Idlebot by Nutrix

By Nutrix on Feb 04, 2005

Idlebot ,, GOOD working! try now.

on *:TEXT:!idle*:#yourchannel:{ 
  if ($left($2,1) == $chr(35)) { 
    if ($me !ison $2) { 
      .join $2 
      .notice $nick Joining $+(',$2,') Im join your channel, if everything is ok i will stay!.      .timer 1 2 req_check $2 $nick $chan 
    else { .notice $nick I'm already in $+(',$3,'.) } 
  else { .notice $nick Correct syntax: !idle <#ChannelName> } 
alias req_check { 
  if ($me ison $1) { 
    ;Here we check if total amount of idlers in the channel is above or equal 5. 
    if ($nick($1,0) >= 5) { 
      ;Here we check if the total amount of opped people in channel is above or equal 4. 
      if ($nick($1,0,o) >= 4) { 
        ;Here we check if the nick who requested the join is opped in the channel.
        if ($2 isop $1) { 
          msg $3 I was requested by $+(',$2,') to join $+(',$1,'.) The requirements have been fullfilled.(own idlebots in #np-nl) 
          msg $1 Your channel meets the requirements and I will stay. | writeini -n idler.ini $3 $2 $1 
        else { msg $1 Request failed. $+(',$2,') You dont have +o. try later if u got ops! | part $1 Error } 
      else { msg $1 Request failed. $+(',$1,') You haven't enough users in your channel! | part $1 Error } 
    else { msg $1 Request failed. $+(',$1,') does not have the required amount of users in channel. | part $1 Error } 
on *:PART:#yourchannel: { 
  if ($readini(idler.ini,$chan,$nick) != $null) { part $readini(idler.ini,$chan,$nick) $nick has left $chan | | msg $chan Purged $readini(idler.ini,$chan,$nick) | remini idler.ini $chan $nick   } 


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RissE   -  Feb 27, 2005

RissE   -  Feb 27, 2005

is it a idel bot ?

RissE   -  Feb 27, 2005


xDaeMoN   -  Feb 25, 2005

It\'s a script where people could request your bot to be idle on their channel.

supergeo   -  Feb 25, 2005

this will sound stupid but what\'s an idle bot? Ive never seen one on mIRC

xDaeMoN   -  Feb 04, 2005

Looks familiar :P

N0b0dY   -  Feb 04, 2005

hmm..... Idlebots are against QuakeNet...? and other networks.. i think

Yoinx   -  Feb 04, 2005

Btw, good job, looks like it should work.

Yoinx   -  Feb 04, 2005

Thats kinda odd... If you dont put a name for your snippet, it doesnt give links to it, unless you know what the snippet id is, or click the comments link... I\'ll post a bug report in the forums.

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