Gangster rpg!

By Ghost-writer on Aug 21, 2009

This is my gangster rpg. I made it a couple days ago and decided i would share with you guys :). objective is to get money be rich and kill everyone you see. Good luck with that :). Add anything you like. Just be sure to give me credit for it some were :|.

on *:TEXT:!buy gliscence:#: {
  if ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 500 ) {
    dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 500
    set %gliscence [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
    msg # $nick has purchased a guns liscence! And can now buy guns from the !gun store
  else { .notice $nick you dont have enough money to buy this yet! }
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]buy gun lis/Si:#:{
  if ($chan == #bluebnc) { halt }
  elseif ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 500 ) {
    dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 500
    set %gliscence [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
    msg # $nick you have purchased a guns liscence! And can now buy guns from the !gun store
    echo %gliscence [ $+ [ $nick ] ] if it works
  else {
    msg # $nick doesnt have enough money to purchase a gun.
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]kill/Si:#:{
  if ($chan == #bluebnc) { halt }
  elseif ( %killon == yes ) {
    set %moneyloss $rand(50,100)
    .notice $nick you cant use this command so fast after eachother. please wait a little longer. 
    timer1 1 3 set %killon no   
  if ( $2 == aurora ) {
    notice $nick anti hl list

  if ( $2 == $null ) { 
    notice $nick Please input a name to kill. 
  if ( $2 == L ) {
    notice $nick You cant kill L. 
  if ( $2 == $me ) {
    notice $nick You cant kill me.
  if ( $2 == $nick ) {
    notice $nick You cant kill yourelf.
  if ( %killtry [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null ) {
    set %killtry $+ $nick 0
    set %killsuc $+ $nick 0
  if ( %killsuc [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null ) {
    set %killsuc $+ $nick 0
  set %killon yes
  set %killlast $nick
  if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 1 ) {
    set %kill $rand(1,2)
  else {
    set %kill $rand(1,5) 
  if ( %bulletvest [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == 1) {
    set %kill $rand(1,10)
  inc %killtry $+ $nick
  if ( $2 !ison $chan ) {
    msg $chan $nick searches for $2 $+ .
    timer 1 3 msg $chan 0,12but That person isnt here at the moment.
    timer 1 4 msg $chan 0,12 Murder attempt failed!
    timer 1 5 msg $chan 1,12 $nick has tried to kill %killtry [ $+ [ $nick ] ] persons. %killsuc [ $+ [ $nick ] ] attempts were successfull. 
    timer 1 3 set %killon no
  if ( %killedtry [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $null ) {
    set %killedtry $+ $2 0
    set %killedsuc $+ $2 0
  if ( %killedsuc [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $null ) {
    set %killedsuc $+ $2 0
  inc %killedtry $+ $2
  if ( %kill == 1 ) {
    set %kill2 $rand(1,5)
    inc %killedsuc $+ $2
    inc %killsuc $+ $nick
    if ( %kill2 == 1 ) {
      msg $chan $nick sneaks to $2 with a knife and silently slices his throat. 
      timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick hears police sirens but he manages to get away. 
    if ( %kill2 == 2 ) {
      msg $chan $nick grabs a machine gun and shoots the hell out of $2 $+ .
      timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick dumps the gun and goes on with his life.
    if ( %kill2 == 3 ) {
      msg $chan $nick plants a bomb in $2 $+ 's house.
      timer 1 3 msg $chan When $2 comes home, the bomb explodes. 
    if ( %kill2 == 4 ) {
      msg $chan $nick sees $2 walking on the street.
      timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick grabs a gun and shoots $2 $+ .
    if ( %kill2 == 5 ) {
      msg $chan $nick made the perfect plan to kill $2 $+ .
      timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick manages to execute the plan and kills $2 $+ .
    timer 1 4 msg $chan Murder attempt successfull!
    timer 1 5 msg $chan 4 $nick has tried to kill %killtry [ $+ [ $nick ] ] persons. %killsuc [ $+ [ $nick ] ] attempts were successfull. 
    timer 1 30 set %killon no
    inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(1,5)
    set %moneygun $rand(50,100)
    inc %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %moneygun
    timer 1 9 notice $nick you have gotten %moneygun dollars
    timer 1 6 msg notice $2 you have been attacked %killedtry [ $+ [ $2 ] ] times. %killedsuc [ $+ [ $2 ] ] times he died.
    if ( $2 isop $chan ) halt
    timer 1 10 notice $2 You have been killed by $nick in $chan $+ .

  if ( %kill != 1 ) {
    set %kill2 $rand(1,11)
    if ( %kill2 == 1 ) {
      msg $chan $nick searches for $2- $+ .
      timer 1 3 msg $chan but $2 is dead already... 
    if ( %kill2 == 2 ) {
      msg $chan $nick grabs a machine gun and shoots the hell out of $2 $+ .
      timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick turns around and sees a police agent, wich arrests him.
    if ( %kill2 == 3 ) {
      msg $chan $nick sneaks to $2 with a knife and silently slices $2 $+ 's throat.
      timer 1 3 msg $chan when the person falls down, $nick notices that it isnt $2 $+ , but $nick($chan,$rand(1,$nick($chan,0))) $+ !!
    if ( %kill2 == 11 ) {
      set %moneyloss $rand(50,100)
      msg $chan today is 1 of the saddest days in hystory :( $nick got busted for trying to kill $2
      timer 1 3 msg # and a police shot $nick in the back right when he was running, $nick now has lost %moneyloss dollars after hospital bills
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %moneyloss
    if ( %kill2 == 4 ) {
      msg $chan $nick grabs a machine gun and shoots the hell out of $2 $+ .
      timer 1 3 msg $chan $nick leaves and a week later, the police arrests him for attempted murder.
    if ( %kill2 == 5 ) {
      msg $chan $nick plants a bomb in $2 $+ 's house.
      timer 1 3 msg $chan The bomb exploded, but $2 wasnt home. 
    if ( %kill2 == 6 ) {
      msg $chan $nick plants a bomb in $2 $+ 's house.
      timer 1 3 msg $chan when $nick walks out of the house, noticing $2 calling the police. $nick gets arrested by the police.
    if ( %kill2 == 7 ) {
      msg $chan $nick sees $2 in his living room and burst in planning to shoot him, right before he shoots $2 $+ 's girlfriend comes in the room
      timer  1 3 msg $chan $2 trades his girlfriend for his life and runs away.
    if ( %kill2 == 8 ) {
      msg $chan $nick made the perfect plan to kill $2 $+ .
      timer 1 3 msg $chan However, $2 moved to another country and $nick doesnt know where he lives now.
    if ( %kill2 == 9 ) {
      msg $chan $nick grabs a hand gun and shoots at $2 $+ 's chest. 
      timer 1 3 msg $chan However, $2 was wearing a bullet proof vest.
    if ( %kill2 == 10 ) {
      msg $chan $nick walks over the streets searching for $2 $+ .
      timer 1 3 msg $chan The police notices $nick walking with a gun and quickly takes out a gun and shoots $2 regardless if he has a guns liscensces
    timer 1 4 msg $chan Murder attempt failed!
    timer 1 5 msg # 0,1 $nick has tried to kill %killtry [ $+ [ $nick ] ] persons. %killsuc [ $+ [ $nick ] ] attempts were successfull. 
    timer 1 30 set %killon no
    timer 1 6 notice $2 you have been attacked %killedtry [ $+ [ $2 ] ] times. %killedsuc [ $+ [ $2 ] ] times you died.
    if ( %killsuc [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != 0 ) {
      if ( %killsuc [ $+ [ $nick ] ] != $null ) {
    if ( %killedsuc [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != 0 ) {
      if ( %killedsuc [ $+ [ $2 ] ] != $null ) {
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]buy drug/Si:#:{
  if ( $3 == $null ) {
    if ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 500 ) {
      inc %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
      dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 500
      msg # $nick has purchased 1 packet of drugs to either do or run to the drug lord!
    else { .notice $nick you dont have enough money. | halt }
  else {
    set %cost $calc( $3 * 500 )
    if ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= %cost ) {
      dec %money %cost
      inc %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $3
      msg # $nick has purchased $3 packets of drugs! 
    else { .notice $nick you dont have enough. }

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]gun store/Si:#:{
  msg $nick we have the fallowing. to purchase one type !buy gunname, But you need a gun liscence first. To get this type !buy gliscence it cost 500 dollars!
  timer 1 1 msg $nick ak471,3(100,000 dollars)
  timer 1 2 msg $nick rocket launcher1,3(50000 dollars)
  timer 1 3 msg $nick assault rifle1,3(10500 dollars)
  timer 1 4 msg $nick m91,3(5500 dollars)
  timer 1 5 msg $nick shotgun1,3(2500 dollars)
  timer 1 6 msg $nick revolver1,3(1250 dollars)
  timer 1 7 msg $nick pistol1,3(500 dollars)
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]buy/Si:#:{
  if ( %gliscence [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1 ) {
    if ( $2 == pistol) {
      if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 1 ) { .notice $nick you already have a better gun! }
      elseif ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 500 ) {
        dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 500
        set %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        msg # $nick has purchased a pistol
    elseif ( $2 == revolver ) {
      if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 2 ) { .notice $nick you already have a better gun! }
      elseif ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 1250 ) {
        dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1250
        set %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 2
        msg # $nick has purchased a revolver
    elseif ( $2 == shotgun) {
      if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 3 ) { .notice $nick you already have a better gun! }
      elseif ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 2500 ) {
        dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 2500
        set %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 3
        msg # $nick has purchased a shotgun
    elseif ( $2 == m9 ) {
      if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 4 ) { .notice $nick you already have a better gun! }
      elseif ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 5500 ) {
        dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5500
        set %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 4
        msg # $nick has purchased a m9
    elseif ( $2- == assault rifle ) {
      if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 5 ) { .notice $nick you already have a better gun! }
      elseif %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 10500 ) {
        dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10500
        set %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5
        msg # $nick has purchased an assault rifle
    elseif ( $2- == rocket launcher ) {
      if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 6 ) { .notice $nick you already have a better gun! }
      elseif ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 50000 ) {
        dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 50000
        set %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 6
        msg # $nick has purchased a rocket launcher!
    elseif ( $2 == ak47 ) {
      if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 7 ) { .notice $nick you already have a better gun. }
      elseif ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 10000 ) {
        dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10000
        set %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 7
        msg # $nick has purchased an ak47!
    elseif ( $2- == expensive whore ) {
      if ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 5000 ) {
        dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5000
        inc %hookers [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        inc %expensive [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        msg # $nick has purchased an expensive whore and now has %expensive [ $+ [ $nick ] ] expensive whores!
    elseif ( $2- == cheap whore ) {
      if ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 500 ) {
        dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 500
        inc %hookers [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        inc %cheap [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
        msg # $nick has purchased a cheap whore and now has %cheap [ $+ [ $nick ] ] cheap whores!

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]pimp/Si:#:{
  set %moneyloss $calc( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] / 2 )
  set %busted $rand(1,5)
  if ( %hookergonewild [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 1 ) { .notice $nick you already got hookers running around buddy | halt }
  elseif ( %busted != 5 ) {
    if ( %hookers [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 1 ) {
      set %hookergonewild [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10
      inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(1,10)
      inc %moneygain [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc( %expensive [ $+ [ $nick ] ] * $rand(500,200) )
      inc %moneygain [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc( %cheap [ $+ [ $nick ] ] * $rand(100,900) )
      if ( %hookers [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 0 ) {
        set %hookertime [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(60,300)
        msg # $nick has released his hookers expecting them to come back with money!!!
        timer [ $+ [ $nick ] $+ [ 3 ] ] 1 %hookertime [ $+ [ $nick ] ] unset %hookergonewild [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
        timer [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 %hookertime [ $+ [ $nick ] ] msg # $nick has gotten %moneygain [ $+ [ $nick ] ] dollars from his hookers!
        timer [ $+ [ $nick ] $+ [ 2 ] ] 1 %hookertime [ $+ [ $nick ] ] inc %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %moneygain [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    else { .notice $nick you have no hookers }
  elseif ( %busted == 5 ) {
    msg # $nick The police have found out about $nick $+ s hooker parade decided to take a part in it! so $nick is forced to pay %moneyloss dollars | dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ]  %moneyloss

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]shoot/Si:#:{
  if ( $2 == $nick ) { .notice $nick why do you want to suicide? }
  elseif ( %bulletvest [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == 1 ) { .notice $nick $2 has a bullet proof vest, it would be a waste of your bullets! | halt }
  timer [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 10 set %shoot [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0
  if ( %shoot [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1 ) { .notice $nick you are still getting away from the last shooting! | halt }
  elseif ( $2 ison $chan ) {
    if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 7 ) {
      inc %shoot [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
      set %moneygain $rand(1000,5000)
      inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(12,17)
      msg # $nick takes out his ak47 and shoots $2 in the chest a couple of times! gaining him %moneygain dollars!
    if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 6 ) {
      set %moneygain $rand(1200,3000)
      inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(10,15)
      msg # $nick takes out his rocket launcher and blasts $2 $+ ! gaining him %moneygain dollars!
    if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 5 ) {
      set %moneygain $rand(900,2700)
      inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(9,14)
      msg # $nick takes out his assault rifle and rapidly shoots $2 $+ ! gaining him %moneygain dollars!
    if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 4 ) {
      set %moneygain $rand(700,2200)
      inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(8,13)
      msg # $nick takes out his m9 and shoots $2 in the $read(body.txt) $+ ! gaining him %moneygain dollars!
    if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 3 ) {
      set %moneygain $rand(500,1600)
      inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(5,10)
      msg # $nick takes out his shotgun and shoots $2 in the $read(body.txt) $+ ! gaining him %moneygain dollars!
    if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 2 ) {
      set %moneygain $rand(300,1000)
      inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(3,7)
      msg # $nick takes out his revolver and shoots $2 in the $read(body.txt) $+ ! gaining him %moneygain dollars!
    if ( %gun [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1 ) {
      set %moneygain $rand(100,900)
      inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(1,5)
      msg # $nick takes out his pistol and shoots $2 in the $read(body.txt) $+ ! gaining him %moneygain dollars!
    else { .notice $nick Do you even have a gun? Even a gun liscence??? }
  else { .notice $nick Shoot who? I dont see that person! }
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]stats/Si:#:{
  timer 1 5 set %flood 1
  if ( $2 == $null ) {
    if ( %flood == 1 ) {
      set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] / 10 )
      unset %flood
      if ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 110 ) { msg # 1,15 $nick is a level $left( $+ %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $+ ,2) master dealer }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 100 ) { msg # 2,15 $nick is a Gang leader | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 11 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 90 ) { msg # 4,15 $nick is a Gang banger | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 80 ) { msg # 8,15 $nick is a Hardcore gangster | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 9 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 70 ) { msg # 0,15 $nick is a drug master | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 8 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 60 ) { msg # $nick is a mafioso master | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 7 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 50 ) { msg # 1,15 $nick is an elite mug | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 6 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 40 ) { msg # 2,15 $nick is a gangster! | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 30 ) { msg # 4,15 $nick is a good drug dealer. | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 4 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 20 ) { msg # 8,15 $nick is a little hoodlem. | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 3 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 10 ) { msg # 0,15 $nick is a beginner thug. | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 2 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 1 ) { msg # $nick is a starter mug. | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
      else { .msg # $nick is not even a thug yet! }
    else { .notice $nick please wait 5 seconds }
  elseif ( $2 ison $chan ) {
    if ( %flood == 1 ) {
      set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $calc( %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] / 10 )
      unset %flood
      if ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 110 ) { msg # 1,15 $2 is a level %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] master dealer }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 100 ) { msg # 2,15 $2 is a Gang leader | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 11 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 90 ) { msg # 4,15 $2 is a lv %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Gang banger | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 10 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 80 ) { msg # 8,15 $2 is a lv %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] Hardcore gangster | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 9 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 70 ) { msg # 0,15 $2 is a lv %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] drug master | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 8 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 60 ) { msg # $2 is a lv %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] mafioso master | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 7 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 50 ) { msg # 1,15 $2 is a lv %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] elite mug | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 6 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 40 ) { msg # 2,15 $2 is a lv %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] gangster! | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 5 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 30 ) { msg # 4,15 $2 is a lv %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] good drug dealer. | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 4 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 20 ) { msg # 8,15 $2 is a lv %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] little hoodlem. | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 3 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 10 ) { msg # 0,15 $2 is a lv %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] beginner thug. | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 2 }
      elseif ( %mug [ $+ [ $2 ] ] >= 1 ) { msg # $2 is a lv 1 starter mug. | set %lv [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1 }
      else { .msg # $2 is not even a thug yet! }
    else { .notice $nick please wait 5 seconds }

on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]run drug/Si:#:{
  if ( %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 1 ) {
    if ( %drugrunner [ $+ [ $chan ] ] != $null ) { .notice $nick there is already somone running drugs wait please. }
    else {
      msg # $nick has decided to run drugs to the drug lord! good look!
      set %drugrunner [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $nick
      set %turn $rand(1,3)
      set %bonus $calc( %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ] / 10 )
      set %drugtime $rand(60,120)
      dec %drugtime %bonus
      inc %drugtime %bonus
      timer301 1 %drugtime msg # $nick has taken to long and the police following him caught him and stripped him of his drugs!
      timer302 1 %drugtime set %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 
      timer303 1 %drugtime unset %drugrunner [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    else { .notice $nick you dont have any drugs
  else { .notice $nick you need to buy drugs to run them. }
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]drugs/Si:#:{
  if ( %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1 ) { .notice $nick you have 1 drug }
  else {
    .notice $nick you have %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ] drugs
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]map/Si:#:{
  if ( %drugrunner [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $nick ) {
    if ( %turn == 1 ) {
      set %map right over there!
    elseif ( %turn == 2 ) {
      set %map right to your left
    elseif ( %turn == 3 ) {
      set %map just keep going
    .notice $nick %map
  else { .notice $nick you are not running drugs!
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]smoke/Si:#:{
  if ( %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 1 ) {
    inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(3,5)
    dec %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    msg # $nick takes a big puff of weed and breathes out slowly! you can feel the gangster vibe around this person!
  else { .notice $nick you dont have drugs to smoke!
on $*:TEXT:/^[!@.]sniff/Si:#:{
  if ( %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 1 ) {
    inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(3,5)
    dec %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ]
    msg # $nick takes a deep inhale of crack and you can see him getting more high by the second!
  else { .notice $nick you dont have drugs to sniff!
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  var %moneyloss $rand(50,100)
  if ( %drugrunner [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $nick ) {
    if ( %turn == 1 ) { set %turn right }
    if ( %turn == 2 ) { set %turn left }
    if ( %turn == 3 ) { set %turn straight }
    if ( $1 == %turn ) {
      var %moneygain $calc( $rand(700,1505) * %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ] )
      if ( %house >= 15 ) { .msg # $nick has reached the drug dealers house! The drug dealer gives $nick %moneygain dollars for running the %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ] drugs! | inc %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %moneygain | inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $rand(5,15) | unset %turn | unset %house | timer30? off | unset %drugrunner [ $+ [ $chan ] ] | set %drugs [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0 | halt }
      elseif ( %house >= 5 ) { .msg # $nick has took another turn in the direction of the drug dealers house! What way now? | set %turn $rand(1,3) | inc %house $rand(2,4) | halt }
      elseif ( %house >= 1 ) { .msg # $nick has took the wierd curve to the drug dealers house! What way now? | set %turn $rand(1,4) | inc %house $rand(1,3) | halt }
      elseif ( %house == $null ) { .msg # $nick has took the first curve to the drug dealers house! What way now? | set %turn $rand(1,3) | inc %house $rand(1,3) | halt }
    elseif ( $1 == left ) { .msg # $nick has taken the wrong turn and got lost! and now has to pay %moneyloss dollars to get back home on the bus. | unset %turn | unset %house | timer30? off | unset %drugrunner [ $+ [ $chan ] ] | halt  }
    elseif ( $1 == right ) { .msg # $nick has taken the wrong turn and got lost! and now has to pay %moneyloss dollars to get back home on the bus. | unset %turn | unset %house | timer30? off | unset %drugrunner [ $+ [ $chan ] ] | halt  }
    elseif ( $1 == straight ) { .msg # $nick has taken the wrong turn and got lost! and now has to pay %moneyloss dollars to get back home on the bus. | unset %turn | unset %house | timer30? off | unset %drugrunner [ $+ [ $chan ] ] | halt  }


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cptpan   -  Jul 14, 2014

Try this game we've just developed:

cptpan   -  Aug 28, 2012


airsfotglock   -  May 04, 2010

can you put ALL the cmds like some of em dont work and how do u get cash

GlobalAnomaly   -  Aug 21, 2009

Look at Gangster RPG. Your script reminds me of it, and that one if scripted better IMO. Nice idea though. but yeah, the first thing I noticed was the $decode you used. try like knoeki said.

knoeki   -  Aug 21, 2009

I see you're using $decode, I'd reccomend you change that for something else, Seeing as it's been broken by intent, due to abuse.

i.e., you can $encode() something, but not $decode() it anymore...

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