RuneScape Items Script

By Testor on Sep 15, 2009

Buying/Selling/Borrowing/Lending Script.

Dialog. (Items)
Quanitity, Paying, Charging and Notes are optional.
Message Active Does /Say (Active Channel)
Message All Does /Amsg (Message All Channels)

~It looks a bit plain, but i couldn't get it to do it another way so meh; and i've only learned dialogs like yesterday, Lol.

Alias Items { Dialog $Iif($Dialog(Items),-v,-m) Items Items }
dialog Items {
  title "RuneScape Items Script [/Items]"
  size -1 -1 252 90
  option dbu
  tab "Buying", 111, 0 0 252 90
  tab "Selling", 112, 0 0 252 90
  tab "Borrowing", 221, 0 0 252 90
  tab "Lending", 222, 0 0 252 90
  Button "Close", 80, 190 2 50 10, cancel

  Box "Buying", 3, 2 15 248 70, tab 111
  Text "Buying Item:", 4, 5 30 96 10, tab 111
  Edit "", 5, 5 40 96 10, tab 111
  Combo 6, 5 50 50 10, drop vsbar
  Button "Message Active", 7, 56 50 42 13, tab 111
  Button "Message All", 8, 56 63 42 13, tab 111
  Text "Location:",9, 120 40 50 10, tab 111
  Edit "", 10, 150 40 96 10, tab 111
  Text "Quantity:", 11, 120 55 50 10, tab 111
  Edit "", 12, 150 55 96 10, tab 111
  Text "Notes:",13, 120 70 96 10, tab 111
  Edit "", 14, 150 70 96 10, tab 111

  Box "Selling", 15, 2 15 248 70, tab 112
  Text "Selling Item:", 16, 5 30 96 10, tab 112
  Edit "", 17, 5 40 96 10, tab 112
  Button "Message Active", 18, 56 50 42 13, tab 112
  Button "Message All", 19, 56 63 42 13, tab 112
  Text "Location:",20, 120 40 50 10, tab 112
  Edit "", 21, 150 40 96 10, tab 112
  Text "Quantity:", 22, 120 55 50 10, tab 112
  Edit "", 23,150 55 96 10, tab 112
  Text "Notes:",24, 120 70 96 10, tab 112
  Edit "", 25, 150 70 96 10, tab 112

  Box "Borrowing", 26, 2 15 248 70, tab 221
  Text "Borrowing Item:", 27, 5 30 96 10, tab 221
  Edit "", 28, 5 40 96 10, tab 221
  Button "Message Active", 29, 56 50 42 13, tab 221
  Button "Message All", 30, 56 63 42 13, tab 221
  Text "Location:",31, 120 40 50 10, tab 221
  Edit "", 32, 150 40 96 10, tab 221
  Text "Paying:", 33, 120 55 50 10, tab 221
  Edit "", 34,150 55 96 10, tab 221
  Text "Notes:",35, 120 70 96 10, tab 221
  Edit "", 36, 150 70 96 10, tab 221

  Box "Lending", 37, 2 15 248 70, tab 222
  Text "Lending Item:",38, 5 30 96 10, tab 222
  Edit "", 39, 5 40 96 10, tab 222
  Button "Message Active", 40, 56 50 42 13, tab 222
  Button "Message All", 41, 56 63 42 13, tab 222
  Text "Location:",42, 120 40 50 10, tab 222
  Edit "", 43, 150 40 96 10, tab 222
  Text "Charging:", 44,120 55 50 10, tab 222
  Edit "", 45,150 55 96 10, tab 222
  Text "Notes:",46, 120 70 96 10, tab 222
  Edit "", 47, 150 70 96 10, tab 222


on *:Dialog:Items:*:*: {
  if ($Devent == init) {
    Set %DRand $Rand(3,14)
    Didtok $Dname 6 44 None Specified,Your World,World 1 (FTP),World 2 (Members,World 45 (Members),World 84 (Members),World 165 (FTP), World 166 (Members)
    Did -c $Dname 6 1
  Elseif ($DEvent == sclick) {
    if ($Did == 7) {
      Say $hh([) $+ $Dru(Buying) $+ $hh(]) $Dr(B) $+ $hh(uying) $Dr(I) $+ $hh(tem(s): [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,5)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(orld: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,6)) $+ $hh(]  ¤) $Dr(L) $+ $hh(ocation: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,10)) $+ $hh(]) $Iif($Did(ITems,12),  $hh(¤) $Dr(Q) $+ $hh(uantity) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(anted: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,12)) $+ $hh(])) $iif($Did(Items,14), $hh(¤) $Dr(N) $+ $hh(otes: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,14)) $+ $hh(])) $hh(¤)
    Elseif ($Did == 8) {
      Amsg $hh([) $+ $Dru(Buying) $+ $hh(]) $Dr(B) $+ $hh(uying) $Dr(I) $+ $hh(tem(s): [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,5)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(orld: [)  $+ $Dru($Did(Items,6)) $+ $hh(]  ¤) $Dr(L) $+ $hh(ocation: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,10)) $+ $hh(]) $Iif($Did(ITems,12),  $hh(¤) $Dr(Q) $+ $hh(uantity) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(anted: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,14)) $+ $hh(])) $iif($Did(Items,14), $hh(¤) $Dr(N) $+ $hh(otes: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,14)) $+ $hh(])) $hh(¤)
    Elseif ($Did == 18) {
      Say $hh([) $+ $Dru(Selling) $+ $hh(]) $Dr(S) $+ $hh(elling) $Dr(I) $+ $hh(tem(s): [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,17)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(orld: [)  $+ $Dr($Did(Items,6)) $+ $hh(]  ¤) $Dr(L) $+ $hh(ocation: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,21)) $+ $hh(]) $Iif($Did(ITems,23),  $hh(¤) $Dr(Q) $+ $hh(uantity) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(anted: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,23)) $+ $hh(])) $iif($Did(Items,25), $hh(¤) $Dr(N) $+ $hh(otes: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,25)) $+ $hh(])) $hh(¤)
    Elseif ($Did == 19) {
      Amsg $hh([) $+ $Dru(Selling) $+ $hh(]) $Dr(S) $+ $hh(elling) $Dr(I) $+ $hh(tem(s): [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,17)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(orld: [)  $+ $Dru($Did(Items,6)) $+ $hh(]  ¤) $Dr(L) $+ $hh(ocation: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,21)) $+ $hh(]) $Iif($Did(ITems,23),  $hh(¤) $Dr(Q) $+ $hh(uantity) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(anted: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,23)) $+ $hh(])) $iif($Did(Items,25), $hh(¤) $Dr(N) $+ $hh(otes: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,25)) $+ $hh(])) $hh(¤)
    Elseif ($Did == 29) {
      Say $hh([) $+ $Dru(Borrowing) $+ $hh(]) $Dr(B) $+ $hh(orrowing) $Dr(I) $+ $hh(tem: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,28)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(orld: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,6)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(L) $+ $hh(ocation:[) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,32)) $+ $hh(]) $iif($Did(Items,34), $hh(¤) $Dr(P) $+ $hh(aying: [) $+ $Dru($Did(ITems,34)) $+ $hh(])) $iif($Did(Items,36), $hh(¤) $Dr(N) $+ $hh(otes: [) $+ $Dru($Did(ITems,36))) $+ $hh(]) $hh(¤)
    Elseif ($Did == 30) { 
      Amsg $hh([) $+ $Dru(Borrowing) $+ $hh(]) $Dr(B) $+ $hh(orrowing) $Dr(I) $+ $hh(tem: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,28)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(orld: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,6)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(L) $+ $hh(ocation:[) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,32)) $+ $hh(]) $iif($Did(Items,34), $hh(¤) $Dr(P) $+ $hh(aying: [) $+ $Dru($Did(ITems,34)) $+ $hh(])) $iif($Did(Items,36), $hh(¤) $Dr(N) $+ $hh(otes: [) $+ $Dru($Did(ITems,36))) $+ $hh(]) $hh(¤)

    Elseif ($Did == 40) { 
      Say $hh([) $+ $Dru(Lending) $+ $hh(]) $Dr(L) $+ $hh(ending) $Dr(I) $+ $hh(tem: [) $+ $Dru($Did(ITems,39)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(orld: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,6)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(L) $+ $hh(ocation: [) $+ $Dr($Did(Items,43)) $+ $hh(]) $iif($Did(Items,45), $Dr(C) $+ $hh(harging: [) $+ $Dru($Did(ITems,45))) $+ $hh(]) $iif($Did(Items,47), $hh(¤) $Dr(N) $+ $hh(otes: $Chr(91)) $+ $Dru($Did(ITems,47))) $+ $hh(]) $hh(¤)
    Elseif ($Did == 41) { 
      Amsg $hh([) $+ $Dru(Lending)$+ $hh(]) $Dr(L) $+ $hh(ending) $Dr(I) $+ $hh(tem: [) $+ $Dru($Did(ITems,39)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(W) $+ $hh(orld: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,6)) $+ $hh(] ¤) $Dr(L) $+ $hh(ocation: [) $+ $Dru($Did(Items,43)) $+ $hh(]) $iif($Did(Items,45), $Dr(C) $+ $hh(harging: [) $+ $Dru($Did(ITems,45))) $+ $hh(]) $iif($Did(Items,47),  $hh(¤) $Dr(N) $+ $hh(otes: $Chr(91)) $+ $Dru($Did(ITems,47))) $+ $hh(]) $hh(¤)
  Elseif ($DEvent == Close) {
    Unset %DRand
alias -l dr { return $+($chr(3),%DRand,$chr(2),$chr(2),$1-,$chr(3),$chr(2),$chr(2)) }
alias -l dru { return $+($Chr(31),$Chr(3),%DRand,$chr(2),$chr(2),$1-,$chr(3),$chr(2),$chr(2),$chr(15)) }
alias -l hh { return $+($chr(3),14,$chr(2),$chr(2),$1-,$chr(3),$chr(2),$chr(2),$chr(15)) }


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