!need script (Customizable)

By PwnerJohn on May 13, 2010

So. I did not make this. Someone else did, but it never worked. And I mean never. It wouldn't set anything because it was just.. there. No on LOAD or aliases.

So I had to come and fix it. And here it is!

Pretty much, more than 75% was me doing it.

I had to remove some stuff because it doesn't need to be there anyways.

Syntax: ! yournick
[PopUp: Prompt(Yes/No)]

Something like that :P

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Need Script by Andrew;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Fixed by [Pwner]John;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;;;;Need Script Updates;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;(+ = Added) || (^ = Updated) || (- = Removed)
;---------Version 1.0 ----------------
;+Initial Release -- Andrew
;+Current bugs: NOT WORKING
;---------Version 1.1-----------------
;^Edited by [Pwner]John
-----------Version 1.2--==--------------
;^Fixed variables not showing up.
;^Moved sets to needed areas
;^Edited by [Pwner]John
;----------Version 1.3-------------------
;+Added timer needed for script to work.
;+Added alias for timer
;^Status: Working
;^Only 107 lines!
;----------Version 2.0-------------------
;+Major Release
;^Everything should work
;^Fixed prompt where the prompt set thing was not needed (Fixed for it to be needed)

on *:LOAD: { if ($?!="If you did not edit the script after you pasted in a file, please edit it now(No) $crlf Or if you did please press Yes. $crlf If you did not do it, and you finished editing it, type /loading" == $true) {
    set %need.version 2.0 -- Patched by [Pwner]John and made by Andrew. (He failed at making it)

alias loading {
  ;+---Usable Variables in Configuration------------------------+
  ;+ %need.idle = Your idle time +
  ;+ %need.nick = The nick that triggered the script with !need +

  ;Set this to your need trigger. Please have a trigger activator at the beginning (!, @, $, #,etc)
  set %need.trigger !shitz

  ;Set this to the query to send them if their need request is accepted.
  set %need.accepted I have accepted your need request.

  ;Set this to the query to send them if their need request is accepted.
  set %need.denied Sorry %need.nick $+ , I have denied your need request.

  ;Do you want to use a window to log all needs (yes) or not (no)?
  set %need.window yes

  echo 1 -a Loading Complete
  echo 1 -a Have fun with your need script!
  echo 1 -a Please continue editing; Go to supposedly around line 57
  echo 1 -a Where you see a ;---Please continue...---

;---------Please continue editing the parts that are required.-------------
on :TEXT::#:{
  if ($1 == %need.trigger) && ($2 == $me) && (!%need.protect) {
    ;Set this to a number from 1 to infinity, this is the interval between times for this to activate, so you don't flood out from trolls. Just change the 5 to something else
    ;or leave it.
    set -u5 %need.protect 1
    set %need.idle $duration($idle)
    set %need.nick $nick
    set %need.address $address
    set %need.chan $chan
    set %need.network $network
    set %need.fulldate $fulldate

    ;Set this to the greeting message. This is what is sent to the person that prompted the !need before you choose to accept or deny.
    set %need.greeting Hello %need.nick $+ , I see that you have %need.trigger $+ 'd me. Please wait while I choose to accept or deny your need request. I have been idle for %need.idle $+ .

    ;What do you want the format of the window to be? (See Usable Variables for variables you can use.)
    set %need.window.format %need.nick ( $+ %need.address $+ ) ( $+ %need.chan - %need.network $+ ) ( $+ %need.fulldate $+ )

    ;Set this to the query to send them if their need request is accepted.
    set %need.denied Sorry %need.nick $+ , I have denied your need request.

    ;Set this to the prompt you want to receive when someone uses the !need script.
    set %need.prompt %need.nick needs you on %need.network $+ . Would you like to assist them?
    ;-------------END OF EDITING --------------------

    .notice $nick %need.greeting
    .timer 1 0 needz $!input(%need.prompt) %need.nick
    if (%need.window == yes) {
      if ($window(@Need) == $null) { window -n @Need }
      echo @Need  $+ %need.window.color %need.window.format

alias needz {
  if ($1 == $true) {
    echo 3 -a %need.nick $+ 's need request has been accepted; query sent.
    query %need.nick %need.accepted
  if ($1 == $false) {
    .msg %need.nick %need.denied
    echo 4 -a %need.nick $+ 's need request has been denied; message sent.

on *:UNLOAD: {
  echo 1 -a Thank you for using the need script by Andrew.
  echo 1 -a Patched(What?, No. He failed at making it so...) by [Pwner]John - Version %need.version
  unset %need.*


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PwnerJohn   -  May 13, 2010

This is lame

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