By #Warizardworks on Aug 11, 2009

 Hello everyone! It's me BM88 part of the #warizardworks scripting team. I got bored one day and decided to create a random letter matching game. So here it is:

 How it works: It works simply and with little confusion, if someone Types !ABC and then a following letter like this: !ABC B the script will activate and will chose a random letter from the 26 letters, then let them know the letter which was randomly chosen. If they get it right, it displays a message in the channel they activated the script in.

 Future Updates: When I get around to it I will add a count part to this script. Then the ending display message will change.

~ This script was made by BM88 of #WarizardWorks on irc.purplesurge.com ~

~~~~~~~~~~~ mIRC ABC Game ~~~~~~~~~~~

on *:TEXT:!ABC *:#: {
  set %MyLetter $rand(A,Z)
  set %GuessedLetter $2
  notice $nick The letter you chose was: %GuessedLetter
  notice $nick The letter to match was: %MyLetter
  if (%GuessedLetter == %MyLetter) {
    msg $chan Congratz! $nick just played the ABC Game and got the letter correct! Can anyone else win?


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Jonesy44   -  Aug 11, 2009
on $*:text:/^[!@`.]abc.(.)$/Si:#: { var %myletter $r(a,z) | notice $nick The letter you choose $+([,$qt($regml(1)),]) $iif($regml(1) == %myletter,matched,did not match the letter chosen $+([,$qt(%myletter),]) | if ($regml(1) == %myletter) msg # Congratz! $nick just played the ABC Game and got the letter correct! Can anyone else win? }

Some different objects/methods to consider :)

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