Safe Crack

By Zerg on Aug 13, 2009

A simple script for when your bored.
Basically you pick a random number (the higher the level your on, the bigger the numbers)
if you get the number right, you'll advance to the next level.


;;Zerg's Safe Alias------------------;;
;;Coded By Zerg----------------------;;
;;Contact on: 6667--;;
;;#zergs_list #fender or #gs-pure----;;
;;All rights reserved.---------------;;

alias Safe {
alias safegame {
  if (%level == 1) || (%level == $null) {
    set %level 1
    set %safe.num $r(1,3)
    set %safe.guess $$?="Guess a number, between 1 and 3"
    if (%safe.guess == %safe.num) {
      inc %level
      echo -a 12You've cracked the04 First safe, 12Your now on level:04 2
    else {
      echo -a 04You've 04mis-hit the lock12, the correct number was:04 %safe.num 12You're now on safe level:04 %level
  if (%level == 2) {
    set %safe.num $r(1,6)
    echo -a 12Hints: The Number can be:04 %safe.num $r(1,6) $r(1,6) $r(1,6)
    set %safe.guess $$?="Guess a number, between 1 and 6"
    if (%safe.guess == %safe.num) {
      inc %level
      echo -a 12You've cracked the04 Second safe, 12Your now on level:04 3
    else {
      //dec %level
      echo -a 04You've 04mis-hit the lock12, the correct number was:04 %safe.num 12You're now on safe level:04 %level
  if (%level == 3) {
    set %safe.num $r(1,9)
    echo -a 12Hints: The Number can be:04 $r(1,9) $r(1,9) %safe.num $r(1,9) $r(1,9) 
    set %safe.guess $$?="Guess a number, between 1 and 9"
    if (%safe.guess == %safe.num) {
      inc %level
      echo -a 12You've cracked the04 Third safe, 12Your now on level:04 4
    else {
      //dec %level
      echo -a 04You've 04mis-hit the lock12, the correct number was:04 %safe.num 12You're now on safe level:04 %level
  if (%level == 4) {
    set %safe.num $r(1,15)
    echo -a 12Hints: The Number can be:04 $r(1,15) %safe.num $r(1,15) $r(1,15) $r(1,15) $r(1,15) 
    set %safe.guess $$?="Guess a number, between 1 and 15"
    if (%safe.guess == %safe.num) {
      inc %level
      echo -a 12You've cracked the04 Fourth safe, 12Your now on level:04 5
    else {
      //dec %level
      echo -a 04You've 04mis-hit the lock12, the correct number was:04 %safe.num 12You're now on safe level:04 %level
  if (%level == 5) {
    set %safe.num $r(1,35)
    echo -a 12Hints: The Number can be:04 %safe.num $r(1,35) $r(1,35) $r(1,35) $r(1,35) $r(1,35) 
    set %safe.guess $$?="Guess a number, between 1 and 35"
    if (%safe.guess == %safe.num) {
      inc %level
      echo -a 12You've cracked the04 Fifth safe, 12Your now on level:04 6
    else {
      //dec %level
      echo -a 04You've 04mis-hit the lock12, the correct number was:04 %safe.num 12You're now on safe level:04 %level
  if (%level == 6) {
    set %safe.num $r(1,100)
    echo -a 12Hints: The Number can be:04 $r(1,100) %safe.num $r(1,100)
    set %safe.guess $$?="Guess a number, between 1 and 100"
    if (%safe.guess == %safe.num) {
      unset %level
      echo -a 12You've cracked the 04Sixth safe12, You Get the gold!
      set %gold $rand(1,50000000)
      set %mygold $calc( %mygold + %gold )
      echo -a 12You've got:04 $bytes(%gold,bd) gold 12from this safe. Enjoy your winnings. Your Total Gold:04 $+($chr(36),$bytes(%mygold,bd))
    else {
      //dec %level
      echo -a 04You've 04mis-hit the lock12, the correct number was:04 %safe.num 12You're now on safe level:04 %level


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Zerg   -  Sep 24, 2009

i'll publish a channel version as soon as i get the time to re-write it.

I'm currently VERY busy with program development for school, and have very little free time due to social life.

I'll get on it when i can, sorry for any delay.

wizard38   -  Aug 29, 2009

wizard if you want it so when you type safe make it on input ;] And zerg, send me the channel version D:!

I dont know how to do it

Korvin   -  Aug 29, 2009

check this shizznizle out. Your game, but never ending, and in a better dialog..

alias sfe.hint {
  var %r $$did(sfe,66)
  if ($2 <= $1) { tokenize 32 $1 $calc($1 +1) %r }
  var %i = $1,%e = $rand(1,$1)
  while %i > 0 { 
    var %c $rand(1,$2)
    if (%c != %r) { did -a sfe 6 $iif(%i == %e,%r,%c) | dec %i } 
alias safe { dialog -m sfe sfe }
alias sfe {
  unset %safe.*
  var %safe.amnt $calc(%level * 3)
  var %safe.num2 $did(sfe,66)
  var %safe.guess2 $1
  if (%safe.guess2 == %safe.num2) {
    echo -a 12You've cracked the04 %level $+ $iif(%level == 1,st,$iif(%level == 2,nd,$iif(%level == 3,rd,th))) safe, 12You're now on level:04 $calc(%level + 1)
    inc %level
  else {
    $iif(%level > 1,dec %level)
    echo -a 04You've 04mis-hit the lock12, the correct number was:04 %safe.num2 12You're now on safe level:04 %level
  dialog -x sfe sfe
  dialog -m sfe sfe
dialog sfe {
  title "Safe"
  size -1 -1 62 67
  option dbu
  text "Hint", 1, -147 0 10 8, disable center
  button "Crack", 2, 4 54 50 10
  edit "", 3, 30 44 25 10
  text "Guess:", 4, 4 45 25 8, right
  list 6, 4 6 54 30, size
  text "", 66, 1 1 1 1, hidden
  box Hint, 7, 2 0 58 38
  box Group Box, 5, 2 38 58 28

on *:dialog:sfe:init:*: {
  if !%level { set %level 1 }
  unset %safe.*
  var %safe.amnt $calc(%level * 3)
  did -ra sfe 66 $r(1,%safe.amnt)
  echo -a 12You're currently on level:04 %level
  sfe.hint $calc(%level + 2) %safe.amnt
on *:dialog:sfe:sclick:2: { sfe $$did(sfe,3) }
on *:dialog:sfe:dclick:6: { did -ra sfe 3 $did(sfe,6).seltext }

Granted all rights.

Ghost-writer   -  Aug 28, 2009

wizard if you want it so when you type safe make it on input ;] And zerg, send me the channel version D:!

b0sse   -  Aug 28, 2009

Zerg, actually it was me who asked for it to be channel game like !safe trigger, and not wizard :P

"Posted on Aug 23, 2009 10:17 am Edit
Wow, real nice Zerg 9/10

Is it possible to make it a trigger like !safe instead of an alias?
still a 1-player game, but so it messages the channel so everyone could see when you are playing, instead of just echo to yourself with alias.

lemme know"

anyway, it doesnt have to be multichan, since im mostly only in one channel (the one im founder of) so it should be okay.

wizard38   -  Aug 28, 2009

I think there's an easier way
Like this:
ON *:TEXT:!safe:#:{
I changed but is not working well
I like this game

Zerg   -  Aug 28, 2009

wizard, yes, i can make it a channel game, and yes, i will write it for you, just tell me if you want it multichan.

Ghost-writer   -  Aug 25, 2009

alias Safe {
you type /safe

wizard38   -  Aug 25, 2009

how i start this game?

Ghost-writer   -  Aug 23, 2009

Or you could put msg # instead of echo :X but thats the loser way

Ghost-writer   -  Aug 23, 2009

Bosse you could put this on a bot!
on $:TEXT:/^[!@.]cracked/Si:#:{
if ( %safecrack [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null ) {
set %safecrack [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0
msg # $nick has cracked %safecrack [ $+ [ $nick ] ] safes
elseif ( %safecrack [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1 ) {
msg # $nick has cracked %safecrack [ $+ [ $nick ] ] safe!
else {
msg # $nick has cracked %safecrack [ $+ [ $nick ] ] safes!
on $
if ( %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 200 ) {
if ( %safecracking == $null ) {
set %safecracker $nick
set %safecracking 1
msg # $nick enters a bank and starts cracking the safe!
set %safenumber $rand(1,3)
set %moneyloss $rand(50,100)
timer208 -o 1 50 msg # $nick has tooken to long and lost %moneyloss dollars after bribeing the cops to say they was just "looking"
timer207 -o 1 50 dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %moneyloss
timer206 -o 1 50 unset %safecracker
timer205 -o 1 50 unset %safecracking
timer204 -o 1 50 unset %turn
timer203 -o 1 50 timersafe off
timer202 -o 1 50 set %steth 0
timer201 -o 1 2 msg # $nick must now try to crack the safe! What will your first number be?
else { notice $nick %safecracker is already cracking a safe
else { notice $nick you dont have enough money to bribe the cops if you get caught!
on $:TEXT:/^[!@.]stethoscope/Si:#:{
if ( %steth [ $+ [ $nick ] ] >= 0 ) {
if (%steth >= 4 ) { msg # The stethoscope you have breaks in your hands from excess use. | halt }
elseif ( $nick == %safecracker ) {
notice $nick you hear the dial spinning and stop at %safenumber
inc %steth $rand(1,4)
else {
notice $nick you are not the safe cracker
else { .notice $nick you dont have a stethoscope to use.
:TEXT:*:#: {
set %moneyloss $rand(200,700)
set %moneygain $rand(5000,13000)
if ( %safecracker == $nick ) {
if ( $1 == %safenumber ) {
if ( %turn == 3 ) { msg # you have cracked the safe! and ran out of the bank with %moneygain dollars! | inc %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %moneygain | inc %mug [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | timer20? off | unset %turn | unset %safecracking | set %steth 0 | inc %safecrack [ $+ [ $nick ] ] | unset %safecracker | halt }
elseif ( %turn == 2 ) { msg # you have 1 more number to crack! say your next number! | set %safenumber $rand(1,3) | inc %turn 1 | halt }
elseif ( %turn == 1 ) { msg # you have cracked the second number! say the next number! | set %safenumber $rand(1,3) | inc %turn 1 | halt }
elseif ( %turn == $null ) { msg # you have cracked first number! 3 more, say the next number! | set %safenumber $rand(1,3) | set %turn 1 | halt }
if ( $1 == 1 ) { msg # you have picked the wrong number the alarm has went off and the police charge you %moneyloss dollars for robbery
if ( %moneyloss >= %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) {
set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0
unset %safecracker
unset %safecracking
unset %turn
timersafe off
set %steth 0
timer20? off
else {
dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %moneyloss
unset %safecracker
unset %safecracking
unset %turn
timersafe off
set %steth 0
timer20? off
if ( $1 == 2 ) { msg # you have picked the wrong number the alarm has went off and the police charge you %moneyloss dollars for robbery
if ( %moneyloss >= %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) {
set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0
unset %safecracker
unset %safecracking
unset %turn
timersafe off
set %steth 0
timer20? off
else {
dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %moneyloss
unset %safecracker
unset %safecracking
unset %turn
timersafe off
set %steth 0
timer20? off
if ( $1 == 3 ) { msg # you have picked the wrong number the alarm has went off and the police charge you %moneyloss dollars for robbery
if ( %moneyloss >= %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] ) {
set %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 0
unset %safecracker
unset %safecracking
unset %turn
timersafe off
set %steth 0
timer20? off
else {
dec %money [ $+ [ $nick ] ] %moneyloss
unset %safecracker
unset %safecracking
unset %turn
timersafe off
set %steth 0
timer20? off
of course its just a different version of this, Works in the exact same way from what i know :P But i never passed lv 1 so i could be wrong :|

b0sse   -  Aug 23, 2009

Wow, real nice Zerg 9/10

Is it possible to make it a trigger like !safe instead of an alias?
still a 1-player game, but so it messages the channel so everyone could see when you are playing, instead of just echo to yourself with alias.

lemme know

EMMURE   -  Aug 14, 2009

yea i found the script Zerg, he posted it here on hawkee a while back. here it is just to let you know what i was talking about :p is a compilation of some of his scripts, the bottom portion is the number game.

Zerg   -  Aug 13, 2009

Thanks emmure, but mine is a single player alias instead of a multi-user channel game.

and i was bored and this idea came out of the blue.

thanks though!

EMMURE   -  Aug 13, 2009

ive seen one game like this, where a random number was assigned as the answer, and people join the game, then guess a number, and itll tell you higher or lower, and you go from there, first person to get the random number right wins, :) was a great game though 9/10

Zerg   -  Aug 13, 2009

thanks guys.

Ghost-writer   -  Aug 13, 2009

Tbh this is the first ive seen a game like this. VERY original i like it. :) 9/10

[HANZam]   -  Aug 13, 2009

it works.. nice game...

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