Youtube Video Search/Downloader

By FordLawnmower on Feb 03, 2010

This script will search Youtube and return the results to the dialog along with information about them and a preview image. At this point you can select the quality/file type to download
to download the selected video with your default browser.
Alternately, if you know the link for a video you want, you can enter it in the search box and when you click [Search / Get] to download the video.
Put this in the search box and click [Search / Get] to download with the direct link.

Getting started:
Load the script into remotes.
Right click the screen or any menu and select Youtube Video Downloader.
Enter some words in the search box and click search.
Click Play to Play the selected video.
Click Download to see the download selection.
Click a selection to download.

Videos are downloaded to $mircdirYoutube
Easy way to view the directory.

//run $mircdirYoutube

Updated 12-27-2011
This script now uses wget and will download the needed files on first use.

;Youtube Video Downloader by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help
menu * {
  Youtube Video Downloader: dialog $iif($dialog(Y_V_D),-v,-md) Y_V_D Y_V_D
alias -l YoutubeSearch {
  if ($sock(YoutubeSearch)) { sockclose YoutubeSearch }
  sockopen YoutubeSearch 80
  sockmark YoutubeSearch $+(/results?search_type=videos&aq=f&search_query=,$replace($1-,$chr(32),+))
On *:sockopen:YoutubeSearch: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    did -r Y_V_D 3,13,17-20
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $sock($sockname).mark HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
On *:sockread:YoutubeSearch: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
  else {
    var %Youtube | sockread %Youtube
    if (No video results isin %Youtube) {
      did -a Y_V_D 3,13 No results were found for your search!
      if ($hget($sockname)) hfree $sockname
      sockclose $sockname
    elseif (<h3 class="yt-lockup-title"> isin %Youtube && __title__ !isin %Youtube) {
      if ($regex(%Youtube,/title="([^"]*)"/i)) did -a Y_V_D 3,13 $fix($regml(1))
      if ($regex(%Youtube,/\/watch\?v=([^"]*)"/i)) {
        did -a Y_V_D 20 $regml(1)
        GetThumb $+(/vi/,$regml(1),/default.jpg) YouTubeThumbs $+($calc($did(Y_V_D,13).lines),.jpg)
    elseif (by <a href=" isin %Youtube && __channel_url__ !isin %Youtube) {
      if ($regex(%Youtube,/>([^<]+)<\/a><\/li><li>([^<]+)<\/li><li>([^<]+)\sviews/i)) { 
        did -a Y_V_D 19 $regml(1)
        did -a Y_V_D 18 $regml(2)
        did -a Y_V_D 17 $regml(3)
      elseif ($regex(%Youtube,/data-name="">([^<]*)<\/a>/i)) {
        did -a Y_V_D 19 $regml(1)
    elseif ($regex(%Youtube,/<\/li><li>([^<]+)<\/li><li>([^<]+)\sviews/i)) {
      did -a Y_V_D 18 $regml(1)
      did -a Y_V_D 17 $regml(2)
On *:sockclose:YoutubeSearch: {
  did -c Y_V_D 3,13,17-20 1
  if ($hget($sockname)) hfree $sockname
  sockclose $sockname
  .timer 1 3 did -g Y_V_D 5 youtubethumbs/1.jpg
alias -l fix { return $regsubex($remove($replace($1-,&amp;,&,&quot;,"),amp;),/&#([0-9]{2});/gi,$chr(\t)) }
dialog Y_V_D {
  title "Youtube Video Downloader"
  size -1 -1 231 238
  option dbu
  edit "", 1, 4 11 173 10, autohs
  button "Search / Get", 2, 181 9 46 12
  combo 3, 2 40 90 9
  text "Results", 4, 100 31 127 8, center
  icon 5, 7 55 79 69
  text "Views:", 9, 4 134 25 8, right
  text "Added:", 10, 4 149 25 8, right
  text "User:", 11, 4 163 25 8, right
  text "Video ID:", 12, 4 177 25 8, right
  list 13, 100 40 126 175
  combo 17, 33 133 60 9
  combo 18, 33 148 60 9
  combo 19, 33 162 60 9
  combo 20, 33 176 60 9
  button "Download", 22, 144 219 39 12
  button "Play", 23, 188 219 39 12
  text "Video Title", 24, 2 31 90 8, center
On *:dialog:Y_V_D:Sclick:2,13,21-23: {
  if ($did == 2) && ($did($dname,1).text) {
    tokenize 32 $v1
    if ($regex($1,/v=([\S]{11})/Si)) { YTubeGetDownloadLinks $regml(1) $regml(1) } 
    else { YoutubeSearch $1- }
  elseif ($did == 13) { 
    did -c $dname 3,17-20 $did(Y_V_D,13).sel
    did -g $dname 5 $+(youtubethumbs/,$did(Y_V_D,13).sel,.jpg)
  elseif ($did == 22) && ($did(20)) { YTubeGetDownloadLinks $v1 $did(3).seltext }
  elseif ($did == 23) { url -an $+(,$did($dname,20).seltext) }
alias -l GetWget {
  $iif(!$isdir(wget),mkdir wget)
  if (!$exists(wget/wget.exe)) WshVbscriptDownload wget/wget.exe
  if (!$exists(wget/libssl32.dll)) WshVbscriptDownload wget/libssl32.dll
  if (!$exists(wget/libintl3.dll)) WshVbscriptDownload wget/libintl3.dll
  if (!$exists(wget/libiconv2.dll)) WshVbscriptDownload wget/libiconv2.dll
  if (!$exists(wget/libeay32.dll)) WshVbscriptDownload wget/libeay32.dll
alias -l GetThumb {
  if ($isfile($qt($+($3,\,$4)))) { .remove $qt($+($3,\,$4)) }
  var %sockname $+(GetThumb,$ticks,$r(1,$ticks))
  if (!$isdir($qt($3))) { mkdir $qt($3) }
  sockopen %sockname $1 80
  sockmark %sockname $1-
On *:sockopen:GetThumb*:{
  sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,32) HTTP/1.0
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) $+ $crlf $+ $crlf
On *:sockread:GetThumb*:{
  if (!$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32)) {
    var %GetThumb | sockread %GetThumb
    if (!%GetThumb) { sockmark $sockname $addtok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) }
  else {
    sockread &GetThumb
    bwrite -s $qt($+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32),\,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32))) -1 -1 &GetThumb
;Link select and download starts here.
alias -l YTubeGetDownloadLinks {
  var %sockname $+(YtubeGetDownLoadLinks,$network,$2,$ticks)
  sockopen %sockname 80
  svar %sockname url $+(/watch?v=,$1)
  svar %sockname dname $+(YTubeGetDownloadLinks,~,$1)
  svar %sockname filename $2-
  svar %sockname file $+($1,.text)
On *:sockopen:YtubeGetDownloadLinks*: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $svar($sockname,url) HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
On *:sockread:YtubeGetDownloadLinks*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
  else {
    sockread -f  &YtubeGetDownloadLinks
    if ($bintween(&YtubeGetDownloadLinks,<title>,</title>,1)) svar $sockname filename $v1
    var %YtubeGetDownloadLinks $decodeuri($bvar(&YtubeGetDownloadLinks,1-).text)
    write -n $svar($sockname,file) %YtubeGetDownloadLinks
On *:sockclose:YtubeGetDownloadLinks*: {
  var %file $svar($sockname,file), %count 1, %dname $svar($sockname,dname)
  dialog $iif($dialog(%dname),-v,-m) %dname YT_Download_Selector
  did -a %dname 18 $svar($sockname,filename) 
  bread  $svar($sockname,file) 1 $file(%file).size &parse
  var %start $calc($bfind(&parse, 1, "url_encoded_fmt_stream_map") + 28), %end $bfind(&parse, %start, $+(</script>)), %dif $calc(%end - %start)
  bcopy  &file 1 &parse %start %dif
  while ($bintween(&file,signature=,&,%count))  {
    var %signature $+(&signature=,$gettok($v1,1,44))
    if ($bintween(&file,url=,$chr(44),%count)) { 
      var %url $v1
      noop $regex(%url,/itag=(\d+)/i)
      var %itag $+(&itag=,$regml(1)), %videotype $YoutubeGetQuality($regml(1))
      var %url $regsubex($replace($gettok(%url,1,34),sig=,signature=),/(\&itag=\d+)/gi,$null)
      hadd -m %dname %count $+(%url,$iif(signature= !isin %url,%signature),$iif(itag= !isin %url,%itag))
      if ($dialog(%dname) && $hget(%dname,%count).data) { did -eva %dname %count %videotype }
    inc %count
  .remove $svar($sockname,file)
alias -l YoutubeGetQuality {
  var %key 5,6,13,17,18,22,34,35,36,37,38,43,44,45,46,82,83,84,85,100,101,102,120, $&
  var %itag FLV 240p,FLV 270p,3GP n/a,3GP 144p,MP4 360p, $&
    MP4 720p,FLV 360p,FLV 480p,3GP 240p,MP4 1080p, $&
    MP4 3072p,WebM 360p,WebM 480p,WebM 720p,$&
    WebM 1080p,MP4 360p,MP4 240p,MP4 720p,MP4 520p, $&
    WebM 360p,WebM 360p,WebM 720p,FLV 720p, $&
    MP4 320p,MP4 480p,MP4 640x480,MP4 1280x720,MP4 1920x1080,MP4 Low, $&
    MP4 Med,MP4 Hi,MP4 256x144,WebM Med,WebM Hi, $&
    WebM 320x240,WebM 480x360,WebM 640x480,WebM 640x480,WebM 640x480,WebM 1280x720, $&
    WebM 1920x1080,WebM 1920x1080
  if ($findtok($remove(%key,$chr(32)),$1,44)) return $gettok(%itag,$v1,44)
alias -l Svar {
  var %sockname $1, %item $2
  if ($isid) {
    if ($regex($sock(%sockname).mark,/ $+ %item $+ \x01([^\x01]*)/i)) return $regml(1)
  elseif ($3)  {
    var %value $3-
    if (!$regex($sock(%sockname).mark,/ $+ %item $+ \x01/i)) { sockmark %sockname $+($sock(%sockname).mark,$chr(1),%item,$chr(1),%value) }
    else { sockmark %sockname $regsubex($sock(%sockname).mark,/( $+ %item $+ \x01[^\x01]*)/i,$+(%item,$chr(1),%value)) }
;$bintween by Ford_Lawnmower Syntax = $bintween(&binvar,starttext,endtext,matchnum)
alias -l bintween {
  var %count = 1, %mark = 0, %mark2 = 0
  while (%count <= $4) {
    if ($bfind($1, %mark2, $2).text) {
      %mark = $calc($bfind($1, %mark2, $2).text + $len($2))
      if ($bfind($1, %mark, $3).text) {
        %mark2 = $bfind($1, %mark, $3).text
      else { return 0 } 
    else { return 0 }
    inc %count
  return $bvar($1, $iif(%mark > 0,%mark,1), $calc(%mark2 - %mark)).text
alias -l DecodeUri return $replace($regsubex($1-,/\%([0-9a-f]{2})/gi,$chr($base(\t,16,10))),\u0026,&)
alias -l WshVbscriptDownload {
  var %comname $+(WshVbscriptDownload,$ticks,$r(1,1000))
  .comopen %comname MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
  if ($com(%comname)) {
    var %Success $com(%comname,language,4,string,vbscript)
    inc %Success $Execute(%comname,Set MicrosoftXmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.Xmlhttp"))
    inc %Success $Execute(%comname,$+(MicrosoftXmlhttp.Open "GET",$chr(44),$qt($1),$chr(44),False))
    inc %Success $Execute(%comname,MicrosoftXmlhttp.Send)
    if ($evaluate(%comname,MicrosoftXmlhttp.Status)) {
      inc %Success $Execute(%comname,set AdodbStream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream"))
      inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.type = 1)
      inc %Success $Execute(%comname,
      inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.write MicrosoftXmlhttp.responseBody)
      ;$iif(!$isid,noop $tip(download,File Download,$qt(Downloading $1 $bytes($evaluate(%comname,AdodbStream.Size)).suf),3,,,,))
      inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.savetofile $+($qt($2),$chr(44),2))
      inc %Success $Execute(%comname,AdodbStream.close)
      if (%Success != 10) echo -st *error* WshVbscriptDownload Download Failed!
      else {
        $iif(!$isid,noop $tip(download,File Download,$qt($1 Complete),3,,,,))
        var %return 1
    .comclose %comname
    return %return
alias -l Execute return $com($1,executestatement,3,bstr,$2-)
alias -l Evaluate {
  noop $com($1,eval,3,bstr,$2-)
  return $com($1).result
On *:start: {
  echo -ga Downloading the needed files for this script, please wait .....
On *:dialog:YTubeGetDownloadLinks~*:close:*: hfree $dname
On *:dialog:YTubeGetDownloadLinks~*:Sclick:1-16: {
  $iif(!$isdir(Youtube),mkdir Youtube)
  $iif(!$isdir(wget),mkdir wget)
  if (!$exists(wget\wget.exe)) {
    echo -gat I am missing some of the files needed to download your video.
    echo -gat Please try your download after I gather the missing files.
  else {
    var %fn $mkfn($did(18)), %ext $gettok($did($did),2,45), %id $gettok($dname,2,126), %idext $+(%id,%ext)
    run -n wget\wget.exe -bo $qt($+($mircdir,wget\,%id,%ext)) -O $qt($+($mircdir,Youtube,\,%fn,.,%ext)) $hget($dname,$did)
    dialog $iif($dialog(%idext),-v,-md) %idext YTDownloadProgress
    did -a %idext 1 %fn
    YTProgressCheck %idext
alias -l YTProgressCheck {
  var %file $+(wget\,$1), %dname $1, %data $remove($read(%file,$calc($lines(%file) - 1)),..)
  if ($dialog(%dname)) {
    tokenize 32 %data
    if (!$5) {
      did -a %dname 2 $bytes($calc($remove($1,k) * 1000)).suf
      did -a %dname 3 $2
      did -a %dname 4 $3
      did -a %dname 5 $4
      .timer $+ %dname 1 1 YTProgressCheck %dname
    else {
      did -a %dname 2,3,5 Complete
      did -a %dname 4 $3-4
      .remove %file
dialog YT_Download_Selector {
  title "Youtube Download Selector"
  size -1 -1 159 70
  option dbu
  button "", 1, 2 4 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 2, 41 4 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 3, 80 4 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 4, 119 4 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 5, 2 17 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 6, 41 17 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 7, 80 17 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 8, 119 17 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 9, 2 30 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 10, 41 30 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 11, 80 30 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 12, 119 30 37 12, hide disable
  text "", 18, 2 59 154 8, center
  button "", 13, 2 44 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 14, 41 44 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 15, 80 44 37 12, hide disable
  button "", 16, 119 44 37 12, hide disable
dialog YTDownloadProgress {
  title "Youtube Downloads"
  size -1 -1 98 54
  option dbu
  text "", 1, 1 2 96 8, center
  text "", 2, 37 15 58 8
  text "", 3, 37 24 59 8
  text "", 4, 37 33 59 8
  text "", 5, 37 42 59 8
  text "Size:", 6, 2 15 32 8, right
  text "Complete:", 7, 2 24 32 8, right
  text "Speed:", 8, 2 33 32 8, right
  text "Remaining:", 9, 2 42 32 8, right


Sign in to comment.
FordLawnmower   -  Apr 16, 2013

Updated and working again.

Dodge   -  Oct 01, 2012

Very Nice, Works Great and the explanations are enlightening.
What Blackvenom666 said back there^ : works. be cool if you made it so the video actually showed and played in the dialog.
Would be supercool to have a flash player in the dialog.

FordLawnmower   -  Oct 01, 2012

Updated and working again.

FordLawnmower   -  Sep 01, 2012

This script is updated and working again.

FordLawnmower   -  Dec 27, 2011

Updated 12-27-2011
This script now uses wget and will download the needed files on first use.

Tested and working on mIRC 6.35 & 7.x on both 32 & 64 bit machines.

FordLawnmower   -  May 01, 2011

I'm going to try to quickly explain how this works because I'm getting a lot of questions from people wanting to make a youtube downloader in another language.
First : They keep changing it , but the solution can always be found in the source ; in the flash player section.

  • Currently it starts like this:
<div id="watch-player" class="flash-player">
  • In this section you can find all the information you need to download a video between
  • And
  • I used this regex match to get the information between them.
  • Once you have The url information you can use most any urldecode function to decode it so you can read it.
    It will start out something like this:

Crazy ;/ I know.
After you run it through urldecode it will look something like this:


Still pretty crazy looking, but if you study it you will see a patern.

  • There is a number, a pipe(|)(chr(124), and then a link.
  • If you follow the link to the end you will see a comma (,)
  • And then it starts over with a number.
  • So basically it is: XX|http://............................,XX|http://...................................,XX|http://.........................,etc.
  • So the first step is to split them at the comma(,) and toss the comma. It's just there as a delimiter and is not needed.
  • Now what is the Number before the pipe(|)
  • After a little research , I found that it is the numeric for the fmt video quality that the link points to.
  • A basic chart explaining this can be found here -->>
  • So now we know that the number tells us the quality of the link after the pipe (|)
  • We can toss the number and the pipe (|) and use the direct download link as needed in our script.
    I hope this helps :)
blackvenomm666   -  Apr 30, 2011

works. be cool if you made it so the video actually showed and played in the dialog

blackvenomm666   -  Apr 30, 2011

/me tests

FordLawnmower   -  Apr 30, 2011

Updated and working
Added a download selection to select the quality.

FordLawnmower   -  Apr 30, 2011

Nah, I can scrap it. I just have to take a few to study the source.

[Plornt]   -  Apr 29, 2011

Ford lawnmower how about some way of directly downloading using sockets and the stream url of the flv?

blackvenomm666   -  Apr 29, 2011

cool cool

FordLawnmower   -  Apr 29, 2011

@blackvenomm666 This script is currently on my "Dead" list because of the changes that youtube has made to stop direct downloads.
This is , however , on my rewrite list. I will , at some point , find the time to make a dll or whatever it takes to get it working again.

blackvenomm666   -  Apr 28, 2011

im about to test this this is a nice lookin script

FordLawnmower   -  Jul 11, 2010

Your welcome montague :)

montague   -  Jul 10, 2010

Tyvm FordLawnmower :D

FordLawnmower   -  Jul 09, 2010

Fixed , should be working again.

montague   -  Jul 06, 2010

For this snippet, i couldn't retrieve Video Title and with zero Results in dialog, btw, for the Download high and Download low and with Play button, it seems to work properly.if thereis and updates, then it would be great. kthx!

FordLawnmower   -  Jun 01, 2010

Search engine was broken.
No type or rating till youtube decides to put them back on the page ;/
I'll keep checking it. Hopefully soon.

FordLawnmower   -  Feb 22, 2010


GuitarMasterx7   -  Feb 22, 2010

Put it in and It goes
das definatly wha she said

FordLawnmower   -  Feb 21, 2010

Your welcome Dodge :)

Dodge   -  Feb 21, 2010

Just what I needed.
Put it in and It goes, Thanks Ford

GuitarMasterx7   -  Feb 04, 2010


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