ajoin-system for bot

By PowerScripters on Jan 09, 2010

Don't have trouble with your Bot.
Easy Autojoin & Control-Function.

Syntax: !ajoin [add/del] #channel
Syntax: !ajoin [list] - For a list of all Channels
Syntax: !ajoin [activate] module
Syntax: !ajoin [activate] !module

You can activate Modules for moer Functions, there is 1 Module actually installed
"join::mode" - If this Module is enabled, the bot joins the channel added to the Autojoin-List.

Example. Your Bot is in #room
Now you type: !ajoin add #room2

  • If "join::mode" is activated, he automatically joins the channel and leaves a welcome Message there.

You can deactivate Modules typing !ajoin [activate] !join::mode

Remember to set Admin-Level before using.

  • Requires Level: 20.
// !ajoin [add/del/list/activate] <channel/module>
// $2 = command, $3 = channel. [default]
on ^10:TEXT:!ajoin*:#:{
  if ($2 == add) { 
    if (!$3) { msg $chan Syntax: !ajoin add <channel> - you are doing it wrong | halt }
    if (%join.channel.if.not.exists% == true) {
      var %i 1
      while (%i <= $chan(0)) {
        if ($chan(%i) == $3) { var %cache.join xtrue }
        inc %i
      if (%cache.join != xtrue) { msg $chan .. joining channel $3 | join $3 | .timer 1 3 msg $3 Heya Guys, whats up? }
    } ; type: !ajoin activate join::mode

    var %i 1
unset %cache.chan.exists
    while (%i <= $lines(ajoin.list)) {
      if ($read(ajoin.list,%i) == $3) { set %cache.chan.exists xtrue }
      inc %i
    } ; checks if the channel was already added
    if (%cache.chan.exists == xtrue) { msg $chan I have this Channel already in my list | halt }

    write ajoin.list $3
    msg $chan Channel $3 added for autojoin!
  elseif ($2 == del) {
    if (!$3) { msg $chan Syntax: !ajoin del <channel> - you are doing it wrong | halt }
    var %i 1
    while (%i <= $lines(ajoin.list)) {
      if ($read(ajoin.list,%i) == $3) { var %x-cache.chan.exists xtrue }
      inc %i
    } ; checks if the channel exists
    if (%x-cache.chan.exists != xtrue) { msg $chan The Channel: $2 isn't in my Autojoin-List. | halt }
    var %i 1
    write -c cache.txt
    while (%i <= $lines(ajoin.list)) {
      write cache.txt $remove($read(ajoin.list,%i),$3)
      inc %i
    msg $chan Refresh autojoin list..
    .remove ajoin.list
    .copy cache.txt ajoin.list
msg $chan Channel $3 was successfully 
  elseif ($2 == list) {
    var %i 1
    var %ticks-1 $ticks
    while (%i <= $lines(ajoin.list)) {
      msg $chan  %i $+ : $read(ajoin.list,%i)
      inc %i
    var %ticks $calc($ticks - %ticks-1)
    msg $chan Loading autojoin list in $round($calc(%ticks / 1000)) seconds.
  elseif ($2 == activate) {
    if (!$3) { msg $chan Syntax: !ajoin avtivate <module> | halt }
    if ($3 == join::mode) { set %join.channel.if.not.exists% true | msg $chan Added Module: join::mode // Joins a Channel if the Channel is added to autojoin list [type: !ajoin activate !join::mode] to deactivate | halt }
    elseif ($3 == !join::mode) { unset %join.channel.if.not.exists% | msg $chan Removing Module: join::mode | halt }
    else { msg $chan Module $3 wasnt found! :( | halt }
  elseif ($2 == clear) {
    msg $chan Clearing autojoin-script - make backup..
    .copy ajoin.list ajoin.list.bak
    .remove ajoin.list
    write -c ajoin.list
msg $chan autojoin-list cleared.
  elseif ($2 == help) {
    .notice $nick Autojoin-Script © PowerScripters 
    .notice $nick Syntax: !ajoin add <channel> to add a channel.
    .notice $nick Syntax: !ajoin del <channel> to del a channel.
    .notice $nick Syntax: !ajoin clear to clear all channels     
    .notice $nick Syntax: !ajoin <list> to list all Channels
    .notice $nick Autojoin can used by Admins
  else { msg $chan debug> you have entered $2 - [noreturn] | halt }
on *:CONNECT:{ .timer 1 3 do.autoconnect } ; wait 3 seconds to avoid connection pingouts.
alias -l do.autoconnect {
  var %i 1
  while (%i <= $lines(ajoin.list)) {
    join $read(ajoin.list)
    inc %i
on ^20:TEXT:!add_user*:#:{
  ; admin-level - 20
  if (!$2) { msg $chan you need to add a username | halt }
  else { .guser 10 $2 | msg $chan Added $2 with Access 10. }
on ^20:TEXT:!remove_user*:#:{
  ; admin-level - 20
  if (!$2) { msg $chan you need to add a username | halt }
  else { .ruser $2 | msg $chan Removed $2 from Access List }


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bandbonjtv   -  Sep 19, 2012

thank you

troll   -  Apr 21, 2011

i dont think it works
not for me ?

napa182   -  Jan 09, 2010

eidted: you should work on it abit more.

Shinybot   -  Jan 09, 2010

Nice Script Very usefull i use it now :)

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