Dialog 1.31

By slub77 on Mar 14, 2010

This allows you to chat in mirc, that tiny bit easier, and get information and do stuff as well :)

.Cycle through channels, getting names and doing various actions
.Once selection of a name you can:
..Slap, poke
..Get: Time, Idle, or ping
..see there name, or address
..Send them a message

...Warning system
Wars the user, telling them there current warnngs, if warned more then 3 times, they get kicked, 4 times they get kick banned, after 4 the warn count is reset for that person


Sp yea rate/comment or like :)

Cool glide mouse over add on, with the address it has a hover allowing the drop down for the address type to be only visible if the address button is enabled, and it's within a certain range.

Has an auto.update prompt, by checking the title of the script here, it can see if you have the newest version of the script, if you do not an update button will appear, and link you to this page, where you can get the new script an update :)

Clipboard button added, to copy anything that you may obtain from someone using the dialog to get information on someone, once you (example) click address, you can click CP to copy that address to your clipboard, and then you can paste that else where.

on *:DIALOG:away:close:*:sockclose update

on *:sockopen:update: {
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET /snippet/7413/ HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: $+(www.hawkee.com,$str($crlf,2))

on *:sockread:update: {
  var %memberl | sockread %up
  if ($regex(%up,/<title>(.+) - mIRC Code Snippet</title>/)) { 
    if $regml(1) == %updateslub { did -o away 1 1 $regml(1) | sockclose update }
    else { set %updateslub $regml(1) | did -o away 1 1 New version avaiable | did -v away 31  | sockclose update }

dialog away {
  title User Infomation :)
  size -1 -1 208 118
  option dbu

  edit  , 1, 3 3 191 10, disable, center
  box Infomation, 2, 3 13 200 28

  list 3, 20 42 50 70
  list 4, 73 42 50 70
  list 5, 124 42 50 70

  text $upper($chan(%a)) , 6, 20 103 50 10
  text $upper($chan(%b)) , 7, 73 103 50 10
  text $upper($chan(%c)) , 8, 124 103 50 10

  button >, 9, 190 70 10 10
  button <, 10, 4 70 10 10

  button Name, 11, 5 20 25 10
  button Address, 12, 5 30 25 10
  button Ping, 13, 30 20 25 10
  button Idle, 14, 30 30 25 10
  button Time, 15, 55 20 25 10
  button Query, 16, 55 30 25 10
  text "|" , 17, 80 20 10 10
  text "|" , 18, 80 30 10 10
  button Slap, 19, 85 30 25 10
  button Poke, 20, 85 20 25 10
  button Ignore, 21, 110 30 25 10
  button unignore, 22, 110 20 25 10
  text "|" , 23, 135 20 10 10
  text "|" , 24, 135 30 10 10
  button kick, 25, 140 30 25 10
  button Ban, 26, 140 20 25 10
  button Ban/kick, 27, 165 30 25 10
  button Warn, 28, 165 20 25 10
  text , 29, 190 20 10 10
  combo 30, 2 40 16 10, drop
  button Update, 31, 182 110 30 10
  button CP, 32, 195 3 10 10

on *:DIALOG:away:mouse:*:{
  if $mouse.y >= 64 && $mouse.y <= 196 && $mouse.x >= 13 && $mouse.x <= 56 && $did(12).enabled { did -e $dname 30 }
  else { did -b $dname 30 }


menu * {
  Slub's Dialog:/dialog -ma away away

on *:DIALOG:away:sclick:*:{
  if $did == 3 { did -u $dname 4,5 | did -e $dname 11-20 | $checki | $meop |   did -o $dname 29 1 $readini(warn.ini, warning, $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2)) }
  if $did == 4 { did -u $dname 3,5 | did -e $dname 11-20 | $checki | $meop |   did -o $dname 29 1 $readini(warn.ini, warning, $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2)) }
  if $did == 5 { did -u $dname 3,4 | did -e $dname 11-20 | $checki | $meop |   did -o $dname 29 1 $readini(warn.ini, warning, $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2)) }
  if $did == 9 {
    inc %a | inc %b | inc %c 
    if !$check {
      did -r $dname 4,3,5 |  $chan1
    else { did -o $dname 1 1 Can not go any more that way (>) }
  if $did == 10 {
    dec %a | dec %b | dec %c 
    if !$checkb {
      did -r $dname 4,3,5 |  $chan1
    else { did -o $dname 1 1 Can not go any more that way  (<) }
  if $did == 11 { did -o $dname 1 1 $did($checko,0).seltext }
  if $did == 12  {
    if !$address($did($checko,0).seltext,$did(30,0).seltext) { did -o $dname 1 1 Not-Avaiable, Please select an alternative selection from the below drop down }
    else { did -o $dname 1 1 $address($did($checko,0).seltext, $did(30,0).seltext ) }
  if $did == 13 { ctcp $did($checko,0).seltext ping }
  if $did == 14 { ctcp $did($checko,0).seltext finger }
  if $did == 15 { ctcp $did($checko,0).seltext Time }
  if $did == 16 { query $did($checko,0).seltext Hello }
  if $did == 19 { describe $checkp slaps $did($checko,0).seltext }
  if $did == 20 { describe $checkp pokes $did($checko,0).seltext }
  if $did == 21 { ignore $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2) | did -o $dname 1 1 IGNORED | did -e $dname 22 | did -b $dname 21  }
  if $did == 22 { ignore off $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2) | did -o $dname 1 1 UNIGNORED | did -e $dname 21 | did -b $dname 22 }
  if $did == 25 { /k $checkp $did($checko,0).seltext }
  if $did == 26 { /mode $checkp +b $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2) }
  if $did == 27 {  /mode $checkp +b $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2) | /k $checkp $did($checko,0).seltext  }
  if $did == 28 {
    if $readini(warn.ini, warning, $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2)) >= 3 { mode $checkp +b $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2) | k $checkp $did($checko,0).seltext You have been warned $readini(warn.ini, warning, $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2)) times | remini warn.ini warning $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2) }
    if $readini(warn.ini, warning, $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2)) >= 4 { /k $checkp $did($checko,0).seltext You have been warned $readini(warn.ini, warning, $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2)) times }

    else {
      notice $did($checko,0).seltext You are being warned >: : WARNING LEVEL AT 2,4 $readini(warn.ini, warning, $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2))
    set %warn $iif($readini(warn.ini, warning, $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2)),$readini(warn.ini, warning, $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2)),0) | inc %warn | writeini warn.ini warning $address($did($checko,0).seltext,2) %warn }
  if $did == 31 { run http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/7413/ | $input(Update will now bring up the webpage your dialog will now think it's updated, but you need to edit the script it self by copying the new one in to your scrips replacing the current one,v) }
  if $did == 32 { clipboard $did(1) | did -o $dname 1 1 Data is now in your clipboard }

on *:CTCPREPLY:finger*:$iif($dialog(away).active,/did -o away 1 1 $round($calc($5 / 60),2) Min Idle) | haltdef
on *:CTCPREPLY:ping*:$iif($dialog(away).active,/did -o away 1 1 $abs($1-))
on *:CTCPREPLY:time*:$iif($dialog(away).active,/did -o away 1 1 $1- )

on *:DIALOG:away:init:*:{
  set %a 1 | set %b 2 | set %c 3
  did -b $dname 11-28,30
  did -i $dname 30 1 1 | did -i $dname 30 2 2 | did -i $dname 30 3 3 | did -i $dname 30 4 4 | did -i $dname 30 5 5 | did -i $dname 30 6 6 | did -i $dname 30 7 7 | did -i $dname 30 8 8 
  sockopen update www.hawkee.com 80
  did -h $dname 31


alias -l meop {
  if $me isop $checkp { did -e $dname 25-28 }
  else { did -b $dname 25-28 }
alias -l chan1 {
  didtok away 4 32 $regsubex($str(-,$nick($chan(%b),0)),/(.)/g,$+($nick($chan(%b),\n),$chr(32))) | did -o $dname 6 1 $upper($chan(%a))
  didtok away 3 32 $regsubex($str(-,$nick($chan(%a),0)),/(.)/g,$+($nick($chan(%a),\n),$chr(32))) | did -o $dname 7 1 $upper($chan(%b))
  didtok away 5 32 $regsubex($str(-,$nick($chan(%c),0)),/(.)/g,$+($nick($chan(%c),\n),$chr(32))) | did -o $dname 8 1 $upper($chan(%c))

alias -l check {
  if !$chan(%c) { return $true }
alias -l checkb {
  if $chan(%a) isnum { return $true }
alias -l checko {
  if $did(3,0).seltext { return 3 }
  if $did(4,0).seltext { return 4 }
  if $did(5,0).seltext { return 5 }

alias -l checkp {
  if $did(3,0).seltext { return $did(6) }
  if $did(4,0).seltext { return $did(7) }
  if $did(5,0).seltext { return $did(8) }

alias -l checki {
  if $ignore($address($did($checko,0).seltext,2)) { did -b $dname 21 | did -e $dname 22 }
  else { did -e $dname 21 | did -b $dname 22 }


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slub77   -  Mar 17, 2010

Auto Update section explanation in description

slub77   -  Mar 14, 2010

Thanks :) just made another one for voice http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/7415/ just a re-make of another one..but they used a menu >:

Edited, i had the menu somewhere else sorry
Edit: added menu

Jethro   -  Mar 14, 2010

Keep up the good work, slub77.

blackvenomm666   -  Mar 14, 2010

ok well looks good to me i like it

blackvenomm666   -  Mar 14, 2010

ok maybe im stupid but i loaded it into scripts editor and i can figure out how to open the thing nvm i got it u should set it to a right click somewhere

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