers off
  mode $me +BpT
  join $IdleChan,$IdleStaff
  setname IdleRPG - $IdleChan
alias IdleChan {
  return #IdleRPG
alias IdleStaff {
  return #IdleRPG.Staff


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Xavia   -  Oct 20, 2011

yeah, thats will be nice :)

Known   -  Oct 19, 2011

Hmm to me it worked with going past levels?
Currently I don't have the time to update this script, but once I do I can let you know through a PM when I do finally.

Xavia   -  Oct 19, 2011

Are there not someone there can make a update ?

Xavia   -  Oct 17, 2011

Will you soon come whit a update?

Because you remain in level 1, it just goes over time, and writes 00:00: -2154 to next level :)
So i will never gain to level 2 ?

Also a big Thx
and a +Like from me, But i will like to see an update :)

Jonesy44   -  Nov 29, 2010

Ahh fair enough. Then i see your point! :p

jaytea   -  Nov 28, 2010

perhaps i should have quoted him (Trev) since he seems to have edited his comment. the original message was 'take your hash tables and get out of here WorldDMT' or something to that effect.

Dark|   -  Nov 28, 2010

lol jaytea

Jonesy44   -  Nov 28, 2010

What's wrong with digging up old posts? :L

jaytea   -  Nov 27, 2010

what a stupid thing to respond to a 5 month old post with.

Trev   -  Nov 26, 2010

I remember this one from a while back in #network :D

PAO87   -  Jul 15, 2010

haha Jethro_, no thats not me.. and that does'nt offend me :P lol

Jethro   -  Jul 14, 2010

PAO87, your avatar reminds me of that guy with glasses who sings Numa Numa. lol I hope you don't take offense to this...

PAO87   -  Jul 14, 2010

could you make a help menu, so I don't have to tell users all the commands? And is there possible to get the user stats in a html file, like a toplist?

Known   -  Jun 29, 2010

Well yeah it's normal and you learn from failing(:

WorldDMT   -  Jun 28, 2010

lol some time i failed too it's normal :D

Jethro   -  Jun 28, 2010

Good. I failed to think like you did. :p

WorldDMT   -  Jun 28, 2010

that will combine 2 nicks if nick1 = jethro_ and nick2 = jethro[ that will confiuse

better way is hash table or change the ini method like

writeini IdleRPG.ini USER $2 $2

then the condition will be

if ($readini(IdleRPG.ini,USER,$2) ...
Jethro   -  Jun 28, 2010

You can combine the use of $replace and $mknickfn(nickname) to replace and remove invalid characters:

Known   -  Jun 27, 2010

Hmm I never looked over symbols, if it doesn't work with [ ], then it won't work alot of chars due to the vars being set and then being read incorrectly. Thanks for pointing this out. I'll have to find another way around vars when I make the next upgrade/update.

WorldDMT   -  Jun 27, 2010

@WorldDMT really? Whats your error.

if a nick contains "[" or "]" like WorldDMT[aw], Know[N], or others

Known   -  Jun 26, 2010

@WorldDMT really? Whats your error.

@bagusaji The command list is simple:
-REGISTER to register a account.
-LOGIN to login to your account.
-LOGOUT to logout of your account.
-STATUS to check your account's stats and items.
-NEWPASS to change your account password.
-REMOVEME to get rid of your account.

bagusaji   -  Jun 26, 2010

i get difficult when i register. can i get the full comands list ???

WorldDMT   -  Jun 26, 2010

u use ini file
this code does not work on any nicks

Jonesy44   -  Jun 25, 2010

LOL, same exact question on my script.. Seems IDLErpg is hard to grasp..

Jethro   -  Jun 25, 2010

An enticing script to get users sit in your room...this way your room population count remains strong...:P lol

Known   -  Jun 25, 2010

All you do is idle, and I write it in all CAPS to show exactly what part does what, since mostly when I do write it in lowercase people would delete the logout part thinking the login is the same. You play this game by idleing, hence the name IdleRPG. It's just a mIRC version of the *UNIX based one.

TheNitelyfe   -  Jun 25, 2010

basically you get points for shutting up

Pangaea   -  Jun 25, 2010

how the hell to you play this??
ive loaded via remotes.. and changed alias to my chan.. now what?

some instructions please

Jethro   -  Jun 25, 2010

Ohhhh I see. Well, you weren't specific. lol Looking at the code, that is another example of, as I call it, "if statement abuse or overkill." :p

sunslayer   -  Jun 24, 2010

Jethro_ i was pointing out the location of it, not capitalization

if ($chr(36) isin $2-) { 
        msg $nick (ERROR) You must enter a valid registration
        msg $nick (SYNTAX) /msg IdleRPG REGISTER username password class
        { HALT }
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