Bad Ident Control For IRcops

By Yoinx on Jan 31, 2005

here ya go. I just finished writing this for someone on the forums. Its for Unreal IRcd, but should work on any server with the same formats for the commands.
"/grater" brings up the dialog.
"/grater bla" will bring up the dialog as if you had typed bla in the searchbox and click who.

all the buttons should work.

You can highlight multiple items. if you click warn, and someone has already been warned. They will automatically be warned. (it notices people in groups of 10 your warning msg)

People will automatically be removed from the list after warn/kill/kline/gline.

on the history tab, you can select the actions you've performed and get a list of all addresses you've performed each on.

The history is saved, so if you gline someone for 30 days and they come back, they wont get a second warning (unless you delete the file warn.hsh in the scriptdir.)

You will need to change the options in "alias grater.set.options" (there are defualts in place)

This may not work on all networks.

alias grater {
  dialog -m grater grater
  if ( $1 ) {
    did -ra grater 10 $1
alias grater.set.options {
  set %grater.warn.notice You have a ident that is deemed unsuitable for this Network. Please change it with "/identd on Ident" Where Ident is an acceptable word.  
  set %grater.kill.reason Reason
  set %grater.kline.time 1d
  set %grater.kline.reason Kline_Reason
  set %grater.Gline.time 1d
  set %grater.gline.reason Gline_Reason
alias grater.dialog.who {
  if ( $did(grater,10).edited ) {
    .enable #whobadidentcheck
    set %badident $did(grater,10).text
    did -r grater 11
    who $+(*,$did(grater,10).text,*)
    did -j grater 10
dialog grater {
  title ""G" Rater"
  size -1 -1 188 162
  option dbu
  tab "Whois", 50, 0 -2 187 144
  text "Who:", 20, 5 21 17 8, tab 50
  edit "Enter Word as 'badword'", 10, 24 20 98 10, tab 50
  box "Results:", 21, 2 33 184 94, tab 50
  list 11, 4 40 180 85, tab 50 sort size extsel
  button "Warn", 6, 6 128 30 12, tab 50
  button "Kill", 7, 49 128 30 12, tab 50
  button "Kline", 8, 84 128 30 12, tab 50
  button "Gline", 9, 119 128 30 12, tab 50
  button "Who", 5, 134 19 30 12, tab 50
  tab "History", 51
  combo 100, 44 18 136 42, tab 51 size drop
  text "Action Taken:", 120, 5 19 36 8, tab 51
  box "Addresses: (double click to remove)", 121, 3 31 182 107, tab 51
  list 101, 5 38 177 97, tab 51 sort size
  button "OK", 1, 75 146 37 12, ok cancel
on *:dialog:grater:init:0: {
  hmake warn 50
  hmake kill 50
  hmake kline 50
  hmake gline 50
  if ( $isfile($+(",$scriptdirwarn.hsh,")) ) hload warn $+(",$scriptdirwarn.hsh,") 
  if ( $isfile($+(",$scriptdirkill.hsh,")) ) hload kill $+(",$scriptdirkill.hsh,") 
  if ( $isfile($+(",$scriptdirkline.hsh,")) ) hload kline $+(",$scriptdirkline.hsh,")
  if ( $isfile($+(",$scriptdirgline.hsh,")) ) hload gline $+(",$scriptdirgline.hsh,")
  did -a grater 100 Warn
  did -a grater 100 Kill
  did -a grater 100 Kline
  did -a grater 100 Gline
on *:dialog:grater:close:0: {
  hsave -o warn $+(",$scriptdirwarn.hsh,")
  hsave -o kill $+(",$scriptdirkill.hsh,")
  hsave -o kline $+(",$scriptdirkline.hsh,")
  hsave -o gline $+(",$scriptdirgline.hsh,")
  hfree warn
  hfree kill
  hfree kline
  hfree gline
  unset %grater.*
on *:dialog:grater:sclick:5: {
on *:dialog:grater:sclick:6: {
  var %x = 1
  var %z = 1
  var %selected = $did(grater,11,0).sel
  while ( %x <= %selected ) {
    if ( $hfind(warn,$gettok($did(grater,11).seltext,2,32)) != $null ) {
      did -uk grater 11 $did(grater,11).sel
      inc %x
    else {
      set %noticenicks $addtok($(%noticenicks,2),$gettok($did(grater,11).seltext,1,32),44)
      hadd warn $gettok($did(grater,11).seltext,2,32)
      did -d grater 11 $did(grater,11,1).sel   
      if ( %z == 10 ) || ( %x == %selected ) {
        notice %noticenicks %grater.warn.notice
        unset %noticenicks
        var %z = 1
      inc %x
      inc %z
  $iif( %noticenicks != $null , notice %noticenicks %grater.warn.notice )
on *:dialog:grater:sclick:7: {
  var %x = 1
  var %selected = $did(grater,11,0).sel
  while ( %x <= %selected ) {
    echo -s kill $gettok($did(grater,11).seltext,1,32) %grater.kill.reason
    hadd kill $gettok($did(grater,11).seltext,2,32)
    did -d grater 11 $did(grater,11,1).sel
    inc %x
on *:dialog:grater:sclick:8: {
  var %x = 1
  var %selected = $did(grater,11,0).sel
  while ( %x <= %selected ) {
    kline $gettok($did(grater,11).seltext,1,33) %grater.kline.time %grater.kline.reason
    hadd kline $gettok($did(grater,11).seltext,2,32)
    did -d grater 11 $did(grater,11,1).sel
    inc %x
on *:dialog:grater:sclick:9: {
  var %x = 1
  var %selected = $did(grater,11,0).sel
  while ( %x <= %selected ) {
    gline $gettok($did(grater,11).seltext,1,33) %grater.gline.time %grater.gline.reason
    hadd gline $gettok($did(grater,11).seltext,2,32)
    did -d grater 11 $did(grater,11,1).sel
    inc %x
on *:dialog:grater:sclick:100: {
  did -r grater 101
  var %x = 1
  var %lines = $hget($did(grater,100).seltext,0).item
  while ( %x <= %lines ) {
    did -a grater 101 $hget($did(grater,100).seltext,%x).item
    inc %x
;#Group For Check
#whobadidentcheck off
raw 352:*: {
  if ( $dialog(grater) ) && ( $(%badident,2) isin $3 ) {
    did -a grater 11 $6 $+(*,$chr(33),$3,@,$4)
raw 315:*: {
  .disable #whobadidentcheck
  unset %badident
#whobadidentcheck end


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Al_Bundy33   -  Jun 26, 2008

hmmm can ya make one that alerts you when an op changes your ident and host and real name? lol i have some pullin that on me all the time and i never catch it until an hour or 2 later, lol

Yoinx   -  Nov 09, 2005

Thanks Liquid, I didnt even pay attention to that, its just the message the person had wanted that I made it for.

I know that this is an old comment, just trying to check up on my snippets.

LIQUID_NiTrO   -  Mar 24, 2005

Just a note, the G-rater warn notice thing, typing /identd on will not immediately change your identd (you have to reconnect for it to take effect), and also may not work on other IRC clients. The /chgident is a server command and therefore will work on all clients and it immediately changes their identd.

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