Auto Translator

By FordLawnmower on Nov 17, 2009

This is a translator for your bot that will detect when someone is not speaking your target language and attempt to translate what they said automatically.
Using this is pretty simple. Just load it and turn it on from Right Click Channel window. As soon as someone types something that isn't english the bot will react Quickly.

21:39:41 <@Administrator Compromesso al Senato: gestione privata proprietà pubblica La rete idrica è allo sfascio e ora si rischia di penalizzare i comuni virtuosi il quotidiano online con tutte le notizie in tempo reale.
21:39:42 <MyMulez> Administrator may not be speaking English!! Translation it-en Compromise to the Senate: privately owned proprietpubblica The water network in shambles and now threatens to penalize municipalities virtuous Newspapers online with all the news in real time.

Ok Pretty big update for this script.
It's no longer just for English. You can now select a target language.
I also changed it for multi-channel/multi-network configuration.

After loading, just right click the channel window and select autotrans - autotrans setup.


Echo will echo back to the channel the text originated.
.Msg will message the channel. (for bot use)
.Notice will notice the client the script is loaded to.

If you have any problems with missing characters in your translations, please review your utf8 settings before posting your problem.

Under mIRC Options - Irc - Messages. It should look like this.

If you right click the channel on the treebar and click font, the utf8 should say display and encode. It is necessary to check this for each channel you are using the translator in.


  • Exclusions Manager & Exclusion System
  • A \L2 Translation trigger for responding
  • A Right click Hotlink for responding using the reverse of [L1]-[L2]

The Exclusion Manager
It's a simple dialog so you can add WORDS(not phrases) to be somewhat excluded from translation.
The words are not excluded from translation, but they are excluded from the algorithm that is used to determine if a translation will be returned or not.
To add WORDS, right click the channel and select Exclusions Manager from the menu.
I'll add a Trigger system to this later.

The \L2 Trigger
This is very simple to use, just type \L2 where L2 is the language code for the language you want your text translated into. Your text will be translated to the window you are typing into.
Example: \fr some words to translate here.
Note This is not a bot trigger. This is a On input routine and must be typed from the
client with the script loaded.

The Hotlink
This works Right clicking on this part -->> [L1]-[L2] <<-- of a language translation.
You will be prompted to decide.
And then prompted for some text.
Note Your text will be translated to the reverse of what you clicked.
clicking [de]-[en] , will translate your text from english to german.
Also This script must be loaded in the client that you are typing in for this to work.

;Auto Translator by Ford_Lawnmower #Script-Help
menu Channel {
  .$iif($gettok($hget(autotrans,$+($network,$chan)),3,32) == On && $group(#AutoTrans) == On,$style(1)) AutoTrans
  ..$iif($group(#AutoTrans) == On,$style(1)) Auto Trans Master On/Off: $iif($group(#AutoTrans) == On,.disable,.enable) #AutoTrans  
  ..Auto Trans Setup:dialog $iif($dialog(auto_translator),-v,-m) auto_translator auto_translator
  ..Manage Exclusions:dialog $iif($dialog(auto_translator_exclude),-v,-m) auto_translator_exclude auto_translator_exclude
#AutoTrans On
On *:Text:*:#: {
  if (!$timer($+(AutoTrans,$network,$nick))) {
    .timer $+ $+(AutoTrans,$network,$nick) 1 .5 noop 
    if ($gettok($hget(autotrans,$+($network,$chan)),3,32) == On) && (!$regex($1,/^[!.@.#.+./.:.-.+]/S) && (!$notrans($urlencode($1-)))) {
      var %text $urlencode($utfdecode($utfencode($exclude($1-))))
      tokenize 32 $hget(autotrans,$+($network,$chan))
      AutoTrans $2 $iif($2 == .Msg,$chan,$iif($2 == Echo,$chan,$me)) $iif($4,$+(09[04,$nick,09]),0) $+(|,$langpair($1)) %text 0
On *:Action:*:#: {
  if (!$timer($+(AutoTrans,$network,$nick))) {
    .timer $+ $+(AutoTrans,$network,$nick) 1 1 noop
    if (($gettok($hget(autotrans,$+($network,$chan)),3,32) == On) && (!$notrans($urlencode($1-)))) {
      var %text $urlencode($exclude($1-))
      tokenize 32 $hget(autotrans,$+($network,$chan))
      AutoTrans $2 $iif($2 == .Msg,$chan,$iif($2 == Echo,$chan,$me)) $iif($4,$+(09[04,$nick,09]),0) $langpair($1),1,32)) %text 0
#AutoTrans End
On *:input:*: {
  if ($left($strip($1),2) == \\) && (!$ctrlenter) {
    var %text $inputencode($2-)
    AutoTrans msgNoLang $iif($chan,$chan,$active) $me $remove($1,\\) %text 1
on ^$*:Hotlink:/\[([a-zA-Z]{2})\]-\[([a-zA-Z]{2})\]/:#,?:{
  if ($mouse.key == 16) && ($input(Respond through translator $+($regml(2),-,$regml(1)),yn)) {
    if ($?="Please Input your text to be translated") {
      AutoTrans msgNoLang $iif($chan,$chan,$nick) $me $+($regml(2),|,$regml(1)) $urlencode($!) 1
alias EchoAutoTrans { AutoTrans echo -a $1- }
alias -l AutoTranslate {
  var %sockname $+(AutoTrans,$network,$3,$ticks,$r(1,$ticks))
  sockopen %sockname 80
  sockmark %sockname $1-2 $+(/?langpair=,$4,&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&text=,$5) $3 $6 $4 $5
On *:sockopen:AutoTrans*: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32) HTTP/1.1
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host:
    sockwrite -n $sockname Referer: $+(http://,$ip)
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
On *:sockread:AutoTrans*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
  else {
    var %AutoTrans | sockread %AutoTrans
    if ($regex(text,%AutoTrans,/backgroundColor='#fff'">(.*?)<\/span>/gi)) {
      var %counter 1, %text
      while (%counter <= $regml(text,0)) {
        %text = $+(%text,$chr(32),$replace($fixhtml($regml(text,%counter)),quot;,"))
        inc %counter
      var %country $+([,$replace($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32),|,]-[),],)
      if ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32)) { $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) %text | sockclose $sockname | return }
      elseif ($matches(%text,$recode($mid($gettok($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32),-2,38),3-)))) {
        if ($nopunct(%text) != $nopunct($recode($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,7,32)))) {
          $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) 06Translation07 %country $&
            $iif($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32),$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32)) %text
        sockclose $sockname
alias -l nopunct { return $regsubex($1-,/[\x2c!"#$%&'()*+\-./:;<=>?@[\\\]^_`{|}~]/g,$null) }
alias -l inputencode { return $regsubex($strip($1-),/([^a-z0-9])/ig,% $+ $base($asc(\t),10,16,2)) }
alias -l exclude { return $regsubex($strip($1-),/(http:\/\/[\S]{1,}|www\.[\S]{1,})/g,$null) }
alias -l urlencode { return $regsubex(urlencode,$1-,/([^a-z0-9])/ig,$urlpairs($asc(\t))) }
alias -l recode { return $regsubex($1-,/%([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/g,$chr($base(\t,16,10))) }
alias -l fixhtml { return $replace($remove($regsubex($remove($regsubex($1-,/#([\d][\d][\d]?);/g,$chr(\t)),&amp;,gt;,lt;),/\\u([A-Fa-f0-9]{4})/g,$chr($base(\t,16,10))),&amp;,&),&quot;,") }
alias -l notrans { return $iif($hfind(notrans,$1),1,0) }
alias transexclude hadd -m notrans $urlencode($1-) 1
alias -l matches {
  var %w $numtok($1,32),%x 1,%y 0,%z $numtok($2,32)
  while (%x <= %z) {
    if ($istok($1,$gettok($2,%x,32),32)) || ($notrans($gettok($2,%x,32))) { inc %y }
    inc %x
  return $iif($calc(%y / %w * 100) >= 80,0,1)
alias -l UrlPairs {
  if ($1 < 255) { return $+(%,$base($1,10,16)) }
  if ($1 >= 256) && ($1 < 2048) { return $+(%,$base($calc(192 + $div($1,64)),10,16),%,$base($calc(128 + $mod($1,64)),10,16)) }
  if ($1 >= 2048) && ($1 < 65536) { return $+(%,$base($calc(224 + $div($1,4096)),10,16),%,$base($calc(128 + $mod($div($1,64),64)),10,16),%,$base($calc(128 + $mod($1,64)),10,16)) }
alias -l div { return $int($calc($1 / $2)) }
alias -l mod {
  var %int $int($calc($1 / $2))
  return $calc($1 - (%int * $2))
dialog Auto_Translator {
  title "Auto Translator Setup"
  size -1 -1 118 126
  option dbu
  text "Target Language:", 1, 4 9 45 8, right
  text "Network:", 2, 4 25 45 8, right
  text "Channel:", 3, 4 42 45 8, right
  text "Output Type:", 4, 4 59 45 8, right
  combo 5, 51 8 62 11, drop
  combo 6, 51 24 62 11, drop
  combo 7, 51 41 62 11, drop
  combo 8, 51 58 62 11, drop
  combo 9, 51 77 62 11, drop
  text "Status:", 10, 4 78 45 8, right
  button "Accept", 11, 78 110 34 12
  button "Cancel", 12, 39 110 34 12, cancel
  check "Show Nickname", 13, 63 97 50 10
dialog Auto_Translator_Exclude {
  title "Auto Translator Exclusion Manager"
  size -1 -1 144 144
  option dbu
  text "Exclusion:", 1, 4 7 27 8, right
  text "Exclusions", 2, 1 21 142 8, center
  edit "", 3, 33 6 72 10, autohs
  list 4, 6 33 131 94, vsbar
  button "Add", 5, 107 5 29 12
  button "Delete", 6, 50 130 37 12
  button "Close", 7, 97 130 37 12, cancel
On *:dialog:Auto_Translator_Exclude:Sclick:5,6: {
  if ($did == 5) && ($did($dname,3).text) { hadd -m notrans $urlencode($v1) 1 | did -r $dname 3 }
  if ($did == 6) && ($did($dname,4).seltext) { hdel notrans $urlencode($v1) }
  did -r $dname 4
  didtok $dname 4 32 $regsubex($str(.,$hget(notrans,0).item),/./g,$recode($hget(notrans,\n).item) $+ $chr(32))
On *:dialog:Auto_Translator_Exclude:init:*: {
  didtok $dname 4 32 $regsubex($str(.,$hget(notrans,0).item),/./g,$recode($hget(notrans,\n).item) $+ $chr(32))
on *:dialog:Auto_Translator:Sclick:6,7,11: {
  if ($did == 11) {
    tokenize 32 $did($dname,6).seltext $did($dname,7).seltext $did($dname,5).seltext $did($dname,8).seltext $did($dname,9).seltext
    hadd -m autotrans $+($1,$chr(35),$2) $3- $did($dname,13).state
    dialog -x $dname
  if ($did == 6) {
    did -r $dname 7
    didtok $dname 7 35 $chans($did($dname,6).seltext)
    did -fc $dname 7 1
  if ($hget(autotrans,$+($did($dname,6).seltext,$chr(35),$did($dname,7).seltext))) {
    var %match $v1
    did -c $dname 5 $didwm($dname,5,$gettok(%match,1,32))
    did -c $dname 8 $didwm($dname,8,$gettok(%match,2,32))
    did -c $dname 9 $didwm($dname,9,$gettok(%match,3,32))
    did $iif($gettok(%match,4,32),-c,-u) $dname 13
on *:dialog:Auto_Translator:init:*: {
  did -c $dname 5 $didwm($dname,5,ENGLISH)
  var %nets $scon(0)
  while (%nets) { scon %nets did -a $dname 6 $!network | dec %nets }
  did -c $dname 6 $didwm($dname,6,$network)
  didtok $dname 7 35 $chans($network)
  did -c $dname 7 $didwm($dname,7,$mid($active,2-))
  didtok $dname 8 44 Echo,.Msg,.Notice
  did -c $dname 8 1
  didtok $dname 9 44 On,Off
  did -c $dname 9 2
  if ($hget(autotrans,$+($network,$active))) {
    var %match $v1
    did -c $dname 5 $didwm($dname,5,$gettok(%match,1,32))
    did -c $dname 8 $didwm($dname,8,$gettok(%match,2,32))
    did -c $dname 9 $didwm($dname,9,$gettok(%match,3,32))
    did $iif($gettok(%match,4,32),-c,-u) $dname 13
alias -l LangPair {
alias -l chans { scon $netid($1) return $!regsubex($str(.,$chan(0)),/./g,$chan(\n)) }
alias -l netid {
  var %netcount $scon(0)
  while %netcount {
    if ($scon(%netcount).network == $1) { return %netcount }
    dec %netcount
On *:Start:{
  hmake AutoTrans 5
  hmake NoTrans 5
  if ($exists(AutoTrans.hsh)) { hload AutoTrans AutoTrans.hsh  }
  if ($exists(NoTrans.hsh)) { hload NoTrans NoTrans.hsh  }
On *:Disconnect:{ 
  if ($hget(AutoTrans)) { hsave AutoTrans AutoTrans.hsh } 
  if ($hget(NoTrans)) { hsave NoTrans NoTrans.hsh }   
On *:Exit:{ 
  if ($hget(AutoTrans)) {
    hsave AutoTrans AutoTrans.hsh
    hfree AutoTrans 
  if ($hget(NoTrans)) {
    hsave NoTrans NoTrans.hsh
    hfree NoTrans 
On *:Unload:{ hfree AutoTrans | hfree NoTrans }
;;;;;;;Start edit;;;;;;;;;

alias -l Autotrans {
  var %sockname $+(bingtrans,$network,$2,$ticks)
  sockopen %sockname 80
  var %apikey $hget(bingtrans,apikey)
  if (%apikey) {
    var %sourcelang $iif($gettok($4,2,124),$gettok($4,1,124),$null)
    var %destlang $iif($gettok($4,2,124),$gettok($4,2,124),$gettok($4,1,124))
    var %text $5
    svar %sockname method $1-2
    svar %sockname url $+(/v2/ajax.svc/TranslateArray2?appId=",%apikey,"&texts=[",%text,"]&from=",%sourcelang,"&to=",%destlang,")
    svar %sockname text %text
    svar %sockname destlang %destlang
    svar %sockname nick $3
  else GetBingGetApiKey $1-
On *:sockopen:bingtrans*: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $svar($sockname,url) HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $sock($sockname).addr
    sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Opera 9.6
    sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: close
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
On *:sockread:bingtrans*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
  else {
    sockread -fn &bingtrans
    var %bingtrans $bvar(&bingtrans,1-).text
    if ($regex(%bingtrans,/The\stoken\shas\sexpired/i)) { 
      echo -gat Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
      GetBingGetapiKey $svar($sockname,method) $svar($sockname,destlang) $svar($sockname,text)
    elseif ($regex(%BingTrans,/"From":"(.*?)"\x2c.*\x2c"TranslatedText":"(.*?)"\x2c"/i)) {
      if ($regml(1) == $svar($sockname,destlang)) {
        sockclose $sockname 
      else {
        if ($urlencode($regml(1)) != $svar($sockname,text)) {
          $svar($sockname,method) $+([,$lower($regml(1)),],-,[,$svar($sockname,destlang),]) $svar($sockname,nick) $fixhtml($regml(2))
alias BingGetapiKey { GetBingGetapiKey echo -a $1- }
alias  GetBingGetapiKey {
  var %sockname $+(BingGetapiKey,$network,$2,$ticks)
  sockopen %sockname 80
  svar %sockname method $1-2
  svar %sockname sourcelang $iif($gettok($4,2,124),$gettok($4,1,124),$null)
  svar %sockname destlang $iif($gettok($4,2,124),$gettok($4,2,124),$gettok($4,1,124))
  svar %sockname text $5
  svar %sockname nick $3
  svar %sockname url /translator/dynamic/210541/js/LandingPage.js?loc=en&phenabled=&rttenabled=&v=210541
On *:sockopen:BingGetapiKey*: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $svar($sockname,url) HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $sock($sockname).addr
    sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Opera 9.6
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
On *:sockread:BingGetapiKey*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
  else {
    sockread -fn &BingGetapiKey
    var %BingGetapiKey $bvar(&BingGetapiKey,1-).text
    if ($regex(%BingGetapiKey,/appId:"([^"]*)"/i)) {
      hadd -m bingtrans apikey $regml(1)
      if ($regml(1)) {
        AutoTrans $svar($sockname,method) $iif($svar($sockname,nick),$v1,0) $+($svar($sockname,sourcelang),|,$svar($sockname,destlang)) $svar($sockname,text)
      sockclose $sockname
alias -l Svar {
  var %sockname $1, %item $+($2,$1)
  if ($isid) {
    if ($regex(svar,$sock(%sockname).mark,/ $+ %item $+ \x01([^\x01]*)/i)) return $regml(svar,1)
  elseif ($3)  {
    var %value $3-
    if (!$regex(svar,$sock(%sockname).mark,/ $+ %item $+ \x01/i)) { sockmark %sockname $+($sock(%sockname).mark,$chr(1),%item,$chr(1),%value) }
    else { sockmark %sockname $regsubex(svar,$sock(%sockname).mark,/( $+ %item $+ \x01[^\x01]*)/i,$+(%item,$chr(1),%value)) }
alias -l msgNoLang {
  msg $1 $4-


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cptpan   -  Oct 24, 2016

Does this work any more?

rabo3   -  Sep 24, 2016

What version of mirc should i use ?

rabo3   -  Sep 24, 2016

it's not working with me, dunno why ? i add all the steps right as you said !

Estrong1   -  Jan 17, 2015

I can't get this to work on mIRC version 7.38, whenever I run the setup it reverts back to original settings which are off. Any solutions?

Somsubhra1  -  Jan 11, 2016

Same here

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Bri1977   -  Dec 20, 2014

it is happening again @FordLawnmower it was working fine, then about 30 mins ago this...

[16:03:40] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[16:03:42] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[16:03:43] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[16:04:05] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[16:05:25] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[16:14:03] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[16:14:06] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[16:16:06] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[16:24:05] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[16:27:03] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...

FordLawnmower  -  Dec 20, 2014


Bri1977  -  Dec 20, 2014

So far so good, a few mins after loading it, it gave a Token Expired message and nothing since then, will keep an eye on it, but right now, all is good again lol

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RIcko   -  Dec 11, 2014

It's working fine now, thanks for the update Ford!

Bri1977   -  Dec 10, 2014

@FordLawnmower i am not sure what is going on with this script, it is/was working fine last night, then i wake up today and it is constantly getting a new code/token from the page

[12:25:47] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[12:27:14] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[12:28:01] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[12:37:35] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[12:37:35] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[12:38:01] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[12:38:49] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[12:39:33] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...

other than a reboot, is there any way to fix this?

FordLawnmower  -  Dec 10, 2014

Updated. Should be working now Bri1977

Bri1977  -  Dec 11, 2014

yup, working great so far, it went from ....

[11:15:52] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[11:15:59] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[11:16:04] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[11:16:07] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...

to this ....

[11:17:30] uniflash couldnt see which chip it but it said it was locked
[11:17:30] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...
[11:18:08] you would be capable of removing the chip and flash it with the true mobo bios

it didn't show the url, but that is a minor issue, it was like that anyway at some points

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FordLawnmower   -  Jun 05, 2014


Bri1977  -  Jun 06, 2014

this probably means more to you than me @FordLawnmower it posted this link in my status tab which had this output on it

Bri1977  -  Jun 07, 2014

ok lol i guess this script uses cookies/tokens, got that link again today, but this time it had a message before it
[10:33:38] Translator Expired Token :: Fetching New Token...

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cptpan   -  May 28, 2014

Sometimes the translations are quite weird, so I will have to add many exceptions:

[12:22] Loal
[12:22] [et]-[en] [penda] With The Permission Of The
[12:22] <@Raf> LOL WAT
[12:22] [nl]-[en] [Raf] LOL WHAT

MoneyGamer   -  May 24, 2014

Good job

cptpan   -  Apr 21, 2014

Does this just not work any more?

cptpan  -  Apr 21, 2014

Ok, it randomly decides to work SOMETIMES, and very rarely for some reason.

FordLawnmower  -  Apr 22, 2014

I need to just do a rewrite on this cptpan. Google has gotten too strict and keeps banning ip's.

cptpan  -  Apr 26, 2014

I see. It does work sometimes but not others. And it still does a fairly ok job. I have seen others that work really well though, so hope you can work it out.

FordLawnmower  -  May 17, 2014

Please test and post your results here.

Stewie1k94  -  May 17, 2014

[11:52pm] <~Stewie> Bonjour
[11:52pm] <&ThunderBolt> [ru]-[en] Bonĵour
[11:52pm] <&ThunderBolt> [fr]-[en] Hello
[11:52pm] <~Stewie> Hol
[11:52pm] <&ThunderBolt> [hu]-[en] Where
[11:52pm] <~Stewie> Hola
[11:52pm] <&ThunderBolt> [es]-[en] Hello
[11:52pm] <~Stewie> Goed
[11:52pm] <&ThunderBolt> [nl]-[en] Good
[11:52pm] <~Stewie> Niet
[11:52pm] <&ThunderBolt> [nl]-[en] Not
[11:53pm] <~Stewie> Aparteid
[11:53pm] <&ThunderBolt> [ms]-[en] Apartheid In South Africa It mostly works, but I can't get it to work for Macedonian for some reason.

FordLawnmower  -  May 17, 2014

Thanks for the response @toclafane1 :)
This translator now uses bing , because google has made it so hard to use their services.
Bing's translator and language detection is fairly new, so hopefully it will get better.

I am open to writing a second engine, if there is a site with tolerance for lots of queries and language detection.
I just noticed this:
Bing doesn't have support for Macedonian yet ;/

Bri1977  -  May 17, 2014

I havn't updated this script in a while and for some reason at first it wasn't showing the translations, checked the status tab etc, nothing, then i checked the settings and it was turned off on every chan, turned it back on and all was good, the only bad thing about it was all the translations that it didn't need to do lol but will fix all that in the morning, here is a lil snippet of the good/bad stuff :-

[00:10:38] [00:59:09] :         &[MindForge] ¦ was du nicht sagst
[de]-[en] [Moot] [00:59:09 pm]: & [MindForge] ¦ what you don't say

[00:29:14] :o
[00:29:17] o:
[pt]-[en] [Marko50] the:
[00:29:19] <C[]> ö
[sv]-[en] [C[
]] Island

[00:30:06] o_0
[pt]-[en] [Marko50] o0
[00:30:09] <C[
]> 0o
[pt]-[en] [C[
]] 0_o

FordLawnmower  -  May 17, 2014

@Bri1977 I've updated the code to fix most of these issues.
Issues such as this one:
[00:29:17] o:
[pt]-[en] [Marko50] the:
Can be fixed by adding an exclusion for o:

Bri1977  -  May 19, 2014

ok, we have a problem lol it works in all channels, except for one, the only obvious reason i can see is that the chan name has a + in it, being a net-admin, i don't see any error messages in status etc, so the prob is either that or something else i am missing

cptpan  -  May 28, 2014

It works fine for me now. Great work Lawnmower!

You are single-handedly keeping amazing mSL scripts alive across the internet with your coding. Excellent.

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ChUcKst3r   -  Sep 02, 2013

Seems like it doesn't recognize the languages aswell

Translation []-[] The money is on the way

cptpan  -  Sep 28, 2013

I also get the Translation []-[] occurring.

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RIcko   -  Sep 01, 2013

I loaded the script and edited the settings to return as echos, it works fine but I keep receiving those messages in my main window:
(Sep-Sun-1|9:39:33|pm) Socket Error Auto translator for me.ini
(Sep-Sun-1|9:43:36|pm) Socket Error Auto translator for me.ini
(Sep-Sun-1|9:44:06|pm) Socket Error Auto translator for me.ini
(Sep-Sun-1|9:44:20|pm) Socket Error Auto translator for me.ini
(Sep-Sun-1|9:44:26|pm) Socket Error Auto translator for me.ini

Bri1977   -  Nov 24, 2012
Bri1977   -  Nov 24, 2012

ok, i replaced the detectlanguage version with the test edit version and neither seem to be working fully, every now and again i will get a translation come up, but a lot of the time i get absolutely nothing, i really hope you can sort something out, my guess would be some change on googles end, i will have to give the debug version a test run and see what happens

Bri1977   -  Nov 22, 2012

@FordLawnmower im having issues with the detectlanguage version of the script, the other edit version you did works fine tho, i was using 7 different keys with the detectlanguage, which seemed to be just enough to keep the script ticking over, ive only noticed it not working today, but according to the usage stats, its not been getting hits for 2 days, i tried resetting my keys, but its still not working, so i might have to switch to the other edit, but i prefer the detectlanguage version, it gives better results

chicken-   -  Oct 30, 2012

Working ok for me, couple of issues with it going off when it shouldn't. I'm an admin for some pickup game channels for Unreal Tournament, it is triggered by the pickup bot listing the player names, and so far "haha" goes off every time.

I'm no coder or scripter, but to me it seems like the easiest way to fix a lot of these is to not return the text when it doesn't actually translate at least 2-3 words out of the whole line. It's just returning the exact text it "translated" so it should detect that the words were unchanged and not send it as a translation.

A way to ignore certain nicknames would help too so I could ignore the pickup bots.

07:11:23 <@L> [» CTF-ProMod «][» [4/10] «][» 1) Kappa 2) z0rf 3) Slayer 4) mintek «]
Translation []-[] [»CTF ProMod«] [»[4/10]«] [»1) Coat 2) z0rf 3) Slayer 4) MINTEK«]

07:20:08 <+NecroNinja> no nhl
Translation []-[] no nhl

07:11:59 <+mintek> haha
Translation []-[] haha

Dr.MonaLisa   -  Aug 02, 2012

I've installed the latest version of script ( But it's still not working for me. It just don't translate any text... I'm using mIRC 7.22
Is it a script issue, or I do something wrong?

Bri1977   -  Jul 26, 2012

looks better, the first edit had no issues on 6.31, none that i could see anyway, so i will update my bot to 6.31 later

FordLawnmower   -  Jul 26, 2012

Fixed and updated a bit :

Bri1977   -  Jul 26, 2012
  • /if: invalid format (line 73, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)
  • /if: invalid format (line 73, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)

lol ^^ 6.21

FordLawnmower   -  Jul 26, 2012

Most of that looks like the responses are identical to the original.
This edit will suppress them:

Bri1977   -  Jul 26, 2012

the latest version seems too sensitive...

[11:03:35] <Mac|away> hi Bri
[11:03:37] Translation [pl]-[en] [Mac|away] Hi Bri
[11:03:44] hi
[11:03:46] Translation [pl]-[en] [Bri_Away] hi

[10:36:05] ISP: Paul Bunyan Telephone.
[10:36:06] Translation [id]-[en] [Phosphorus] ISP: Paul Bunyan Telephone.
[10:36:06] Domain:
[10:36:08] ZIP Code: 56601
[10:36:09] Translation [it]-[en] [Phosphorus] ZIP Code: 56601

[10:18:10] lol
[10:18:11] Translation [nl]-[en] [Macros] lol

[10:17:02] hi mac
[10:17:03] Translation [pl]-[en] [keops] hi mac
[10:17:19] ok hun ?
[10:17:20] Translation [pl]-[en] [Macros] ok hun?

Bri1977   -  Jul 25, 2012

that one works :p except for it not translating yah anymore lol so its win-win i hope lol will check it on a more upto date mIRC 2moro, when my key stops working :p

FordLawnmower   -  Jul 25, 2012

Yea, the 6.21 is a problem because it has a very small variable limit. I would use at least 6.35 for testing any current scripts.
Anyway, I edited it to use a smaller variable size:

Bri1977   -  Jul 25, 2012

I unloaded the one from earlier today, its mIRC 6.21, i havn't loaded it onto my main mIRC(7.22) yet, cos im using another key on that one lol

FordLawnmower   -  Jul 25, 2012

Strange it's working fine for me.
What is your mIRC version ?
Did you unload all other versions of this script ?

Bri1977   -  Jul 25, 2012

nope, still the same, im testing 'yah' cos it thinks its indonesian and its giving 4 lines in status

FordLawnmower   -  Jul 25, 2012

Hmm, that's pretty odd, but I did just edit the pastebin. Try it now

Bri1977   -  Jul 25, 2012

I tried 2 translations and got this in status...
[02:52:07am] Ping? Pong!

  • Line too long: $bvar (line 247, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)
  • Line too long: $bvar (line 247, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)
  • Line too long: $bvar (line 247, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)
  • Line too long: $bvar (line 247, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)
    [02:54:45am] Ping? Pong!
  • Line too long: $bvar (line 247, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)
  • Line too long: $bvar (line 247, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)
  • Line too long: $bvar (line 247, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)
  • Line too long: $bvar (line 247, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)
  • Line too long: $bvar (line 247, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)
  • Line too long: $bvar (line 247, AutoTranslateTest.mrc)
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