Poll Snippet

By Kerli on Apr 16, 2010

This is an original poll snippet complete with multiple join blocks, else lines to make it fail-safe, and a complete troubleshooting archive for all errors possible to receive. My longest and most in-depth code snippet ever, and 100% made by me. Not sure what else to say... So just have fun with it! :D

Usage: Type (command identifier)pollbooth on to turn this mode on. Use off to turn it off.

Pm your bot with (query command identifier)pollstart to start a poll, and you will be walked through the rest.

;Poll Booth - Official #BotPark of EsperNet Snippet - Come visit us for bot help, chat, and PARTIES!
on 1000:text:*pollbooth*:#:{
  if ($1 == %c $+ pollbooth) {
    if ($2 == on) { .enable #pollchan | .msg $chan $chan $+ : Poll Booth Mode has been enabled, and all related variables have been reset. Type in a query to $me %qc $+ pollstart. Also, if you receive an error and are unsure what it means, type %c $+ troubleshoot <given error code>. Type notes in the "given error code" area to receive extra troubleshooting notes for this snippet. | unset %poller | unset %poll | unset %topic | set %setup 0 | unset %vote. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | set %options 0 | unset %option1 | unset %option2 | unset %option3 | unset %option4 | unset %option5 | unset %option6 | unset %option7 | unset %option8 | unset %option9 | unset %option10 | unset %pollvoted.* | unset %option1v | unset %option2v | unset %option3v | unset %option4v | unset %option5v | unset %option6v | unset %option7v | unset %option8v | unset %option9v | unset %option10v | unset %pollchan }
    if ($2 == off) { .disable #pollchan | .msg $chan $chan $+ : Poll Booth Mode has been disabled. }
    else { .notice $nick 10Incorrect: Use %c $+ pollbooth <on/off> | halt }
  else { halt }

#pollchan on
on 1:TEXT:*pollstart*:*: {
  if ($1 == %qc $+ pollstart) {
    if (%poll != 1) {
      if (%setup == 0) {
        set %poller $nick
        set %poll 1
        set %setup 1
        .msg $nick 10Okay, $nick $+ . You may open a poll. The first step is to choose your poll topic. Type %qc $+ polltopic <what is your poll about?> to do this.
        closemsg $nick
      else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 220: It seems another setup is interrupting this. Ensure that no one else is trying to set up a poll, and that you aren't either. | closemsg $nick }
    else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 221: A poll is being held already, or is being set up. | closemsg $nick }

on 1:TEXT:*polltopic*:*: {
  if ($1 == %qc $+ polltopic) {
    if ($nick == %poller) {
      if (%poll == 1) {
        if (%setup == 1) {
          set %setup 2
          set %topic $2-
          .msg $nick 10Your poll's topic has been set. The next step is to add options. You may add up to 10 options. Type %qc $+ addoption <option> to add an option. To verify that you are done adding options, type %qc $+ polldone.
          closemsg $nick
        else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 222: It seems either another setup is interrupting this, or that you are not entering the correct command for this step. Ensure that these discrepancies are accounted for. | closemsg $nick }
      else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 223: A poll is not being set up now. | closemsg $nick }
    else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 224: You are not the current opener of the poll. | closemsg $nick }

on 1:TEXT:*addoption*:*: {
  if ($1 == %qc $+ addoption) {
    if ($nick == %poller) {
      if (%poll == 1) {
        if (%setup == 2) {
          if (%options < 10) {
            if (%options == 9) {
              set %option10 $2-
              inc %options 1
            if (%options == 8) {
              set %option9 $2-
              inc %options 1
            if (%options == 7) {
              set %option8 $2-
              inc %options 1
            if (%options == 6) {
              set %option7 $2-
              inc %options 1
            if (%options == 5) {
              set %option6 $2-
              inc %options 1
            if (%options == 4) {
              set %option5 $2-
              inc %options 1
            if (%options == 3) {
              set %option4 $2-
              inc %options 1
            if (%options == 2) {
              set %option3 $2-
              inc %options 1
            if (%options == 1) {
              set %option2 $2-
              inc %options 1
            if (%options == 0) {
              set %option1 $2-
              inc %options 1
            .msg $nick 10Option added.
            closemsg $nick
          else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 231: You have added the maximum amount of options. Type %qc $+ polldone <poll channel that I'm in> to finish and post your poll. | closemsg $nick }
        else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 222: It seems either another setup is interrupting this, or that you are not entering the correct command for this step. Ensure that these discrepancies are accounted for. | closemsg $nick }
      else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 223: A poll is not being set up now. | closemsg $nick }
    else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 224: You are not the current opener of the poll. | closemsg $nick }

on 1:TEXT:*polldone*:*: {
  if ($1 == %qc $+ polldone) {
    if (%options > 1) {
      if ($nick == %poller) {
        if (%poll == 1) {
          if (%setup == 2) {
            set %setup 3
            set %pollchan $2
            .msg $nick 10Your poll has been successfully published in %pollchan $+ .
            .msg %pollchan $nick has opened a poll.
            .msg %pollchan 12Poll by $nick $+ : %topic
            if (%options == 2) {
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2
            if (%options == 3) {
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3
            if (%options == 4) {
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4
            if (%options == 5) {
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5
            if (%options == 6) {
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6
            if (%options == 7) {
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7
            if (%options == 8) {
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 8:14 %option8
            if (%options == 9) {
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 8:14 %option8
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 9:14 %option9
            if (%options == 10) {
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 8:14 %option8
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 9:14 %option9
              .msg %pollchan 7Option 9:14 %option10
            .msg %pollchan To vote, type %c $+ votefor <option number (ie: 1)>.
            .notice $nick To end your poll, type %c $+ endpoll.
            set %option1v 0
            set %option2v 0
            set %option3v 0
            set %option4v 0
            set %option5v 0
            set %option6v 0
            set %option7v 0
            set %option8v 0
            set %option9v 0
            set %option10v 0
            closemsg $nick
          else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 222: It seems either another setup is interrupting this, or that you are not entering the correct command for this step. Ensure that these discrepancies are accounted for. | closemsg $nick }
        else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 223: A poll is not being set up now. | closemsg $nick }
      else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 224: You are not the current opener of the poll. | closemsg $nick }
    else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 225: You haven't added at least two options yet! | closemsg $nick }

on 1:text:*votefor*:#: {
  if ($1 == %c $+ votefor) {
    if ($2 != $null) {
      if ($2 > 0) {
        if ($2 <= %options) {
          if (%pollvoted. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != 1) {
            if (%poll == 1) {
              if (%setup == 3) {
                set %pollvoted. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
                if ($2 == 1) {
                  inc %option1v 1
                if ($2 == 2) {
                  inc %option2v 1
                if ($2 == 3) {
                  inc %option3v 1
                if ($2 == 4) {
                  inc %option4v 1
                if ($2 == 5) {
                  inc %option5v 1
                if ($2 == 6) {
                  inc %option6v 1
                if ($2 == 7) {
                  inc %option7v 1
                if ($2 == 8) {
                  inc %option8v 1
                if ($2 == 9) {
                  inc %option9v 1
                if ($2 == 10) {
                  inc %option10v 1
                .notice $nick 10Your vote has been counted towards option $2 $+ .
              else { .notice $nick 10Error Code 226: A poll is currently being set up. Wait until it is published. }
            else { .notice $nick 10Error Code 227: There is no poll happening now. }
          else { .notice $nick 10Error Code 228: You already voted in this poll! }
        else { .notice $nick 10Error Code 229: That option is not present in the current poll. }
      else { .notice $nick 10Error Code 230: Fatal error. Validate your option choice. }
    else { .notice $nick 10Error Code 230: Fatal error. Validate your option choice. }

on 1:text:*endpoll*:#: {
  if ($1 == %c $+ endpoll) {
    if ($nick == %poller) {
      if (%poll == 1) {
        if (%setup == 3) {
          .msg %pollchan $nick has decided to end the poll. Here are the final standings:
          if (%options == 2) {
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
          if (%options == 3) {
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
          if (%options == 4) {
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
          if (%options == 5) {
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
          if (%options == 6) {
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6 $+ :13 %option6v Votes
          if (%options == 7) {
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6 $+ :13 %option6v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7 $+ :13 %option7v Votes
          if (%options == 8) {
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6 $+ :13 %option6v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7 $+ :13 %option7v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 8:14 %option8 $+ :13 %option8v Votes
          if (%options == 9) {
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6 $+ :13 %option6v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7 $+ :13 %option7v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 8:14 %option8 $+ :13 %option8v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 9:14 %option9 $+ :13 %option9v Votes
          if (%options == 10) {
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6 $+ :13 %option6v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7 $+ :13 %option7v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 8:14 %option8 $+ :13 %option8v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 9:14 %option9 $+ :13 %option9v Votes
            .msg %pollchan 7Option 9:14 %option10 $+ :13 %option10v Votes
          .msg %pollchan This mode will now reset.
          .disable #pollchan
          .enable #pollchan
        else { .notice $nick 10Error Code 226: A poll is currently being set up. Wait until it is published. }
      else { .notice $nick 10Error Code 227: There is no poll happening now. }
    else { .msg $nick 10Error Code 224: You are not the current opener of the poll. }

on 1000:text:*endpoll*:#: {
  if ($1 == %c $+ endpoll) {
    if (%poll == 1) {
      if (%setup == 3) {
        .msg %pollchan $nick has forced a poll end. Here are the final standings:
        if (%options == 2) {
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
        if (%options == 3) {
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
        if (%options == 4) {
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
        if (%options == 5) {
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
        if (%options == 6) {
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6 $+ :13 %option6v Votes
        if (%options == 7) {
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6 $+ :13 %option6v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7 $+ :13 %option7v Votes
        if (%options == 8) {
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6 $+ :13 %option6v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7 $+ :13 %option7v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 8:14 %option8 $+ :13 %option8v Votes
        if (%options == 9) {
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6 $+ :13 %option6v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7 $+ :13 %option7v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 8:14 %option8 $+ :13 %option8v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 9:14 %option9 $+ :13 %option9v Votes
        if (%options == 10) {
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 1:14 %option1 $+ :13 %option1v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 2:14 %option2 $+ :13 %option2v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 3:14 %option3 $+ :13 %option3v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 4:14 %option4 $+ :13 %option4v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 5:14 %option5 $+ :13 %option5v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 6:14 %option6 $+ :13 %option6v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 7:14 %option7 $+ :13 %option7v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 8:14 %option8 $+ :13 %option8v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 9:14 %option9 $+ :13 %option9v Votes
          .msg %pollchan 7Option 10:14 %option10 $+ :13 %option10v Votes
        .msg %pollchan This mode will now reset.
        .disable #pollchan
        .enable #pollchan
      else { .notice $nick 10Error Code 226: A poll is currently being set up. Wait until it is published. }
    else { .notice $nick 10Error Code 227: There is no poll happening now. }

on 1:TEXT:*troubleshoot*:#: {
  if ($1 == %c $+ troubleshoot) {
  if ($2 == 220) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 220:14 Setup Waiting
    .notice $nick 12This means that someone else is setting up a raffle right now, but hasn't published it. If this error continues later, contact $me $+ 's Owner and have them open the Variables tab of the mIRC Scripts Editor and change the poll variable to 0 and the setup variable to 0.
  if ($2 == 221) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 221:14 Poll Setup Conflicts
    .notice $nick 12This means that the poll variable indicating that a poll has been started is set to 1. That means someone else is trying to sey up a raffle, or is holding a raffle. If this error continues later, contact $me $+ 's owner and have them open the Variables tab of the mIRC Scripts Editor and change the poll variable to 0 and the setup variable to 0.
  if ($2 == 222) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 222:14 Setup Order Problems
    .notice $nick 12If you receive this error, it means that you are either trying to continue the setup of someone else's poll or start a poll in the midst of a setup. The best way to fix this is waiting. If this error continues later, contact $me $+ 's owner and have them open the Variables tab of the mIRC Scripts Editor and change the poll variable to 0 and the setup variable to 0.
  if ($2 == 223) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 223:14 Setup Step
    .notice $nick 12If you receive this error, you have one of two problems. Either you are trying to set up a poll from the incorrect step, or this mode was reset during your setup. The only way to fix this is to type %qc $+ pollstart in a query to $me and restart the setup of your poll.
  if ($2 == 224) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 224:14 Ownership Issues
    .notice $nick 12This means that you are trying to do a poll action without opening the current poll. If the opener went offline, tell my Owner to reset Poll Booth Mode.
  if ($2 == 225) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 225:14 Option Adding Module Error
    .notice $nick 12This means that you are trying to publish a poll when it doesn't have at least two options. To fix this, add more options to your poll.
  if ($2 == 226) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 226:14 Premature Actions
    .notice $nick 12This means that you are trying to end or vote in a poll that's still in the process of being created. To fix this, wait until it is published to $chan $+ .
  if ($2 == 227) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 227:14 Nonexistent Poll
    .notice $nick 12This means that you are trying to end or vote in a nonexistent poll. To fix this, ensure that there is a poll published to $chan $+ .
  if ($2 == 228) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 228:14 Multiple Vote Block
    .notice $nick 12Receiving this error code means that you have already voted in the current poll. To remidy this problem, wait until a new poll is published.
  if ($2 == 229) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 229:14 Nonexistent Vote Option
    .notice $nick 12If you receive this error, you are trying to vote for an option that wasn't created in the current poll. To fix this, find the number of options in the poll, and vote for an available one.
  if ($2 == 230) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 230:14 Controversial Vote Option
    .notice $nick 12If you receive this fatal error, you made a mistake when choosing your poll option to vote for. You may have left it blank, put a number that's less than one, or put letter(s) in the second space of your command. To fix this, ensure that you have not done any of the listed things in your command.
  if ($2 == 231) {
    .notice $nick 2Error Code 231:14 Maximum Options Added
    .notice $nick 12If you receive this error when trying to add an option to your poll, it means you've already added ten options. To fix this, stop adding options. If you would like to change options, tell $me $+ 's Owner to edit the option number variables to your liking.
  if ($2 == notes) {
    .notice $nick 2Extra Troubleshooting Notes:
    .notice $nick 12Command Identifier Issues: If none of your commands have been receiving responses from $me $+ , and you are reading this from the original snippet because of this, you have command identifier issues. In the snippet, above are variables c and qc followed by mergers. Variables c and qc are command identifiers, so make sure you open the Variables tab in mIRC and set c to ! and qc to . (these are common choices, but anything would work there).
    .notice $nick 12Variable Conflict: It may seem that some variables in this snippet are coming out unexpectedly. If so, this means you may have other snippets or remotes using the same variables as this one. If so, make sure $me $+ 's owner remedies the problem by altering the variables.
    .notice $nick 12Other Problems: I believe all of the problems for this have been covered, but if you still are experiencing issues, contact $me $+ 's original maker, Kerli (Celine), at #BotPark at irc.esper.net.
#pollchan end


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