!IMDB Movie Search

By FordLawnmower on Sep 26, 2009

I realize that there are several other similar scripts, however this script is part of a larger project, so I decided to add a few lines to my current progress and make a little trigger script.

First of all, this script is designed to ONLY search for Movies. This script will NOT search for TV shows. I used a google search engine instead of the imdb one, to make sure that all the results are Movie related. The google search engine also allows for a higher tolerance for spelling errors.

  • Note: You must type +imdb for each channel you want the script on in.(Requires Ops)
  • Syntax: !imdb search words (will notice the user)
  • Syntax: @imdb search words (will message the channel if user has halfop or higher)
  • Syntax: /eimbd search words (will echo to active screen)
;!IMDB Movie Search Script by Ford_Lawnmower irc.Geekshed.net #Script-Help
alias -l IMDB {
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Start Setup;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
  ;;;; Change %tagcolor to the color you want for tags:
  var %tagcolor $+($chr(15),$chr(2))
  ;;;; Change %textcolor to the color you want for normal text
  var %textcolor $+($chr(15),$chr(3),04)
  ;;;; Change %linkcolor to the color/format you want for links
  var %linkcolor $+($chr(15),$chr(31))
  ;;;; Change %ratingcolor+ to the color you want for the positive stars in the rating.
  var %ratingcolor+ $+($chr(15),$chr(3),04)
  ;;;; Change %ratingcolor- to the color you want for the negative stars in the rating.
  var %ratingcolor- $+($chr(15),$chr(3),14)
  ;;;; You can change the way this script prints out by editing
  ;;;; %lineone, %linetwo and %linethree below. 
  ;;;; tags must be valid and separated by a space. 
  ;;;; valid tags are as follows: title rating votes genres
  ;;;; runtime director writer language country date plot 
  ;;;; shortplot cast link trailer reviews critics
  ;;;; If you want to omit a line, just change it to 0 
  ;;;; Use title instead of otitle if you want the title in the language related to your ip address
  var %lineone otitle rating votes reviews critics genres runtime director writer language country date
  var %linetwo shortplot 
  var %linethree cast link trailer
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;End Setup;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  
  var %sockname $+(IMDB,$network,$2,$ticks)
  hadd -m %sockname lineone %lineone
  hadd %sockname linetwo %linetwo
  hadd %sockname linethree %linethree
  sockopen %sockname www.imdb.com 80
  sockmark %sockname $1-2 $+(/title/,$3,/) 0 %tagcolor %textcolor %linkcolor 0 0 %ratingcolor+ %ratingcolor-
menu Channel,Status {
  .$iif($group(#IMDB) == On,$style(1)) IMDB IMDB Trigger
  ..$iif($group(#IMDB) == On,$style(2)) On: .enable #IMDB
  ..$iif($group(#IMDB) == Off,$style(2)) Off: .disable #IMDB
#IMDB on
On $*:Text:/^(\+|-|!|@)IMDB.*/Si:#: {
  var %action $regml(1)
  if (%action isin +-) && ($regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@|%)/)) {
    if (%action == +) {
      if ($istok(%IMDBChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)) { .msg $chan $nick $chan is already running the IMDB script }
      else { 
        .enable #IMDB
        Set %IMDBChanList $addtok(%IMDBChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)
        .msg $chan $nick has activated the IMDB script for $chan .
    else {
      if (!$istok(%IMDBChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)) { .msg $chan $nick $chan is not running the IMDB script }
      else { 
        Set %IMDBChanList $remtok(%IMDBChanList,$+($network,$chan),1,32)
        .msg $chan $nick has deactivated the IMDB script for $chan . 
  elseif (!$timer($+(IMDB,$network,$nick))) && ($istok(%IMDBChanList,$+($network,$chan),32)) {
    .timer $+ $+(IMDB,$network,$nick) 1 6 noop
    var %method $iif(%action == !,.notice $nick,$iif($regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@|%|\+)/),.msg $chan,.notice $nick))
    GIMDB %method $2-
alias EIMDB { GIMDB echo -a $1- }
alias -l GIMDB {
  $1-2 Searching For: $3- .............
  var %sockname $+(GIMDB,$network,$2,$ticks)
  sockopen %sockname www.google.com 80
  sockmark %sockname $1-2 $+(/search?q=,$replace($3-,$chr(32),+),+site:imdb.com&rls=en&hl=en) $3-
On *:sockopen:GIMDB*: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32) HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $sock($sockname).addr
    sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Opera 9.6
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | hfree $sockname | sockclose $sockname }
On *:sockread:GIMDB*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | hfree $sockname | sockclose $sockname }
  else {
    sockread &GIMDB
    if ($bintween(&GIMDB,Location:,ttp,1)) {
      noop $regex($bvar(&GIMDB,1-).text,/http\:\/\/([^\.]*\.google\.[^\/]*)(.*)/i)
      var %sockname $+(GIMDB,$network,$2,$ticks)
      sockopen %sockname $regml(1) 80
      sockmark %sockname $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) $regml(2) $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3-,32)
      sockclose $sockname
    elseif ($bintween(&GIMDB,<cite>www.imdb.com/title/,/</cite>,1)) {
      IMDB $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) $v1
      sockclose $sockname
    elseif ($bintween(&GIMDB,Your search,</b> - did not match any documents.,1)) { 
      $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) Sorry - Cannot find $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4-,32) 
      sockclose $sockname
On *:sockclose:GIMDB*: { $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1-2,32) Sorry - Cannot find $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4-,32) }
On *:sockopen:IMDB*: {
  if (!$sockerr) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32) HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.imdb.com
    sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Opera 9.6
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
  else { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
On *:sockclose:IMDB*: hfree $sockname
On *:sockread:IMDB*: {
  if ($sockerr) { echo -st Socket Error $nopath($script) | sockclose $sockname | return }
  else {
    var %IMDb | sockread %IMDb
    if ($regex(%imdb,/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/i)) hadd -m $sockname title $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Title:,$chr(32),$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $Xchr($remove($regml(1),IMDb -))
    elseif ($regex(%imdb,/'og:title'\s?content="(.*?)"\s?\/>/i)) {
      hadd -m $sockname otitle $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Title:,$chr(32),$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $Xchr($gettok($regml(1),1,45))
    elseif ($regex(%imdb,/([a-z]{6,8}:)/i)) sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,$regml(1),4,32)
    elseif (class="title-extra" isin %imdb) { sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,etitle:,4,32) }
    elseif (($regex(%imdb,/"(.*)"/i)) && ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == etitle:)) { 
      hadd -m $sockname otitle $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Title:,$chr(32),$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $Xchr($gettok($regml(1),1,45))
      sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,natta:,4,32)
    elseif (<h2>Storyline</h2> isin %imdb) sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,plot:,4,32)
    elseif (<table class="cast_list"> isin %imdb) sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,cast:,4,32)
    elseif (Release Date: isin %imdb) sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,date:,4,32)
    elseif ($regex(%imdb,/itemprop="ratingCount">(.*?)<\/span>/i)) hadd -m $sockname votes $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Votes:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $regml(1)
    elseif ($regex(shortplot,%imdb,/<meta name="description"\scontent="(.*?)"\s/>/i)) {
      hadd -m $sockname shortplot $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Plot:,$chr(32),$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $Xchr($regml(shortplot,1))
      sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,0,4,32)
    elseif ($regex(%imdb,/itemprop="reviewCount">(.*?)<\/span>/i)) {
      if ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == critics:) hadd -m $sockname critics $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Critics:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $regml(1)
      else {
        hadd -m $sockname reviews $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Reviews:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $regml(1)
        sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,critics:,4,32)
    elseif (*star-box-giga-star"  iswm %imdb) { sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,votes:,4,32) }
    elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == votes: && %imdb isnum) {
      hadd -m $sockname votes $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Votes:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) %imdb
      sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,nothing,4,32)
    elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == Critics:) {
      if ($regex(%imdb,/>([\d\x2C]+)\sreviews<\/a>/i)) hadd -m $sockname critics $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Critics:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $regml(1)
    elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == runtime:) {
      if ($regex(%imdb,/<time.*>(.*?)<\/time>/i)) { 
        hadd -m $sockname runtime $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Runtime:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $regml(1)
        sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,$v1,4,32)
        tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
        hadd -m $sockname link $+($6,$5,Link:,$chr(32),$7,http://www.imdb.com,$3)
        if ($hget($sockname,lineone)) put $1-2 $regsubex($v1,/([\S]+)/g,$hget($sockname,\t))
        if ($hget($sockname,linetwo)) put $1-2 $regsubex($v1,/([\S]+)/g,$hget($sockname,\t))
        if ($hget($sockname,linethree)) put $1-2 $regsubex($v1,/([\S]+)/g,$hget($sockname,\t)) 
        hfree $sockname
        sockclose $sockname
    elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == genres:) {
      if ($regex(%imdb,/>([^<]*)<\/a>/g)) hadd -m $sockname genres $addtok($hget($sockname,genres),$regml(1),32)
      elseif (</div> isin %imdb) {
        hadd -m $sockname genres $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Genres:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $hget($sockname,genres)
        sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,$v1,4,32)
    elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == director:) {
      if ($regex(%imdb,/"name">(.*?)<\/span>/i)) hadd -m $sockname director $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Director:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $Xchr($regml(1)) 
      elseif (</div> isin %imdb) sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,$v1,4,32)
    elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == writer:) {
      if ($regex(%imdb,/"name">(.*?)<\/span>/i)) hadd -m $sockname writer $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Writer:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) $Xchr($regml(1)) 
      elseif (</div> isin %imdb) sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,$v1,4,32)
    elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == country:) {
      if ($regex(%imdb,/>(.*?)<\/a>/)) set %IMDb.Country $+($iif(%IMDb.Country,$+($v1,$chr(44))),$Xchr($regml(1)))
      elseif (</div> isin %imdb) { 
        sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,$v1,4,32)
        hadd -m $sockname country $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Country:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) %IMDb.Country
        unset %IMDb.Country
    elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == language:) {
      if ($regex(%imdb,/>([^<]*)<\/a>/)) set %IMDb.Language $+($iif(%IMDb.Language,$+($v1,$chr(44))),$Xchr($regml(1)))
      elseif (</div> isin %imdb) { 
        sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,$v1,4,32)
        hadd -m $sockname language $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Language:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) %IMDb.Language
        unset %IMDb.Language
    elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == plot:) {
      if ($regex(%imdb,/<p>(.*)/)) { 
        tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
        hadd -m $sockname plot $6 $+($5,Plot:,$6) $Xchr($regml(1))
        sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,0,4,32)
    elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == cast:) {
      if ($regex(%imdb,/href="\/name\/.*\/">([^<]*)<\/a>/)) set %IMDb.Cast $+($iif(%IMDb.Cast,$+($v1,$chr(44))),$Xchr($regml(1)))
      elseif ($regex(%imdb,/alt="(.*?)"/)) set %IMDb.Cast $addtok(%IMDb.Cast,$Xchr($regml(1)),44)
      elseif (</table> isin %imdb) { 
        sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,0,4,32)
        hadd -m $sockname cast $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Cast:,$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,6,32)) %IMDb.Cast
        unset %IMDb.Cast         
        tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
        sockmark $sockname $deltok($sock($sockname).mark,10-,32)
    elseif ($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,4,32) == date:) {
      if ($regex(%imdb,/>(.*?)<\/time>/i)) {
        sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,notag:,4,32)
        tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
        hadd -m $sockname date $+($5,Release Date:,$chr(32),$6,$regml(1))
    elseif (watch trailer isin %imdb && $regex(%imdb,/<a\shref="([^<]*)"\sonclick="/)) {
      tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
      hadd -m $sockname trailer $+($5,Trailer:,$chr(32),$7,http://www.imdb.com,$regml(1)) 
    elseif (Reviews: isin %imdb || </html> isin %imdb) {
      tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
      hadd -m $sockname link $+($6,$5,Link:,$chr(32),$7,http://www.imdb.com,$3)
      if ($hget($sockname,lineone)) put $1-2 $regsubex($v1,/([\S]+)/g,$hget($sockname,\t))
      if ($hget($sockname,linetwo)) put $1-2 $regsubex($v1,/([\S]+)/g,$hget($sockname,\t))
      if ($hget($sockname,linethree)) put $1-2 $regsubex($v1,/([\S]+)/g,$hget($sockname,\t))      
      hfree $sockname
      sockclose $sockname
    elseif ($regex(%imdb,/star-box-giga-star">\s?(.*?)\s?<\/div>/i)) {
      var %L $round($regml(1),0), %R $calc(10 - %L)
      tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
      hadd -m $sockname rating $+($5,Rating:,$chr(32),$5,$chr(91),$10,$str(*,%L),$11,$str(*,%R),$5,$chr(93),$6) $regml(1)
alias -l AddMark { sockmark $sockname $addtok($sock($sockname).mark,$1-,32) }
alias -l Xchr { 
  var %return $regsubex($regsubex($1-,/&#x([A-F0-9]{1,2});/g,$chr($base($regml(\n),16,10))),/&#([0-9]{2});/g,$chr(\1)) 
  return $replacecs(%return,&ndash;,,&middot;,·,&raquo;,»,&laquo;,«,&Uuml;,Ü,&uuml;,ü,&Aacute;,Á,&aacute;,á,&Eacute;,$&
alias -l Put {
  if (!$regex($1,/(\.|^)(msg|notice|echo)$/Si)) || (!$3) { return }
  var %tokens $0, %Tstart 4, %Dtimer 1500
  if ($timer($+(Put,$2,$network)).secs) { %Dtimer = $calc($v1 * 1000) }  
  while ($len($($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2)) > 430) {
    dec %tokens
    if ($len($($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2)) <= 430) {
      .timer -m 1 %Dtimer $1-3 $($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2))
      inc %Dtimer 1500
      %Tstart = $calc(%tokens + 1)
      %tokens = $0
  .timer -m 1 %Dtimer $1-3 $($+($,%Tstart,-,%tokens),2))
  .timer $+ $+(Put,$2,$network) -m 1 $calc(%Dtimer + 1500) noop 
alias -l bintween {
  var %count = 1, %mark = 0, %mark2 = 0
  while (%count <= $4) {
    if ($bfind($1, %mark2, $2).text) {
      %mark = $calc($bfind($1, %mark2, $2).text + $len($2))
      if ($bfind($1, %mark, $3).text) {
        %mark2 = $bfind($1, %mark, $3).text
      else { return 0 } 
    else { return 0 }
    inc %count
  return $bvar($1, $iif(%mark > 0,%mark,1), $calc(%mark2 - %mark)).text


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Blasman   -  May 21, 2018

I've been using a slightly modified version of this script for years and it wasn't until maybe a few weeks ago that I noticed it will always reply with "Sorry - Cannot find movie name" and I have no idea where to look to try and fix it. Does anyone have a fix? This script gave the best output of text and my channel users and I really loved using it.

ovelayer  -  Jun 17, 2018

i believe westor put out a imdb if you want to use his module manager..
other then that no one has put out a working imdb or tvmaze in along time =(

^WeSt  -  Jun 18, 2018

NEW! TVMaze module, try it http://hawkee.com/snippet/19503/

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RacquetHD   -  Apr 29, 2016

I am running the script recently and everything works except for showing the rating and stars. I think imdb has changed site since last post or I'm getting a different imdb page.

Somsubhra1   -  Jan 18, 2016

This script is not working anymore.

!imdb spectre [20:03:30] -RadishBot- Searching For: spectre ............. [20:03:30] -RadishBot- Sorry - Cannot find spectre Is there anything wrong with my editing of the script? http://pastebin.com/tQSjzqsA
Stewie1k94  -  Jan 18, 2016

This script is working fine with Ford's version up top.

As for your edit...

var Red $+($chr(15),$chr(2))
;;;; Change %textcolor to the color you want for normal text
var Black $+($chr(15),$chr(3),04)
;;;; Change %linkcolor to the color/format you want for links
var Blue $+($chr(15),$chr(31))
;;;; Change %ratingcolor+ to the color you want for the positive stars in the rating.
var Yellow $+($chr(15),$chr(3),04)
;;;; Change %ratingcolor- to the color you want for the negative stars in the rating.
var Black $+($chr(15),$chr(3),14)

is not going to work

..and you would need to change the Google sockread to the one in Ford's version up top, which is seemingly why the search won't work.

Hope that helps.

Somsubhra1  -  Jan 18, 2016

Can you edit the things needed and send the script to me in a pastebin link please? Thanks :)

Stewie1k94  -  Jan 18, 2016

Well, you could just take Ford's version, which is what you need.

But, that has a few trailing characters that aren't supposed to be there... http://pastebin.com/fUxVWtQC should work very well for you.

As for CHANGING the colour.. only change the number

var %textcolor $+($chr(15),$chr(3),04)

"04" being Red.

Somsubhra1  -  Jan 18, 2016

It's telling:
[22:02:17] !imdb spectre
[22:02:18] -RadishBot- Searching For: spectre .............
[22:02:19] -RadishBot- Sorry - Cannot find /search?q=spectre+site:imdb.com&rls=en&hl=en spectre

Stewie1k94  -  Jan 18, 2016

[4:38pm] <~Stewie> !imdb Spectre
[4:38pm] ThunderBolt Searching For: Spectre .............
[4:38pm] ThunderBolt Title: Spectre (2015) Rating: [**] 7.0 Votes: 176,951 Reviews: 817 user Critics: 514 critic Genres: Action Adventure Thriller Runtime: 148 min Director: Sam Mendes Language: English,Spanish,Italian,German,French Country: UK,USA
[4:38pm] ThunderBolt Plot: Directed by Sam Mendes. With Daniel Craig, Christoph Waltz, Léa Seydoux, Ralph Fiennes. A cryptic message from Bond's past sends him on a trail to uncover a sinister organization. While M battles political forces to keep the secret service alive, Bond peels back the layers of deceit to reveal the terrible truth behind SPECTRE.
[4:38pm] ThunderBolt Cast: Daniel Craig,Christoph Waltz,Léa Seydoux,Ralph Fiennes,Monica Bellucci,Ben Whishaw,Naomie Harris,Dave Bautista,Andrew Scott,Rory Kinnear,Jesper Christensen,Alessandro Cremona,Stephanie Sigman,Tenoch Huerta,Adriana Paz Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2379713/

It works... Did you change to what I gave you?

Somsubhra1  -  Jan 18, 2016

absolutely not, BTW I use mirc version 7.38. And here's the script which is in my remotes. http://pastebin.com/SYN3CQ9K , Compare it with your script. You will find it same

Stewie1k94  -  Jan 18, 2016

I can't think of any reason why it would not work for you, other than the version. I am on 7.43.

rebel9  -  Jan 18, 2016

check variables tab in scripts editor for %imdb and delete it all.

Also after checking the raw in your pastebin, the color codes aren't even being noticed. No input for it.
example: http://pastebin.com/3pPqjTQm <---click RAW and notice how i have input to activate the color code

Somsubhra1  -  Jan 19, 2016

Thanks it worked :)

Stewie1k94  -  Jan 19, 2016

@rebel9 - There is no need for the colour codes.

//echo $+($chr(15),$chr(3),04) Test

the "$chr(3)" is the same thing.

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Blasman   -  Dec 22, 2015

Thanks for this. Great script for the most part. A few things don't work though. Trailer does not work at all. Plot doesn't work at all. Shortplot is actually Director + Actors + Plot. Also, Rating seems to be hit or miss whether or not it actually gets returned.

ovelayer   -  Nov 22, 2014

trailer seems to not be working in update.. =(

FordLawnmower   -  Nov 22, 2014

Updated to fix redirect issue in the google search

^WeSt   -  Feb 10, 2014

Suggestion: add %logo in settings to display into the output messages

<@westor> !imdb robocop
-Bot- 1,8IMDb Title: .............
-Bot- 1,8IMDb Plot: ....................
-Bot- 1,8IMDb Cast: ..........

  • Thanks!
rebel9   -  Jan 27, 2014


^WeSt  -  Feb 10, 2014

yes now trailers came back! good!

also good job to the author!

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explodedk   -  Oct 31, 2013

also it shows danish title insted of original title thou i use otitle in %lineone.

here is a pastebin of my source for two diff movies.

We're the millers - http://pastebin.com/rr7FM6XA
planes - http://pastebin.com/nSY3EiDF

would like it to always show the us/uk title.

FordLawnmower  -  Oct 31, 2013

I made a small edit based on your source pages @explodedk
Try the updated code and let me know if it fixes your issue.

beni  -  Nov 01, 2013

Like in my other post/reply i made some days ago (which ain't fixed yet) i have same problem as explodedk.

And yet your new modify still dont fix it. On my german VPS i still get German titles with the imdb script.

I tired with your new code and searched for: The internship and the bot ends up with:
Title: Prakti.com (2013) Genres: Comedy Runtime: 119 min Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2234155/

You can look at the source code here: http://pastebin.com/wdcrgYPy

So i guess the code you use to get title from

doesn't seem to work properly :(

FordLawnmower  -  Nov 01, 2013

Sorry beni. If I could test this It would take 10 minutes, but I don't have a German vps.
Please try the updated code and let me know if it works.

beni  -  Nov 01, 2013

Awesome, new update you made works ty :)

And now i hope imdb wont change anything for long time lol.

FordLawnmower  -  Nov 01, 2013

Your welcome beni. I'm glad it's working for you :)

Bri1977  -  Nov 13, 2013

The output seems to come out with parts missing sometimes, then other times it is there and it also just picks out the wrong/different result at times :-

[20:13:23] !imdb carrie
[20:13:26] Title: 07 Carrie (2013)
[20:13:27] Plot: 07 Directed by Kimberly Peirce. With Chloë Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Gabriella Wilde, Portia Doubleday. A reimagining of the classic horror tale about Carrie White, a shy girl outcast by her peers and sheltered by her deeply religious mother, who unleashes telekinetic terror on her small town after being pushed too far at her senior prom.
[20:13:28] 07Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1939659/
[20:13:36] !imdb carrie
[20:13:40] Title: 07 Carrie (1976) Rating: [07@@@@@@@14@@@]07 7.4 Votes:07 86,603 Reviews:07 438 user Genres:07 Horror Thriller Runtime:07 98 min Director:07 Brian De Palma Language:07 English Country:07 USA
[20:13:42] Plot: 07 Directed by Brian De Palma. With Sissy Spacek, Piper Laurie, Amy Irving, John Travolta. A young, abused and timid 17-year-old girl discovers she has telekinesis, and gets pushed to the limit on the night of her school's prom by a humiliating prank.
[20:13:43] Cast:07 Sissy Spacek,Piper Laurie,Amy Irving,William Katt,John Travolta,Nancy Allen,Betty Buckley,P.J. Soles,Priscilla Pointer,Sydney Lassick,Stefan Gierasch,Michael Talbott,Doug Cox,Harry Gold,Noelle North 07Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074285/
[20:14:36] !imdb carrie
[20:14:40] Title: 07 Carrie (2013) Rating: [07@@@@@@14@@@@]07 6.4 Votes:07 12,664 Reviews:07 127 user Genres:07 Drama Horror Runtime:07 100 min Director:07 Kimberly Peirce Language:07 English
[20:14:42] Plot: 07 Directed by Kimberly Peirce. With Chloë Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Gabriella Wilde, Portia Doubleday. A reimagining of the classic horror tale about Carrie White, a shy girl outcast by her peers and sheltered by her deeply religious mother, who unleashes telekinetic terror on her small town after being pushed too far at her senior prom.
[20:14:43] Cast:07 Julianne Moore,Chloë Grace Moretz,Gabriella Wilde,Portia Doubleday,Alex Russell,Zoë Belkin,Ansel Elgort,Samantha Weinstein,Karissa Strain,Judy Greer,Katie Strain,Barry Shabaka Henley,Demetrius Joyette,Arlene Mazerolle,Evan Gilchrist 07Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1939659/

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explodedk   -  Oct 31, 2013

hey FordLawnmower - i've asked a few years back if there was a chance to get it to show screens (like : Screens: 12.432 (US)) and Top250 if rank is top 250 :)

FordLawnmower  -  Oct 31, 2013

I can look into the top250 , but I can't really justify bogging down the script to open a 3rd socket to get the screens.
This script is already too heavy.

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NotFaux   -  Oct 29, 2013

Would it be possible to add another command, or maybe change the purpose of @imdb to show something other than %lineone %linetwo and %linethree? The reason I ask is because !imdb messages the channel using these settings:
var %lineone otitle rating genres runtime
var %linetwo shortplot
var %linethree director writer country language

But I would also like to have an @imdb that would show different information, preferably a review if that's at all possible? I tried adding this myself but if I'm honest, even tinkering with this script I'm out of my depth, I couldn't possibly add anything to it.

I understand that this is quite a big request, and therefore may not be possible, but I figured it's at least worth asking about.

Thanks in advance for any reply, and thank you very much for this fantastic script.

FordLawnmower  -  Oct 31, 2013

@NotFaux A script showing external reviews would be impossible unless you just wanted the links.
A script showing user reviews would be possible , but it would be a script independent of this one.
This script only reads the main page and user reviews are on a separate page.
It sounds interesting and I think it would make a very nice script but I simply don't have time to make it right now.
If you contact me on irc and post it in my channel as a request, I'll log it and get to it at some point in the future.
I addition, someone else in the channel may feel like coding something and write it for you.
irc.geekshed.net #Script-Help

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beni   -  Oct 07, 2013

The line 112 doesn't seem to work.

Whenever i search for something it only echo out: [10:47:30] set
with no title after. So how to fix that so it actually works?

FordLawnmower  -  Oct 07, 2013

@beni please explain your problem and I will try to help you. Referring to line numbers or code will just make things more confusing.
I have mine set to otitle and it's working fine.

beni  -  Oct 08, 2013

My server is hosted in Germany, which means i get german titles off imdb which is annoying.

And so far i can see in your code: f ($regex(%imdb,/class="title-extra"\sitemprop="name">([^<]*)/i))
is where original title is. But it doesn't work. The echo it output just write out "[10:47:30] set" and nothing else.

FordLawnmower  -  Oct 09, 2013

@beni .As I stated in my last comment, I am using "otitle" and it's working fine.
Referring to lines of code is not helping me see what your problem is.
Are you using "otitle" ??
From the setup in the script:

;;;; You can change the way this script prints out by editing
;;;; %lineone, %linetwo and %linethree below.
;;;; tags must be valid and separated by a space.
;;;; valid tags are as follows: title rating votes genres
;;;; runtime director writer language country date plot
;;;; shortplot cast link trailer reviews critics
;;;; If you want to omit a line, just change it to 0
;;;; Use title instead of otitle if you want the title in the language related to your ip address
var %lineone otitle rating votes reviews critics genres runtime director writer language country date

beni  -  Oct 10, 2013

Yes i'm using it.

var %lineone otitle genres runtime link

But like i said, the echo it output's gives me nothing. So the $regml(1) output's nothing.

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rpm   -  Sep 23, 2013

hi ford great script
i found the rating is wrong not 4.8 imdb page says 6.5
b_o_t: Mods copy and paste these -->> !setnow Olympus Has Fallen (2013) ? 4.8/10 ? Action Thriller
the 4.8 is for the movie Abduction which is lower on the imdb page
also shortplot is showing director/actor info as well as plot
makes it to spammy

<> Plot: Directed by Antoine Fuqua. With Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan Freeman, Angela Bassett. Disgraced former Presidential guard Mike Banning finds himself trapped inside the White House in the wake of a terrorist attack; using his inside knowledge, Banning works with national security to rescue the President from his kidnappers.
FordLawnmower  -  Sep 28, 2013

Please try the updated code rpm

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RIcko   -  Aug 31, 2013

Hey Ford, you have many scripts that are activated by doing +

what lines should I edit in this part of the script to make it as mentioned above?

On $:Text:/^(+|-|!|@)IMDB./Si:#: {
var %action $regml(1)
if (%action isin +-) && ($regex($nick($chan,$nick).pnick,/(!|~|&|@|%)/)) {

I'm not that good at regex

Pirate_Pete  -  Aug 31, 2013

hostaccess on

on :OP:: {
if ($opnick == $me) && ($nick != $me) {
access $comchan($me,1) add HOST ! $+ $$ial($me $+ ,1).addr

RIcko  -  Sep 02, 2013

Thanks, but what lines should I replace in the script with the ones you've created?

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Swampfrog   -  Jul 28, 2013

Nice Script :)

ovelayer   -  May 29, 2013

7.32 and in us

FordLawnmower  -  May 29, 2013

There has to be something else to this. Can you try testing the script on a clean mIRC with no other scripts.
Maybe there is a conflict.

ovelayer  -  May 29, 2013

will do when i get home from work..then report back

ovelayer  -  May 29, 2013

even with a fresh installation it still hangs and doesn't return...i guess i have to chaulk it up to my os..window's 8..
i had a buddy load your script and it worked

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ovelayer   -  May 25, 2013

imdb must have changed format again

FordLawnmower  -  May 29, 2013

@overlayer I still don't have any issues with this script. What is your mIRC version ? What country are you in ?

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ovelayer   -  May 20, 2013

stopped working

FordLawnmower  -  May 20, 2013

I have this script still working. Can you give me a little more info than that overlayer ?

ovelayer  -  May 20, 2013

[9:41am] <@xXBERTOXx> !imdb iron man 3
[9:41am] Bong Searching For: iron man 3 .............
and it just hangs there doesn't return any info ...

FordLawnmower  -  May 20, 2013

I just updated the code with what I'm using. It shouldn't be different but idk ;/

[12:45:15] <!Ford_Lawnmower> @imdb iron man 3
[12:45:15] Searching For: iron man 3 .............
[12:45:20] Title: Iron Man 3 (2013) Rating: [**] 6.2 Votes: 139,009 Reviews: 768 user Critics: 419 critic Genres: Action Adventure Sci-Fi Runtime: 130 min Director: Shane Black Language: English Country: USA,China
[12:45:21] Plot: Directed by Shane Black. With Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce. When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.
[12:45:23] Cast: Robert Downey Jr.,Gwyneth Paltrow,Don Cheadle,Guy Pearce,Rebecca Hall,Jon Favreau,Ben Kingsley,James Badge Dale,Stephanie Szostak,Paul Bettany,William Sadler,Dale Dickey,Ty Simpkins,Miguel Ferrer,Xueqi Wang Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1300854/

ovelayer  -  May 20, 2013

thats weird might be on my end then and i apologize..
it still hangs..
but your rottentomatoes script works fine..idk

FordLawnmower  -  May 20, 2013

Did you try the updated code ovelayer? It could have been different. I've made so many different edits of this, I really don't know.
One thing to consider. !imdb will notice the user so something could be blocking that. ie. the bot is not registered/identified and the user calling the script has usermode +R set.

ovelayer  -  May 20, 2013

i did try the new script i still have the same problem
the bot is registerd and identified
the server set +ixzG modes on users idk if that is the problem
i am running windows 8 idk if that could be a prob i see it uses opera in the coding..idk

ovelayer  -  May 20, 2013

just doesn't make sence your google and rotten both work fine

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beni   -  May 03, 2013

My box is outside US so it wont let me take eng title possible you can help out?
For some reason it wont take the title from above the "(original title)"

MashhitDK   -  Apr 06, 2013

[size=16]Is it possible to get it to pull US/ENG title only?[/size]
As in no mater where the BOT/you're located it will pull US/ENG title ?
I've got My bot hosted on server in France and would like it to pull US/ENG title no mater what movie you search for.
As it is now when it's a movie that isn't ENG/US it will pull it either French or original title... would like it to pull US/ENG no mater what.

This possible or am I gonna have to get it in either French and/or the original title ?

FordLawnmower  -  Apr 07, 2013

I think this solves that issue MashhitDK : http://pastebin.com/6qKGJ9F0
Let me know if it doesn't

MashhitDK  -  Apr 08, 2013

Thank you so much @FordLawnmower
Am gonna test it now and report back...
But thanks none the less... really do appreciate it <3

It ain't working... tried doing a search for Three Colors: Blue
and I'm getting Danish version on My test client and French on My bot... / it's stilling pulling iNFO out from IP...
And it's pulling from IP no mater if I set it to use oTitle or Title... both will give Me the same respond.

Not sure that ain't because of an error here...
Will check back later when I've removed everything else and see if that makes a difference.

  • small error when pulling Director... it ain't removing all the "http stuff" it "wraps" it in
    Krzysztof Kieslowski
FordLawnmower  -  Apr 09, 2013

I would need to see the source of the page from the bots country to parse this MashhitDK. It seems to be a little different in each country. If your not sure how to get this, come to irc.geekshed.net #Script-Help and I will help you sort it.

MashhitDK  -  Jul 29, 2013

Here is complete output from DK host @ http://pastebin.com/irVELPKT
Having same problem when adding to bot it just pulls from France instead cause that's where bot is hosted.
Above is on Despicable Me 2 which it pulls DK title from as you'll be able to see.

Fixed it Myself... pulling original title from line 348-349 and year from 347
But if you've got a "fix" for pulling US title every time no mater what I would still prefer that.

    if ($between(%imdb,<a href="/year/,/,1)) { set -u1 %IMDByear ( $+ $v1 $+ ) | halt }
    elseif (<span class="title-extra" itemprop="name"> isin %imdb) { set %imdbx $remove(%imdb,"title-extra","name")
      if ($between(%imdbx,",",1)) { unset %imdbx | hadd -m $sockname otitle $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Title:) $Xchr($regml(1)) %IMDByear }
    elseif (%imdbx && $between(%imdb,",",1)) { unset %imdbx | hadd -m $sockname otitle $+($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,5,32),Title:) $Xchr($regml(1)) %IMDByear | halt }

Is what I've added and seems to work for Me so far... haven't tested on host yet since I'm still playing with My new fail.
Not sure above will work for other... mine is kind of heavily edited to pull more stats / shortplot so above might not for people with same problem and standard script... but thought I would share in case it could help others out.
Know the above code isn't pretty... but working... added to the top of the sockread event BTW...
just after line 111

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izzi   -  Mar 30, 2013

I've actually run into a weird problem.

«13:03:51» {~Melisandre} .imdb fight club
«13:03:52» {&GLaDOS} Searching For: fight club
«13:03:57» {&GLaDOS} Title: Fight Club (1999) Rating: [**] 7.6 Genres: Drama Runtime: 139 min
«13:03:59» {&GLaDOS} Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0137523/

The actual rating for Fight Club on IMDB is 8.9. All of the ratings are like this for me.

play4free2  -  Jun 13, 2013

I just saw your post and tried it and I get the same thing. It (the bot) says one rating and iMDB shows another.

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hxck   -  Mar 26, 2013

I got something weird a minute ago:

(03:28:48 am) <~hxck> !imdb jack the giant killer 2013
(03:28:48 am) -Victoria- Searching For: jack the giant killer 2013 .............
(03:28:51 am) -Victoria- Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1351685/fullcredits<span/
Not sure what caused it as I just updated the snippet a minute before I used it.

ovelayer   -  Mar 17, 2013

anychance of adding in some features like
!nowshowing (shows movies currently playing in theaters)
!commingsoon (shows upcomming movies in theaters)
!topmovies (shows current top 10 movies in theaters)

kinda like this tcl script

but for mirc lol

would be soooo awsomely cool as your imdb script seems to the the only currently working and supported script for mirc!
we soooooooo appreciate you!

ovelayer   -  Feb 19, 2013

thanks FordLawnmower...love this scirpt!

FordLawnmower   -  Feb 19, 2013

*Updated to adapt to page changes

ChUcKst3r   -  Jan 31, 2013

<@C-b0t> (original title) Rating: [**] 7 Votes: 3,966 Reviews: 10 user Critics: 37 critic Genres: Comedy Runtime: 84 min Director: Daniel Cohen Writer: Daniel Cohen Language: French,Spanish,Japanese,English Country: France,Spain

it doesn't show the original title anymore

for the rest great scripts/snippets you are sharing FordLawn !!!

FordLawnmower  -  Jan 31, 2013

@ChUcKst3r I updated the code here with the version I am using. Please try the code at the top of the page and let me know if you still have a problem.
If you are still getting the wrong info for the title, post what you searched for so I can try to reproduce the error.

ChUcKst3r  -  Feb 01, 2013

[08:52:49] <+ChUcKst3r> @imdb comme un chef
[08:52:49] <@C-b0t> Searching For: comme un chef .............
[08:53:02] <@C-b0t> (original title) Rating: [**] 7 Votes: 3,970 Reviews: 10 user Critics: 37 critic Genres: Comedy Runtime: 84 min Director: Daniel Cohen Writer: Daniel Cohen Language: French,Spanish,Japanese,English Country: France,Spain
[08:53:02] <@C-b0t> Cast: Jean Reno,Michaël Youn,Raphaëlle Agogué,Julien Boisselier,Salomé Stévenin,Serge Larivière,Issa Doumbia,Bun-hay Mean,Pierre Vernier,Santiago Segura,Geneviève Casile,André Penvern,Rebecca Miquel,James Gerard,Henri Payet Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1911553/

thats what i get, even after the update.

ps. even gets the error with wel known movies like the godfather , also the rating isn't correct

[08:55:32] <@C-b0t> Searching For: the godfather .............
[08:55:44] <@C-b0t> (original title) Rating: [**] 7.4 Votes: 653,473 Reviews: 1,567 user Critics: 171 critic Genres: Crime Drama Runtime: 175 min Director: Francis Ford Coppola Language: English,Italian,Latin Country: USA
[08:55:45] <@C-b0t> Cast: Marlon Brando,Al Pacino,James Caan,Richard S. Castellano,Robert Duvall,Sterling Hayden,John Marley,Richard Conte,Al Lettieri,Diane Keaton,Abe Vigoda,Talia Shire,Gianni Russo,John Cazale,Rudy Bond Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0068646/

with a score of 9.2 on imdb.com

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 01, 2013

Hmm I still don't get that, so I'm guessing it's a regional issue.

[18:57:09] Title: Comme un chef (2012) Rating: [**] 6.1 Votes: 3,977 Reviews: 10 user Critics: 37 critic Genres: Comedy Runtime: 84 min Director: Daniel Cohen Writer: Daniel Cohen Language: French,Spanish,Japanese,English Country: France,Spain
[18:57:11] Cast: Jean Reno,Michaël Youn,Raphaëlle Agogué,Julien Boisselier,Salomé Stévenin,Serge Larivière,Issa Doumbia,Bun-hay Mean,Pierre Vernier,Santiago Segura,Geneviève Casile,André Penvern,Rebecca Miquel,James Gerard,Henri Payet Link: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1911553/

What country are you in ?

ChUcKst3r  -  Feb 02, 2013

i'm from belgium, but the bot is hosted somewhere else.
Don't know exactly where, i'll try to find out and i'll let you know

incognitus  -  Feb 04, 2013

Im having the exact same problem. This script always worked great till now. Im in Portugal btw.

Thanks for all your work FordLawnmower.

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 04, 2013

Updated. Please try the code at the top and report back if this bug is resolved.

incognitus  -  Feb 04, 2013

You're the man. Bug fixed!

Now here's another issue. The title now is being displayed in my language, which is Portuguese, but i wanna keep the english. Something i can do or you?

Thanks a lot, man!

ChUcKst3r  -  Feb 04, 2013

Works like a charm again Ford !!!!
thx alot for the update !!!

And like incognitus says. it does find the tittle in dutch for me now :)

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 05, 2013

Try this edit and let me know if you get english titles. http://pastebin.com/6qKGJ9F0

ChUcKst3r  -  Feb 06, 2013

still does the dutch movie name, after edit

incognitus  -  Feb 06, 2013

Same here, still my native language (Portuguese).

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 06, 2013

I made a small change can you please try this again: http://pastebin.com/6qKGJ9F0
Sorry, I'm really just guessing at it because imdb now generates a different page for every language.

ChUcKst3r  -  Feb 07, 2013

still have the tittle in dutch mate.

incognitus  -  Feb 07, 2013

Still not working. This happened before and you always managed to "fix" the issue.

Im sure you can do it again! Keep up the good work!

FordLawnmower  -  Feb 07, 2013

The problem that I have is I can't see the source page for non-english ip's.
If someone could pastebin the page source for me, I can fix this in a couple of minutes.

  • Go to imdb.com
  • Search for a movie and select that movie, so you are looking at the movies page.
  • Right click on the page where there is some white space and select "view page source" or similar.
  • Click on the newly created source tab.
  • Copy all the text in the source tab. (ctrl+a then ctrl+c)
  • Paste the results to pastebin.com and post a link back here so I can see it.
    This process may be a little different in some browsers.
incognitus  -  Feb 07, 2013

There ya go bud!


FordLawnmower  -  Feb 07, 2013

Thanks incognitus :)
I didn't realize that it was showing both languages.
Try this edit: http://pastebin.com/6qKGJ9F0

incognitus  -  Feb 08, 2013

Works flawlessly! Thanks a lot for all your hard work. Much appreciated! :)

ChUcKst3r  -  Feb 09, 2013

this is my version of the pastebin

incognitus  -  Feb 10, 2013

For some odd reason im getting titles in Portuguese once again. 8 out of 10, are returning in Portuguese.

Date isn't working either. All the rest works perfectly. ;)

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s3ff3r   -  Jan 08, 2013

working well. thanks.

Stewie1k94  -  Jan 09, 2013

You do need to be % status or higher in the channel you type +/-IMDB in, to turn on/off.

s3ff3r  -  Jan 09, 2013

That part I understood, and I was % in the channel I was trying to use it in.

FordLawnmower  -  Jan 10, 2013

@s3ff3r To test the script type /eimdb movienamehere (From the client that is running the script)
If this works then the script is working fine.
Something to consider::
This script is made for a bot and requires a second client to trigger it.
You will not see the results of a movie search from the client running the script unless you are using the /eimdb command.
The output to the screen is suppressed to conserve the bots resources.

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FordLawnmower   -  Oct 10, 2012

Updated to fix broken rating.

FordLawnmower   -  Sep 14, 2012

@hitmanukDee Scroll to the top of the script and there are instructions on how to change all the output.

Quote from the top of the script::

;;;; You can change the way this script prints out by editing
;;;; %lineone, %linetwo and %linethree below.
;;;; tags must be valid and separated by a space.
;;;; valid tags are as follows: title rating votes genres
;;;; runtime director writer language country date plot
;;;; shortplot cast link trailer reviews critics
;;;; If you want to omit a line, just change it to 0
var %lineone title rating votes reviews critics genres runtime director writer language country date
var %linetwo shortplot
var %linethree cast link trailer

Edit:: I see what you are getting is the shortplot. Sometimes the short summary on imdb includes the main cast members. Your options are to use the regular plot or remove the cast from %linethree .

hitmanukDee   -  Sep 14, 2012

Hello, i just came across this script because the other i was using no longer worked, this is perfect except when it displays the plot it gives the cast before the plot.

Plot: Directed by Barry Sonnenfeld. With Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Jemaine Clement. Agent J travels in time to MIB's early years in the 1960s, to stop an alien from assassinating his friend Agent K and changing history.

is it possible to make it just give the plot and not the cast? thanks

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