r-iRC Base System

By Aurora801 on Aug 24, 2009

k. So, it's updated. Still uses hOS and MDX and all that. But, I've updated it so that the connection button will both disconnect and reconnect, and the button under it is now a Quit button, for using either the scripts default quit message, or for using one you set, but you have to edit the code for setting your own personal one. ;x Still is a replacement for the default toolbar. ;] UPDATE: The Script Info system is now using this script: http://www.mircscripts.org/comments.php?cid=3727 Thank you!
Screenshot: Image

alias back {

  scid $activecid amsg 9«14º3I 4A14m 4N14ow 9Back14. 4A14way 4W14ith0: 9(14 $+ %Away.Reason. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] $+ 9) 7 $+ $chr(134) 3I 4L14eft 4A14t0: 9(14 $+ %TimeAwayd. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] $+ 9) 7 $+ $chr(134) 3I 4W14as 4A14way 4F14or0: 9(14 $+ $duration($calc($ctime - %TimeAway. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] )) $+ 9) $+ 14º9»

  did -ra EpicLulzBar 7 Not Away

  did -r EpicLulzBar 8

  did -r EpicLulzBar 32

  .timer 1 1 unset %Away.Reason. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] %TimeAwayd. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] %TimeAway. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ]

  scid $activecid away

  set %Away. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] Off


alias xAway {

  %Away.Reason. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] = $iif($1,$1-,N/A)

  did -ra EpicLulzBar 7 Away

  did -ra EpicLulzBar 8 $strip(%Away.Reason. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ])

  scid $lactivecid away %Away.Reason. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ]

  %TimeAwayd. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] = $time(ddd hh:nn:ss tt)

  %TimeAway. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] = $ctime

  did -ra EpicLulzBar 32 $strip(%TimeAwayd)

  scid $lactivecid amsg 9«14º3I 4A14m 4N14ow 4Away14. 4R14eason0: 9(14 $+ %Away.Reason. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] $+ 9) 7 $+ $chr(134) 3I 4L14eft 4A14t0: 9(14 $+ %TimeAwayd. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] $+ 9) 14º9»

  set %Away. [ $+ [ $lactivecid ] ] On


on *:active:*: { updateaway | UpdateBar }
on *:connect: { updatebar }
on *:disconnect: { updatebar }

alias Tuff { return 9(14 $+ $1- $+ 9) }

dialog EpicLulzBar {

  title "EpicLulz-iRC BarSys"

  size -1 -1 636 64

  option dbu

  button "Go Away", 2, 0 8 37 8, flat

  button "Come Back", 1, 36 8 37 8, flat

  box "Away", 6, 0 0 74 18

  edit "[[Away]]", 7, 76 0 55 10, read

  box "EpicLulzMp3", 10, 135 0 255 36

  button "Show Music", 11, 136 8 37 8, flat

  button "Set Lulz", 12, 172 8 37 8, flat

  button "Set Lulz[a]", 13, 208 8 37 8, flat

  button "Set Song", 14, 244 8 37 8, flat

  button "Set Artist", 15, 280 8 37 8, flat

  button "Set Album", 16, 316 8 37 8, flat

  button "Set All", 17, 352 8 37 8, flat

  box "Op/Admin Box", 18, 390 0 92 18

  button "Quote", 19, 392 8 21 8, flat

  button "FML", 20, 412 8 21 8, flat

  button "Fact", 21, 432 8 25 8, flat

  button "Lag", 22, 456 8 25 8, flat

  edit "EpicLulz-iRC Bar System v2.0 Scripted by Aurora -[-|EpicLulz-iRC|-]- r-iRC System by Aurora |", 25, 482 0 126 18, read multi return

  edit "", 8, 1 24 134 10, read

  box "Song", 26, 135 17 81 19

  edit "", 27, 136 24 78 10, read

  box "Artist", 28, 217 17 69 19

  edit "", 29, 220 24 64 10, read

  box "Album", 30, 286 17 104 19

  edit "", 31, 288 24 100 10, read

  edit "", 32, 76 12 55 10, read

  box "", 33, 389 23 56 13

  button "Update Song System", 34, 391 27 52 8

  button "Oper Up", 35, 420 18 29 7, flat

  button "Show Key", 36, 392 18 29 7, flat

  button "Info", 37, 609 0 27 10

  button "Server Notice", 38, 480 28 33 8, flat

  edit "", 39, 515 27 121 9

  edit "", 40, 527 18 108 9

  button "User Notice", 41, 450 18 32 7, flat

  edit "", 42, 483 18 43 9

  button "P2P System", 43, 446 27 32 8

  box "System Tools", 44, 0 36 187 26

  box "Info", 45, 188 36 217 26

  box "Server", 46, 188 43 65 19

  edit "", 47, 189 50 62 10, read

  box "Chan/Query", 48, 255 43 78 19

  edit "", 49, 256 50 73 10, read

  box "My Nick", 50, 335 43 69 19

  edit "", 51, 336 50 65 10, read

  button "Connect", 52, 4 44 53 8

  button "About", 53, 60 44 37 8

  box "r-iRC", 54, 99 43 88 19

  button "About", 55, 100 51 23 8, flat

  button "Login System", 56, 122 51 38 8, flat

  button "Advertise", 57, 159 51 26 8, flat

  button "Scripts", 58, 60 52 37 8

  button "Quit", 59, 4 52 53 8

  box "DCC", 61, 407 36 228 25

  combo 62, 409 44 224 89, sort size vsbar drop


on *:dialog:EpicLulzBar:init:*: {

  dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version

  dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname

  dll $mdx SetColor $dname 2,8,7,6,10,25,31,30,29,28,27,26,18,32,33,39,42,40,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,54,61,62 background $color(1)

  dll $mdx SetColor $dname 2,8,7,6,10,25,31,30,29,28,27,26,18,32,33,39,42,40,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,54,61,62 textbg $color(1)

  dll $mdx SetColor $dname 2,8,7,6,10,25,31,30,29,28,27,26,18,32,33,39,42,40,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,54,61,62 text $color(9)

  dll $mdx SetDialog $dname BGColor $color(1)

  dll $mdx SetDialog $dname BGColor $color(1)

  dll $hos Dock $dname top -1



  did -ra $dname 10 $chr(171) $+ EpicLulzMp $+ $chr(179) $+ $chr(187)

  did -ra $dname 18 $chr(171) $+ $chr(215) $+ Bot Control $+ $chr(215) $+ $chr(187)

  did -ra $dname 47 $iif($server,$server,Not Connected)

  did -ra $dname 49 $ActivWin

  did -ra $dname 51 $me


alias UpdateAway {

  if (%Away. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] = On) {

    did -ra EpicLulzBar 7 Away

    did -ra EpicLulzBar 8 $strip(%Away.Reason. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ])

    did -ra EpicLulzBar 32 $strip(%TimeAwayd. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ])


  elseif (%Away. [ $+ [ $activecid ] ] = Off) { did -r EpicLulzBar 8 | did -ra EpicLulzBar 7 Not Away | did -r EpicLulzBar 32 }


alias UpdateBar {

  did -ra EpicLulzBar 47 $iif($server,$server,Not Connected)

  did -ra EpicLulzBar 49 $active

  did -ra EpicLulzBar 51 $me
  if ($status = connected) { did -ra EpicLulzBar 52 Disconnect }
  elseif ($status = disconnected) { did -ra EpicLulzBar 52 Connect }


alias ReloadBar { dialog -x EpicLulzBar | BarSys }

on *:dialog:EpicLulzBar:sclick:*: {

  if ($did == 43) { P2PSys }

  if ($did == 2) { xAway $?"Reason?" }

  if ($did == 1) { back }

  if ($did == 11) { tsay $np }

  if ($did == 12) { lulz $$?"Set to? (Lulz)" }

  if ($did == 13) { lulza $$?"Set to? (Lulz[a])" }

  if ($did == 14) { song song }

  if ($did == 15) { song Artist }

  if ($did == 16) { song Album }

  if ($did == 17) { song }

  if ($did == 19) { tsay !xQuote }

  if ($did == 20) { tsay !fml }

  if ($did == 21) { tsay !factr }

  if ($did == 22) { tsay !Lag }

  if ($did == 34) { updatesong }

  if ($did == 38) { if (%s.Notice) { scid $lactivecid notice $ $text.2(Server Notice) 9-|14 $+ %s.notice | did -r $dname 39 | unset %s.noitce } }

  if ($did == 37) {

    echo -a $Text.2(Info) $Text.1(Dialog Active for: CID $cid)

    echo -a $Text.2(Info) $Text.1(Current CID: $activecid)

    echo -a $Text.2(Info) $Text.1(Relaying Info. Go to Status window.)

    scid $lactivecid echo -s 9(0----UpTime0----9)

    scid $lactivecid echo -s 0-|9(4r9-4i7R8C: 9(0-04 $+ $uptime(mirc,1) $+ 0-9)

    scid $lactivecid echo -s 0-|4S7ystem: 9(0-04 $+ $uptime(system,1) $+ 0-9)

    scid $lactivecid echo -s 0-|4S7erver: 9(0-04 $+ $uptime(server,1) $+ 0-9)

    scid $lactivecid echo -s 9(0-04---Mem--0-9)

    scid $lactivecid echo -s 0-|4H7ard 4D7rive 4I7nfo: 9(0-04 $+ $round($calc(($disk(c).free + $disk(d).free + $disk(e).free + $disk(f).free)/1048576000),1) 4G7iga4B7ytes0-9)

    scid $lactivecid echo -s $text.2(Info) $Text.1(This is) $Logo on $r-iRC $S-cript

    scid $lactivecid echo -s $Text.2(Info) $Text.1(The Time is) $timestamp

    scid $lactivecid echo -s $Text.2(Info) $Text.1(You are on) $r-iRC v $+ $version

    scid $lactivecid echo -s $Text.2(Info) $Text.1(Thank you for using) $Logo 14on $r-iRC

    echo -a $Text.2(Info) $Text.1(Relay Complete.)


  if ($did == 35) { oper $$?"Login?" $$?"Pass?" }

  if ($did == 36) { ShowKey }

  if ($did == 41) { if (%user.user) && (%user.notice) { scid $lactivecid notice %user.user $Text.1(%user.notice) | unset %User.* | did -r $dname 42 | did -r $dname 40 } }

  if ($did == 52) {
   if ($status = connected) { scid $activecid /disconnect | did -ra $dname 52 Connect }
   elseif ($status = disconnected) { scid $activecid /server | did -ra $dname 52 Disconnect }

  if ($did == 59) { scid $activecid /quit $iif($input(Use System quit?" = $true,$r-iRC 8v $+ $version $Logo $S-cript,$iif($input(Use Color?) = $true,$Atheism (me) <3 $Pagan (Marcella),$chr(134) $+ Atheism $+ $chr(134) (me) <3 $chr(134) $+ Pagan $+ $chr(134) (Marcella))) }

  if ($did == 56) { /LoginSys }

  if ($did == 57) { /advertise }

  if ($did == 55) { /AboutSys }

  if ($did == 58) { /scripts }

;The below alias needs to be commented out if you don't have the Script Manager from the given url
alias scripts { dialog -mr sm sm }
on *:dialog:EpicLulzBar:edit:39: { %s.notice = $did($dname,39).text }

on *:dialog:EpicLulzBar:edit:*: {

  if ($did == 42) { %user.user = $did($dname,42).text }

  if ($did == 40) { %user.notice = $did($dname,40).text }


alias BarSys { dialog -m EpicLulzBar EpicLulzBar }

on *:start: { BarSys }

dialog EpicLulzP2P {

  title "r-iRC P2P System by Aurora |"

  size -1 -1 312 200

  option dbu

  box "System", 1, 0 0 42 34

  radio "Turn On", 2, 4 8 34 10

  radio "Turn Off", 3, 4 20 34 10

  box "Message Options", 4, 44 0 266 34

  edit "", 5, 80 8 226 10

  edit "Blocked:", 6, 44 8 34 10, read

  edit "Waiting:", 7, 44 16 34 10, read

  edit "", 8, 80 16 226 10

  edit "Approved:", 9, 44 24 34 10, read

  edit "", 10, 80 24 226 10

  box "Message", 11, 52 36 214 74

  edit "", 12, 56 44 206 62, read

  box "Nickname", 13, 0 36 50 74

  list 14, 4 44 42 62, size vsbar

  box "Info", 15, 0 112 86 38

  button "Safe List", 16, 164 140 37 8, flat

  button "Block List", 17, 200 140 37 8, flat

  button "Accept", 18, 268 44 37 12

  button "Deny", 19, 268 56 37 12

  button "Add Block", 20, 268 68 37 12

  button "Add Safe", 21, 268 80 37 12

  button "Save", 22, 268 92 37 12

  edit "Time:", 23, 4 120 26 10, read

  edit "", 24, 32 120 50 10, read

  edit "Server:", 25, 4 128 26 10, read

  edit "", 26, 32 128 50 10, read

  edit "Times:", 27, 4 136 26 10, read

  edit "", 28, 32 136 50 10, read

  box "Safe List", 29, 88 112 70 86

  list 30, 92 120 62 74, sort size hsbar vsbar

  box "Control", 31, 160 112 138 38

  button "Add Safe:", 32, 164 120 37 8

  edit "", 33, 200 120 90 10

  button "Remove Selected", 34, 240 140 45 8

  box "Stats", 35, 160 152 86 34

  edit "Blocked:", 36, 160 160 30 10, read

  edit "", 37, 192 160 50 10, read

  edit "All:", 38, 160 168 30 10, read

  edit "Allowed:", 39, 160 176 30 10, read

  edit "", 40, 192 168 50 10, read

  edit "", 41, 192 176 50 10, read

  edit "r-iRC P2P System by Aurora |   Built for -[-|EpicLulz-iRC|-]- v2.0 and Scripted fully by Aurora   Dialog made using Dialog Studio  Script Combiled used Gedit     Script Designed used MDX/hOS", 42, 0 152 86 46, read multi return

  edit "Prepare to loose everything you've ever known to the Dark.", 43, 160 188 150 10, read

  edit "If you don't like this script, guess what! Don't use it! This script is usefull! So there. :]", 44, 248 152 62 34, read multi return


on *:dialog:EpicLulzP2P:init:*: {

  dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname

  dll $mdx SetColor $dname 44,43,42,41,40,39,38,37,35,33,36,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,1 background $color(1)

  dll $mdx SetColor $dname 44,43,42,41,40,39,38,37,35,33,36,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,1 textbg $color(1)

  dll $mdx SetColor $dname 44,43,42,41,40,39,38,37,35,33,36,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,1 text $color(9)

  dll $mdx SetDialog $dname BGColor $color(1)

  if ($group(#P2P.Block) = on) { did -c $dname 2 | did -u $dname 3 }

  elseif ($group(#P2P.Block) = off) { did -c $dname 3 | did -u $dname 2 }

  did -ra $dname 5 %P2P.Message.Block

  did -ra $dname 8 %P2P.Message.Wait

  did -ra $dname 10 %P2P.Message.Approve

  did -ra $dname 37 %P2P.Blocked

  did -ra $dname 40 %P2P.All

  did -ra $dname 41 %P2P.Accepted


on *:dialog:EpicLulzP2P:sclick:*: {

  if ($did == 16) { did -ra $dname 29 Safe List | did -ra $dname 32 Add Safe: | MakeSafe }

  if ($did == 17) { did -ra $dname 29 Block List | did -ra $dname 32 Add Block: | MakeBlock }

  if ($did == 14) { did -ra $dname 12 $ReadP2P($did($dname,14).seltext).message | did -ra $dname 24 $ReadP2P($did($dname,14).seltext).Time | did -ra $dname 26 $ReadP2P($did($dname,14).seltext).Server | did -ra $dname 28 $ReadP2P($did($dname,14).seltext).Times }

  if ($did == 3) { .disable #P2P.Block | if ($group(#P2P.Kill) = on) { .disable #P2P.Kill } | P2PEcho P2P Blocker/Manager Off }

  if ($did == 2) { .enable #P2P.Block | P2PEcho P2P Blocker/Manager On }

  if ($did == 18) { AcceptQuery $did($dname,14).seltext }

  if ($did == 19) { DenyQuery $did($dname,14).seltext }

  if ($did == 20) { AddBlock $did($dname,14).seltext }

  if ($did == 21) { AddSafe $did($dname,14).seltext }

  if ($did == 22) { SaveQuery $did($dname,14).seltext }


on *:dialog:EpicLulzP2P:edit:*: {

  if ($did == 5) { %P2P.Message.Block = $did($dname,5).text }

  if ($did == 8) { %P2P.Message.Wait = $did($dname,8).text }

  if ($did == 10) { %P2P.Message.Approve = $did($dname,10).text }


alias MakeBlock {

  .disable #P2P.Block.Safe

  .enable #P2P.Block.Block

  %P2P.Block = 1

  %P2P.Blocks = $lines(P2PBlock.txt)

  while (%P2P.Block <= %P2P.Blocks) {

    did -a EpicLulzP2P 30 $read(P2PBlock.txt,%P2P.Block)

    did -c EpicLulzP2P 30 $did(EpicLulz,30).lines

    inc %P2P.Block



alias MakeSafe {

  .disable #P2P.Block.Block

  .enable #P2P.Block.Safe

  %P2P.Safe = 1

  %P2P.Safes = $lines(P2PSafe.txt)

  while (%P2P.Safe <= %P2P.Safes) {

    did -a EpicLulzP2P 30 $read(P2PSafe.txt,%P2P.Safe)

    did -c EpicLulzP2P 30 $did(EpicLulzP2P,30).lines

    inc %P2P.Safe



alias AcceptQuery {

  notice $1 $Text.1(P2P System) $Text.2(%P2P.Message.Approve)

  query $1

  unset %P2P.*. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

  inc %P2P.Accepted

  inc %P2P.All


alias DenyQuery {

  notice $1 $Text.1(P2P System) $Text.2(%P2P.Message.Block)

  if ($query($1)) { close -m $1 }

  unset %P2P.*. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

  inc %P2P.Blocked

  inc %P2P.All


alias AddSafe {

  if ($1 isin $ReadBlock) { P2PEcho $ReadNick Is Already in the Block List }

  elseif ($1 isin $ReadSafe) { P2PEcho $ReadNick Is In The Safe List. }

  notice $1 $Text.2(P2P System) $Text.1(%P2P.Message.Approve And You have been Added to the Safe List)

  unset %P2P.*. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

  inc %P2P.All

  inc %P2P.Accepted


alias AddBlock {

  if ($1 isin $ReadBlock) { P2PEcho $ReadNick Is Already in the Block List }

  elseif ($1 isin $ReadSafe) { P2PEcho $ReadNick Is In The Safe List. }

  else { writeini P2PSys.ini Block Block $addtok($ReadBlock,$1,32) | write P2PBlock.txt $1 }

  Notice $1 $Text.2(P2P System) $Text.1(%P2P.Message.Block And you have been Added to the Block List.)

  unset %P2P.*. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

  if ($query($1)) { close -m $1 }

  inc %P2P.Blocked

  inc %P2P.All


alias SaveQuery {

  write SavedQueries.txt $1 $+ : %P2P.Message. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

  P2PEcho Query for $1 Saved.


alias ReadSafe { return $readini(P2PSys.ini,Safe,Safe) }

alias ReadBlock { return $readini(P2PSys.ini,Block,Block) }

alias ReadNick { return $did(EpicLulzP2P,33).text }

alias ReadList { return $did(EpicLulzP2P,30).seltext }

alias P2PEcho { echo -a $Text.2(P2P System) $Text.1($1-) }

alias P2PSys { dialog $iif($dialog(EpicLulzP2P),-v,-m) EpicLulzP2P EpicLulzP2P }

alias ReadP2P {

  if ($prop = Message) { return %P2P.Message. [ $+ [ $1  ] ] }

  elseif ($prop = Time) { return %P2P.Time. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] }

  elseif ($prop = Times) { return %P2P.Times. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] }

  elseif ($prop = Server) { return %P2P.Server. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] }


#P2P.Block.Safe on

on *:dialog:EpicLulzP2P:sclick:*: {

  if ($did == 32) {

    if ($did($dname,33).text) {

      if ($ReadNick !isin $ReadSafe) && ($ReadNick !isin $ReadBlock) { writeini P2PSys.ini Safe Safe $addtok($readSafe,$ReadNick,32) | P2PEcho $ReadNick Added To The Safe List. }

      elseif ($ReadNick isin $ReadSafe) { P2PEcho $ReadNick Is Already in the Safe List }

      elseif ($ReadNick isin $ReadBlock) { P2PEcho $ReadNick Is In The Block List. }

      else { P2PEcho Error. :| }



  if ($did == 34) {

    if ($did($dname,30).seltext) {

      var %Safe = $lines(P2PSafe.text)

      write -d $did($dname,30).seltext

      writeini P2PSys.ini Safe Safe $remtok($ReadSafe,$ReadList,32) 

      P2PEcho $ReadNick Removed From the Safe List.


    elseif (!$ReadList) { P2PEcho Please Select A Nick. }

    else { P2PEcho Error. :| }



on *:dialog:EpicLulzP2P:init:*: {

  %P2P.Safe = 1

  %P2P.Safes = $lines(P2PSafe.txt)

  while (%P2P.Safe <= %P2P.Safes) {

    did -a EpicLulzP2P 30 $read(P2PSafe.txt,%P2P.Safe)

    did -c EpicLulzP2P 30 $did(EpicLulzP2P,30).lines

    inc %P2P.Safe



#P2P.Block.Safe end

#P2P.Block.Block off

on *:dialog:EpicLulzP2P:sclick:*: {

  if ($did == 32) {

    if ($did($dname,33).text) {

      if ($ReadNick !isin $ReadSafe) && ($ReadNick !isin $ReadBlock) { writeini P2PSys.ini Block Block $addtok($ReadBlock,$ReadNick,32) | P2PEcho $ReadNick Added To The Block List. }

      elseif ($ReadNick isin $ReadBlock) { P2PEcho $ReadNick Is Already in the Block List }

      elseif ($ReadNick isin $ReadSafe) { P2PEcho $ReadNick Is In The Safe List. }

      else { P2PEcho Error. :| }



  if ($did == 34) {

    if ($did($dname,30).seltext) { writeini P2PSys.ini Block Block $remtok($ReadBlock,$ReadList,32) | P2PEcho $ReadNick Removed From the Block List. }

    elseif (!$ReadList) { P2PEcho Please Select A Nick. }

    else { P2PEcho Error. :| }



on *:dialog:EpicLulzP2P:init:*: {

  %P2P.Block = 1

  %P2P.Blocks = $lines(P2PBlock.txt)

  while (%P2P.Block <= %P2P.Blocks) {

    did -a EpicLulzP2P 30 $read(P2PBlock.txt,%P2P.Block)

    did -c EpicLulzP2P 30 $did(EpicLulz,30).lines

    inc %P2P.Block



#P2P.Block.Block end

menu * {

  «ºP2P Blockerº»

  . $iif($group(#P2P.Block) == on,$style(1) $on,$on)On:.enable #P2P.block | amsg 9«14°9¯3|14P2P Blocker 4Enabled14. I Am No Longer Accepting P2P's.3|9¯14°9»

  . $iif($group(#P2P.Block) == off,$style(1) $off,$off)Off: {

    .disable #P2P.Block

    if ($group(#P2P.Kill) = on) { .disable #P2P.Kill }

    amsg 9«14°9¯3|14P2P Blocker 09Disabled14. I Am Now Accepting P2P's.3|9¯14°9»


  «ºP2P Killº»

  . $iif($group(#P2P.Kill) == on,$style(1) $on,$on)On: {

    if ($group(#P2P.Block) = on) {

      .enable #P2P.Kill

      amsg 9«14°9¯3|14P2P Kill 04Enabled14. I Will Be Killing Those Who P2P Me.3|9¯14°9»



    else { echo -a P2P Blocker Must Be On. | halt }


  . $iif($group(#P2P.Kill) == off,$style(1) $off,$off)Off:.disable #P2P.Kill | amsg 9«14°9¯3|14P2P Kill 09Disabled14. I Will Not Be Killing Those Who P2P Me.3|9¯14°9»


#P2P.Block off

on *:open:?:*: {

  inc %P2P.All

  if ($nick isin $ReadSafe) { inc %P2P.Accepted | halt }

  elseif ($nick isin $ReadBlock) { notice $nick $Text.2(P2P System) $Text.1(You Are In the Block List. Please Try Again Later.) | inc %P2P.Blocked | close -m $nick }

  else {


    notice $nick $Text.2(P2P System) $Text.1($P2P.Message.Wait)

    %P2P.Message. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = $strip($1-)

    inc %P2P.Times. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

    %P2P.Time. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = $time(ddd hh:nn:ss tt)

    %P2P.Server. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] = $server


    inc %P2P.Blocked

    did -c EpicLulzP2P 14 $did(EpicLulzP2P,14).lines

    did -a EpicLulzP2P 14 $nick

    close -m $nick



#P2P.Block end

#P2P.Kill off

on *:open:?:*: {

  inc %P2P.All

  if ($nick isin $ReadSafe) { inc %P2P.Accepted | halt }

  elseif ($nick isin $ReadBlock) { notice $nick $Text.2(P2P System) $Text.1(You Are In the Block List. Please Try Again Later.) | inc %P2P.Blocked | close -m $nick }

  else {

    inc %P2P.Blocked

    msg $nick 9«14°9¯3|14P2P Kill 04Enabled14. You Will Be Killed.3|9¯14°9»

    kill $nick 9«14°9¯3|14P2P Kill 04Enabled14.3|9¯14°9»



#P2P.Kill end

on *:START: {

  if (%Song.Title != $null) { set %PsychoPlayer.Song Yes }
  echo -a $mp3 4Loaded.


alias Krewl {

  set %co1 4

  set %co2 14

  var %x 1

  while (%x <= $gettok($1-,0,32)) {

    var %text1 $mid($gettok($1-, [ [ %x ] ],32),1,1)

    var %text [ [ %text ] ] $replace($mid($gettok($1-, [ [ %x ] ],32),1,1),[ [ %text1 ] ], $+(,[ %co1 ],,[ [ %text1 ] ],,[ %co2 ],)) $+ $mid($gettok($1-, [ [ %x ] ],32),2,$calc($len($gettok($1-, [ [ %x ] ],32) - 1)))

    inc %x


  return %Text


alias Mp3 { return 3E14pic3L14ul3z9-14M3p09 $+ $chr(179) $+  }

alias Source { return Mikk's iPod }

alias Trakd {

  if ($1 = Song) { return %Song.Title }

  elseif ($1 = Artist) { return %Song.Artist }

  elseif ($1 = Album) { return %Song.Album }


alias Np { return 9«14º3E14pic3L14ul3z9-3P14w9N3z $iif(%Player.Lulz,%Player.Lulz) 4[-09 $+ $Trakd(Song) $+  6--09 $+ $Trakd(Artist) 4-[-09 $+ $Trakd(Album) $+ 4-] $mp3 $+ 14º9» }

alias Song {

  if ($1 == $null) {

    set %Song.Title $$?"Song Title?"

    set %Song.Artist $$?"Artist?"

    set %Song.Album $$?"Album?"

    set %Song.Play Yes

    set %PsychoPlayer.Song Yes


  elseif ($1 = Song) { set %Song.Title $$?"Song Title?" }

  elseif ($1 = Artist) { set %Song.Artist $$?"Artist?" }

  elseif ($1 = Album) { set %Song.Album $$?"Album?" }

  echo -a $np

alias updatesong {
 did -ra EpicLulzBar 27 $Trakd(Song)
 did -ra EpicLulzBar 29 $Trakd(Artist)
 did -ra EpicLulzBar 31 $Trakd(Album)

alias lulza { set %Player.Lulz $Krewl($1-) | echo -a $np }

alias Lulz { set %Player.Lulz $1- | echo -a $np }

alias nowplaying { tsay $np }

menu * {





  ..«¯Song¯»:/song Song

  ..«¯Artist¯»:/song Artist

  ..«¯Album¯»:/song Album


  ..«¯Lulz Message $+ $chr(58) $iif(%Player.Lulz,Yes,No) $+ ¯»

  ..«¯ $+ $iif(%Player.Lulz,$strip(%Player.Lulz),N/A) $+ ¯»

  ..«¯Current Song $+ $chr(58) $Trakd(Song) $+ ¯»

  ..«¯Artist $+ $chr(58) $Trakd(Artist) $+ ¯»

  ..«¯Album $+ $chr(58) $Trakd(Album) $+ ¯»

  .«¯Lulz Message¯»

  ..«¯Set¯»:/Lulz $$?"Message?"

  ..«¯Set With Krewl¯»:/lulza $$?"Message?"

  ..«¯Unset¯»:/unset %Player.Lulz


menu channel,query {



  ..«¯Echo¯»:/echo -a $np

  ..«¯Show¯»:/tsay $np

  .«¯Be Random!¯»

  ..«¯RandPost¯»:/tsay I'm So Random!:: $RandPost

  ..«¯RandChar¯»:/tsay I'm So Random!:: $Randchar


alias RandPost {

  var %Post.Start = 1

  var %Post.End = $rand(4,14)

  var %Post.Out = $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(0,9)

  while (%Post.Start <= %Post.End) {

    var %Post.Out = %Post.Out $+ $rand(A,z) $+ $rand(0,9)

    inc %Post.Start


  return %Post.Out


alias RandChar {

  var %char.Start = 1

  var %char.End = $rand(4,14)

  var %Char.Out = $chr($rand(0,1000)) $+ $chr($rand(0,1000))

  while (%Char.Start <= %Char.End) {

    var %char.Out = %char.Out $+ $chr($rand(0,1000)) $+ $chr($rand(0,1000))

    inc %char.Start


  return %Char.Out



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Aurora801   -  Feb 16, 2013

I have a severely updated version of this, but with how I've got my personal IRC set up, it's pulling aliases from about 12 other scripts, and I'm not sure which ones anymore.

Cracker200: As far as no DLLs, I'm not sure if mIRC even allows for docking of dialogs standard. I believe it is a DLL-dependent feature.

Cracker200   -  Aug 27, 2009

Hm... You should try to get it to work with out teh Dlls because persanely i hate dlls lol

VinX   -  Aug 25, 2009

its nice :D


Aurora801   -  Aug 24, 2009

k. It's updated. :]

Aurora801   -  Aug 24, 2009

I've updated mine, and now the connect buttonw will work, and I've swapped some things around, but I get a error for the connection button saying it's not connected.. :| The code I've got for it is

   if ($status = connected) { scid $activecid /disconnect | did -ra $dname 52 Connect }
   elseif ($status = disconnected) { scid $activecid /server | did -ra $dname 52 Disconnect }

I'll update the code now.

Cracker200   -  Aug 24, 2009

Ima Edit It and see if i can get some buttons to work XD

Cracker200   -  Aug 24, 2009


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