picture viewer

By asakura on Sep 25, 2009

ok this is a picture viewer dialog well title says so but meh.

it uses multi dialog and text file to store pics so you can view them. i encorporated the multi dialog into my mp3 player im making but complicated the mp3 player to much that its messy but works. and still has alot to go but also i couldnt sus refreshing all dialogs it seems to only do the first one then stop but i use a loop but i cant figure it out.

it may be a simple problem but not for me. i made this to ask help on this subject to finish my mp3, but any excuse to make another dialog (: something to do.

therefore you can add dialogs perfectly just dont try deleting it till some1 tells me whats wrong :P also when closing it says invalid parameters what is this? it happens on my mp3 player i cant figure it.

there could be alot of bugs im obviously not very experienced in this area (: but other wise it urrr.... displays pictures ya know? also if theres enough umm.. complaints i will add a button to add a bmp sided directory.

also to delete files be in list view. also displays slide time and why did i write such a long intro (:

ps. if ur curious to help

var %a = 1, %b = picdir.txt
while ( %a <= $lines(%b) ) {
  $findfile($read(picdir.txt,%a),*.jpg,0,write pictures.txt $1-) 
inc %a }

why does it only do the first dialog? thanks.

menu * {
  .picture viewer:dialog -vmd pic pic
dialog pic {
  title "picture viewer"
  size -1 -1 530 250
  option pixels
  icon 1, 5 145 100 100
  icon 2, 110 145 100 100
  icon 3, 215 145 100 100
  icon 4, 320 145 100 100
  icon 5, 425 145 100 100
  box "" 13, 5 5 520 35
  button "add pic" 6, 10 15 50 20
  button "add directory" 7, 115 15 80 20
  button "del directory" 8, 200 15 80 20
  button "del pic" 9, 65 15 45 20
  button "list view" 10, 285 15 60 20
  button "slideshow" 11, 350 15 60 20
  button "refresh directories" 12, 415 15 105 20
  button "<" 14, 185 100 60 20
  button ">" 15, 285 100 60 20
  button "Open" 16, 225 75 80 20
  edit "" 17, 5 45 520 20, read autohs
  list 18, 5 70 410 155, hide
  icon 19, 420 70 100 100
  text "" 20, 420 180 100 17, hide
  text "" 21, 420 200 100 20, hide
  text "" 22, 420 220 100 20, hide
  text "" 23, 420 240 100 20, hide
  button "open" 24, 5 225 410 20, hide
  box "" 25, 400 68 120 70
  text "" 26, 410 78 100 17
  text "" 27, 410 98 100 17
  text "" 28, 410 118 100 17
  list 29, 5 70 520 155, hide
  button "delete" 30, 5 225 255 20, hide
  button "done" 31, 265 225 255 20, hide    
dialog pic2 {
  title "slide menu"
  size 5 5 108 24
  option pixels
  button "<" 1, 2 2 20 20
  button ">" 2, 23 2 20 20
  button "||" 3, 44 2 20 20
  button "|>" 5, 65 2 20 20
  button "X" 4, 86 2 20 20
alias change { inc %show | dialog -c pic2 | window -c @pic | window -paCzdk0 +tnbL @pic 1 1 $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%show),")).width $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%show),")).height | drawpic @pic 0 0 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,%show),") | dialog -vmd pic2 pic2
on *:DIALOG:pic:init:*:{
  set %select 1
  did -g $dname 1 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,1),")
  did -g $dname 2 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,2),")
  did -g $dname 3 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,3),")
  did -g $dname 4 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,4),")
  did -g $dname 5 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,5),")
  var %z = 1, %q = pictures.txt
  while ( %z <= $lines(%q) ) {
    did -a pic 18 $nopath($read(%q,%z))
  inc %z }
  var %r = 1, %e = picdir.txt
  while ( %r <= $lines(%e) ) {
    did -a pic 29 $read(%e,%r)
  inc %r }
on *:dialog:pic:close:* { unset %select | unset %show | .timerpic off | unset %sele | unset %lstsel | unset %speed | dialog -c pic2 | .timerref off
on *:DIALOG:pic:sclick:*:{
  if ($did = 14) {
    if (%select = 1) halt 
    else { dec %select
      did -g $dname 1 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,$calc(%select * 1)),") 
      did -g $dname 2 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,$calc(%select * 2)),") 
      did -g $dname 3 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,$calc(%select * 3)),") 
      did -g $dname 4 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,$calc(%select * 4)),") 
      did -g $dname 5 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,$calc(%select * 5)),")
  if ($did = 15) {  set %linz $calc($lines(pictures.txt) / 5)
    if (%Select = %linz) halt
    else { inc %select
      did -g $dname 1 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,$calc(%select * 1)),")
      did -g $dname 2 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,$calc(%select * 2)),")
      did -g $dname 3 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,$calc(%select * 3)),")
      did -g $dname 4 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,$calc(%select * 4)),")
      did -g $dname 5 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,$calc(%select * 5)),")
  if ($did = 9) {  if (!$did(18).sel) && ($did(10) = pic view) noop $input(Please select a file from the drop down menu,uwo) halt
    if ( $did(pic,18).sel ) && ($did(10) = pic view) { set %rem $did(pic,18).sel | write $+(-dl,%rem) pictures.txt | write $+(-dl,%rem) addedpic.txt | did -r pic 18 
      var %z = 1, %q = pictures.txt 
      while ( %z <= $lines(%q) ) {
        did -a pic 18 $nopath($read(%q,%z))
      inc %z }
  if ($did = 24) {  window -c @pic | window -paCzdk0 +tnbL @pic 1 1 $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%lstsel),")).width $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%lstsel),")).height | drawpic @pic 0 0 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,%lstsel),") }
  if ($did = 18) { set %lstsel $did(pic,18).sel | did -ra pic 17 $read(pictures.txt,%lstsel) | did -g pic 19 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,%lstsel),") | did -ra pic 20 width: $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%lstsel),")).width $+ w | did -ra pic 21 height: $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%lstsel),")).height $+ h | did -ra pic 22 size: $bytes($file($read(pictures.txt,%lstsel)).size).suf }
  if ($did = 10) { if ($did(10) = list view) { did -h pic 1-5,14-16,25-28 | did -v pic 18-24 | did -ra pic 10 pic view {
    else { did -v pic 1-5,14-16,25-28 | did -h pic 18-24 | did -ra pic 10 list view }
  if ($did = 29) { did -ra pic 17 $did(pic,29).seltext }
  if ($did = 8) { write -c pictures.txt | did -v pic 29-31 | did -h pic 1-5,14-16,25-28 | did -r pic 17
    var %r = 2, %e = addedpic.txt
    while ( %r <= $lines(%e) ) {
      write pictures.txt $read(%e,%r)
    inc %r }
    var %a = 1, %b = picdir.txt
    while ( %a <= $lines(%b) ) {
      $findfile($read(picdir.txt,%a),*.jpg,0,write pictures.txt $1-) 
    inc %a }
  if ($did = 31) { did -h pic 29-31 | did -v pic 1-5,14-16,25-28 }
  if ($did = 30) { did -r pic 18,29 | var %rem $did(pic,29).sel | write $+(-dl,%rem) picdir.txt | $findfile($did(pic,29).seltext,*.jpg,0,write -dl pictures.txt $1-) | $findfile($read(picdir.txt,%rem),*.jpg,did -r pic 18 $nopath($vl)) | did -r pic 17 
    var %z = 1, %q = pictures.txt
    while ( %z <= $lines(%q) ) {
      did -a pic 18 $nopath($read(%q,%z))
    inc %z }
    var %r = 1, %e = picdir.txt
    while ( %r <= $lines(%e) ) {
      did -ra pic 29 $read(%e,%r)
    inc %r }
  if ($did = 16) { window -c @pic | window -paCzdk0 +tnbL @pic 1 1 $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%sele),")).width $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%sele),")).height | drawpic @pic 0 0 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,%sele),") }
  if ($did = 11) { set %speed $?="how fast do you want each picture to change (secs)" | set %show 1 | dialog -vmd pic2 pic2 | window -c @pic | window -paCzdk0 +tnbL @pic 1 1 $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,1),")).width $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,1),")).height | drawpic @pic 0 0 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,1),") | .timerpic 0 %speed change }
  if ($did = 6) { var %pic = $sfile(add picture) | write pictures.txt %pic | write addedpic.txt %pic }
  if ($did = 7) { var %dir $sdir="Mp3 Directory"
    if (%dir isin $read(picdir.txt)) { noop $input(directory exists,uwo,Error) | halt {
    else { write picdir.txt %dir | $findfile(%dir,*.jpg,0,write pictures.txt $1-) }
  if ($did = 12) { write -c pictures.txt
    var %r = 2, %e = addedpic.txt
    while ( %r <= $lines(%e) ) {
      write pictures.txt $read(%e,%r)
    inc %r }
    var %a = 1, %b = picdir.txt
    while ( %a <= $lines(%b) ) {
      $findfile($read(picdir.txt,%a),*.jpg,0,write pictures.txt $1-) 
    inc %a }
on *:DIALOG:pic2:sclick:*:{
  if ($did = 3) { .timerpic off }
  if ($did = 4) { .timerpic off | window -c @pic | dialog -c pic2 }
  if ($did = 5) { .timerpic 0 %speed change }
  if ($did = 2) { set %linz $lines(pictures.txt) 
    if (%Show = %linz) halt
  .timerpic off | inc %show | dialog -c pic2 | window -c @pic | window -paCzdk0 +tnbL @pic 1 1 $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%show),")).width $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%show),")).height | drawpic @pic 0 0 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,%show),") | .timerpic 0 %speed change | dialog -vmd pic2 pic2 }
  if ($did = 1) { if (%show = 1) halt
  .timerpic off | dec %show | dialog -c pic2 | window -c @pic | window -paCzdk0 +tnbL @pic 1 1 $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%show),")).width $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%show),")).height | drawpic @pic 0 0 $+(",$read(pictures.txt,%show),") | .timerpic 0 %speed change | dialog -vmd pic2 pic2 }  
on *:dialog:pic:dclick:*:{ 
  if ($did isnum 1-5) { set %sele $calc(%select * $did)
  did -ra pic 17 $read(pictures.txt,%sele) | did -ra pic 26 width: $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%sele),")).width $+ w | did -ra pic 27 height: $pic($+(",$read(pictures.txt,%sele),")).height $+ h |  did -ra pic 28 size: $bytes($file($read(pictures.txt,%sele)).size).suf }


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asakura   -  Sep 27, 2009

hmm :P

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