Music Dialog + Music Infomation

By slub77 on Mar 21, 2010

A quick dialog i made to play music via mirc :)

.Select where you want all your music to come from
.When selected it will get all music from that folder, and any folders that is in that
.Tells you the length, name, genre and tags
.Button to play ll, or to select randomly
.Play button | | stop button | | close dialog button | | Next button | | Back button | | Skip one | | go back 2

View Tutorial

The 3 Tabs


.Allows you to choose from .mp3 .wav or .wma file types
.You can shout out
.Now playing Tab with position in sing
.Volume control
.Shout out control
.more information on songs

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dialog Music {
  title Music
  size -1 -1 280 130
  option dbu
  tab "Music", 27, 2 2 276 126
  tab "Options", 28
  tab Now playing, 38
  combo 1, 3 23 100 100, tab 27
  Button P, 2, 143 65 10 20, tab 27
  button S, 3, 153 75 10 10, tab 27
  button C, 4, 133 75 10 10, tab 27 
  button <, 5, 123 75 10 10, tab 27 
  button >, 6, 163 75 10 10, tab 27 
  button <<, 7, 113 75 10 10, tab 27 38,
  button >>, 8, 173 75 10 10, tab 27 38,
  edit Title: ,10, 105 25 90 20,disable ,flat, multi, tab 27
  edit Lenght: ,11, 105 45 90 10,disable,center, tab 27
  edit Genere: ,12, 105 55 90 10,disable ,center, tab 27
  edit Tags: ,13, 105 85 90 20,read, vsbar,multi,center, tab 27
  button Random, 14, 111 105 24 10, tab 27
  button Folder, 15, 135 105 25 10, tab 27
  button Play All, 16, 159 105 25 10, tab 27
  combo  17, 153 65 40 10, drop, tab 27
  Text Play List's,20, 215 23 50 10, tab 27
  combo 21, 203 45 50 10,drop, tab 27, size
  list 22, 203 57 50 70, tab 27, sort
  button +,24, 258 57 10 10, tab 27
  button -,25, 258 57 10 10, tab 27
  button Add Playlist,26, 212 119 30 10, tab 27
  button SHOUT OUT!, 48, 111 115 74 10, tab 27
  check Shout out, 30, 10 19 32 10, tab 28
  box Options, 31, 7 30 60 60, tab 28
  check Playlist, 32, 10 37 50 10, tab 28
  check Title, 33, 10 47 50 10, tab 28
  check Genre, 34, 10 57 50 10, tab 28
  check Length, 35, 10 67 50 10, tab 28
  box Active Channel ,36, 75 19 60 65, tab 28
  list 37, 78 29 40 50, tab 28
  combo 45, 10 100 40 50, tab 28, drop
  box Volume, 46, 10 91 43 25, tab 28
  ;;;;;;;;;now playing 
  edit ,39, 5 15 270 10, tab 38, read, center
  box Details, 40, 5 35 270 100, tab 38, 
  edit Title: ,41, 10 45 80 20,read,flat, multi, tab 38, rich,center
  edit Lenght: ,42, 10 75 80 10,read,center, tab 38, rich
  edit Genere: ,43, 10 85 80 10,read,center, tab 38, rich
  edit Tags: ,44, 10 100 80 20,read, vsbar,multi,center, tab38, rich
  edit Postion, 47, 110 27 80 10, tab38, read, center
  edit Artist:, 49, 100 45 80 10, tab38, read, rich,center
  edit Track:, 50, 100 55 80 10, tab38, read, rich,center
  edit Comment:, 51, 100 65 80 30, tab38, read, rich,center
  edit year:, 52, 100 85 80 10, tab38, read, rich,center
  edit Copywright:, 53, 100 95 80 10, tab38, read, rich,center
  edit mode:, 54, 100 105 80 10, tab38, read, rich,center
  edit vbr:, 55, 100 115 80 10, tab38, read, rich,center
  edit bitrate:, 56, 185 45 80 10, tab38, read, rich,center
  edit Version:, 57, 185 55 80 10, tab38, read, rich,center
on *:MP3END: did -o music 47 1 Completed | unset %current.songl
menu * {
  music:/dialog -md music music 
on *:DIALOG:music:init:*:{ if (!%whereto) { var %a $sfile(Here,Select With in the folder where the music is,This Folder) | set %whereto $remove(%a,here) | dialog -x music music }
  else { $iif(,$details2) | did -o $dname 45 1 1 | did -o $dname 45 2 2 |  did -o $dname 45 3 3 |  did -o $dname 45 4 4 |  did -o $dname 45 5 5 | $chanact | $Option1 | $files | $playlist | did -i $dname 17 1 *.mp3 | did -i $dname 17 2 *.wav | did -i $dname 17 1 *.wma | did -i $dname 17 1 *.mp4 | set %filetype $+(*.mp3) } 
  if $did == 1 { $details | set %objextsel 1 | did -u $dname 22 }
  IF $DID == 2 {  if $did(1,0).seltext { dialog -t $dname $did(1,0).seltext | splay $findfile(%whereto,$did(1,0).seltext,1) | set %objextsel 1 | $details | $option2 | set %music.Nowplaying $did(1,0).seltext }
  elseif $did(22,0).seltext { dialog -t $dname $did(22,0).seltext | splay $findfile(%whereto,$did(22,0).seltext,1) | set %objextsel 22 | $details | $option2 | | set %music.Nowplaying $did(22,0).seltext } }
  if $did == 3 { splay pause | $details | did -b $dname 3 | did -e $dname 4 }
  if $did == 4 { splay resume | $details | did -b $dname 4 | did -e $dname 3 }
  if $did == 5 { var %linen $calc($did(1).sel -1) | did -c $dname 1 %linen | dialog -t $dname $did(1,0).seltext | splay -a $findfile(%whereto,%filetype,%linen)) | $details } 
  if $did == 6 { var %linen $calc($did(1).sel +1) | did -c $dname 1 %linen | dialog -t $dname $did(1,0).seltext | splay -a $findfile(%whereto,%filetype,%linen)) | $details } 
  if $did == 7 { var %linen $calc($did(1).sel -2) | did -c $dname 1 %linen | dialog -t $dname $did(1,0).seltext | splay -a $findfile(%whereto,%filetype,%linen)) | $details } 
  if $did == 8 { var %linen $calc($did(1).sel +2) | did -c $dname 1 %linen | dialog -t $dname $did(1,0).seltext | splay -a $findfile(%whereto,%filetype,%linen)) | $details } 
  if $did == 14 { var %lines $did(1,0).lines | var %linen $rand(0,%lines) | did -c $dname 1 %linen | dialog -t $dname $did(1,0).seltext | splay -a $findfile(%whereto,%filetype,%linen)) | $details | | set %music.Nowplaying $did(1,0).seltext } 
  if $did == 15 { var %a $sfile(Here,Select With in the folder where the music is,This Folder) | set %whereto $remove(%a,here) | dialog -x music music }
  if $did == 16 {  if %objextsel == 22 {
      var %a $did(%objextsel,0).lines | var %b 1 | var %c 1 | var %d 1
      if %a == %b { noop }
    else { splay -q $findfile(%whereto,$readini(playlist.ini,$did(21,0),$ffile),%d) | inc %b | inc %c | goto poop } }
    else {
      var %a $did(%objextsel,0).lines | var %b 1
      if %a == %b { noop }
  else { splay -q $findfile(%whereto,%filetype,%b) | inc %b | goto loop } } }
  if $did == 17 { did -r $dname 1 | set %filetype $did(17,0).seltext | $files }
  if $did == 21 { did -r $dname 22 | $listtrack }
  if $did == 22 { set %objextsel 22 | did -u $dname 1 }
  if $did == 24 { $addfile }
  if $did == 25 { $delfile }
  if $did == 26 { $newlist }
  if $did == 30 {  if == on { did -b $dname 32-35 | set off | did -u $dname 30 | noop }
  else { did -e $dname 32-35 | set on | did -c $dname 30 | noop } }
  if $did == 32 { if ( == off) { set on }
  else { set off } }
  if $did == 33 { if ( == off) { set on }
  else { set off } }
  if $did == 34 { if ( == off) { set on }
  else { set off } }
  if $did == 35 { if ( == off) { set on }
  else { set off } }
  if $did == 37 { set $did(37,0).seltext | did -o $dname 36 1 Active channel $did(37,0).seltext }
  if $did == 38 { did -r $dname 39-44,47,49 | did -o $dname 39 1 $nopath($insong.fname) | did -o $dname 41 1 Title: $nopath($insong.fname) | did -o $dname 42 1 Lenght: $round($calc($insong.length / 63138.58),2) | did -o $dname 43 1 genre: $sound($insong.fname).genre | did -o $dname 44 1 Tags: $sound($insong.fname).tags | did -o $dname 47 1 Position: $round($calc($insong.pos / 63138.58),2) : $round($calc($insong.length / 63138.58),2)  | did -o $dname 49 1 $iif($sound($insong.fname).artist,Artist: $sound($insong.fname).artist,No Artist)  | did -o $dname 50 1 $iif($sound($insong.fname).track,Track: $sound($insong.fname).track,No Track record) | did -o $dname 51 1 $iif($sound($insong.fname).comment,comment: $sound($insong.fname).comment,No comment saved) | did -o $dname 52 1 $iif($sound($insong.fname).year,year: $sound($insong.fname).year,No year set) | did -o $dname 53 1 $iif($sound($insong.fname).copyright,copyright: $sound($insong.fname).copyright,No copyright set) | did -o $dname 54 1 $iif($sound($insong.fname).mode,mode: $sound($insong.fname).mode,No mode for this song) | did -o $dname 55 1 $iif($sound($insong.fname).vbr,vbr: $sound($insong.fname).vbr,No vbr for this song) | did -o $dname 56 1 $iif($sound($insong.fname).bitrate,bitrate: $sound($insong.fname).bitrate,No bitrate for this song) | did -o $dname 57 1 $iif($sound($insong.fname).version,version: $sound($insong.fname).version,No version) }
  if $did == 45 { $iif($did(45,0).seltext == 1 ,vol -wmpv  13107) $iif($did(45,0).seltext == 2 ,vol -wmpv 26214)  $iif($did(45,0).seltext == 3 ,vol -wmpv 39321) $iif($did(45,0).seltext == 4 ,vol -wmpv 52428) $iif($did(45,0).seltext == 5 ,vol -wmpv 65535) }
  if $did == 48 {  describe Is now listening to $did(10,0) @ Position  $round($calc($insong.pos / 63138.58),2) : $round($calc($insong.length / 63138.58),2) @  $did(12) }
on *:DIALOG:music:close:*:{ if $insong { set $insong.fname | set %current.song1 $did(10) | splay pause | unset %music.Nowplaying } }
alias files {
  var %a 1
  if !$findfile(%whereto,%filetype,%a) { noop }
else { did -o $dname 1 %a $nopath($findfile(%whereto,%filetype,%a)) | inc %a | goto loop } }
alias Playlist { if !$ini(playlist.ini,The_first) { writeini playlist.ini The_first 1  @PLAYLIST@ }
  else {
    var %a $calc($ini(playlist.ini,0) +1) | var %b 1
    if %a == %b { noop }
else { did -i $dname 21 %b $ini(playlist.ini,%b) | inc %b | goto loop } } }
alias details { did -ro $dname 10 1 Title: $remove($did(%objextsel,0).seltext,%filetype) | did -ro $dname 11 1 Lenght: $round($calc($sound($findfile(%whereto,$did(%objextsel,0).seltext,1)).length / 63138.58),2) | did -ro $dname 12 1 Genere: $sound($findfile(%whereto,$did(%objextsel,0).seltext,1)).genre | did -ro $dname 13 1 Tags: $sound($findfile(%whereto,$did(%objextsel,0).seltext,1)).tags } 
alias details2 { did -ro $dname 10 1 Title: $remove( %current.song1 ,.mp3,.wav,.mp4,.wap,Title,:) | did -ro $dname 11 1 Lenght: $round($calc($sound( / 63138.58),2) | did -ro $dname 12 1 Genere: $sound( | did -ro $dname 13 1 Tags: $sound( | splay resume }
alias listtrack {
  var %a $calc($ini(playlist.ini,$did(21,0).seltext,0) +1) | var %b 1
  if %a == %b { noop }
  else { if $findfile(%whereto,$readini(playlist.ini, $did(21,0).seltext ,%b),1) { did -o $dname 22 %b $nopath($findfile(%whereto,$readini(playlist.ini,$did(21,0).seltext,%b),1)) | inc %b | goto loop }
else { did -i $dname 22 %b File lost | inc %b | goto loop } } }
alias addfile {
var %a $ini(playlist.ini,$did(21,0).seltext,0) | var %b $ini(playlist.ini,$did(21,0).seltext,%a) | writeini playlist.ini $did(21,0).seltext $calc(%a +1) $did(1,0).seltext | $reset }
alias delfile {
  var %a $calc($ini(playlist.ini,$did(21,0).seltext,0) +1) | var %b 1
  if %a == %b { noop }
  else {
    if $readini(playlist.ini, $did(21,0).seltext, %b) == $did(22,0).seltext { remini playlist.ini $did(21,0).seltext %b | $reset }
else { inc %b | goto loop } } }
alias ffile {
  var %a $calc($ini(playlist.ini,$did(21,0).seltext,0) +1) | var %b 1
  if %a == %b { noop }
  else { if $readini(playlist.ini, $did(21,0).seltext, %b) == $did(22,0).seltext { return %b }
else { inc %b | goto loop } } }
alias newlist {
  var %a $?="New name for the new playlist"
  if !%a { noop }
else { writeini playlist.ini %a 1 @PLAYLIST@ | $reset } }
alias -l reset {
var %a $dname | dialog -x %a %a | dialog -md %a %a }
alias -l Option1 { if == off { did -b $dname 32-35  }
else { did -c $dname 30 | $iif( == on,did -c $dname 33 ) | $iif( == on,did -c $dname 34 ) | $iif( == on,did -c $dname 35 ) | $iif( == on,did -c $dname 32 )   } }
alias -l chanact {
  var %b 1
  if $chan(%b) == $null { noop }
else { did -i $dname 37 %b $chan(%b) | inc %b | goto loop } }
alias -l option2 { if == off { noop }
else { describe Is now listening to @!@ $iif( == on,$did(1,0).seltext ,*Name hidden*) $iif( == on,:@: Position: $round($calc($insong.pos / 63138.58),2) : $round($calc($sound($findfile(%whereto,$did(%objextsel,0).seltext,1)).length / 63138.58),2))  $iif( == on,:@: Genre: $sound($findfile(%whereto,$did(%objextsel,0).seltext,1)).genre) $iif(%%objextsel == 22,:@: Playlist: $iif( == on,:@: Playlist$did(21,0).seltext)) } }


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meluygas   -  May 11, 2011

hola hablas español ?

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