
By MadaraUchiha on Feb 03, 2010

this is just for my friend so nothing else and i might post something other and by the way this is not mine it is WarioPower's

;Start Command
ON *:TEXT:!PokeBattle*:#:{
  if ($me == Ash) {
    .timer 1 1 mode $chan +v $nick
    .timer 1 2 mode $chan +m 
    .timer 1 3 msg $chan 2Welcome14 $nick 2to a world known as, 4,1 POKEMON! 
    .timer 1 4 msg $chan 2You are about to have the greatest Pokemon battle of your life!
    .timer 1 5 msg $chan 2Would you like anyone to vs. you in this battle? If so type: 14!PokeAdd person
    .timer 1 6 msg $chan 2If someone watching would like to vs. $nick $+ , type: /notice $nick I wanna play.
;Player 2 Add Command
ON *:TEXT:!PokeAdd*:#:{
  if ($me == Ash) {
    set %Player2 $2
    .timer 1 1 mode $chan +v %Player2
    .timer 1 2 msg $chan 2So you want14 %Player2 2to play aganst you eh, good luck. You'll need it. >:]
    .timer 1 3 msg $chan 2Now, please change your nick to a playable character. To find a list of playable characters type: 14!PokeList
;Playable Pokemon List Command
ON *:TEXT:!PokeList*:#:{
  if ($me == Ash) {
    .timer 1 1 msg $chan 2Playable characters are: 14PVenusaur2,14 PCharizard2, 14PBlastoise2, and 14PRaichu2.
    .timer 1 2 notice $nick Once you change your nick to the character you pick, please type !PokeMoves PokemonHere for a list of moves.
;Pokemon Movelist Command
ON *:TEXT:!PokeMoves &:#: {
  if ($me == Ash) {
    if ($2 == PVenusaur) {
      .timer 1 1 notice $nick Your moveset for $2 is:
      .timer 1 2 notice $nick 1-8 Points: !RazorLeaf
      .timer 1 3 notice $nick 9-13 Points: !Earthquake
      .timer 1 4 notice $nick 14-20 Points: !FrenzyPlant
      .timer 1 5 notice $nick -
    elseif ($2 == PCharizard) {
      .timer 1 1 notice $nick Your moveset for $2 is:
      .timer 1 2 notice $nick 1-5 Points: !FlameThrower
      .timer 1 3 notice $nick 5-10 Points: !DragonRage
      .timer 1 4 notice $nick 15-20 Points: !BlastBurn
      .timer 1 5 notice $nick -
    elseif ($2 == PBlastoise) {
      .timer 1 1 notice $nick Your moveset for $2 is:
      .timer 1 2 notice $nick 1-5 Points: !WaterGun
      .timer 1 3 notice $nick 5-10 Points: !SkullBash
      .timer 1 4 notice $nick 15-20 Points: !HydroCannon
      .timer 1 5 notice $nick -
    elseif ($2 == PRaichu) {
      .timer 1 1 notice $nick Your moveset for $2 is:
      .timer 1 2 notice $nick 1-5 Points: !IronTail
      .timer 1 3 notice $nick 5-10 Points: !Surf
      .timer 1 4 notice $nick 15-20 Points: !Thunder
      .timer 1 5 notice $nick -
    elseif ($2 != PVenasaur) || ($2 != PCharizard) || ($2 != PBlastoise) || ($2 != PRaichu) {
      .timer 1 1 notice $nick The is no logged moveset for the pokemon $2 $+ .
;Pokemon Nick Notice Command
ON *:NICK: { 
  if ($me == Ash) {
    if ($newnick == PVenusaur) {
      .timer 1 1 notice $newnick You are the character: Venusaur.
      .timer 1 2 notice $newnick Once you and your partner are done choosing characters, please type: !PokeReady
      .timer 1 3 notice $newnick If your partner has already typed this command, please do not type it again.
    elseif ($newnick == PCharizard) {
      .timer 1 1 notice $newnick You are the character: Charizard
      .timer 1 2 notice $newnick Once you and your partner are done choosing characters, please type: !PokeReady
      .timer 1 3 notice $newnick If your partner has already typed this command, please do not type it again.
    elseif ($newnick == PBlastoise) {
      .timer 1 1 notice $newnick You are the character: Blastoise
      .timer 1 2 notice $newnick Once you and your partner are done choosing characters, please type: !PokeReady
      .timer 1 3 notice $newnick If your partner has already typed this command, please do not type it again.
    elseif ($newnick == PRaichu) {
      .timer 1 1 notice $newnick You are the character: Raichu
      .timer 1 2 notice $newnick Once you and your partner are done choosing characters, please type: !PokeReady
      .timer 1 3 notice $newnick If your partner has already typed this command, please do not type it again.
;Getting Ready Command
ON *:TEXT:!PokeReady*:#:{
  if ($me == Ash) {
    .timer 1 1 msg $chan 2So, it seems to me that you have gotten this far, good job.
    .timer 1 2 msg $chan 2But, we still have to go over some: 14Rules.
    .timer 1 3 msg $chan 2For a list of rules, please type: 14!PokeRules
    .timer 1 4 msg $chan 2After that is done confirm with your partner that you are ready to begin and may the person that started this game type: 14!PokeBegin
;Game Rules Command
ON *:TEXT:!PokeRules*:#:{
  if ($me == Ash) {
    .timer 1 1 notice $nick Rule 1: Please take your turn one at a time. Let your partner take his turn before you take yours twice.
    .timer 1 2 notice $nick Rule 2: No foul language while playing. It's not needed.
    .timer 1 3 notice $nick Rule 3: Don't spam the commands while playing. My computer could freeze and the game will be over.
    .timer 1 4 notice $nick Rule 4: Have fun!!!


;Begin Battle Script
ON *:TEXT:!PokeBegin*:#:{
  if ($me == Ash) {
    .timer 1 1 msg $chan 2You $nick have just typed 14Pokebattle.2 Since you typed the command you may go first. You each have4 2002 HP. Please use, all the moves.
    .timer 1 2 msg $chan 2ON YOUR MARK!
    .timer 1 4 msg $chan 2GET SET!
    .timer 1 6 msg $chan 4GOOOOOOOOOOOO!
;Moves for PVenusaur
ON *:TEXT:!RazorLeaf *:#: {
  if ($nick == PVenusaur) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(1,8)
      msg # $nick stands his ground firmly in front of $2 and whips $2 with some extremely sharp razor leafs. The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }
ON *:TEXT:!EarthQuake *:#: {
  if ($nick == PVenusaur) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(9,13)
      msg # $nick stands throws $2 onto the ground and bangs the earth! The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }
ON *:TEXT:!FrenzyPlant *:#: {
  if ($nick == PVenusaur) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(30,40)
      msg # $nick focuses his energy and erupts a massive tangle of vines, attacking $2 $+ ! The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }

;Moves for PCharizard
ON *:TEXT:!FlameThrower *:#: {
  if ($nick == PCharizard) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(1,8)
      msg # $nick takes a deep breath and slowly exhales burning fire on $2 $+ ! The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }
ON *:TEXT:!DragonRage *:#: {
  if ($nick == PCharizard) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(9,13)
      msg # $nick ejects a massive amber flame from his mouth, burning $2 with a powerful dragon-like acid $+ ! The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }
ON *:TEXT:!BlastBurn *:#: {
  if ($nick == PCharizard) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(30,40)
      msg # $nick blasts $2 with a burning sensation of fire in the shape of a large sphere $+ ! The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }

;Moves for PBlastoise
ON *:TEXT:!WaterGun *:#: {
  if ($nick == PBlastoise) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(1,8)
      msg # $nick shoots a quick burst of water on $2 inflicting moderate damage $+ ! The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }
ON *:TEXT:!SkullBash *:#: {
  if ($nick == PBlastoise) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(9,13)
      msg # $nick pulls his head back and lunges towards $2 with heavy thrust $+ ! The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }
ON *:TEXT:!HydroCannon *:#: {
  if ($nick == PBlastoise) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(30,40)
      msg # $nick builds up a pool of water and releases it at $2 with the pressure and form of a cannonball $+ ! The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }

;Moves for PRaichu
ON *:TEXT:!IronTail *:#: {
  if ($nick == PRaichu) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(1,8)
      msg # $nick hardens its tail like heavy metal and quickly swings it at $2 $+ ! The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }
ON *:TEXT:!Surf *:#: {
  if ($nick == PRaichu) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(9,13)
      msg # $nick builds up a wave of water and drowns $2 immersed in it $+ ! The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }
ON *:TEXT:!Thunder *:#: {
  if ($nick == PRaichu) {
    if ($me == Ash) {
      var %x $r(30,40)
      msg # $nick releases a bolt of thunder from the skies and embraces $2 with its unbearable voltage $+ ! The damage done to $2 was %x damage. | .timer 1 2 msg $chan It is now $2 $+ 's turn!
      if (!$readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 %x
      elseif ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2)) .writeini damage.ini Damage $2 $calc($v1 + %x)
      if ($readini(damage.ini,Damage,$2) >= 200) { .timer 1 1 mode # -v $2 | .timer 1 2 msg # $2 now has $v1 damage and is devoiced. Resetting value... | .timer 1 3 msg $chan Congrats $nick $+ ! You have beat $2 and won this battle! | .timer 1 4 remini damage.ini Damage $2 | .timer 1 5 mode $chan -v $nick | .timer 1 6 mode $chan -m | .timer 1 7 msg $chan You may now change your nick back to what it was before the game started. }


;PokeKill Command
ON *:TEXT:!PokeKill*:#:{
  if ($me == Ash) {
    if ($nick == PRaichu) {
      .timer 1 1 msg $chan $nick uses the move Kill giving $2 an 1000 Point KO!
      .timer 1 2 mode $chan -v $2
      .timer 1 3 msg $chan 2 $+ $2 has been taken out of the game. The game has ended.
      .timer 1 4 mode $chan -m
;Voice Nick Command
ON *:TEXT:!PokeVoice*:#:{
  if ($me == Ash) {
    if ($nick == PRaichu) {
      .timer 1 1 mode $chan +v $2
;Devoice Nick Command
ON *:TEXT:!PokeUnVoice*:#:{
  if ($me == Ash) {
    if ($nick == PRaichu) {
      .timer 1 1 mode $chan -v $2


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LionX   -  Oct 17, 2011


hello2u   -  Feb 07, 2010

Try pastebin, hawkee isn't for giving scripts to friends.

#Warizardworks   -  Feb 06, 2010

Um... Yeah I made this, but um. I'm confused haha, I guess... here it is again?
~ Wariopower

jsg55   -  Feb 04, 2010

lol im not sure if wariopower minds but i think hes already posted this http://www.hawkee.com/snippet/6648/

Jethro   -  Feb 04, 2010

Did you tell WarioPower? I hope he doesn't give a damn. Then again, maybe WarioPower got it from someone else as well...mirc codes these days are like stars in the sky, scattering all over the places for people to rip or whatever. lol

napa182   -  Feb 03, 2010


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