Video Poker

By FordLawnmower on Feb 10, 2010

This is Video Poker in a mIRC Dialog. All of the controls in the game should be self explanatory.
To use:
Load in Remotes.
From any menu Click - Initialize Video Poker Deck. This will take 13 seconds.
After the Deck is done, click Video Poker from any menu.
Note If you load this script with the load command, it will initialize the deck on load.

;Video Poker by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help
menu * { 
  $iif($isdir(Poker),Video Poker,Initialize Video Poker Deck): {
    if (!$isdir(Poker)) GetPokerDeck
    else dialog $iif($dialog(VideoPoker),-v,-md) VideoPoker VideoPoker
dialog VideoPoker {
  title "Video Poker"
  size -1 -1 151 189
  option dbu
  icon 1, 7 116 22 31
  icon 2, 35 116 22 31
  icon 3, 63 116 22 31
  icon 4, 91 116 22 31
  icon 5, 120 116 22 31
  text "", 6, 8 106 22 8, center
  text "", 7, 36 106 22 8, center
  text "", 8, 64 106 22 8, center
  text "", 9, 92 106 22 8, center
  text "", 10, 121 106 22 8, center
  button "Deal", 11, 103 173 37 12
  button "Bet+", 12, 10 173 17 12
  button "Bet-", 13, 29 173 17 12
  text "Current Bet $", 14, 51 175 35 8, right
  text "1", 15, 86 175 15 8
  text "Royal Flush  250 to 1", 16, 23 9 108 8, center
  text "Straight Flush 100 to 1", 17, 23 19 108 8, center
  text "Four of a Kind 75 to 1", 18, 23 29 108 8, center
  text "Full House 50 to 1", 19, 23 39 108 8, center
  text "Flush 30 to 1", 20, 23 49 109 8, center
  text "Straight 20 to 1", 21, 23 59 109 8, center
  text "Three of a Kind 10 to 1", 22, 23 69 108 8, center
  text "Two Pair 5 to 1", 23, 22 79 110 8, center
  box "Payouts", 24, 12 2 129 91
  text "Your Cash $", 25, 11 153 31 8
  edit "500", 26, 42 152 50 10, read autohs
  text "", 27, 12 163 128 8, center
  text "Click Deal to Begin.", 28, 8 96 136 8, center
On *:Dialog:VideoPoker:init:*: { did -g $dname 1-5 Poker\0.png }
On *:Dialog:VideoPoker:Sclick:*: {
  if ($did) && ($did < 6) && ($did($dname,11) == Draw) {
    var %hold $calc($did + 5)
    if ($did($dname,%hold)) { did -a $dname %hold }
    else { did -a $dname %hold Hold }
  elseif ($did == 11) { $did($dname,$did) }
  elseif ($did == 12) && ($did($dname,11) == Deal) {
    if ($did($dname,15) < 10) { did -a $dname 15 $calc($did($dname,15) + 1) }
    else { 
      did -a $dname 27 Max Bet Has Been Reached.
      .timer 1 3 did -a $dname 27 
  elseif ($did == 13) && ($did($dname,11) == Deal) {
    if ($did($dname,15) > 1) { did -a $dname 15 $calc($did($dname,15) - 1) }
    else { 
      did -a $dname 27 You Must Bet At Least One Dollar.
      .timer 1 3 did -a $dname 27 
alias -l SuitMatch {
  if ($wildtok($1-,$1,0,32) == 5) { return 1 } 
alias OrderMatch {
  tokenize 32 $sorttok($1-,32,n)
  tokenize 32 $sorttok($iif($1 == 1 && $2 != 2,14,$1) $2-,32,n)
  if ($Plus1($1,$2)) && ($Plus1($2,$3)) && ($Plus1($3,$4)) && ($Plus1($4,$5)) { return 1 }
alias -l Plus1 if ($calc($1 + 1) == $2) return 1
alias -l Matches {
  var %Matches $calc($wildtok($1-,$1,0,32) + $wildtok($1-,$2,0,32) + $wildtok($1-,$3,0,32) + $wildtok($1-,$4,0,32) + $wildtok($1-,$5,0,32))
  if (%Matches < 9) { return 0 }
  elseif (%Matches == 9) { return 2 }
  elseif (%Matches == 11) { return 3 }
  elseif (%Matches == 13) { return 5 }
  elseif (%Matches == 17) { return 4 }
alias -l Checkhand {
  tokenize 32 $mid($1,2-) $left($1,1) $mid($2,2-) $left($2,1) $mid($3,2-) $left($3,1) $mid($4,2-) $left($4,1) $mid($5,2-) $left($5,1)
  if ($SuitMatch($2,$4,$6,$8,$10)) {
    if ($OrderMatch($1,$3,$5,$7,$9)) {
      if ($istok($1 $3 $5 $7 $9,1,32)) { return Royal Flush }
      else { return Straight Flush }
    else { return Flush }
  elseif ($OrderMatch($1,$3,$5,$7,$9)) { return Straight }
  elseif ($Matches($1,$3,$5,$7,$9)) {
    var %Match $v1
    if (%Match == 2) { return 2 Pair }
    elseif (%Match == 3) { return 3 of A Kind }
    elseif (%Match == 5) { return Full House }
    elseif (%Match == 4) { return 4 of A Kind }
alias -l MakeDeck {
  if (!$hget(PokerDeck)) { hmake PokerDeck 5 }
  var %count 1
  while (%count <= 13) {
    hadd PokerDeck %count R H %count
    hadd PokerDeck $calc(%count + 13) B C %count
    hadd PokerDeck $calc(%count + 26) B S %count
    hadd PokerDeck $calc(%count + 39) R D %count
    inc %count
alias -l swap {
  var %a $r(1,52), %b $r(1,52), %adata $hget(PokerDeck,%a), %bdata $hget(PokerDeck,%b)
  hadd PokerDeck %a %bdata
  hadd PokerDeck %b %adata
alias -l shuffle {
  var %count 1
  while (%count <= 100) {
    inc %count
alias -l Draw {
  if ($dialog(VideoPoker)) {
    var %card, %count 1
    while (%count <= 5) {
      if (!$did(VideoPoker,$calc(%count + 5))) { %card = $+(%card,$chr(32),%count) }
      inc %count
    tokenize 32 %card
    %count = 1 
    var %counter $gettok(%card,0,32)
    while (%count <= %counter) {
      did -g VideoPoker $gettok(%card,%count,32) $+(Poker\,$remove($hget(PokerDeck,$calc(%count + 5)),$chr(32)),.png)
      inc %count
    Score VideoPoker
    did -a VideoPoker 11 Deal
alias -l Deal {
  did -a VideoPoker 6-10
  if ($dialog(VideoPoker)) {
    if (!$did(VideoPoker,26)) { did -a VideoPoker 28 Game Over!! Out of Cash!! }
    elseif ($did(VideoPoker,26) < $did(VideoPoker,15)) { 
      did -a VideoPoker 27 You don't have that much cash!! Lower your bet!! 
      .timer 1 3 did -a VideoPoker 27
    else {
      did -a VideoPoker 11 Draw
      var %card 1
      while (%card <= 5) {
        did -g VideoPoker %card $+(Poker\,$remove($hget(PokerDeck,%card),$chr(32)),.png)
        inc %card
      did -a VideoPoker 28 Click the cards you want to keep then Click Draw.
alias -l Score {
  tokenize 32 $remove($mid($nopath($did($1,1)),2-) $mid($nopath($did($1,2)),2-) $mid($nopath($did($1,3)),2-) $mid($nopath($did($1,4)),2-) $mid($nopath($did($1,5)),2-),.png)
  var %cash $did(VideoPoker,26), %bet $did(VideoPoker,15)
  if ($checkhand($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)) {
    var %Winner $v1, %Prize
    if (%Winner == 2 Pair) { %Prize = 5 }
    elseif (%Winner == 3 of A Kind) { %Prize = 10 }
    elseif (%Winner == Straight) { %Prize = 20 }
    elseif (%Winner == Flush) { %Prize = 30 }
    elseif (%Winner == Full House) { %Prize = 50 }
    elseif (%Winner == 4 of A Kind) { %Prize = 75 }
    elseif (%Winner == Straight Flush) { %Prize = 100 }
    elseif (%Winner == Royal Flush) { %Prize = 250 }
    did -a VideoPoker 28 Winner!! %Winner - Prize $+($chr(36),$calc(%Prize * %bet)) - Click Deal to Play Again.
    did -ra VideoPoker 26 $calc(%cash + [ %bet * %Prize ] )
  else { 
    did -a VideoPoker 28 You Lose :( Click Deal to Play Again
    did -ra VideoPoker 26 $calc(%cash - %bet)
alias GetPokerDeck {
  echo -a Initializing Video Poker Deck. This will take about 13 Seconds. Please Wait......
  var %count 1
  while (%count <= 13) {
    .timer 1 %count GetCard $+(/decks/anglo/9/,%count,h.png) Poker $+(RH,%count,.png)
    .timer 1 %count GetCard $+(/decks/anglo/9/,%count,c.png) Poker $+(BC,%count,.png)
    .timer 1 %count GetCard $+(/decks/anglo/9/,%count,s.png) Poker $+(BS,%count,.png)
    .timer 1 %count GetCard $+(/decks/anglo/9/,%count,d.png) Poker $+(RD,%count,.png)
    inc %count
  GetCard /decks/anglo/9/base_foundation.png Poker 0.png
  GetCard /decks/anglo/9/back.png Poker back.png
  .timer 1 %count echo -a Video Poker Deck is complete. Enjoy the Game.
alias -l GetCard {
  if ($isfile($qt($+($3,\,$4)))) { .remove $qt($+($3,\,$4)) }
  var %sockname $+(GetCard,$ticks,$r(1,$ticks))
  if (!$isdir($qt($3))) { mkdir $qt($3) }
  sockopen %sockname $1 80
  sockmark %sockname $1-
On *:sockopen:GetCard*:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,32) HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
On *:sockread:GetCard*:{
  if (!$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32)) {
    var %GetCard | sockread %GetCard
    if (!%GetCard) { sockmark $sockname $addtok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) }
  else {
    sockread &GetCard
    bwrite -s $qt($+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32),\,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32))) -1 -1 &GetCard
On *:Load: { if (!$isdir(Poker)) GetPokerDeck }


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beeper   -  Nov 19, 2011

Is there anyway you can convert this into a channle bot? Like this below.

<%bot> -> user -> Bank for user: 6,421,745 Coins
<&user> !poker 500
<%bot> -> user -> Your cards are: Qd 10s 8c 7s 9h | Options: !deal & !howtopoker
<&user> !deal 1
<%bot> -> user -> Sorry, you didn't win. You Lost 500 VCoins. Your Cards: Kc 10s 8c 7s 9h
<&user> !bank
<%bot> -> user -> Bank for user: 6,421,245 Coins
<&user> !poker 1000
<%bot> -> user -> Your cards are: Ac As 6s Qs 6c | Options: !deal & !howtopoker
<&user> !deal 345
<%bot> -> user -> You got one pair, Jacks or better. You received your bet (1,000 Coins) back. Your cards: Ac As 5h 9c Qh

FordLawnmower   -  Jun 12, 2011


blackvenomm666   -  Jun 11, 2011

fyi i love this thing

blackvenomm666   -  Apr 29, 2011

ahh that worked. ty. would be cool if you could make vid poker that could be played multi player with the dialog haha

FordLawnmower   -  Apr 29, 2011

It's fixed now blackvenomm666 . Just load the updated code and type : /GetPokerDeck

blackvenomm666   -  Apr 29, 2011

it downloaded them but they wouldnt show up in the dialog. nor did they show up if i tried to open them via other programs

FordLawnmower   -  Apr 29, 2011

I'll check into it blackvenomm666 and see if I can find the problem. I have the cards , so if nothing else I can upload them somewhere else and make a small edit to the script.

blackvenomm666   -  Apr 29, 2011

i like the idea but it wouldnt load the cards

FordLawnmower   -  Apr 23, 2010

NP :)

SglCdnMade   -  Apr 23, 2010

That works. Thanks!!

Very nice!

FordLawnmower   -  Apr 23, 2010

@SglCdnMade I just noticed the 6.2 version comment.
Change that line to this:

var %a $r(1,52), %b $r(1,52), %adata $hget(PokerDeck, [ %a ] ), %bdata $hget(PokerDeck, [ %b ] )

Should work fine then :)

SglCdnMade   -  Apr 23, 2010

I changed that line of code to what you have shown. I also did a check for any alias r. There is none in any of the scripts I have loaded.

Still getting the same error.

FordLawnmower   -  Apr 23, 2010

The only way that line can generate that error is if you have an alias r {} That is interfering with the mIRC identifier $r.
Try changing that line to this:

var %a $rand(1,52), %b $rand(1,52), %adata $hget(PokerDeck,%a), %bdata $hget(PokerDeck,%b)

If this works then you have a script loaded with an alias named r. It should probably be changed to something else.

SglCdnMade   -  Apr 23, 2010

Yeah, line 111 is the same as what you have posted.

it's the 2nd line in the alias -l swap.

var %a $r(1,52), %b $r(1,52), %adata $hget(PokerDeck,%a), %bdata $hget(PokerDeck,%b)

Not sure if this makes a difference... but I am using mIRC version 6.2

FordLawnmower   -  Apr 23, 2010

@SglCdnMade Hmmm, Is this what you have for line 111:

  var %a $r(1,52), %b $r(1,52), %adata $hget(PokerDeck,%a), %bdata $hget(PokerDeck,%b)
SglCdnMade   -  Apr 23, 2010

I have loaded this script.. After it has initialized & I press the deal button. I get the following error in my Status window... * Invalid format: $hget (line 111, Poker.txt)

Here is the info.

Initializing Video Poker Deck. This will take about 13 Seconds. Please Wait......
Video Poker Deck is complete. Enjoy the Game.

  • Invalid format: $hget (line 111, Poker.txt)
FordLawnmower   -  Apr 23, 2010

Thanks PunkTuReD :)

PuNkTuReD   -  Apr 23, 2010

absolutely brilliant.
+10 and a like

FordLawnmower   -  Mar 18, 2010

Thanks slub77 :)

slub77   -  Mar 18, 2010

Awesome script :D good dialog :D

FordLawnmower   -  Feb 16, 2010

Thank you eNkIL :)

eNkIL   -  Feb 16, 2010

Really good man congratz!!

FordLawnmower   -  Feb 13, 2010

Thanks Quick :)

Quick   -  Feb 13, 2010

Very nice.

sunslayer   -  Feb 11, 2010

cheaters = winners :)

FordLawnmower   -  Feb 11, 2010

Haha, well you do have 250 Zillion Dollars.

sunslayer   -  Feb 11, 2010

are you callin me cheater ford? :'(

FordLawnmower   -  Feb 11, 2010

@Kirby that's my biggest problem with these sockets scripts, they just keep changing the sites ;/ It's amazing how hard it can be to read your own code after only a few months have passed.
@sunslayer Did you really hit that or have some help from /did?

sunslayer   -  Feb 10, 2010

bow down to my leet poker skillz :p
nice job

Kirby   -  Feb 10, 2010

Thank you. It seems like some of the websites that I had used for sockets have changed their layout/source, so a lot of them are broken. I've received many complaints about this, so I have to remake many of them, one by one.

Seems like you've made a much better Youtube downloader than I did.

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