Star Wars Rpg

By Ghost-writer on Nov 01, 2009

This is the star wars rpg, this is the sequal to my harry potter idea :P. To work it you type !start or in the on load enter your owners name and then type !help game for any extra help,

its 100% inis and 0 variables because in my last harry potter script everyone didnt like the massive use of variables,

the ini may get to big so i used writeini -n so if its over 64k thats your problem :)

I fixed a bug for people with [] in there name were $ini(star.ini, person, 0) would return $null, im pretty sure thats khalids job but i found a way around it :P.

To test out the bot: server -m -j #darkness - Galaxybot.

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Unset/Si:*:{
  if ( $nick == %owner) {
    msg $chan The Duel between %duel.player1 & %duel.player2 has been unset!
on *:load: load

;Alien load - Do not edit.

alias load {
  set %owner $$?"What is the nick of the owner of this bot."
  set -u3 %nick %owner
  setmoney %owner  
  .remove alien.txt
  write alien.txt You start fighting aliens in mission 2
  write alien.txt To fight an alien you type !attack and the attack goes threw
  write alien.txt You can only attack once every 6-12 seconds because it takes your guns a while to reload
  write alien.txt Once you kill an alien they give a cash reward.
  .remove help.txt
  write help.txt Hello, Thank you for using the Star Wars Alien game.
  write help.txt To use this join a big channel and have users type !start
  write help.txt For any questions or bugs you can go to -j #darkness
  write help.txt For help running the game go to the same place, to edit things directly type //run star.ini
  write help.txt You may change some lines of code but please do not claim the idea as your own.
  write help.txt Give credit when needed - Enjoy using this bot. - Termz
  var %x 1
  echo -a 14>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3Alien Script V1.014<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  while (%x < $lines(help.txt)) {
    .timer -o 1 $calc(%x * 3) echo -a $read(help.txt, %x)
    inc %x
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Duelcmd/Si:*:{
  msg $nick !@. Can be used with all of these commands.
  msg $nick The duel commands for the weapons are Basic Launcher: !Shoot - Turbo cannon: !Turbo - Flame turrent: !Fire.
;Duel interface - Important - edittable
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Duel/Si:#:{
  if (!%duel) {
    if ($readini(star.ini, $nick, mission) >= 2) {
      if (!$readini(star.ini, $nick, Fight)) {
        if (!%Duel.player1) {
          set %Duel.p1hp $readini(star.ini, $nick, Bhp)
          set %Duel.player1 $nick
          writeini star.ini $nick Fight Active
          set %Duel.power1 $readini(star.ini, $nick, power)
          msg $chan $nick has declared a starship duel! To fight him type !duel.
          .timerduel -o 1 20 unsetduel          
        if (!%duel.player2) {
          .timerduel off
          set %duel Progress
          writeini star.ini $nick Fight Active
          set %Duel.p2hp $readini(star.ini, $nick, Bhp)
          set %Duel.player2 $nick
          set %Duel.power2 $readini(star.ini, $nick, power)
          msg $chan $nick has accepted %Duel.player1 $+ 's duel! You may now fight!
          .notice %Duel.player1 @duelcmds for commands on how to fight
          .notice %duel.player2 @duelcmds for commands on how to fight
          set %turn $rand(1,2)
          msg $chan it is %duel.player [ $+ [ %turn ] ] $+ 's Turn!
      else { .msg $nick You are currently in a fight! }
    else { msg $nick You have not done all the required missions yet! }
;start - Non/important - edittable
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]start/Si:*:{
  set -u2 %nick $nick
  set -u3 %chan $chan
;missions - Important - edittable
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]mission/Si:*:{
  if ($2 == complete) {
    if ($readini(star.ini, $nick, mission) == 1) {
      if ($readini(star.ini, $nick, itemore) >= 50) {
        var %ore $readini(star.ini, $nick, itemore)
        dec %ore 5
        var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
        inc %money 500
        writeini star.ini $nick mission 2
        msg $nick You have completed the mission! and with the completion of the mission you get 500 dollars!
      else { .notice $nick You do not yet have 5 ore. }
    elseif ($readini(star.ini, $nick, mission) == 2) {
      if $readini(star.ini, $nick, Aliensk) >= 4) {
        var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, Money)
        inc %money 5000
        msg $nick You have completed the mission and killed 5 aliens! Good job, i always knew you would be worthwhile!
        describe $nick Gives you 5000 dollars to spend as you wish.
        writeini -n star.ini $nick Money %money
        writeini -n star.ini $nick mission 3
      else { .notice $nick You have not killed 5 aliens yet, You have only killed $readini(star.ini, $nick, Aliensk) aliens. }
  if (!$readini(star.ini, $nick, mission)) {
    msg $nick You have come for a mission eh? Well as your first mission get me 50 ore.
    msg $nick When You are done type !mission complete
    writeini -n star.ini $nick mission 1  
  if ($readini(star.ini, $nick, mission) == 2) {
    msg $nick Come back for another mission did you? Well here it is.
    msg $nick Kill 5 aliens by using the !fight alien command.
    msg $nick if you need any more help to !help alien
  else { .notice $nick you have currently completed all the missions. }
;alien killing - important - Edittable
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]attack/Si:*:{
  if ($readini(star.ini, $nick, Fighting) == alien) {
    if (!$readini(star.ini, $nick, Attacking)) {
      var %alienhp $readini(star.ini, $nick, alienhp)
      var %hit $calc($readini(star.ini, $nick, power) + $rand(5,15))
      dec %alienhp %hit
      writeini -n star.ini $nick alienhp %alienhp
      if ( %alienhp <= 0 ) {
        var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, Money)
        inc %money 1000
        writeini -n star.ini $nick Money %money
        msg $nick You have killed the alien earning you 1000 dollars!
        var %aliensk $readini(star.ini, $nick, Aliensk)
        inc %aliensk
        writeini -n star.ini $nick aliensk %aliensk
        remini star.ini $nick attacking
        remini star.ini $nick fighting
        remini star.ini $nick alienhp
        .timeralien $+ $nick off
        msg $nick You have now killed a total of %aliensk aliens And have a total of %money dollars!
      else {
        writeini -n star.ini $nick Attacking 1
        var %time $rand(5,12)
        .timer $+ $nick $+ Attacking -o 1 %time remini star.ini $nick attacking
        msg $nick You have attacked the alien dealing %hit damage, Please wait %time seconds for your next attack, The alien now has %alienhp health left.
    else { .notice $nick You are currently attacking! }
  else { .notice $nick You are not currently fighting }
;Alien alias - Important - Edittable
alias alien {
  if (!$server) halt
  var %damage $rand(1,20)
  var %hp $readini(star.ini, $1, Health)
  dec %hp %damage
  msg $1 The alien has hit you causing %damage damage!
  writeini -n star.ini $1 Health %hp
  if ( %hp <= 0) {
    .timeralien $+ $1 off
    var %loss $rand(100,400)
    if (%loss > $readini(star.ini, $1, Money)) {
      writeini -n star.ini $1 Money 0
    else { 
      var %money $readini(star.ini, $1, money)
      dec %money %loss
      writeini -n star.ini $1 Money %money
      msg $1 The alien has killed you, You have lost %loss dollars! and now have $readini(star.ini, $1, money) Dollars.

;Fight command - Important - Edittable
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Fight/Si:*:{
  var %hp $readini(star.ini, $nick, Health)
  if ( %hp > 0) {
    if ($2 == alien) {
      if ($readini(star.ini, $nick, mission) >= 2) {
        if (!$readini(star.ini, $nick, Fighting)) {
          msg $nick You have started fighting an alien! use !attack to attack it!
          .timeralien $+ $nick -o 0 $rand(5,15) alien $nick
          writeini -n star.ini $nick fighting Alien
          writeini -n star.ini $nick AlienHp 100
        else { .notice $nick You are currently fighting an alien, use !attack to attack it! }
      else { .notice $nick You have not met the requirements to do this yet. }
    else { .notice $nick The command is Fight <monster>! }
  else { .notice $nick You do not have enough health to fight an alien }

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]item/Si:*:{
  $iif(@ isin $1,msg $chan,notice $nick) You currently have $item($nick)
;item command - Crucial - Non edditable
alias item {
  var %a 1
  while ($ini(star.ini,$1,%a)) { 
    if (item isin $v1) { 
      var %b $addtok(%b,$readini(star.ini,$1,$v2) $remove($v2,item),44) 
    inc %a 
  return $iif(%b,$replace($v1,$chr(44), $chr(32) $+ - $+ $chr(32)),No items.)
;Help command - Edittable
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Help/Si:*:{
  if ( $2 == game ) { 
    msg $nick This is a star wars game, you can mine and sell your ore for items at the bay & do missions via the !mission command.
    .timer 1 1 msg $nick Commands are, Mine <ore>. Buy <item>. Sell <item>. Stats. Money. Bay. Ship. Mission. Mission Complete.
  if ( $2 == alien ) {
    play $nick alien.txt 2000
  if ( mine isin $2 ) {
    .notice $nick to mine you type @mine ore
    .notice $nick The ores are as fallowed: Basic ore, Refrenced to Ore. Gold, Refrenced to Gold.
    .notice $nick When mining ores you might come across gems such as rubies or diamonds
    .notice $nick these are worth a lot so its best to sell them via the @sell <item> command!
  else { 
    if ( $nick == %owner ) {
      .notice $nick To unset a duel type !unset - This is a owner only command.
  .notice $nick We do not provide help with that, We provide help with - Game - Alien - Mining - }
;Mining - Crucial to game - Edittable
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Mine/Si:*:{
  if (!$readini(star.ini, $nick, Guide)) { notice $nick You do not have an account yet, Type !bay to get started. | halt }
  if ( $2 == ore ) {
    var %hp $readini(star.ini, $nick, Health)
    var %money ($readini(star.ini, $nick, Health)
    if ( %hp > 0 ) {
      var %chance $rand(1,3)
      if ( %chance != 1) {
        Var %schance $rand(1,10)
        if (%schance == 5) {
          var %rubys $readini(star.ini, $nick, itemRuby)
          inc %rubys
          writeini -n star.ini $nick itemRuby %rubys
          .timer 1 3 msg $nick You have also found a ruby!
        var %ore $rand(5,10)
        inc %ore $readini(star.ini, $nick, ship)
        var %tore $readini(star.ini, $nick, itemore)
        inc %tore %ore
        writeini -n star.ini $nick itemore %tore
        msg $nick You have went on a mining trip and successfully come back with %ore ore! You currently have %tore ore.
      if ( %chance == 1 ) {
        var %hp $readini(star.ini, $nick, Health)
        var %loss $rand(25,35)
        var %power $iif($readini(star.ini, $nick, Power) > 20,20,$readini(star.ini, $nick, Power))
        dec %loss %power
        dec %hp %loss
        writeini -n star.ini $nick Health %hp
        msg $nick You have been attacked while mining the ore, You have lost %loss hp!
        msg $nick $iif(%hp <= 0,You need to go to the bay to get healed!,You have %hp hp left.)
    else msg $nick You do not have enough Health to mine for ore! 
  if ( $2 == Gold ) {
    var %hp $readini(star.ini, $nick, Health)
    var %money ($readini(star.ini, $nick, Health)
    if ( %hp > 0 ) {
      var %chance $rand(1,3)
      if ( %chance != 1) {
        Var %schance $rand(1,10)
        if (%schance == 5) {
          var %diamond $readini(star.ini, $nick, itemdiamond)
          inc %diamond
          writeini -n star.ini $nick itemDiamond %diamond
          .timer 1 3 msg $nick You have also found a diamond!
        var %ore $rand(5,10)
        inc %ore $readini(star.ini, $nick, ship)
        var %tore $readini(star.ini, $nick, itemgold)
        inc %tore %ore
        writeini -n star.ini $nick itemgold %tore
        msg $nick You have went on a mining trip and successfully come back with %ore gold ore! You currently have %tore golden ore.
      if ( %chance == 1 ) {
        var %hp $readini(star.ini, $nick, Health)
        var %loss $rand(155,275)
        dec %loss $iif($readini(star.ini, $nick, aliensk) > 20,20,$readini(star.ini, $nick, aliensk))
        var %power $iif($readini(star.ini, $nick, Power) > 20,20,$readini(star.ini, $nick, Power))
        dec %loss %power
        dec %hp %loss
        writeini -n star.ini $nick Health %hp
        msg $nick You have been attacked while mining the golden ore, You have lost %loss hp!
        msg $nick $iif(%hp <= 0,You need to go to the bay to get healed!,You have %hp hp left.)
    else msg $nick You do not have enough Health to mine for ore! 
  else msg $nick What do you want to mine? The command is mine <Ore>. & you can only mine gold and plain ore.
;stats command - edittable
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Stats/Si:#:{
  var %person $iif($2,$strip($2),$nick)
  if ($readini(star.ini, %person $+ , Guide)) { 
    $iif(@ isin $1,msg $chan,.notice %person $+ ) 14 $+ %person currently has a12 $ship( $+ %person $+ ) - $money( $+ %person $+ ) Dollars14 And12 $hp( $+ %person $+ ) 14With12 $weapon( $+ %person $+ ) Equipped.
  else { .notice $nick $iif(!$2,You,%person) does not have an account yet, type !start to get one! }
;Money - Important to game. - non edittable
alias money {
  var %x $readini(star.ini, $1, money)
  if (!%x) var %x 0
  return %x
;Weapon - important to game. - non edittable
alias weapon {
  var %x $ini(star.ini, $replace($1,$chr(91),~,$chr(93),~), 0)
  while (%x) {
    if ( Weapon isin $ini(star.ini, $replace($1,$chr(91),~,$chr(93),~), %x)) {
      var %b $iif(%b, $+ %b 14-12, %b) $readini(star.ini, $1, $ini(star.ini, $replace($1,$chr(91),~,$chr(93),~), %x))
    dec %x
  return Weapons: $iif(%b,%b,0)

alias hp {
  var %x $readini(star.ini, $1, Health)
  if (!%x) var %x No Health
  return %x Hp

alias ship {
  var %x $readini(star.ini, $1, shipn)
  if (!%x) var %x No ship
  return %x
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Ship/Si:#:{
  if ($readini(Star.ini, $nick, ship)) $iif(@ isin $1,msg $chan,notice $nick) $nick has a $ship($nick) $iif($readini(star.ini, $nick, Weapon1), With $weapon($nick) equiped))
  else $iif(@ isin $1,msg $chan,notice $nick) $nick Does not have a ship, to get one go to the bay.
;Heal command, /heal person
alias heal {
  if (!$server) halt
  writeini -n star.ini $1 Health $iif($readini(star.ini, $1, Bhp),$v1,100)
  msg $1 You now have $iif($readini(star.ini, $1, Bhp),$v1,100) Health!
;The bay, Our prices only go up!
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Bay/Si:*:{
  if (!$readini(star.ini, $nick, Guide)) { 
    set -u2 %nick $nick
    set -u2 %chan $chan
  else {
    var %hp $readini(star.ini, $nick, Health)
    if ( %hp !> 0) { 
      msg $nick oh no! You have no hp, please wait while i heal you! it will take 20 seconds!
      .timer $+ $nick -o 1 20 heal $nick
    msg $nick Hello $nick $+ , Welcome to they ship bay, What would you like to buy?
    msg $nick In stock we currently have,
    msg $nick 14- 4Galaxy Cruiser3 $bytes(10000,db) dollars. 14-
    msg $nick 14- 12Phase ship3 25000 dollars. 14-
    msg $nick 14- 12Flame turrent3 12500 dollars. 14-
    msg $nick 14- 12Turbo Star Ship3 1000 dollars. 14-
    msg $nick 14- 12Super Cannons3 150 dollars. 14-
    msg $nick 14- 12Health packs3 50 dollars. 14-
    msg $nick To buy any of these products just type !buy <product>.
    msg $nick We also buy items! type !shop <item> to see them!
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]shop/Si:*:{
  if ( $2 == gold ) { msg $nick yes we buy gold for 500 a piece! | halt }
  if ( $2 == ore ) { msg $nick yes we buy ore, plain ore<25> and golden ore<500>! | halt }
  if ( Diam isin $2 ) { msg $nick Yes, we buy diamond! | halt }  
  if ( rub isin $2 ) { msg $nick yes we buy rubies! | halt }
  .msg $nick no we do not buy that we only buy Rubies, Diamonds, Golden ore, Plain ore. To sell them type !sell <amount> <item>
;sell command
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]sell/Si:*:{
  if $strip($2 isnum) && ( diamon isin $strip($3) ) {
    var %j $readini(star.ini, $nick, itemdiamond)
    if ( %j >= $2 ) {
      dec %j $2
      var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
      inc %money $calc($2 * 5000)
      writeini -n star.ini $nick money %money
      writeini -n star.ini $nick itemdiamond %j
      msg $nick You have sold $2 piec $+ $iif($2 > 1,es,e) of golden ore for $calc($2 * 5000) dollars, You now have %j diamon $+ $iif($2 != 1,ds,d) and $bytes(%money,db) dollars.
    else { .notice $nick you do not have that many diamonds, You have $iif(%j,%j,0) diamonds. }

  if $strip($2 isnum) && ( $strip($3) == gold ) {
    var %ore $readini(star.ini, $nick, itemgold)
    if ( %ore >= $2 ) {
      dec %ore $2
      var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
      inc %money $calc($2 * 500)
      writeini -n star.ini $nick money %money
      writeini -n star.ini $nick itemgold %ore
      msg $nick You have sold $2 piec $+ $iif($2 > 1,es,e) of golden ore for $calc($2 * 500) dollars, You now have %ore ore and $bytes(%money,db) dollars.
    else { .notice $nick you do not have that much golden ore, You only have %ore ore. }
  if $strip($2 isnum) && ( $strip($3) == ore ) {
    var %ore $readini(star.ini, $nick, itemore)
    if ( %ore >= $2 ) {
      dec %ore $2
      var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
      inc %money $calc($2 * 25)
      writeini -n star.ini $nick money %money
      writeini -n star.ini $nick itemore %ore
      msg $nick You have sold $2 ore for $calc($2 * 25) dollars, You now have %ore ore and $bytes(%money,db) dollars.
    else { .notice $nick you do not have that much ore, You only have %ore ore. }
  if ( $2 isnum ) && ( rub isin $3) {
    var %ruby $readini(star.ini, $nick, itemRuby)
    if ( %ruby >= $2 ) {
      dec %ruby $2
      var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
      inc %money $calc($2 * 100)
      writeini -n star.ini $nick itemRuby %ruby
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Money %money
      msg $nick You have sold $iif($2 != 1, $2 rubies, a ruby) and recieved $calc($2 * 100) dollars!
    else { .notice $nick You do not have that many rubies. }
;Buy command - everything.
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Buy/Si:*:{
  if ( Galax isin $strip($2)) && ( Cruise isin $2-) {
    var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
    if ( $readini(star.ini, $nick, money) >= 10000 ) {
      msg $nick You have purchased a Galaxy Cruiser! One of the finest there are!
      dec %money 10000
      writeini -n star.ini $nick money %money
      writeini -n star.ini $nick bhp 500
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Health 500
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Shipn Galaxy Cruiser
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Ship 5
      msg $nick You currently have $bytes(%money,db) dollars.
    else { msg $nick You do not have enough money to buy a Phase Ship, You currently have $iif(%money,%money dollars.,No money) }
  if ( flam isin $strip($2)) && ( Turren isin $strip($3) ) {
    var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
    if ( %money >= 12500) {
      dec %money 12500
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Money %money
      var %power $readini(star.ini, $nick, Power)
      inc %power 20
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Power $iif(%power >= 65,65,%power)
      msg $nick You have purchased a flame turrent!
      msg $nick You have %money dollars left.
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Weapon2 Flame Turrent
    else { .notice $nick You do nto have enough money to buy a flame turrent, You currently have $iif(%money,%money dollars.,No money) }
  if ( phase isin $strip($2)) && ( ship isin $2-) {
    var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
    if ( $readini(star.ini, $nick, money) >= 25000 ) {
      msg $nick You have purchased a Phase Ship! One of the finest there are!
      dec %money 25000
      writeini -n star.ini $nick money %money
      writeini -n star.ini $nick bhp 200
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Health 200
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Shipn Phase Ship
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Ship 3
      msg $nick You currently have $bytes(%money,db) dollars.
    else { msg $nick You do not have enough money to buy a Phase Ship, You currently have $iif(%money,%money dollars.,No money) }
  if ( Turbo isin $strip($2)) && ( Ship isin $2-) {
    var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
    if ( $readini(star.ini, $nick, money) >= 1000 ) {
      msg $nick You have purchased a Turbo Star Ship!
      dec %money 1000
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Shipn Turbo Star Ship
      writeini -n star.ini $nick ship 2
      writeini -n star.ini $nick money %money
      msg $nick You currently have %money dollars.
    else { msg $nick You do not have enough money to buy a turbo star ship, You have $iif(%money,%money dollars.,No money) }
  if ( Cannon isin $strip($2-)) && ( Super isin $strip($1-) ) {
    var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
    if (%money >= 150) {
      dec %money 150
      writeini -n star.ini $nick money %money
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Weapon1 Turbo Cannon
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Power 20
      msg $nick You have bought a Turbo cannon!
      msg $nick You currently have %money dollars left.
    else { msg $nick You do not have enough money to buy a Turbo cannon, You have $iif(%money,%money dollars.,No money) }
  if ( Health isin $strip($2-)) && ( pack isin $2-) {
    var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
    if (%money >= 50) {
      dec %money 50
      var %health $readini(star.ini, $nick, health)
      inc %health 20
      writeini -n star.ini $nick Health %health
      writeini -n star.ini $nick money %money
      msg $nick You have bought 20 health, you now have %health health points.
    else { .notice $nick You do not have enough money to buy a health pack, You have $iif(%money,%money dollars.,No money) }
;Begging settings command.
alias setmoney {
  if (!%nick) && (!$1) { echo -a Insufficent perimeters, Setmoney <Person> | halt }
  if (!%nick) var %nick $1
  if (!$address(%nick,3)) { goto quick }
  if ($readini(star.ini, Accounts, $address(%nick,3))) { notice %nick You already have an account under the nick $readini(star.ini, Accounts, $address(%nick,3)) $+ , Ask %owner if you want it deleted. | halt }
  writeini star.ini Accounts $address(%nick,3) %nick
  if (!$readini(star.ini, %nick $+ , Guide)) { 
    writeini -n star.ini %nick Ship 1
    writeini -n star.ini %nick shipn Basic Star Fleet
    writeini -n star.ini %nick Money 500
    writeini -n star.ini %nick Guide Completed
    writeini -n star.ini %nick Power 5
    writeini -n star.ini %nick Health 100
    writeini -n star.ini %nick bhp 100
    writeini -n star.ini %nick Weapon0 Basic launcher
    if (!$server) { echo -a You are not connected so we could not message %nick about his new joining. | halt }
    msg %nick Welcome to the star galaxy %nick $+ . It will be a pleasure to fight along side you.
    msg %nick I have given you 500 dollars & A Basic star fleet. 
    msg %nick For help on how to play the game type !help Game
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Money/Si:#:{
  set -u2 %nick $nick
  set -u2 %chan $chan
  var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
  $iif($readini(star.ini, $nick, Money), $iif(@ isin $1,msg $chan,notice $nick) You currently have %money dollars, setmoney)
;Fire Command - #1

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Fire/Si:#:{
  if ($readini(star.ini, $nick, weapon2)) {
    if (%duel) {
      if ( $nick == %duel.player1 ) {
        if ( %turn == 1 ) {
          var %damage $rand(30,50)
          dec %Duel.p2hp %damage
          msg $chan 4,15 $+ $nick has shot %duel.Player2 $+ 's ship with a fire turrent causing %damage damage!
          set %turn 2
          if ( %Duel.p2hp <= 0 ) {
            var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
            var %win $rand(100,500)
            inc %money %win
            writeini star.ini $nick money %money
            msg $chan %duel.player1 Has killed %duel.Player2 $+ !
            msg $chan %duel.Player1 has won %win dollars from killing %duel.player2 and now has %money dollars.
            remini star.ini %duel.player1 fight       
            remini star.ini %duel.player2 fight
            unset %due*
          else { msg $chan 4,15 $+ %duel.Player2 has %Duel.p2hp hp left, it is now %duel.Player2 $+ 's turn! }
      if ( $nick == %duel.player2 ) {
        if ( %turn == 2 ) {
          var %damage $rand(30,50)
          dec %Duel.p1hp %damage
          msg $chan 4,15 $+ $nick has shot %duel.Player1 $+ 's ship with a fire turrent causing %damage damage!
          set %turn 1
          if ( %Duel.p1hp <= 0 ) {
            var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
            var %win $rand(100,500)
            inc %money %win
            writeini star.ini $nick money %money
            msg $chan %duel.player2 Has killed %duel.Player1 $+ !
            msg $chan %duel.Player2 has won %win dollars from killing %duel.player1 and now has %money dollars.
            remini star.ini %duel.player1 fight       
            remini star.ini %duel.player2 fight
            unset %due*
          else { msg $chan 4,15 $+ %duel.Player1 has %Duel.p1hp hp left, it is now %duel.Player1 $+ 's turn! }
    else { .notice $nick There is currently no duel in progress. }
  else { .notice $nick You do not have this weapon! }
;Turbo command - #2

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Turbo/Si:#:{
  if ($readini(star.ini, $nick, weapon1)) {
    if (%duel) {
      if ( $nick == %duel.player1 ) {
        if ( %turn == 1 ) {
          var %damage $rand(20,40)
          dec %Duel.p2hp %damage
          msg $chan 12,15 $+ $nick has shot %duel.Player2 $+ 's ship with their turbo cannons causing %damage damage!
          set %turn 2
          if ( %Duel.p2hp <= 0 ) {
            var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
            var %win $rand(100,500)
            inc %money %win
            writeini star.ini $nick money %money
            msg $chan %duel.player1 Has killed %duel.Player2 $+ !
            msg $chan %duel.Player1 has won %win dollars for killing %duel.player2 and now has %money dollars.
            remini star.ini %duel.player1 fight       
            remini star.ini %duel.player2 fight
            unset %due*
          else { msg $chan 12,15 $+ %duel.Player2 has %Duel.p2hp hp left, it is now %duel.Player2 $+ 's turn! }
      if ( $nick == %duel.player2 ) {
        if ( %turn == 2 ) {
          var %damage $rand(30,50)
          dec %Duel.p1hp %damage
          msg $chan 12,15 $+ $nick has shot %duel.Player1 $+ 's ship with their turbo cannons causing %damage damage!
          set %turn 1
          if ( %Duel.p1hp <= 0 ) {
            var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
            var %win $rand(100,500)
            inc %money %win
            writeini star.ini $nick money %money
            msg $chan %duel.player2 Has killed %duel.Player1 $+ !
            msg $chan %duel.Player2 has won %win dollars for killing %duel.player1 and now has %money dollars.
            remini star.ini %duel.player1 fight       
            remini star.ini %duel.player2 fight
            unset %due*
          else { msg $chan 12,15 $+ %duel.Player1 has %Duel.p1hp hp left, it is now %duel.Player1 $+ 's turn! }
    else { .notice $nick There is currently no duel in progress. }
  else { .notice $nick You do not have this weapon! }
;Shoot Command - #3

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]Shoot/Si:#:{
  if ($readini(star.ini, $nick, weapon0)) {
    if (%duel) {
      if ( $nick == %duel.player1 ) {
        if ( %turn == 1 ) {
          var %damage $rand(5,15)
          Var %damage2 $rand(5,15)
          dec %Duel.p2hp $calc(%damage + %damage2)
          msg $chan 8,14 $+ $nick has shot %duel.Player2 $+ 's ship with their basic shooters causing %damage & %damage2 damage!
          set %turn 2
          if ( %Duel.p2hp <= 0 ) {
            var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
            var %win $rand(100,500)
            inc %money %win
            writeini star.ini $nick money %money
            msg $chan %duel.player1 Has killed %duel.Player2 $+ !
            msg $chan %duel.Player1 has won %win dollars for killing %duel.player2 and now has %money dollars.
            remini star.ini %duel.player1 fight       
            remini star.ini %duel.player2 fight
            unset %due*
          else msg $chan 8,14 $+ %duel.Player2 has %Duel.p2hp hp left, it is now %duel.Player2 $+ 's turn! 
      if ( $nick == %duel.player2 ) {
        if ( %turn == 2 ) {
          var %damage $rand(5,15)
          Var %damage2 $rand(5,15)
          dec %Duel.p1hp $calc(%damage + %damage2)
          msg $chan 8,14 $+ $nick has shot %duel.Player1 $+ 's ship with their basic shooters causing %damage & %damage2 damage!
          set %turn 1
          if ( %Duel.p1hp <= 0 ) {
            var %money $readini(star.ini, $nick, money)
            var %win $rand(100,500)
            inc %money %win
            writeini star.ini $nick money %money
            msg $chan %duel.player2 Has killed %duel.Player1 $+ !
            msg $chan %duel.Player2 has won %win dollars for killing %duel.player1 and now has %money dollars.
            remini star.ini %duel.player1 fight       
            remini star.ini %duel.player2 fight  
            unset %due*
          else msg $chan 8,14 $+ %duel.Player1 has %Duel.p1hp hp left, it is now %duel.Player1 $+ 's turn! 
    else  .notice $nick There is currently no duel in progress. 
  else  .notice $nick You do not have this weapon! 
alias unsetduel {
  remini star.ini %duel.player1 fight       
  remini star.ini %duel.player2 fight  
  unset %due*


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Ghost-writer   -  Feb 06, 2010

... When you type start it tells you a command: @Help, You type @Help and there is MORE than enough help there..

The_One_And_Only   -  Feb 05, 2010

@ darkcoder

.remove help.txt
write help.txt Hello, Thank you for using the Star Wars Alien game.
write help.txt To use this join a big channel and have users type !start
write help.txt For any questions or bugs you can go to -j #darkness
write help.txt For help running the game go to the same place, to edit things directly type //run star.ini
write help.txt You may change some lines of code but please do not claim the idea as your own.
write help.txt Give credit when needed - Enjoy using this bot. - Termz

is not a help file with commands for the users...

DarkCoder   -  Feb 05, 2010

Uhmm, I think there is, on load event it writes help.txt so you probobly need to load it and read..

The_One_And_Only   -  Feb 05, 2010

you should include a help file with the commands for the users...

Pangaea   -  Jan 13, 2010

um, another rpg game with absaloutly no instructions whatsoever how to play

CadetAndrew   -  Nov 21, 2009

This is most impressive! I will definitally have to use it as soon as I can get my mIRC bot back up.

Brownjam0   -  Nov 21, 2009

episodes 1, 3 and 5 are 3 of my favourite, the other 3 favourites are 2, 4 and 6. they need to make more star wars !!!! i might add this to my bot

Atr   -  Nov 02, 2009

Lulz, a Star Wars fighting game - nice :P

sunslayer   -  Nov 01, 2009

@3nigmat1c episode 3 is my fav

Ghost-writer   -  Nov 01, 2009

lol yea, anyone can use it :P.

3nigmat1c   -  Nov 01, 2009

Strong I am, but slayer of suns, which movie talk you of?

sunslayer   -  Nov 01, 2009

Only a nerd would make a pointless script of a pointless movie.the greatest movie of all time, Star Wars is

3nigmat1c   -  Nov 01, 2009

Hey this looks cool, can I use it?

Grant-   -  Nov 01, 2009

Only a nerd would make a pointless script of a pointless movie.

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