AV2 Highlight Script

By PackRat on Aug 16, 2009

The basis for this script is fairly simple. If somebody calls a nick added in the script, you will be notified. It will display the message said, the user who highlighed you, at what time, in what channel, and if it's on a different network than the active one then that network as well. It will also be sent to @window.

When you type in /highlight you will notice that there are four sections in the main tab. The nicks to highlight are the nicks that need to be said in a channel in order for the script to work. The password goes with each nick, and is optional but if specified then any time you change your nick to the one in the highlight list or when you connect to a network as one of those, it will automatically identify the nick for you. There are many different settings and options which can be set when using the /highlight command.

This script has been tested, but any bugs and/or errors can be reported here and WILL get fixed. The coding itself is pretty well done, though it's not the most complicated either.

alias highlight dialog -m highlight highlight
dialog Highlight {
  title "AV2 Highlight Script""
  size -1 -1 168 180
  option dbu
  tab "Highlight", 19, 0 0 180 330
  tab "Settings", 20, 0 50 60 13
  tab "Flood control", 51, 0 100 60 13
  tab "Help", 85, 150 100 60 13
  tab "About", 86, 200 100 60 13
  text "    Nicks to highlight", 1, 5 17 201 50, tab 19
  combo 2, 3 26 65 50, autohs, edit, tab 19
  text "     Password to nick",3, 100 15 70 201 50, tab 19
  combo 4, 100 26 65 50, autohs, edit, tab 19
  button "Add",5, 3 71 25 11,tab 19
  button "Delete",6, 43 71 25 11, tab 19
  button "Edit",7, 100 71 25 11, tab 19
  button "Identify",8, 140 71 25 11, tab 19
  text "     Exception list",9,56 90 201 50, tab 19
  text "               Nick",10, 27 92 20 15, tab 19
  combo 11, 3 106 65 50, autohs, edit, tab 19
  text "Address (*!*@second)",12, 105 99 100 15, tab 19
  combo 13, 100 106 65 50, autohs, edit, tab 19
  button "Add",14, 3 151 25 11, tab 19
  button "Delete",15, 43 151 25 11, tab 19
  button "Add",16, 100 151 25 11, tab 19
  button "Delete",17, 140 151 25 11, tab 19
  button "Close",18,70 165 30 10, tab 19
  box "Colors",21, 0 15 100 70, tab 20
  text "Highlight color:",22, 5 25 55 10, tab 20
  combo 23, 47 23 50 10, drop, tab 20
  text "    Nick color:",24, 5 39 55 10, tab 20
  combo 25, 47 38 50 10, drop, tab 20
  text " Channel color:",26, 5 54 55 10, tab 20
  combo 27, 47 53 50 10, drop, tab 20
  text "Network color:",28, 5 69 55 10, tab 20
  combo 29, 47 68 50 10, drop, tab 20
  box "Sounds",30,100 15 78 70,tab 20
  check "Enable",31,125 23 25 10, tab 20
  check "Standard beep",32,101 35 50 10, tab 20
  check "Custom sound",33,101 45 50 10, tab 20
  edit %HighlightCustom,34,101 55 40 10, tab 20
  button "Path",35,145 55 20 10, tab 20
  check "Delay sounds (5s)",36,101 65 51 10, tab 20
  box "                                        Away auto response",37,2 90 164 43, tab 20
  check "Enable",38, 70 100 25 10, tab 20
  text "Message when away:",39, 5 113 55 10, tab 20 
  edit %HighlightAwayMSG,40,60 112 103 10, tab 20
  radio "Query",41,5 120 35 10, tab 20
  radio "Notice",42,50 120 35 10, tab 20
  radio "Both",43,95 120 35 10, tab 20
  radio "Channel"44,135 120 35 10, tab 20
  box "                                        Preview",45,2 137 164 27, tab 20
  button "Highlight",46,5 147 40 15, tab 20
  button "Away message",47,123 147 40 15, tab 20
  button "Apply",48,5 165 30 10, tab 20
  button "Ok",49,70 165 30 10, tab 20
  button "Close",50,132 165 30 10, tab 20, cancel
  text "Consider flood when...",52,50 15 70 10, tab 51
  text "Number of highlights:",53,5 25 55 10, tab 51
  combo 54, 60 23 20 10,tab 51, drop
  text "Within:              minutes.",55,90 25 200 10, tab 51
  combo 56,109 23 20 10,tab 51, drop
  check "Enable",57,5 35 25 10,tab 51
  check "Disable",58,50 35 25 10,tab 51
  text "Individual user floods when...",59,50 45 90 10, tab 51
  text "Number of highlights:",60,5 55 55 10, tab 51
  combo 61, 60 53 20 10,tab 51, drop
  text "Within:              minutes.",62,90 55 200 10, tab 51
  combo 63,109 53 20 10,tab 51, drop
  check "Enable",64,5 65 25 10,tab 51
  check "Disable",65,50 65 25 10,tab 51
  text "Action to take when triggered:",66,40 80 100 10,tab 51
  check "Ignore user's highlight",67,5 87 65 10,tab 51
  check "Ignore user (5m)",68,70 87 50 10,tab 51
  check "Ignore host (5m)",69,120 87 50 10,tab 51
  text "Notify of flood by:",70,50 98 55 10,tab 51
  check "User",71,5 105 22 10,tab 51
  check "Query (PM)",72,30 105 41 10,tab 51
  check "Notice",73,30 115 41 10,tab 51
  check "Channel",74,82 105 30 10,tab 51
  check "Regular",75,115 105 41 10,tab 51
  check "Notice",76,115 115 41 10,tab 51
  text "Channel action:",77,50 130 55 10,tab 51
  radio "Ban",78,5 138 25 10,tab 51
  radio "Kick",79,50 138 25 10,tab 51
  radio "Both",80,100 138 25 10,tab 51
  radio "None",81,140 138 25 10,tab 51
  button "Apply",82,5 160 35 10,tab 51
  button "Ok",83,65 160 35 10,tab 51
  button "Close",84,120 160 35 10,tab 51,cancel
  box "Highlights",87,3 15 161 35,tab 85
  text "•The password for nick goes for an idividual nick, to auto-identify",88,5 25 160 10,tab 85
  text "•Adding an exempt nick or host will not trigger the highlight script",89,5 35 160 10,tab 85
  box "Settings",90,3 45 161 55,tab 85
  text "•Chosen colors effect appearance when a highlight is triggered",91,5 55 160 10,tab 85
  text "•A sound can be played when the highlight is triggered or 4 beeps",92,5 65 160 10,tab 85
  text "•You can have a message to be sent if you're away",93,5 75 160 10,tab 85
  text "•A preview of the highlight and away messages are valiable",94,5 85 160 10,tab 85
  box "Flood control",95,3 95 161 55,tab 85
  text "•First number is how many times a highlight must be triggered",96,5 105 160 10,tab 85
  text "•Second number is in how many seconds it will be counted as flood",97,5 115 160 10,tab 85
  text "•Individual flood is for a single user, the other is for all users",98,5 125 160 10,tab 85
  text "•Notification is a message to let the user know he/she flooded",99,5 135 160 10,tab 85
  button "Ok",100,5 160 25 10,tab 85, cancel
  button "Close",101,67 160 25 10,tab 85, cancel
  button "Cancel",102,130 160 25 10,tab 85, cancel
  text "Created: Wednesday, August 12, 2009. 13:21:41.",103,5 15 150 10,tab 86
  text "Made by: Author: Sky, Adorable, and Aries.",104,5 25 150 10,tab 86
  text "Server: Rizon.  /Server irc.Rizon.net -j #Mafia.",105,5 35 150 10,tab 86
  text "Version: 1.3.4",106,5 45 150 10,tab 86  
on 1:dialog:Highlight:init:0:{ 
  set %x 1
  while ($read(nicks.txt,%x)) {
    did -a Highlight 2 $read(Nicks.txt,%x)
    inc %x
  set %x 1
  while ($read(nick2.txt,%x)) {
    did -a Highlight 11 $read(Nick2.txt,%x)
    inc %x
  set %x 1
  while ($read(address.txt,%x)) {
    did -a Highlight 13 $read(address.txt,%x)
    inc %x
  did -i Highlight 23 1 00 (white) | did -i Highlight 23 2 01 (black) | did -i Highlight 23 3 02 (navy) | did -i Highlight 23 4 03 (green) | did -i Highlight 23 5 04 (red) | did -i Highlight 23 6 05 (brown) | did -i Highlight 23 7 06 (purple) | did -i Highlight 23 8 07 (orange) | did -i Highlight 23 9 08 (yellow) | did -i Highlight 23 10 09 (lime) | did -i Highlight 23 11 10 (cyan) | did -i Highlight 23 12 11 (sky blue) | did -i Highlight 23 13 12 (blue) | did -i Highlight 23 14 13 (pink) | did -i Highlight 23 15 14 (gray) | did -i Highlight 23 16 15 (light gray)
  did -i Highlight 25 1 00 (white) | did -i Highlight 25 2 01 (black) | did -i Highlight 25 3 02 (navy) | did -i Highlight 25 4 03 (green) | did -i Highlight 25 5 04 (red) | did -i Highlight 25 6 05 (brown) | did -i Highlight 25 7 06 (purple) | did -i Highlight 25 8 07 (orange) | did -i Highlight 25 9 08 (yellow) | did -i Highlight 25 10 09 (lime) | did -i Highlight 25 11 10 (cyan) | did -i Highlight 25 12 11 (sky blue) | did -i Highlight 25 13 12 (blue) | did -i Highlight 25 14 13 (pink) | did -i Highlight 25 15 14 (gray) | did -i Highlight 25 16 15 (light gray)
  did -i Highlight 27 1 00 (white) | did -i Highlight 27 2 01 (black) | did -i Highlight 27 3 02 (navy) | did -i Highlight 27 4 03 (green) | did -i Highlight 27 5 04 (red) | did -i Highlight 27 6 05 (brown) | did -i Highlight 27 7 06 (purple) | did -i Highlight 27 8 07 (orange) | did -i Highlight 27 9 08 (yellow) | did -i Highlight 27 10 09 (lime) | did -i Highlight 27 11 10 (cyan) | did -i Highlight 27 12 11 (sky blue) | did -i Highlight 27 13 12 (blue) | did -i Highlight 27 14 13 (pink) | did -i Highlight 27 15 14 (gray) | did -i Highlight 27 16 15 (light gray)
  did -i Highlight 29 1 00 (white) | did -i Highlight 29 2 01 (black) | did -i Highlight 29 3 02 (navy) | did -i Highlight 29 4 03 (green) | did -i Highlight 29 5 04 (red) | did -i Highlight 29 6 05 (brown) | did -i Highlight 29 7 06 (purple) | did -i Highlight 29 8 07 (orange) | did -i Highlight 29 9 08 (yellow) | did -i Highlight 29 10 09 (lime) | did -i Highlight 29 11 10 (cyan) | did -i Highlight 29 12 11 (sky blue) | did -i Highlight 29 13 12 (blue) | did -i Highlight 29 14 13 (pink) | did -i Highlight 29 15 14 (gray) | did -i Highlight 29 16 15 (light gray)
  if (%HighlightHC) did -c Highlight 23 %HighlightHC
  else { did -c Highlight 23 10 | set %HighlightHC 10 }
  if (%HighlightNC) did -c Highlight 25 %HighlightNC
  else { did -c Highlight 25 13 | set %HighlightNC 13 }
  if (%HighlightCC) did -c Highlight 27 %HighlightCC
  else { did -c Highlight 27 12 | set %HighlightCC 12 }
  if (%HighlightNeC) did -c Highlight 29 %HighlightNeC
  else { did -c Highlight 29 4 | set %HighlightNeC 4 }
  did -i Highlight 54 1 2 | did -i Highlight 54 2 3 | did -i Highlight 54 3 5 | did -i Highlight 54 4 7 | did -i Highlight 54 5 10 | did -i Highlight 54 6 15 
  did -i Highlight 56 1 1 | did -i Highlight 56 2 2 | did -i Highlight 56 3 3 | did -i Highlight 56 4 4 | did -i Highlight 56 5 5 | did -i Highlight 56 6 10 | did -i Highlight 56 7 15 | 
  did -i Highlight 61 1 2 | did -i Highlight 61 2 3 | did -i Highlight 61 3 5 | did -i Highlight 61 4 7 | did -i Highlight 61 5 10 | did -i Highlight 61 6 15 
  did -i Highlight 63 1 1 | did -i Highlight 63 2 2 | did -i Highlight 63 3 3 | did -i Highlight 63 4 4 | did -i Highlight 63 5 5 | did -i Highlight 63 6 10 | did -i Highlight 63 7 15 
  if (%HighlightSound == on) { did -c Highlight 31 | if (%HighlightBeep == on) did -c Highlight 32 | if (%HighlightCSound == on) did -c Highlight 33 | if (%HighlightDelay == on) did -c Highlight 36 }
  else { did -u Highlight 31 | if (%HighlightBeep == on) did -c Highlight 32 | if (%HighlightCSound == on) did -c Highlight 33 | if (%HighlightDelay == on) did -c Highlight 36 | did -b Highlight 32,33,35,36 }
  if (%HighlightAway == on) { did -c Highlight 38 | did -c Highlight $calc(%HighlightAwayRadio +40) %HighlightAwayRadio }
  else { did -u Highlight 38 | did -b Highlight 40,41,42,43,44 }
  if (%HighlightFlood == on) { did -c Highlight 57 | did -u Highlight 58 | did -c Highlight 54 %HFlood | did -c Highlight 56 %HInterval }
  else { did -u Highlight 57 | did -c Highlight 58 | did -b HIghlight 54,56 }
  if (%HighlightIndividual == on) { did -c Highlight 64 | did -u Highlight 65 | did -c Highlight 61 %HIndFlood | did -c Highlight 63 %HIndInterval }
  else { did -u Highlight 64 | did -c Highlight 65 | did -b HIghlight 61,63 }
  if (%HighlightHighlight == on) did -c Highlight 67
  if (%HighlightUser == on) did -c Highlight 68
  if (%HighlightHost == on) did -c Highlight 69
  if (%HighlightUserN == on) { did -c Highlight 71 | if (%HighlightQuery == on) did -c Highlight 72 | if (%HighlightNotice == on) did -c Highlight 73 }
  else { did -u Highlight 71 | if (%HighlightQuery == on) did -c Highlight 72 | if (%HighlightNotice == on) did -c Highlight 73 | did -b Highlight 72,73 }
  if (%HighlightChanN == on) { did -c Highlight 74 | if (%HighlightRegular == on) did -c Highlight 75 | if (%HighlightCNotice == on) did -c Highlight 76 }
  else { did -b Highlight 75,76 | if (%HighlightRegular == on) did -c Highlight 75 | if (%HighlightCNotice == on) did -c Highlight 76 }
  if (($calc(%HighlightBan +77) == 81) || (%HighlightBan == $null)) did -c Highlight 81
  else did -c Highlight $calc(%HighlightBan +77)
  did -c Highlight 54 $ConvF(%HighlightTF)
  did -c Highlight 56 $ConvM(%HighlightTM)
  did -c Highlight 61 $ConvF(%HighlightIF)
  did -c Highlight 63 $ConvM(%HighlightIM)
on *:dialog:Highlight:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 2) { did -r Highlight 4 | did -i Highlight 4 1 [ % $+ [ pass. $+ [ $did(2) ] ] ] }
  if ($did == 5) { 
    if ($read(nicks.txt,w,$did(2))) { set %AMSGError The nick is already present. | dialog -m AMSGError AMSGError | return }
    write nicks.txt $did(2) | dialog -x Highlight | dialog -m Highlight Highlight 
  if ($did == 6) {
    if (!$read(nicks.txt,w,$did(2))) { set %AMSGError The nick is not found. | dialog -m AMSGError AMSGError | return }
    set %x 1
    while ($read(nicks.txt,%x)) {
      if ($read(nicks.txt,%x) == $did(2)) { write -dl nicks.txt %x | did -d Highlight 2 %x }
      inc %x
  if ($did == 7) { set %pass. $+ $did(2) $did(4) | did -a Highlight 4 $did(7) }
  if ($did == 8) msg NickServ identify [ % $+ [ pass. $+ [ $did(2) ] ] ]
  if ($did == 14) { 
    if ($read(nick2.txt,w,$did(11))) { set %AMSGError That nick is already present. | dialog -m AMSGError AMSGError | return }
    write nick2.txt $did(11) | dialog -x Highlight | dialog -m Highlight Highlight 
  if ($did == 15) {
    if (!$read(nick2.txt,w,$did(11))) { set %AMSGError That nick is not found. | dialog -m AMSGError AMSGError | return }
    set %x 1
    while ($read(nick2.txt,%x)) {
      if ($read(nick2.txt,%x) == $did(11)) { write -dl nick2.txt %x | did -d Highlight 11 %x }
      inc %x
  if ($did == 16) { 
    if ($read(address.txt,w,$did(11))) { set %AMSGError That nick is already present. | dialog -m AMSGError AMSGError | return }
    write address.txt $did(13) | dialog -x Highlight | dialog -m Highlight Highlight 
  if ($did == 17) {
    if (!$read(address.txt,w,$did(13))) { set %AMSGError That address is found. | dialog -m AMSGError AMSGError | return }
    set %x 1
    while ($read(address.txt,%x)) {
      if ($read(address.txt,%x) == $did(13)) { write -dl address.txt %x | did -d Highlight 13 %x }
      inc %x
  if ($did == 23) set %HighlightHC $calc($left($did(23),2) +1)
  if ($did == 25) set %HighlightNC $calc($left($did(25),2) +1)
  if ($did == 27) set %HighlightCC $calc($left($did(27),2) +1)
  if ($did == 29) set %HighlightNeC $calc($left($did(29),2) +1)
  if ($did == 31) {
    if ($did(31).state == 1) { did -e Highlight 32,33,35,36 | set %HighlightSound on }
    else { did -b Highlight 32,33,35,36 | set %HighlightSound off }
  if ($did == 35) {
    set %HighlightCustom $sfile(C:\,Highlight sound)
    dialog -x Highlight
    dialog -m Highlight Highlight
  if ($did == 38) {
    if ($did(38).state == 1) { did -e Highlight 40,41,42,43,44 | set %HighlightAway on }
    else { did -b Highlight 40,41,42,43,44 | set %HighlightAway off }
  if ($did == 46) {
    echo -a 10 $+ $timestamp 4Highlight10: $+ $calc(%HighlightHC -1) Example of you highlight notification message 10by $+ $calc(%HighlightNC -1) AV2User 10in  $+ $calc(%HighlightCC -1) $+ #Mafia 10(on $calc(%HighlightNeC -1) $Network $+ 10)
  if ($did == 47) {
    set %HighlightAwayMSG $did(40)
    if (%HighlightAwayMSG == $null) { set %AMSGError Enter an away message. | ShowError | return } 
    echo -a Auto response on highlight when away: %HighlightAwayMSG
  if ($did == 48) {
    if (%HighlightAwayMSG == $null) { set %AMSGError Enter an away message. | ShowError | return }
    set %HighlightAwayMSG $did(40)
    if ($did(31).state == 1) set %HighlightSound on
    else set %HighlightSound off
    if ($did(32).state == 1) set %HighlightBeep on
    else set %Highlightbeep off
    if ($did(33).state == 1) set %HighlightCSound on
    else set %HighlightCSound off
    if ($did(36).state == 1) set %HighlightDelay on
    else set %HighlightDelay off
    if ($did(38).state == 1) set %HighlightAway on
    else set %HighlightAway off
    if ($did(57).state == 1) set %HighlightFlood on
    else set %HighlightFlood off
    if ($did(64).state == 1) set %HighlightIndividual on
    else set %HighlightIndividual off
    if ($did(67).state == 1) set %HighlightHighlight on
    else set %HighlightHighlight off
    if ($did(68).state == 1) set %HighlightUser on
    else set %HighlightUser off
    if ($did(69).state == 1) set %HighlightHost on
    else set %HighlightHost of
    if ($did(72).state == 1) set %HighlightQuery on
    else set %HighlightQuery off
    if ($did(73).state == 1) set %HighlightNotice on
    else set %HighlightNotice off
    if ($did(75).state == 1) set %HighlightRegular on
    else set %HighlightRegular off
    if ($did(76).state == 1) set %HighlightCNotice on
    else set %HighlightCNotice off
  if ($did == 54) set %HighlightTF $did(54)
  if ($did == 56) set %HighlightTM $did(56)
  if ($did == 57) { set %HighlightFlood on | did -u Highlight 58 | did -e Highlight 54,56 }
  if ($did == 58) { set %HighlightFlood off | did -u Highlight 57 | did -b Highlight 54,56 }
  if ($did == 61) set %HighlightIF $did(61)
  if ($did == 63) set %HighlightIM $did(63)
  if ($did == 64) { set %HighlightIndividual on | did -u Highlight 65 | did -e Highlight 61,63 }
  if ($did == 65) { set %HighlightIndividual off | did -u Highlight 64 | did -b Highlight 61,63 }
  if ($did == 67) {
    if ($did(67).state == 1) set %HighlightHighlight on
    else set %HighlightHighlight off
  if (($did == 18) || ($did == 50) || ($did == 83) || ($did == 84) || ($did == 100) || ($did == 101) || ($did == 102)) dialog -x Highlight
  if ($did == 68) {
    if ($did(68).state == 1) set %HighlightUser on
    else set %HighlightUser off
  if ($did == 69) {
    if ($did(69).state == 1) set %HighlightHost on
    else set %HighlightHost off
  if ($did == 71) {
    if ($did(71).state == 1) { set %HighlightUserN on | did -e Highlight 72,73 }
    else { set %HighlightUserN off | did -b Highlight 72,73 }
  if ($did == 72) {
    if ($did(72).state == 1) set %HighlightQuery on
    else set %HighlightQuery off
  if ($did == 73) {
    if ($did(73).state == 1) set %HighlightNotice on
    else set %HighlightNotice off
  if ($did == 74) {
    if ($did(74).state == 1) { set %HighlightChanN on | did -e Highlight 75,76 }
    else { set %HighlightChanN off | did -b Highlight 75,76 }
  if ($did == 75) {
    if ($did(75).state == 1) set %HighlightRegular on
    else set %HighlightRegular off
  if ($did == 76) {
    if ($did(76).state == 1) set %HighlightCNotice on
    else set %HighlightCNotice off
  if (($did > 77) && ($did < 82)) set %HighlightBan $calc($did -77)
dialog AMSGError {
  title "Error"
  option dbu
  size 80 95 80 38
  box "",9, 1 0 78 22
  button "Ok",10, 1 24 78 12, cancel
  text %AMSGError,11, 3 5 74 16, center
on 1:connect:if ($read(nicks.txt,w,$nick)) msg NickServ [ % $+ [ pass. $+ [ $nick ] ] ]
on ^1:nick:{
  if ($nick == $me) {
    if ( [ % $+ [ pass $+ [ $newnick ] ] ]) { msg NickServ identify [ % $+ [ pass. $+ [ $newnick ] ] ] }
on 1:text:*:#:{
  if (%HighlightHush > 0) return
  set %TempNet $scid($activecid).network
  set %TempNet2 $Network
  if (($read(nick2.txt,w,$nick)) || ($read(address.txt,w,$address($nick,2)))) return
  if ((%TempNet != $network) || ($chan != $active)) {
    set %x 1
    while ($read(Nicks.txt,%x)) {
      if ($istok($strip($1-),$read(Nicks.txt,%x),32)) {
        if ((%HighlightAway == on) && ($away)) .msg $nick Auto response on highlight when away: %HighlightAwayMSG 
        if (%HighlightSound == on) {
          if (%HighlightBeep == on) .beep 4 2
          if (%HighlightCustom) .splay %HighlightCustom
        if ((%HighlightFlood == on) || (%HighlightIndividual == on)) {
          if (%HighlightFlood == on) inc $($+(-u,$calc($calc(%HighlightTM * 60))),2) %HighlightFlooded
          if (%HighlightIndividual == on) inc $($+(-u,$calc($calc(%HighlightIM * 60))),2) %HighlightIndFlooded
          if ((%HighlightFlooded == %HighlightTF) || (%HighlightIndFlooded == %HighlightIF)) {
            if (%HighlightUserN == on) {
              if (%HighlightQuery == on) .msg $nick AV2 notification: You have flooded my highlight script.  The proper action will be taken.
              if (%HighlightNotice == on) .notice $nick $nick AV2 notification: You have flooded my highlight script.  The proper action will be taken.
            if (%HighlightChanN == on) {
              if (%HighlightRegular == on) msg # AV2 notification: $nick has flooded my highlight script.  The proper action will be taken.
              if (%HighlightNotice == on) notice # $nick AV2 notification: $nick has flooded my highlight script.  The proper action has be taken.
          if ((%HighlightFlooded >= %HighlightTF) || (%HighlightIndFlooded >= %HighlightIF)) {
            if (%HighlightHighlight == on) inc -u300 %HighlightHush
            if (%HighlightHost == on) ignore -u300 $address($nick,2)
            if (%HighlightUser == on) ignore -u300 $nick
            if (%HighlightBan == 1) mode # b $address($nick,2)
            if (%HighlightBan == 2) kick # $nick You have flooded my highlight script.
            if (%Highlightban == 3) { mode # b $address($nick,2) | kick # $nick You have flooded my highlight script. }
        echo -a 10 $+ $timestamp 4Highlight10: $+ $calc(%HighlightHC -1) $1- 10by $+ $calc(%HighlightNC -1) $nick 10in  $+ $calc(%HighlightCC -1) $+ # $iif(%TempNet != $network,10(on $+ $calc(%HighlightNeC -1) %TempNet2 $+ 10))
        if ($window($($+($Network,Highlights),2)) == $null) window -mek0 $($+(@,$Network,Highlights),2)
        echo $($+(@,$Network,Highlights),2) 10 $+ $timestamp 4Highlight10: $+ $calc(%HighlightHC -1) $1- 10by $+ $calc(%HighlightNC -1) $nick 10in  $+ $calc(%HighlightCC -1) $+ #
        if ($network != %TempNet) {
          if ($window($($+(%TempNet,Highlights),2)) == $null) window -mek0 $($+(@,%TempNet,Highlights),2)
          echo $($+(@,%TempNet,Highlights),2) 10 $+ $timestamp 4Highlight10: $+ $calc(%HighlightHC -1) $1- 10by $+ $calc(%HighlightNC -1) $nick 10in  $+ $calc(%HighlightCC -1) $+ # 10(on $+ $calc(%HighlightNeC -1) %TempNet2 $+ 10)
      inc %x
  unset %TempNetwork*

on 1:action:*:#:{
  if (%HighlightHush > 0) return
  set %TempNet $scid($activecid).network
  set %TempNet2 $Network
  if (($read(nick2.txt,w,$nick)) || ($read(address.txt,w,$address($nick,2)))) return
  if ((%TempNet != $network) || ($chan != $active)) {
    set %x 1
    while ($read(Nicks.txt,%x)) {
      if ($istok($strip($1-),$read(Nicks.txt,%x),32)) {
        if ((%HighlightAway == on) && ($away)) .msg $nick Auto response on highlight when away: %HighlightAwayMSG 
        if (%HighlightSound == on) {
          if (%HighlightBeep == on) .beep 4 2
          if (%HighlightCustom) .splay %HighlightCustom
        if ((%HighlightFlood == on) || (%HighlightIndividual == on)) {
          if (%HighlightFlood == on) inc $($+(-u,$calc($calc(%HighlightTM * 60))),2) %HighlightFlooded
          if (%HighlightIndividual == on) inc $($+(-u,$calc($calc(%HighlightIM * 60))),2) %HighlightIndFlooded
          if ((%HighlightFlooded == %HighlightTF) || (%HighlightIndFlooded == %HighlightIF)) {
            if (%HighlightUserN == on) {
              if (%HighlightQuery == on) .msg $nick AV2 notification: You have flooded my highlight script.  The proper action will be taken.
              if (%HighlightNotice == on) .notice $nick $nick AV2 notification: You have flooded my highlight script.  The proper action will be taken.
            if (%HighlightChanN == on) {
              if (%HighlightRegular == on) msg # AV2 notification: $nick has flooded my highlight script.  The proper action will be taken.
              if (%HighlightNotice == on) notice # $nick AV2 notification: $nick has flooded my highlight script.  The proper action has be taken.
          if ((%HighlightFlooded >= %HighlightTF) || (%HighlightIndFlooded >= %HighlightIF)) {
            if (%HighlightHighlight == on) inc -u300 %HighlightHush
            if (%HighlightHost == on) ignore -u300 $address($nick,2)
            if (%HighlightUser == on) ignore -u300 $nick
            if (%HighlightBan == 1) mode # b $address($nick,2)
            if (%HighlightBan == 2) kick # $nick You have flooded my highlight script.
            if (%Highlightban == 3) { mode # b $address($nick,2) | kick # $nick You have flooded my highlight script. }
        echo -a 10 $+ $timestamp 4Highlight10: $+ $calc(%HighlightHC -1) $1- 10by $+ $calc(%HighlightNC -1) $nick 10in  $+ $calc(%HighlightCC -1) $+ # $iif(%TempNet != $network,10(on $+ $calc(%HighlightNeC -1) %TempNet2 $+ 10))
        if ($window($($+($Network,Highlights),2)) == $null) window -mek0 $($+(@,$Network,Highlights),2)
        echo $($+(@,$Network,Highlights),2) 10 $+ $timestamp 4Highlight10: $+ $calc(%HighlightHC -1) $1- 10by $+ $calc(%HighlightNC -1) $nick 10in  $+ $calc(%HighlightCC -1) $+ #
        if ($network != %TempNet) {
          if ($window($($+(%TempNet,Highlights),2)) == $null) window -mek0 $($+(@,%TempNet,Highlights),2)
          echo $($+(@,%TempNet,Highlights),2) 10 $+ $timestamp 4Highlight10: $+ $calc(%HighlightHC -1) $1- 10by $+ $calc(%HighlightNC -1) $nick 10in  $+ $calc(%HighlightCC -1) $+ # 10(on $+ $calc(%HighlightNeC -1) %TempNet2 $+ 10)
      inc %x
  unset %TempNetwork*

alias ConvF {
  if ($1 == 2) return 1
  elseif ($1 == 3) return 2
  elseif ($1 == 5) return 3
  elseif ($1 == 7) return 4
  elseif ($1 == 10) return 5
  else return 6 
alias ConvM {
  if ($1 < 6) return $1
  elseif ($1 == 10) return 6
  else return 7


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p0d   -  Aug 23, 2009

In 6.35 the $tag feature is also a nice way to get a small yet effective popup balloon in the taskbar i use for some notifications.

abhorcosm   -  Aug 23, 2009

Actually, it hardly ever works for me at all

abhorcosm   -  Aug 23, 2009

It doesn't notify me if I'm focused on the channel that I should be notified in, even if mIRC isn't focused.

yourname   -  Aug 17, 2009


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