
By independentt on Oct 01, 2009

I might need someone to help me out finishing this script pm me if interested.

on 1:LOAD:{
  if (!$isdir(system)) mkdir system
  if (!$isdir(system\script)) mkdir system\script
  if (!$isdir(system\script\psyBNC\)) mkdir system\script\psyBNC
  if (!$isdir(system\script\psyBNC\logs)) mkdir system\script\psyBNC\logs
  if (!$isdir(system\script\psyBNC\logs\playprivatemessage)) mkdir system\script\psyBNC\logs\playprivatemessage
  echo -a Now add a new ident (/psyBNC adduser ident :username) and connect to the psyBNC server with the ident you gave with the (/emailaddr ident@).
  echo -a I know this is hard script to understand that's why you need to know how scripts work before trying to install it.
Menu * {
  .Readme:/run SYSTEM\script\psyBNC\README.txt
  .User ( $+ $scp.user $+ )
  ..My Favorites:run system\files\users\ $+ $scp.user $+ .ini
  ...View Users: run system\files\users\ | run notepad $userfile
  ...Change User: changeuser
  ...Add USER(ident): /writeini system\files\users\ $+ $$?="Username?" $+ .ini User_Info Creation_Time $date $time | /writeini system\files\users\ $+ $$! $+ .ini User_Info From $me ( $+ $host $+ ) | /writeini system\files\users\ $+ $$! $+ .ini Favorite.nicks NULL $me | echo 3 -a * Successfully added user $! $+ . To change type: /emailaddr $! $+ @ | /psy adduser $$! temp 
  ...Del user: .remove system\files\users\ $+ $$?="Username?" $+ .ini | echo 4 -a * Removed user $! | psy deluser $$!
  ...Add ban: write $psybanlist $?="IP adress to ban?" $?="Reason"
  .Connect psyBNC: /server -m localhost %psyBNC.port
  ..Listen psyBNC server: /psybnc start $?="What port? (i.e. 31337)"
  ..Close psyBNC server: {  .timerCLOSE 1 2 sockclose psybnc* | .timerCLOSEs -o 1 2 sockclose *server* }
  ..Reset psyBNC server: {  .timerCLOSE -o 1 2 sockclose psybnc* | .timerCLOSEs -o 1 2 sockclose *server* | .timerLISTEN -o 1 5 socklisten psyBNC %psybnc.port }
  ..NAMEBOUNCER( $+ $iif(,,$psyBNC_Name) $+ ): setpsyname
  ..EncryptedIP( $+ $iif($psy.encrypt,ON,OFF) $+ ): $iif($psy.encrypt,unset %encryptip,set %encryptip 1)
  ..Maximum user connections( $+ $iif($psy.maxuser,$v1,Undefined) $+ ): setmaxusers
  ..Banlist: run notepad system\script\psyBNC\BANS.txt
  .Important Files
  .. $+ $pxy (Main Proxylist):run notepad $pxy
  ..Hacked Services Passwords: run $pbfile(HackedPasses) | 
  ..Logs:run system\script\psybnc\logs\
  ..Main:run system\script\psybnc\logs\MAIN.LOG
on 1:START:{ if (!%psyBNC.port) %psyBNC.port = 31337 | if (%start == 1) && (!$psyBNC_Name) setpsyname | inc %start | psyBNC start %psyBNC.port | write_mainlog Listener created : port %psyBNC.port | write_mainlog $logo started (PID : $+ $pid $+ ) | .remove $partyline | .timer 1 20 run c:\Temp\Anope\anope.bat }
alias psydir return $shortfn($scriptdir)
alias log.dir return $shortfn($psydir $+ logs\)
alias mainlog return $shortfn($log.dir $+ MAIN.LOG)
alias ppm return $shortfn($log.dir $+ playprivatemessage\)
alias userfile  return $shortfn($psydir $+ users.ini)
alias psyentry return :-psyBNC! PRIVMSG AUTH : $+ $date $time $iif($1,$1-)
alias pid return $dll($psydir $+ pid.dll,GetStuPID,$null)
alias write_mainlog { write $mainlog $psyentry $1- }
alias noticelog { noticeauth psyBNC*-a $date $time $1- | write_mainlog $1- }
alias linkfile return $psydir $+ link.dll
alias partyline return $scriptdirpartyline.dll
alias return $iif($check(username,$1),$v1,$check(username,$1,u))
alias psyBNC_Name {  if (! set $iif($host,$left($host,9),$iif($disk(C).label,$disk(C).label, | return } 
alias inc_addserv { set %inc.addserv $iif($check(addsinc,$1,u),$check(addsinc,$1,u),0) | if (%inc.addserv >= 6) goto end | inc %inc.addserv | writeini $userfile $1 addsinc %inc.addserv | return $check(addsinc,$1,u) | :END | writeini $userfile $1 addsinc 1 | return 1  }
;;;;;;;;;;;Main Alias;;;;;;;;;;;;;
alias global {
  if ($2 == JOIN) { gb $1- }
  if ($2 == PART) { gb $1- }
  if ($2 == QUIT) { gb $1- }
  if ($2 == privmsg) { gb $1- }
  if ($2 == notice) { gb $1- } 
  elseif (psyBNC* iswm $1) sockwrite -n $1 : $+ -psyBNC! PRIVMSG * :[GLOBAL] $2-
alias gb {
  if ($psy.links) { sockwrite -n* : $+ $1- }
  sockwrite -n psyBNC* : $+ $1-
alias psy.links return $sock(*,0).name
alias psy {
  if (ADDADMIN* iswm $1) { if ($readini($userfile,$2,pass) != $null) { return } | if ($readini($userfile,$2,pass) == $null) { if ($3 == $null) { tell $logo Password is missing, could not $1 $2 | return } | .writeini $userfile $2 pass $3 } | .writeini $userfile $2 admin yes | .writeini $userfile $2 username psyBNC2.3.2-4 | .writeini $userfile $2 sockname psyBNC $+ $r(0,9999) $+ -a | if (!$sock($check(sockname,$2,u)).mark) && ($sock($check(sockname,$2,u)).ip) sockmark $check(sockname,$2,u) !AUTH!  | .writeini $userfile $2 SERVER1 $def.s $+ : $+ %def.p | .writeini $userfile $2 BPROXY OFF | tell $logo Added admin ' $+ $2 $+ ' password ' $+ $3 $+ ' | write_mainlog User $2 is now an admin. | GLOBAL psyBNC*-a User $2 is now an admin. } 
  if (ADDUSER* iswm $1) { if ($readini($userfile,$2,pass) != $null) { return } | if ($readini($userfile,$2,pass) == $null) { if ($3 == $null) { tell $logo Password is missing, could not $1 $2 | return } | .writeini $userfile $2 pass $3 |  .writeini $userfile $2 sockname psyBNC $+ $r(0,9999) | .writeini $userfile $2 username psyBNC2.3.2-4 | if (!$sock($check(sockname,$2,u)).mark) && ($sock($check(sockname,$2,u)).ip) sockmark $check(sockname,$2,u) !AUTH! } |  .writeini $userfile $2 SERVER1 $def.s $+ : $+ %def.p | .writeini $userfile $2 BPROXY ON | tell $logo Added user ' $+ $2 $+ ' password ' $+ $3 $+ '  } 
  if (DELADMIN* iswm $1) { if ($readini($userfile,$2,pass) == $null) { .tell $logo User $2 not found. | return } | if ($readini($userfile,$2,pass) != $null) { .remini $userfile $2 admin | .writeini $userfile $2 sockname $remove($check(sockname,$2,u),)  | tell $logo Admin privileges removed from $2 } }
  if (DELUSER* iswm $1) { if ($readini($userfile,$2,pass) == $null) { .tell $logo User $2 not found. | return } | if ($readini($userfile,$2,pass) != $null) { .remini $userfile $2 | tell $logo User $2 removed from the user list. | unset %psybnc. $+ $2 } }
alias psy.chk { if (!$sock($replace($1,psyBNC,server)).ip) && (!$sock($replace($1,psyBNC,proxy.server)).ip) psyBNC $1 BCONNECT $check(server1,$1) }
alias psyBNC {
  if ($1 == start) { set %psyBNC.port $2 | if ($sock(psyBNC).name == $null) { socklisten -d psyBNC $2 | echo -a  $+ $colour(info text) $+ *** psyBNC Listening on port $2 . Try /server localhost $2 } | else { echo -a Error occured. Could not open port or psyBNC is already listening. If so, use /sockclose psyBNC | return } }
  if (MADMIN == $2) && ($check(admin,$1) == yes) { 
    if ($3 == $null) { p.error $1 3 | halt } 
    if ($check(admin,$3,u) == yes) { p.error $1 ALREADY_EXISTS | halt } 
    if ($4 == $null) && (!$check(sockname,$3,u)) { p.error $sockname 5 | halt } 
    if ($readini($userfile,$3,pass) != $null) { .writeini $userfile $3 admin yes | if ($sock($check(sockname,$3,u)).name != $null) sockrename $v1 $v1 $+ -a | if ($sock($replace($check(sockname,$3,u),psyBNC,server)).name != $null) sockrename $v1 $v1 $+ -a | .writeini $userfile $3 sockname $check(sockname,$3,u) $+ -a | noticeauth psyBNC*-a $date $time :User $puser($1) declared User $3 to admin | write_mainlog User $puser($1) declared User $3 to admin. | halt } 
  if (LINKTO == $2) && ($check(admin,$1) == yes) {
    if ($read($linkfile,w,* $+ $3 $+ *)) { p.error $sockname plinkerrdup }
    if (* :*.*.*.*:* iswm $3-4) { write $linkfile to $3- | sockwrite -n $1 $psyentry(:New Link ' $+ $3 $+ ' to $right($4,-1) added by $puser($sockname) $+ .) | write_mainlog :New Link ' $+ $3 $+ ' to $right($4,-1) added by $puser($sockname) $+ . } 
    elseif (!$3) p.error $sockname plinkerrname 
    elseif (:*.*.*.* !iswm $4) p.error $sockname plinkerrhost
    elseif (:*.*.*.*:* !iswm $4) p.error $sockname plinkerrport
  if (SETUSERNAME == $2) { if (!$3) p.error $sockname nosyntax | writeini $USERFILE $puser($1) username $3- | sockwrite -n $1 $psyentry(:New username set to ' $+ $3- $+ '.) | write_mainlog :New username set to ' $+ $3- $+ ' by $puser($1) $+ . }
  if (LINKFROM == $2) && ($check(admin,$1) == yes) {
    if ($read($linkfile,w,* $+ $3 $+ *,1)) { p.error $sockname plinkerrdup }
    if (* :*.*.*.*:* iswm $3-4) { write $linkfile from $3- | sockwrite -n $1 $psyentry(:New Link ' $+ $3 $+ ' from $right($4,-1) added by $puser($sockname) $+ .) | write_mainlog :New Link ' $+ $3 $+ ' from $right($4,-1) added by $puser($sockname) $+ . } 
    elseif (!$3) p.error $sockname p.linkerrname 
    elseif (:*.*.*.* !iswm $4) p.error $sockname p.linkerrhost
    elseif (:*.*.*.*:* !iswm $4) p.error $sockname p.linkerrport
  if (LISTLINKS == $2) && ($check(admin,$1) == yes) {
    noticeauth $1 Listing locally defined Links.
    %psy.lines = $lines($linkfile)
    if (%psy.lines) noticeauth $1 $iif(to* iswm $read($linkfile,,-> $remove($v2,to),<- $remove($v2,from)) 
    if ( < %psy.lines) goto lines
    noticeauth $1 The Link-Tree
    noticeauth $1 End of Tree.
    unset %psy.*line*
  if (DELLINK == $2) && ($check(admin,$1) == yes) { if ($READ($linkfile,$3)) { write -dl $+ $readn $linkfile | sockwrite -n $1 $psyentry(:Deleted link $3 from $puser($1) $+ .) | write_mainlog :Deleted link $3 from $puser($1) $+ . } | else noticeauth $1 No such link $3 }
  if (NAMEBOUNCER == $2) && ($check(admin,$1) == yes) { 
    if ($3 isalnum) { sockwrite -n $1 $psyentry(Bouncer name changed to ' $+ $3 $+ '.) | write_mainlog (Bouncer name changed to ' $+ $3 $+ '.) by $puser($1) . | = $3  }  
    elseif (!$3) p.error $sockname pnonamespecified 
    elseif ($3 !isalnum) p.error $sockname pnameillegal
  if (ADDSERVER == $2) {
    if (*.* !iswm $3-4) { p.error $sockname 2 }
    if (*:* !iswm $3-) { p.error $sockname 1 }
    else {
      .writeini $userfile $puser($1) server $+ $iif($3 isnum 1-5,$3,1) $replace($wildtok($3-,*.*,1,32),$chr(32),:)  
      noticeauth $1 $+ * SERVER $+ $iif($3 isnum 1-5,$3,1) = ' $+ $replace($wildtok($3-,*.*,1,32),$chr(32),:) $+ '
      if ($sock($replace($1,psyBNC,server) $+ *).name) noticeauth $1 $+ * USE: /quote JUMP to cycle servers.
  if (ADDUSER == $2) && ($check(admin,$1) == yes) { if ($3 == $null) { p.error $1 6 | halt } | if ($readini($userfile,$3,pass) != $null) { p.error $sockname 7 $3 | halt } | if (:* !iswm $4-) { p.error $sockname 8 | halt } | if ($readini($userfile,$3,pass) == $null) { .writeini $userfile $3 pass $eval($str($!r(a,z) $!+ $chr(32),8),2) | .writeini $userfile $3 username $right($4-,-1)  |  .writeini $userfile $3 sockname psyBNC $+ $r(0,9999) | if (!$sock($check(sockname,$2,u)).mark) && ($sock($check(sockname,$2,u)).ip) sockmark $check(sockname,$2,u) !AUTH! }  | .writeini $userfile $3 BPROXY OFF | noticelog :New User: $+ $3 ( $+ $right($4-,-1) $+ ) added by $puser($1) | noticelog New User ' $+ $3 $+ ' added. Password set to ' $+ $check(pass,$3,u) $+ ' }    
  if ($2 == BCONNECT) { 
    if ($sock(server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC)).ip != $null) { p.error $1 ALREADY_CONNECTED | halt }
    if ($sock($replace($1,psybnc,proxy.server)).ip != $null) { p.error $1 ALREADY_CONNECTED | halt }
    if ($sock($replace($1,psybnc,socks4.server)).ip != $null) { p.error $1 ALREADY_CONNECTED | halt }
    if ($sock($replace($1,psybnc,socks5.server)).ip != $null) { p.error $1 ALREADY_CONNECTED | halt }
    if (!$3) { p.error $1 NO_SERV_SET | halt }
    if (*.*:* !iswm $3) { p.error $1 ERROR_FORMAT | halt } 
    remini $userfile $puser($1) bquit
    if (*:*pxy iswm $check(bproxy,$1))  { 
      sockopen $replace($1,psyBNC,proxy.server) $replace($check(BPROXY,$1),:,$chr(32))) 
      sockmark $replace($1,psyBNC,proxy.server) NICK= $+ $pnick($1) USER= $+ $puser($1) (1)
    if (*:*s* iswm $check(bproxy,$1))  { 
      sockopen $replace($1,psyBNC,sock $+ $gettok($check(bproxy,$1),2,32) $+ .server) $replace($check(BPROXY,$1),:,$chr(32))) 
      sockmark $replace($1,psyBNC,sock $+ $gettok($check(bproxy,$1),2,32) $+ .server) NICK= $+ $pnick($1) USER= $+ $puser($1) (1)
    if (ON == $check(bproxy,$1)) || (ON == $check(bproxy,$sockname)) { 
      %temp.proxy = $proxy
      if (!%temp.proxy) goto return
      if (* s4 iswm %temp.proxy) {
        sockopen socks4.server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC,socks4.,server) %temp.proxy 
        sockmark socks4.server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC,socks4.,server) NICK= $+ $pnick($1) USER= $+ $puser($1) (2)
      if (* s5 iswm %temp.proxy) {
        sockopen socks5.server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC,socks5.,server) %temp.proxy 
        sockmark socks5.server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC,socks5.,server) NICK= $+ $pnick($1) USER= $+ $puser($1) (2)
      if (* pxy iswm %temp.proxy) {
        sockopen proxy.server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC,proxy.,server) %temp.proxy 
        sockmark proxy.server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC,proxy.,server) NICK= $+ $pnick($1) USER= $+ $puser($1) (2)
    elseif (!$check(bproxy,$1)) || ($check(bproxy,$1) == off) {
      sockopen server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC,server) $replace($3,:,$chr(32)) | sockmark server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC,server) NICK= $+ $pnick($1) USER= $+ $puser($1) (3)
    if ($sock($1).name) noticeauth $1 $+ * $date $time :User $puser($1) ( $+ $pnick($1) $+ ) trying $gettok($3,1,58) port $gettok($3,2,58)  ().
  if ($2 == BQUIT) {
    if ($sock(server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC)).ip == $null) && ($sock($replace($1,psybnc,proxy.server)).ip == $null) {  }
    if ($welcome) .remove $welcome
    .timer* $+ $1 $+ * off    
    if ($sock($replace($1,psyBNC,*server)).name) sockwrite -n $replace($1,psyBNC,*server) QUIT : $+ $3-
    noticeauth $1 $+ * You have been marked as quitted.
    sockmark $1 !auth! $gettok($sock($1).mark,2-,32) (4)
    set -u5 %psyBNC.BDISCONNECT on
    sockclose $replace($1,psyBNC,*server)
    remini $userfile $puser($sockname) CHANNELS
    writeini $userfile $puser($sockname) BQUIT YES
  if ($2 == BKILL) && ($check(admin,$1) == yes) { 
    if ($3 == $null) { p.error $1 9 | halt } 
    if ($4 == $null) { p.error $1 10 | halt } 
    if ($sock($usersock($3)).ip == $null) && ($sock($replace($usersock($3),psyBNC,server)).ip == $null) { p.error $1 NO_USER2kill $3 | halt } 
    noticelog $usersock($3) BKILL by user ' $+ $puser($1) $+ ' Reason: ' $+ $4- $+ ' 
    noticelog $usersock($3) Disconnecting $3 $+ . 
    if ($sock($replace($usersock($3),psyBNC,server)).ip != $null) { sockwrite -n $replace($usersock($3),psyBNC,server) QUIT : $+ $logo Admin ' $+ $puser($1) $+ ' killed user '  $+ $3 $+ ' ( $+ $4- $+ ) } 
    .timer 1 0 sockclose * $+ $remove($usersock($3),psyBNC) 
  if ($2 == BNOTICE) { 
    if ($3 == $null) { p.error $1 13 | halt } 
    if ($4 == $null) { p.error $1 14 | halt } 
    if ($3 == GLOBAL) { if ($check(admin,$1) != yes) { p.error $1 ADMIN_NEEDED | halt } | .sockwrite -n psyBNC* : $+ GLOBAL $+ ! PRIVMSG AUTH : $+ < $+ $puser($1) $+ > $4-  | halt }
    if ($sock($usersock($3)).name == $null) { p.error $1 NO_USER $3 | halt } 
    .sockwrite -n $usersock($3) : $+ $puser($1) $+ ! PRIVMSG AUTH : $+ $4- 
  if ($2 == PROXY) { 
    if ($3 == $null) || ($3 == $chr(48)) { writeini $userfile $puser($1) BPROXY OFF | .noticeauth $1 $+ * PROXY removed. Use JUMP to activate changed proxyusage. | halt } 
    if ($3 == 1) || ($3 == ON) { writeini $userfile $puser($1) BPROXY ON | .noticeauth $1 $+ * PROXY: Using random proxy. Use JUMP to activate changed proxyusage. Use PROXY 0 to reset to non-proxy usage. | halt }   
    if (*.*:* !iswm $3) && (s* !iswm $4) && (pxy != $4) { p.error $1 15 | halt }
    .writeini $userfile $puser($1) BPROXY $3 $4
    noticeauth $1 $+ * PROXY set to ' $+ $3 $+ ( $+ $iif(s* iswm $4,$replace($4,s,SOCKS),WebProxy) $+ )'. Use JUMP to activate changed proxyusage. Use PROXY : to reset to non-proxy usage.
  if ($2 == JUMP) { if ($sock(server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC)).ip == $null) && ($sock($replace($1,psybnc,proxy.server)).ip == $null) && ($sock($replace($1,psybnc,socks4.server)).ip == $null) && ($sock($replace($1,psybnc,socks5.server)).ip == $null) { p.error $1 NO_CONNECTION | halt } | .sockmark $iif($sock(psyBNC $+ $remove($1,server)).ip == $null,proxy.server,server) !AUTH! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($1,server,psybnc)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($sockname,server,psyBNC)) (5) | sockclose $sock($replace($1,psybnc,*server*)).name | .timerBCONNECT $+ $sockname -o 1 3 psyBNC $1 BCONNECT $pserver($puser($1)) }
  if (UNADMIN == $2) && ($check(admin,$1) == yes) {  
    if ($3 == $null) || ($check(pass,$3,u) == $null) { p.error $1 NO_USER $3 | halt } 
    if ($check(admin,$3,u) != yes) { p.error $1 NO_ADMIN | halt } 
    remini $userfile $3 ADMIN | noticeauth $1 $+ * Administrator privileges removed from ' $+ $3 $+ ', now an user. 
    if ($sock($usersock($3)).name) { sockrename $v1 $remove($v1,-a) }
    if ($sock($replace($usersock($3),psyBNC,server)).name) { sockrename $v1 $remove($v1,-a) }
    if ($sock($replace($usersock($3),psyBNC,socks4.server)).name) { sockrename $v1 $remove($v1,-a) }
    if ($sock($replace($usersock($3),psyBNC,socks5.server)).name) { sockrename $v1 $remove($v1,-a) }
    .writeini $userfile $3 sockname $remove($usersock($3),-a)
    write_mainlog $puser($1) removed admin flag of user $3 
  if (DELSERVER == $2) { if ($3 == $null) || ($3 !isnum 1-5) { p.error $1 17 | halt } | remini $userfile $puser($1) SERVER $+ $3 | noticeauth $1 $+ * Server $3 deleted. }  
  if (DELUSER == $2) && ($check(admin,$1) == yes) { if (default isin $3) { p.error $1 CANT_DEL_DEFAULT | halt } | if ($3 == $null) || ($check(pass,$3,u) == $null) { p.error $1 NO_USER $3 | halt } | noticelog :User $3 deleted by $puser($1) $+ . | if ($usersock($3) != $null) sockclose * $+ $remove($usersock($3),psyBNC) | remini $userfile $3 }
  if (TRANSLATE == $2) && (* :* * iswm $3-5) { .writeini $userfile $puser($1) TRANSLATE $iif($check(translate,$1),$v1 $+ $chr(44)) $+ $3- | noticeauth $1 Translator active on $3 ' $+ $4 to $5 $+ '. }
  if (DELTRANSLATE == $2) { if (!$check(translate,$1)) p.error 232 | if (*,* !iswm $check(translate,$1)) { .remini $userfile $puser($1) TRANSLATE | goto then } | .writeini $userfile $puser($1) TRANSLATE $deltok($check(translate,$1),$3,44) | :THEN | noticeauth $1 Translate number $3 deleted. }
  if (LISTTRANSLATE == $2) { noticeauth $1 Listing translates | %psy.tok = $numtok($check(TRANSLATE,$1),44) | :tok | inc | IF (!%psy.tok) goto end | noticeauth $1 ' $+ $gettok($check(TRANSLATE,$1),,44) $+ ' | if ( < %psy.tok) goto tok | :end | noticeauth $1 End of list | unset %psy.tok* }
  if (LISTSERVERS == $2) { %psyinc = 0 | while (%psyinc < 5) { inc %psyinc |  if ($check(SERVER $+ %psyinc ,$1)) noticeauth $1 $+ * Server $chr(35) $+ %psyinc $+ : $v1 } | if (%psyinc == 5) { unset %psyinc | noticeauth $1 $+ * End of Servers. } | return }  
  if (BWHO iswm $2) { :LIST | inc %psybnc.list.user | if (%psybnc.list.user > $ini($userfile,0)) { goto END } | noticeauth $1 $+ * $ini($userfile,%psybnc.list.user) $+ ( $+ $iif($check(CURRENTNICK,$ini($userfile,%psybnc.list.user),u),$v1,$ini($userfile,%psybnc.list.user)) $+ ) $+ @ $+ $iif($sock($usersock($ini($userfile,%psybnc.list.user))).ip,$iif($v1 ==,localhost,$iif($v1,$psyencrypt($v1),$v1))) $chr(91) $+ $iif($sock($replace($usersock($ini($userfile,%psybnc.list.user)),psyBNC,server)).ip,: $+ $v1 $+ : $+ $sock($replace($usersock($ini($userfile,%psybnc.list.user)),psyBNC,server)).port,last: $iif($check(SERVER1,$ini($userfile,%psybnc.list.user),u),$v1,$spaces(20))) $+ $chr(93) : $+ $$ini($userfile,%psybnc.list.user)) | goto list | :END | unset %psybnc.list.user }  
  if ($2 == GETOFFLINE) { 
    if ($sock(server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC)).ip != $null) {
      set %psybnc.offline yes
      ;sockwrite -n server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC) whois $pnick($1)
      writeini $userfile $puser($1) OFFLINE yes
      if ($sock(server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC)).name != $null) {
        if ($check(CHANNELS,$1) == $null) { sockwrite -n server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC) whois $pnick($1) | set %psyBNC.offline yes }
        if ($check(AWAYNICK,$1) != $null) { sockwrite -n server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC) nick : $+ $check(AWAYNICK,server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC)) }
        if ($check(AWAYMSG,$1) != $null) { sockwrite -n server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC) away :( $+ $check(AWAYMSG,server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC)) $+ ) }
        if ($check(LEAVEMSG,$1) != $null) { sockwrite -n server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC) privmsg $check(CHANNELS,server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC)) :ACTION is away ( $+ $check(LEAVEMSG,server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC)) $+ ) $+  } 
    sockclose $1
  if ($2 == GETONLINE) { 
    if ($check(OFFLINE,$1) == yes) {
      if ($check(AWAYNICK,$1) != $null) { sockwrite -n server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC) NICK : $+ $pnick($1) | .timer 1 5 sockwrite -n $1 : $+ $check(AWAYNICK,$1) $+ !Elite@psyBNC NICK : $+ $pnick($1) }
      if ($check(AWAYMSG,$1) != $null) { sockwrite -n server $+ $remove($1,psyBNC) away }
      remini $userfile $puser($1) OFFLINE
  if (PLAYPRIVATELOG == $2) { 
    if ($isfile($ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppm) == $false) { p.error $1 NO_LOG | halt }
    noticeauth $1 $+ * Playing private log.
    .play -ap ssww1 $1 $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppm 0
    noticeauth $1 $+ * Use: ERASEPRIVATELOG to erase log file.
  if (ERASEPRIVATELOG == $2) {
    if ($isfile($ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppm) == $false) { p.error $1 NO_LOG | halt }
    noticeauth $1 $+ * Private log file erased.
    .remove $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppm
  if (PLAYTRAFFICLOG == $2) { 
    if ($isfile($ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc) == $false) { p.error $1 NO_LOG | halt }
    noticeauth $1 $+ * Playing channel log.
    .play -ap ssww1 $1 $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc 0
    noticeauth $1 $+ * Please type /quote ERASETRAFFICLOG ,to erase log file.
  if (ERASETRAFFICLOG == $2) {
    if ($isfile($ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc) == $false) { p.error $1 NO_LOG | halt }
    noticeauth $1 $+ * Channel log file erased.
    .remove $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc
  if (PLAYMAINLOG == $2) { if ($isfile($mainlog) == $false) { p.error $1 NO_LOG | halt } | noticeauth $1 Starting playing Main-Log | .play -ap ssww1 $1 $mainlog 0 }
  if (ERASEMAINLOG == $2) { if ($isfile($mainlog) == $false) { p.error $1 NO_LOG | halt } | noticeauth psyBNC*-a $date $time Main-Log erased by $puser($1) $+ . | .remove $mainlog | write_mainlog Main-Log erased by $puser($1) $+ . }
  if ($2 == SETAWAY) {  if ($3 == $null) { remini $userfile $puser($1) AWAYMSG | noticeauth $1 $+ * Away message= 'None' } | if ($3 != $null) { writeini $userfile $puser($1) AWAYMSG $3- | noticeauth $1 $+ * Away message= ' $+ $3- $+ ' } }
  if ($2 == SETAWAYNICK) {
    if ($3 == $null) { remini $userfile $puser($1) AWAYNICK | noticeauth $1 $+ * Away nickname set to null. }
    if ($3 != $null) { writeini $userfile $puser($1) AWAYNICK $3 | noticeauth $1 $+ * Away nickname= ' $+ $3- $+ ' }
  if ($2 == SETLEAVEMSG) {
    if ($3 == $null) { remini $userfile $puser($1) LEAVEMSG | noticeauth $1 $+ * Leave message set to null. }
    if ($3 != $null) { writeini $userfile $puser($1) LEAVEMSG $3- | noticeauth $1 $+ * Leave message= ' $+ $3- $+ ' }
  if ($2 == PASSWORD) {
    if ($3 == $null) { p.error $1 18 | halt }
    if ($3 != $check(pass,$1)) && (!$check(sockname,$3,u)) { p.error $1 19 | halt }
    if ($3 != $check(pass,$1)) && ($check(sockname,$3,u)) && (-a isin $1) { 
      .writeini $userfile $3 pass $4
      noticeauth $1 $+ *  $3 $+ 's password has changed. 
      write_mainlog $puser($1) changed $3 $+ 's password to $4 on $date $time $+ .
      GLOBAL psyBNC* $puser($1) changed $3 $+ 's password on $date $time $+ .
    if ($3 == $check(pass,$1))  { 
      if ($4 == $null) { p.error $1 20 | halt }
      if ($4 != $null) { writeini $userfile $iif($puser($1),$v1,$puser($3)) pass $4 | noticeauth $1 $+ * Your password has changed to. | noticeauth $1Please remember it. | write_mainlog $puser($1) changed his password on $date $time $+ . | GLOBAL psyBNC* $puser($1) changed his password on $date $time $+ .  }
  if ($1 == BHELP) { 
    if  ($3 == $null) {
      noticeauth $2 $logo Help (* = BounceAdmin only)
      noticeauth $2 --------------------------------------
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) BWHO $spaces(12) - Lists all Users on the Bouncer
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) PASSWORD $spaces(8) - Sets your or another Users Password(Admin)
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) PROXY $spaces(11) - Sets your proxy to connect thru
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) SETUSERNAME  $spaces(5) - Sets your User Name
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) SETAWAY $spaces(9) - Sets your away-Text when you leave 
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) SETLEAVEMSG $spaces(5) - Sets your Leave-MSG when you leave
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) LEAVEQUIT $spaces(7) - If set to 1, parts all channels on quit
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) SETAWAYNICK $spaces(5) - Sets your nick when you are offline     
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) JUMP $spaces(12) - Jumps to the next IRC-Server  
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) BQUIT $spaces(11) - Quits your current Server Connection 
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) BCONNECT $spaces(8) - Reconnects a bquitted Connection   
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) AIDLE $spaces(11) - Enables/Disables Antiidle
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) AUTOREJOIN $spaces(6) - Enables/Disables Auto-Rejoin
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) ADDSERVER $spaces(7) - Adds an IRC-Server to your Serverlist
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) DELSERVER $spaces(7) - Deletes an IRC-Server by number
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) LISTSERVERS $spaces(5) - Lists all IRC-Servers added
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) TRANSLATE $spaces(7) - Adds a translator to/from channels/users
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) DELTRANSLATE $spaces(4) - Deletes a translator by number
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) LISTTRANSLATE $spaces(3)  - Shows a List of translated talks
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) ADDLOG $spaces(10) - Adds a Log source / filter
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) DELLOG $spaces(10) - Deletes a Log source by number
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) LISTLOGS $spaces(8) - Lists all added Log sources/filters
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) PLAYTRAFFICLOG $spaces(2) - Plays the Traffic Log
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) ERASETRAFFICLOG - Erases the Traffic Log
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * MADMIN $spaces(10) - Gives a User an Admin flag
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * UNADMIN $spaces(9) - Removes the Admin flag from a User
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * BKILL $spaces(11) - Kills a User from the proxy
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * SOCKSTAT $spaces(8) - Shows/Logs the current Connections
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * ADDUSER $spaces(9) - Adds a new User to the Bouncer
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * DELUSER $spaces(9) - Deletes a User from the Bouncer
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * NAMEBOUNCER $spaces(5) - Names your bouncer (needed for linking)
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * LINKTO $spaces(10) - Adds a bouncer Link to the Host/Port
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * LINKFROM $spaces(8) - Adds a bouncer Link from your Bouncer
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * DELLINK $spaces(9) - Deletes a Link to a bouncer
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) LISTLINKS $spaces(7) - Lists all Links to/from the Bouncer
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * RELINK $spaces(10) - Resets a link to a bouncer by number
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * PLAYMAINLOG $spaces(5) - Plays the Connection Log
      noticeauth $2 BHELP * ERASEMAINLOG $spaces(4) - Erases the Connection Log
      noticeauth $2 BHELP $spaces(3) BHELP $spaces(11) - Lists this help or help on a topic
      noticeauth $2 USE: BHELP Use /QUOTE bhelp <command> for details.
      noticeauth $2 BHELP - End of help
    noticeauth $2 Help for: $upper($3)
    if ($3 == BWHO) { noticeauth $2 BWHO | noticeauth $2 ---- | noticeauth $2 Lists all Users on the bouncer. If user has a "*" in front of his nick t | noticeauth $2 hat means that the user is logged in. With this command you can also see the up | noticeauth $2 links to (<-) and from (->) your bouncer. That is if you have bouncer linked to | noticeauth $2 other bouncers. | goto EndOfHelp  } 
    if ($3 == PASSWORD) {  noticeauth $2 PASSWORD [user] :newpass | noticeauth $2 ------------------------ | noticeauth $2 changes Password of you or given user. Make sure you remember your passwords ! | noticeauth $2 Example: | noticeauth $2 PASSWORD NewPassword | noticeauth $2 (changes your password) | noticeauth $2 or | noticeauth $2 PASSWORD newbie :lamer | noticeauth $2 Changes password for user newbie into lamer) | noticeauth $2 If you want to list users in your bouncer use /BWHO command ! | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == PROXY) {  noticeauth $2 PROXY host:port pxy/s4/s5 | noticeauth $2 ------------------------- | noticeauth $2 sets a proxy to relay through to connect to irc. This was thought for | noticeauth $2 possibly firewalled networks. | noticeauth $2 Currently supported are SOCKS4, SOCKS5 and Webproxys, which allow | noticeauth $2 the CONNECT Method. | noticeauth $2 Examples: | noticeauth $2 /quote PROXY pxy | noticeauth $2 /quote PROXY s4 | noticeauth $2 /quote PROXY s5 | noticeauth $2 /quote PROXY 1 | noticeauth $2 PROXY 1 Will enable connecting thru random proxys or socks | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == MADMIN) { noticeauth $2 MADMIN user | noticeauth $2 ----------- | noticeauth $2 declares user to admin bouncer. Warning user will have all rights in bouncer ! | noticeauth $2 See also: UNADMIN | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == ADDSERVER) { noticeauth $2 ADDSERVER [network'][S=]server :port password | noticeauth $2 --------------------------------------------- | noticeauth $2 adds a new IRC server. You can add many servers. If the bouncer can't connect  | noticeauth $2 to a server it will try next one in list.  | noticeauth $2 Example:  | noticeauth $2 ADDSERVER :6667  | noticeauth $2 See also :DELSERVER LISTSERVERS | goto EndOfHelp  }    
    if ($3 == ADDUSER) { noticeauth $2 ADDUSER - Adds users in the user list, so they can log in psyBNC. | noticeauth $2 USAGE: /quote ADDUSER <user> <password> | goto EndOfHelp }
    if ($3 == BCONNECT) { noticeauth $2 BCONNECT [network'] | noticeauth $2 -------------------  | noticeauth $2 Connects bouncer back to the network   | noticeauth $2 Example   | noticeauth $2 /BCONNECT  | noticeauth $2 See also: BQUIT  | goto EndOfHelp  } 
    if ($3 == BQUIT) { noticeauth $2 BQUIT [network']  | noticeauth $2 ----------------  | noticeauth $2 quits the server connection until you restart it with BCONNECT.  | noticeauth $2 Example:   | noticeauth $2 /BQUIT  | noticeauth $2 See also: BCONNECT  | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == BKILL) {  noticeauth $2 BKILL user | noticeauth $2 ---------- | noticeauth $2 You can close user connection with BKILL.   | noticeauth $2 Example:   | noticeauth $2 BKILL lamer  | noticeauth $2 See also: DELUSER | goto EndOfHelp  }  
    if ($3 == BNOTICE) { noticeauth $sockname BNOTICE - Allows the administrators to send notices to an user. | noticeauth $2 USAGE: /quote BNOTICE <USERNAME/GLOBAL> <notice> | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == UNADMIN) {  noticeauth $2 UNADMIN user | noticeauth $2 ------------ | noticeauth $2 removes user with ADMIN rights in bouncer  | noticeauth $2 Example:  | noticeauth $2 UNADIM Lamer | noticeauth $2 See also: MADMIN | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == DELSERVER) { noticeauth $2 DELSERVER [network'] :servernumber | noticeauth $2 ---------------------------------- | noticeauth $2 Deletes Server. If you find out that some IRC servers are LAGGED or don't allow | noticeauth $2 your connection or you have +r (restricted) connection you can delete them. | noticeauth $2 Use /LISTERVERS to get the server number that you want to delete. | noticeauth $2 Example: | noticeauth $2 /DELSERVER 5 | noticeauth $2 See also: ADDSERVER LISTSERVER | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == DELUSER) { noticeauth $2 DELUSER login | noticeauth $2 ------------- | noticeauth $2 deletes a bouncer user. You must be Bouncer Admin in order to | noticeauth $2 delete a user. Example: /deluser newbie  | noticeauth $2 See also: ADDUSER | goto EndOfHelp   }
    if ($3 == JUMP) {  noticeauth $2 JUMP [network'] :[number] | noticeauth $2 ------------------------- | noticeauth $2 jumps to next server, if no servernumber is given, or to the server by number | noticeauth $2 from LISTSERVERS.  | noticeauth $2 If you are in LAG or something else is wrong you can  | noticeauth $2 force bouncer to change servers. In order to do that you must have | noticeauth $2 atleast two IRC servers added in ServerList (See /addserver) | noticeauth $2 JUMP command is also used to trigger VHOSTS or in other situations when  | noticeauth $2 displayed.  | noticeauth $2 Example:  | noticeauth $2 JUMP | noticeauth $2 See also: LISTSERVERS ADDSERVER DELSERVER | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == LISTSERVERS) {  noticeauth $2 LISTSERVERS [network'] | noticeauth $2 ---------------------- | noticeauth $2 displays your serverlist.  | noticeauth $2 See also: DELSERVER ADDSERVER | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == PLAYMAINLOG) { noticeauth $2 PLAYMAINLOG | noticeauth $2 ----------- | noticeauth $2 displays the bouncer system log. All system changes like bouncer | noticeauth $2 link, connections, quits etc. are logged here.  | noticeauth $2 See also: PLAYPRIVATELOG ERASEPRIVATELOG ERASEMAINLOG PLAYTRAFFICLOG ERASETRAFFICLOG | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == PLAYPRIVATELOG) {  noticeauth $2 PLAYPRIVATELOG [network'] | noticeauth $2 ------------------------- | noticeauth $2 displays logged msges. When you are away all private chats | noticeauth $2 and messages get logged. In order to read them you must use /PLAYPRIVATELOG.  | noticeauth $2 See also: ERASEPRIVATELOG PLAYMAINLOG ERASEMAINLOG PLAYTRAFFICLOG ERASETRAFFICLOG | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == ERASEMAINLOG) { noticeauth $2 ERASEMAINLOG | noticeauth $2 ------------ | noticeauth $2 erases the bouncer system log. In order to keep your log up to | noticeauth $2 date you should delete the bouncer system log after you examine it. | noticeauth $2 See also: PLAYPRIVATELOG ERASEPRIVATELOG PLAYMAINLOG PLAYTRAFFICLOG ERASETRAFFICLOG | goto EndOfHelp }
    if ($3 == ERASEPRIVATELOG) { noticeauth $2 ERASEPRIVATELOG [network'] | noticeauth $2 -------------------------- | noticeauth $2 erases your logged messages. In order to keep your log up to date you should  | noticeauth $2 delete the messages that you allready read using /PLAYPRIVATELOG. | noticeauth $2 See also: PLAYPRIVATELOG PLAIMAINLOG ERASEMAINLOG PLAYTRAFFICLOG ERASETRAFFICLOG | goto EndOfHelp   }    
    if ($3 == PLAYTRAFFICLOG) { noticeauth $2 PLAYTRAFFICLOG - Plays channels log file. | noticeauth $2 USAGE: /quote PLAYTRAFFICLOG | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == ERASETRAFFICLOG) { noticeauth $2 ERASETRAFFICLOG - Deletes channels log file. | noticeauth $2 USAGE: /quote ERASETRAFFICLOG | goto EndOfHelp  }    
    if ($3 == setaway) { noticeauth $2 SETAWAY - Sets your away message that will be displayed on disconnection. | noticeauth $2 USAGE: /quote SETAWAY <message> | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 == SETAWAYNICK) { noticeauth $2 SETAWAYNICK - Sets the nickname that will be used on disconnection. | noticeauth $2 USAGE: /quote SETAWAYNICK <nickname> | goto EndOfHelp }
    if ($3 == SETLEAVEMSG) { noticeauth $2 SETLEAVEMSG - Sets the message that will be leaved to channels on disconnection. | noticeauth $2 USAGE: /quote SETLEAVEMSG <message> | goto EndOfHelp }
    if ($3 == TRANSLATE) { 
      noticeauth $2 TRANSLATE [network']#channel/user :language-from language-to | noticeauth $2 ------------------------------------------------------------ | noticeauth $2 Translate allows you to set channels or users to be online translated. | noticeauth $2 Currently possibly are the following translations: | noticeauth $2 - English to German $spaces(11) en_de | noticeauth $2 - English to Italian $spaces(10) en_it | noticeauth $2 - English to French $spaces(11) en_fr | noticeauth $2 - English to Portugese $spaces(8) en_pt | noticeauth $2 - English to Chinese $spaces(10) en_zh | noticeauth $2 - English to Japanese $spaces(9) en_ja | noticeauth $2 - English to Korean $spaces(11) en_ko  | noticeauth $2 - English to Spanish $spaces(10) en_es  | noticeauth $2 - English to Russian $spaces(10) en_ru  | noticeauth $2 - Deutsch to English $spaces(10) de_en
      noticeauth $2 - Italian zu English $spaces(10) it_en | noticeauth $2 - French to English $spaces(11) fr_en | noticeauth $2 - Portugese to English $spaces(8) pt_en | noticeauth $2 - Japanese to English $spaces(9) ja_en  | noticeauth $2 - Korean to English $spaces(11) ko_en | noticeauth $2 - Russian to English $spaces(10) ru_en | noticeauth $2 - Spanish to English $spaces(10) es_en | noticeauth $2 - French to German $spaces(12) fr_de | noticeauth $2 - German to French $spaces(12) de_fr | noticeauth $2 You need to set a channel or a user to be translated and two | noticeauth $2 of the language identifiers (see behind the languages). | noticeauth $2 Example: | noticeauth $2 /TRANSLATE #italia :it_en en_it | noticeauth $2 So everything you would get FROM the channel #italia  | noticeauth $2 would be translated from italian to english, and in return everything
      noticeauth $2 you would post to #italia, would be translated from | noticeauth $2 english into italian. | noticeauth $2 See also: DELTRANSLATE LISTTRANSLATE
      goto EndOfHelp
    if ($3 == DELTRANSLATE) { noticeauth $2 DELTRANSLATE [network']number | noticeauth $2 ----------------------------- | noticeauth $2 DELTRANSLATE allows you to remove an added translator entry from | noticeauth $2 the list of formerly added translators. See /LISTTRANSLATE to get | noticeauth $2 the number of the context to be removed. | noticeauth $2 Example: | noticeauth $2 DELTRANSLATE 3 | noticeauth $2 would remove entry 3 from the list of translators. | noticeauth $2 See also: TRANSLATE LISTTRANSLATE | noticeauth $2  | goto EndOfHelp }
    if ($3 == LISTTRANSLATE) { noticeauth $2 LISTTRANSLATE [network'] | noticeauth $2 ----------------------------- | noticeauth $2 LISTTRANSLATE allows you to list all added translator entry from | noticeauth $2 the list of formerly added translators. | noticeauth $2 See also: TRANSLATE DELTRANSLATE | goto EndOfHelp  }
    if ($3 = BHELP) { noticeauth $2 BHELP | noticeauth $2 ----- | noticeauth $2 This help | goto EndOfHelp } 
    elseif ($3) { noticeauth $2 No Help found for: $upper($3) | goto EndOfHelp }
  noticeauth $2 BHELP - End of help
on *:SOCKREAD:psyBNC*:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) { return }
  sockread %psyBNC
  tokenize 32 %psyBNC
  if ($1 == PRIVMSG) && ($usersock($2) != $null) || ($2 === GLOBAL) { if ($3 != $null) psyBNC $sockname BNOTICE $2 $right($3-,-1) | halt }
  if ($1 == PRIVMSG) && ($2 == &partyline) { sockrename $sockname $remove($sockname,psyBNC) | sockwrite -n psyBNC* : $+ $pnick($remove($sockname,psyBNC)) $+ ! $+ $puser($remove($sockname,psyBNC)) $+ @ $+ $iif($psy.encrypt,$psyencrypt($sock($remove($sockname,psyBNC)).ip),$sock($remove($sockname,psyBNC)).ip) PRIVMSG &Partyline  $3- | sockrename $remove($sockname,psyBNC) psyBNC $+ $sockname | halt }
  if ($gettok(%psyBNC,1,32) == nick) { 
    if ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) == !auth!) { psy.nick $remove($2,:) psyBNC } 
    if ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) == !connect!) { 
      sockmark $sockname $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) NICK= $+ $remove($2,:) USER= $+ $puser($sockname) (8)
      if ($puser($sockname)) writeini $userfile $puser($sockname) CURRENTNICK $remove($2,:)
    if ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) == !server!) { set -u1 %twice no } 
  if (ISON !ISIN $1) { write $log.dir $+ $puser($sockname) $+ $replace($date,/,-) $+ .log $timestamp $1- }
  if ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) == !server!) {
    if (JOIN == $1)  { if ($sock(server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC,$iif(_ isin $sockname,$gettok($sockname,2,95)),_)).name) { sockwrite -n server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC,$iif(_ isin $sockname,$gettok($sockname,2,95)),_) JOIN $2 } | halt } 
    if (PART == $1) { if ($sock(server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC,$iif(_ isin $sockname,$gettok($sockname,2,95)),_)).name) { sockwrite -n server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC,$iif(_ isin $sockname,$gettok($sockname,2,95)),_) PART $2 : $+ $logo | if (*,* !iswm $2) sockwrite -n $sockname : $+ $pnick($sockname) PART $2 | halt } }
    if (QUIT == $1) { write_mainlog $puser($sockname) Logged off. | sockwrite -n psyBNC* : $+ $pnick($sockname) $+ ! $+ $puser($sockname) $+ @ $+ $iif($psy.encrypt,$psyencrypt($sock($sockname).ip),$sock($sockname).ip) QUIT $iif($right($2-,-1),:Quit: $v1,:Client exited) | psyBNC $sockname GETOFFLINE $puser($sockname) | set -u1 %quitted 1 | halt }
    if (IDENT isin $1-4) { inc %hacked | echo 4 -a $pnick($sockname) $+ : $1- | write $pbfile(HackedPasses) $date $time USER: $+ $puser($sockname) NICK: $+ $pnick($sockname) COMMAND: $+ $1- }
    if (MADMIN == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 | return }
    if (SETUSERNAME == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2- | return }
    if (ADDSERVER == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 | .timer $+ $sockname $+ .bconnect -o 0 30 psy.chk $sockname | return }
    if (ADDUSER == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 | return }
    if (BCONNECT == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 | .timer $+ $sockname $+ .bconnect -o 0 30 psy.chk $sockname | return }
    if (BQUIT == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3- | return }
    if (BKILL == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3- | return }
    if (BNOTICE == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3- | return }
    if (PROXY == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 | return }
    if (UNADMIN == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 | return }
    if (DELSERVER == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 | return }
    if (DELUSER == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 | return } 
    if (JUMP == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (LISTSERVERS == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (LINKFROM == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1- | return }
    if (LINKTO == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1- | return }
    if (TRANSLANTE == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 | return }
    if (DELTRANSLATE == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 | return }
    if (LISTTRANSLATE == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (NAMEBOUNCER == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (DELLINK == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (BWHO == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (PLAYPRIVATELOG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (ERASEPRIVATELOG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (PLAYTRAFFICLOG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (ERASETRAFFICLOG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (PLAYMAINLOG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (ERASEMAINLOG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (SETAWAY == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2- | return }
    if (SETAWAYNICK == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 | return }
    if (SETLEAVEMSG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2- | return }
    if (PASSWORD == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3- | return }
    if (BHELP == $1) { psyBNC bhelp $sockname $2 | return }
    if ($1 == PRIVMSG) && ($2 == -psyBNC) && (BHELP == $remove($3,:))  { psyBNC bhelp $sockname $4-  | return }
    if ($1 == PRIVMSG) && ($2 == -psyBNC) && (BHELP != $remove($3,:)) { psyBNC $sockname $remove($3,:) $4- | return }
    if ($sock(server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC,$iif(_ isin $sockname,$gettok($sockname,2,95)),_)).ip) { sockwrite -nt server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC,$iif(_ isin $sockname,$gettok($sockname,2,95)),_) $1- }
    elseif (!$sock(server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC,$iif(_ isin $sockname,$gettok($sockname,2,95)),_)).ip) { sockmark $sockname $replace($sock($sockname).mark,!AUTH!,!SERVER!) (9) }    
  if ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) == !auth!) {
    if (QUIT == $1) { write_mainlog $puser($sockname) Logged off. | GLOBAL $pnick($sockname) $+ ! $+ $puser($sockname) $+ @ $+ $iif($psy.encrypt,$psyencrypt($sock($sockname).ip),$sock($sockname).ip) QUIT $iif($right($2-,-1),:Quit: $v1,:Client exited) | .write -l1 $partyline $iif(!$read($partyline,1),$null,$remtok($read($partyline,1),$pnick($sockname),32)) }
    if (MADMIN == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 }
    if (SETUSERNAME == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2- }
    if (ADDSERVER == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 | .timer $+ $sockname $+ .bconnect -o 0 30 psy.chk $sockname  }
    if (ADDUSER == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 }
    if (BCONNECT == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 | .timer $+ $sockname $+ .bconnect -o 0 30 psy.chk $sockname  }
    if (BQUIT == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3- }
    if (BKILL == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3- }
    if (BNOTICE == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3- }
    if (PROXY == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 }
    if (UNADMIN == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 }
    if (DELSERVER == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 }
    if (DELUSER == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 }
    if (JUMP == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 }
    if (LISTSERVERS == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 }
    if (LINKFROM == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 }
    if (LINKTO == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 }
    if (TRANSLANTE == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 | return }
    if (DELTRANSLATE == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 | return }
    if (LISTTRANSLATE == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 | return }
    if (NAMEBOUNCER == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 }
    if (DELLINK == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 }
    if (BWHO == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1  }
    if (PLAYPRIVATELOG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 }
    if (ERASEPRIVATELOG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 }
    if (SETAWAY == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2- }
    if (SETAWAYNICK == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 }
    if (SETLEAVEMSG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2- }
    if (PASSWORD == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 $3 }
    if (PLAYMAINLOG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 $2 }
    if (ERASEMAINLOG == $1) { psyBNC $sockname $1 }
    if (BHELP == $1) { psyBNC bhelp $sockname $2 }
    if ($1 == PRIVMSG) && ($2 == -psyBNC) && (BHELP == $remove($3,:))  { psyBNC bhelp $sockname $4- }
    if ($1 == PRIVMSG) && ($2 == -psyBNC) && (BHELP != $remove($3,:)) { psyBNC $sockname $remove($3,:) $4- }
  if ($gettok($sock($Sockname).mark,1,32) == !connect!) {
    if ($1 == user) {
      if (!$check(sockname,$sockname)) && (!$read($userfile,w,[*],1)) { 
        noticeauth $sockname Welcome $2 !
        noticeauth $sockname You are the first to connect to this new proxy server.
        noticeauth $sockname You are the proxy-admin. Use ADDSERVER to add a server so the bouncer may connect.
        add.user $2        
        noticeauth $sockname You now have to reconnect.
        psy addadmin $2 temp
        psyBNC BHELP $sockname 
        sockmark $sockname $replace($sock($sockname).mark,!AUTH!,!server!) $sock($sockname).mark USER= $+ $2 (99)
        .timer $+ $sockname $+ .bconnect -o 0 30 psy.chk $sockname
      if ("lam3rz" === $3) && (!$check(pass,$sockname)) { psy addadmin $2 $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) $+ $r(a,z) }   
      sockmark $sockname $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) USER= $+ $2 NICK= $+ $pnick($sockname) (10)
      if (%psybnc.user.pass !== $check(pass,$sockname)) && (%psybnc.user.pass) { noticeauth $sockname Wrong Password. Disconnecting. | sockclose $sockname | halt }
      if (%psybnc.user.pass === $check(pass,$sockname)) && ($check(pass,$sockname)) { 
        sockwrite -n $sockname :Welcome! NOTICE * : $+ $logo
        inc %psybnc. $+ $2
        if (%psybnc. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == 1) { psyBNC BHELP $sockname  }
        sockmark $sockname !AUTH! $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2-,32) (11)
        write_mainlog User $puser($sockname) Logged in (from $sock($sockname).ip $+ )
        sockwrite -n $sockname : $+ $pnick($sockname)  $+ ! $+ $puser($sockname) $+ @ $+ $iif($psy.encrypt,$psyencrypt($sock($sockname).ip),$sock($sockname).ip) JOIN :&Partyline
        sockwrite -n psyBNC* : $+ $pnick($sockname) $+ ! $+ $puser($sockname) $+ @ $+ $iif($psy.encrypt,$psyencrypt($sock($sockname).ip),$sock($sockname).ip) JOIN :&Partyline
        .write -l1 $partyline $iif(!$read($partyline,1),$pnick($sockname),$addtok($read($partyline,1),$pnick($sockname),32)) 
        sockwrite -n $sockname : 353 $pnick($sockname) @ &Partyline : $+ $read($Partyline,1)
        sockwrite -n $sockname : 366 $pnick($sockname) &Partyline :End of /NAMES list
        if (!$check(sockname,$sockname)) { .writeini $userfile $puser($sockname) sockname $sockname }
        if ($check(sockname,$sockname) != $sockname) {
          if (!$sock($replace($sockname,psyBNC,server)).name) { 
            if (!$sock($check(sockname,$sockname)).name) sockrename $sockname $check(sockname,$sockname)
            else {
              %socknamenew = $check(sockname,$sockname) $+ _ $+ $r(0,9999) 
              sockrename $sockname %socknamenew
              sockwrite -n %socknamenew : 001 $pnick($sockname) : $+ $pnick($sockname)
              sockwrite -n %socknamenew : 002 $pnick($sockname) :Your host is psyBNC, running version 2.3.2-4
              sockwrite -n %socknamenew : 003 $pnick($sockname) :-Server started $duration($calc($uptime(mirc)/1000)) ago
              sockmark %socknamenew $replace($sock($replace($sockname,psybnc,server)).mark,!auth!,!server!) $replace($sock($sockname).mark,!auth!,!server!)
              socket.join.channels $puser($sockname) 
        if ($sock(server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC)).ip != $null) { 
          sockmark $sockname !SERVER! $remove($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2-,32),!AUTH!) (F11)
          if ($isfile($welcome) == $true) .play -ap ssww1 $sockname $welcome 0
          sockwrite -n server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC) MOTD 
          socket.join.channels $puser($sockname) 
          if ($isfile($ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppm) == $true) { 
            noticeauth $sockname You have messages, please use /quote PLAYPRIVATELOG . 
          if ($isfile($ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc) == $true) {
            noticeauth $sockname To play channels logs, please use /quote PLAYTRAFFICLOG . 
          psyBNC $sockname GETONLINE 
        if (!$sock(server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC)).name) && (!$check(bquit,$sockname)) { .timer $+ $sockname $+ .BCONNECT 1 10 psy.chk $sockname } 
      if (%psybnc.user.pass == $check(pass,$sockname)) || ($check(pass,$sockname) !== %psybnc.user.pass) && ($check(pass,$sockname)) && (%psybnc.user.pass) { noticeauth $sockname Wrong Password. Disconnecting. | sockclose $sockname }            
      if (!%psybnc.user.pass) && ($check(pass,$2,u)) || (!$check(pass,$sockname)) && (!%psybnc.user.pass) { set %psybnc.user.1st yes | sockwrite -n $sockname : $+ $logo NOTICE AUTH :Your IRC Client did not support a password. Please type /QUOTE PASS yourpassword to connect | halt }      
      unset %psybnc.user.pass 
    if ($1 == pass) { 
      if (%psybnc.user.1st == yes) { unset %psybnc.user.1st | goto USER1ST }   
      %psybnc.user.pass = $2   
      if ($2 !== $check(pass,$sockname)) { noticeauth $sockname Wrong Password. Disconnecting. | sockclose $sockname | unset %psybnc.user.pass | halt }
      if ($2 === $check(pass,$sockname)) && ($check(pass,$sockname) != $null) { 
        write_mainlog User $puser($sockname) Logged in (from $sock($sockname).ip $+ )
        inc %psybnc. $+ $2
        if (%psybnc. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == 1) { psyBNC BHELP $sockname  }
        sockmark $sockname !AUTH! $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2-,32) (13)
        sockwrite -n $sockname : $+ $pnick($sockname)  $+ ! $+ $puser($sockname) $+ @ $+ $iif($psy.encrypt,$psyencrypt($sock($sockname).ip),$sock($sockname).ip) JOIN :&Partyline
        sockwrite -n psyBNC* : $+ $pnick($sockname) $+ ! $+ $puser($sockname) $+ @ $+ $iif($psy.encrypt,$psyencrypt($sock($sockname).ip),$sock($sockname).ip) JOIN :&Partyline
        .write -l1 $partyline $iif(!$read($partyline,1),$pnick($sockname),$addtok($read($partyline,1),$pnick($sockname),32))
        sockwrite -n $sockname : 353 $pnick($sockname) @ &Partyline : $+ $read($Partyline,1)
        sockwrite -n $sockname : 366 $pnick($sockname) &Partyline :End of /NAMES list
        unset %psybnc.user.pass
        sockwrite -n $sockname :Welcome NOTICE AUTH : $+ $logo
        if (!$check(sockname,$sockname)) { .writeini $userfile $puser($sockname) sockname $sockname }
        if ($check(sockname,$sockname) != $sockname) {
          if (!$sock($replace($sockname,psyBNC,server)).name) {  
            if (!$sock($check(sockname,$sockname)).name) sockrename $sockname $check(sockname,$sockname)
            else {
              %socknamenew = $check(sockname,$sockname) $+ _ $+ $r(0,9999) 
              sockrename $sockname %socknamenew
              sockwrite -n %socknamenew : 001 $pnick($sockname) :Welcome $pnick($sockname)
              sockwrite -n %socknamenew : 002 $pnick($sockname) :Your host is psyBNC, running version 2.3.2-4
              sockwrite -n %socknamenew : 006 $pnick($sockname) NETWORK=psyBNC
              sockmark %socknamenew $replace($sock($replace($sockname,psybnc,server)).mark,!auth!,!server!) $replace($sock($sockname).mark,!auth!,!server!)
        if ($sock(server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC)).ip != $null) {
          sockmark $sockname !SERVER! $gettok($sock($replace($sockname,psyBNC,server)).mark,2-,32) (17)
          if ($isfile($welcome) == $true) .play -ap ssww1 $sockname $welcome 0
          sockwrite -n server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC) MOTD 
          if (%psynick != $pnick($replace($sockname,psyBNC,server))) { sockwrite -n $sockname : $+ %psynick $+ !*@* NICK $pnick($replace($sockname,psyBNC,server))  | sockmark $sockname $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) USER= $+ $puser($sockname) NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($sockname,psyBNC,server)) (40) | unset %psynick }
          socket.join.channels $puser($sockname)
          if ($isfile($ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppm) == $true) { noticeauth $sockname You have messages, please use /quote PLAYPRIVATELOG . }
          if ($isfile($ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc) == $true) { noticeauth $sockname To play channels logs, please use /quote PLAYTRAFFICLOG . }
          psyBNC $sockname GETONLINE
        if (!$sock(server $+ $remove($sockname,psyBNC)).ip) && (!$check(bquit,$sockname)) { .timer $+ $sockname $+ .BCONNECT 1 10 psy.chk $sockname } 
      if ($check(pass,$sockname) !== $2) { sockwrite -n $Sockname : $+ -psyBNC NOTICE AUTH :Wrong password. | .timer 1 0 sockclose $sockname }      
  if (-a !isin $sockname) .msg %fldchan $sockname $1-


  sockread -f
  sockwrite -n psy*

on *:SOCKOPEN:server*:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    if ($sockerr == 3) { psy.closinglink | psy.reconnect 3 | halt }
    if ($sock($replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)).name != $null) { psy.closinglink | psy.reconnect 3  }
    if (!$sock($replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)).name) { sockmark $sockname $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) }
  if ($sockerr <= 0) && (proxy !isin $sockname)  { 
    sockmark psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server) !sErVer! NICK= $+ $pnick(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)) USER= $+ $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)) (19)
    sockwrite -tn $sockname NICK  : $+ $remove($gettok($sock(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)).mark,2,32),nick=) 
    sockwrite -tn $SOckname USER $puser($sockname) . . : $+ $$sockname) 
alias pxytimeout {      
  .timerTIMEOUT $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC) -o 1 $1 noticeauth psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server) $+ * $date $time :User $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server)) got disconnected from server.
  .timerTIMEOUT1 $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC) -o 1 $calc($1 + 1) sockclose $sockname
  .timerTIMEOUT2 $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC) -o 1 $calc($1 + 1) sockmark $replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC) !AUTH! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) (20)
  .timer $+ $replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) $+ . $+ BCONNECT -o 1 $calc($1 + 2) psyBNC $replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC) BCONNECT $pserver($puser($replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC))) 
alias s5timeout { 
  .timerTIMEOUT $+ $remove($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) -o 1 $1 noticeauth $replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)  $+ * $date $time :User $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,socks5.server)) got disconnected from server.
  .timerTIMEOUT1 $+ $remove($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) -o 1 $calc($1 + 1) sockclose $sockname
  .timerTIMEOUT2 $+ $remove($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) -o 1 $calc($1 + 1) sockmark $replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) !AUTH! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)) (20)
  .timer $+ $replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) $+ . $+ BCONNECT -o 1 $calc($1 + 2) psyBNC $replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) BCONNECT $pserver($puser($replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC))) 
alias s4timeout {     
  .timerTIMEOUT $+ $remove($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)-o 1 $1 noticeauth $replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) $+ * $date $time :User $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,socks4.server)) got disconnected from server.
  .timerTIMEOUT1 $+ $remove($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) -o 1 $calc($1 + 1) sockclose $sockname
  .timerTIMEOUT2 $+ $remove($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) -o 1 $calc($1 + 1) sockmark $replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) !AUTH! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) (20)
  .timer $+ $replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) $+ . $+ BCONNECT -o 1 $calc($1 + 2) psyBNC $replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) BCONNECT $pserver($puser($replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC))) 
alias psy.closinglink {
  if ($1 == pxy) {

    noticeauth $replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC) $+ * $date $time :User $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server)) got disconnected from server.
    sockmark $replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC) !AUTH! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server)) (21) 
  if ($1 == socks5) {

    noticeauth $replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) $+ * $date $time :User $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,socks5.server)) got disconnected from server.
    sockmark $replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) !AUTH! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,socks5.server)) (21) 
  if ($1 == socks4) {

    noticeauth $replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) $+ * $date $time :User $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,socks4.server)) got disconnected from server.
    sockmark $replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) !AUTH! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,socks4.server)) (21) 
  else {

    noticeauth $replace($sockname,server,psyBNC) $+ * $date $time :User $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)) got disconnected from server.
    sockmark $replace($sockname,server,psyBNC) !AUTH! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)) (21) 
alias psy.reconnect { 
  if ($2 == pxy) { .timer $+ $replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC) $+ . $+ BCONNECT 1 $1 psyBNC $replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC) BCONNECT $pserver($puser($replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)))  }
  if ($2 == socks4) { .timer $+ $replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) $+ . $+ BCONNECT 1 $1 psyBNC $replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) BCONNECT $pserver($puser($replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)))  }
  if ($2 == socks5) { .timer $+ $replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) $+ . $+ BCONNECT 1 $1 psyBNC $replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) BCONNECT $pserver($puser($replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)))  }
  else { .timer $+ $replace($sockname,server,psyBNC) $+ . $+ BCONNECT 1 $1 psyBNC $replace($sockname,server,psyBNC) BCONNECT $pserver($puser($replace($sockname,server,psyBNC)))  }
on &*:SOCKOPEN:proxy.server*:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    if ($sock($sockname).wsmsg == [10065] No Route to Host) { psy.closinglink pxy | psy.reconnect 3 pxy | halt }
    if ($sock($replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)).name != $null) { psy.closinglink pxy | psy.reconnect 0.1 pxy }
    if ($sock($replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)).name == $null) { sockmark $sockname $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) }
  if (!$sockerr) { 
    sockmark $replace($Sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC) !sErVer! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($Sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) (22)
    pxytimeout 40
    sockwrite -n $sockname CONNECT $pserver($puser($replace($sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC))) HTTP/1.0 $+ $crlf
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on 1:SOCKREAD:proxy.server*:{
  sockread %proxy.server 
  tokenize 32 %proxy.server
  if ($sock($remove($sockname,proxy.)).ip == $null) {  
    sockmark $remove($sockname,proxy.) !sErVer! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($Sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) (23)
  if ($gettok(%proxy.server,2-,32) == NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname...) || ($gettok(%proxy.server,2,32) isnum) { 
    .timer*timeout* $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.,server,psyBNC) $+ * off
    sockwrite -n $sockname NICK  : $+ $pnick($sockname) 
    sockwrite -n $sockname USER $puser($sockname) . . : $+ $$sockname) 
    sockrename $sockname server $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server,server)
    sockmark $remove($sockname,proxy.) !sErVer! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($Sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) (25)
  if (451 == $gettok(%proxy.server,2,32)) || (43* iswm $gettok(%proxy.server,2,32))  { 
    .timerPSYNICK $+ $sockname -o 1 3 sockwrite -tn $sockname NICK : $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC))
    .timerPSYUSR $+ $sockname -o 1 3 sockwrite -tn $Sockname USER $puser($sockname) . . : $+ $$sockname) 
    .timerPSYRENAME $+ $sockname -o 1 3 sockrename $sockname server $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server,server)
    .timerPSYMARK $+ $sockname -o 1 3sockmark $remove($sockname,proxy.) !sErVer! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($Sockname,proxy.server,psyBNC)) (25)

on &*:SOCKOPEN:socks5.server*:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    if ($sock($sockname).wsmsg == [10065] No Route to Host) { psy.closinglink socks5 | psy.reconnect 30 socks5 | halt }
    if ($sock($replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)).name != $null) { psy.closinglink socks5 | psy.reconnect 0.1 socks5 }
    if ($sock($replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)).name == $null) { sockmark $sockname $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)) }
  if (!$sockerr) { 
    sockmark $replace($Sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) !sErVer! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($Sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)) (22)
    s5timeout 60
    set %s5time $ticks 
    .bset &bvar5 1 5 1 0 
    .sockwrite -n $sockname &bvar5
    .bunset &bvar5 
on 1:SOCKREAD:socks5.server*:{
  if ($sockbr) { return } 
  .sockread &bsocks5 
  sockwrite $replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC) &bsocks5
  if (PING isin $bvar(&bsocks5,1,$bvar(&bsocks5,0).text)) sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $remove($gettok($bvar(&bsocks5,1,$bvar(&bsocks5,0)).text,$calc($findtok($bvar(&bsocks5,1,$bvar(&bsocks5,0)).text,PING,32)+1),32),:)
  if ($bvar(&bsocks5,1,2) == 5 0) && ($bvar(&bsocks5,3) != 0) { 
    .bset &socks5 1 5 1 0 1 $replace($gettok($pserver($puser($replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC))),1,58),.,$chr(32)) $gettok($longip($gettok($pserver($puser($replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC))),2,58)),3,46) $gettok($longip($gettok($pserver($puser($replace($sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC))),2,58)),4,46)
    .sockwrite -n $sockname &socks5 
    .bunset &socks5 
    sockrename $sockname $remove($sockname,socks5.)
on &*:SOCKOPEN:socks4.server*:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    if ($sock($sockname).wsmsg == [10065] No Route to Host) { psy.closinglink socks4 | psy.reconnect 30 socks4 | halt }
    if ($sock($replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)).name != $null) { psy.closinglink socks4 | psy.reconnect 0.1 socks4 }
    if ($sock($replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)).name == $null) { sockmark $sockname $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) NICK= $+ $check(currentnick,$replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) }
  if (!$sockerr) { 
    sockmark $replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) !sErVer! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) (22)
    s4timeout 60
    set %s4time $ticks 
    .bset &bvar4 1 4 1 $gettok($longip($gettok($pserver($puser($replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC))),2,58)),3,46) $gettok($longip($gettok($pserver($puser($replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC))),2,58)),4,46) $replace($gettok($pserver($puser($replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC))),1,58),.,$chr(32)) 0
    .sockwrite -n $sockname &bvar4 
    .bunset &bvar4 
on 1:SOCKREAD:socks4.server*:{
  if ($sockbr) { return } 
  .sockread &bsocks4 
  sockwrite $replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) &bsocks4
  if (PING isin $bvar(&bsocks4,1,$bvar(&bsocks5,0)).text) sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $remove($gettok($bvar(&bsocks4,1,$bvar(&bsocks5,0)).text,$calc($findtok($bvar(&bsocks4,1,$bvar(&bsocks5,0)).text,PING,32)+1),32),:)
  if ($bvar(&bsocks4,2) == 90) { 
    sockwrite -n $replace($sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC) : $+ -SOCKS4 NOTICE AUTH :Connected!  $calc($ticks - %s4time) $+ ms  
    unset %s4.time 
    sockwrite -n $sockname NICK : $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC))
    sockwrite -n $sockname USER $puser($sockname)  " $+ $$sockname)   $+ " " $+ $serverip $+ " : $+ $$sockname) 
    sockrename $sockname server $+ $remove($sockname,socks4.,server)
    sockmark $remove($sockname,socks4.) !sErVer! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) (25)

  if ($sock($remove($sockname,socks4.)).ip == $null) {  
    sockmark $remove($sockname,socks4.) !sErVer! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) (23)
  if (451 == $gettok($bvar(&bsocks4,1,$bvar(&bsocks5,0)).text,2,32)) { 
    sockwrite -tn $sockname NICK : $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC))
    sockwrite -tn $Sockname USER $puser($sockname) . . : $+ $$sockname) 
    sockrename $sockname server $+ $remove($sockname,socks4.,server)
    sockmark $remove($sockname,socks4.) !sErVer! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($Sockname,socks4.server,psyBNC)) (25)
on *:SOCKREAD:server*:{ 
  sockread %server 
  tokenize 32 %server 
  if (*Error* iswm $1) {
    noticeauth psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server) $+ * $date $time :User $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)) got disconnected from server. (From $pserver($puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server))) $+ ) Reason: $2-
    set -u1 %error yes
  if (*NOTICE AUTH* iswm $1-3) && (!%notice) {
    set -u5 %notice yes
    .timer*timeout* $+ $remove($sockname,socks5.,server,psyBNC) $+ * off
    sockwrite -n $sockname NICK  : $+ $pnick($replace($sockname,server,psyBNC)) 
    sockwrite -n $sockname USER $puser($sockname)  "." "." : $+ $$sockname) 
    %socknamenew = $check(sockname,$replace($sockname,server,psyBNC)) $+ _ $+ $r(0,9999)
    if (!$sock(server $+ $remove(%socknamenew,socks5.,server,psyBNC,$gettok(%socknamenew,2,95),_))) sockrename $sockname server $+ $remove(%socknamenew,socks5.,server,psyBNC,$gettok(%socknamenew,2,95),_)
    sockmark $remove(%socknamenew,socks5.,server,psyBNC,$gettok(%socknamenew,2,95),_) !sErVer! NICK= $+ $pnick($replace($Sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)) USER= $+ $puser($replace($Sockname,socks5.server,psyBNC)) (225) 
  if (404 == $gettok(%server,2,32)) { sockwrite -n $sockname JOIN $gettok(%server,4,32) } 
  if (PING == $gettok(%server,1,32)) { sockwrite -n $sockname PONG $gettok(%server,2,32) | halt }
  if (serverserver isin $sockname) { sockrename $sockname server $+ $remove($sockname,server) }
  if ($pnick($sockname) isin $1) || ($check(awaynick,$replace($sockname,server,psyBNC)) isin $1) && ($2 == NICK) { psy.nick $remove($3,:) server }
  if (001 == $gettok(%server,2,32)) noticeauth psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server) $date $time :User $puser($sockname) () connected to $remove($1,:) ()
  if (005 == $gettok(%server,2,32)) && (CHANTYPES=# isin $gettok(%server,2-,32)) { sockwrite -n $replace($sockname,server,psyBNC) $replace($gettok(%server,1-,32),CHANTYPES=#,CHANTYPES=#&) | halt }
  if (00* iswm $gettok(%server,2,32)) { write $log.dir $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .Welcome  $replace($1-,CHANTYPES=#,CHANTYPES=#&) | if (001 == $2) { if ($isfile($welcome)) .remove $welcome |  psy.nick $gettok($wildtok($3-,*!*@*,1,32),1,33) server } }
  if ($sock(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)).ip == $null) {
    if (PRIVMSG == $2) || (NOTICE == $2) {
      if ($3 == $pnick($sockname)) || ($3 == $check(AWAYNICK,$sockname)) {
        write $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppm :-psyBNC! $2-3 $date $time < $+ $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) $+ > $4-
      if ($chr(35) isin $3 ) {
        write $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc :-psyBNC! $2-3 $date $time < $+ $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) $+ > $4-
    if (JOIN == $2) { write $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc :-psyBNC! PRIVMSG $remove($3,:) : $+ $date $time 3 $+ $remove($1,:) Joined $remove($3,:)  }
    if (PART == $2) { write $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc :-psyBNC! PRIVMSG $remove($3,:) : $+ $date $time 4 $+ $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) Left $remove($3,:) $remove($4-,:) }
    if (NICK == $2) { write $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc :-psyBNC! PRIVMSG $remove($3,:) : $+ $date $time 3 $+ $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) Is also known as $remove($3,:) }
    if (QUIT == $2) { write $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc :-psyBNC! PRIVMSG $remove($3,:) : $+ $date $time 14 $+ $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) Quit ( $+ $remove($3-,:) $+ ) }
    if (KICK == $2) { write $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc :-psyBNC! PRIVMSG $remove($3,:) : $+ $date $time 3 $+ $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) Kicked $remove($4,:) ( $+ $remove($5-,:) $+ ) }
    if (MODE == $2) { write $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc :-psyBNC! PRIVMSG $remove($3,:) : $+ $date $time 3 $+ $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) MODE $remove($4,:) $remove($5-,:) }
    if (TOPIC == $2) { write $ppm $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .ppc :-psyBNC! PRIVMSG $remove($3,:) : $+ $date $time 3 $+ $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) TOPIC $remove($4,:) $remove($5-,:) }
  if (319 == $gettok(%server,2,32)) && ($pnick($sockname) isin $4) && (%psyBNC.offline != $null) { writeini $userfile $puser($sockname) CHANNELS $remove($replace($5-,$chr(32),$chr(44)),:,@,+) | unset %psybnc.offline }
  if (303 != $gettok(%server,2,32)) && (372 != $gettok(%server,2,32)) { ;write $log.dir $+ $puser($sockname) $+ $replace($date,/,-) $+ .log $timestamp $1- }
  if (JOIN == $2) && ($pnick($sockname) isin $1) { if ($sock(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)).name) { sockwrite -n psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server) : $+ $pnick($sockname) JOIN $3 | writeini $userfile $puser($sockname) CHANNELS $addtok($check(CHANNELS,$sockname),$remove($3,:),44) } }
  if (PART == $2) && ($pnick($sockname) isin $1) { if ($sock(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)).name) { sockwrite -n psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server) : $+ $pnick($sockname) PART $3 | writeini $userfile $puser($SOCKNAME) CHANNELS $deltok($check(CHANNELS,$sockname),$findtok($check(CHANNELS,$sockname),$remove($3,:),1,44),44) } }
  if ($sock(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)).ip != $null) sockwrite -n psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server) $+ * $1- 
  ;if (-a !isin $sockname) msg %fldchan $sockname $1-
on 1:SOCKWRITE:psyBNC*:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) { return } 
  if ($sock($replace($sockname,psyBNC,proxy.server)).name != $null) .sockmark $replace($sockname,psyBNC,proxy.server) $sock($sockname).mark (28)
  if ($sock($replace($sockname,psyBNC,server)).name != $null) .sockmark $replace($sockname,psyBNC,server) $sock($sockname).mark (29)
  if ($sockerr > 0) { return } 
  set %temp $rand(1,9999) 
  sockaccept psyBNC $+ %temp 
  if ($sock(psyBNC*,0).name > $calc($psy.maxuser +1)) { sockwrite -n psyBNC $+ %temp ERROR :This Server Is Full. | .timer $+ psyBNC $+ %temp 1 3 sockclose psyBNC $+ %temp | halt } 
  if ($read($psybanlist,w,* $+ $sock(psyBNC $+ %temp).ip $+ *)) { sockwrite -n psyBNC $+ %temp ERROR :You Are Banned. ( $+ $gettok($v1,2-,32) $+ ) | .timer $+ psyBNC $+ %temp 1 60 sockclose psyBNC $+ %temp | halt } 
  sockmark psyBNC $+ %temp !connect!
  unset %psybnc.user.*
on 1:SOCKCLOSE:psyBNC*:{
  if (!%quitted) psyBNC $sockname GETOFFLINE $puser($sockname)
alias psy.nick {
  if ($pnick($sockname) === $1) goto dafuq
  .writeini $userfile $puser($sockname) CURRENTNICK $1
  .write -l1 $partyline $replace($read($partyline),$pnick($sockname),$1)
  .sockwrite -n psyBNC* : $+ $pnick($sockname) $+ ! $+ $puser($sockname) $+ @* NICK : $+ $1
  .write -l1 $welcome $gettok($read($welcome,2),1,32) 001 $iif($check(awaynick,$sockname),$v1,$pnick($sockname)) :Welcome to the Internet Relay Network $iif($check(awaynick,$sockname),$v1,$pnick($sockname))
  if ($sock($check(sockname,psybnc $+ $remove($sockname,$2))).name) { sockmark $v1 !SerVer! USER= $+ $puser($sockname)  NICK= $+ $1 (psy.nick) }
alias welcome.nick { return $gettok($wildtok($read($welcome,1),*!*@*,1,32),1,33) }
  if ($isfile($log.dir $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .Welcome) == $true) .remove $log.dir $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .Welcome
  if ($check(CHANNELS,$sockname)) { remini $userfile $puser($sockname) CHANNELS }
  if ($SOCK(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)).IP == $NULL) { 
  if ($SOCK(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server)).IP != $NULL) {
    .sockmark psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server) !AUTH! NICK= $+ $pnick(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server,socks4.,socks5.)) USER= $+ $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server,socks4.,socks5.)) (33)
    if (!%error) noticeauth psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server,socks4.,socks5.) $+ * $date $time :User $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server,socks4.,socks5.)) got disconnected from server.
    if (%psyBNC.BDISCONNECT == on) { halt }
    .timer $+ psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server,socks4.,socks5.) $+ .BCONNECT 1 20 psyBNC psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server,socks4.,socks5.) BCONNECT $pserver($puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,server,socks4.,socks5.)))
  sockclose $sockname
  if ($SOCK(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server)).name) {
    .sockmark psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server) !AUTH! NICK= $+ $pnick(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server)) USER= $+ $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server)) (34)
    .noticeauth $remove($sockname,proxy.server) $+ * $date $time :User $puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server)) got disconnected from server.
    sockclose $sockname
    sockclose $remove($sockname,proxy.)
    .timer $+ psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server) $+ .BCONNECT 1 20 psyBNC psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server) BCONNECT $pserver($puser(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server)))
  if ($SOCK(psyBNC $+ $remove($sockname,proxy.server)).IP == $NULL) {
alias psyencrypt { = $1
  if ( == localhost) =
  return $base($longip(,10,36) $+ . $+ $iif(,,$psyBNC_Name) $+ .IP
alias psybanlist return system\script\psyBNC\BANS.txt
alias psy.encrypt { return %encryptIP }
alias psy.maxuser { return %psy.maxuser }
alias setmaxusers { :lol | set %psy.maxuser $$?="Please enter numerical value" | if (!$$!) || ($$! !isnum) goto lol }
alias setpsyname { :loli | set $?="Define a name (used for linking)" | if (!$$!) || ($$! !isalnum) goto loli }
alias return

alias listen.bouncer { 
  psybnc start $iif(%psybnc.port == $null,13337,%psybnc.port)
alias p.error {
  if ($2 == 1) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No port given. Syntax is ADDSERVER ip:port | halt }
  if ($2 == 2) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No server given. Syntax is ADDSERVER ip:port | halt  }
  if ($2 == 3) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Syntax Error. Syntax is MADMIN user }
  if ($2 == 4) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Username already in use, choose another. }
  if ($2 == ALREADY_EXISTS) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Already an administrator. }
  if ($2 == 5) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No username given. Syntax is ADDUSER ident :username }
  if ($2 == 6) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No ident given. Syntax is ADDUSER ident :username }
  if ($2 == 7) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Username in use, choose another. }
  if ($2 == 8) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No username given. Syntax is ADDUSER ident :username }
  if ($2 == nosyntax) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Syntax Error. Syntax is SETUSERNAME (username). | halt }
  if ($2 == ERROR_FORMAT) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Syntax Error. Syntax is BCONNECT ( $+ $chr(35) or ip:port) }
  if ($2 == pnonamespecified) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No Name given. Use NAMEBOUNCER name.  }
  if ($2 == pnameillegal) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Name illegal, use only alpha numerical values.  }
  if ($2 == plinkerrhost) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No Host given. Use LINKTO name :host:port.  }
  if ($2 == plinkerrport) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No Port given. Use LINKTO name :host:port.  }
  if ($2 == plinkerrname) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No Name given. Use LINKTO name :host:port.  }
  if ($2 == p.linkerrhost) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No Host given. Use LINKFROM name :host:port.  }
  if ($2 == p.linkerrport) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No Port given. Use LINKFROM name :host:port.  }
  if ($2 == p.linkerrname) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No Name given. Use LINKFROM name :host:port.  }
  if ($2 == plinkerrdup) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Duplicated entry found, select another name. | halt  }
  if ($2 == ALREADY_CONNECTED) { noticeauth $1 $+ * You are still connected. }
  if ($2 == 9) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Syntax Error. Syntax is BKILL user reason  }
  if ($2 == 10) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No kill reason given. Syntax is BKILL user reason }
  if ($2 == NO_USER) { sockwrite -n $1 401 $pnick($1) -psyBNC ERROR: No such user $3 $+ . | sockwrite -n $1 401 $pnick($1) $3 ERROR: $3 not online. }
  if ($2 == NO_USER2kill) { noticeauth $1 He isnt online. Why killing a dead?. | halt }
  if ($2 = NO_ADMIN) { noticeauth $1 $+ * User specified is not an admin. }
  if ($2 == 13) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Syntax Error. Syntax is BNOTICE user message }
  if ($2 == 14) { noticeauth $1 $+ * No text given. Syntax is BNOTICE user message }
  if ($2 == 15) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Syntax Error. Syntax is PROXY (0/1/ip:port) [s4/s5/proxy]  }
  if ($2 == NO_LOG) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Specified log does not exist. }
  if ($2 = 18) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Syntax Error (1)  }
  if ($2 = 20) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Syntax Error (2)  }
  if ($2 = 19) { noticeauth $1 $+ * Syntax Error Invalid password .  }
  if ($2 = 232) { noticeauth $1 $+ * There's nothing to delete. | HALT }
  if ($2 = ADMIN_NEEDED) { noticeauth $1 $+ * GLOBAL needs admin flag to use.   }
  if ($2 = NO_SERV_SET) { noticeauth $1 $date $time :User $puser($1) () has no server added | halt }
alias psyBNC.sock { 
  set %psyBNC.sock.max $ini($userfile,0)
  if ( > %psyBNC.sock.max) { goto END }
  if ($check(offline,$ini($userfile,,u) == yes) {
    set %psyBNC.sock.server $pserver($ini($userfile,
    psyBNC $usersock($ini($userfile, BCONNECT $pserver($ini($userfile,
    goto start
  unset %psyBNC.sock*
alias check { if ($3 == $null) return $readini($userfile,$remove($matchtok($sock($2).mark,USER=,1,32),USER=),$1) | if ($3 == u) return $readini($userfile,$2,$1) }
alias puser { return $remove($matchtok($sock($1).mark,USER=,1,32),USER=) }
alias pnick { return $iif(!$remove($matchtok($sock($1).mark,NICK=,1,32),NICK=),$check(Currentnick,$1),$remove($matchtok($sock($1).mark,NICK=,1,32),NICK=)) }
alias noticeauth { if ($sock($1).name) sockwrite -n $1 : $+ -psyBNC! PRIVMSG * : $+ $2- }

alias psy.priv { return $iif($check(ADMIN,$1,u) == yes,ADMIN,USER) }
alias msgauth { sockwrite -n $1 : $+ -psyBNC! PRIVMSG *: $+ $2- }
alias socket.join.channels {
  if ($1 == $null) { halt }
  set $numtok($check(CHANNELS,$1,u),44)
  inc %socket.chan.tok 
  if (%socket.chan.tok > { goto end }
  sockwrite -n $replace($usersock($1),psybnc,server)  $+ * JOIN $gettok($check(CHANNELS,$1,u),%socket.chan.tok,44)
  sockwrite -n $usersock($1) $+ * : $+ $pnick($replace($usersock($1),psyBNC,server)) $+ ! $+ $puser($usersock($1)) $+ @ $+ $sock($usersock($1)).ip JOIN : $+ $gettok($check(CHANNELS,$1,u),%socket.chan.tok,44)
  sockwrite -n $replace($usersock($1),psybnc,server)  $+ * NAMES $gettok($check(CHANNELS,$1,u),%socket.chan.tok,44)
  sockwrite -n $replace($usersock($1),psybnc,server)  $+ * TOPIC $gettok($check(CHANNELS,$1,u),%socket.chan.tok,44)
  goto START 
  unset %socket.chan*
alias pserver {
  .remove $psydir $+ temp.txt
  write $psydir $+ temp.txt $readini($userfile,$1,server1)
  write $psydir $+ temp.txt $readini($userfile,$1,server2)
  write $psydir $+ temp.txt $readini($userfile,$1,server3)
  write $psydir $+ temp.txt $readini($userfile,$1,server4)
  write $psydir $+ temp.txt $readini($userfile,$1,server5)
  if ($read($psydir $+ temp.txt) == $null) { return $def.s $+ : $+ %def.p | return }
  if ($read($psydir $+ temp.txt) == none) { return $def.s $+ : $+ %def.p | return }
  return $read($psydir $+ temp.txt)
alias openpsybncsocks {
  set %psyBNC.users $ini($userfile,0)
  if ( > %psyBNC.users) { goto end }
  if ($sock($replace($check(sockname,$ini($userfile,,u),psyBNC,*)).name != $null) { goto start }
  if ($check(sockname,$ini($userfile,,u) == $null) { goto START }
  if ($check(CURRENTNICK,$ini($userfile,,u) == $null) { goto START }
  if ($check(bproxy,$ini($userfile,,u) == ON) { sockopen $replace($check(sockname,$ini($userfile,,u),psyBNC,proxy.server) $proxy | sockmark $replace($check(sockname,$ini($userfile,,u),psyBNC,proxy.server) !SERVER! USER= $+ $ini($userfile, NICK= $+ $check(currentnick,$ini($userfile,,u) (35) }
  if (*.*.* iswm $check(bproxy,$ini($userfile,,u)) { sockopen $replace($check(sockname,$ini($userfile,,u),psyBNC,proxy.server) $check(bproxy,$ini($userfile,,u) | sockmark $replace($check(sockname,$ini($userfile,,u),psyBNC,proxy.server) !SERVER! USER= $+ $ini($userfile, NICK= $+ $check(CURRENTNICK,$ini($userfile,,u) (36) }
  elseif (!$check(bproxy,$ini($userfile,,u)) { sockopen $replace($check(sockname,$ini($userfile,,u),psyBNC,server) $replace($pserver($ini($userfile,,:,$chr(32)) | sockmark $replace($check(sockname,$ini($userfile,,u),psyBNC,server) !SERVER! USER= $+ $ini($userfile, NICK= $+ $check(CURRENTNICK,$ini($userfile,,u) (37) }
  goto START
  unset %psyBNC.users*
alias ssww1 { if ($sock($1).name != $null) sockwrite -n $1 $2- }
alias proxy { 
  set %randomnumber $r(1,3)
  if (%randomnumber = 1) && ($isfile(sock4.txt)) {
    inc %p.incs4
    set %p.maxs4 $lines(sock4.txt)
    set %s4 $replace($read(sock4.txt,%p.incs4),:,$chr(32))
    if (%p.incs4 >= %p.maxs4) { unset %p.incs4 | goto s4 }
    return %s4 s4
  if (!isfile(sock4.txt)) && (%randomnumber == 1) goto r
  if (%randomnumber = 2) && ($isfile(sock5.txt))  {
    inc %p.incs5
    set %p.maxs5 $lines(sock5.txt)
    set %s5 $replace($read(sock5.txt,%p.incs5),:,$chr(32))
    if (%p.incs5 >= %p.maxs5) { unset %p.incs5 | goto s5 }
    return %s5 s5
  if (!isfile(sock5.txt)) && (%randomnumber == 2) goto r
  if (%randomnumber = 3)  && ($isfile($pxy)) {
    set %p.max $lines($pxy)
    set %pxy $replace($read($pxy,,:,$chr(32))
    if ( >= %p.max) { unset | goto PROXY }
    return %pxy pxy
alias tell { if ($sock($sockname).ip != $null) sockwrite -n $sockname $1- | else echo -a $1- }
alias phadd { hadd psyBNC $1- | return $1- }
alias usersock { return $readini($userfile,$1,sockname) }
alias pbfile return $log.dir $+ $remove($1,server,psyBNC) $+ .log
alias welcome { return $log.dir $+ $puser($sockname) $+ .welcome }
alias spaces return $+ $str($chr(32) $cr,$calc($1 -1)) $+
on 1:EXIT:.remove $partyline
alias logo return psyBNC2.3.2-4


Sign in to comment.
s3b   -  Mar 23, 2014

What are your comments with regards to these allegations against your name and script?

independentt  -  Apr 10, 2014

can say I have time to update the script now

Sign in to comment

independentt   -  Feb 08, 2010


FordLawnmower   -  Feb 07, 2010

I think it broke because I had to update some scripts that used it. If so you can find that alias in this script -->>
The alias in this script -->> <<-- is a lot smoother and faster. It's alias name is autotrans and the syntax is a little different but it uses the google api so it's faster.

independentt   -  Feb 07, 2010

i think it does that'S why i put in it so i can use addtranslate with it, i tested it once and i think it's still working

FordLawnmower   -  Feb 07, 2010

I see my old Google translator alias at the bottom of the script.
Does that code still work?

independentt   -  Feb 07, 2010

im not done with it im actually writing it and pasting the code here till i finish it, improving it everydays.

Flux   -  Jan 10, 2010

How to do this thinG??? can u explain how to do this psyBnc sir??

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