Image Script

By Zerg on Aug 11, 2009

A script that if you click on a link( If your on mIRC ) it will open the picture in a @window


if your on a different chat client, and you see your bot (or other nickname) type .i

Click on rollover


;;Zerg's Image Script ---------------;;
;;Coded By Zerg----------------------;;
;;Contact on: 6667--;;
;;#zergs_list #fender or #gs-pure----;;
;;All rights reserved.---------------;;

Check Cache Directory 
Make and Load Hash Table 
alias getimage { 
  if (!$regex($1,/\b\Qhttp://\E[^\.\s]+\.[^\s]+\.(?:png|jpe?g|bmp|gif)\b/Si)) $hget(GetImage,erroralias) You need to specify a valid image url 
  if ($window(@display)) { 
    window -c @display 
    var %a $remove($1,http://),%b $gettok(%a,1,47),%d $remove(%a,%b) 
    if (!$isdir(images)) mkdir images 
    if (!$sock(getimage)) { 
      sockopen getimage %b 80 
      sockmark getimage %b %d 
  elseif ($sock(getimage*)) { 
    $hget(GetImage,erroralias) A picture is already loading, please wait until it has finished loading. 
  var %a $remove($1,http://),%b $gettok(%a,1,47),%d $remove(%a,%b) 
  if (!$isdir(images)) mkdir images 
  if (!$sock(getimage)) { 
    sockopen getimage %b 80 
    sockmark getimage %b %d 
alias setfilename { 
  var %a images\ $+ $nopath($1),%f $deltok(%a,-1,46),%e $gettok(%a,-1,46),%n 
  while ($exists($+(%f,%n,.,%e))) { 
    inc %n 
  return $+(%f,%n,.,%e) 
alias checkstored { 
  if (!$hget(GetImage,erroralias)) { 
alias findwindowsdrive { 
  var %a $disk(0) 
  while (%a) && (!$hget(GetImage,soundpath)) { 
    var %b $disk(%a).path $+ Windows\Media\ 
    if ($isdir(%b)) { 
      hadd -m GetImage soundpath $iif($qt($findfile(%b,*error*,1)),$v1) 
      hadd -m GetImage erroralias error2 
    dec %a 
  if (!$hget(GetImage,soundpath)) { 
    error Get windows or stop tampering with the system files! 
    hadd -m GetImage erroralias error 
alias error { 
  .comopen a 
  noop $com(a,popup,1,bstr,$$1-,int,0,bstr,Error,int,48) 
  .comclose a 
alias error2 { 
  var %a $hget(GetImage,soundpath) 
  if (!$exists(%a)) { 
    error Oi slut, don't manipulate the hash tables and force errors! 
    error $$1- 
  else { 
    .splay -wq $hget(GetImage,soundpath) 
    noop $input($$1-,ow,Error) 
alias resizeimage { 
  var %a $pic($$1).width,%b $pic($$1).height,%c $window(-1).w,%d $window(-1).h 
  if (%a > %c) var %b $calc(( %c / %a ) * %b),%a %c 
  if (%b > %d) var %a $calc(( %d / %b ) * %a),%b %d 
  return %a %b 
alias progressbar { 
  if (!$window(@progress)) { 
    window -dpCow0 +d-t @progress -1 -1 242 24 
    drawrect -f @progress 1 1 1 1 242 24 
alias drawbar { 
  var %percent $iif($2 isnum,$calc(($1 /$2)*100),100) 
  drawrect -f @progress 1 1 1 1 242 24 
  drawrect -f @progress 9 1 2 2 $calc(2.38*%percent) 20 
  drawtext -p @progress 4 80 5 Loading: $iif($2 isnum,$ceil(%percent),Unknown) $+ % 
alias display { 
  if ($exists($$1)) { 
    var %a $resizeimage($1) 
    window -dpCw0 +d-t @display -1 -1 %a 
    drawpic -s @display 0 0 %a $1 
on *:sockopen:getimage: { 
  var %a sockwrite -n $sockname 
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark 
  %a GET $2 HTTP/1.1 
  %a Host: $1 
  %a $crlf 
  sockmark $sockname $nopath($2) 
on *:sockread:getimage: { 
  if ($sockerr) { error $sockerr | sockclose $sockname | halt } 
  if (!$gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,32)) var %a 1,%b 
  while (%a) { 
    sockread %a 
    if ($regex(%a,/Content\-Type: (\S+)\/(\S+)/i)) { 
      if ($regml(1) != image) { 
        sockclose $sockname 
      sockmark $sockname $puttok($sock($sockname).mark,$+(images\,$deltok($gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32),-1,46),.,$regml(2)),1,32) 
    if ($regex(%a,/Content\-Length: (\d+)/i)) { 
      sockmark $sockname $sock($sockname).mark $regml(1) 
    if (Connection: close isin %a) { 
      tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark 
      if (!$2) sockmark $sockname $setfilename($1) unknown 
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark 
  if (!$3) { 
    if ($file($1).size == $$2) { 
      display $1 
      sockclose $sockname 
    else { 
      sockmark $sockname $1 $2 done 
  while ($sock($sockname).rq) { 
    sockread &a 
    bwrite $1 -1 -1 &a 
    if ($window(@progress)) drawbar $file($1).size $2 
on *:sockclose:getimage:{ 
  window -c @progress 
  set %getimgfile $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) 
  display $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) 
on *:load:checkstored 
on *:start:checkstored 
on *:text:.i*:#:{ 
  if ($address($nick,2) == $address($me,2))   { 
    if ($2 == $null) { 
      getimage %lastimageposted 
    else { 
      set %lastimageposted $2- 
      getimage $2- 
on *:text:*http*:#:{ 
  if (image isin $1-) || (img isin $1-) || (tinypic isin $1-) || (.jpg isin $1-) || (.png isin $1-) { 
    if (http isin $1) { set %lastimageposted $1 } 
    if (http isin $2) { set %lastimageposted $2 } 
    if (http isin $3) { set %lastimageposted $3 } 
    if (http isin $4) { set %lastimageposted $4 } 
    if (http isin $5) { set %lastimageposted $5 } 
    if (http isin $6) { set %lastimageposted $6 } 
    if (http isin $7) { set %lastimageposted $7 } 
    if (http isin $8) { set %lastimageposted $8 } 
    if (http isin $9) { set %lastimageposted $9 } 
    if (http isin $10) { set %lastimageposted $10 } 
on $^*:hotlink:/(http\Q://\E[^\.\s]+\.[^\s]+\.(?:png|jpe?g|bmp|gif))/Si:*: { 
  if ($mouse.key == 1) getimage $regml(1) 
menu @display* { 
  sclick:window -c @display | .remove %getimgfile |  unset %getimgfile 


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MartyniP   -  Oct 02, 2010

Very nice script! i would prefer it inline with the mirc channel window, but i can see that as being rather hard to do.

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