Darkest script

By Ghost-writer on Oct 09, 2009

This is the darkest script. load it in your remote to find more information, summary tho. Sexy colours, sexy other things, flood control word strippers color basers. etc. its very good for a loaded theme, maybe the best :).

dialog csetting {
  title "Colour settings!"
  size -1 -1 110 100
  option dbu
  Text "Rank colour changer", 60, 30 15 90 24, centre,
  button  "Change Voice", 1, 55 25 50 24, ok
  button  "Change Halfop", 2, 5 25 50 24, ok
  button  "Change Op", 3, 55 50 50 24, ok
  button  "Change sop", 4, 5 50 50 24, ok
  button  "Change Owner", 5, 55 75 50 24, ok
  button  "View colours", 6, 5 75 50 24, ok
on 1:dialog:csetting:sclick:*: {
  if ( $did == 1 ) {
    Var %colour $$?"What colour do you want Voice to be?"
    if ( %colour isnum ) && (%colour > 0 ) && ( %colour < 16) {
      writeini theme.ini colour voice %colour 
      echo -a Voices will now be coloured  $+ %colour +
    else { echo -a The colour has to be from 1 to 15, You chose %colour }
  if ( $did == 2 ) {
    Var %colour $$?"What colour do you want Halfop to be?"
    if ( %colour isnum ) && (%colour > 0 ) && ( %colour < 16) { writeini theme.ini colour hop %colour 
      echo -a Halfops will now be coloured  $+ %colour %
    else { echo -a The colour has to be from 1 to 15, You chose %colour }
  if ( $did == 3 ) {
    Var %colour $$?"What colour do you want Op to be?"
    if ( %colour isnum ) && (%colour > 0 ) && ( %colour < 16) { writeini theme.ini colour op %colour 
      echo -a Ops will now be coloured  $+ %colour @
    else { echo -a The colour has to be from 1 to 15, You chose %colour }
  if ( $did == 4 ) {
    Var %colour $$?"What colour do you want Sop to be?"
    if ( %colour isnum ) && (%colour > 0 ) && ( %colour < 16) { writeini theme.ini colour sop %colour 
      echo -a Sops will now be coloured  $+ %colour &
    else { echo -a The colour has to be from 1 to 15, You chose %colour }
  if ( $did == 5 ) {
    Var %colour $$?"What colour do you want Owner to be?"
    if ( %colour isnum ) && (%colour > 0 ) && ( %colour < 16) { writeini theme.ini colour owner %colour 
      echo -a Owners will now be coloured  $+ %colour ~
    else { echo -a The colour has to be from 1 to 15, You chose %colour }
  if ( $did == 6 ) { 
    window -da @colours
    aline @colours $scol( Voices are + - Halfops are % - Ops are @ - Sops are & - Owners are ~ -)
alias csetting {
  echo -a The colours if you need them are as fallowed, 01 $+ 1022033044055066077088099101011111212131314141515
  dialog -mo csetting csetting
on *:input:@Darkest-control: {
  if ( / !isin $1 ) {
    aline @Darkest-Control $1-
    if ( command isin $1 ) {
      aline @Darkest-Control The commands are as fallowed.   
      Aline @darkest-control Colour setting - set up the colour for +%@&~.
      aline @Darkest-Control Blacklist - To see who is on your blacklist.    
      aline @Darkest-Control Update - Update the botlist, You may get an error if your server doesnt support the bs command.      
      aline @Darkest-Control View botList - For a list of the bots you have.
      aline @Darkest-Control settings - To change the settings
      aline @Darkest-Control Help - For the dark help file.
      aline @Darkest-Control add bot - Add a bot to the bot list manually
      aline @Darkest-Control delete bot - Delete a bot from the bot list.
      aline @Darkest-Control View settings - View the current settings you have in place.     
    if ($regex($lower($1-),hi|hello|sup|good morning|good day|hey|bonjour|greet|salutatio)) {   aline 12 @Darkest-Control  $greet($time(HH)) $+ , It is $day $time(mmmm) $time(mm) $+ , Have a nice day $me :). | halt }
    if ( view == $1 ) && ( setting isin $2 ) { 
      aline @Darkest-Control You currently have stripping messages: $iif($readini(theme.ini,settings,strip),$readini(theme.ini,settings,strip),off)
      aline @Darkest-Control You currently have Highlights: $iif($readini(theme.ini,settings,highlight),$readini(theme.ini,settings,highlight),off)
      aline @Darkest-Control You currently have Grammar correct: $iif($readini(theme.ini,settings,grammercorrect),$readini(theme.ini,settings,grammercorrect),off)
      aline @Darkest-Control You currently have Mode setting by + or -: $iif($readini(theme.ini,settings,plus),$readini(theme.ini,settings,plus),off)
      aline @Darkest-control You currently have Auto away: $iif(%away,%away,off)
      aline @Darkest-Control You currently have Query control: $iif($readini(theme.ini,settings,querycontrol),$readini(theme.ini,settings,querycontrol),off)
      aline @Darkest-Control You currently have Pop up on notice: $iif($readini(theme.ini,settings,popup),$readini(theme.ini,settings,popup),off)
      aline @Darkest-control Your current colour settings are $scol(~&@%+) - if they are all blue, you have none, type colour settings to change them.
      aline @Darkest-Control You are currently using - $dark(Darkest Script) Version $readini(theme.ini, settings, version)    
    if ( $1 == colour ) && ( setting isin $2 ) { csetting | halt }
    if ( blacklist isin $1- ) { 
      aline @Darkest-Control $iif($ini(theme.ini,blacklreason,1),You currently have $ini(theme.ini, blacklreason, 0) people on your blacklist., You currently have no people on your blacklist.)
      var %x $ini(theme.ini, blacklreason, 0)
      while (%x) {
        var %person $ini(theme.ini, blacklreason, %x)
        aline @Darkest-Control %person For reason, $Readini(theme.ini, blacklreason, %person)
        dec %x 
    if ( setting isin $1 ) { settings | halt }
    if ( help isin $1 ) { darkhelp | halt }
    if ( add == $1 ) && ( bot == $2 ) && ($3) { writeini theme.ini bots $3 1 | aline @Darkest-Control $3 has been added to the botlist! | halt }
    if ( delete == $1 ) && ( bot == $2 ) && ($3) { remini theme.ini bots $3 | aline @Darkest-Control $3 has been taken off the botlist. | halt }
    if ( view == $1 ) && ( bot isin $2 ) { viewbot | halt }
    if ( update == $1 ) { botit | halt }   
    else { 
      aline @Darkest-Control Error - No such command - To see commands type - commands - That is all.
  else noop $1-
alias startsets {
  if (!$hget(address, 0).item) .hmake address 100
  hload address address.txt
  set -e %ttraw on
  set -e %logo 6,1D1,6a6,1r1,6k6,1e1,6s6,1t
  set -e %timestamp 14(12hh14:12nn14:12ss14)
  set -e %raw $readini(theme.ini, settings, raw)
  set -e %protection $readini(theme.ini, settings, protection)
  set -e %awaytime $readini(theme.ini, settings, awaytime)
  set -e %amsg $readini(theme.ini, settings, amsg)
on *:start: {
  window -e @Darkest-Control
  aline 12 @Darkest-Control  $greet($time(HH)) $+ , It is $day $time(mmmm) $time(mm) $+ , Have a nice day $me :).
alias Greet {
  var %time Hello! Its late :P
  if ( $1 == 06 ) { var %time Good morning }
  if ( $1 == 07 ) { var %time Good morning }
  if ( $1 == 08 ) { var %time Good morning }
  if ( $1 == 09 ) { var %time Good morning }
  if ( $1 == 10 ) { var %time Good morning }
  if ( $1 == 11 ) { var %time Good morning }
  if ( $1 == 12 ) { var %time Good Afternoon }
  if ( $1 == 13 ) { var %time Good Afternoon }
  if ( $1 == 14 ) { var %time Good Afternoon }
  if ( $1 == 15 ) { var %time Good Afternoon }
  if ( $1 == 16 ) { var %time Good Afternoon }
  if ( $1 == 17 ) { var %time Good Afternoon }
  if ( $1 == 18 ) { var %time Good Evening }
  if ( $1 == 19 ) { var %time Good Evening }
  if ( $1 == 20 ) { var %time Good Evening }
  return %time
on ^1:OPEN:?:*: { 
  if ($nick) who $nick
  if ( $readini(theme.ini, settings, querycontrol) == on ) {
    if ($readini(theme.ini, query, $iif($sha($nick),$v1,$nick)) == accepted ) { echo -a Query Auto accepted from $nick $+ . | goto finish }
    if (%flood.o) { close -m $nick | $iif(%querys < 3,.msg $nick Please wait I have a que of queries which need to be answered first.) | inc %querys | window @floodcontrol | aline @floodcontrol $nick has queried you saying: <- $1- -> while you were accepting a query. | halt }
    set %query.nick $nick
    set %query.true $1-
    set %query.msg $iif($len($strip($1-)) > 75,a message to long to be displayed,$strip($1-)) 
    .msg $nick 12{14-15-14 $dark(Darkest) Query Control Please Wait to be accepted or denied 14-15-12} 
    dialog -m QF QF 
    .timer 1 0 close -m $nick
    set %flood.o 1
    .timer 1 5 unset %flood.*
    window @Darkest-Control
    aline 10 @Darkest-Control Query control used
dialog QF {
  title "Darkest Query Control"
  size 250 75 250 125
  text You have a query from %query.nick $chr(40) $+ $sha(%query.nick) $+ $chr(41) saying %query.msg ,1, 5 5 210 100
  button "Accept",2, 5 70 50 30, ok
  button "Deny",3, 60 70 50 30, cancel
  button "Block",4, 115 70 50 30
  text "V3", 5, 200 90 30 15, disable
on *:dialog:QF:sclick:2: { 
  query %query.nick
  echo -t %query.nick 12{14-12 %query.nick 14-12} %query.true
  echo -t %query.nick 12{14-12 $me 14-12} I have accepted your query.
  .msg %query.nick 12{14-15-14 I have accepted your query. 15-14-12}
  unset %query.*
on *:dialog:QF:sclick:3: {
  .msg %query.nick I have denied your query - A 2 minute ignore has been placed on your nick to prevent abuse.
  .ignore -pu120 %query.nick
  close -m %query.nick 
  unset %query.*
on *:dialog:QF:sclick:4: { 
  dialog -x QF
  var %reason $??"Is there a reason why you are blocking this person?"
  .msg %query.nick I have denied your query & You have been blocked for reason: $iif(%reason,$v1,Generel annoyance)
  .ignore -pu1200 %query.nick
  close -m %query.nick
  unset %query.*
menu query {
  $iif($readini(Theme.ini, Query, $sha($active)) == accepted,$style(1),$style(0)) Auto-Accept queries from $active: {
    set %status $iif($readini(Theme.ini, Query, $sha($active)) == Accepted,Declined,Accepted)
    writeini theme.ini query $sha($active) %status
    echo -ta $+(04,$active) 14 has been04 $iif(%status == declined,deleted from,added to) 14Auto-Accept.

dialog FloodProtection {
  title "Flood Protection."
  size -1 -1 110 100
  option dbu
  Text "Flood Protection", 10, 34 10 50 24, centre, ok
  button  "Add exception", 1, 5 25 50 24,
  button  "lines before kick", 2, 55 25 50 24,
  button  "When to unset lines", 3, 5 50 50 24, 
  button  "Kicks before ban", 4, 55 50 50 24, 
  button  "Do kick ops", 5, 55 74 50 24,
  button  "Dont kick ops", 6, 5 74 50 24,
on *:dialog:Floodprotection:sclick:*: {
  if ( $did == 1 ) {
    var %nick $$?"Who do you want to add to your exception list?"
    if (!%nick) { echo -a You have cancelled the command | halt }    
    writeini theme.ini exception %nick Excepted
    echo -a %nick Has been added to the exception list.
  if ( $did == 2 ) {
    set %lines $$?"How many lines should be said in a set amount of time before kicking somone?"
    echo -a after %lines line $+ $iif(%lines > 1,s) in $iif(!$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime),5,$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime)) seconds a user will get kicked.
  if ( $did == 3 ) {
    writeini theme.ini flood unsettime $$?"How long should it take to unset kicking time? - in seconds."
    echo -a after %lines line $+ $iif(%lines > 1,s) in $iif(!$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime),5,$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime)) seconds a user will get kicked.
  if ( $did == 4 ) {
    var %kb $$?"How many times should a person be kicked before being banned?"
    writeini theme.ini ban times %kb
    echo -a after $readini(theme.ini, ban, times ) kick $+ $iif( $readini(theme.ini, ban, times) > 1,s) a user will be banned, if not on the exception list.
  if ( $did == 6 ) {
    writeini theme.ini protection op on
    echo -a ops will now not be kicked if they flood.
  if ( $did == 5 ) {
    writeini theme.ini protection op off
    echo -a ops will now be kicked if they flood.
alias w {
  whois $1-
alias advertise {
  msg $iif(%chan,$v1,$active) 12{14-15-14 I am using %logo script 12-14 Made by Termz 12-14 http://darkest-script.webs.com 15-14-12}
alias settings {
  dialog -mo settings settings
alias sun {
  var %colour1 8
  var %colour2 4
  var %colour3 7
  var %colour4 $iif($rand(7,9) == 9,4,$rand(7,8))
  var %x = 1
  var %c = $chr(3)
  var %t = $+(%c,%colour1)
  %colour1 = $base(%colour1,10,10,2)
  %colour2 = $base(%colour2,10,10,2)
  %colour3 = $base(%colour3,10,10,2)
  %colour4 = $base(%colour4,10,10,2)
  while ($mid($1-,%x,1)) {
    %t = $+(%t,$v1,%c,$iif($and(%x,1) == 0,%colour [ $+ [ $rand(1,4) ] ],%colour [ $+ [ $rand(1,4) ] ] ))
    inc %x
  return %t
alias ac {
  var %colour1 11
  var %colour2 12
  var %colour3 2
  var %colour4 10
  var %x = 1
  var %c = $chr(3)
  var %t = $+(%c,%colour1)
  %colour1 = $base(%colour1,10,10,2)
  %colour2 = $base(%colour2,10,10,2)
  %colour3 = $base(%colour3,10,10,2)
  %colour4 = $base(%colour4,10,10,2)
  while ($mid($1-,%x,1)) {
    %t = $+(%t,$v1,%c,$iif($and(%x,1) == 0,%colour [ $+ [ $rand(1,4) ] ],%colour [ $+ [ $rand(1,4) ] ] ))
    inc %x
  return %t
alias register {
  if (!%password ) { set %password $??"what is your password?" }
  if (@ !isin $Readini(mirc.ini, mirc, email)) {
    var %email $$?"What is your email?"
    writeini mirc.ini mirc email %email 
  else { var %email $readini(mirc.ini, mirc, email) }
  msg nickserv register %password %email
alias mute {
  who $active
  mode $active +b ~q: $+ $sha($1) | mode $active -vho $1 $1 $1
on ^*:NOTICE:*:?: { 
  $iif($readini(theme.ini, bots, $nick),goto bots,inc %floodS)
  if ( $readini(theme.ini, settings, popup) == on ) {
    if ( %floodS >= 3 ) { goto window }
    .timerflood 1 30 unset %floodS
    if ($readini(Theme.ini, Bots, $nick) == 1 ) {
      if ($nick == nickserv) && ( Please isin $1-) && ( nick isin $1- ) { identify } 
      if ($nick == botserv) && (%silence [ $+ [ botserv ] ]) { $iif($1 isnum,halt,writeini -n Theme.ini Bots $1 1) | halt }
      echo < $nick > $1- | halt
      .timerflood 1 30 unset %floods
      window @FloodControl
      $iif(%Alined != 1,aline 12 @floodcontrol This person was suspected of flood so it was forwarded to this window.)
      set %alined 1
      .timer 1 20 unset %alined
      aline 14 @floodcontrol < $+ $nick $+ > $1-
    noop $tip(Notice, Notice, 7Notice from 3 $+ $nick $+  saying $1- ,10) | write notice.txt $time $nick $+ : $1-  | haltdef 
on ^*:INVITE:#: {
  if ( %raw != on ) { halt }
  if ( %inv [ $+ [ $address($nick,13) ] ] == 1 ) { .notice $nick I will not accept an invite from you for the next 60 seconds. | inc %inv [ $+ [ $address($nick,13) ] ] | halt }
  if ( %inv [ $+ [ $address($nick,13) ] ] > 1 ) {
    window @Darkest-Control
    aline 8 @Darkest-Control Invite protection from $nick has been used.
  echo $active  12{14-12 $nick 14-12} has invited you to  $+ $iif(!$1,$chan,$5) 
  inc -u60 %inv [ $+ [ $address($nick,13) ] ]
menu @highlight {
  Clear Highlights: {
    .remove hl.txt
    write hl.txt Highlights
    Echo Highlights have been cleared.
alias kick {
  if ( $2 == $chan ) || ( $3 == $chan ) { kick $1- | halt }
  $iif(Q isincs $chan(#).mode,cs kick,kick) $chan $1 $iif(!$2,$read(kick.txt),$2-)
alias darkhelp {
  run help.txt
alias connection {
  $iif($readini(theme.ini, botlist, $network) != Complete,Botit)
  .timestamp -f 14(12hh14:12nn14:12ss14)
  .timestamp on
  .timestamp -g 14(12hh14:12nn14:12ss14)
  set %raw on
  mode $me +xp
on *:load: { 
alias load {
  if ($?!"You are about to load the darkest script - when loading the darkest script many files will be made. And you will then be guided threw it.") {
    titlebar Darkest - Script
    .alias invite invite $chr(36) $+ 1 $chr(36) $+ iif(! $+ $chr(36) $+ 2,#, $+ $chr(36) $+ 2)
    .remove hl.txt
    .remove help.txt
    writeini mirc.ini text quit Darkest Script
    write hl.txt Highlights
    write help.txt *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- $+ Darkest Script $+ -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    write help.txt Thank you for using the darkest script made by Termz
    write help.txt I suggest you read this before further use.
    write help.txt For a list of commands to use in this window type commands in this window.
    write help.txt to access this file type help in this window.
    write help.txt To change settings right click the background or type "settings"
    write help.txt The rainbow text and grammer text cannot be on at the same time
    write help.txt Protection protects you from getting kicked or banned if you are op
    write help.txt Please do not edit the script in any way
    write help.txt If the script stops working because you editted it please do not ask me for help
    write help.txt if you need help with the script and you didnt edit it etc. you can find me by.
    write help.txt The website, http://darkest-script.webs.com/# for details and extra help.
    .remove joke.txt
    writeini theme.ini ban times 3
    write joke.txt Yo mama's head is so small that she got her ear pierced and died.
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so bald she curls her hair with rice.
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so fat she lays on the beach and people run around yelling Free Willy!
    write joke.txt Yo mama's head is so big she has to wash her hair at Niagara Falls
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so poor when I saw her kicking a can down the street, I asked her what she was doing, she said, "Moving."
    write joke.txt Yo mama's breath is so stank we don't know whether you need gum or toilet paper
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so fat her blood type is Ragu
    write joke.txt Yo mama's head is so big she has to wash her hair at Niagara Falls
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so fat she can't wear Daisey Dukes. She has to wear Boss Hoggs
    set -e %logo 6,1D1,6a6,1r1,6k6,1e1,6s6,1t
    set -e %timestamp 14(12hh14:12nn14:12ss14)
    set -e %raw on
    set -e %protection on
    set -e %awaytime 1800
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so stupid on her job application where it says emergency contact she put 911
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so ugly that when she was born, the doctor slapped HER mama!
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so bald that she took a shower and got brain-washed!
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so big she uses I-95 for a Slip 'n Slide
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so stupid on her job application where it says emergency contact she put 911
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so ugly they pay her to put her clothes on in strip joints.
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so fat she went to the movies and sat next to everyone!
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so smelly, that her shit is glad to escape.
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so fat when she wears a yellow raincoat, people said "Taxi!"
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so fat that when the bitch goes to an all You can eat buffet, they have to install speed bumps.
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so dumb, she cooked her own complimentary breakfast.
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so fat a picture of her would fall off the wall!
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so stupid, I saw her in the frozen food section with a fishing rod.
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so dumb, she got hit by a cup and told the police that she got mugged.
    write joke.txt Yo mama's got three fingers and a banjo.
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so stupid, she asked you, "What is the number for 911?"
    write joke.txt Yo mama's breath is so stank we don't know whether you need gum or toilet paper
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so stupid, I saw her in the frozen food section with a fishing rod.
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so ugly they put her face on box of Ex-Lax and sold it empty
    write joke.txt Yo mama's so ugly that Yo father takes her to work just so he doesn't have to kiss her goodbye.
    set %timestamp 14(12hh14:12nn14:12ss14)
    .remove chuck.txt
    write chuck.txt When you play Monopoly with Chuck Norris, you do not pass go, and you do not collect two hundred dollars. You will be lucky if you make it out alive.
    write chuck.txt When you play Monopoly with Chuck Norris, you do not pass go, and you do not collect two hundred dollars. You will be lucky if you make it out alive.
    write chuck.txt Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.
    write chuck.txt The active ingredient in Red Bull is Chuck Norris's sweat.
    write chuck.txt When Chuck Norris is in a crowded area, he doesn't walk around people. He walks through them.
    write chuck.txt It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes.
    write chuck.txt The active ingredient in Red Bull is Chuck Norris's sweat.
    write chuck.txt Chuck Norris once ate an entire bottle of sleeping pills. They made him blink.
    write chuck.txt Thousands of years ago Chuck Norris came across a bear. It was so terrified that it fled north into the arctic. It was also so terrified that all of its decendents now have white hair.
    write chuck.txt When Chuck Norris is in a crowded area, he doesn't walk around people. He walks through them.
    write chuck.txt Chuck Norris doesn't bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.
    write chuck.txt In the first Jurassic Park movie, the Tyrannosaurus Rex wasn't chasing the jeep. Chuck Norris was chasing the Tyrannosaurus AND the jeep.
    write chuck.txt Chuck Norris don't open no can of whoopass. He makes his own.
    write chuck.txt When a valcano erupts it is not because of a natural cause. It is because chuck norris just farted.
    write chuck.txt Chuck Norris once roundhouse-kicked a ten dollar bill into 200 nickels.
    write chuck.txt When a valcano erupts it is not because of a natural cause. It is because chuck norris just farted.
    write chuck.txt In the Bible, Jesus turned water into wine. But then Chuck Norris turned that wine into beer.
    write chuck.txt There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Chuck Norris lives in Oklahoma.
    write chuck.txt Chuck norris killed the dinosaurs. Along with the mamoth and the sabre tooth tiger, and well any other species thats did. He was there.
    write chuck.txt Chuck Norris doesn't bowl strikes, he just knocks down one pin and the other nine faint.
    .remove kick.txt
    write kick.txt Please, just stop. You are cracking the fuck out of everyone.
    write kick.txt You have a right to be silent! that means shut the fuck up!
    write kick.txt This happend because you were retarted and you forced me to do it.
    write kick.txt God doesnt spair idiots. He also doesnt spair jack asses, consider yourself a double kill.
    write kick.txt Who? ohhhh that faggot, i just kicked him.
    write kick.txt If you feel you were unfairly kicked please call our hotline at 1-800-tuf-shit or if you want to visit the website. www.kissmyass.com
    .color topic 3
    .color kick 4
    .color own text 14
    if (!$hget(address, 0).item) .hmake address 100
    .color normal text 14
    .font -d Arial Unicode MS
    .color background 1
    writeini -n Theme.ini Bots nickserv 1
    writeini -n Theme.ini Bots Botserv 1
    writeini -n Theme.ini Bots memoserv 1
    writeini -n Theme.ini Bots Hostserv 1
    writeini -n theme.ini Bots chanserv 1
    writeini -n theme.ini Theme logo 1,6D6,1a1,6r6,1k1,6e6,1s1,6t
    writeini -n theme.ini Bots Global 1
    .timestamp -f 14(12hh14:12nn14:12ss14)
    .timestamp on
    .timestamp -g 14(12hh14:12nn14:12ss14)
    set %raw on
    set %logo $dark(Darkest)
    set %night 6|13,6|0,13|13,6|6,2|2,1| 8¤ Good night ¤ 2,1|6,2|13,6|0,13|13,6|
    var %x 1
    window -e @Darkest-Control
    writeini -n theme.ini settings Version 3 
    while ( %x < $calc($lines(help.txt) + 1)) {
      .timer 1 $calc(%x + %x) aline @Darkest-Control $replace($read(help.txt, %x),Darkest script,$dark(Darkest Script))
      inc %x
alias version {
  $iif(!$1,version,ctcp $1 version)
dialog Away {
  title "The darkness shall rule the night"
  size -1 -1 270 150
  Text "Dark Away script", 60, 85 15 90 24, centre,
  Text "V3", 330, 185 30 90 24, centre, disabled
  button  "Adjust away time", 3, 0 50 90 24, ok
  button  "Away message", 2, 90 50 90 24, ok
  button  "Away nick", 1, 180 50 90 24, ok
  button  "Turn on",  4, 0 74 135 76, ok
  button  "Turn off",  5, 136 74 135 75, ok
on *:dialog:Away:sclick:*: {
  if ( $did == 2) {
    set %amsg $$?="What do you want your away message to be when you are gone?"
    echo $active Your away message is now %amsg
  if ( $did == 3 ) {
    set %awaytime $$?="After how many seconds should your status turn away?"
    echo $active Your away time is now $duration(%awaytime) $+ .
  if ( $did == 5 ) {
    set %away off | echo $active Away script has been turned off.
  if ( $did == 4 ) {
    set %away on | echo $active Away script has been turned on.
  if ( $did == 1 ) {
    set %anick $$?="What do you want your nick to be?"
    set %onick $me
    echo $active Your away nick is now %anick $+ , And your original nick is now $nick $+ .
alias Botit {
  set -u5 %silencebotserv 10
  bs botlist
  writeini theme.ini botlist $network Complete
  window -e @Darkest-Control
  aline 7 @Darkest-Control The botlist for $network has been updated.

alias identify {
  if (!$readini(theme.ini, password, $network $+ $iif($newnick,$newnick,$me))) { halt }
  .msg nickserv identify $readini(theme.ini, password, $network $+ $me)
  window -e @Darkest-Control
  aline 6 @Darkest-Control Auto identify script has been used.
ctcp ^*:version:*:{ haltdef | .ctcpreply $nick $1 1,6D6,1a1,6r6,1k1,6n6,1e1,6s6,1s 6,1 And only that shall rule the night. - 12Scripted 12By 14T15e0r15m14z4 | .ignore -tu7 $nick }
on *:INPUT:#: {
  if ($1 == /who ) { unset %ttraw | .timer 1 5 set %ttraw on }
  if ( /ns == $1  && id == $2 && $3 != $null && !$readini(theme.ini, password, $network $+ $nick) ) { writeini theme.ini password $network $+ $nick $3 | echo $active your password has been recorded. | halt }
  if ( /msg == $1 && nickserv == $2 && identify == $3 && $readini(theme.ini, password, $network $+ $nick) ) { writeini theme.ini password $network $+ $nick $4 | echo $active your password has been recorded. | halt }
  if ( + isin $1 ) && ( $readini(theme.ini, settings, plus) == on ) {
    if ($regex($1,b|e/si)) && ( $2 ison $chan ) { 
    mode $chan $replace($1-,$2, $iif($address($2,3),$v1,$sha($2))) | goto finish }
    mode $chan $1 $replace($2-,$ $+ me,$me)
  if ( - isin $1 ) && ( $readini(theme.ini, settings, plus) == on ) && ($chan) {
    if ($regex($1,b|e/si)) && ( $2 ison $chan ) { 
    mode $chan $replace($1-,$2, $iif($address($2,3),$v1,$sha($2)))) | goto finish }
    mode $chan $1 $replace($2-,$ $+ me, $+ $me $+ )
  if ( $readini(theme.ini, settings, grammercorrect) == on ) {
    if ( $left($1,1) isalpha ) {
      if ( $1 ison $chan ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $+ , $2- $+ . | halt }
      if ( ! isin $1- ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if ( $right($1-,1) == ? ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if ( $right($1-,1) == ! ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if ( $right($1-,1) == . ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if ( . isin $1- ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if (!$2) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $+ . | halt }
      if ( ` isin $1- ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if ( - isin $1- ) || ( + isin $1) { halt }
      if ( Good night isin $1- ) { msg $active $replace($1-,Good night,%night) | halt }
      msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- $+ . | halt
  if (%rainbowtexton == 1) && ($left($1,1) != /) {
    var %x 1
    while ( %x !> $chan(0)) {
      if ( $chan == $chan(%x) ) { var %y %x }
      inc %x
    if ( $lower(c) isin $chan(%y).mode ) || ($upper(S) isin $chan(%y).mode) { goto norm }
    unset %msgrbw
    var %r1 1
    set %nintext $len($1-) + 1
    while (%r1 < %nintext) {

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 04 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 07 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 08 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 09 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 12 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 06 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 13 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

    if (c isincs $chan(#).mode) { msg $chan $strip($1-) | haltdef | goto finisher1 }
    say %msgrbw
    unset %msgrbw
    unset %nintext

  elseif (%rainbowtextandbackgroundon == 1)  && ($left($1,1) != /) {
    unset %msgrbw2
    var %r2 1
    set %nintext2 $len($1-) + 1
    while (%r2 < %nintext2) {

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 06,04 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 13,07 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 12,08 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 03,09 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 08,12 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 07,13 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 04,06 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw22 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2
    if ($lower(c) isincs $chan(#).mode) { msg $chan $strip($1-) | haltdef | goto finisher1 }
    say %msgrbw2
    unset %msgrbw2
    unset %nintext2
  if ( %raw != on ) { goto finish }
  if ($left($1,1) == /) { goto finish }
  if ($left($1,2) == /) { goto finish }
  if ($1) || ($2) $iif($status == connected,.msg,echo) $active $1-
  else { echo -a Your message could not be relayed. | halt }
  $iif($server,echo,noop) -at 12{14-12 $iif($ialchan($me,#,1).pnick != $me,$scol($left($ialchan($me,#,1).pnick,1))) $+ 12 $+ $me 14-12} $+ $color(own text) $1-
  $iif(%away == on,.timeraway 1 $iif(!%awaytime,1800,%awaytime) away123)
on *:INPUT:?: {
  if ($1 == /who ) { unset %ttraw | .timer 1 5 set %ttraw on }
  if ( /ns == $1  && id == $2 && $3 != $null && !$readini(theme.ini, password, $network $+ $nick) ) { writeini theme.ini password $network $+ $nick $3 | echo $active your password has been recorded. | halt }
  if ( /msg == $1 && nickserv == $2 && identify == $3 && $readini(theme.ini, password, $network $+ $nick) ) { writeini theme.ini password $network $+ $nick $4 | echo $active your password has been recorded. | halt }
  if ( + isin $1 ) && ( $readini(theme.ini, settings, plus) == on ) {
    if ( b isin $1 ) && ( $2 ison $chan ) { mode $chan $replace($1-,$2, $address($2,3)) | goto finish }
    mode $chan $1 $replace($2-,$ $+ me, $+ $me $+ )
  if ( - isin $1 ) && ( $readini(theme.ini, settings, plus) == on ) && ($chan) {
    if ( b isin $1 ) && ( $2 ison $chan ) { mode $chan $replace($1-,$2, $address($2,3)) | goto finish }
    mode $chan $1 $replace($2-,$ $+ me, $+ $me $+ )
  if ( $readini(theme.ini, settings, grammercorrect) == on ) {
    if ( $left($1,1) isalpha ) {
      if ( $1 ison $chan ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $+ , $2- $+ . | halt }
      if ( ! isin $1- ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if ( $right($1-,1) == ? ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if ( $right($1-,1) == ! ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if ( $right($1-,1) == . ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if ( . isin $1- ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if (!$2) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $+ . | halt }
      if ( ` isin $1- ) { msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- | halt }
      if ( - isin $1- ) || ( + isin $1) { halt }
      if ( Good night isin $1- ) { msg $active $replace($1-,Good night,%night) | halt }
      msg $active $upper($left($1,1)) $+ $right($1,-1) $2- $+ . | halt
  if (%rainbowtexton == 1) && ($left($1,1) != /) {
    var %x 1
    while ( %x !> $chan(0)) {
      if ( $chan == $chan(%x) ) { var %y %x }
      inc %x
    if ( $lower(c) isin $chan(%y).mode ) || (S isin $chan(%y).mode) { goto norm }
    unset %msgrbw
    var %r1 1
    set %nintext $len($1-) + 1
    while (%r1 < %nintext) {

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 04 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 07 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 08 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 09 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 12 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 06 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

      set %msgrbw %msgrbw $+  $+ 13 $+ $mid($1-,%r1,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r1,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw %msgrbw $chr(32) }
      inc %r1

    if (c isincs $chan(#).mode) { msg $chan $strip($1-) | haltdef | goto finisher1 }
    say %msgrbw
    unset %msgrbw
    unset %nintext

  elseif (%rainbowtextandbackgroundon == 1)  && ($left($1,1) != /) {
    unset %msgrbw2
    var %r2 1
    set %nintext2 $len($1-) + 1
    while (%r2 < %nintext2) {

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 06,04 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 13,07 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 12,08 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 03,09 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 08,12 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 07,13 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2

      set %msgrbw2 %msgrbw2 $+  $+ 04,06 $+ $mid($1-,%r2,1)
      if ($mid($1-,%r2,1) == $chr(32)) { set %msgrbw22 %msgrbw2 $chr(32) }
      inc %r2
    if (c isincs $chan(#).mode) { msg $chan $strip($1-) | haltdef | goto finisher1 }
    say %msgrbw2
    unset %msgrbw2
    unset %nintext2
  if ( %raw != on ) { goto finish }
  if ($left($1,1) == /) { goto finish }
  if ($left($1,2) == /) { goto finish }
  $iif(!$server,echo,.msg) $active $1-
  $iif($server,echo) -at 12{14-12 $iif($chan,$ialchan($me,#,1).pnick,$me) 14-12} $+ $color(own text) $1-
  $iif(%away == on,.timeraway 1 $iif(!%awaytime,1800,%awaytime) away123)

alias away1 {
  .timerg* off
  nick $iif(%onick,%onick,$remove($me,|away))
  timergonetime off
  unset %hlw*
  echo $active Welcome back from being away :), The script took care of you :3. You were away for, $duration(%seconds [ $+ [ $server ] ]) $+ .
  unset %second*
alias away123 {
  unset %hlw*
  set -e %second [ $+ [ $server ] ] %awaytime
  .timerG [ $+ [ $network ] ] 0 1 inc %seconds [ $+ [ $server ] ]
  away I am not here. $iif(%amsg,%amsg $+ .) 12{14-15- 12Auto Away Script By 14T15e0r15m14z 15-14-12}
  tnick $iif(!%anick,$me $+ |away,%anick)
  window @Darkest-Control
  aline 11 @Darkest-Control Auto away script used at $time(hh:nn) after $duration(%awaytime)

menu c* {
  .Ascii converter: {
    var %convert $strip($$?"What do you want to convert to/from ascii?")
    bset -t &asc 1 %convert 
    if ( $remove(%convert,$chr(32)) !isnum ) { var %result $bvar(&asc,1-) }
    else { 
      bset &asc 1 %convert
      var %result $remove($bvar(&asc,1-).text,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0)
    echo -a 12{14-15-14 $iif(%convert isnum,Number %convert,%convert) 15-14-12}12 Is 12{14-15-14 $iif(%result,%result,$iif(%convert isnum ,$chr(%convert),$asc(%convert))) 15-14-12}
  .Mass invite: { 
    var %x 1 
    var %chan $$?"What channel you advertising today?"
    if (!%reason) { var %reason $Read(reason.txt) }
    while ( %x < $nick($chan,0) ) { 
      if ( $nick($chan,%x) == $me ) || ($readini(theme.ini, Bots, $nick)) || ($nick ison %chan ) { inc %x | goto check }
      .timerinv $+ %x 1 $calc( %x * 10) .notice $nick($chan,%x) Hey, join %chan please?
      inc %x 
  .Mass-Highlight:$iif($?!"There is a chance you may get banned for doing this. Do you still want to do it?",listchan)
  channel control
  .Flood Protection
  ..Add channel to flood protection: writeini theme.ini flood $chan 1 | echo -a Flood protection for $chan has been turned on.
  ..Delete channel from flood protection: remini theme.ini flood $chan | echo -a $chan has been removed from flood protection.
  ..settings:dialog -m floodprotection floodprotection
  ..Rare: topic # 7,14i!i!1,14i!i!14,1i!i! 1,1014 ·º• 8 $$?"What do you want to say in your topic?"  14•º· 14,1i!i!1,14i!i!7,14i!i!
  ..Love: topic # 2>6,2<313,6<30,13<313,6<36,2<32,1 8¤ 13,1x4X6x8,1 $$?"What do you want to say in your topic?" 13,1x4X6x 8¤ 2>6,2<313,6<30,13<313,6<36,2<32,12,1>
  ..Ice storm: topic # 11,0•0,11•10,11•11,10•12,10•10,12•2,12•1,2•2,1• $$?="What do you want to say in your topic" 11,0•0,11•10,11•11,10•12,10•10,12•2,12•1,2•2,1•
  ..Holy Have: Topic # 8¤~8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,15®8,14®8,1® 8,1¤ $$?="What do you want to say in your topic" ¤8,1®8,14®8,15®8,0®8,15®8,14®8,1® ¤~
  ..Gray love: topic # 14(¯`.¸15(¯`.¸ 4 $+ $$?="What do you want to say in your topic" $+ 15¸.´¯)14.´¯)
  ..Star light: topic # 4~*07~*08~*09~*10~*06~* $$?="What do you want to say in your topic?" 4*~07*~08*~09*~10*~06*~
  ..Aurora: topic # 2|¦1,2|¦12,2|¦2,12|¦11,12|¦12,11|¦0,11|¦1,11-- $$?"What do you want to say in your topic?" --0,11¦|12¦|11,12¦|2,12¦|12,2¦|1,2¦|2,1¦|1,1144 
  ..Blazing red AE: topic # 14 7,4æ5,4æ4,5æ1,5æ5,1æ7,1 $??="What do you want to say in your topic" 5,1æ1,5æ4,5æ5,4æ7,4æ4,7æ
  ..Flame circles: topic # 14 8•0,80•7•0,78•5•0,47•5•0,54•0,110» 12 $$?="what do you want your topic to say" 10« 8•0,80•7•0,78•5•0,47•5•0,54•
  ..Fire arrow: topic # 12 0,4»5,4»4,5»1,5»5,1»0,1 $??="What do you want to say in your topic" 5,1«1,5«4,5«5,4« 
  ..Blazing Red: topic # 4,0%0,4%4,4 5,4%4,5%5,5 1,5%5,1%1,1 0,1 $??="What do you want to say in your topic" 5,1%1,5%5,5 4,5%5,4%4,4 0,4%4,0%
  ..Blazing Purple: topic # 13¦|0,13¦|6¦|13,6¦|5¦|4 $??="What do you want to say in your topic" 5|¦13|¦6,13|¦0|¦13,0|¦
  ..Blazing Blue: topic # 0,12æ¸2,12`æ12,2æ¸1,2`æ2,1æ¸0,1 -= $??="What do you want to say in your topic" =- 2,1`æ1,2æ¸12,2`æ2,12æ¸0,12`æ
  ..Blazing Green: topic # 9,0æ0,9æ3,9æ9,3æ1,3æ3,1æ9 $??="What do you want to say in your topic" 3,1æ1,3æ9,3æ3,9æ0,9æ9,0æ
  ..Red Bars: topic # 8,0|0,8|8,7|4,7|7,4|5,4|4,5|1,5|5,1|9,1 $??="What do you want to say in your topic" 5,1|1,5|4,5|5,4|7,4|4,7|8,7|0,8|8,0| 
  ..Blue Bars: topic # 11,0¦|0,11¦|12,11¦|11,12¦|2,12¦|12,2¦|1,2¦|2,1¦|11,1 $??="What do you want to say in your topic" 2,1|¦1,2|¦12,2|¦2,12|¦11,12|¦12,11|¦0,11|¦11,0|¦
  ..Steel Bar: topic # 15,0\0,15\14,15\15,14\1,14\14,1\15,1 $??="What do you want to say in your topic" 14,1/1,14/15,14/14,15/0,15/15,0/
  ..Sky High: topic # 2~12,10~11,2~12,10~2,11~12,10~11,2~12,10~2,11~12,10~11,2~ $??="What do you want to say in your topic" 11,2~12,10~2,11~12,10~11,2~12,10~2,11~12,10~11,2~12,10~2,11~
  ..Rainbow: topic # 6,12|12,6|13,6|6,13|4,13|13,4|7,4|4,7|8,7|7,8|9,8|8,9|10,9|9,10|12,10|10,12|16,12 $??="What do you want to say in your topic" 10,12|12,10|9,10|10,9|8,9|9,8|7,8|8,7|4,7|7,4|13,4|4,13|
  .channel mode setter.
  ..Register chan: msg chanserv register $chan $$?="Password for channel please" Second | topic # Welcome to $chan $+ , have a nice day.
  ..lock chan: mode $chan +miRc
  ..Normal secure chan: mode $chan +j 3:5 | /cs levels $chan set Autovoice -1 | mode $chan +m | bs assign $chan X | mode $chan +f [5t#b]:4 | /bs kick #channel flood ON 2 5 4 | mode $chan +Q
  .$iif($readini(theme.ini, settings, querycontrol) == on,$style(1)Disable,$style(0)Enable) Use Query Control: {
    var %status $iif($readini(theme.ini, settings, querycontrol) == on,off,on)
    echo -ta 14Query control has been turned %status
    writeini theme.ini settings querycontrol %status
  .Nick color: csetting
  .settings: dialog -mo settings settings
  .Lag Bar: { 
    .raw ping 123
    /dialog -m lag lag
    .timer 1 0 /dialog -s lag 650 40 150 0 X
  .Adjust away script: dialog -m away away
  .advertise: set %chan $iif(!$active,$chan,$active) | advertise | unset %chan
menu @Darkest-Control {
  .$iif($readini(theme.ini, settings, querycontrol) == on,$style(1)Disable,$style(0)Enable) Use Query Control: {
    var %status $iif($readini(theme.ini, settings, querycontrol) == on,off,on)
    echo -ta 14Query control has been turned %status
    writeini theme.ini settings querycontrol %status
  .Nick color: csetting
  .settings: dialog -mo settings settings
  .Lag Bar: { 
    .raw ping 123
    dialog -m lag lag
    .timer 1 0 dialog -s lag 650 40 150 0 X
  .Adjust away script: dialog -m away away
menu n* {
  Fun Things
  .Steal Cookies: {
    var %x $rand(2,20)
    describe $chan Goes into10 $$1 $+ 's pocket and grabs10 %x cookies!
    writeini theme.ini games cookies $calc($readini(theme.ini, games, cookies) + %x)
    msg $chan 10 $+ $readini(theme.ini, games, cookies) cookies stolen to date!!
  .fml: {
  .Fact: echo $active 12{14-15- Chuck Fact 15-14-12} $read(chuck.txt)
  .Insult: {
    var %diss $iif($Readini(theme.ini, diss, $$1),$v1,0) 
    inc %diss
    writeini theme.ini diss $$1 %diss
    msg $active $$1 $read(joke.txt) 12[11-2=12,15Insulted $readini(theme.ini, diss, $$1) times0,02=11-12]
  .View Anti Highlight List: {
    window -d @AntiHighlight
    var %x $ini(theme.ini, nohighlight, 0)
    aline 10 @AntiHighlight Start list
    while (%x) {
      aline 12 @AntiHighlight $ini(theme.ini, nohighlight, %x)
      dec %x
    aline 10 @AntiHighlight End of list
  .Add To Anti Highlight List: {
    if ( $readini(Theme.ini, NoHighlight, $$1) == 1 ) {  
      echo -a $$1 is already on your anti highlight list.
    else {
      echo -a $$1 has been added to the anti highlight list.
      writeini theme.ini NoHighlight $$1 1
  .Delete From Anti Highlight List: {
    remini theme.ini Nohighlight $$1
    echo -a $$1 has been taken of the anti highlight list.
  User control
  ..Give voice: mode $chan + $+ $str(v,15) $$1-
  ..Take voice: mode $chan - $+ $str(v,15) $$1-
  ..Give halfop: mode $chan + $+ $str(h,15) $$1-
  ..Take halfop: mode $chan - $+ $str(h,15) $$1-
  ..Give op: mode $chan + $+ $str(o,15) $$1-
  ..Take op: mode $chan - $+ $str(o,15) $$1-
  ..Give sop: mode $chan + $+ $str(a,15) $$1-
  ..Take sop: mode $chan - $+ $str(a,15) $$1-
  ..Give owner: mode $chan + $+ $str(q,15) $$1-
  ..Take owner: mode $chan - $+ $str(q,15) $$1-
  ..Mute: who $chan | mode $chan +b ~q: $+ $sha($$1) | mode $chan -vho $$1 $$1 $$1
  ..kick : kick $$1
  ..kick with reason: var %reason $??="Reason of kicking this person?" | kick $$1 %reason
  ..kick with random: inc %kc1 | kick $$1 $read(kick.txt) 4«14«4«14« GTFO2 2Kick Number %kc1 4»14»4»14»
  ..Kickban: who $chan |  /kick $chan $$1 | mode $chan +b $sha($$1)
  ..Ultimate ban: { who $chan | mode $chan +bbbbbbbbbbbb $address($$1,3) $address($$1,4) $address($$1,2) $address($$1,1) $address($$1,5) $address($$1,6) $address($$1,7) $address($$1,8) $address($$1,9) $address($$1,10) $address($$1,11) $$1 }
  .Black list
  ..Add to blacklist: {
    var %nickblk $$1
    var %xbb $??="Do you have a reason for blacklisting this person?"
    writeini theme.ini Blacklreason $$1 $iif(!%xbb,No reason specified,%xbb)
    kick %nickblk 12{14-15-14 blacklisted for reason: $readini(theme.ini, blacklreason, $$1) 15-14-12}
  ..Delete from blacklist: {  var %nickblk $??="Who do you want to take of the blacklist."
    if (!$readini(theme.ini, blacklreason, %nickblk)) { echo -n %nickblk is not on your blacklist. | halt }
    remini theme.ini Blacklreason %nickblk
    mode $chan -b $address(%nickblk,3)
    echo -n $iif(%nickblk,%nickblk has been taken off blacklist,Command has been canceled.) 
  .query: query $$1 $$?"What do you want to say?"
  .whois: w $$1
  .version: version $$1
on @*:deop:#: {
  if ( %protection == on ) && ( $opnick == $me ) {
    ns update
    mode $chan -o $nick
    kick $nick Dont deop a pro. the pro deops you.
    window -e @Darkest-Control
    aline 4 @Darkest-Control Auto op script has been used. - by protection in settings.
on @*:BAN:#:{ 
  if ( %protection == on ) && ($banmask iswm $ial($me)) && ($me isop $chan) && ($nick != $me) {
    noop $tip(Ban, Ban, 4Ban in 12 $+ $chan $+  by 3 $+ $nick $+  And it was like this: $1- ,5) 
    mode $chan -obbb $nick $me $banmask $wildsite
    if ( $nick == chanserv ) { halt }
    kick $nick
    window @Darkest-Control
    aline 4 @Darkest-Control Auto anti ban script has been used. - by protection in settings.
on @*:kick:#: {
  if ( %protection == on ) && ( $knick == $me ) && ( $me is $+ $iif( $me isop $chan,op,hop) $chan )  {
    noop $tip(Kick, Darkest-script, 4Kick in 12 $+ $chan $+  by 3 $+ $nick $+  saying $1- ,2) 
    if ( $nick == chanserv ) { cs unban $chan | halt }
    cs unban $chan
    .timer1 1 3 .join $chan
    .timer2 1 4 .kick $nick 5,1{4-0Kick4-0Protection4-5}
    window -e @Darkest-Control
    aline 4 @Darkest-Control Anti kick script has been used. - by protection in settings.

alias cchans {
  set %cc.t = $comchan($1,0), %cc.n = 1, %cc
  while (%cc.n <= %cc.t) { %cc = %cc $comchan($1,%cc.n) | inc %cc.n }
  return ( $+ %cc $+ )
on ^*:nick: { 
  if ( %raw == on ) {
    var %cc.t = $comchan($newnick,0), %cc.n = 1, %cc
    while (%cc.n <= %cc.t) { echo $comchan($newnick,%cc.n) 12(14Nick Change12) (14 $nick 12) 14is now known as 12(14 $newnick 12) | inc %cc.n }
    if ( $nick == $me ) { identify }
    who $nick
On ^*:Join:#: { 
  if (!$hget($network, $chan)) {
    if (!$hget($network, 0).item) hmake $network 100 
    hadd $network $chan No update needed.
    who $iif($nick == $me,$chan,$nick)
  if ( %raw == on ) && ( $me isop $chan ) && ($readini(theme.ini, Blacklreason, $nick)) {  
    mode $chan +b $address($nick,3)
    kick $nick Blacklisted for reason: $readini(theme.ini, Blacklreason, $nick)
  echo -t $Chan 12{14-12 14Join $+ 14:12 $nick 14(12 $+ $remove($Address($nick,1),!,*) $+ 14) Has Joined12 $Chan 14-12}  | halt 
alias scol {
  var %x $Replace($1-,+, $+  $+ $iif($readini(theme.ini, colour, voice),$readini(theme.ini, colour, voice),12) $+ +)
  var %x $Replace(%x, $+ $chr(37) $+ , $+  $+ $iif($readini(theme.ini, colour, hop),$readini(theme.ini, colour, hop),12) $+ $chr(37) $+ )
  var %x $Replace(%x,@, $+  $+ $iif($readini(theme.ini, colour, op),$readini(theme.ini, colour, op),12) $+ @)
  var %x $Replace(%x,&, $+  $+ $iif($readini(theme.ini, colour, sop),$readini(theme.ini, colour, sop),12) $+ &)
  var %x $Replace(%x,~, $+  $+ $iif($readini(theme.ini, colour, owner),$readini(theme.ini, colour, owner),12) $+ ~)
  return %x
On ^*:Part:#: { 
  if ( %raw == on ) {
    if (!$1-) { echo -t $Chan 12{14-12 14Part:12 $Nick 14 $+ $chr(40) $+ 12 $+ $sha($nick) $+ 14 $+ $chr(41) 14Has Left12 $Chan 14-12} | halt }
    if ($1-) { echo -t $Chan 12{14-12 14Part:12 $Nick 14 $+ $chr(40) $+ 12 $+ $sha($nick) $+ 14 $+ $chr(41) 14Has Left2 $Chan 14-12} 12(14-12 $1- 14-12) | halt }
On ^*:Rawmode:#:{
  if ( %raw == on ) {
  echo -t $Chan 12{14-12 $Nick 14sets Mode:14(12 $+ $1- $+ 14) 14-12} | Halt }
On $^*:Text:*:#: {
  if ( %raw == on ) {
    if ( $readini(theme.ini, settings, highlight) == on ) && (!$readini(theme.ini, bots, $nick)) {
      if ( $me isin $strip($1-) ) {
        if ($away) { 
          window -e @Darkest-control
          write hl.txt 15{14-12 $network 14-15} {14-12 $nick 14-15} {14-12 $time(dddd mmmm mm yyyy) 14-15} {14-12 $time(hh:nn) 14-15} -----< $1- >-----
          aline @Darkest-control 14 $+ $nick Has highlighted you in12 $chan 14at15 $time(hh:nn) 14saying:12 $1- 
          if (%hlw [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { goto finish }
          set %hlw [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
          .notice $nick I am aware of your highlight but i am currently away, This is a 1 time highlight message. | window -e @Darkest-control | aline 8 @darkest-control Highlight < $nick > in $chan at $time(hh:nn) saying $1-
        if ( $readini(Theme.ini, NoHighlight, $nick)) { goto finish }     
        if ( $chan == $active ) && ( $appactive) { 
          write hl.txt 15{14-12 $network 14-15} {14-12 $nick 14-15} {14-12 $time(dddd mmmm mm yyyy) 14-15} {14-12 $time(hh:nn) 14-15} -----< $1- >-----
          echo -at 12{14-12 $iif($ialchan($nick,#,1).pnick != $nick,$scol($left($ialchan($nick,#,1).pnick,1))) $+ 12 $+ $nick 14-12} 8<9<10Highlight9>8> $1-
        if ( %highlight [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1 ) { goto finish }
        set -u30 %highlight [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        if (!$appactive) { 
          write hl.txt 15{14-12 $network 14-15} {14-12 $nick 14-15} {14-12 $time(dddd mmmm mm yyyy) 14-15} {14-12 $time(hh:nn) 14-15} -----< $1- >-----
          noop $tip(H, H, 4Highlight in 12 $+ $chan $+  by 3 $+ $nick $+  saying $1- ,5)
          window -e @Darkest-control
          aline @Darkest-control 14 $+ $nick Has highlighted you in12 $chan 14at15 $time(hh:nn) 14saying:12 $1- 
          echo -t $chan 12{14-12 $iif($ialchan($nick,#,1).pnick != $nick,$scol($left($ialchan($nick,#,1).pnick,1))) $+ 12 $+ $nick 14-12} 8<9<10Highlight9>8> $1-
        echo -a 12,1|11,1|2,1|12,0Highlight2,1|11,1|12,1| $chan $nick $+ : $strip($1-) 12,1|11,1|2,1|12,0Highlight2,1|11,1|12,1|
    if ( $readini(Theme.ini, Flood, $chan ) == 1) && ($me isop $chan) && (!$readini(theme.ini, exception, $nick)) {
      if ( $nick isop $chan ) && ( $readini(theme.ini, Protection, op) == on ) { halt }
      inc %flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
      if ( %flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $iif(%lines,%lines,3) ) {
        inc -u3000 %num [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        kick $nick Flood Protection. 12{14-15-14 Warning %num [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 14-15-12} %lines line $+ $iif(%lines > 1,s) in $iif(!$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime),5,$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime)) seconds
        window @Darkest-Control
        aline 13 @Darkest-Control Flood protection has been used in $chan $+ .
      if ( $readini(theme.ini, ban, times ) == %num [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) {
        who $chan
      mode $chan +b $sha($nick) | unset %num [ $+ [ $nick ] ] }
      .timer 1 $iif(!$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime),5,$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime)) unset %flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
  if ( %raw != on ) { goto no }
  echo $chan $timestamp 12{14-12 $iif($ialchan($nick,#,1).pnick != $nick,$scol($left($ialchan($nick,#,1).pnick,1))) $+ 12 $+ $nick 14-12} $iif($readini(theme.ini, settings, strip) == on,$strip($1-),$1-)
On ^*:QUIT:{
  if ( %raw == on ) {
    var %z = 1
    while (%z <= $comchan($nick,0)) { echo -ti2 $comchan($nick,%z) 12{14- Quit:12 $nick 14(12 $+ $sha($nick) $+ 14)12-14(12 $+ $1- $+ 14) -12} | inc %z }
on ^*:ACTION:*:#: {
  if ( slaps isin $strip($1-)) && ( $me isin $strip($1-)) && ( trout isin $strip($1-)) && ( %aflood != 1)  {
    set -u10 %aflood 1
    var %trout $iif(!$readini(theme.ini, games, trout),1,$calc($readini(theme.ini, games, trout) + 1 ))
    writeini theme.ini Games Trout %trout
    .timer 1 0 describe $chan Takes the 12Trout out of $nick $+ 's hands and drops it back in the sea 12{14-15-11 $readini(theme.ini, games, trout) 12Trou $+ $iif($readini(theme.ini, games,trout) >= 2, t's,t) saved 15-14-12}
    Window -e @darkest-control
    aline 12 @darkest-control Trout protection has been used in $chan on $nick $+ ! 
  if ( $readini(Theme.ini, Flood, $chan ) == 1) && ($me isop $chan) && (!$readini(theme.ini, exception, $nick)) {
    if ( $nick isop $chan ) && ( $readini(theme.ini, Protection, op) == on ) { halt }
    inc %flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    if ( %flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $iif(%lines,%lines,3) ) {
      inc %num [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
      .timerFloodPro -o 1 999 unset %num*
      kick $nick Flood Protection. 12{14-15-14 Warning %num [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 14-15-12} %lines line $+ $iif(%lines > 1,s) in $iif(!$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime),5,$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime)) seconds
    if ( $readini(theme.ini, ban, times ) == %num [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) { mode $chan +b $sha($nick) | unset %num [ $+ [ $nick ] ] }
    .timer 1 $iif(!$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime),5,$readini(theme.ini, flood, unsettime)) unset %flood [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
On ^*:Text:*:?: {
  echo $nick $timestamp 12{14-12 $nick 14-12} 14 $+ $1-
alias dark { 
  var %a $len($1-),%b 1,%c 1
  while (%b <= %a) {
    if ($mid($1-,%b,1) != $chr(32)) {
      if (%c == 8) var %c 1
      var %d $+(%d,$chr(3),$gettok(6 $+ $chr(44) $+ 1 1 $+ $chr(44) $+ 6 6 $+ $chr(44) $+ 1 1 $+ $chr(44) $+ 6 6 $+ $chr(44) $+ 1 1 $+ $chr(44) $+ 6 6 $+ $chr(44) $+ 1 1 $+ $chr(44) $+ 6 6 $+ $chr(44) $+ 1 1 $+ $chr(44) $+ 6 6 $+ $chr(44) $+ 1 1 $+ $chr(44) $+ 6,%c,32),$mid($1-,%b,1),$chr(3))
      inc %c
    else var %d $+(%d,$chr(160))
    inc %b
  $iif($isid,return,msg $active)  $+ $replace(%d,$chr(160),$chr(32)) $+ 
alias listchan var %x 1,%a | while (%x <= $nick($iif($1,#$1,#),0)) { var %a %a $nick($iif($1,#$1,#),%x) | if ($len(%a) > 400) { msg $iif($1,$1,$active) %a | var %a } | inc %x } | msg $iif($1,$1,$active) %a
alias viewbot {
  var %x $ini(theme.ini,bots,0)
  var %b 1
  window -c @botlist
  window -d @botlist
  aline 12 @botlist This is the list of bots you have!
  while (%x) {
    aline @botlist Bot number %b - $ini(theme.ini,bots,%x) 
    dec %x 
    inc %b
menu s* {
  Bot Control
  .Update Bot list: bs botlist | echo Bot list has been updated! | set %silence [ $+ [ botserv ] ] 1 | .timerSilence 1 15 unset %silence [ $+ [ Botserv ] ]
  .View bot list: viewbot
  .Add Bot: {
    var %bot $$?"What bot are you adding?"
    writeini theme.ini bots %bot 1
    echo -a %bot has been added to the botlist.
  .Delete Bot: {
    var %bot $$?"what is the bots name?"
    if ( $readini(theme.ini, bots, %bot)) {
      echo -a %bot has been taken off the botlist.
      remini theme.ini bots %bot
    else { echo -a %bot is not on the bot list. }
menu @Darkest-Control {
  Nick color: csetting
  Bot Control
  .Update Bot list: {
    echo Bot list has been updated!
  .View bot list: viewbot
  .Add Bot: {
    var %bot $$?"What bot are you adding?"
    writeini theme.ini bots %bot 1
    echo -a %bot has been added to the botlist.
  .Delete bot: {
    var %bot $$?"what is the bots name?"
    if ( $readini(theme.ini, bots, %bot)) {
      echo -a %bot has been taken off the botlist.
      remini theme.ini bots %bot
    else { echo -a %bot is not on the bot list. }
on *:input:@*: {
  $iif($left($1,1) == /,$1-)
  $iif($left($1,1) != /,aline 12,halt) $active $eval($1-)
menu @* {
  Window Control
  .Close: {
    var %x $window(0)
    while (%x) {
      if ( $active == $window(%x) ) { var %active $window(%x) }
      dec %x
    window -c %active
  .Clear: {
    var %x $window(0)
    while (%x) {
      if ( $active == $window(%x) ) { var %active $window(%x) }
      dec %x
    window -c %active
    window -ae %active

on ^*:pong:{ 
  if ((%lag) && (*123 iswm $1-)) { 
    set %temp $calc( ( $ticks - %lag) / 1000 ) seconds   
    if (%temp > 5) {
      if (!%xb) {
        set -u90 %xb 1
        echo  -a |||||--Lag Alert 5+ seconds of lag detected!--|||||  
alias lag {
  set %lag $ticks
  .raw ping 123 
  dialog -t lag %temp
dialog lag {
  size -1 -1 150 0
  title %temp
on 1:dialog:lag:init:*: {
  .timerBar2 0 4 .raw ping 123
  .timerBar1 0 5 lag
on 1:dialog:lag:close:*: {
  .timerBar* off
  unset %lag
  unset %temp
;;; Aliases needed for colouring. Changing colour by changing "$Chr(3),12,$Chr(2)" to "Chr(3),<Colour>,$Chr(2)" $h is the main colour, $hh is the secondary colour.
alias h { return $+($chr(3),12,$chr(2),$chr(2),$1-,$chr(3),$chr(2),$chr(2)) }
alias hh { return $+($chr(3),14,$chr(2),$chr(2),$1-,$chr(3),$chr(2),$chr(2)) }
Alias Tags { Return $+($hh([),$h($1-),$hh(]) $hh(—),$h(>),) }

alias FML {
  if ($Sock(FML)) { SockClose FML }
  set %FMLOut $iif($1 = -s, msg $active, Echo -a)
  Sockopen FML rscript.org 80
On *:SockOpen:FML: {
  Sockwrite -nt FML GET /lookup.php?type=fml
  SockWrite -nt FML Host: rscript.org
  SockWrite -nt FML $crlf
on *:SockRead:FML: {
  if ($SockErr) { SockClose FML | SockOpen FML rscript.org 80 }
  Var %FML 
  SockRead %FML
  if ($Regex(%FML,ID:)) { set %FMLID $GetTok(%FML,2-,32) }
  if ($Regex(%FML,Cate:)) { set %FMLCate $GetTok(%FML,2-,32) }
  if ($Regex(%FML,Text:)) { set %FMLText $hh($GetTok(%FML,2-,32)) }
  if ($Regex(%FML,Agree:)) { set %FMLAggree $Bytes($GetTok(%FML,2-,32),bd) }
  if ($Regex(%FML,Deserved:)) { set %FMLDisaggree $Bytes($GetTok(%FML,2-,32),bd) }
  if ($Regex(%FML,Comments:)) { set %FMLComments $Bytes($GetTok(%FML,2-,32),bd) }
  if ($Regex(%FML,END)) { SockClose FML }
  if (!$Sock(FML)) {
    %FMLOut $Tags(FML) $hh(FML:) $h(%FMLText) 
    %fmlout $Tags(FML) $hh(Information:) $hh(Agreed:) $h(%FMLAggree) $hh($(|)) $hh(Deserved) $h(%FMLDisaggree) $hh($(|)) $hh(Comments:) $h(%FMLComments) 
    %FMLOut $Tags(FML) $hh(Link:) $h($+(,http://www.fmylife.com,/,%FMLCate,/,%FMLID,/,))
    Unset %FML*
alias eval {
  var %x = $ticks
  $iif( -a == $1,echo -a,msg $active) $remove(Eval $+(,$chr(40),,$1- == $iif($($1-,2) != $null,$v1,$!null),,$chr(41) $chr(40),,$calc($ticks - %x MS),,$chr(41))},-a)
dialog settings {
  title "Darkest settings"
  size -1 -1 110 100
  option dbu 
  tab "Base colors", 1, 5 5 100 90
  tab "main settings", 2
  tab "Addons", 3
  button  "Notice Pop up on", 19, 5 54 50 44, ok tab 1
  button  "Notice pop up off", 20, 55 54 50 44, ok tab 1
  button  "base colors on", 4, 5 20 50 34, ok tab 1
  button  "base colors off", 5, 55 20 50 34, ok tab 1
  button  "Strip messages on", 6, 5 20 50 24, tab 2
  button  "Strip messages off", 7, 55 20 50 24, tab 2
  button  "Highlight on", 8, 5 40 50 24, tab 2
  button  "Highlight off", 9, 55 40 50 24, tab 2
  button  "View highlights", 10, 5 62 100 34, tab 2
  button  "Grammer on", 11, 5 17 50 20, tab 3
  button  "Grammer off", 12, 55 17 50 20, tab 3
  button  "Rainbow text on", 13, 5 37 50 20, tab 3
  button  "Rainbow text off", 14, 55 37 50 20, tab 3
  button  "protection on", 15, 5 57 50 20, tab 3
  button  "Protection off", 16, 55 57 50 20, tab 3
  button  "mode setter on", 17, 5 75 50 20, tab 3
  button  "mode setter off", 18, 55 75 50 20, tab 3

on *:dialog:settings:sclick:*: {
  if ( $did == 20 ) { writeini theme.ini settings popup off | echo -a When you get a notice it will now echo in your window. }
  if ( $did == 19 ) { writeini theme.ini settings popup on | echo -a When you get a notice it will now pop up :) }
  if ( $did == 18 ) {
    writeini theme.ini settings plus off
    echo -a Mode setter has been turned off
  if ( $did == 17 ) {
    writeini theme.ini settings plus on
    echo -a Mode setter has been turned on, type +(mode) or -(mode) to use it.
  if ( $did == 14 ) { coff }
  if ( $did == 15 ) { proon }
  if ( $did == 16 ) { prooff }
  if ( $did == 13 ) { con }
  if ( $did == 12 ) { gcoroff }
  if ( $did == 11 ) { gcoron }
  if ( $did == 10 ) { viewhl }
  if ( $did == 9 ) { hloff }
  if ( $did == 8 ) { hlon }
  if ( $did == 6 ) {
    writeini theme.ini settings strip on
    echo -a All incoming messages are now stripped.
  if ( $did == 7 ) {
    writeini theme.ini settings strip off
    echo -a All incoming messages are no longer stripped.
  if ( $did == 4 ) { colourso }
  if ( $did == 5 ) { coloursf }
alias gcoron {
  if (%rainbowtexton) { echo -a Rainbow text is already on | halt }
  echo -a Grammer correction has been turned on.
  writeini theme.ini settings grammercorrect on
alias gcoroff {
  if (%rainbowtexton) { echo -a Rainbow text is already on | halt }
  echo -a grammer correction has been turned off.
  writeini theme.ini settings grammercorrect off
alias con {
  if ( $readini(theme.ini, settings, grammercorrect) == on) { echo -a Grammer correction is already on | halt }
  echo -a $ac(Rainbow text has been turned on)
  unset %rainbowtextandbackgroundon | set %rainbowtexton 1 | echo -n Rainbow text turned on
alias coff {
  if ( $readini(theme.ini, settings, grammercorrect) == on) { echo -a Grammer correction is already on | halt }
  echo -a Rainbow text has been turned off
  unset %rainbowtexton | unset %rainbowtextandbackgroundon | echo -n Rainbow text turned off
alias mseton {
  echo -a mode setter has been turned on
  writeini theme.ini settings plus on
alias msetoff {
  echo -a mode setter has been turned off.
  writeini theme.ini settings plus off
alias hlon {
  writeini theme.ini settings highlight on
  echo -a Highlights have been turned on
alias hloff {
  writeini theme.ini settings highlight off
  echo -a highlights have been turned off
alias colourso {
  .timestamp -f 14(12hh14:12nn14:12ss14)
  .timestamp on
  .timestamp -g 14(12hh14:12nn14:12ss14)
  set %raw on
  echo -a Base colors have been turned on.
alias coloursf {
  .timestamp -f
  .timestamp on
  .timestamp -g
  set %raw off
  echo -a Base colors have been turned off.
alias proon {
  set %protection on
  echo -a Protection has been turned on.
alias prooff {
  set %protection off
  echo -a Protection has been turned off.
alias viewhl {
  if (!$read(hl.txt)) {
    write Hl.txt Highlight Logs.
  var %x 1
  window -c @highlight
  window -ad @Highlight
  while (%x < $calc($lines(hl.txt) + 1)) {
    $iif($len($Read(hl.txt, %x)) > 5,echo @Highlight $read(hl.txt, %x))
    inc %x
alias -l DVersion {
  return Darkest Script Version 3 - Mirc version $version
alias rawc {
  if ( %raw == on ) { noop }
  if ( %raw != on ) { halt }
alias Sha {
  who $1
  return $iif($2,$address($1,$2),$iif($remove($iif($hget($network, $1),$v1,$iif($address($1,0),$v1,$hget(address, $1))),~) == *,$null,$remove($v1,~))) 
raw 315:*: $iif(%ttraw,halt)
raw 352:*: {
  if (!$hget($network)) { 
    .hmake $network 100 
  hadd $network $6 $3 $+ @ $+ $4
  if ($hget(Address)) { hadd Address $6 $3 $+ @ $+ $4 }
  else .hmake address 1000
  .timerASave 1 5 hsave address address.txt
  if (%ttraw) halt
raw 311:*:{ 
  echo -a 14«12« 12[15/14WHOIS12] 15Start 12»14»
  echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15 is 15 $+ $3 $+ 12@15 $+ $4 $5- 12»14»
  if (!$hget($network)) { 
    .hmake $network 100 
  hadd $network $2 $3 $+ @ $+ $4
  if ($hget(Address)) { hadd Address $2 $3 $+ @ $+ $4 }
  else .hmake address 1000
on *:INPUT:*: {
  if ($1 == /who ) { unset %ttraw | .timer 1 5 set %ttraw on }
raw 301:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15 $+ is away:14 $3- 12»14» | halt }
raw 307:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15is a registered user on14 $network 12»14» | halt }
raw 312:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15is on:14 $3 $12 12»14» | halt }
raw 313:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15is:14 $5- 12»14» | halt }
raw 317:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15is idling:14 $duration($3) 12»14» | halt }
raw 319:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15is on channels:14 $3- 12»14» | halt }
raw 378:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15is connecting from host:14 $6 12»14» | halt }
raw 338:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15is connecting from host:14 $3 12»14» | halt }
raw 537:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15 $+ $3- 12»14» | halt }
raw 320:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15 $+ $3- 12»14» | halt }
raw 671:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15is using a secure connection 12»14» | halt }
raw 310:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12 $+ $2 15 $+ $3- 12»14» | halt }
raw 318:*:{ rawc | echo -a 14«12« 12[15/14WHOIS12] 14End 12»14» | halt }
raw 329:*:{ haltdef }
raw 439:*:{ echo Target Change Detected. Halt all messageing! | .timers off | halt }
raw 474:*:{ if ( %raw == on ) { haltdef | echo $active ««Ë®®öR»» You are banned from $2 $+ . } }
raw 972:*:{ if ( %raw == on ) { haltdef | echo $active ««Ë®®öR»» $2- } }
raw 482:*:{ if ( %raw == on ) { haltdef | echo -a ««Ë®®öR»» You do not have enough access. } }
raw 404:*:{ if ( %raw == on ) { haltdef | echo -a ««Ë®®öR»» $remove($1-,$me,$chan,) ) } }
raw 421:*:{ if ( %raw == on ) { haltdef | echo -a ««Ë®®öR»» $2 - $3 command } }
raw 332:*:{ if ( %raw == on ) { haltdef | echo $2 12{14-15-12 Topic is $2-  15-14-12}  } }
raw 335:*:{ if ( %raw == on ) { haltdef | echo -a  12{14-15-12 $2- 15-14-12}  } }
raw 313:*:{ if ( %raw == on ) { haltdef | echo -a 4*07*08*09*12*06 $2- 4*07*08*09*12*06  } }
raw 372:*:{ if ( %raw == on ) { haltdef | echo  $2- | .timerconnect 1 3 echo $active You have succesfully connected to the server via 11,0¦|0,11¦|12,11¦|11,12¦|2,12¦|12,2¦|1,2¦|2,1¦|11,1 12,1 12D12,14arkest 12S12,14cript 2,1|¦1,2|¦12,2|¦2,12|¦11,12|¦12,11|¦0,11|¦11,0|¦ --- Made by Termz | .timercf 1 5 connection } }
raw 301:*:{ if ( %raw == on ) { haltdef | echo -a 12{14-15-12 Away - $2- 15-14-12}  } }
raw 401:*:{ if ( %raw == on ) { haltdef | echo -a 11,0¦|0,11¦|12,11¦|11,12¦|2,12¦|12,2¦|1,2¦|2,1¦|11,1 $2 not found on server. 1¦1,2|¦12,2|¦2,12|¦11,12|¦12,11|¦0,11|¦11,0|¦ } }


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orchid13   -  Mar 23, 2016

HI i just installed ur darkest script today.its awesome i loved it but i am having pron in it...while the person send any msg to me it shows double...

irchainscriptz   -  Jul 12, 2011

been testing it and found no errors's or qwerks. its been positive for me. Yes its a theme and its ok but i change the colors and added no background, so mine stays the same. other then that its very well done and works excellent!! have to give this a 9/10

Grant-   -  Jul 12, 2011

I just wish this would actually be a snippet instead of all his scripts. Also, if this is a part of a theme, I wish it actually contained most of the triggers. On the other hand, this guy has been banned from various networks for child porn distribution/malicious scripts, therefore I deem him untrustworthy. But, it seems fine as of july 12th

PyThOn   -  Jul 07, 2011

Well done. So many things to do in this script don't know where to start. Lmao

Cracker200   -  Oct 14, 2009

@ ^Neptune Thats, true

anup4khandelwal   -  Oct 14, 2009

Dj Rocks!! This is test comment

^Neptune   -  Oct 13, 2009

Naw I recently stopped coding msl as I realised how pointless it was. It's a good language but just... you can do much better.

Cracker200   -  Oct 13, 2009

lolol some one woke up on the wrong side off the crib ^Neptune ;)

^Neptune   -  Oct 13, 2009

Don't really like the theme at all tbh.

thats a dumb question - msl is never useful.

Then why not learn another language that you could actually benefit in life? I don't really code msl any more, VB.NET, PHP, MySQL (if you can call it one) are excellent languages that I've been studying - recommended.

Vesperia   -  Oct 12, 2009

More of an addon like NoNameScript and wIRC are to mIRC.

sunslayer   -  Oct 12, 2009

Sexy colours, sexy other things, flood control word strippers color basers.

Zerg   -  Oct 12, 2009

is this supposed to be a theme?

Cracker200   -  Oct 11, 2009

@ sunslayer ah, Okay lol

Ghost-writer   -  Oct 11, 2009

ok, you are not here to rate me on my views of msl, you are here to rate me on the code itself, so who ever gave a one apperently didnt see my $iif statements.

knoeki   -  Oct 11, 2009

thats a dumb question - msl is never useful.

that really depends on your idea of what's useful or not...

would a bot that makes sure your channel doesn't get overrun by retards be considered useful?

sunslayer   -  Oct 11, 2009

msl can be very useful.
like when used to show that it is very useful:

//var %msl = MSL is usefull! | while (%msl) { noop $input($v1,o) }

msl is very useful :)

edit: if your dumb enough to do that, you can't comment about it.

Ghost-writer   -  Oct 10, 2009

thats a dumb question - msl is never useful.

Grant-   -  Oct 10, 2009

Great, another one of your pointless scripts >_> when are you going to post something useful?

sunslayer   -  Oct 10, 2009

@ cracker200 $* is undocumented and wil not necisarilly be in later versions
you could also use somethine like

..Give voice: mode $chan $+(+,$str(v,$numtok($1-,32))) $$1-
Cracker200   -  Oct 10, 2009

Um, I Love, it but.. lol >>

  ..Give voice: mode $chan +vvvvvv $$1-
  ..Take voice: mode $chan -vvvvvv $$1-
  ..Give halfop: mode $chan +hhhhh $$1-
  ..Take halfop: mode $chan -hhhhh $$1-
  ..Give op: mode $chan +ooooo $$1-
  ..Take op: mode $chan -ooooo $$1-
  ..Give sop: mode $chan +aaaaa $$1-
  ..Take sop: mode $chan -aaaaa $$1-
  ..Give owner: mode $chan +qqqqq $$1-
  ..Take owner: mode $chan -qqqqq $$1-

Why not Just, Do...

  ..Give voice: mode $chan +v*
  ..Take voice: mode $chan -v $*
  ..Give halfop: mode $chan +h $* 
  ..Take halfop: mode $chan -h $*
  ..Give op: mode $chan +o $*
  ..Take op: mode $chan -o $*
  ..Give sop: mode $chan +a $*
  ..Take sop: mode $chan -a $*
  ..Give owner: mode $chan +q $*
  ..Take owner: mode $chan -q $*
  ..Give All: Mode $chan +qahev $* 
  ..Give All: Mode $chan +qahev $*
  .. Give Exemption: Mode $Chan +e $* 
  ..Take Exemption: Mode $chan -e $*

<< ???? <<
:P ?
Srry, If i seem a Smart ass lol i just don't like loads, off +vvvvvvvvvvvv -vvvvvvvvv and such thats not needed :P

Vesperia   -  Oct 09, 2009

This script just amazed me. How long did it take you?

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