
By Testor on Dec 15, 2009

Theme is meh :x. Not great but whatever. Kinda similar to Slicht them on NNS :p.
Only thing that isnt mine, i believe, is $longtime.
$rdur and $radd replace characters in Duration (min,sec,hour,day,week,:) and address (,!,~,@,.,),() to nice colours (Blue for numbers, and letters) and grey for mins,,!,etc.
if there's anything missing let me know :p.
Built in AMSG blocker. Just edit Alias Block to include some channels not to message, space delimited..
EG: Alias Block Return #MSL #MIRC #BNC #RUNEBNC
If you're highlighted (Address book highlights (uses cs if the highlight uses cs highlighting)) it'll colour it using your default colour in abook + popup @highlight window too.

alias tt return $+($Bold($hh($Chr(40))),$h($1),$Bold($hh($Chr(41))))
alias tb return $+($Bold($hh($Chr(40))),$1,$Bold($hh($Chr(41))))
H { 
  if ($Len($1) = 0) Return $+($Chr(3),12)
  Else return $+($chr(3),12,$1-,$Chr(3))
Hh { 
  if ($Len($1) = 0) Return $+($Chr(3),14)
  Else return $+($chr(3),14,$1-,$chr(3))
alias : Return $+($hh($1-),$h(:))
alias Q Return $+($hh("),$h($Strip($1-)),$hh("))
alias bold return $+($Chr(2),$1,$Chr(2))
alias rAdd Return $Replace($+($h,$1),+,$+($hh,+,$h),@,$+($hh,@,$h),:,$+($hh,:,$h),!,$+($hh,!,$h),*,$+($hh,*,$h),-,$+($hh,-,$h),~,$+($hh,~,$h),.,$+($hh,.,$h),?,$+($hh,?,$h)))
alias rDur Return $Replace($+($h,$1),wks,$+($hh,wk,$h),day,$+($hh,day,$h),days,$+($hh,day,$h),hrs,$+($hh,hr,$h),hr,$+($hh,hr,$h),mins,$+($hh,min,$h),min,$+($hh,min,$h),secs,$+($hh,sec,$h),sec,$+($hh,sec,$h),:,$+($hh,:,$h))
Alias Say if ($1) .Msg $Active $1-
Alias Me if ($1) .Describe $Active $1-
Alias Msg { 
  !.Msg $$1-
  if ($1 !ischan) Echo -mt $1 $+($Chr(3),14,$Me) $iif($Regex($2-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$2-,$hh($Strip($+($Chr(3),14,$2-),mo)))
  Elseif ($1 ischan) Echo -mt $1 $+($iif($me !isreg $1,$+($Chr(3),11,$Left($Nick($1,$Me).pnick,1))),$Chr(3),14,$Me,$h(:)) $iif($Regex($2-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$2-,$hh($Strip($+($Chr(3),14,$2-),mo)))
Alias Describe {
  !.Describe $$1-
  if ($1 !ischan) Echo -mt $1 $+($Chr(3),14,») $+($Chr(3),14,$Me) $iif($Regex($2-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$2-,$hh($Strip($+($Chr(3),14,$2-),mo)))
  Elseif ($1 ischan) Echo -mt $1 $+($Chr(3),14,») $+($iif($me !isreg $1,$+($Chr(3),11,$Left($Nick($1,$Me).pnick,1))),$Chr(3),14,$Me,$h(:)) $iif($Regex($2-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$2-,$hh($Strip($+($Chr(3),14,$2-),mo)))
alias notice {
  !.Notice $$1-
  Echo -amt $hh(Notice sent to) $h($1) $+ $hh(:) $hh($$2-)
alias ctcp {
  !.Ctcp $$1-
  Echo -amt $hh(Ctcp sent to) $h($1) $+ $hh(:) $hh($$2-)
on ^*:CtcpReply:*:{
  if ($Halted) Return
  Haltdef | Echo -amt $:(Ctcp reply from $Nick) $hh($1-) | Halt
Alias Amsg Loop Msg $$1-
Alias Ame Loop Describe $$1- 
Alias Block Return #MSL #MIRC #BNC #RUNEBNC
Alias Loop {
  Var %a 1,%b $Comchan($Me,0)
  while (%a <= %b) {
    if (!$istok($ComChan($Me,%a),$Block,32)) $1 $ComChan($Me,%a) $2-
    Inc %a
on *:Load:{
  Timestamp -f 14HH12:14nn12.14ss      
  Timestamp -g 14HH12:14nn12.14ss      
on *:Input:*:{
  if ($Halted) || ($Left($1,1) = /) || ($Ctrlenter) || ($inpaste) Return
  if ($Chan) { 
    .Msg $Active $1-
  Elseif (!$Chan) && ($Query($Active)) $1-
on *:Open:?: {
  if ($Halted) Return
  Echo -at $hh(Query) $hh(from) $h($Nick) $tb($radd($Address))) $hH(opened.)
on ^&*:Text:*:#: {
  if ($Halted) Return
  var %a 1,%b $Highlight(0)
  while %a <= %b {
    if ($($Highlight(%a),3) $iif($highlight(%a).cs,isincs,isin) $Strip($1-,mo)) {
      Var %c $Highlight(%a).color
      if (!$Away) && ($Chan != $Active) {
        if (!$Window(@Highlights)) Window -mk[0]e[0] +bex @Highlights
        Echo @Highlights $+($Chr(2),$h(Text),$Chr(2)) $+($hh(Highlight),$h(;)) $:(Network) $+($hh([),$h($Network),$hh(])) $:(Nick) $+($hh([),$h($Nick),$hh(])) $&
          $:(Time) $+($hh([),$rDur($Time),$hh(])) $:(Channel) $+($hh([),$h($+($Upper($Left($Chan,2)),$Right($Chan,-2))),$hh(]))
        Echo @Highlights $+($Chr(2),$h(Text),$Chr(2)) $+($hh(Highlight),$h(;)) $:(Message) $+($hh([),$h($1-),$hh(]))
    Inc %a
  if (!%c) Var %c 15 
  Var %d $Left($Nick($Chan,$Nick).pnick,1),%d $iif(%d = @,04@,$iif(%d = %,07%,$iif(%d = +,11+)))
  Echo -mt $Chan $+(%d,$Chr(3),%c,$Nick,$h(:)) $+($Chr(3),%c,$iif($Regex($1-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$1-,$Strip($1-,mo)))
on ^&*:Text:*:?: {
  if ($Halted) Return
  var %a 1,%b $Highlight(0)
  while %a <= %b {
    if ($($Highlight(%a),3) $iif($highlight(%a).cs,isincs,isin) $Strip($1-,mo)) {
      Var %c $Highlight(%a).color
      if (!$Away) && ($Nick != $Active) {
        if (!$Window(@Highlights)) Window -mk[0]e[0] +bex @Highlights
        Echo @Highlights $+($Chr(2),$h(Text),$Chr(2)) $+($hh(Highlight),$h(;)) $:(Network) $+($hh([),$h($Network),$hh(])) $:(Nick) $+($hh([),$h($Nick),$hh(])) $&
          $:(Time) $+($hh([),$rDur($Time),$hh(]))
        Echo @Highlights $+($Chr(2),$h(Text),$Chr(2)) $+($hh(Highlight),$h(;)) $:(Message) $+($hh([),$h($1-),$hh(]))
    Inc %a
  if (!%c) Var %c 15 
  Echo -mt $Nick $+($Chr(3),%c) $Nick $+($Chr(3),%c,$iif($Regex($1-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$1-,$Strip($1-,mo)))
on ^&*:Action:*:?: {
  if ($Halted) Return
  var %a 1,%b $Highlight(0)
  while %a <= %b {
    if ($($Highlight(%a),3) $iif($highlight(%a).cs,isincs,isin) $Strip($1-,mo)) {
      Var %c $Highlight(%a).color
      if (!$Away) && ($Nick != $Active) {
        if (!$Window(@Highlights)) Window -mk[0]e[0] +bex @Highlights
        Echo @Highlights $+($Chr(2),$h(Action),$Chr(2)) $+($hh(Highlight),$h(;)) $:(Network) $+($hh([),$h($Network),$hh(])) $:(Nick) $+($hh([),$h($Nick),$hh(])) $&
          $:(Time) $+($hh([),$rDur($Time),$hh(])) 
        Echo @Highlights $+($Chr(2),$h(Action),$Chr(2)) $+($hh(Highlight),$h(;)) $:(Message) $+($hh([),$h($1-),$hh(]))
    Inc %a
  if (!%c) Var %c 15 
  Echo -t $Nick $+($Chr(3),%c,») $+($Chr(31),$Nick,$Chr(31)) $+($Chr(3),%c,$iif($Regex($1-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$1-,$+($Chr(3),%c,$Strip($1-,mo))))

on ^&*:Action:*:#: {
  if ($Halted) Return
  var %a 1,%b $Highlight(0)
  while %a <= %b {
    if ($($Highlight(%a),3) $iif($highlight(%a).cs,isincs,isin) $Strip($1-,mo)) {
      Var %c $Highlight(%a).color
      if (!$Away) && ($Chan != $Active) {
        if (!$Window(@Highlights)) Window -mk[0]e[0] +bex @Highlights
        Echo @Highlights $+($Chr(2),$h(Action),$Chr(2)) $+($hh(Highlight),$h(;)) $:(Network) $+($hh([),$h($Network),$hh(])) $:(Nick) $+($hh([),$h($Nick),$hh(])) $&
          $:(Time) $+($hh([),$rDur($Time),$hh(])) $iif($Chan,$:(Channel) $+($hh([),$h($+($Upper($Left($Chan,2)),$Right($Chan,-2))),$hh(])))
        Echo @Highlights $+($Chr(2),$h(Action),$Chr(2)) $+($hh(Highlight),$h(;)) $:(Message) $+($hh([),$h($1-),$hh(]))
    Inc %a
  if (!%c) Var %c 15 
  Var %d $Left($Nick($Chan,$Nick).pnick,1),%d $iif(%d = @,04@,$iif(%d = %,07%,$iif(%d = +,11+)))
  Echo -mt $Chan $+($Chr(3),%c,») $+(%d,$Chr(3),%c,$Chr(31),$Nick,$Chr(31),$h(:)) $+($Chr(3),%c,$iif($Regex($1-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$1-,$Strip($1-,mo)))
on ^*:Nick:{
  if ($Halted) Return
  Var %a $ComChan($NewNick,0)
  While (%a) {
    Echo -t $ComChan($NewNick,%a) $+($Chr(2),$hh($Chr(40)),$Chr(2),$h(Nick Change),$Chr(2),$hh($Chr(41)),$Chr(2)) $h($Nick) $:(Changed Nick To) $h($NewNick) $+ $hh(.)
    Dec %a
  if ($Query($NewNick)) Echo -t $NewNick $+($Chr(2),$hh($Chr(40)),$Chr(2),$h(Nick Change),$Chr(2),$hh($Chr(41)),$Chr(2)) $h($Nick) $:(Changed Nick To) $h($NewNick) $+ $hh(.)
on ^*:RawMode:#:{
  if ($Halted) Return
  Echo -t $Chan $+($bold($hh($Chr(40))),$h(Mode Change),$bold($hh($Chr(41))) $h($Nick) $:(sets mode) $bold($hh($Chr(40))), $&
    $radd($1),$bold($hh($Chr(41)))) $radd($2-)
on ^*:Ban:#: {
  if ($Halted) Return
  if ($Banmask iswm $Address($Me,5)) Mode # -b $Banmask
  Var %a 1,%b,%c
  While (%a <= $Nick(#,0)) {
    if ($Banmask iswm $Address($Nick(#,%a),5)) Var %c $addtok(%c,$Chr(32) $+ $Nick(#,%a),44)
    Inc %a
  if (%c) Echo -t $Chan $tt(Ban) $:(This Ban Affects) $Replace($h(%c),$Chr(44),$+($hh,$Chr(44),$h)) $+ $hh(.)
on ^*:Notice:*:*:{
  if ($Halted) Return
  if ($Chan) {
    Echo -t $Chan $tT(Notice) $hh(Notice From) $h($Nick) $+($Bold($hh($Chr(40))),$hh($Chr(35)),$h($Right($Chan,-1)),$Bold($hh($Chr(41)))) $+ $hh(:) $iif($Regex($1-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$1-,$hh($Strip($1-,mo)))
  Elseif (!$Chan) {
    Echo -at $tT(Notice) $hh(Notice From) $h($Nick) $+ $hh(:) $iif($Regex($1-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$1-,$hh($Strip($1-,mo)))
on ^*:Kick:#: {
  if ($Halted) Return
  Echo -t $Chan $tt(Kick) $h($iif($Nick = $Me,You,$Nick)) $hh(kicked) $h($kNick) $hh(From) $h($Chan) $+($Bold($h($Chr(40))),$iif($Regex($1-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$1-,$hh($Strip($1-,mo))),$Bold($h($Chr(41))))
  if ($Knick = $Me) Echo -st $tt(Kicked) $hh(You were kicked from) $h($Chan) $hh(by) $h($Nick) $+ $hh(:) $+($Bold($h($Chr(40))),$iif($Regex($1-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$1-,$hh($Strip($1-,mo))),$Bold($h($Chr(41))))
on ^*:Join:#: {
  if ($Halted) Return
  if ($Nick = $Me) Echo -t $Chan $hh(Now talking in) $h($Chan) $+ $hh(.)
  Else Echo -t $Chan $tt(Joins) $h($Nick) $+($Bold($hh($Chr(40))),$radd($Address),$Bold($hh($Chr(41)))) $hH(joins) $h($Chan) $+ $hh(.)
on ^*:Part:#: {
  if ($Halted) Return
  Echo -t $Chan $tt(Parts) $h($Nick) $hh(has left) $h($Chan) $+ $hh(.) $iif($1-,$tt($1-))
on ^*:Quit: {
  if ($Halted) Return
  if ($Nick = $Me) Echo -sta $tt(Disconnected) $hh(Disconnected from) $radd($Server) $+($Bold($hh($Chr(40))),$radd($NetWork),$Bold($hh($Chr(41))))
  Else {
    Var %a 1 | While %a <= $Comchan($Nick,0) {
      Echo -t $Comchan($Nick,%a) $tt(Quits) $h($Nick) $+($Bold($hh($Chr(40))),$radd($Address),$Bold($hh($Chr(41)))) $&
        $hh(has quit the network.) $iif($1-,$+($Bold($h($Chr(40))),$iif($Regex($1-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$1-,$hh($Strip($1-,mo))),$Bold($h($Chr(41)))))
      Inc %a
on ^*:Topic:#: {
  if ($Halted) Return
  Echo -t $Chan $tt(Topic) $h($Nick) $hh(Changed the topic for) $h(#) $hh(to) $q($1-) $+ $hh(.)
on ^*:Snotice:*:{
  if ($Halted) Return
  Echo -st $tt(Server Notice) $hh(Server Notice from) $radd($Nick) $+ $hh(:) $&
on ^*:Invite:#:{
  if ($Halted) Return
  Echo -st $tt(Invite) $h($Nick) $+($Bold($hh($Chr(40))),$radd($Address),$Bold($hh($Chr(41)))) $hh(invites you to join) $h($Chan) $+ $hh(.)
on ^*:Error:{ 
  if ($Halted) Return
  Echo -st $tt(Error) $radd($1-)
on ^*:UserMode:{ 
  if ($Halted) Return
  Echo -st $tT(UserMode) $H($Nick) $:(sets mode) $radd($1) 
raw *:*:{
  if ($Halted) Return
  if ($istok(,$Numeric,46)) {
    if ($Numeric = 251) Echo -st $hh(There are) $h($4) $hh(users and) $h($7) $hh(invisible on) $h($10) $hh(servers.) 
    elseif ($Numeric = 252) Echo -st $h($2) $hh(operator(s) online.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 253) Echo -st $h($2) $hh(unknown connection(s).)
    elseif ($Numeric = 254) Echo -st $h($2) $hh(channels formed.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 255) Echo -st $hh(I have) $h($3) $hh(clients and) $h($6) $hh(servers.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 265) Echo -st $:(Current Local Users) $h($5) $:(Max) $h($7)
    elseif ($Numeric = 266) Echo -st $:(Current Global Users) $h($5) $:(Max) $h($7)
    elseif ($Numeric = 301) Echo -at $+(1,$Chr(44),1,$2 is) $h(Away) $h($3) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 305) Echo -ast $hh(You are no longer marked away) $iif($AwayMSG,$hh(as) $q($AwayMSG)) $hh(on) $h($Network) $hh(after) $rdur($Duration($Awaytime)) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 306) Echo -ast $hh(You are now marked away) $iif($AwayMSG,$hh(as) $q($AwayMSG)) $hh(on) $h($NetWork) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 307) Echo -at $+(1,$Chr(44),1,$2 is) $h(Identifyed) $hh($2 $3-)
    elseif ($Numeric = 311) Echo -at $h($2) $hh(is) $h($6-) $tb($radd($+($2,!,$3,@,$4)))
    elseif ($Numeric = 312) Echo -at $+(1,$Chr(44),1,$2 is) $h(using) $hh($radd($3-))
    elseif ($Numeric = 317) Echo -at $+(1,$Chr(44),1,$2 is) $h(idle) $hh(for) $h($Duration($3)) $+ $hh($Chr(44) signed on) $h($Duration($Calc($Ctime - $4))) $hh(ago.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 319) Echo -at $+(1,$Chr(44),1,$2 is) $h(Chans) $hh(on $sorttok($3-,32,c))
    elseif ($Numeric = 332) Echo -t $iif($Me ison $2,$2,$Chan) $hh(Topic is) $hh(") $+ $iif($Regex($3-,/(\x2|\x3|\x15|\x22|\x31)/i),$3-,$hh($Strip($3-,mo))) $hh(".)
    elseif ($Numeric = 333) Echo -t $iif($Me ison $2,$2,$Chan) $hh(Topic was set by) $h($3) $hh(at) $h($longtime($4)) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 335) Echo -at $+(1,$Chr(44),1,$2 is) $h(Bot) $hh($2 $3-)
    elseif ($Numeric = 378) Echo -at $+(1,$Chr(44),1,$1) $hh($Gettok($3-,1,42)) $+ $radd($Gettok($2-,2-,42))
    elseif ($Numeric = 401) Echo -at $h($2) $+ $hh(: No such nick or channel.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 404) Echo -t $2 $hh(Cannot message) $h($2) $tt($radd(+m)) $hh(You must be) $+($hh(+),$h(v)) $hh(or higher) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 405) Echo $($iif($Chan($2).Status,-t $2,-st),3) $hh(Cannot join) $h($2) $+ $hh($Chr(44) Max channel limit for $Network is $Chan(0) $+ .)
    elseif ($Numeric = 443) Echo -t $3 $h($2) $hh(is already on channel) $h($3) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 471) Echo $($iif($Chan($2).Status,-t $2,-st),3) $hh(Cannot join) $h($2) $+ $hh(:) $tt(+l) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 473) Echo $($iif($Chan($2).Status,-t $2,-st),3) $hh(Cannot join) $h($2) $+ $hh(:) $tt(+i) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 474) Echo $($iif($Chan($2).Status,-t $2,-st),3) $hh(Cannot join) $h($2) $+ $hh(:) $tt(+b) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 475) Echo $($iif($Chan($2).Status,-t $2,-st),3) $hh(Cannot join) $h($2) $+ $hh(:) $tt(+k) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 477) Echo $($iif($Chan($2).Status,-t $2,-st),3) $hh(Cannot join) $h($2) $tt($radd(+R)) $hh(You must be registered to join the channel.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 481) Echo -a $hh(Permission Denied $+ $Chr(44) You don't have sufficient IRC Operator privileges on) $h($Network) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 482) Echo -a $hh(You aren't an operator on) $h($2) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 485) Echo $($iif($Chan($2).Status,-t $2,-st),3) $hh(Cannot join) $h($3) $+ $hh(:) $tt($6-) $+ $hh(.)
    elseif ($Numeric = 486) Echo -st $hh(You must be identifyed) $tb($radd(+r)) $hh(to Message) $h($12) $+ $hh(.)


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Silo   -  Dec 15, 2009

/echo [-cdeghiNtsaqlbfnmr] [#channel|[=]nick]
Prints text in the specified window using the specified color (0 to 15).
/echo 3 #mIRC Testing
would print "Testing" in the color green in channel window #mIRC, assuming it's already open.
If a channel/nickname isn't specified, the -s switch echoes to the status window, the -d switch echoes to the single message window, and the -a switch echoes to the currently active window.
The -e switch encloses the line in line separators.
The -iN switch indents the wrapped line by N characters.
The -h switch forces lines to hard-wrap so resizing the window doesn't change the line.
The -t switch prefixes the line with a timestamp if global time stamping is on or timestamping is on for that window.
The -q switch makes it not display the text if called from an alias using the . prefix.
The -l switch makes it apply the highlight settings to the line that's displayed.
The -bf switches make it apply the beep/flash settings in the window it is echoing to.
The -n switch prevents the echo from highlighting the window switchbar icon.
The -m switch indicates that the line should be treated as a user message, not an event.
The -g switch prevents the line from being logged to the log file.
The -r switch applies the strip settings in the messages dialog.
The -c switch uses the specified color name from the colors dialog.

Master-Of-Death   -  Dec 15, 2009

I think it is -q so echo -q, raw -q etc., i like it its a nice little script.

Testor   -  Dec 15, 2009

if only i knew how to silence the commands if prefixed with . in remotes D:.

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