
By AlexRapso on Oct 07, 2009

This is my first snippet so hope you like it and yes its pretty big :P
This is to be used with a bot or it doesn't work

Your pretty much told what to do but you can pm the bot and type !Rules

You need to set the channel first before you do anything else by typing !setchan (channel name)

After this type !setup or the chance and comunity chest won't be displayed.

It tells you how to join once you type !mon

When it has reached the max players or you have all your players type !sgame and it will begin.

From there if you need help refer to !Rules

Lastly i hope you enjoy my script, have fun

on *:LOAD: {
  echo -a 3©14 Monopoly Script By Rapso, Special Thanks to Morrev, Mrlazy, Trace, Laski, Jill, Niki & Willtodie for the help and testing 
  /write -l1 Community.txt Pay School Tax £150 | /write -l2 Community.txt Grand Opera Night – collect £50 | /write -l3 Community.txt Life Insurance Matures – collect £100 | /write -l4 Community.txt You are assessed for street repairs – £40 per house, £115 per hotel | /write -l5 Community.txt Pay a £10 fine or take a "Chance"
  /write -l6 Community.txt Go back to Old Kent Road | /write -l7 Community.txt Receive interest on 7% preference shares: £25 | /write -l8 Community.txt Pay your insurance premium £50 | /write -l9 Community.txt Get out of Jail free | /write -l10 Community.txt Pay hospital £100 | /write -l11 Community.txt Doctor's Fee pay £50 | /write -l12 Community.txt Bank Error in your favour, collect £200 
  /write -l13 Community.txt Advance to "Go" | /write -l14 Community.txt You have won second prize in a beauty contest, collect £10 | /write -l15 Community.txt You won a crossword competition, collect £50 | /write -l1 Chance.txt Pay school fees of £150 | /write -l2 Chance.txt You have won a crossword competition. Collect £100 | /write -l3 Chance.txt You are assessed for street repairs: £40 per house £115 per hotel 
  /write -l4 Chance.txt "Drunk in charge" fine £20 | /write -l5 Chance.txt Speeding fine £15 | /write -l6 Chance.txt Advance to GO, You collect £200 | /write -l7 Chance.txt Go to Jail, Go directly to Jail DO NOT Collect £200  | /write -l8 Chance.txt Bank Pays You Dividend of £50 | /write -l9 Chance.txt Your Xmas Fund Matures: Collect £100 | /write -l10 Chance.txt Get out of Jail free | /write -l11 Chance.txt Advance to Trafalgar Square, if you pass "Go" collect £200 
  /write -l12 Chance.txt Your building loan matures, Receive $150 | /write -l13 Chance.txt Advance to Pall Mall, if you pass "Go" collect £200 | /write -l14 Chance.txt Go back 3 spaces | /write -l15 Chance.txt It is your birthday, collect £10 from each player
on *:text:!Moff*:%channel:{ 
  if (%Monopoly == off) { msg $chan Monopoly is already off | halt }
  if ($address($nick,2) == *!*@Rapso.users.omerta) { goto moff }
  else { msg $chan Sorry you cant stop this game $nick | halt }
  msg $chan Monopoly is now off | /remove jail.txt | /remove pay.txt | /remove ammount.txt | set %chance off | /remove Monopolynick.txt |  set %Monopoly off | set %superroll off | set %start off | set %extra 0 | hfree -w monopoly | /remove Monopoly.txt | /remove nicks.txt | /lazything 
on *:text:!Mon*:%channel:{ 
  if (%Monopoly == on) { msg $chan Monopoly is already on | halt }
  if ($nick isop $chan) { set %trading off | set %Monopoly on | msg $chan Monopoly is now on, upto 8 people can join, type !mjoin to join. | /write Monopoly.txt | halt }
on *:text:!MJoin*:%channel:{ 
  if (%start == on) { msg $chan Sorry $nick the game has already started | halt }
  if ($chr(124) isin $nick) { msg $chan $nick take the $chr(124) out of your nick | halt }
  if (%Monopoly != on) { msg $chan Monopoly is not on | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2))) { /msg $chan $nick is already on the list | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 8) != $null) { /msg $chan Sorry $nick the game is full | halt }
  else { 
    msg $chan $nick has been added to the game 
    /write Monopoly.txt $address($nick,2) 
    /write Monopolynick.txt $nick 
    hadd -m monopoly $address($nick,2) 1500 
    /write -c [ $nick ] $+ .txt .1
    set % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] on | mode # +o $nick | halt 
on *:text:!Setchan*:#:{
  if (%Monopoly == on) { msg $chan Please turn the game off first | halt }
  if (%start == on) { msg $chan $nick the game has already started | halt }
  else { set %channel $2 | msg $chan $nick you have now set the playing channel as $2 }
on *:JOIN:#%channel: {
  if (%start == on) { halt }
  if (%Monopoly != on) { halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 8) == $null) { /msg $chan $nick there is still a chance to join type !mjoin | halt }
on *:text:!SGame*:%channel:{
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if (%start == on) { msg $chan $nick the game has already been started | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 4) != $null) { set %trading on }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 2) == $null) { /msg $chan $nick you can't play with only one person | halt }
  else { set %start on | msg $chan The game has been started, type !Roll to play | /nextplayer $chan }
on *:text:!Shh*:%channel:{ /mode $chan +m
on *:text:!unShh*:%channel:{ /mode $chan -m
on *:text:!Rules*:#:{ msg $nick The aim of the game is to make the other players bankrupt | msg $nick to do this buy properties and houses and hotels and make them lose all their money | msg $nick if the game has not been set up before type !Setup | msg $nick how to start the game !Starting 
  msg $nick next you will need to know how to play !Howtoplay | msg $nick the next hard part is buying/selling houses and hotels !Howtobuy | msg $nick the hardest part now Trading properties !HowToTrade | msg $nick lastly all the commands !Complete | /window -c $nick 
on *:OPEN:?:!Rules*:{ msg $nick The aim of the game is to make the other players bankrupt | msg $nick to do this buy properties and houses and hotels and make them lose all their money | msg $nick if the game has not been set up before type !Setup then !Setchan (channel) | msg $nick how to start the game !Starting 
  msg $nick next you will need to know how to play !Howtoplay | msg $nick the next hard part is buying/selling houses and hotels !Howtobuy | msg $nick the hardest part now Trading properties !HowToTrade | msg $nick lastly all the commands !Complete | msg $nick All of the help commands can be written in pm | /window -c $nick 
on *:text:!Starting*:#:{ msg $nick To play the game type !Mon, then type !Mjoin to join | msg $nick when all players are ready type !Sgame and the game will begin | /window -c $nick
on *:open:?:!Starting*:{ msg $nick To play the game type !Mon, then type !Mjoin to join | msg $nick when all players are ready type !Sgame and the game will begin | /window -c $nick
on *:text:!howtoplay*:#:{ msg $nick After you start the game a player will be selected, they should type !Roll | msg $nick if stuck after this refer back to !Rules | /window -c $nick
on *:open:?:!howtoplay*:{ msg $nick After you start the game a player will be selected, they should type !Roll | msg $nick if stuck after this refer back to !Rules | /window -c $nick
on *:text:!howtobuy*:#:{ msg $nick To buy a house type !House (property) to sell it type !SHouse (property) | msg $nick its the same for hotels, type !Hotel (property) or !SHotel (property) | /window -c $nick
on *:open:?:!howtobuy*:{ msg $nick To buy a house type !House (property) to sell it type !SHouse (property) | msg $nick its the same for hotels, type !Hotel (property) or !SHotel (property) | /window -c $nick
on *:text:!howtotrade*:#:{ msg $nick To trade a property type !Trade (your property/ammount of money) (the property you want/money you want to sell for) Nick (if for money) | msg $nick for example !Trade Oldkent Mayfair, then the player will be asked to accept or not. | /window -c $nick
on *:open:?:!howtotrade*:{ msg $nick To trade a property type !Trade (your property/ammount of money) (the property you want/money you want to sell for) Nick (if for money) | msg $nick for example !Trade Oldkent Mayfair, then the player will be asked to accept or not. | /window -c $nick
on *:text:!complete*:#:{ msg $nick !Gameboard, !Mjoin, !Sgame, !Roll, !Buy, !Cash, !Properties, !Sell (Property) | msg $nick !Giveup, !Skip ,!No, !Players, !Chance, For Jail (!Jroll, !Jpay, !Gamble, !Goojf) | msg $chan !House/!Hotel-!SHouse/!SHotel (Property, If Group Is Owned), !Pay (Nick/10 $+ % ) | /window -c $nick
on *:open:?:!complete*:{ msg $nick !Gameboard, !Mjoin, !Sgame, !Roll, !Buy, !Cash, !Properties, !Sell (Property) | msg $nick !Giveup, !Skip ,!No, !Players, !Chance, For Jail (!Jroll, !Jpay, !Gamble, !Goojf) | msg $chan !House/!Hotel-!SHouse/!SHotel (Property, If Group Is Owned), !Pay (Nick/10 $+ % ) | /window -c $nick
on *:text:!Gameboard*:#:{ /msg $nick | /window -c $nick
on *:open:?:!Gameboard*:{ /msg $nick | /window -c $nick
on *:text:!Giveup*:%channel:{ 
  if (%Monopoly != on) { msg $chan Monopoly is not on | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { halt }
  if (%start != on) { msg $chan $nick you have been removed from the list | /write -ds $address($nick,2) Monopoly.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ .txt | hdel -sw monopoly $address($nick,2) | mode # -o $nick | /write -ds $nick Monopolynick.txt | set % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off }
  if (%start != on) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 1) == $null) { set %monopoly off | msg $chan Monopoly is now off | halt }
  if (%start != on) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 1) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) == $null) { /finish $chan $nick $address($nick,2) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) != $null) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $nick you have been removed from the list | /write -ds $address($nick,2) Monopoly.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ .txt | hdel -sw monopoly $address($nick,2) | mode # -o $nick | /write -ds $nick Monopolynick.txt | /checking $address($nick,2) | if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /nextplayer $chan } }
on *:text:!Mkick*:%channel:{ 
  if ($address($nick,2) != *!*@Rapso.users.omerta) { halt }
  if (%Monopoly != on) { msg $chan Monopoly is not on | halt }
  if (%start != on) { msg $chan $2 you have been removed from the list | /write -ds $address($2,2) Monopoly.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ .txt | hdel -sw monopoly $address($2,2) | mode # -o $nick | /write -ds $2 Monopolynick.txt | set % [ $+ [ $2 ] ] off }
  if (%start != on) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 1) == $null) { set %monopoly off | msg $chan Monopoly is now off | halt }
  if (%start != on) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 1) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) == $null) { /finish $chan $2 $address($2,2) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($2,2))) { msg $chan $2 you have been removed from the list | /write -ds $address($2,2) Monopoly.txt | /remove [ $2 ] $+ .txt | hdel -sw monopoly $address($2,2) | mode # -o+v $2 | /write -ds $2 Monopolynick.txt | /checking $address($2,2) | if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) == $address($2,2)) { /nextplayer $chan } }
alias finish { 
  set %Monopoly off | hfree -w monopoly | msg $1 Monopoly is now off | set %superroll off | set %start off | /remove nicks.txt | set %extra 0
  /write -dw $3 Monopoly.txt | /mode # -o $2 | /remove jail.txt | /remove pay.txt | /remove ammount.txt | set %chance off | /write -dw $2 Monopolynick.txt | msg $chan $read(Monopolynick.txt, 1) is teh winner \o/ | /mode # -o $read(Monopolynick.txt, 1) | timer 1 2 /remove Monopolynick.txt | timer 1 2 /remove Monopoly.txt | /lazything  
on *:text:!Cash*:%channel:{ 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if (!$2) { msg $chan $nick you have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($2,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $2 is not playing | halt }
  if ($2) { msg $chan $2 has £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($2,2)) | halt }
on *:text:!Props*:%channel:{
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if (!$2) || ($2 == $nick) { /properties $address($nick,2) $nick $chan 1 }
  if ($2 != left) && ($2 != $nick) { /properties $address($2,2) $nick $chan $2 2 }
  if ($2 == left) { /propertiesleft $nick $chan }
on *:PART:%channel: { 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { halt }
  if (%start != on) { msg $chan $nick you have been removed from the list | /write -ds $address($nick,2) Monopoly.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ .txt | hdel -sw monopoly $address($nick,2) | mode # -o $nick | /write -ds $nick Monopolynick.txt | set % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off }
  if (%start != on) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 1) == $null) { set %monopoly off | msg $chan Monopoly is now off | halt }
  if (%start != on) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 1) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) == $null) { /finish $chan $nick $address($nick,2) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2))) { msg $chan $nick has been removed from the list | /write -ds $address($nick,2) Monopoly.txt | /write -ds $nick Monopolynick.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ .txt | hdel -sw monopoly $address($nick,2) | /checking $address($nick,2) | if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /nextplayer $chan } }
on *:NICK:{
  if (% [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $nick ] ] off | set % [ $+ [ $newnick ] ] on }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($newnick,2))) { /write -is $nick monopolynick.txt $newnick | /write -ds $nick monopolynick.txt | /rename [ $nick ] $+ .txt [ $newnick ] $+ .txt | /rename [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt [ $newnick ] $+ jail $+ .txt | /ihatechecking $nick $newnick }
  var %Rem = $remove($address($newnick,2),$chr(64),$chr(33),$chr(42),.users.omerta))
  var %meh = [ %Rem ] $+ bullets.txt
  if ($read(bullets.txt, w, %meh) == $null) { halt }
  else { /write -c %meh $newnick |  }
on *:QUIT: {
  if ($nick ison %channel ) { var %quit = %channel }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) == $null) { /finish $chan $nick $address($nick,2) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2))) { /write -ds $address($nick,2) Monopoly.txt | msg %quit $nick has been removed from the list | /remove [ $nick ] $+ .txt | hdel -sw monopoly $address($nick,2) | /write -ds $nick Monopolynick.txt | /checking $address($nick,2) | if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /nextplayer %quit } }
on *:text:!Roll*:%channel:{ if (%start != on) { halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if (%superroll == on) { msg $chan $nick you can't roll twice in a row | halt }
  if ($read(Pay.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) != $null) { msg $chan No way of getting out of paying $nick | halt }
  if ($read(jail.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) != $null) { msg $chan $nick you are in Jail, type !Jpay or !Jroll | Halt }
  if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) <= 0) { msg $chan $nick you have no money sell something first or !giveup | halt }
  var %R = $rand(1,6)
  var %S = $rand(1,6)
  var %d = $read(rollagain.txt)
  var %c = $remove(%d,$chr(46)))
  if (%S == 1) && (%R == 1) && (%c == $null) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .1 }
  if (%S == 1) && (%R == 1) && (%c == 1) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .2 }
  if (%S == 1) && (%R == 1) && (%c == 2) { /remove rollagain.txt | /jail %T $address($nick,2) $nick $chan }
  if (%S == 2) && (%R == 2) && (%c == $null) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .1 }
  if (%S == 2) && (%R == 2) && (%c == 1) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .2 }
  if (%S == 2) && (%R == 2) && (%c == 2) { /remove rollagain.txt | /jail %T $address($nick,2) $nick $chan }
  if (%S == 3) && (%R == 3) && (%c == $null) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .1 }
  if (%S == 3) && (%R == 3) && (%c == 1) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .2 }
  if (%S == 3) && (%R == 3) && (%c == 2) { /remove rollagain.txt | /jail %T $address($nick,2) $nick $chan }
  if (%S == 4) && (%R == 4) && (%c == $null) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .1 }
  if (%S == 4) && (%R == 4) && (%c == 1) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .2 }
  if (%S == 4) && (%R == 4) && (%c == 2) { /remove rollagain.txt | /jail %T $address($nick,2) $nick $chan }
  if (%S == 5) && (%R == 5) && (%c == $null) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .1 }
  if (%S == 5) && (%R == 5) && (%c == 1) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .2 }
  if (%S == 5) && (%R == 5) && (%c == 2) { /remove rollagain.txt | /jail %T $address($nick,2) $nick $chan }
  if (%S == 6) && (%R == 6) && (%c == $null) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .1 }
  if (%S == 6) && (%R == 6) && (%c == 1) { set %ragain on | /write rollagain.txt .2 }
  if (%S == 6) && (%R == 6) && (%c == 2) { /remove rollagain.txt | /jail %T $address($nick,2) $nick $chan }
  if (%S != %R) { /remove rollagain.txt | set %ragain off }
  %T = %R + %S
  msg $chan $nick rolled %R & %S so you move %T spaces | set %superroll on | set %no off | /calcplaces %T $address($nick,2) $nick $chan
on *:text:!JRoll*:%channel:{ if (%start != on) { halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if ($read(Pay.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) != $null) { msg $chan No way of getting out of paying $nick | halt } 
  if ($read(jail.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan You are not in jail try and follow instructions | halt }
  var %R = $rand(1,6)
  var %S = $rand(1,6)
  var %b = [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt 
  var %c = $read(%b)
  %T = %R + %S
  %p = $remove(%c,$chr(46)))
  msg $chan You rolled %R & %S
  if (%p == 1) { /write -c [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt .2 | goto roll }
  if (%p == 2) { /write -c [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt .3 | goto roll }
  if (%p == 3) { goto roll }
  if (%S == 1) && (%R == 1) { msg $chan $nick you are free and move 2 spaces, You landed on the "Electric Company" | /write -w $address($nick,2) jail.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt | /write -c [ $nick ] $+ .txt .13 | /buying $time $address($nick,2) $nick $chan | halt }
  if (%S == 2) && (%R == 2) { msg $chan $nick you are free and move 4 spaces, You landed on the "Northumberland Avenue" | /write -w $address($nick,2) jail.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt | /write -c [ $nick ] $+ .txt .15 | /buying $time $address($nick,2) $nick $chan | halt }
  if (%S == 3) && (%R == 3) { msg $chan $nick you are free and move 6 spaces, You landed on the "Bow Street" | /write -w $address($nick,2) jail.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt | /write -c [ $nick ] $+ .txt .17 | /buying $time $address($nick,2) $nick $chan | halt }
  if (%S == 4) && (%R == 4) { msg $chan $nick you are free and move 8 spaces, You landed on the "Marlborough Street" | /write -w $address($nick,2) jail.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt | /write -c [ $nick ] $+ .txt .19 | /buying $time $address($nick,2) $nick $chan | halt }
  if (%S == 5) && (%R == 5) { msg $chan $nick you are free and move 10 spaces, You landed on the "Free Parking" | /write -w $address($nick,2) jail.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt | /write -c [ $nick ] $+ .txt .21 | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $chan $nick | halt }
  if (%S == 6) && (%R == 6) { msg $chan $nick you are free and move 12 spaces, You landed on "Chance" | /write -w $address($nick,2) jail.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt | /write -c [ $nick ] $+ .txt .23 | /Chance $time $address($nick,2) $nick $chan | halt }
  if (%p == 3) && ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 50) { /write -w $address($nick,2) jail.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt | msg $chan $nick you pay a fine of £50 but you are out of jail | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan $nick you now have $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | /nextplayer $chan $nick | halt }
  if (%p == 3) && ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) < 50) { msg $chan $nick you need to sell something first | /write -c pay.txt $address($nick,2) | /write -c Ammount.txt 50 | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  else { msg $chan sorry $nick try again next time | /nextplayer $chan }
on *:text:!no*:%channel:{ 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt } 
  if ($read(Pay.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) != $null) { msg $chan No way of getting out of paying $nick | halt }
  if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) <= 0) { msg $chan $nick you need to sell something first | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%no == on) { msg $chan $nick you have to !Roll  | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) != $null) { set %oldkent off | set %whitechapel off | set %kings off | set %angel off | set %euston off | set %penton off | set %pall off | set %electric off | set %whitehall off | set %northumberland off 
    set %Marylebone off | set %bow off | set %Marlborough off | set %vine off | set %strand off | set %fleet off | set %Trafalgar off
    set %Fenchurch off | set %Leicester off | set %Coventry off | set %water off | set %Piccadilly off 
  set %regent off | set %oxford off | set %bond off | set %liverpool off | set %park off | set %mayfair off | set %buy off | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $chan $nick }
on *:text:!Setup*:%channel:{ 
  /write -l1 Community.txt Pay School Tax £150 | /write -l2 Community.txt Grand Opera Night – collect £50 | /write -l3 Community.txt Life Insurance Matures – collect £100 | /write -l4 Community.txt You are assessed for street repairs – £40 per house, £115 per hotel | /write -l5 Community.txt Pay a £10 fine or take a "Chance"
  /write -l6 Community.txt Go back to Old Kent Road | /write -l7 Community.txt Receive interest on 7% preference shares: £25 | /write -l8 Community.txt Pay your insurance premium £50 | /write -l9 Community.txt Get out of Jail free | /write -l10 Community.txt Pay hospital £100 | /write -l11 Community.txt Doctor's Fee pay £50 | /write -l12 Community.txt Bank Error in your favour, collect £200 
  /write -l13 Community.txt Advance to "Go" | /write -l14 Community.txt You have won second prize in a beauty contest, collect £10 | /write -l15 Community.txt You won a crossword competition, collect £50 | /write -l1 Chance.txt Pay school fees of £150 | /write -l2 Chance.txt You have won a crossword competition. Collect £100 | /write -l3 Chance.txt You are assessed for street repairs: £40 per house £115 per hotel 
  /write -l4 Chance.txt "Drunk in charge" fine £20 | /write -l5 Chance.txt Speeding fine £15 | /write -l6 Chance.txt Advance to GO, You collect £200 | /write -l7 Chance.txt Go to Jail, Go directly to Jail DO NOT Collect £200  | /write -l8 Chance.txt Bank Pays You Dividend of £50 | /write -l9 Chance.txt Your Xmas Fund Matures: Collect £100 | /write -l10 Chance.txt Get out of Jail free | /write -l11 Chance.txt Advance to Trafalgar Square, if you pass "Go" collect £200 
  /write -l12 Chance.txt Your building loan matures, Receive $150 | /write -l13 Chance.txt Advance to Pall Mall, if you pass "Go" collect £200 | /write -l14 Chance.txt Go back 3 spaces | /write -l15 Chance.txt It is your birthday, collect £10 from each player | msg $chan $nick the game is now set up 
on *:open:?:!Setup*:#:{ 
  if (chance.txt != $null) { msg $nick The game has already been set up | /window -c $nick | halt }
  /write -l1 Community.txt Pay School Tax £150 | /write -l2 Community.txt Grand Opera Night – collect £50 | /write -l3 Community.txt Life Insurance Matures – collect £100 | /write -l4 Community.txt You are assessed for street repairs – £40 per house, £115 per hotel | /write -l5 Community.txt Pay a £10 fine or take a "Chance"
  /write -l6 Community.txt Go back to Old Kent Road | /write -l7 Community.txt Receive interest on 7% preference shares: £25 | /write -l8 Community.txt Pay your insurance premium £50 | /write -l9 Community.txt Get out of Jail free | /write -l10 Community.txt Pay hospital £100 | /write -l11 Community.txt Doctor's Fee pay £50 | /write -l12 Community.txt Bank Error in your favour, collect £200 
  /write -l13 Community.txt Advance to "Go" | /write -l14 Community.txt You have won second prize in a beauty contest, collect £10 | /write -l15 Community.txt You won a crossword competition, collect £50 | /write -l1 Chance.txt Pay school fees of £150 | /write -l2 Chance.txt You have won a crossword competition. Collect £100 | /write -l3 Chance.txt You are assessed for street repairs: £40 per house £115 per hotel 
  /write -l4 Chance.txt "Drunk in charge" fine £20 | /write -l5 Chance.txt Speeding fine £15 | /write -l6 Chance.txt Advance to GO, You collect £200 | /write -l7 Chance.txt Go to Jail, Go directly to Jail DO NOT Collect £200  | /write -l8 Chance.txt Bank Pays You Dividend of £50 | /write -l9 Chance.txt Your Xmas Fund Matures: Collect £100 | /write -l10 Chance.txt Get out of Jail free | /write -l11 Chance.txt Advance to Trafalgar Square, if you pass "Go" collect £200 
  /write -l12 Chance.txt Your building loan matures, Receive $150 | /write -l13 Chance.txt Advance to Pall Mall, if you pass "Go" collect £200 | /write -l14 Chance.txt Go back 3 spaces | /write -l15 Chance.txt It is your birthday, collect £10 from each player | msg $nick $nick the game is now set up
  /window -c $nick
on *:text:!Skip*:%channel:{ 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  else { msg $chan $nick you cant skip your go haha! :') }
alias nextplayer { if (%start != on) { halt }
  /inc %plays = 1
  if (%Plays > 0) { set %extra 1 }
  if (%Plays > 60) { set %extra 1.4 }
  if (%Plays > 100) { set %extra 1.6 }
  if (%Plays > 140) { set %extra 2 }
  if (%Plays > 180) { set %extra 2.5 }
  if (%Plays > 240) { set %extra 3 }
  if (%Plays > 300) { set %extra 3.5 }
  set %chance on | set %superroll off | set %buy off | set %house off | set %no on 
  if (%ragain == on) { msg $1 $2 you get to roll again | halt }
  /inc %A = 1
  var %i = $read(Monopoly.txt, %A)
  var %j = $read(Monopolynick.txt, %A) 
  if ($read(jail.txt, w, %i) != $null) { msg $1 %j you are in jail type !JPay or !JRoll | /write -c nicks.txt %i | halt } 
  if (%A == 1) { msg $1 %j it's your turn | /write -c nicks.txt %i | halt }
  if (%A == 2) { msg $1 %j it's your turn | /write -c nicks.txt %i | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) == $null) { unset -s %A | goto roll }
  if (%A == 3) { msg $1 %j it's your turn | /write -c nicks.txt %i | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 4) == $null) { unset -s %A | goto roll }
  if (%A == 4) { msg $1 %j it's your turn | /write -c nicks.txt %i | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 5) == $null) { unset -s %A | goto roll }
  if (%A == 5) { msg $1 %j it's your turn | /write -c nicks.txt %i | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 6) == $null) { unset -s %A | goto roll }
  if (%A == 6) { msg $1 %j it's your turn | /write -c nicks.txt %i | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 7) == $null) { unset -s %A | goto roll }
  if (%A == 7) { msg $1 %j it's your turn | /write -c nicks.txt %i | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 8) == $null) { unset -s %A | goto roll }
  if (%A == 8) { msg $1 %j it's your turn | unset -s %A | /write -c nicks.txt %i | halt }
alias calcplaces { set %pay off
  var %a = $1
  var %d = $2
  var %e = $3
  var %f = $4
  var %b = [ $3 ] $+ .txt 
  var %c = $read(%b)
  %p = $remove(%c,$chr(46)))
  %q = %p + %a 
  if (%q == 3) { msg $4 You landed on "6Community chest" | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .3 | /Chest $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 4) { msg $4 You landed on "5Whitechapel Road" Price: £60 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .4 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 5) { msg $4 You landed on "Income Tax" Pay £200 or 10 $+ % $+ , type !Pay or !Pay 10 $+ % | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .5 | /write -c pay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt .200 }
  if (%q == 6) { msg $4 You landed on "King Kross Station" Price: £200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .6 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 7) { msg $4 You landed on "11The Angel Islington" Price: £100 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .7 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 8) { msg $4 You landed on "6Chance" | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .8 | /Chance $1 $2 $3 $4 %q }
  if (%q == 9) { msg $4 You landed on "11Euston Road" Price: £100 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .9 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 10) { msg $4 You landed on "11Pentonville Road" Price: £120 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .10 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 11) { msg $4 You landed on "Visiting Jail" | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .11 | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%q == 12) { msg $4 You landed on "13Pall Mall" Price: £140 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .12 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 13) { msg $4 You landed on "Electric Company" Price: £150 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .13 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 14) { msg $4 You landed on "13Whitehall" Price: £140 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .14 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 15) { msg $4 You landed on "13Northumberland Avenue" Price: £160 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .15 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 16) { msg $4 You landed on "Marylebone Station" Price: £200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .16 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 17) { msg $4 You landed on "7Bow Street" Price: £180 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .17 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 18) { msg $4 You landed on "6Community Chest" | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .18 | /Chest $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 19) { msg $4 You landed on "7Marlborough Street" Price: £180 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .19 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 20) { msg $4 You landed on "7Vine Street" Price: £200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .20 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 21) { msg $4 You landed on "Free Parking" | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .21 | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%q == 22) { msg $4 You landed on "4Strand" Price: £220 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .22 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 23) { msg $4 You landed on "6Chance" | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .23 | /Chance $1 $2 $3 $4 %q }
  if (%q == 24) { msg $4 You landed on "4Fleet Street" Price: £220 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .24 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 25) { msg $4 You landed on "4Trafalgar Square" Price: £240 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .25 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 26) { msg $4 You landed on "Fenchurch St Station" Price: £200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .26 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 27) { msg $4 You landed on "8Leicester Square" Price: £260 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .27 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 28) { msg $4 You landed on "8Coventry Street" Price: £260 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .28 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 29) { msg $4 You landed on "Water Works" Price: £150 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .29 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 30) { msg $4 You landed on "8Piccadilly" Price: £280 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .30 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 31) { msg $4 You landed on "Go to Jail" | /Jail $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 32) { msg $4 You landed on "3Regent Street" Price: £300 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .32 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 33) { msg $4 You landed on "3Oxford Street" Price: £300 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .33 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 34) { msg $4 You landed on "6Community Chest" | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .34 | /Chest $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 35) { msg $4 You landed on "3Bond Street" Price: £320 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .35 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 36) { msg $4 You landed on "Liverpool St Station" Price: £200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .36 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 37) { msg $4 You landed on "6Chance" | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .37 | /Chance $1 $2 $3 $4 %q }
  if (%q == 38) { msg $4 You landed on "12Park Lane" Price: £350 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .38 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 39) && ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) > 100) { msg $4 You landed on "Super Tax" Pay £100 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .39 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 100 | msg $chan $nick you now have $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%q == 39) && ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) < 100) { msg $4 You landed on "Super Tax" Pay £100 | set %supertax on }
  if (%q == 40) { msg $4 You landed on "12Mayfair" Price: £400 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .40 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%q == 41) { msg $4 You landed on "Go" Collect £200 | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .1 | set %superroll off | timer 1 1 /nextplayer $4 $3 | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } }
  if (%q == 42) { msg $4 You landed on "5Old Kent Road" Price: £60, You passed GO collect £200 | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .2 | timer 1 1 /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } } 
  if (%q == 43) { msg $4 You landed on "6Community chest", You passed GO collect £200 | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .3 | timer 1 1 /Chest $1 $2 $3 $4 | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } } 
  if (%q == 44) { msg $4 You landed on "5Whitechapel Road" Price: £60, You passed GO collect £200 | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .4 | timer 1 1 /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } }
  if (%q == 45) { msg $4 You passed GO and collect £200 | msg $4 you landed on "Income Tax" Pay £200 or 10 $+ % $+ , type !Pay or !Pay 10 $+ % | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .5 | /write -c pay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt .200 | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } }
  if (%q == 46) { msg $4 You landed on "King Kross Station" Price: £200, You passed GO collect £200 | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .6 | timer 1 1 /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } }
  if (%q == 47) { msg $4 You landed on "11The Angel Islington" Price: £100, You passed GO collect £200 | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .7 | timer 1 1 /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } }
  if (%q == 48) { msg $4 You landed on "Chance", You passed GO collect £200 | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .8 | timer 1 1 /Chance $1 $2 $3 $4 %q | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } }
  if (%q == 49) { msg $4 You landed on "11Euston Road" Price: £100, You passed GO collect £200 | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .9 | timer 1 1 /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } }
  if (%q == 50) { msg $4 You landed on "11Pentonville Road" Price: £120, You passed GO collect £200 | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .10 | timer 1 1 /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ]] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } }
  if (%q == 51) { msg $4 You landed on "Visiting Jail", You passed GO collect £200 | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .11 | set %superroll off | timer 1 1 /nextplayer $4 $3 | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } }
  if (%q == 52) { msg $4 You landed on "13Pall Mall" Price: £140, You passed GO collect £200 | hinc monopoly $2 200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .12 | timer 1 1 /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 | if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | msg $4 You can now buy properties } }
  if (%supertax == on) { msg $4 $3 you don't have enough, sell something then type !pay | /write -c pay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt .100 | set %supertax off }
alias buying { set %buy on | set %test off
  if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set %superroll off | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == off) { }
  var %b = [ $3 ] $+ .txt 
  var %c = $read(%b)
  %p = $remove(%c,$chr(46)))
  if (%p == 2) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $null) { set %oldkent on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Old Kent Road? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 2) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) != $null) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 1 }
  if (%p == 4) && ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $null) { set %whitechapel on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Whitechapel Road? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 4) && ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 2 }
  if (%p == 6) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $null) { set %kings on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Kings Kross Station? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 6) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(kings.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 3 }
  if (%p == 7) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $null) { set %angel on | msg $4 Would you like to buy The Angel Islington? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 7) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(angel.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 4 }
  if (%p == 9) && ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $null) { set %euston on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Euston Road? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 9) && ($read(euston.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(euston.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 5 }
  if (%p == 10) && ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $null) { set %penton on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Pentonvill Road? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 10) && ($read(penton.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(penton.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 6 }
  if (%p == 12) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $null) { set %pall on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Pall Mall? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 12) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 7 }
  if (%p == 13) && ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $null) { set %electric on | msg $4 Would you like to buy The Electric Company? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 13) && ($read(electric.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(electric.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 8 }
  if (%p == 14) && ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $null) { set %whitehall on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Whitehall? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 14) && ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 9 }
  if (%p == 15) && ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $null) { set %northumberland on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Northumberland Avenue? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 15) && ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 10 }
  if (%p == 16) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $null) { set %marylebone on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Marylebone station? type !Buy or !No | halt } 
  if (%p == 16) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 11 }
  if (%p == 17) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $null) { set %bow on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Bow Street? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 17) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(bow.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 12 }
  if (%p == 19) && ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $null) { set %marlborough on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Marlborough Street? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 19) && ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 13 }
  if (%p == 20) && ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $null) { set %vine on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Vine Street? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 20) && ($read(vine.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(vine.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 14 }
  if (%p == 22) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $null) { set %strand on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Strand? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 22) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(strand.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 15 }
  if (%p == 24) && ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $null) { set %fleet on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Fleet Street? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 24) && ($read(fleet.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(fleet.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 16 }
  if (%p == 25) && ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $null) { set %trafalgar on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Trafalgar Square? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 25) && ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 17 }
  if (%p == 26) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $null) { set %fenchurch on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Fenchurch Street station? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 26) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 18 }
  if (%p == 27) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $null) { set %leicester on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Leicester Square? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 27) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 19 }
  if (%p == 28) && ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $null) { set %coventry on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Coventry Street? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 28) && ($read(coventry.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(coventry.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 20 }
  if (%p == 29) && ($read(water.txt, 1) == $null) { set %water on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Water Works? type !Buy or !No | halt } 
  if (%p == 29) && ($read(water.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(water.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 21 }
  if (%p == 30) && ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $null) { set %piccadilly on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Piccadilly? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 30) && ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 22 }
  if (%p == 32) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $null) { set %regent on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Regent Street? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 32) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(regent.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 23 }
  if (%p == 33) && ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $null) { set %oxford on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Oxford Street? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 33) && ($read(oxford.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(oxford.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 24 }
  if (%p == 35) && ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $null) { set %bond on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Bond Street? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 35) && ($read(bond.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(bond.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 25 }
  if (%p == 36) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $null) { set %liverpool on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Liverpool Street station? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 36) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 26 }
  if (%p == 38) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $null) { set %park on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Park Lane? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 38) && ($read(park.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(park.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 27 }
  if (%p == 40) && ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $null) { set %mayfair on | msg $4 Would you like to buy Mayfair? type !Buy or !No | halt }
  if (%p == 40) && ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) != $null)  && ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) != $2) { set %test on | msg $4 This property belongs to someone.. | /trouble $1 $2 $3 $4 28 }
  if (%test == off) { msg $4 $3 you already own this property, anything else you want to do? else !No }
  set %test off
alias Jail { 
  var %b = [ $3 ] $+ .txt 
  var %c = $read(%b)
  %p = $remove(%c,$chr(46)))
  if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) && (%p == 31) { msg $4 You cant go to jail on the first round | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .31 | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == off) { msg $4 $3 you are now in jail type !Jpay, !Gamble or !Goojf (Get Out Of Jail Free) | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .11 | /write jail.txt $2 | /write [ $3 ] $+ jail $+ .txt .1 | /remove rollagain.txt | set %ragain off | halt }
  else { msg $4 You cant go to jail on the first round | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
on *:text:!Buy*:%channel:{ 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if (%buy != on) { msg $chan Sorry you are not in a position to buy properties | halt }
  if (%oldkent == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 60 ) { msg $chan You bought Old Kent Road! | write -1 oldkent.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 oldkent.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 60 | set %oldkent off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%whitechapel == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 60 ) { msg $chan You bought Whitechapel Road! | write -1 whitechapel.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 whitechapel.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 60 | set %whitechapel off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%kings == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 200 ) { msg $chan You bought King's Cross station! | write -1 kings.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 kings.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 200 | set %kings off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%angel == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 100 ) { msg $chan You bought The Angel Islington! | write -1 angel.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 angel.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 100 | set %angel off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%euston == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 100 ) { msg $chan You bought Euston Road! | write -1 euston.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 euston.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 100 | set %euston off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%penton == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 120 ) { msg $chan You bought Pentonville Road! | write -1 penton.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 penton.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 120 | set %penton off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%pall == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 140 ) { msg $chan You bought Pall Mall! | write -1 pallmall.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 pallmall.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 140 | set %pall off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%electric == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 150 ) { msg $chan You bought The Electric Company! | write -1 electric.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 electric.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 150 | set %electric off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%whitehall == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 140 ) { msg $chan You bought Whitehall! | write -1 whitehall.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 whitehall.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 140 | set %whitehall off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%northumberland == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 160 ) { msg $chan You bought Northumberland Avenue! | write -1 northumberland.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 northumberland.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 160 | set %northumberland off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%Marylebone  == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 200 ) { msg $chan You bought Marylebone station! | write -1 marylebone.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 marylebone.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 200 | set %marylebone off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%bow == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 180 ) { msg $chan You bought Bow Street! | write -1 bow.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 bow.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 180 | set %bow off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%Marlborough  == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 180 ) { msg $chan You bought Marlborough Street! | write -1 marlborough.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 marlborough.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 180 | set %marlborough off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%vine == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 200 ) { msg $chan You bought Vine Street! | write -1 vine.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 vine.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 200 | set %vine off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%strand == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 220 ) { msg $chan You bought Strand! | write -1 strand.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 strand.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 220 | set %strand off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%fleet == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 220 ) { msg $chan You bought Fleet Street! | write -1 fleet.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 fleet.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 220 | set %fleet off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%Trafalgar == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 240 ) { msg $chan You bought Trafalgar Square! | write -1 trafalgar.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 trafalgar.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 240 | set %trafalgar off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%Fenchurch == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 200 ) { msg $chan You bought Fenchurch Street station! | write -1 fenchurch.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 fenchurch.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 200 | set %fenchurch off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%Leicester == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 260 ) { msg $chan You bought Leicester Square! | write -1 leicester.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 leicester.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 260 | set %leicester off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%Coventry  == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 260 ) { msg $chan You bought Coventry Street! | write -1 coventry.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 coventry.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 260 | set %coventry off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%water == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 150 ) { msg $chan You bought Water Works! | write -1 water.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 water.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 150 | set %water off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%Piccadilly == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 280 ) { msg $chan You bought Piccadilly! | write -1 piccadilly.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 piccadilly.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 280 | set %piccadilly off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%regent == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 300 ) { msg $chan You bought Regent Street! | write -1 regent.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 regent.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 300 | set %regent off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%oxford == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 300 ) { msg $chan You bought Oxford Street! | write -1 oxford.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 oxford.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 300 | set %oxford off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%bond == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 320 ) { msg $chan You bought Bond Street! | write -1 bond.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 bond.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 320 | set %bond off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%liverpool == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 200 ) { msg $chan You bought Liverpool Street station! | write -1 liverpool.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 liverpool.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 200 | set %liverpool off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%park == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 350 ) { msg $chan You bought Park Lane! | write -1 park.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 park.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 350 | set %park off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  if (%mayfair == on) { if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) >= 400 ) { msg $chan You bought Mayfair! | write -1 mayfair.txt $address($nick,2) | write -2 mayfair.txt $nick | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 400 | set %mayfair off | /nextplayer $chan $nick } }
  else { msg $chan You already own this Property or don't have enough money to do this | msg $chan if you wish to sell a property type !Sell (item), else type !No }
on *:text:!Sell*:%channel:{
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if (!$2) { msg $chan You need to specify what property you would like to sell | halt }
  if ($2 == Oldkent) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove oldkent.txt | /remove brown.txt | /remove brownh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == Whitechapel) && ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove whitechapel.txt | /remove brown.txt | /remove brownh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == kings) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove kings.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 180 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == angel) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove angel.txt | /remove lblue.txt | /remove lblueh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 90 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == euston) && ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove euston.txt | /remove lblue.txt | /remove lblueh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 90 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == penton) && ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove penton.txt | /remove lblue.txt | /remove lblueh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 110 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == Pallmall) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove pallmall.txt | /remove pink.txt | /remove pinkh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 125 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == electric) && ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove electric.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 135 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == whitehall) && ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove whitehall.txt | /remove pink.txt | /remove pinkh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 125 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove northumberland.txt | /remove pink.txt | /remove pinkh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 145 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == marylebone) && ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove marylebone.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 180 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) && ($read(bow.txt) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove bow.txt | /remove orange.txt | /remove orangeh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 160 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == marlborough) && ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove marlborough.txt | /remove orange.txt | /remove orangeh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 160 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == Vine) && ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove vine.txt | /remove orange.txt | /remove orangeh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 180 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove strand.txt | /remove red.txt | /remove redh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 200 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == fleet) && ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove fleet.txt | /remove red.txt | /remove redh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 200 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove trafalgar.txt | /remove red.txt | /remove redh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 215 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == fenchurch) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove fenchurch.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 180 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove leicester.txt | /remove yellow.txt | /remove yellowh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 235 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == coventry) && ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove coventry.txt | /remove yellow.txt | /remove yellowh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 235 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == water) && ($read(water.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove water.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 135 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove piccadilly.txt | /remove yellow.txt | /remove yellowh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 250 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove regent.txt | /remove green.txt | /remove greenh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 270 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == oxford) && ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove oxford.txt | /remove green.txt | /remove greenh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 270 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == bond) && ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove bond.txt | /remove green.txt | /remove greenh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 285 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == liverpool) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove liverpool.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 180 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove park.txt | /remove blue.txt | /remove blueh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 315 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) && ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /remove mayfair.txt | /remove blue.txt | /remove blueh.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 360 | msg $chan you sold the property for 90 $+ % of the asking price | msg $chan you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | halt }
  else { msg $chan $nick you do not own this property } 
on *:text:!House*:%channel:{
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if (%house == on) { msg $chan $nick you can only buy 1 house or 1 hotel each turn | halt }
  if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) < 90) { msg $chan $nick i suggest you have over £90 before buying a hotel | halt }
  if (!$2) { msg $chan $nick you need to specify which property you want to buy a house for! | halt }
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(Brownh.txt, 1) == $null) { set %house on | /write -c brown.txt .1 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 20 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £20! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .1) { set %house on | /write -c brown.txt .2 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 20 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £20! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .2) { set %house on | /write -c brown.txt .3 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 20 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £20! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .3) { set %house on | /write -c brown.txt .4 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 20 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £20! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .4) { msg $chan $nick you cant buy anymore houses try !Hotel | halt } 
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(lblueh.txt, 1) == $null) { set %house on | /write -c lblue.txt .1 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 30 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £30! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .1) { set %house on | /write -c lblue.txt .2 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 30 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £30! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .2) { set %house on | /write -c lblue.txt .3 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 30 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £30! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .3) { set %house on | /write -c lblue.txt .4 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 30 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £30! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == Penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .4) { msg $chan $nick you cant buy anymore houses try !Hotel | halt } 
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(pinkh.txt, 1) == $null) { set %house on | /write -c pink.txt .1 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 40 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £40! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .1) { set %house on | /write -c pink.txt .2 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 40 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £40! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .2) { set %house on | /write -c pink.txt .3 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 40 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £40! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .3) { set %house on | /write -c pink.txt .4 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 40 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £40! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .4) { msg $chan $nick you cant buy anymore houses try !Hotel | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(orangeh.txt, 1) == $null) { set %house on | /write -c orange.txt .1 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £50! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .1) { set %house on | /write -c orange.txt .2 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £50! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .2) { set %house on | /write -c orange.txt .3 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £50! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .3) { set %house on | /write -c orange.txt .4 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £50! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .4) { msg $chan $nick you cant buy anymore houses try !Hotel | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(redh.txt, 1) == $null) { set %house on | /write -c Red.txt .1 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 60 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £60! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .1) { set %house on | /write -c Red.txt .2 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 60 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £60! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .2) { set %house on | /write -c Red.txt .3 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 60 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £60! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .3) { set %house on | /write -c Red.txt .4 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 60 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £60! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .4) { msg $chan $nick you cant buy anymore houses try !Hotel | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(yellowh.txt, 1) == $null) { set %house on | /write -c yellow.txt .1 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 70 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £70! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .1) { set %house on | /write -c yellow.txt .2 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 70 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £70! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .2) { set %house on | /write -c yellow.txt .3 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 70 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £70! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .3) { set %house on | /write -c yellow.txt .4 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 70 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £70! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .4) { msg $chan $nick you cant buy anymore houses try !Hotel | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(greenh.txt, 1) == $null) { set %house on | /write -c Green.txt .1 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 80 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £80! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .1) { set %house on | /write -c Green.txt .2 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 80 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £80! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .2) { set %house on | /write -c Green.txt .3 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 80 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £80! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .3) { set %house on | /write -c Green.txt .4 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 80 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £80! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .4) { msg $chan $nick you cant buy anymore houses try !Hotel | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(Blueh.txt, 1) == $null) { set %house on | /write -c blue.txt .1 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 90 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £90! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .1) { set %house on | /write -c blue.txt .2 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 90 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £90! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .2) { set %house on | /write -c blue.txt .3 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 90 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £90! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .3) { set %house on | /write -c blue.txt .4 | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 90 | msg $chan $nick you bought a house for £90! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .4) { msg $chan $nick you cant buy anymore houses try !Hotel | halt }
  else { msg $chan $nick you don't own this set of Properties or have a Hotel }
on *:text:!SHouse*:%channel:{
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if (!$2) { msg $chan $nick you need to specify which property's house you want to sell! | halt }
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you can't sell what you don't have! | halt }
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .1) { /remove brown.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 15 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £15! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .2) { /write -c brown.txt .1 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 15 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £15! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .3) { /write -c brown.txt .2 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 15 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £15! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .4) { /write -c brown.txt .3 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 15 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £15! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you can't sell what you don't have! | halt } 
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .1) { /remove lblue.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 20 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £20! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .2) { /write -c lblue.txt .1 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 20 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £20! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .3) { /write -c 1blue.txt .2 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 20 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £20! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == Penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .4) { /write -c lblue.txt .3 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 20 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £20! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you can't sell what you don't have! | halt } 
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .1) { /remove pink.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 30 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £30! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .2) { /write -c pink.txt .1 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 30 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £30! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .3) { /write -c pink.txt .2 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 30 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £30! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .4) { /write -c pink.txt .3 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 30 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £30! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you can't sell what you don't have! | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .1) { /remove orange.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 40 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £40! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .2) { /write -c orange.txt .1 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 40 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £40! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .3) { /write -c orange.txt .2 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 40 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £40! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .4) { /write -c orange.txt .3 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 40 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £40! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you can't sell what you don't have! | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .1) { /remove red.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £50! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .2) { /write -c red.txt .1 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £50! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .3) { /write -c red.txt .2 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £50! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .4) { /write -c red.txt .3 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £50! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you can't sell what you don't have! | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .1) { /remove yellow.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 60 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £60! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .2) { /write -c yellow.txt .1 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 60 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £60! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .3) { /write -c yellow.txt .2 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 60 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £60! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .4) { /write -c yellow.txt .3 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 60 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £60! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you can't sell what you don't have! | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .1) { /remove green.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 70 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £70! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt } 
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .2) { /write -c green.txt .1 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 70 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £70! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .3) { /write -c green.txt .2 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 70 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £70! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .4) { /write -c green.txt .3 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 70 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £70! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you can't sell what you don't have! | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .1) { /remove blue.txt | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 80 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £80! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .2) { /write -c blue.txt .1 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 80 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £80! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .3) { /write -c blue.txt .2 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 80 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £80! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .4) { /write -c blue.txt .3 | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) 80 | msg $chan $nick you sold your house for £80! | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  else { msg $chan $nick you don't own this set of Properties or maybe you own a hotel try !SellHotel }
on *:text:!Hotel*:%channel:{
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if (%house == on) { msg $chan $nick you can only buy 1 house or 1 hotel each turn | halt }
  if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) < 180) { msg $chan $nick i suggest you have over £180 before buying a hotel | halt }
  if (!$2) { msg $chan $nick you need to specify which property you want to buy a hotel for! | halt }
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(Brownh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't even have houses yet | halt }
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .1) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 3 more houses | halt } 
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .2) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 2 more houses | halt }  
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .3) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 1 more house | halt } 
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == .4) && ($read(Brownh.txt, 1) == $null) { /remove brown.txt | /write -c brownh.txt .1 | msg $chan $nick you bought a Hotel for £40! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 40 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(Brownh.txt, 1) != $null) { msg $chan $nick you can only have 1 Hotel! | halt }
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(lblueh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't even have houses yet | halt }
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .1) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 3 more houses | halt } 
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .2) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 2 more houses | halt } 
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .3) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 1 more house | halt }
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == Penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == .4) && ($read(lblueh.txt, 1) == $null) { /remove lblue.txt | /write -c lblueh.txt .1 | msg $chan $nick you bought a Hotel for £60! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 60 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == Penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(lblueh.txt, 1) != $null) { msg $chan $nick you can only have 1 Hotel! | halt }
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(pinkh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't even have houses yet | halt }
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .1) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 3 more houses | halt } 
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .2) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 2 more houses | halt }
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .3) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 1 more house | halt }
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == .4) && ($read(pinkh.txt, 1) == $null) {  /remove pink.txt | /write -c pinkh.txt .1 | msg $chan $nick you bought a Hotel for £80! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 80 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(pinkH.txt, 1) != $null) { msg $chan $nick you can only have 1 Hotel! | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(orangeh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't even have houses yet | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .1) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 3 more houses | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .2) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 2 more houses | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .3) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 1 more house | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == .4) && ($read(orangeH.txt, 1) == $null) { /remove orange.txt | /write -c orangeh.txt .1 | msg $chan $nick you bought a Hotel for £100! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 100 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(orangeH.txt, 1) != $null) { msg $chan $nick you can only have 1 Hotel! | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(redh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't even have houses yet | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .1) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 3 more houses | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .2) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 2 more houses | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .3) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 1 more house | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == .4) && ($read(redH.txt, 1) == $null) { /remove red.txt | /write -c redh.txt .1 | msg $chan $nick you bought a Hotel for £120! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 120 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(redH.txt, 1) != $null) { msg $chan $nick you can only have 1 Hotel! | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(yellowh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't even have houses yet | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .1) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 3 more houses | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .2) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 2 more houses | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .3) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 1 more house | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == .4) && ($read(yellowH.txt, 1) == $null) { /remove yellow.txt | /write -c yellowh.txt .1 | msg $chan $nick you bought a Hotel for £140! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 140 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(yellowH.txt, 1) != $null) { msg $chan $nick you can only have 1 Hotel! | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(greenh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't even have houses yet | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .1) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 3 more houses | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .2) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 2 more houses | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .3) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 1 more house | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == .4) && ($read(greenH.txt, 1) == $null) { /remove green.txt | /write -c greenh.txt .1 | msg $chan $nick you bought a Hotel for £160! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 160 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Green.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(greenH.txt, 1) != $null) { msg $chan $nick you can only have 1 Hotel! | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(blueh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't even have houses yet | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .1) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 3 more houses | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .2) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 2 more houses | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .3) { msg $chan $nick you need to buy 1 more house | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == .4) && ($read(BlueH.txt, 1) == $null) { /remove blue.txt | /write -c blueh.txt .1 | msg $chan $nick you bought a Hotel for £180! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 180 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == $null) && ($read(BlueH.txt, 1) != $null) { msg $chan $nick you can only have 1 Hotel! | halt }
  else { msg $chan $nick you don't own this set of Properties or already have a Hotel }
on *:text:!SHotel*:%channel:{
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if (!$2) { msg $chan $nick you need to specify which property's hotel you want to sell! | halt } 
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brownh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't have a Hotel | halt } 
  if ($2 == oldkent) || ($2 == whitechapel) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brownh.txt, 1) != $null ) { /remove brownh.txt | /write -c brown.txt .4 | msg $chan You sold your Hotel for £30 and got your houses back! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 30 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblueh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't have a Hotel | halt }
  if ($2 == angel) || ($2 == euston) || ($2 == penton) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblueh.txt, 1) != $null) { /remove lblueh.txt | /write -c lblue.txt .4 | msg $chan You sold your Hotel for £50 and got your houses back! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pinkh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't have a Hotel | halt }
  if ($2 == Pallmall) || ($2 == whitehall) || ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pinkh.txt, 1) != $null) { /remove pinkh.txt | /write -c pink.txt .4 | msg $chan You sold your Hotel for £70 and got your houses back! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 70 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orangeh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't have a Hotel | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) || ($2 == marlborough) || ($2 == vine) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orangeh.txt, 1) != $null) { /remove orangeh.txt | /write -c orange.txt .4 | msg $chan You sold your Hotel for £90 and got your houses back! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 90 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Redh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't have a Hotel | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) || ($2 == fleet) || ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Redh.txt, 1) != $null) { /remove redh.txt | /write -c red.txt .4 | msg $chan You sold your Hotel for £110 and got your houses back! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 110 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellowh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't have a Hotel | halt } 
  if ($2 == leicester) || ($2 == coventry) || ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellowh.txt, 1) != $null) { /remove yellowh.txt | /write -c yellow.txt .4 | msg $chan You sold your Hotel for £130 and got your houses back! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 130 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Greenh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't have a Hotel | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) || ($2 == oxford) || ($2 == bond) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(Greenh.txt, 1) != $null) { /remove greenh.txt | /write -c green.txt .4 | msg $chan You sold your Hotel for £150 and got your houses back! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 150 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blueh.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you don't have a Hotel | halt } 
  if ($2 == mayfair) || ($2 == Park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blueh.txt, 1) != $null) { /remove blue.txt | /write -c blue.txt .4 | msg $chan You sold your Hotel for £170 and got your houses back! | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) 170 | msg $chan Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  else { msg $chan $nick you don't own this set of Properties }
alias trouble { 
  var %a = $1 * 10 
  var %br = $read(brown.txt)
  var %lb = $read(lblue.txt)
  var %pi = $read(pink.txt)
  var %or = $read(orange.txt)
  var %RD = $read(Red.txt)
  var %ye = $read(yellow.txt)
  var %gr = $read(Green.txt)
  var %db = $read(blue.txt)
  %brown = $remove(%br,$chr(46))
  %lblue = $remove(%lb,$chr(46))
  %pink = $remove(%pi,$chr(46))
  %orange = $remove(%or,$chr(46))
  %red = $remove(%rd,$chr(46))
  %yellow = $remove(%ye,$chr(46))
  %green = $remove(%gr,$chr(46))
  %Blue = $remove(%db,$chr(46))
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) == $null) { set %ow $calc(80 * %extra) }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) != $null) { set %ow $calc((80 + (%brown * 10)) * %extra) }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) && ($read(brownh.txt, 1) != $null) { set %ow $calc(150 * %extra) }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) != $read(whitechapel.txt, 1)) { set %ow $calc(40 * %extra) }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) == $null) { set %aep $calc(120 * %extra) }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) != $null) { set %aep $calc((120 + (%lblue * 15)) * %extra) }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(euston.txt, 1)) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(penton.txt, 1)) && ($read(lblueh.txt, 1) != $null) { set %aep $calc(210 * %extra) }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) != $read(euston.txt, 1)) { set %aep $calc(50 * %extra) }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) != $read(penton.txt, 1)) { set %aep $calc(50 * %extra) }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) == $null) { set %pwn $calc(160 * %extra) }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) != $null) { set %pwn $calc((160 + (%pink * 20)) * %extra) }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) && ($read(pinkh.txt, 1) != $null) { set %pwn $calc(250 * %extra) }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) != $read(whitehall.txt, 1)) { set %pwn $calc(60 * %extra) }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) != $read(northumberland.txt, 1)) { set %pwn $calc(60 * %extra) }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) == $null) { set %bmv $calc(180 * %extra) }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) != $null) { set %bmv $calc((180 + (%orange * 25)) * %extra) }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(vine.txt, 1)) && ($read(orangeh.txt, 1) != $null) { set %bmv $calc(300 * %extra) }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) != $read(marlborough.txt, 1)) { set %bmv $calc(70 * %extra) }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) != $read(vine.txt, 1)) { set %bmv $calc(70 * %extra) }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) == $null) { set %sft $calc(210 * %extra) }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Red.txt, 1) != $null) { set %sft $calc((210 + (%red * 30)) * %extra) }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(fleet.txt, 1)) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) && ($read(Redh.txt, 1) != $null) { set %sft $calc(350 * %extra) }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) != $read(fleet.txt, 1)) { set %sft $calc(80 * %extra) }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) != $read(trafalgar.txt, 1)) { set %sft $calc(80 * %extra) }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) == $null) { set %lcp $calc(230 * %extra) }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) != $null) { set %lcp $calc((230 + (%yellow * 35)) * %extra) }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(coventry.txt, 1)) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) && ($read(yellowh.txt, 1) != $null) { set %lcp $calc(400 * %extra) }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) != $read(piccadilly.txt, 1)) { set %lcp $calc(90 * %extra) }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) != $read(coventry.txt, 1)) { set %lcp $calc(90 * %extra) }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(green.txt, 1) == $null) { set %rob $calc(250 * %extra) }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(green.txt, 1) != $null) { set %rob $calc((250 + (%green * 40)) * %extra) }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(oxford.txt, 1)) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(bond.txt, 1)) && ($read(greenh.txt, 1) != $null) { set %rob $calc(450 * %extra) } 
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) != $read(bond.txt, 1)) { set %rob $calc(100 * %extra) }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) != $read(oxford.txt, 1)) { set %rob $calc(100 * %extra) }
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) == $null) { set %pm $calc(300 * %extra) }
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) != $null) { set %pm $calc((300 + (%green * 45)) * %extra) }
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) && ($read(blueh.txt, 1) != $null) { set %pm $calc(500 * %extra) }
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) != $read(mayfair.txt, 1)) { set %pm $calc(130 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 3) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) != $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) != $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) != $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %king $calc(25 * %extra) } 
  if ($5 == 3) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) || ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) || ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %king $calc(50 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 3) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) != $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %king $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 3) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) != $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) { set %king $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 3) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) != $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %king $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 3) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) { set %king $calc(100 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 11) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) != $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) || ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) != $read(kings.txt, 1)) || ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) != $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %marl $calc(25 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 11) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) || ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) || ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %marl $calc(50 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 11) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) != $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %marl $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 11) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) != $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) { set %marl $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 11) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) != $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %marl $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 11) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) { set %marl $calc(100 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 18) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) != $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) || ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) != $read(kings.txt, 1)) || ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) != $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %fenc $calc(25 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 18) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) || ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) || ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %fenc $calc(50 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 18) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) != $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %fenc $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 18) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) != $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) { set %fenc $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 18) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) != $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) { set %fenc $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 18) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(liverpool.txt, 1)) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) { set %fenc $calc(100 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 26) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) != $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) || ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) != $read(kings.txt, 1)) || ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) != $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) { set %live $calc(25 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 26) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) || ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) || ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) { set %live $calc(50 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 26) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) != $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) { set %live $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 26) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) != $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) { set %live $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 26) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) != $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) { set %live $calc(75 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 26) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(fenchurch.txt, 1)) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(marylebone.txt, 1)) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(kings.txt, 1)) { set %live $calc(100 * %extra) }
  if ($5 == 1) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %ow) { msg $4 You paid $read(oldkent.txt, 2) £ $+ %ow | hdec monopoly $2 %ow | hinc monopoly $read(oldkent.txt, 1) %ow | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 2) && ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %ow) { msg $4 You paid $read(whitechapel.txt, 2) £ $+ %ow | hdec monopoly $2 %ow | hinc monopoly $read(whitechapel.txt, 1) %ow | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 3) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %king) { msg $4 You paid $read(kings.txt, 2) £ $+ %king | hdec monopoly $2 %king | hinc monopoly $read(kings.txt, 1) %king | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 4) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %aep) { msg $4 You paid $read(angel.txt, 2) £ $+ %aep | hdec monopoly $2 %aep | hinc monopoly $read(angel.txt, 1) %aep | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 5) && ($read(euston.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %aep) { msg $4 You paid $read(euston.txt, 2) £ $+ %aep | hdec monopoly $2 %aep | hinc monopoly $read(euston.txt, 1) %aep | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 6) && ($read(penton.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %aep) { msg $4 You paid $read(penton.txt, 2) £ $+ %aep | hdec monopoly $2 %aep | hinc monopoly $read(penton.txt, 1) %aep | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 7) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %pwn) { msg $4 You paid $read(pallmall.txt, 2) £ $+ %pwn | hdec monopoly $2 %pwn | hinc monopoly $read(pallmall.txt, 1) %pwn | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 8) && ($read(electric.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %a) { msg $4 You paid $read(electric.txt, 2) £ $+ %a | hdec monopoly $2 %a | hinc monopoly $read(electric.txt, 1) %a | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 9) && ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %pwn) { msg $4 You paid $read(whitehall.txt, 2) £ $+ %pwn  | hdec monopoly $2 %pwn | hinc monopoly $read(whitehall.txt, 1) %pwn | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 10) && ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %pwn) { msg $4 You paid $read(northumberland.txt, 2) £ $+ %pwn | hdec monopoly $2 %pwn | hinc monopoly $read(f.txt, 1) %pwn | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 11) && ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %marl) { msg $4 You paid $read(marylebone.txt, 2) £ $+ %marl | hdec monopoly $2 %marl | hinc monopoly $read(marylebone.txt, 1) %marl | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 12) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %bmv) { msg $4 You paid $read(bow.txt, 2) £ $+ %bmv | hdec monopoly $2 %bmv | hinc monopoly $read(bow.txt, 1) %bmv | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 13) && ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %bmv) { msg $4 You paid $read(marlborough.txt, 2) £ $+ %bmv | hdec monopoly $2 %bmv | hinc monopoly $read(marlborough.txt, 1) %bmv | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 14) && ($read(vine.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %bmv) { msg $4 You paid $read(vine.txt, 2) £ $+ %bmv | hdec monopoly $2 %bmv | hinc monopoly $read(vine.txt, 1) %bmv | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 15) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %sft) { msg $4 You paid $read(strand.txt, 2) £ $+ %sft | hdec monopoly $2 %sft | hinc monopoly $read(strand.txt, 1) %sft | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 16) && ($read(fleet.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %sft) { msg $4 You paid $read(fleet.txt, 2) £ $+ %sft | hdec monopoly $2 %sft | hinc monopoly $read(fleet.txt, 1) %sft | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 17) && ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %sft) { msg $4 You paid $read(trafalgar.txt, 2) £ $+ %sft | hdec monopoly $2 %sft | hinc monopoly $read(trafalgar.txt, 1) %sft | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 18) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %fenc) { msg $4 You paid $read(fenchurch.txt, 2) £ $+ %fenc | hdec monopoly $2 %fenc | hinc monopoly $read(fenchurch.txt, 1) %fenc | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 19) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %lcp) { msg $4 You paid $read(leicester.txt, 2) £ $+ %lcp | hdec monopoly $2 %lcp | hinc monopoly $read(leicester.txt, 1) %lcp | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 20) && ($read(coventry.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %lcp) { msg $4 You paid $read(coventry.txt, 2) £ $+ %lcp | hdec monopoly $2 %lcp | hinc monopoly $read(coventry.txt, 1) %lcp | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 21) && ($read(water.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %a) { msg $4 You paid $read(water.txt, 2) £ $+ %a | hdec monopoly $2 %a | hinc monopoly $read(water.txt, 1) %a | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 22) && ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %lcp) { msg $4 You paid $read(piccadilly.txt, 2) £ $+ %lcp | hdec monopoly $2 %lcp | hinc monopoly $read(piccadilly.txt, 1) %lcp | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 23) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %rob) { msg $4 You paid $read(regent.txt, 2) £ $+ %rob | hdec monopoly $2 %rob | hinc monopoly $read(regent.txt, 1) %rob | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 24) && ($read(oxford.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %rob) { msg $4 You paid $read(oxford.txt, 2) £ $+ %rob | hdec monopoly $2 %rob | hinc monopoly $read(oxford.txt, 1) %rob | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 25) && ($read(bond.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %rob) { msg $4 You paid $read(bond.txt, 2) £ $+ %rob | hdec monopoly $2 %rob | hinc monopoly $read(bond.txt, 1) %rob | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 26) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %live) { msg $4 You paid $read(liverpool.txt, 2) £ $+ %live | hdec monopoly $2 %live | hinc monopoly $read(liverpool.txt, 1) %live | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 27) && ($read(park.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %pm) { msg $4 You paid $read(park.txt, 2) £ $+ %pm | hdec monopoly $2 %pm | hinc monopoly $read(park.txt, 1) %pm | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 28) && ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %pm) { msg $4 You paid $read(mayfair.txt, 2) £ $+ %pm | hdec monopoly $2 %pm | hinc monopoly $read(mayfair.txt, 1) %pm | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if ($5 == 1) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %ow) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %ow | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(oldkent.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if ($5 == 2) && ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %ow) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %ow | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(whitechapel.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if ($5 == 3) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %king) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %king | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(kings.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if ($5 == 4) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %aep) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %aep | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(angel.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 5) && ($read(euston.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %aep) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %aep | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(euston.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if ($5 == 6) && ($read(penton.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %aep) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %aep | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(penton.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 7) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %pwn) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %pwn | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(pallmall.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 8) && ($read(electric.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %a) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %a | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(electric.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 9) && ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %pwn) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %pwn | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(whitehall.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 10) && ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %pwn) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %pwn | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(northumberland.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 11) && ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %marl) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %marl | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(marylebone.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 12) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %bmv) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %bmv | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(bow.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 13) && ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %bmv) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %bmv | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(marlborough.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 14) && ($read(vine.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %bmv) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %bmv | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(vine.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 15) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %sft) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %sft | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(strand.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 16) && ($read(fleet.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %sft) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %sft | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(fleet.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 17) && ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %sft) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %sft | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(trafalgar.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 18) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %fenc) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %fenc | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(fenchurch.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if ($5 == 19) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %lcp) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %lcp | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(leicester.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 20) && ($read(coventry.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %lcp) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %lcp | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(coventry.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 21) && ($read(water.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %a) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %a | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(water.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 22) && ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %lcp) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %lcp | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(piccadilly.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 23) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %rob) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %rob | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(regent.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 24) && ($read(oxford.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %rob) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %rob | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(oxford.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 25) && ($read(bond.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %rob) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %rob | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(bond.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 26) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %live) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %live | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(liverpool.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if ($5 == 27) && ($read(park.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %pm) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %pm | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(oark.txt, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if ($5 == 28) && ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) != $null) && ($hget(monopoly, $2) < %pm) { /write -c ppay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt . $+ %pm | msg $4 You do not have enough money to pay sell something first then type !pay $read(mayfair, 2) | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 }
on *:text:!Jpay*:%channel:{ 
  if (%mpaying == on) { msg $chan hi :w | halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if ($read(Pay.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) != $null) { msg $chan Try !Pay instead | halt } 
  if ($read(jail.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan You are not in jail, try and follow instructions | halt }
  if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) < 50) { msg $chan $nick you need to sell something first | /bankrupt $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  else { /write -w $address($nick,2) jail.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt | hdec Monopoly $address($nick,2) 50 | msg $chan you are out of jail and have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $chan }
on *:text:!Goojf*:%channel:{ 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if ($read(jail.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan You are not in jail, try and follow instructions | halt }
  if ($read(Goojf.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you do not have a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card | halt }
  else { /write -w $address($nick,2) jail.txt | /write -ds $address($nick,2) Goojf.txt | /remove [ $nick ] $+ jail $+ .txt | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $chan }
on *:text:!Gamble*:%channel:{ 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if ($read(Pay.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) != $null) { msg $chan Try !Pay instead | halt } 
  if ($read(jail.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan You are not in jail, try and follow instructions | halt }
  else { msg $chan Good luck $nick !! | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $chan }
alias Advancego { 
  if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | hinc monopoly $2 200 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | msg $4 $3 you can now buy properties | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $4 | halt }
  if (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == off) { hinc monopoly $2 200 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
alias Advancetraf {
  if ($5 > 25) && ($5 < 41) && (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | hinc monopoly $2 200 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | msg $4 $3 you can now buy properties | set %superroll off | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 | halt }
  if ($5 > 25) && ($5 < 41) && (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == off) { hinc monopoly $2 200 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | set %superroll off | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 | halt }
  else { set %superroll off | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
alias Advancepall {
  if ($5 > 12) && ($5 < 41) && (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == on) { set % [ $+ [ $3 ] ] off | hinc monopoly $2 200 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | msg $4 $3 you can now buy properties | set %superroll off | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 | halt }
  if ($5 > 12) && ($5 < 41) && (% [ $+ [ $3 ] ] == off) { hinc monopoly $2 200 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | set %superroll off | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 | halt }
  else { set %superroll off | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
alias birthday {
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 1) != $2) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 1) != $null) { hinc monopoly $2 10 | hdec monopoly $read(Monopoly.txt, 1) 10 | timer 1 1 msg $4 $read(Monopolynick.txt, 1) has £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 2) != $2) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 2) != $null) { hinc monopoly $2 10 | hdec monopoly $read(Monopoly.txt, 2) 10 | timer 1 1 msg $4 $read(Monopolynick.txt, 2) has £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) != $2) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) != $null) { hinc monopoly $2 10 | hdec monopoly $read(Monopoly.txt, 3) 10 | timer 1 1 msg $4 $read(Monopolynick.txt, 3) has £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 4) != $2) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 4) != $null) { hinc monopoly $2 10 | hdec monopoly $read(Monopoly.txt, 4) 10 | timer 1 1 msg $4 $read(Monopolynick.txt, 4) has £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 5) != $2) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 5) != $null) { hinc monopoly $2 10 | hdec monopoly $read(Monopoly.txt, 5) 10 | timer 1 1 msg $4 $read(Monopolynick.txt, 5) has £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 6) != $2) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 6) != $null) { hinc monopoly $2 10 | hdec monopoly $read(Monopoly.txt, 6) 10 | timer 1 1 msg $4 $read(Monopolynick.txt, 6) has £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 7) != $2) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 7) != $null) { hinc monopoly $2 10 | hdec monopoly $read(Monopoly.txt, 7) 10 | timer 1 1 msg $4 $read(Monopolynick.txt, 7) has £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 8) != $2) && ($read(Monopoly.txt, 8) != $null) { hinc monopoly $2 10 | hdec monopoly $read(Monopoly.txt, 8) 10 | timer 1 1 msg $4 $read(Monopolynick.txt, 8) has £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) }
  msg $4 $3 now has £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) and you all lost £10 | timer 1 2 /nextplayer $4 $3
alias Chance { set %chance off 
  Var %C = $rand(1,15)
  var %G = $5 - 3
  Var %H = $chr(46) $+ $5
  msg $4 $3 $read(Chance.txt, %C)
  if (%C == 1) { hdec monopoly $2 150 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 2) { hinc monopoly $2 100 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 3) { /payhouse $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%C == 4) { hdec monopoly $2 20 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 5) { hdec monopoly $2 15 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 6) { /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .1 | /Advancego $1 $2 $3 $4 } 
  if (%C == 7) { /jail $1 $2 $3 $4  }
  if (%C == 8) { hinc monopoly $2 50 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 9) { hinc monopoly $2 100 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 } 
  if (%C == 10) { /write goojf.txt $2 | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 11) { /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .25 | /Advancetraf $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 }
  if (%C == 12) { hinc monopoly $2 150 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 } 
  if (%C == 13) { /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .12 | /Advancepall $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 }
  if (%C == 14) && (%h == 5) { msg $4 You landed on "Income Tax" Pay £200 or 10 $+ % $+ , type !Pay or !Pay 10 $+ % | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .5 | /write -c pay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt .200 }
  if (%C == 14) && (%h == 15) { msg $4 You landed on "13Northumberland Avenue" Price: £160 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .15 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%C == 14) && (%h == 23) { msg $4 You landed on "7Vine Street" Price: £200 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .20 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%C == 14) && (%h == 31) { msg $4 You landed on "Go to Jail" | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .11 | /Jail $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%C == 14) && (%h == 34) { msg $4 You landed on "6Community Chest" | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .34 | /Chest $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%C == 14) && (%h < 1) { msg $4 You landed on "12Mayfair" Price: £400 | /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .40 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%C == 15) { /birthday $1 $2 $3 $4 }
alias Chest { set %superroll off | set %chance off
  Var %C = $rand(1,15)
  msg $4 $3 $read(Community.txt, %C)
  if (%C == 1) { hdec monopoly $2 150 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 2) { hinc monopoly $2 50 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 3) { hinc monopoly $2 100 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 4) { /payhouse $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%C == 5) { msg $4 $3 type !Pay or !Chance | /write -c pay.txt $2 | /write -c Ammount.txt .10 | Halt }
  if (%C == 6) { /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .2 | /buying $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%C == 7) { hinc monopoly $2 25 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 8) { hdec monopoly $2 50 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 9) { /write gooft.txt $2 | /nextplayer $4 $3 } 
  if (%C == 10) { hdec monopoly $2 100 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 11) { hdec monopoly $2 50 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 12) { hinc monopoly $2 100 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 13) { /write -c [ $3 ] $+ .txt .1 | /Advancego $1 $2 $3 $4 }
  if (%C == 14) { hinc monopoly $2 10 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
  if (%C == 15) { hinc monopoly $2 50 | msg $4 $3 you now have £ $+ $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3 }
on *:text:!Chance*:%channel:{ 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if (%chance == on) { msg $chan $nick you really suck at cheating | halt }
  if ($read(Pay.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant use this card | halt }
  else { /write -w $address($nick,2) pay.txt | /chance $time $address($nick,2) $nick $chan | /write -ds $address($nick,2) Pay.txt | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $chan $nick }
on *:text:!Pay*:%channel:{ 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if ($read(Pay.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) && ($read(PPay.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick it's not you who needs to pay | halt }
  var %c = $read(Ammount.txt, 1) 
  var %y = $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2))
  %p = $remove(%c,$chr(46)))
  %z = %y / 10
  %k = $round(%z,0)
  if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) < %p) { msg $chan $nick you need to sell something first | /bankrupt $time $address($nick,2) $nick $chan }
  if ($read(PPay.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) != $null) && ($2 isletter) { msg $chan You paid %p | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) %p | hinc monopoly $address($2,2) %p | msg $chan $nick you now have $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | /write -ds $address($nick,2) PPay.txt | /remove Ammount.txt | /nextplayer $chan $nick }
  if ($read(PPay.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) != $null) && (!$2) { msg $chan $nick you need to pay the player | halt }
  if ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) < %k) { msg $chan $nick you need to sell something first | halt }
  if (!$2) { set %chance off | msg $chan You paid %p | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) %p | msg $chan $nick you now have $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | /write -ds $address($nick,2) Pay.txt | /remove Ammount.txt | /nextplayer $chan $nick }
  if ($2 == 10 $+ %) { msg $chan 10 $+ % of $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) = %k | hdec monopoly $address($nick,2) %k | msg $chan $nick you now have $hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) | /write -ds $address($nick,2) Pay.txt | /remove Ammount.txt | set %superroll off | /nextplayer $chan $nick }
  else { msg $chan $nick type !Pay (player you owe) }
on *:text:!Players*:%channel:{ 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 1) != $null) { var %pa = $read(Monopolynick.txt, 1) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 2) != $null) { var %pb = $read(Monopolynick.txt, 2) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) != $null) { var %pc = $read(Monopolynick.txt, 3) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 4) != $null) { var %pd = $read(Monopolynick.txt, 4) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 5) != $null) { var %pe = $read(Monopolynick.txt, 5) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 6) != $null) { var %pf = $read(Monopolynick.txt, 6) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 7) != $null) { var %pg = $read(Monopolynick.txt, 7) }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 8) != $null) { var %ph = $read(Monopolynick.txt, 8) }
  msg $chan Players: %pa %pb %pc %pd %pe %pf %pg %ph 
alias lazything {
  /remove oldkent.txt | /remove whitechapel.txt | /remove kings.txt | /remove angel.txt | /remove euston.txt | /remove penton.txt | /remove pallmall.txt | /remove whitehall.txt | /remove northumberland.txt | /remove marylebone.txt | /remove bow.txt 
  /remove marlborough.txt | /remove vine.txt | /remove strand.txt | /remove fleet.txt | /remove trafalgar.txt | /remove fenchurch.txt | /remove leicester.txt | /remove coventry.txt | /remove water.txt | /remove piccadilly.txt | /remove electric.txt 
  /remove regent.txt | /remove oxford.txt | /remove bond.txt | /remove liverpool.txt | /remove park.txt | /remove mayfair.txt | /remove brown.txt | /remove lblue.txt | /remove pink.txt | /remove orange.txt | /remove red.txt | /remove yellow.txt | /remove green.txt | /remove blue.txt
  /remove brownh.txt | /remove lblueh.txt | /remove pinkh.txt | /remove orangeh.txt | /remove redh.txt | /remove yellowh.txt | /remove greenh.txt | /remove blueh.txt | /remove goojf.txt
alias bankrupt {
  var %c = $read(Ammount.txt, 1) 
  %p = $remove(%c,$chr(46)))
  if ($hget(monopoly, $2) > %p) { halt }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, w, $) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(kings.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(angel.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(euston.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(penton.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(electric.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(bow.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(vine.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(strand.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(water.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(regent.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(bond.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(park.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, w, $2) != $null) { halt }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) == $null) { msg $4 You are actually bankrupt | /finish $4 $3 $2 } 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) != $null) { msg $4 You are actually bankrupt | msg $4 $3 you have been removed from the list | /write -ds $2 Monopoly.txt | /remove [ $3 ] $+ .txt | hdel -sw monopoly $address($3,2) | mode # -o $3 | /write -ds $3 Monopolynick.txt | /checking $2 | if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) == $2) { /nextplayer $4 } }
alias checking {
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove oldkent.txt }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove whitechapel.txt }
  if ($read(kings.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove kings.txt }
  if ($read(angel.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove angel.txt }
  if ($read(euston.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove euston.txt }
  if ($read(penton.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove penton.txt }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove pallmall.txt }
  if ($read(electric.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove electric.txt }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove whitehall.txt }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove northumberland.txt }
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove marylebone.txt }
  if ($read(bow.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove bow.txt }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove marlborough.txt }
  if ($read(vine.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove vine.txt }
  if ($read(strand.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove strand.txt }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove fleet.txt }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove trafalgar.txt }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove fenchurch.txt }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove leicester.txt }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove coventry.txt }
  if ($read(water.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove water.txt }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove piccadilly.txt }
  if ($read(regent.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove regent.txt }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove oxford.txt }
  if ($read(bond.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove bond.txt }
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove liverpool.txt }
  if ($read(park.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove park.txt }
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove mayfair.txt }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove brown.txt }
  if ($read(angel.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove lblue.txt }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove pink.txt }
  if ($read(bow.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove orange.txt }
  if ($read(strand.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove red.txt }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove yellow.txt }
  if ($read(regent.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove green.txt }
  if ($read(park.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove blue.txt }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove brownh.txt }
  if ($read(angel.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove lblueh.txt }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove pinkh.txt }
  if ($read(bow.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove orangeh.txt }
  if ($read(strand.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove redh.txt }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove yellowh.txt }
  if ($read(regent.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove greenh.txt }
  if ($read(park.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /remove blueh.txt }
alias payhouse {
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(brown.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 40 } 
  if ($read(angel.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(lblue.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 40 }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(pink.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 40 }
  if ($read(bow.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(orange.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 40 }
  if ($read(strand.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(red.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 40 }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(yellow.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 40 }
  if ($read(regent.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(green.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 40 }
  if ($read(park.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(blue.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 40 }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(brownh.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 115 }
  if ($read(angel.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(lblueh.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 115 }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(pinkh.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 115 }
  if ($read(bow.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(orangeh.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 115 }
  if ($read(strand.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(redh.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 115 }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(yellowh.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 115 }
  if ($read(regent.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(greenh.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 115 }
  if ($read(park.txt, w, $2) != $null) && ($read(blueh.txt, 1) != $null) { hdec monopoly $3 115 }
  msg $4 $3 you now have $hget(monopoly, $2) | /nextplayer $4 $3
alias ihatechecking {
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 oldkent.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 oldkent.txt }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 whitechapel.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 whitechapel.txt }
  if ($read(kings.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 kings.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 kings.txt }
  if ($read(angel.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 angel.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 angel.txt }
  if ($read(euston.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 euston.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 euston.txt }
  if ($read(penton.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 penton.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 penton.txt }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 pallmall.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 pallmall.txt }
  if ($read(electric.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 electric.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 electric.txt }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 whitehall.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 whitehall.txt }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 northumberland.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 northumberland.txt }
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 marylebone.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 marylebone.txt }
  if ($read(bow.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 bow.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 bow.txt }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 marlborough.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 marlborough.txt }
  if ($read(vine.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 vine.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 vine.txt }
  if ($read(strand.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 strand.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 strand.txt }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 fleet.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 fleet.txt }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 trafalgar.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 trafalgar.txt }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 fenchurch.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 fenchurch.txt }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 leicester.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 leicester.txt }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 coventry.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 coventry.txt }
  if ($read(water.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 water.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 water.txt }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 piccadilly.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 piccadilly.txt }
  if ($read(regent.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 regent.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 regent.txt }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 oxford.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 oxford.txt }
  if ($read(bond.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 bond.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 bond.txt }
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 liverpool.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 liverpool.txt }
  if ($read(park.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 park.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 park.txt }
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, w, $1) != $null) { /write -is $1 mayfair.txt $2 | /write -ds $1 mayfair.txt }
alias properties {
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $1) { var %az = 5OldKent }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $1) { var %bz = 5Whitechapel }
  if ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $1) { var %cz = 14Kings }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $1) { var %dz = 11Angel }
  if ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $1) { var %ez = 11Euston }
  if ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $1) { var %fz = 11Penton }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $1) { var %gz = 13PallMall }
  if ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $1) { var %hz = Electric }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $1) { var %iz = 13Whitehall }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $1) { var %jz = 13Northumberland }
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) == $1) { var %kz = 14Marylebone }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $1) { var %lz = 7Bow }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $1) { var %mz = 7Marlborough }
  if ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $1) { var %nz = 7Vine }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $1) { var %oz = 4Strand }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $1) { var %pz = 4Fleet }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $1) { var %qz = 4Trafalgar }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $1) { var %rz = 14Fenchurch }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $1) { var %sz = 8Leicester }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $1) { var %tz = 8Coventry }
  if ($read(water.txt, 1) == $1) { var %uz = Water }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $1) { var %vz = 8Piccadilly }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $1) { var %wz = 3Regent }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $1) { var %xz = 3Oxford }
  if ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $1) { var %yz = 3Bond }
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $1) { var %zz = 14Liverpool }
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $1) { var %ab = 12Park }
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $1) { var %ac = 12Mayfair }
  if ($4 == 1) { msg $3 $2 you own %az %bz %cz %mz %lz %nz %rz %zz %dz %ez %fz %gz %iz %jz %hz %uz %kz %oz %pz %qz %sz %tz %vz %wz %xz %yz %ab %ac }
  if ($5 == 2) { msg $3 $4 owns %az %bz %cz %mz %lz %nz %rz %zz %dz %ez %fz %gz %iz %jz %hz %uz %kz %oz %pz %qz %sz %tz %vz %wz %xz %yz %ab %ac }
alias propertiesleft {
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $null) { var %az = 5OldKent }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $null) { var %bz = 5Whitechapel }
  if ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $null) { var %cz = 14Kings }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $null) { var %dz = 11Angel }
  if ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $null) { var %ez = 11Euston }
  if ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $null) { var %fz = 11Penton }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $null) { var %gz = 13PallMall }
  if ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $null) { var %hz = Electric }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $null) { var %iz = 13Whitehall }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $null) { var %jz = 13Northumberland }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $null) { var %lz = 7Bow }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $null) { var %mz = 7Marlborough }
  if ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $null) { var %nz = 7Vine }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $null) { var %oz = 4Strand }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $null) { var %pz = 4Fleet }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $null) { var %qz = 4Trafalgar }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $null) { var %rz = 14Fenchurch }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $null) { var %sz = 8Leicester }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $null) { var %tz = 8Coventry }
  if ($read(water.txt, 1) == $null) { var %uz = Water }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $null) { var %vz = 8Piccadilly }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $null) { var %wz = 3Regent }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $null) { var %xz = 3Oxford }
  if ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $null) { var %yz = 3Bond }
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $null) { var %zz = 14Liverpool }
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $null) { var %ab = 12Park }
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $null) { var %ac = 12Mayfair }
  msg $2 Properties left: %az %bz %cz %mz %lz %nz %rz %zz %dz %ez %fz %gz %iz %jz %hz %uz %kz %oz %pz %qz %sz %tz %vz %wz %xz %yz %ab %ac 
on *:text:!Trade*:%channel:{
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if (%trading != on) { msg $chan Trading is not enabled for this game | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  unset %thetrade
  if ($3 isnum) && ($4 == $null) { msg $chan $nick you need to say who your selling your property to. | msg $chan For example !Trade $2 $3 (Nick) | halt }
  if ($3 isnum) && ($4 != $null) { set %skipyes on | /write -c prop1.txt . $+ $3 | /write -l2 prop1.txt $4 | /write -l3 prop1.txt $address($4,2) | /write -c prop2.txt $2 $+ .txt | msg $chan $4 would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($3 == Oldkent) { set %thetrade Oldkent.txt { if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == Whitechapel) { set %thetrade Whitechapel.txt { if ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == kings)  { set %thetrade kings.txt { if ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == angel) { set %thetrade angel.txt { if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == euston) { set %thetrade euston.txt { if ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } } 
  if ($3 == penton) { set %thetrade penton.txt { if ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == Pallmall) { set %thetrade pallmall.txt { if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } } 
  if ($3 == electric) { set %thetrade electric.txt { if ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == whitehall) { set %thetrade whitehall.txt { if ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } } 
  if ($3 == northumberland) { set %thetrade northumberland.txt { if ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == marylebone) { set %thetrade marylebone.txt { if ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == bow) { set %thetrade bow.txt { if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == marlborough) { set %thetrade marlborough.txt { if ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == Vine) { set %thetrade vine.txt { if ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == strand) { set %thetrade strand.txt { if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == fleet) { set %thetrade fleet.txt { if ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } } 
  if ($3 == trafalgar) { set %thetrade trafalgar.txt { if ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == fenchurch) { set %thetrade fenchurch.txt { if ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == leicester) { set %thetrade leicester.txt { if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } } 
  if ($3 == coventry) { set %thetrade coventry.txt { if ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } } 
  if ($3 == water) { set %thetrade water.txt { if ($read(water.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == piccadilly) { set %thetrade piccadilly.txt { if ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } } 
  if ($3 == regent) { set %thetrade regent.txt { if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } } 
  if ($3 == oxford) { set %thetrade oxford.txt { if ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == bond) { set %thetrade bond.txt { if ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } } 
  if ($3 == liverpool) { set %thetrade liverpool.txt { if ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } }
  if ($3 == park) { set %thetrade park.txt { if ($read(parl.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } } 
  if ($3 == mayfair) { set %thetrade mayfair.txt { if ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $null) { msg $chan $nick you cant trade when the property isnt owned | halt } } } 
  if ($2 isnum) && ($hget(monopoly, $address($nick,2)) > $2) { /write -c prop1.txt . $+ $2 | /write -l2 prop1.txt $nick | /write -l3 prop1.txt $address($nick,2) | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == Oldkent) && ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt oldkent.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == Whitechapel) && ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt whitechapel.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == kings) && ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt kings.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == angel) && ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt angel.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == euston) && ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt euston.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == penton) && ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt pentont.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == Pallmall) && ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt pallmall.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == electric) && ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt electric.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == whitehall) && ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt whitehall.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == northumberland) && ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt northumberland.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == marylebone) && ($read(marylebone.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt marylebone.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == bow) && ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt bow.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == marlborough) && ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt marlborough.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == Vine) && ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt vine.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == strand) && ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt strand.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == fleet) && ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt fleet.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == trafalgar) && ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt trafalgar.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == fenchurch) && ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt fenchurch.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == leicester) && ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt leicester.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == coventry) && ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt coventry.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == water) && ($read(water.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt water.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == piccadilly) && ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt picadilly.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == regent) && ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt regent.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == oxford) && ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt oxford.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == bond) && ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt bond.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == liverpool) && ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt liverpool.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never | halt }
  if ($2 == park) && ($read(park.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt park.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !yes or !never }
  if ($2 == mayfair) && ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $address($nick,2)) { /write -c prop1.txt mayfair.txt | /write -c prop2.txt %thetrade | msg $chan $read(%thetrade, 2) would you like to trade with $nick $+ ? type !Yes or !Never | halt }
  else { msg $chan $nick you do not own this property or do not have enough money }
on *:text:!Yes*:%channel:{
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if (%trading != on) { msg $chan Trading is not enabled for this game | halt }
  var %yes = $read(prop2.txt, 1)
  var %hmm = $read(%yes, 2)
  var %hm2 = $read(%yes, 1)
  var %ye2 = $read(prop1.txt, 1)
  var %dec = $remove(%ye2,$chr(46)))
  var %ni = $read(prop1.txt, 2)
  var %dres = $read(prop1.txt, 3)
  var %mmm = $read(%ye2, 2)
  var %mm2 = $read(%ye2, 1)
  if (%ye2 !isnum) && (%hm2 != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick its not you who was asked | halt }
  if (%ye2 !isnum) { /write -l1 %yes %mm2 | /write -l2 %yes %mmm | /write -l1 %ye2 $address($nick,2) | /write -l2 %ye2 $nick | /remove prop1.txt | /remove prop2.txt | msg $chan Trade successful! %mmm anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if (%skipyes == on) { set %skipyes off | goto skip }
  if (%ye2 isnum) && (%hm2 != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick its not you who was asked | halt }
  if (%ye2 isnum) { /write -l1 %yes %dres | /write -l2 %yes %ni | hdec monopoly %dres %dec | hinc monopoly $address($nick,2) %dec | /remove prop1.txt | /remove prop2.txt | msg $chan Trade successful! %ni anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
  if (%ye2 isnum) && (%dres != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick its not you who was asked | halt }
  if (%ye2 isnum) { /write -l1 %yes %dres | /write -l2 %yes %ni | hdec monopoly %dres %dec | hinc monopoly %hm2 %dec | /remove prop1.txt | /remove prop2.txt | msg $chan Trade successful! %hmm anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
on *:text:!never*:%channel:{
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if (%trading != on) { msg $chan Trading is not enabled for this game | halt }
  var %yes = $read(prop2.txt, 1)
  var %hm2 = $read(%yes, 1)
  var %ye2 = $read(prop1.txt, 1)
  var %mmm = $read(%ye2, 2)
  if (%hm2 != $address($nick,2)) && (%dres != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick its not you who was asked | halt }
  else { /remove prop1.txt | /remove prop2.txt | msg $chan Sorry %mmm maybe next time! Anything else you would like to do? else !No | halt }
on *:text:!Allprops*:%channel:{
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, w, $address($nick,2)) == $null) { msg $chan $nick your not playing | halt }
  if ($read(nicks.txt, 1) != $address($nick,2)) { msg $chan $nick it is not your turn | halt }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %01 5Oldkent }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %02 5Oldkent }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %03 5Oldkent }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %04 5Oldkent }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %05 5Oldkent }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %06 5Oldkent }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %07 5Oldkent }
  if ($read(oldkent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %08 5Oldkent }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %wc1 5Whitechapel }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %wc2 5Whitechapel }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %wc3 5Whitechapel }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %wc4 5Whitechapel }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %wc5 5Whitechapel }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %wc6 5Whitechapel }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %wc7 5Whitechapel }
  if ($read(whitechapel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %wc8 5Whitechapel }
  if ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %k1 14Kings }
  if ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %k2 14Kings }
  if ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %k3 14Kings }
  if ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %k4 14Kings }
  if ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %k5 14Kings }
  if ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %k6 14Kings }
  if ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %k7 14Kings }
  if ($read(kings.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %k8 14Kings }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %a1 11Angel }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %a2 11Angel }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %a3 11Angel }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %a4 11Angel }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %a5 11Angel }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %a6 11Angel }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %a7 11Angel }
  if ($read(angel.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %a8 11Angel }
  if ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %e1 11Euston }
  if ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %e2 11Euston }
  if ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %e3 11Euston }
  if ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %e4 11Euston }
  if ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %e5 11Euston }
  if ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %e6 11Euston }
  if ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %e7 11Euston }
  if ($read(euston.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %e8 11Euston }
  if ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %p1 11Penton }
  if ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %p2 11Penton }
  if ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %p3 11Penton }
  if ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %p4 11Penton }
  if ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %p5 11Penton }
  if ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %p6 11Penton }
  if ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %p7 11Penton }
  if ($read(penton.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %p8 11Penton }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %pm1 13PallMall }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %pm2 13PallMall }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %pm3 13PallMall }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %pm4 13PallMall }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %pm5 13PallMall }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %pm6 13PallMall }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %pm7 13PallMall }
  if ($read(pallmall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %pm8 13PallMall }
  if ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %el1 0Electric }
  if ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %el2 0Electric }
  if ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %el3 0Electric }
  if ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %el4 0Electric }
  if ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %el5 0Electric }
  if ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %el6 0Electric }
  if ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %el7 0Electric }
  if ($read(electric.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %el8 0Electric }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %wh1 13Whitehall } 
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %wh2 13Whitehall }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %wh3 13Whitehall }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %wh4 13Whitehall }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %wh5 13Whitehall }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %wh6 13Whitehall }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %wh7 13Whitehall }
  if ($read(whitehall.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %wh8 13Whitehall }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %no1 13Northumberland }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %no2 13Northumberland }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %no3 13Northumberland }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %no4 13Northumberland }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %no5 13Northumberland }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %no6 13Northumberland }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %no7 13Northumberland }
  if ($read(northumberland.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %no8 13Northumberland } 
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %mb1 14Marylebone }
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %mb2 14Marylebone }
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %mb3 14Marylebone }
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %mb4 14Marylebone }
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %mb5 14Marylebone }
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %mb6 14Marylebone }
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %mb7 14Marylebone }
  if ($read(Marylebone.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %mb8 14Marylebone }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %bo1 7Bow }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %bo2 7Bow }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %bo3 7Bow }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %bo4 7Bow }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %bo5 7Bow }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %bo6 7Bow }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %bo7 7Bow }
  if ($read(bow.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %bo8 7Bow } 
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %mar1 7Marlborough }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %mar2 7Marlborough }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %mar3 7Marlborough }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %mar4 7Marlborough }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %mar5 7Marlborough }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %mar6 7Marlborough }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %mar7 7Marlborough }
  if ($read(marlborough.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %mar8 7Marlborough }
  if ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %vi1 7Vine }
  if ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %vi2 7Vine }
  if ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %vi3 7Vine }
  if ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %vi4 7Vine }
  if ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %vi5 7Vine }
  if ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %vi6 7Vine }
  if ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %vi7 7Vine }
  if ($read(vine.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %vi8 7Vine } 
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %st1 4Strand } 
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %st2 4Strand }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %st3 4Strand }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %st4 4Strand }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %st5 4Strand }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %st6 4Strand }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %st7 4Strand }
  if ($read(strand.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %st8 4Strand }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %fl1 4Fleet } 
  if ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %fl2 4Fleet }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %fl3 4Fleet }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %fl4 4Fleet }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %fl5 4Fleet }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %fl6 4Fleet }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %fl7 4Fleet }
  if ($read(fleet.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %fl8 4Fleet }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %tr1 4Trafalgar } 
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %tr2 4Trafalgar }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %tr3 4Trafalgar }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %tr4 4Trafalgar }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %tr5 4Trafalgar }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %tr6 4Trafalgar }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %tr7 4Trafalgar }
  if ($read(trafalgar.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %tr8 4Trafalgar }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %fn1 14Fenchurch }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %fn2 14Fenchurch }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %fn3 14Fenchurch }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %fn4 14Fenchurch }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %fn5 14Fenchurch }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %fn6 14Fenchurch }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %fn7 14Fenchurch }
  if ($read(fenchurch.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %fn8 14Fenchurch }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %le1 8Leicester }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %le2 8Leicester }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %le3 8Leicester }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %le4 8Leicester }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %le5 8Leicester }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %le6 8Leicester }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %le7 8Leicester }
  if ($read(leicester.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %le8 8Leicester }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %co1 8Coventry }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %co2 8Coventry }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %co3 8Coventry }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %co4 8Coventry }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %co5 8Coventry }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %co6 8Coventry }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %co7 8Coventry }
  if ($read(coventry.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %co8 8Coventry }
  if ($read(water.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %wa1 0Water } 
  if ($read(water.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %wa2 0Water }
  if ($read(water.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %wa3 0Water }
  if ($read(water.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %wa4 0Water }
  if ($read(water.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %wa5 0Water }
  if ($read(water.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %wa6 0Water }
  if ($read(water.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %wa7 0Water }
  if ($read(water.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %wa8 0Water }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %pi1 8Piccadailly }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %pi2 8Piccadailly }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %pi3 8Piccadailly }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %pi4 8Piccadailly }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %pi5 8Piccadailly }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %pi6 8Piccadailly }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %pi7 8Piccadailly }
  if ($read(piccadilly.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %pi8 8Piccadailly }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %re1 3Regent }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %re2 3Regent }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %re3 3Regent }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %re4 3Regent }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %re5 3Regent }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %re6 3Regent }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %re7 3Regent }
  if ($read(regent.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %re8 3Regent }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %ox1 3Oxford }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %ox2 3Oxford }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %ox3 3Oxford }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %ox4 3Oxford }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %ox5 3Oxford }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %ox6 3Oxford }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %ox7 3Oxford }
  if ($read(oxford.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %ox8 3Oxford } 
  if ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %bon1 3Bond }
  if ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %bon2 3Bond } 
  if ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %bon3 3Bond } 
  if ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %bon4 3Bond } 
  if ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %bon5 3Bond } 
  if ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %bon6 3Bond } 
  if ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %bon7 3Bond } 
  if ($read(bond.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %bon8 3Bond }  
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %li1 14Liverpool }
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %li2 14Liverpool } 
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %li3 14Liverpool } 
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %li4 14Liverpool } 
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %li5 14Liverpool } 
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %li6 14Liverpool } 
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %li7 14Liverpool } 
  if ($read(liverpool.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %li8 14Liverpool }  
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %pa1 12Park } 
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %pa2 12Park } 
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %pa3 12Park } 
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %pa4 12Park } 
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %pa5 12Park } 
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %pa6 12Park } 
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %pa7 12Park } 
  if ($read(park.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %pa8 12Park } 
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 1)) { var %mf1 12Mayfair } 
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 2)) { var %mf2 12Mayfair }
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 3)) { var %mf3 12Mayfair }
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 4)) { var %mf4 12Mayfair }
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 5)) { var %mf5 12Mayfair }
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 6)) { var %mf6 12Mayfair }
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 7)) { var %mf7 12Mayfair }
  if ($read(mayfair.txt, 1) == $read(Monopoly.txt, 8)) { var %mf8 12Mayfair }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 1) != $null) { msg $chan $read(Monopolynick.txt, 1) owns: %01 %wc1 %k1 %a1 %e1 %p1 %pm1 %el1 %wh1 %no1 %mb1 %bo1 %mar1 %vi1 %st1 %fl1 %tr1 %fe1 %le1 %co1 %wa1 %pi1 %re1 %ox1 %bon1 %li1 %pa1 %mf1 }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 2) != $null) { msg $chan $read(Monopolynick.txt, 2) owns: %02 %wc2 %k2 %a2 %e2 %p2 %pm2 %el2 %wh2 %no2 %mb2 %bo2 %mar2 %vi2 %st2 %fl2 %tr2 %fe2 %le2 %co2 %wa2 %pi2 %re2 %ox2 %bon2 %li2 %pa2 %mf2 }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 3) != $null) { msg $chan $read(Monopolynick.txt, 3) owns: %03 %wc3 %k3 %a3 %e3 %p3 %pm3 %el3 %wh3 %no3 %mb3 %bo3 %mar3 %vi3 %st3 %fl3 %tr3 %fe3 %le3 %co3 %wa3 %pi3 %re3 %ox3 %bon3 %li3 %pa3 %mf3 } 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 4) != $null) { msg $chan $read(Monopolynick.txt, 4) owns: %04 %wc4 %k4 %a4 %e4 %p4 %pm4 %el4 %wh4 %no4 %mb4 %bo4 %mar4 %vi4 %st4 %fl4 %tr4 %fe4 %le4 %co4 %wa4 %pi4 %re4 %ox4 %bon4 %li4 %pa4 %mf4 } 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 5) != $null) { msg $chan $read(Monopolynick.txt, 5) owns: %05 %wc5 %k5 %a5 %e5 %p5 %pm5 %el5 %wh5 %no5 %mb5 %bo5 %mar5 %vi5 %st5 %fl5 %tr5 %fe5 %le5 %co5 %wa5 %pi5 %re5 %ox5 %bon5 %li5 %pa5 %mf5 } 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 6) != $null) { msg $chan $read(Monopolynick.txt, 6) owns: %06 %wc6 %k6 %a6 %e6 %p6 %pm6 %el6 %wh6 %no6 %mb6 %bo6 %mar6 %vi6 %st6 %fl6 %tr6 %fe6 %le6 %co6 %wa6 %pi6 %re6 %ox6 %bon6 %li6 %pa6 %mf6 }
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 7) != $null) { msg $chan $read(Monopolynick.txt, 7) owns: %07 %wc7 %k7 %a7 %e7 %p7 %pm7 %el7 %wh7 %no7 %mb7 %bo7 %mar7 %vi7 %st7 %fl7 %tr7 %fe7 %le7 %co7 %wa7 %pi7 %re7 %ox7 %bon7 %li7 %pa7 %mf7 } 
  if ($read(Monopoly.txt, 8) != $null) { msg $chan $read(Monopolynick.txt, 8) owns: %08 %wc8 %k8 %a8 %e8 %p8 %pm8 %el8 %wh8 %no8 %mb8 %bo8 %mar8 %vi8 %st8 %fl8 %tr8 %fe8 %le8 %co8 %wa8 %pi8 %re8 %ox8 %bon8 %li8 %pa8 %mf8 }


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bourneident   -  Sep 07, 2010

must be a var then i will look though and try again

tried it again changed all the vars and got it sort of working
but it's not making the txt files for the most part and if ($address($nick,2) == !@Rapso.users.omerta) { goto moff }
had to be changed to let me turn off

this might become one of the most addictive games yet

AlexRapso   -  Sep 06, 2010

(23:56:17) <~RapsoTired> !sgame (23:56:17) <~R-Bot> The game has been started, type !Roll to play (23:56:18) <~R-Bot> RapsoTired it's your turn
(23:56:21) <~RapsoTired> !roll (23:56:21) <~R-Bot> RapsoTired rolled 4 & 6 so you move 10 spaces
(23:56:21) <~R-Bot> You landed on "Visiting Jail"
(23:56:21) <~R-Bot> kip it's your turn
(23:56:21) <@kip> !roll
(23:56:22) <~R-Bot> kip rolled 3 & 4 so you move 7 spaces
(23:56:22) <~R-Bot> You landed on "Chance"
(23:56:22) <~R-Bot> kip Bank Pays You Dividend of £50
(23:56:22) <~R-Bot> kip you now have £1550
(23:56:22) <~R-Bot> Soadafk it's your turn (23:56:29) <@Soadafk> !roll
(23:56:29) <~R-Bot> Soadafk rolled 4 & 4 so you move 8 spaces (23:56:30) <~R-Bot> You landed on "Euston Road" Price: £100 (23:56:30) <~R-Bot> Soadafk you get to roll again
(23:56:34) <@Soadafk> yihaa (23:56:37) <@Soadafk> !roll

working fine for me :x it does need reprogrammed though i made it before i learnt how to code properly.

bourneident   -  Sep 05, 2010

just say not your turn when !roll is use and won't let me turn off game

AlexRapso   -  Aug 22, 2010

might need to remove some variables if you just made your bot quit without turning the game off

Raicho Ichisada   -  Aug 16, 2010

i found some bug

Cerberus> The game has been started, type !Roll to play

you get to roll again !roll CaSSaNoVa it is not your turn ._.
AlexRapso   -  Jul 08, 2010

wow it works nice, btw i request werewolf game please XD

pretty sure there is already a werewolf game ;)

Raicho Ichisada   -  Jul 05, 2010

wow it works nice, btw i request werewolf game please XD

AlexRapso   -  Jul 04, 2010

Updated the code and the description hope it helps :)

cjacobs   -  Jun 22, 2010

hi Alex,
first off very nice game to write... however having problems on next players turn seems to not choose a nick to roll just says "its your turn" then u cant do anything happens on 2nd if 2 players n 3rd if 3 players otherwise seems like a good game to play... u can email me at


AlexRapso   -  Apr 01, 2010
  • /window: invalid parameters (line 46, script1.txt)
    Works fine for me, maybe you can't use that command on your server?
TomKat   -  Mar 06, 2010

Im getting this error

  • /window: invalid parameters (line 46, script1.txt)

The script loaded fine, giving me the copyright notice. But the above error occurs when I try to run the other commands.

!rules and !starting works fine though.

What am I doing wrong?

Im looking forward to trying this script, looks like a lot of work was put into it


los capos   -  Jan 23, 2010


AlexRapso   -  Jan 22, 2010

genefreak you need to put it into another irc as you cant use on text commands on yourself

The_One_And_Only   -  Jan 14, 2010

maybe you could add a help file also :)

genefreak   -  Nov 19, 2009

I put it in my remotes, but it doesn't respond to !Mon.

Do I need to get those txt files? Where do I get them?

AlexRapso   -  Oct 16, 2009

it works on nick and ip address/hostmask depending if your logged in or not thats why you cant play that way.

winni2   -  Oct 13, 2009

Hello, I'm Italian and I translated the Italian game monopoly which is very nice, but I tried to play alone with 3 different scripts mirc nick and 3, but it is impossible to play every second !MJoin nick responds (nick already in the list) and typing !sgam answers (you can not play alone). perhaps recognizes ip? you can edit this bug. Thank you for your attention: D

rayofsun  -  Oct 07, 2013

ciao winni2 sto provando anche io a tradurre monopoli portandolo come il nostro gioco in italiano ma ci sono ancora delle cose che non ho capito o forse non sono abbastanza brava da tradurre ahahahaha non mi va il comando !properties che io ho cambiato in !proprietà ci sto lavorando da giorni come impazzire per una che di inglese non ne capisce poi molto :) però devo dire per quel poco che capisco che deve essere molto carino.,,,ciao :)

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Cracker200   -  Oct 11, 2009


AlexRapso   -  Oct 10, 2009

Ahh Yahtzee i love that game, might try that. Thanks for the feedback people! :)

rockqc   -  Oct 10, 2009

Thanks for the hard work, much appreciated. :)

As for games, Yahtzee.

knoeki   -  Oct 10, 2009

Multiplayer notepad!

...oh wait...

Cracker200   -  Oct 10, 2009

Chess,Draughts,7,21,Checkers,Cluedo, :D

srry i'm bored lmao ;D

cantthink96   -  Oct 10, 2009

The codes such as this are only for the monopoly room I wouldn't like that if i owned this
on :text:!Shh:#Monopoly:{ /mode $chan +m

tra_orex   -  Oct 08, 2009

i was replying to your posts

knoeki   -  Oct 08, 2009

I was thinking chess that could be played through pm's or a channel, both ppl can have the script which would read commands or they can use the commands themselves, like A3:B4....the hard parts: checking that moves are legit(more tedious than anything) and checking if there is check or check mate.....

read a few posts up. ;_)

tra_orex   -  Oct 08, 2009

I was thinking chess that could be played through pm's or a channel, both ppl can have the script which would read commands or they can use the commands themselves, like A3:B4....the hard parts: checking that moves are legit(more tedious than anything) and checking if there is check or check mate.....I think I'ma try and make a connect 4 first over this weekend...

slub77   -  Oct 08, 2009

why not have made an on load script? to allow the person to choose what channel they want set as there gaming channel

AlexRapso   -  Oct 08, 2009

You don't have to im just to lazy to change it :D

Ghost-writer   -  Oct 08, 2009

^make your chess 1 player also. And for the script, i dont want to have to join #monopoly to play >.>

knoeki   -  Oct 08, 2009

chess :P

now this gives me an intresting idea.

2 people both have a script, they can start a game

this uses a picwin on both sides for the board, and DCC chat, or maybe even just a query to pass co-ordinates back and forth.

now THAT would be quite fucking awesome. maybe one day when I'm bored... ;_)

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